OLD SCHOOL vs. NEW SCHOOL: The Ultimate Chevy Truck Challenge. The Winner Might Surprise You!

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settle the debate today we're not in the shop it's about time right I think so so me and Hunter or Hunter and I we've had this little debate going for two months now whether old square body or new style Chevy is better this truck's a piece of junk I'm well but I think with my driving skill and she's got enough that I can beat Hunter's driving skill in his truck so what you make up for experience I make up for horsepower and I'm not like a horrible driver so like I think I'll be it I'll hold my own we're gonna go hit some rocks we're gonna hit some sand we're gonna hit some snow and some mud possibly a tug of war if they're still running and we'll know what trucks better we'll settle the debate today so here we go [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] oh it's so bad in a good way huh yeah hey I even got a rope behind the seat and I can pull you home with oh we'll see about it and in this corner weighing in at 10 cases of Mountain Dew he enjoys losing tape measures and long walks in the dark after breaking down the square body champion of the world all trucks foreign in this corner weighing in a little more than a Chevy transmission he enjoys finding Paul's lost tape measures and driving into places he probably shouldn't the new Chevy body champion of the world Hunter attacks red truck because the stereo doesn't work I think the score is already 1-0 for that we are headed to the scales right now to see how much our trucks weigh 53 but it was 280 so you're five thousand five thousand pounds yep [Music] 63-40 how much did his way five you're just barely over six thousand heavier thousand heavier all right oh all right we'll go do the rest [Music] [Music] all right we're making our way to our first challenge let's see how this goes this is a it's a good mix of rock and lead and sand all in one this will test them see this will give us a baseline of where both rigs are for the rest of the day all right we're at the first Hill first competition that the Hunter and I are going to have today we've got uh got Ben and Sean their recovery crew they're in the Old Wrecker for support Jace is behind the camera feel free to set your tires at whatever pressure you like I'm gonna go ahead and do the same on my truck and then uh we'll uh get this competition started tire gauge we gotta yeah I need one we'll borrow it from the square body yeah wait for the whistle yeah nice nice happy uh yeah what pressure now you got aluminum wheels 15. going 10. what do you got going down Tim here we're gonna go down to 10 psi right there because we need all the help we can get going all in what did he say nothing blood pressure none let's see what got it going over here oh my goodness we just got a little bit of wood in the that was from the test trip no that was there from the other day when I was practicing for this uh you better keep it 15 on that tire yeah it might lead 12 on the wrist yeah you always go down if you don't make it we'll go to eight yes we've got air so we're gonna be here all day assistant she's got a while yeah you got a minute I got my last Tire done we're working on the first one I'll help Hunter with this perfect what are you going down to I might do 15. okay all right so a little prediction before we even get started what do you think Hunter I think I'll get you in the sand but in the Rocks well I really this is the way I see it this truck's got a gutless 4-3 in it the clutch doesn't work great it pops out of four low and four high for that matter I think I got it that's gonna be okay there's no Pros to that wasn't there you're no the seat's pretty cushy oh there you go I got that we've got the exact same tires Hunters are two sizes bigger than mine he's got two extra cylinders that his motor actually works properly this one is gutless doesn't work very good I like my odds let's go do this I think you should go first I should go first I think you should I'll go first I'll set the bar climb in John four load up there he's got me in every aspect other than the experience driving yeah I'm hoping that's enough at the momentum before I mean I'm not going to tell you that I think these trucks probably better than this one but it's probably better so let me hop in there's a cameraman you gotta run in the sand we have arrived first competition let's go up and look at it first pretty deep sand here it is all the moisture has pretty much left the building here a little bit harder a little more technical up over that speed always wins and then we got a big Sand Hill after this so we got it so this is all the Rocks though this is the rock section and we go up over and then there's a sand hill so all right I'll uh I'll show you what a square body will do here station has started [Music] all right we're locked and loaded I'm gonna go four low second gear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he made that pretty easy Hunter we did that pretty good the gear but she pulled out so we so we it's hard it doesn't push it all the way in and I missed a gear excuses I got them [Music] the sand doesn't make it a little it's right there and I wasn't gonna tell him that but I'll go first all right let's see what he's got sander Paul just did that pretty easy I'm a little nervous now now let's do this thing hold up I gotta put it I gotta put in four highs his four wheel drive isn't working [Laughter] oh if this works out and this four wheel drive quit working and the square body wins by default shut up [Music] oh she's working now there it is [Music] easy once I get it out of for low wasn't the move in the sand all right so that's one competition in the books now on to the big Sand Hill we'll see what we really have in store this was a bad idea to ride in the back here how do you think that went Jace uh it was pretty equal pretty cool yeah we both went up but fairly easy yeah so I think the score is already 1-0 for that we'll go to the big Sand Hill now it's like competition Hill basically so we'll run out we'll see so you can get to the top of that and then go for some rocks after that [Music] now we're headed to the Sand Hill dude I was out here not too long ago it's it's for real but I think I'll be able to beat him all right Jason what do you think the chances are [Music] oh here I don't know practice Yeah I like the stuff start from the same spot on the hill and then we'll get a run if we can't make that and then a bigger run if we can't make that so we're gonna we're gonna test them we'll find out what these old girls have got I really think he's probably gonna beat me in this [Music] we're gonna find out I was pretty pretty surprised on that last one she had all kinds of traction it was good to go find the best year I'd have been digging for sure so it turns out we're about to the spot there's competition Hill I made it to here in two-wheel drive Hunter's struggling behind me what's that gonna say for us uh all right this is competition Hill when I was a kid this is where you would come to test your truck out to see if it would climb this hill or not and we find ourselves back here and we're not even kids but you're still a kid oh but I'm not a kid but we're still going to test our trucks and see if they'll do it so I think we're going to try this in a couple different ways we're going to start with our back tires on the Rocks first okay and see how far we make it we brought a tape measure just in case it's real close and we can see and then when we can't climb it that way we'll back up and get a run and see who can Bonsai it and make it so Catch Air at the top maybe yeah I'm not catching air if this makes it to the top I'm gonna get out and cheer yeah so all right she's got less but we're gonna give her a roll and see what happens [Music] all right it's go time we gotta see what she'll do all right there's our line all right we are on the line let's see what she's got foreign better than I anticipated it was gonna do so I'm pretty happy with it now I'm gonna back up and get a little bit of a run and see if it'll go up but two more so I can go like two truck lengths back yes you tell me where they are there's one one there's two okay make a mark So Hunter can start from the same place all right here we go again [Music] [Music] it's off [Music] he's knocking oh [Applause] foreign [Music] we're gonna try four High gonna go to the two mark [Music] all right there's four four legs [Music] that's all she's got oh almost High Mark that's it turn now though all right I think we're trying the next one now [Music] it's not a four higher no it ain't got no power all right that's my attempts we'll see what Hunter's truck will do I'll get out of his way and there we go I'm putting it in first put it in drive drive sucks tow haul and drive I don't know low range tow haul and drive in low range really yes and four low four low now back up just barely is it in yeah it's okay you're gonna scoot to the top of this house we'll see no you will all right Hunter's first attempt let's see what she's got looks like I made it farther how much just barely you're winning yeah so what what happened there all right wow keep going right there four low low are you ready you know [Music] gosh dang it you're right what was that Hunter that was bad hey I did all right you got one more [Music] right there all right there's the last mark we'll see what he sets it to this time on four low four low with the trailer on let's see traction controls off yeah that's how we're gonna send her sand in there [Music] oh dang it I think I've been beat in the Sand Hill Climb the winner right there you happy with that one I'm happy with that one yep I knew I was gonna get beaten Hill Climb we'll uh yep he only beat by a truck lane yeah that's yeah hey somewhere down she's got the rest of the day in her bit better that was a good one you going to the tree this time do it we'll go on to some rocks we'll go see how he likes them you gotta get a full-on run now all right now full run Sunday he's got a full run it he's going for it dang right here seems to work fine [Music] there he goes yeah we made it he made it we didn't know he was gonna come from the parking lot he was the far back we needed a zoom lens to see him or you just didn't want him to feel bad on the first one did you no the younger generation they know what's like the or Superior truck maybe we'll send the square body one more time just okay just to see yeah we gotta see full rain I think we should I think we should he's gonna go to the parking lot and there we go that's about as far as we made her the first trip it's all she's got [Music] [Music] your daughter they got the power nope we need a couple more cylinders you don't need some more horsepower Paul feels bad for me so he said he'd come get me in the tow truck okay there's the there's the second Mark let's see [Music] look at that thing oh yeah what what was that all right sand challenge over with I succeed to win Hunter has beat me at that so we're gonna run on out here and go to the Rock challenge next we'll see how that goes [Music] we're about to the spot where we're gonna test them out at the Rocks we found a little slick Rock right here this is still the trail so once we get to the bottom of the wash that's what we're gonna find out this one's still better than Hunters [Music] [Music] how's it doing good he's knocking like crazy but she's got enough to beat Hunter he's up on me one to nothing well one we tied the first competition he beat me the second one so I'm gonna have to perform good here to tie up the score we're on to the rock crawling slash mud section of the competition now we're gonna come off we're gonna drive down we're gonna show you a pretty cool waterfall and stuff here in just a minute yep let's do it we'll get this competition underway [Music] almost grabbed the bumper it's wet he's got a better turning radius than I do that's for sure oh I didn't even scream nice [Music] cool [Music] it may sink right here [Music] oh that Flex [Music] yeah it should be good [Music] [Music] it's it's straight off yeah go that far side that way is the way to go [Music] you're gonna want to hug the tree I can guide you off of it or just jump straight off Paul just crunched his freaking doors in [Music] it coming he's demonstrate okay now you need to turn down hard okay it's gonna lift your rear tire right here turn hard there you go keep turning Harvey [Music] crawling I heard my door my door you need to go slow it hurts slow we made it though yeah but you just damaged your door darn it you gotta go slow oh just a little bit a gentle yeah the only time you really want to follow through is if you're still alive go go go yeah I'm good you got it let's keep on rolling right [Music] you got it you're good like thinking what did I get myself into hey Hunter turn that way a little bit okay you're good and then Uncle Ben just over there showing off so far so good we're easing along this next one I think is a good one if I remember right maybe the end of our oh no I think we can do it get out look at this okay we can do it right now this may do some body damage right there bumpers touching [Music] your bumper in this on the front Dam age he's got six inches in the air what does this tire in the back we're stuck it's just hitting too hard I don't think we can bounce it though I don't know pretty good we're stuck we're dipped out 31 inch tires are just a little too small for this what do you think Hunter think the black trucks got it no I don't think so either I wouldn't I don't I wouldn't do it no you just don't want to do it because you're winning right now I'm winning I'm not winning I'm stuck that would just tie it up yeah let's go look at the edge holy I know that's an edge [Applause] oh that's cool [Music] Mission we're gonna have to get square body out of that so [Music] oh there we go the recovery well that wasn't too bad we knew we'd have to recover one at some point today I'm hearing a win on one side here you got farther I think so I think rocks so we're even again even again all right we're back to the evening I mean I sure I I probably could have got mine pulled out of there too but I no but payment own it that's it yeah I was just sitting there and there and back over there pretty much just stuck everywhere that I didn't want to be stuck so Ben's gonna take the tow truck show us how this is done right here and I'm going to show you how stock square body does it now if I can go pack this front bumper it's getting a full send hop it up there don't let me fall off [Music] okay right there it was biting hi there [Music] I got it a little square body I'll take the win he ties it back all right we're tied let's go get stuck in the mud it wasn't bad simple [Music] he's even Rod knocking and it went up yeah [Applause] I could hear it coming pretty bad oh it's Rod knocking it's not good but [Music] [Applause] there you go perfect get away from that edge there you go don't turn yet start turning yep nice and easy [Music] you got it perfect rock crawling professional there wonderful Mind of a child is I think he goes right here Dad over there yeah all right if you take it this way I'll try you gotta pick harder spots next time like the Middle dad you got this that's getting noisy she don't sound good sounds like the Geo she might make it home you might not we're looking for some right now I think we're about to find it didn't get stuck Hunter probably I don't know we'll see how's it going so far good we're tied up one to one so I gotta pull ahead somehow well I'll go ahead of you and here and see if we see if we get stuck all right [Music] well that's a whole [Music] look at that oh baby I might have to pull you out that doesn't count I tried to get started that's neat yeah I'm stuck you're going down I'm pulling you out man I'll drive through you're stuck we're trying to get stuck I'm stuck I'm gonna pull him out real quick I may have the mud one in the back I think I'm Dragon Hunter out I mean look this truck is down and this one is up [Laughter] laughs all right I'll tuck you out launcher gotcha all right here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah there it is good I think that's a win for me I I think technically for a win you guys are all on the paying roll I think for a win I'm gonna have to drive through where he just got stuck yes I agree oh yes then you can pull him out all right she's unhooked I mean if you want to regain yourself redeem yourself I'll go for it go for it I was a two-wheel drive before win all right we're gonna see the two-wheel drive I mean four-wheel drive right in the same road [Applause] I made it I made it that's not a win for you hey Hunter how do you feel about that good I went through it so that doesn't mean in his defense he was in two-wheel drive I was for a lot of it we were making a hole did now we're gonna make a bigger one you gotta set the course [Music] I'll do it all right here we go back through where Hunter just got stuck we'll see how that goes four wheel drive four-wheel this is two-wheel all right there we go foreign [Music] I think we're gonna let the judges decide which is you the viewers you guys be non-biased you've seen the mud situation you guys go ahead and vote and tell us who won this portion all we got left now is a tug of war oh I have a question if my truck blows up does Hunter win by default I don't know we'll see it's starting to smell like death like it's got the the odors coming in the cab now so well the competition is mostly done we got tug of war left and then I think I think this one's gonna be left up to the judges to decide who won and who didn't win I definitely won the raw crawling which I figured I would the mud technically spun down in two-wheel drive and got stuck we're trying to make it muddy so we could spin in it I think Hunters probably got the edge on this truck in every other category I mean if it makes it home it's going to be and I don't think Hunter's truck wouldn't have done the rock crawling stuff Hunter didn't want to ban this truck this truck I don't care about I don't blame the kid I wouldn't have taken it down he took it farther than I would have took that truck so all in all he's probably winning this competition I think he'll drag me in the tug of war and that'll pretty much seal up the deal but we'll find out so we're done with the mud I don't know if Paul claimed to take the win on the mud or what but he was cheating that one you saw how he backed up so he's had to drive downhill me and him are very very competitive and we will do whatever it takes to have an edge on the other person [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] victory for you rocks victory for me mud kind of a toss-up you're gonna have to decide I don't know all we have left we're just gonna do a tug of war but we've decided the safest and best place to do this is front in front of the house on on the test strip I think so so we're going to put them both in two-wheel drive and then we'll see what happens I'm we want to do that because I think mine's going to blow up one and done it's not best at three one and nine I think one and done one and done one and done and then that'll be the thing so this portion of us done we're heading to the house it's so bad all right we'll uh see you at home all right what's your predictions well I predict we're going to stretch this old yank them out and then this wounded square body is gonna drag that truck you wait and see or she's gonna blow up and he's gonna tell me back into the yard okay did I say go okay three two one foreign [Music] [Music] actually just pull me backwards all right drag me down [Music] all right shovel some dirt on that [Applause] there's some piston rings hey I think this is winner loser right here the end of it I think that's bad and my dad says I'm broke on stuff thank you that's good what do you think Hunter you didn't pull me we were both smoking tires and then I smoked a motor I knew it was gonna blow it was it was going away it was going all in all who knows who won I know you guys are gonna have to make your own mind up who won this who didn't win this but fun was had that was definitely fun was a good time you'll see this old girl she'll come back for all her glory we'll put a motor in it LS and maybe it's not worth an LS but I got a 350 it'll go in it so thanks for watching how bad oh it's got she looks pretty sound from up here and then yeah you gotta Wonder and you see two holes in the block
Channel: Fab Rats
Views: 717,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chevy silverado, cheap truck challenge, chevy k1500, chevy silverado 1500, cheap truck challenge dirt every day, square body chevy, square body chevy build, square body stuff, square body, fab rats youtube, fab rats
Id: gqwFV-vI77w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 23sec (2663 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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