Dangerous Terrain: Why Novices Should Avoid This Treacherous Trail!

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oh that one's deep all right it's morning we're not in the shop today we're going Wheeling so we're gonna go run a little Trail called the Dutchman [Music] pretty rough [Music] pretty rugged [Music] last time I was there was like eight years ago I believe we had all kinds of problems it was a long day but we're headed back to redeem ourselves the fj's never been in there I've got Ben and Sean they're going with me they're in Ben's Jeep and then my uncle Sean's dad is going he's got a little we'll introduce you to everybody but that now my buddy's going so we're gonna have a pretty good group of guys we're gonna go uh tear some stuff up so stay tuned it's going to be fun we've made it here there's bands ugly deep they're just getting hooked up and we're out of here two hour drive and then some Wheeling action so let's see how this turns out all right we just stopped off at Maverick to get us a little breakfast and some snack stuff for the road put fuel in we're all fueled up and ready so Rudy just called me he's uh on schedule he's going to meet us there and then my buddy Brad will be there he's got a buggy so we'll introduce to everybody and uh show what we're gonna do today all right we're here we're getting unstrapped and uh we'll show you who everybody is and we'll get this all figured out so all right I'll give you a little walk down of the rigs this is my uncle Shane's this is Sean's dad this is his rig little S10 setting on wontons with a five seven injected Chevy motor in it it'll be pretty fun you all know bands getting your fuel tank strapped down rude I'll strap that but I'm trying to get my other strap unhooked so I can strap my cooler down perfect you gotta have a cooler yeah important this is this is the buggy that's gonna show us all up today he was talking about mine no I wasn't all right we're ready to rock let's get out of here we'll follow you Brad because we are off we're off and going the OG band we'll go slow enough I still got a drink open you don't need a seat belt yet okay all right we've been doing a little dirt road riding for a minute but the real Trail we'll be there shortly we'll probably let Ben jump up on next to us so we can film this and make it look good this is where the trail starts basically we're in the canyon now let's see how it is foreign [Music] rebuild the engine while you're out here that was zip ties too oh we can fix anything it's not gonna do that if you break the hose clamp we'll stack 50 50 zip ties on there all right the thermostat was a problem it's all cockeyed in there wasn't opening so we tore it out we're back in we're gonna start the trail so here we go [Music] all right I forgot to tell you who I got with me today I got Landon in the back [Music] hey so you guys have never seen him before but you've seen his work before so he is the new editor we hired when Michelle asked for a whole bunch for some help finding editors that's the guy she found so you're watching some of his work who knows maybe he'll edit this video we'll see [Music] this is where it gets fun we put her in low range and we're in low range the rest of the day fun I think we've arrived right at the gate starts turning into big rocks play time bigger rocks and just think of like the first person that came up in here like we should we should drive through this [Music] oh God I took the top off oh yeah thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign we're still going all right I got on hey we got all the footage do you make weird faces when you're really I might did you see me as a yes you see me in my thumb [Music] I can't even imagine all that stuff fun little Trail trip a good time here you don't go to look for the hard place oh yeah Sam holla we're looking for the hard lines this one right over here is kind of uh it's a good one next one's a doozy what do you think of this Canyon I like it thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] man this thing we gotta do the heat thing on this I'll bet it's 300 degrees in here what the stickers are peeling off the window [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] that's normal this is a good stuff right there [Music] yeah this is the old days I built this thing over 20 years ago the old passovers yeah these are carbon fiber I don't see anything of those in Forever overall they bolt to him for the shackle yeah amazing they've worked dang good for you they stretch like them tomorrow yeah they ride good all those leaves yeah I was looking at them minivan are they come in a Ford Explorer and the Chevy Astro Vans just draw your own holes or make your own joints on them there's a Johnny Joint on the end of it and I ended up putting a spring under them Give a Little Help well you know because when you rub them it peels this stuff off they're they're plastic like a compound bow limb is what they are super light I'm going for light yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you all no balls yeah I like the side of my rig I don't want to leave it on that at all see that red paint [Music] [Music] the bigger awesome sneak up on you get dip out on them you don't see them how come I'm not moving [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] just keeps pushing it over thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] I found your death it's like a billy goat [Music] that was good that was good that was a good good job it was broken I just made that last payment on it your last one huh that is pretty good still Billy goes for what it is it does pretty doggone good oh yeah just goes today's standard is a piece of crap but well that's old technology and guess what you did it right it still works and it's here [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] that was close so I remember this way rougher than this I think it's washed in a whole bunch of stuff but I did have 35s and a 44 last time I was in here so foreign [Music] makes a big difference somewhere that was right here somewhere it was on that big Flat Rock right there up there is where we Jack has the fire we did right here [Music] yeah as we watched for the parts to be coming slayed and hiked up on the hill where he got service and called his buddy in yep he's here for two or three hours yeah we were here a while Jeep getting warm today wow this is a little bit warm so we'll give it a second mine's running like 220. you look like you like each other back there [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] pretty gnarly I don't know if I can do it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we got 40 down [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] crawling through the canyon we're almost to the end where it splits [Music] in the back [Music] the land ends up there running too far wheelbase killed him do it oh just crawling it was just hitting that lane once you know which way to go it's pretty easy we had a good view at it oh look at him if he would have ate it that would have been that would have been made it Yahtzee I'm changing that valve car come on down right now we just smoked out the world how's your day so far oh it is kind of warm the breeze is nice though now we'll take the freeze [Music] [Music] [Music] do a little Scout here to see how how we weasel by this oh yeah this is a good one [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] we're going in for dinner [Music] oh he slammed the door all right I'm letting Landon pilot still yeah this is a this is a tight squeeze right here this should get interesting your back just barely other way yep right right there somewhere oh my God man this is pretty gnarly [Music] well he just made that look pretty easy wow [Music] [Music] oh that's getting serious this is a seat belt Hill for sure [Music] here today [Music] [Music] why are fire extinguisher [Music] hit that I don't know we'll figure out where all the oil came from in a second here's just a header power steering there's a header fire I totally just grabbed that oh right there son of a gun I don't think so either here I'll watch you pick it out you got pliers yeah [Laughter] I don't want to do it I want to leave them in only 100 in there these ones hurt I don't want to get those ones yet okay here we go oh that one's deep that was just a reaction you just grabbed it out yeah gosh dang it yeah I just broke those ones off you got some no those ones probably are gonna stay those ones are deep [Music] [Music] are you gonna be able to go up it I don't know of course I can [Applause] [Music] turn towards me [Music] so close you good yeah [Music] they ain't crazy dude oh man we're rolling [Applause] it'll it'll start rolling down the hill I mean it's a automatic it's a Detroit that was the only one that had to get winched I think they should play back right before he went up the hill I'm like are you gonna make it up the hill and you said like duh or something you're gonna be able to go up it of course I can I caught I curse myself yeah right out of the gate you don't do it though winch them be winching you from down there again oh yeah you were almost gonna go for a ride a few times yeah it had a little farther yeah there's a fine point yeah and it was like the one on hit neutral hit the brakes there was nothing I'm like oh I think there was no brake fluid in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] passenger [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hard drivers don't turn passenger you'll fall in you want it okay start going out there [Music] so basically that's the root or that's the Dutchman man that's yeah pretty good little Trail it's been like eight years since I've been out of this so that was fun I enjoyed it that is good now it's just like a two-track road all the way back to a truck and trailer and then some ice cream somewhere yeah we finally got come through this horse yeah you guys have finally made it never never made this one so this is good and we're not broken that's a bonus South little buff out day Wheeling we made it back
Channel: Fab Rats
Views: 356,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fab rats, matts off road recovery, barnes 4x4, off road recovery, jeeping, 4-wheeling, off road, recovery, banana, morrvair, FJ45, jeep
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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