I'm Building The Oldest Off-Road Monster Bus In Existence!

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oh yeah look at that that's awesome I wish you guys could see what I got in my brain for this you're gonna know all right it's morning and it's early uh drug Hunter out of bed we're headed to Colorado this morning so it's a two-part trip we're gonna leave Ben and Sean here in the shop to get uh some stuff done and me and Hunter we're road tripping we're going to get a three-wheeler in Denver three-wheeler that I've always wanted back I sold one when I got married and I needed it back so we found one tracked it down and we're going to get it time's a common Hunter you'll end up selling all your toys that you like because your wife's pregnant she needs a car that will fit kids actually it was a three-wheeler 86 250R but wouldn't change any of it I'd sell it all again you can always get more stuff it's just stuff which by the way I'm looking for an 86 250 R3 wheeler one or no one and we're going to get our special project we're going to show you when we get there on it it's pretty dang cool and it's just for fun so we're going to get it and we'll see how this all turns out foreign [Music] we're just rolling into Green River gonna get us a little splash of fuel some refreshments back on the road again so lots of driving today all right we got us some fuel got some Mountain Dew for food next stop wherever we pick up this can we tell them what it is yet I don't think so I think you wait and you probably ought to just wait and see what it is it's pretty cool all right we just crossed into Colorado so officially in Colorado now three wheelers getting picked up but that's in Denver so we're solving first to pick our surprise thing though then we're having yeah I wonder what that Sean are doing I hope they're getting that water pump put on the FJ today but you know when the boss is away we'll see what they do you know all about it I don't know what you talk about that yeah all right here we go today and it's just John and I today it just does there's nobody else here but we have the FJ here we got to work on in we got a pump leaking I wonder what they're doing I think they took off in the truck went somewhere so they're playing we're working really that's how it goes I'm sure he did leave the boat maybe we should take that oh we'll see if we can get this done and uh we'll have to see where they're at so this stretcher Road Sean and I were coming hunting in Colorado one year we're in my old Dodge we have a four-wheeler trailer behind us with a four-wheeler on it too down this road and it's rough you can or hit these things the trailer breaks in half like the four-wheeler on it yes it just like bends in half and it's dragging down the road just look at the tongue with the tongue yeah or something so we pull over to the side of the road I don't have anything we're going hunting so we take our handyman strap it to the tongue take a ratchet strap and wrap around it here goes Paul fixing his high dollar trailer that breaks in half twice going to and from Colorado we got three pieces of pipe and a handyman we're gonna make it home and every motor on the Grand Junction go to Home Depot my brother comes he's behind us Curtis and my brother and we buy some black pipe at Home Depot and hose clamps and we put around this trailer tongue and hose clamp it all back together and drive it all the way home I have to say it was a Jet Ski trailer is what it was and I turned it into a four-wheeler trailer but I didn't leave the tongue up enough yeah we found the weeks that ain't the same trailer that you tried giving me the other day after I rebuild it that's the same trailer are you kidding me it really is that's the same trailer no I already built the toes and stuff on it yeah I think of that every time I drive on this piece of road but Sean and I we about had a bad day on this road this is some pretty crazy country we're in looking for this find it it's somewhere here close I'm getting kind of nervous a little bit oh yeah yeah I hope it's good well there's just he doesn't hasn't said anything really yeah we're kind of shooting in the dark here we are like no communication back and forth we had to get Hunter to message him to answer us back we're gambling but we really want this we've been looking for one for a long time finally found what we wanted so we just drove five and a half hours we're 0.4 miles away from it oh yeah wow Blazer side one there's a lot of old cars kicking around all right that's where we're going yep that's it we'll pull in there that's where we're going pull over here and talk to him let's see we've been looking all over and never found the one that we really want it oh yeah look at that that thing's so ugly that's awesome you gonna paint it or anything no I wouldn't either I don't I don't know 100 but does it have a motor in it currently yeah oh yeah oh yeah well we'll make that run first you gotta drive it once this is cool what's better than it looked like in pictures a little bit of cancer there from in the back see the wheel tubs in the back oh yeah they're already big enough for giant tires has a little place you could live in here Hunter oh heck no what that's cool that's awesome no this thing will do this is gonna be perfect for what we're after this is the one we're loading it this one's going home with us to Utah so we didn't drive six hours for nothing all right we're gonna roll over there and load this bus up and hit the road again [Music] enough room to straighten it out oh yeah it'll come straight there oh yeah this thing's pretty dang cool I mean we get a broom with it we can clean up that's the battery hole okay oh yeah I feel like get in windshield wipers adjust the mirror sit down back there everybody on good great grand wonderful snow yellow ing on the bus I think I can do it right I think so slam on your brakes throw people in the seat because there's there's not any breaks just in case you're wondering there's a little clutch though we're stuck in gear in the brakes seem to be on oh no it just shifts funny like just the floor okay so it's been my my dream for a while to build a school bus not like to haul your kids to school kind of a bus but like load some of your buddies in the back and go do dump stuff bus that's what I want to do this is kind of a Center Drive even the way the seat sets in here you have a buddy stand behind you I'm excited there's some stuff going down with this but it's gonna be cool but it's going to take a lot of work as you can see I mean rabbits have been living in here basically so we got a lot to do but we can't do any of it until we load it and get it to the shop so here we let's get her down I feel like I should hook around that axle so that's what I'm gonna do what do you think the odds are of this Badlands pulling it right on I like it will I hope it will oh yeah she's moving [Music] wow you can steer it winch it tell me when I'm just barely gonna hit that there you go now you're on it so that's That's Heavy just in case you're wondering I should have brought some some jump packs to put on the old battery come on solar light what's going on with your car Family Dollars charge up a little solar light it's gonna be fine Hunter we're gonna get this you just patience it's a virtue look at that four-door Dodge darter stuff the unibody Ford oh look at them they're actually working what of course we're working that looks better in real life it's pretty good it looks like fun to get on there well if I had brought a jump pack it would have been not bad our battery's half yeah we got a picture of it foreign we'll slide this round [Music] I like it you still got enough room to stash the three-wheeler in the front of there so strap her down that was easy you said it wouldn't do it not with your Family Dollar solar panel yeah we're gonna be back Trucking putting on the miles foreign super exciting this thing's gonna be cool I wish you guys could see what I got in my brain for this I guess we jump back in the truck and head for Denver oh here we go we're not as good as Hunter see look at that look at that but see Shawn's already got it out it's it's all but there we're to it and we we made it good Paul would be proud when it hits them it's good it just runs you just leave it yeah you can't catch it it just runs so almost there and then we'll put the next bump on so we'll let you we'll let you know we'll try Hunter's not here all right we just uh got back to Grand Junction got some food we're dropping the trailer here at a truck stop we're gonna Blaze the Denver get the three-wheeler come back tonight hook onto the trailer drive as far as we can it's a lot of driving not much sleeping we're gonna make it [Music] we're in Glenwood Canyon right now it's pretty gnarly I'm hunting up in this country so I'm familiar with it first time for Hunter he's seeing how rugged these mountains really are [Music] my bikes and mountains in my time but not not nothing like that foreign look what happens when you leave Grandma takes over Bob cleans up after you like I always have done can you give us the John Denver the rocky yeah the Rocky Mountains respected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this at John Denver's fully man redeemed yourself I don't know they should river raft that one yeah that's a good rap for drug test all of those are great free Rapids all right we're on the Eisenhower we're just going into one of the tunnels right now 79. we're inside a tunnel just in case you're wondering hey there we go the power's out it's all because it rained I think somebody hit a telephone pole or a fire who knows I don't think we're doing much so I wonder what Paul and Hunter are doing because we're not doing anything right now we'll have to work outside well we'll check in with them where we usually [Music] I like just coming up here and hiking in it made sure I'm hunting but I'm high can enjoying it more than anything sure I haven't killed a deer in Colorado in like six years when I came every year and hunted just spent a week hiking around up here just because there's nobody got my boys with me [Music] no power there's there's no power at all dark so I had to jack it up which it's really dark here I'll shine my light so there we go Jack it up to get the arms out yeah so we can at least get the uh FJR see we're still on the Hoist we won't be in a minute all right made it out of the tunnel no we're on the downward slide into flatlander country I know right we're close to finding the three-wheeler here right right right right right right right right right right right right right it's better than worth it it's High Hope is a good wheeler it's coming up yeah that one yeah there he is there it is oh pull back in there bring back memories already oh yeah oh oh no can look bail out of here that's it huh yeah look at that that looks exactly like the one I had is it yup it's identical same deal same Wheels everything I even have those tires on the back of it did you I had a different front tire mine had the long ribs on the front [Music] it's ready to go man that's awesome okay fj's done we're gonna go drive it see what it does and uh maybe go Wheeling or something we'll go play why not we made it back to Paul's house what do you think Ben everything works good on it so I'm thinking maybe we should go somewhere it quit raining but raining it's good weather Jay's rolling I hear the fishing's good oh fishing there's something over there let's do it let's do it we're going let's get the boat let's go yep just like my bike I love it that's awesome cool well I'm I'm happy it was worth the drive lots of hours but it was worth it I don't need any broken windows or anything crazy for the ride home Never Gonna sell it I sold them once I'll never sell it again so if my kids will have to sell it if someone's gonna get it from me I pleasure meeting you guys a pleasure if you're ever in southern Utah yeah we'd look us up yeah stop by for sure that thing's pretty cool that's sweet it's pretty clean it's actually sounds like it runs pretty good it's not jetted proper but yeah it it's good it's gonna be easy to tune and put together and we'll have ourselves a pretty sweet wheeler just like the one I sold back in the day fall tomorrow five hours four four to the trailer right four to the trailer four to the trailer two more to Green River and then sleep for a few hours and then four and a half more home we got this oh we got it [Music] two inches but you put a little weight on it I think we're out of here let's go let's go [Music] all right we got some terrible lighting conditions it's dark it's 1102 at night we've been going since six this morning so it's been a long day to say the least but we got the trailer hooked back on the bus is on the back we loaded the three-wheeler on the trailer we're hooked up we got an hour and a half we're gonna crash in Green River tonight for a few hours and then Homeward Bound so foreign so we've made it to Green River we're done it's like 12 30. we're crashing for a few hours before we head home party yeah we're sleeping in the truck because we're too lazy to go to a motel and we're out of here tomorrow so until then work go to sleep that was the worst sleep I've ever gone Explorers so loud [Music] nothing nothing look at this text message I got from Ben it's my FJ hooked onto my boat and it says off to the lake we're working and they're playing what the heck we can't leave those guys under no let's go home let's do it all right we have a long night it's a pretty long night this truck smells terrible does and it's new it's not I was just airing out last night oh jeez good memories anyway yeah when I woke up and my throat was all Jive I'm like oh I bet I stored like crazy last time surgery rice we are off we're out of here we're gonna be home in no time we know this road before freaking noon oh yeah Sean Sean will be just getting to work go ahead little Hunter get some shot eye [Music] all right we haven't filmed a lot today because Hunter's been sleeping I am so tired and I've been driving we are uh 40 minutes from home currently so got to stop top the old fuel off to get us home it's burned a lot of fuel today must have been a headwind or something I don't know this bus is not very aerodynamic that we're dragging so you can tell it's back there but we're about home nah a shower and a nap and back to work no rest for the wicked Hunter yeah all right we made her we're in Glendale home sweet home thank you it's a matter it's been a long couple of days but we're back we got home with the bus and my three-wheeler got no flat tires on that trip pretty amazing really I can't wait to get working on this thing we got a few more parts to acquire we have the axles we have the bus now we still got to figure out suspension we got to get the motor we have it we just got to go get it home just round some more parts up but for now we'll get back on the off-road roll back get that thing finished so we can drag this whole girl in the shop so and for all you naysayers that say the rollback is not going to get done soon you just wait and see all right it's a new day we're headed over to the Boneyard first thing we gotta go get a Cummins we need the motor out of us we're gonna go grab this come back gut the motor and get it setting in the frame so we'll head out [Music] foreign so the red one we parked here the other day is in the way now why not we'll back it up and then we're after that white Dodge in the background [Music] [Music] all right now on to the truck that we came for you want to get the roll back right to it we might be able to come through there and just roll it on that may be smarter yeah that may be smarter probably smarter good idea Sean pretty clean it's pretty clean oh all right I'm excited this is going to be a good deal we'll have this motor out of this truck today and setting in that other frame [Music] [Applause] just needed all the dad power right there holy cow you know it don't mess with it [Music] [Music] no sweat okay you put her in park all right go get the motor out of this thing still running all night batteries are charged how do we forget that that's funny right there since we're over here we thought we would uh show you Michelle's Jeepster it's gonna happen here shortly this old jewel is going to come to the shop and get some work done to it we're gonna the Suburban that she crashed a year ago we're gonna take the 5-3 out of it and the 4l60 I actually just purchased a transfer case I'm collecting parts for this thing I have uh super duty axles for it so I about have all the pieces she's about ready to come to the shop and get worked on so you'll see this before long it's coming [Applause] [Music] could have been bad oh well live and learn we were busy doing stuff [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] last time I know well I was the last one started and it was like five years ago so we're gonna see if we can get her to fire all the squirrel's been in it maybe we ought to pull it over and pressure wash this too look how clean that is under you just don't see that maybe we ought to just pressure wash it right here before we start it let's do that because I don't want to play with the rat droppings I'm going to drag the washer over we're gonna wash this off then we'll pull it in the shop [Music] all right I think easiest way is to start this thing and Pull It in the shop hey the wipers are on we've got all sorts of stuff going on foreign all right [Laughter] five years [Laughter] oil pressure this one is good why didn't you drive it tranny's bad oh really yeah you'll see in a second [Applause] [Applause] now we'll see if it moves [Applause] [Applause] we lost power [Applause] doesn't have much fluid in it the doesn't feel very happy I think we'll let it drip dry and then we'll just push it in the shop it runs sounds good just like I remember it hopefully I can fit that giant intercooler in there so it stays cool yeah be nice if I can fit this radiator and everything in the front of that that's we're gonna try I'd like to be able to just stop at auto parts store and be like I got a 97 Cummins I need this right thank you [Music] thank you hey you can see now [Music] I got that far enough the AC's still blowing cold it's not switching from defrost but this is blowing cold out of the defrost pretty cool Ben's gonna have him a nice old truck buying us a motor [Music] all right I gotta undo a fuel thing so right there [Applause] okay I can do that take that off and we got her [Applause] good probably Factory antifreeze it's a sad day in the shop my last handful of beaver nuggets Michelle brought these back from Florida for me they're delicious but all good things come to an end I guess we use that much in an afternoon sometimes we haven't even got into the oil yet it's gonna look like we had a wood shop in here shortly looks like you're planting a garden I'm rolling dice hold on to it hello what time I cut an entire apple tree down with this and up into firewood on One battery really yeah all right yeah it's uh it's pretty good how much antifreeze could this truck hold possibly I mean it's been dripping for like 20 solid minutes I think this tranny's burned up the torque converter just died [Music] hi y'all [Music] little today now grab a bar Let's uh turn this long ways I guess it's all right I feel like it's gonna try to nosedive on me I'll watch it fall don't worry yeah get out of the way [Music] [Applause] okay you're out we'll do one of these Maneuvers go down oh that's yep hold on okay go down a little bit more right there maybe go down just as a fraction more okay we got it okay come down okay all right it feels like it's yep good go down that wasn't so bad I mean we got it wasn't bad at all all right we'll hurry and get the you were fine we'll hurry and get the motor jerked out of it now and then get this truck out of here and get the motor setting back in the other one we're probably not going to bore you with pulling the motor out of this unless we light it on fire something crazy happens because it's just pulling a motor so we'll show you that when we get to it [Music] let's take that bolt out 10 millimeter [Music] and now we'll just pull the roll back in set that cab on the rollback [Music] all right we can get to this thing now we've only got two motor mount bolts left and our 12 valve comes out and then we take all the back of that 24 valve off put it on the back of this 12 valve we should be able to ready to put it in our truck now pull it towards you oh you're caught on that extend that cord oh yeah I see the problem thank you foreign motor is out next project switch the back ends of them and then bolted in our 04 frame so this is a 97 we just needed the 12 valve out which is that one now we're going to take the back end of the 04 put on the 97 put in the 04 frame so you following me we've got lots going on but we're getting there we're getting closer to being down to let's see once we get this done we'll be down to one two three trucks at that point and we're still stealing stuff off of so we're getting there [Music] so working on these Cummins this back plate is a little different starter has is a different thickness right here everything so we have to take this automatic one off put the standard one off of that one on here supposedly the holes don't line up exactly we have to a little bit but we're about to find out Simon's getting her done set back there looks like the holes are off just a little we may have to call a friend here Merlin we'll be calling him to find out how this all works all right [Applause] the one that Sean's talking about there's one Bolt that's off a little bit uh this one right here and that one doesn't I don't know yes maybe you don't need that Bolt I'll call and verify but evidently you don't need that bolt because it doesn't line up and that one has to get notched a little we're lightening it up faster yeah I'm better than Chrysler's Engineers because I did it without that bolt all right so we called Merlin apparently I don't know very much about diesel motors we're putting this back together how it was because he said I'm using the original adapter I'm putting a spacer behind the starter with a whole bunch of explicit language he told me this as you can imagine but I now know that this stuff this is how it has to be we'll put it back together and here we go again gotta get Loctite we're back to where we started Chrysler did no more than I did evidently we've got all the bolts back in it now we're going to put a flywheel on it there's that stack the clutches in it now and then we're ready to put a motor in [Applause] we're gonna get this all put together and not be able to start it because we don't have an adapter for the starter but we will have one okay go grab a ratchet and we'll tighten those foreign here we are again it's Us Again Margaret It's Me Again Margaret all right we gotta undo some steering stuff get it out of the way some brakes over there resting okay this uh this will tell you how good the turbo was oh that's the turbo will that's funny good we'll throw it in the cat pile and it can go get changed I think that's funny right there a lot of weight you're swinging around there I don't see that those are gonna match up do you know he had a wrench let's pull those off we may just cut those ears right off maybe we'll just do that now we'll just cut them off and move them forward that's going to be smarter then we can use Factory mounting stuff and this one's like 10 and a half and a half eleven and a half yeah I think we'll just cut them loose and we'll just move them and drop it back in and weld them in the frame that'd be yeah I don't want to get crazy and cut the frame [Music] man it's way tougher than they anticipated it man oh got it you might do a little work [Music] all for one inch I'm gonna let the trans down a little close there we go there it went now it's got to come back together is that a twist just a little bit [Music] looks like they're gonna just fit oh you tell me when now Hunter right there that'll work then we'll just tighten them down like we gotta do a little gotta set it down in the frame a little bit better than that but yeah roughly we just had to slide them forward an inch and then they'll fit okay let's we gotta lift this other side up a little there you go yeah hammer it did oh yeah okay tighten it yeah it's set right down in there that's a job well done today Hunter motor's in we we're minus a starter thing next time you guys see this truck we're gonna Marlin's gonna help me with the killer doll pin in the front of it and then we're going to turn the fuel up on it do a bunch of stuff see if we can't make it run I guess and put a cab on it probably so till then thanks for watching
Channel: Fab Rats
Views: 651,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fab rats, off road recovery, off road, off road bus, vintage, 4x4 bus, torsus bus, biggest off road buses, 4x4 off road vehicles, off road extreme 4x4, vintage bus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 4sec (2824 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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