Dangerous Davies - The Last Detective (1981)

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[Music] oh me bye [Music] foreign [Music] the northwest frontier of london have you ever thought how many people around here are actually at war with each other we've got two religious lots of irish hostile african tribes indians and pakistanis jews and arabs and some of the original british magic life for a copper excitement glamour and for me the start of an incredible story [Music] oh god i sent dangerous a procession of coppers what are you lot waiting for the band assessing the situation dangerous waiting for me to get my head caved in again more like where is he top on the stairs stop room front he's a tough bugger he threatens to burn the house down what about arms he's got arms with fists on the end of them why won't he come out i mean what's he doing up there in the first place plastered as usual he drinks a bottle of rum and a bottle of whiskey every day and i've told him if he's not careful he'll end up an alcoholic yeah very likely have you got a bucket please i have and a mop would you be needing it for the blood no just the bucket if you don't mind thank you what's his name right pomeroy bright pomeroy why they never call bill it's the police will you come down please [ __ ] yourself i'm bloody yours i don't think he's coming down all right i'm gonna go up now would you make sure your stormtroopers are right behind me come on what are we going to do with you albert just checking in to check out ben hello dangerous uh naughty boy again albert big drunk dangerous hi just having a piggy and says what's your fault you're lana d ray my lady uh this is full of james that's her yes now what have i done there's been a theft at your lodging good god i didn't think there was anything down there worth nicking oh i told you you'd look into it yes after i've looked into a drink yeah all right this will we do the charge again yeah that's right once more into the bloody breach actually the eye's not too bad it's my body it's covered in copper's boot marks they have me knocked down and they run over me oh it's nothing new to see you come in get to the dinner table it seems to me i spend my life looking up in the face of somebody intent on murder you ask me that's the only reason they keep you when do they ever give you a decent awesome crime of your own to solve or me the last detective they don't stand for me unless there's nobody else left oh incidentally there's been a theft at our lodgings we'd better get back there theft at belly eye yeah it's unbelievable isn't it crime has got no class these days mod evening i understand there's been a theft the antique brass bed's dead from mr shahidah's room it's gone antique and i perceive that mr shahidah is also no longer with us and from the room next to yours i wouldn't mind was right next door mrs davis even if you and i were still living together which my love we are not you could hardly expect me to keep a vigil through the night in case a fellow guest makes off with his bed it's not the sort of thing you cater for hmm i thought you were supposed to be a detective that's what i thought it's a general misapprehension don't be rude to mrs full james oh that's all right mrs davis i take it from whence it comes detective priceless that bed belong to mr phil james the late mr phil james and you can put that rubbish away there's no time for writing things down [Music] green special branch chief inspector yard bird's expecting me yes i've set him up good afternoon sir ramscar cecil victor ramscar aged [Music] joined the scouts foreign did his first bank robbery within a couple of square miles i nicked him many times when i was on the beat well he's been in australia sir and in america getting his fingers dirty we think he's back in your manner he's got to ground around here what do you want him for well we don't know what a bloody good start i must say we've got nothing on him sir nothing we just want him located and tagged for nothing well he's been involved in some fairly major league things abroad sir and he wouldn't have come back for nothing we think he's joined a dissident group for money of course not ideology he could be the heavy in a political kidnapping why don't you do it yourself you got enough people in your office surely it was thought better that someone local should do it sir someone who knows his way around it was thought better was it yes sir and who thought it better the assistant commissioner sir yes at least probably right well secrecy doesn't matter of course it's uh clumsier the investigation the better something to stir up mr ramscar worry him make him break cover or play his hand early do you have someone like that sir someone who might make a few ripples someone not too subtle ah get out of detective constable davis dangerous oh no not this time i'm off duty what is it tibetan monk gomber circuit the labour exchange worse yardbird wants to see you what do you suppose yard bird wants me for gonna give me something spectacular to investigate like a murder maybe no he wouldn't do that would he not unless every other copper in london had gone down with typhoid all right kitty come on out [Music] kitty out all right to hell you just have to miss crafts anthony mary draco two teas minor injuries fearing dangerous said mary's hospital not detained that's your life the old man upstairs has gone home well i've got something for you what came up from criminal records this afternoon rams car says all victory yeah i don't want you to read through it and seems a moral ten god it's thicker than my dog is there anything new on that lasting case of the catholic church no nothing why should anyone want to burn a confession box well don't ask me maybe father harvey did it for the insurance he was quite a ladder mr ramscar a nice list of villainies starting in 1959 with assault and theft of car logbooks petty graft and the last in 1972 suspected armed robbery not proven a whole lot of stuff and a typewritten sheet dated august 15th 1965. i don't know why it caught my eye but it was a statement ramscar made about a 17-year-old girl celia norris missing believed dead he gave his movements for the evening of july 23 1965 the day she vanished he knew celia norris because her father was a business associate but he hadn't spoken to her for weeks his statement had been checked and accepted by the police 15 years ago so why didn't i accept it ben you've been around here since the flood ever heard of celia norris vanished 15 years ago july 1965. yes i can't remember that one the young girl of about 16 or 17. going home from a youth club on a planet carving and just disappeared or never solved not a choice well i can't remember it all but i think they found her clothes somewhere did we treat her as murder not at first i thought she's got away with the bloat she's currently done it before no things fizzled out still on the file though [Music] ah [Music] bye [Music] so [Music] all this and nobody ever found [Music] she had spent what was almost undoubtedly the last day of her life planning her future that afternoon she was at the youth employment office asking about becoming a nurse after which she went home to hunter street and stayed there for a meal at around six o'clock she cycled to the youth club of the catholic church where she met her boyfriend william lind at ten o'clock she left there alone her boyfriend stayed behind for a sports meeting and at ten o'clock on a summer's evening celia norris mounted her bicycle and rode away into nothing to reach home she would have cycled along the main road to its junction with hunter street while perhaps taking a shortcut along the towpath of the canal later joining the main road whatever she did nobody reported seeing her and the bicycle was never found her clothes were except for her pants a youth named andrew parsons was arrested in a public convenience trying to stuff the clothes behind the system he said he'd found them there then panicked when he read the papers and was attempting to put them back there were pictures of her with her mother her dog and another taken at some fate the blazered character was probably david boot the youth club organizer and if you look close enough he was squeezing celia's left breast they've taken all sorts of statements her mother and father boyfriend couple of girlfriends david boot and cecil victor ramskar ramp scar i was supposed to be reading him up for yard bird in the morning yes ah glad you can make it davis very nice of you to drop in where were you yesterday at the pictures day off sir i've got some inquiries for you and this is bigger stuff than you've ever had to do before much bigger seems to me you've been falling behind in the general run of things i had that feeling myself sir i thought i was being sort of overlooked i don't know davis i really don't know i consider you for a big job but i don't honestly know whether i'm doing either of us a favor i can't get that police garden party out of my mind all those bloody raffle tickets blown all over the show and by the time you had collected them someone had nicked the raffle money it seemed to go from bad to worse didn't it sir however i'm always one for giving somebody a second chance i don't suppose you've had a moment to glance at the ramscar file have you well yes i have sir well he's a very nasty number that i've known him ever since i was a sergeant in this division got his finger in every criminal pie a real villain larseny grievous bodily harm vice protection every bloody thing mr ram scars put bullets through a few kneecaps i can tell you certainly got a big file so what you've done now nothing nothing in that splendid special branch to prove and they're the ones that want him they think he's come home to this area and they want somebody to track him down and you're that somebody you find him i see you find him that's right get around his old haunts chat up his old friends doesn't matter if he starts flapping his wings a bit i'm gonna detach you from usual duties just see that i get regular reports yes i see so and keep the expenses down if you have to go to the west then go by bus not too much boozing in those clubs remember you're not in the flying squad sir i wish you'd arrange for our investigations to be outside your drinking hours crime and tide wait for no man mod you don't mind me saying so i can't see how any clues to this conundrum are going to be hanging around down by the canal donkey's years after the event look i just want to be sure of the geography i mean she could have carried the bike down these steps gone along the towpath up to the road bridge good night he was wearing glasses so there were no lenses in them that's national health freeway i suppose they dragged the canal oh yeah they had frogmen and everything oh sorry mate what oh sorry don't worry we're just giving a bit of a shot with you it's all right you made this jump what are you doing here it's the allotment the only chance i ever getting here time i finished working out just getting in a few veg good job you know where everything is all in nice straight lines i've got my torch but dear the batteries keep going yeah you know what oh you must have a large family you want a cauliflower well done yeah mud look at that now i've seen the lot fella digging his allotment in the dark of father harvey fishing you caught anything father if i do i'll have you as a witness to a holy miracle i'm only seeking peace dangerous i was gonna nick you for poaching glory be but now i never thought of that father do you remember celia norris aye ceo norris the girl was apparently murdered a long time ago yeah 15 years well we've reopened the case no revisa card that was when i first came here a girl from the youth club and they never found anything well they're closed they found those except her uh her underpants uh knickers yes i recall that fact do you have to know where mother mrs norris is living now yeah yes let me see she's still in hunter street by the power station she comes to church sometimes yeah father dave boo do you remember dave boot the youth club man what's he like muscles all muscles he did all this training nonsense he really made me feel envious i had a few mosses myself in those days but i was obliged to hide them under my kassak you uh would never bottle brandy under your cassette well we better be going farther right job i wish you well with your moldy all murder well it's not an official investigation i'm just doing it myself in my spare time like a hobby yes you could say that like a hobby this one's been dead a long time cold ash is dangerous gold ashes you might find us better left like that we'll see this is norris that's right would you wonder if i could just have a word with you if you can about your daughter josie what's josie done no not josie celia see you who are you then i'm a policeman you you found ourselves no no no we haven't we'll have another look then what do you want josie you're josie norris right on who are you so are you coming from our gate i'm a policeman detective constable davis your mum just threw me out oh she would you're gonna nick the old man no no it's nothing to do with your father it's sealer nice you haven't found somebody no why'd you want me mum then well i've well we've reopened the case you're serious i mean you're not gonna mess her around and then just drop it again she's had enough of that already no i'm serious i don't think it was ever properly investigated all right i'll get to meet you there's a cat called the h nights you know by the new blocker i know yeah three o'clock there okay she shut the door on youtube because the old man's over she'll be there promise you won't screw around promise they'd like too much like copper she was a good girl mr davis she used to bring me flowers and not many kids do that they tried to make out she was some kind of prostitute just because they never found her drawers i don't cry mrs nor it's not in here i won't it's not so easy as you think to cry not after all this time well you see i think that after all this time people will say things they only thought 15 years ago people do change their tune they're all sympathy at the time then the whispers start about my girl one of them bloody sunday newspapers brought the whole thing up a couple a year ago since some bloke round to see me i chucked a bucket of soap suds over him hello dangerous oh hi celia went off once before didn't she mrs norris now was that with a man she didn't say just she'd been away for a change i never asked after that excuse me dangerous mm-hmm i i got 10 p for the seventh time they're 70. all right here we are 15 60. right bless you thank you you know they ought to do a traps pie for shepherds they all know you're a copper you're getting me a bad name oh this is not even finished mrs norris do you think you could bear to go through the event to that one day again i have read the statement but i would like to hear it from you she was home in the morning helping me in the afternoon she went down that employment place about doing nursing she'd come back for tea said she'd tell me about it later when she got back from that bleeding youth club i never did get back you didn't like the youth club then i don't know father harvey never watched it lucky ultra done and uh mr boot you didn't care for mr boot no i didn't like that one expect you've seen the pictures well the one of boot and celia and uh another girl ina brown well as was then she's in the lin now linda that's william lynn celia's boyfriend i'm not really a boyfriend just a friend like they are at that age and he married ina seedio's friend about three years after they got one of them councilmazer nets now you happen to know where mr boot is these days finchley or miller or somewhere like that runs one of them sex shops does he suit him it should did they give you her clothes back eventually please yes i got them back white blouse green mini skirt white socks and shoes like everybody knows her drawers are missing everybody you've still got the clothes mrs norris yes but they're written away i'm not showing them to you or nobody else i understand can i have another couple there's a place over there yes i could do one myself you'll go on expenses won't it no i'll fiddle it make a profit that youth who found the clothes in the toilet and took him home do you know him parsons oh little devil the police were rotten to him but he didn't do it mr davis plays in the salvation army burned now almost nods to me what did mr norris think about it all he was upset of course he was he just shows it different he's a friend of rams guys isn't he rhymes carl he went off years ago he's back back is he i thought there was something going on with your husband rams car i used to come around and mooch about when celia was there what had his hands on her bottom that sort of thing but he tried with any female between the age of eight and eighty i must go if you want me tell josie she works antoinette's that hairdresser's in the ice street yes i will um i'm sorry it's been so painful for you i hope i can do something one thing do you think ram scar could of course see this death gold knives he was checked out by the police so was jack the ripper i expect um what's in the sale everything love absolutely everything depends what your requirements are well i'm not sure what they are oh you lads to get your subs in the state don't you japanese ticklers slightly sharp soil where's dave boot he's taken this motorbike to the garage detective constable davis get him mate you'd have killed thing yourself stupidly now i know what god feels like nice place you got here yes well we uh we fell in need what do you want detective constable davis yes tarpon said i'm dave boone what was it do you mind if i sit down but it puffed out after all that apartment look i'm very busy yes me too never so busy i wanted you to tell me about celia norris cecilia hmm celia norris christ that was bloody years ago 15. why now the police went through it all at the time hours of it they cleared me look i only wanted to ask you if you remembered you see i mean nobody's going to arrest you well i should bloody well think not there you are inspector that's yours i didn't stir it not with my fingers anyway look i've seen your statement mr boot you saw celia at the youth club she went off on a bike and that was that you didn't even know she was missing until one of her friends told you some days later that's how it was exactly there i said it then and i'll say it again now you see statements are just sort of catalogues of fact mr boot you know i mean i did this at such and such a time and then i did that they don't tell you how people feel how did you feel about celia norris phil nothing nothing at all she was just a kid at the youth club you didn't fancy her then look i'm gonna get myself i don't know enough don't bother i'm going now oh there's just one more thing how would you describe her behavior celius sexually she was 17. do you think she was a virgin well i don't know about her virginity but she was full of it you know what i may know flirty now that is a lovely old-fashioned word mr boo you know i think i'm gonna have to write that down f-l-i-r-t-y that's lovely well she was we used to say they were teasers didn't we did we did we now you know that really takes you back that does take you back mr boot well not me personally flirty teaser celia norris yes celia norris why would you say that about her well because i had her eyes i could see what she was like couldn't i she had a boyfriend there oh bill lynn good old bill lind that's him poor bastard used to go crazy those girls were all the same and ina brown flirty ina brown her as well yarber wants to see you dangerous but now he said when you came in the battlefield in here where's the key he's got it oh where is he he's in the charge room with that villain look mr evans that alignment's been in our family for years but it's not yours anymore is it father and my grandfather at it and i took it over carrying on the tradition and that was sick for a few months couldn't keep it up the council comes along gives it this how do you think that entitles you to spend your nights nick in his produce he helped me he must think i got it right what's all this then for the moonlight lastly do you know him you told me it was the only time you had because of work i'm a new at that allotment property cupboard right you're going to be charged mr tilf yes ramaskar i've been through these thoroughly sir his file did he tell you anything well yes sir i've got a pretty good picture of him now all i have to do is find him that's all you had to do from the beginning i don't want you to write his life story well i've been making inquiries as well sir he's been in all sorts of bother hasn't he we know all that all kinds of villainy i told you that at the very start look hot favorite for a murder charge once you think i'm pretty close to it celia norris 1965 he got out of that one look davis we don't want your usual freaking things up i sent you to find a man not scratch about with bloody history no sir i told you find ramscar get out and find him and stop mucking about with things that aren't important it's important to me mr norris what if i am i'm detective constantly oh yeah i know you are oh well i wanted to have a chat with you what have we got to chat about all sorts of things graham scarfa one now look here if you don't stop harassing me my mrs and daughter i'm gonna complain where's ramscar how the hell should i now look i'm clean i have no nothing in two years you know why i'm checking that oh yeah because our celia is dead nobody knows we've done it so don't give me all this crap about digging the whole bloody thing up again because it's really crawly disgusting the way your coppers go about things sometimes did ramscar do it ram scar of course he didn't do it listen mate ramsguard didn't do it do you think i kept quiet after all she was my girl you know norris could you just go through the events of the day celia vanished oh bloody hell i saw her in the morning just before i went to work and i didn't see it again that's all i told the coppers everything at the time that you haven't done nothing about it have you well we're still trying that's why i want to see ramscar go back to where am i yeah this whole thing wouldn't be some copper's planned just to get accessibility using australia my next incisive interview was ina lind gladstone heights seventh floor she looked quite attractive in the snapshot when i wondered what 15 years might have done to her oh hello i'm detective constable davis do you think you could spare me a few minutes mrs lynde a detective how terrifically thrilling do come in we call this the green room would you like a cream demand oh yes thank you such an enigma don't you think yeah suppose he is i was let me take your coat oh thank you thank you did anybody see you come up no i don't think so oh good i mean i just so knows it would have been all over the flats move limey i've never i've never seen a green cat before three pricey to get her died mind you makes a talking point at dinner parties yeah well i suppose i'd better tell you why i'm here well i know i haven't been wicked we're not in a way the police will be interested in anyway do you remember celia norris oh they're not still raking through that are they good bit old hat isn't it murder's never old hat no well keeps coming up and i suppose it always will came up a couple of years ago didn't it in the sunday newspapers oh that well they offered me 200 quid he went mad of course my husband he's such a wooden bastard you know no i didn't know your husband bill william he likes to be called william say what i mean yes i see look when you were all in your teens he was celia's boyfriend wasn't it for what it was worth yeah she don't know what a lucky escape she said [Music] no no no i don't mean it like that was he always so wooden always even as a kid he was a real prissy pants look i've got a friend coming up in a couple of minutes claire yeah we go around the west end together you know see the shops take in a film and that well i won't keep you long i just wanted you to tell me what happened you know just as you remember it well she'd been at the uh the youth club and she was playing table tennis with bill william well i call him bill behind his back a few other things besides yes as she gets on her bike to go home it's about ten o'clock just getting dark and uh nobody ever saw her again and bill uh william he stopped behind for a football meeting didn't he football oh we never liked football now he stayed behind for some things probably netball's more like it you like netball no he'd like to see the girl's drawers oh yeah don't go thinking he did it no i mean i've no bloody time for him but he wouldn't do that no not the sexual assault the sexual sword well she went down for her money was she no not bill lind i mean you are talking about a man who even now won't get in a bath without a pair of swimming trunks on and what about this man boot dave boot oh claire look i'll phone you later at the police stop well look can we fix the time because i don't have to stay those you know if i don't have to it's so miserable well eight o'clock tonight fine yeah cheers here's cecilia norris well why not celia norris yes our lovely celia what does that mean well she was lovely nice little figure pretty little face suffered spots but still pretty tiny little bottom the boys used to love to pinch your bottom and the men some of the men yeah like who let's have another drink shall we i don't want to hold myself responsible yeah good idea now about dave boot dive boat you guest i'm a detective what did he do you may know did he do oh didn't they do he had a celia and me and the others most of them anyway i mean we used to fight about it and he uh he definitely had sex with celia then i was there mate i was there i could do with another drink yeah so could i oh it's nothing i thought you dropped off that's all oh no now i was just thinking about it you know about dave oh well i mean we was only kids you know we thought he was mr wonderful celia and me we used to giggle about it you know make out what we'd like him to do to us and that then one day he did it just like that just like that yeah well we've been helping out at this church fate you say and our father harvey had gone off to pray or something and dave suddenly puts his arms around both our waists and he gives celia a little pat on the bottom so i bent over you know laughing like i said something like uh yeah not one without the alpha dave so then he smacked me too and then all three of us ran across the grass and he chased celia into this club store room see and i thought to myself well she's not having anything that i'm not having and uh well you know that's how it was i'm glad you didn't do it in the vestry do you want me to go on it might be useful well i think i'm gonna need another drink well i'm beginning to feel the [Music] strain well don't you doze off this isn't a bedtime story you know no i'm listening i am listening well so there we were in the storeroom starkers not a stitch on and that's when it happened on the trampoline the trampoline did not kick up a dust i can imagine that was that the first time when after that it was sort of on and off you know not regular just sort of on earth when did it stop oh after she'd gone he never did it with me again i suppose he felt it was unfair you know not one without the other did you find that interesting most informative and there were others oh lots celia and me saw him having it off with roxanne pots one night on the trampoline no across the club vaulting horse he used all the equipment then i was a train gymnast with dave right you may take me home no i'm i'm listening i'm not true i'm promising but don't you lie i'm gonna smell i'm not good enough for you i guess they're they're super easy they really think i can't yeah eat please put them away [Music] says you right you senseless burke i have a bloody dog scrooge lady don't put our tears into his head no she was kidding she was only kidding calamities i was used to but being raped was something new and hardly the thing for a detective constable to have to admit all i wanted to do was get a bed and sleep it off but the note on the doormat took care of that the message was short and intriguing for important information about celia norris be by the canal bridge at midnight somebody was trying to help and i needed help [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] hey good to see you sitting up i must say you look a bit better than when i last viewed you well you've been in the same way before because i have first morning soon as i heard who did it it's ram scar his lot must have been you've been studying on some of these toes boy that's for certain is anybody feeding my dog i am and the foul thing keeps biting me oh your wife wishes you better she says you're coming to you and she's not too busy what made you propose marriage to a woman like that there's lack of conversation there was an awkward silence and i couldn't think of anything else to say how's he how's the celia thing going little mud when i feel more up to it i'll tell you exactly what i've found out so far it's a lot but it's nothing if you see what i mean i i may have seen something you've missed it in fact i think i've done it already what well i was looking through the account of the norris murder in the uh newspaper files you know in the kilburn times did you do that well yes i mean the press cuttings they were all in the dusty i read right through it and about the regular police patrol van that night yes there's a pc fennel and pc dudley and they covered the high street area and the towpath till midnight but their report was negative they saw nothing when you get out of here have another look through those newspaper files you may see something i think i saw all right well can't you tell me now come on come on tell have a look at yourself i hope you won't be wanting sick leave davis no sir i'm back working now when it's all over i'll take some leave then let everything heal properly we're all very pleased very pleased indeed god i'm glad well these things happen to you when you're a policeman and it's all good experience for you you know david it's a great experience and it shows you've stirred them up you've got rams got worried that's what the special brands are so chuffed about good but for christ's sake men why fall into their laps by taking any notice of a note they slip through your letterbox and then going it alone sometimes i don't think you'll ever make it davis sometimes i think that myself sir now listen if you want to jack this in you can i'll put another man onto it i was thinking of doing it anyway no no i'll be all right sir i've got a little score i want to pay back to mr ramscar all right and i'll take it from now on you are going to concentrate on this another yes like digging up old murders now get your priorities straight go and find ramsco yes sir oh hello love change your mind about the ticklist no only about dave the rape where is he oh you just missed him early closing you might find him in the car park behind right hey [Music] [Music] you come here often only when there's football at wembley the roads get too jammed where would you be going with you where do you live you will have to see where i get off don't you well how's the murder i fancy you getting involved in a nasty murder shut up the grisly thing murder especially getting involved so deep like you are i'll arrest you and i'll drag you out the next station i'm not kidding what's the charge being cheeky to a copper on the london underground all right what's it all about now where exactly are we getting off i'm not getting off with a copper following me home and upsetting my mum it's not as though you've got a warrant or anything and my solicitor ought to be present she means a lot to you your mum only enough she does you used to go home to your mum in the old days in the good old days hey booty did you go home to your mum after screwing rocks and pots on the vaulting horse how the hell are you rock sand pots there's a name to country were they jesus you've been busy digging them up haven't you roxanne pot she was 15 then so was eena so was poor dead celia norris remember the trampoline davey go up davey go down davey go up davey get in you bastard i'll change please elephant castle doesn't go any further but i do now we've come such a long way together booty i want you to listen for a while and then i want to hear your story as well and you better do it now booty because later it could be much nastier for you well we can't sit here this train goes out of circles all right we'll wait till they throw us out that's all you know it's warm comfortable quiet who's been talking to you aina yes aina ina brown that was eena lynn that is ina would love to see big muscle dave again you could take the trampoline along have a rare old time just like the old days you can't touch me for that davis that was bloody years ago so was the murder and i could touch you for that now you better tell me all you know booty no i told you i i didn't have anything to do with it not killing her straight all the more important you tell me what you did have to do with them because otherwise i might think you did do that nasty thing you got no idea what those teenage girls were like it wasn't a question of trying to pull them they just came in and seduced you all of which i told the police they were moving god knows where we're going now we haven't finished had you yes i think i've told you everything officer don't you bloody officer me booty you're like all those police bastards or yourself in there you're gonna do me over just because i made you look small no i wouldn't do a thing like that booty not when we're having such a useful chat huh but i'll tell you something for your own convenience if you don't think of a bit more of that story the bit you left out i'm gonna chuck you down to the other gangway next time then i'm gonna come and stamp on you because you took the mick out of me in front of all those people is that clear what else then the night booty the night of july 23rd 1965 that night we added sex that is celia pester me they all did a lot she kept on at me it was her turn she said and then that night i told her to come over to the store after she told everybody she was going home i saw her there why did you kill him i didn't kill her yeah i said i could do it now do you want me to throw you back again oh i had a knickers i got rid of him after but i didn't kill her davis straight i didn't she was all right when she left me she went off on her bike leaving you with the prize pants she ran off without them we had a little dispute about what booty oh for christ's sake it was 15 years ago what about i wanted her to do something to me you know what i mean she wouldn't suddenly turned all catholics it was a sin so i started to kill her about it and she got as wild as el she she slapped my face i got hold of her wrist to stop her but i was only playing around really but she took it all seriously then she kicked me hard very nastily too and then she rushed out and that's the last i saw of her leaving you with her bloomers something to remember her by that's all now you can make what you like out of it all those years ago and you can still remember how hard she kicked you all because of some little thing you wanted her to do you bloody hypocrite you're only doing this to me because you never had one in your bloody life [Applause] look at that it's pouring we'd be nice and dry in here anyway what are you doing still in here this train's in the washing shed come here and keep quiet yeah that's them look that one's got blood all down him they've been having a fight well now we've got a little disagreement that's all you know we have a few drinks um but it's all right because we're we're good mates again now and we boot here and we'll go offline quietly so thank you very much gentlemen that way then and you've got to go right through to the end and don't you be sick somebody's got to clean this frame yeah tell me i'll make a wish these gentlemen are fun good night still i'll pounce usually i'll bounce always together it's a great life i must say sitting here in comfort and drawing the dole while the likes of me traps the streets in the rain i'm studying the world is enriched by study not by trump in the streets you could be right what can i do for you dave boot had a knickers the boot has told me everything well nearly everything by the time i'd done with him i had him banging on his mum's door crying to be let in not a pretty sight but one thing he won't tell me is what he did with her pants says he can't remember well where are we then where are we dangerous remember what i told you in hospital about the murder account in the newspaper files mud i have been through the cuttings again minutely i didn't see a single thing you were smashed again you read the wrong murder i told you the files were in other cuttings you'll never make a detective all right i'll take a look good not tonight why not we have to celebrate those knickers your first major success as long as you don't get in your usual deplorable state josie what are you doing here i saw your car can we talk yeah why not what is it trouble well rams car's been threatening my mom ramskar where is he nobody knows he just sends messages the old man's petrified he's scared to go out they know he talked to you listen tell your mum and dad not to move right you know we should get a copy to watch the house no that'd be worse they won't move don't worry i have to take food into them but what about you oh me rams car don't worry me dangerous i'll just tell him to get knotted him or any of his mates all right you just lie low right and just slightest whip of trouble you'll give me a ring or anybody else at the neck all right dangerous but they're not after me don't worry but i'll let you be a big brother if that's what you want listen you want a ride home oh better not maybe you'll take me out in one of your boozy evenings my god anybody would think i was an alcoholic you'd be about right buddy [Music] oh do you see a horse indeed i do that looks like the rag on bone man's animals it should be tethered it constitutes a danger to traffic why not tether it to mrs phil james's door knockout what a lovely idea hey mom there's nothing to tie it on with wait wait hold fast a minute why why don't we just push him inside there what a bloody fine fault i'll give her some real cavalry come on uh if necessary i know where we could get a genuine alibi where mr krust cuban time she lives above the office and you wanted to have a look at the files anyway so this really is a police inquirer then mr davis i just want to have a look at your newspaper files for 1965. now it's very important otherwise we wouldn't have bothered you at this hour of course of course well if you just show us where they are we'll have a quick people we'll be off all there oh i don't want to pry mr davis not in police business but you know naturally we of the press like to know what's going on under our very noses as it were so perhaps if you feel free to do so you'd drop a little hint of it in my ear yes of course i will you go back to bed before you get cold we'll close the door when we leave all right very well thank you ready oh come on that's the cutting we've got in the files it's another cutting is the page look at this little morsel policeman's farewell in honor of his retirement sergeant david morris was given a farewell function at the local sturgeon rooms last week well you know it's a farewell drink for a retiring copper it often happens yeah but murders don't nothing the same night look it's the same night dangerous so what well read the names boy read their names those attending the celebration were detective constables harry robinson john cleaver david johnson pc james dudley and pc frederick fennell wait a minute pc dudley and pc fennell was supposed to be in the patrol car on the high street when she vanished really weren't willie but i've seen the duty slips and the reports they signed they're all in the file and they were drinking with the boys so dudley and fennel lied for a start and nobody noticed a lie or nobody cared to notice oh did you put that horse in my house did you two do it there's horses pop everywhere every bloody ware of the passage of the stairs in the front room you better get the jumping sheet ready i think she's gonna topple out any minute mrs edwin of fennell lived in the caravan anchored in the middle of a field mrs fennell yes i'm mrs fennel i'm detective constable davis i'm at your husband's old station well he's not here not anymore no i see where i'd like to have a word with you if i could mrs found you look can i come in for a minute wipe your feet then it's very muddy around here sometimes yes i uh expect it does what's all this picnic foxes they come round after dark and sit and wait they're so handsome well didn't seem dignified just to chuck them bits of food so i do it properly with sandwiches they each have their own plate or you should see them eating it's a lovely sight on a full moon yeah i can imagine what do you want with fred fennel then well it's just some police memories really i'm checking on something that happened a long time ago and i just thought i could pick his brains there's not a lot to pick he's in the looney house mr davis the mental hospital said austin's near bedford oh i'm sorry about that he's not he loves it every minute he thinks he's peter the great place you did last time i went to see him when was that 12 months ago well not since i couldn't stand it all the horrors in here i couldn't stand hearing him give orders to the old bleeding russian court i couldn't face it i'll stop going well i'd better be off then look i shall probably go and see him what should i say if he asked when you're going again tell him tell him i'll come after the revolution that'll do i detected you coming in oh yes well i've just i've come to see the superintendent dr london do you have to know where i could find keep him up and walk i must say you have been a great help i said um an intruder he wants you eyes all right marie i'll take over now thank you very much can i put my arms down now she's heartless that looked like a real gun oh it was we've uh tried giving her a toy but she wouldn't accept it we've taken a few parts out of it of course thank god for that it's her status symbol if you want hey yes i see uh i'm detective constable davis oh yes you're here to see uh mr fennell yes i called on his wife it's a pity she doesn't come to see him he misses her terribly oh well perhaps i could not see her again he's not too bad now uh without uh prying into police business could i know something of what this is about well actually this is a murder inquiry you see mr fennell was a police constable in the area at the time he had some part in the inquiries and uh you want to see if he remembers yeah but uh if he doesn't i'd be glad if you don't press him oh no of course no thank you no i mean i don't want to mess anything up right well he's waiting in a small consulting room so that you can talk thank you come in mr davis is here oh thank you for coming my dear friend keep it coming down sit down sorry it's so good to have a visitor my wife stopped coming you see tarantella never came tarantella no no she doesn't matter no no no no come on because sometimes it helps to talk things out mr fennel yes yes yes oh my poor fred i felt he was ill but i didn't get a fix on a mental hospital you knew each other pretty well once well so he told me oh come on dangerous you and i are in the same basic business you know he was my lover before you got here oh donkeys years ago well he's not too bad physically he's always one of those big feral policemen you know i see him standing in this room now wearing nothing but his old nail boots it's a fine sight yeah i bet i liked him you know dangerous but i couldn't see a future for us together well if you couldn't who could listen do you remember a case years ago celia norris she vanished that girl yes i remember i still got a bicycle a bicycle planning my junk shed somewhere how did it come to be there well fred brought it in it was the same night as that norris girl disappeared i remember it very well because fred was up here he used to pop in for a for now you know when he was on duty because he used to patrol in that van with another policeman and they'd arranged it so that one of them could hop off for a while getting turns you know because he he'd had a drink that night been out in one of those police booze-ups you know again on the clock because he should have been on duty he was a devil in those days mind you he only came up for a while that night and then afterwards he bought the bike in it's been there ever since why did he bring it back here well of course he just found it lying underneath the wall at the cemetery the cemetery hmm he thought someone had just lost it or thrown it away when they'd stolen it you know it was his idea to bring it here because he thought he'd even discovered with me you know he thought it would look better if i said i'd founded it and reported it to him i thought it looked better it was like a sort of safeguard for him being here you know didn't he realize whose bike it was no of course not i mean by that time when you and cry was on he thought he didn't realize he belonged to the novice girl that time he was too scared to take it back tarantella can i see it the bike is years of rubbish all my old clairvoyant props trump smoke machine pat that in years ago gave me the creep oh here it is i can see it at the back here can you come across there dangerous [Music] tires are flat [Music] they were there when they brought it just some good anthems and a few irises there was a card as well but i threw it away i think she pinched him from the cemetery her mother said she brought her for a house well there's a bloke waiting for you dangerous blow what sort of blow lind william well welcome mr lind now what can i do for you well mr i understand from my wife that you're looking into this stevia norris business well what was it mr linde only this well they're hers celias how did you come by these well i found them well straight up mr davis the day after she vanished well in the saddlebag of my bike i just opened it up and there they were how did you know they were hurt you can't catch me like that well i used to see her down the youth club like you know playing table tennis and netball and that all the boys used to have a look get a flash of the girls pants you know like lads do yes yes they do but you were her boyfriend mr linde well well sort of well that's not how i knew they were hers well it wasn't like that well i thought of her in well a pure sort of way except when she was playing table tennis or netball then you'd have a decker so david have you accused me i came because i wanted to help it's been a long walk it's taken you 15 years why didn't you take this article to the police at the time you must have known they were looking for her clothes well i didn't know not straight away because it was some time before they start to get really worried about her well i thought if i showed them these they'd jump to the conclusion that i did it so i didn't tell them where have you kept them when my mum's loft well i spent a lot of time my mums oh my wife's getting on my nerves you see how do you suppose this garment got into your saddle back then well somebody put it there was a joke or something well at first i thought she'd done it i was sort of teasing things she'd do she was a bit of a teaser wasn't she well i didn't think like that and i still don't oh it's very gallant i'm sure well now was there anything else mr lind oh oh yes there was sort of well what sort of well well it may be nothing mr davis but well my mum reckons about eight or nine years ago she was sitting in a bus shelter and she had an old man talking to a woman on the other side well he was saying that he saw cydia the night she disappeared well she was walking down the towpath with a man in a a dart suit and no hat oh and this bloke had his arm around her well he said he told the police although a police officer came to see him he never heard him more about it this old man does your mother know who he was oh mr hartness is he still around no no he's more than 90 then he used to drink maybe that's why the police took no notice of him does he have any family around here still ah they moved or he was very ill to bristle i think well my mom didn't know them very well she just hurt yeah just my luck do you know we're gonna have to get all this down in a statement did you know there are still courts in this country that can impose the punishment of the stocks and a journey in a cart of dung have you ever come across anything so amazing frequently how about those good god earth where our friend bill lind he said they were putting this saddle back and i think he's telling the truth and you can bet your sweet life they were put there by dave boot quite a collection we're getting you've got a bike under pants all we need now is the body and the murderer listen i've been thinking about those flowers don't worry i think she's buried in a cemetery right somebody digs down under an already prepared grave buries her then another body is buried on top i've been thinking about that myself but changed my mind what because she was seen walking along the tow path that night with a man in a dark suit see that night mod i've got a witness she's a witness well he wasn't witness he must be dead by now i mean nine years ago he was over 90 but he made a statement at the time and it was never recorded i've checked through the phones that looked right through and he's not even mentioned not in a dark suit and no hat so it needn't rule out pc fennel and pc dudley for example i mean from a distance the the uniform would look like a dark suit and he could have been carrying that or even left it in the van what's your knickers hmm oh i'll be quiet i'll feed you in a minute [Music] so [Music] [Applause] oh oh yeah well thanks mate god we gotta do something about your breath will it be my usual room hello mr norris what are you in for the same as you you stupid berg i told you to lay off ram scar as well eh i told you what would happen i hope they've duffed you up good ramscar's gonna nail you before you get in and i'm gonna stay in here as long as i can i suppose a powerful police dragnet is at this moment in time closing in on the perpetrators of this latest outrage oh yeah they sent a sergeant down to get all the thrilling particulars my god by this time they'll have enough men in the hunt to throw a cordon around the phone box i expect this getting so accustomed to you being bashed about that and novelties worn off that's a mod i want you to do something for me would you see what you can find out about the harkness family yeah they moved to bristol some time ago right yeah you know social security voters lists say you're a copper i'd rather not if you don't mind look where it's got you boy hello oh josie you've got a job lot to visit now aren't you oh he's your old man i'm in a mess worse than you and that's saying something oh i'm sorry how's your mom she's got the wind up it was you found the old man on the doorstep shoved her off to her sister's in looting he's got to stop sometime or someone's going to get killed and it looks like your favorite is it just rams car or do you think it's got something to do with the celia thing i don't know it could be both i mean maybe they're one of the same thing i don't know the more i find out the less i seem to know jersey do you think your dad knows where ram's car's hiding well if he does there's no bloody way he's going to tell anyone now not to stay easy dangerous have you found anything out about celia what happened to her i've got her bike josie and i've got our pants you've got what her bike and her pants christmas i've even got the remains of the flower she was taking home to your mum she always nicked him from the cemetery you know oh no i'll have to go i've got to think about all this you sure i mean you're not having me on i'm very sure i'll see you jesse see ya you're brighter than i reckon thanks i surprised myself sometimes it was easier to tell her i was sure but the only thing i was really sure of was that i'd turned up a lot of stones and found a lot of wiggly things underneath but none of them seemed to connect fifteen years ago i followed every turn of the petals from the youth club to the cemetery [Music] i thought of her climbing the wall to steal flowers from a grave [Music] and then what did the mooching police car appear at its wheel a pc dudley who'd been drinking at the farewell party did he get out of the car and stand waiting under the wall while she climbed back over did he see this 17 year old girl was wearing nothing under her mini skirt what did he do that policeman did he take her into the police van not seeing her bicycle in the grass did he could joel or threaten her onto that toe path where mr harkness saw them is that where it happened is that where he raped celia norris and murdered her and disposed of her body but not her clothes it's funny that not her clothes and why did he hide them in a public lavatory to be found by andrew parsons yes andrew parsons and now he plays in the salvation army band that's what mrs norris said by the time i found his lodgings i knew exactly what i wanted to ask him mr andrew yes i want to have a chat with you i'll come especially to see you can i come in about christianity is it no about celia norris who are you detective constable davis oh god won't you ever let me be i'm sorry mr parsons we all do things we get embarrassed about sometime in our lives me not accepted oh what have you done never mind that statement you made at the time i read it of course but uh i'd like to hear the story again from your own lips all right i found our clothes in an all-night toilet i kept them till i realized they were celia norrises i took them back to the toilet and i was seen by the attendant that's all the police came here and found some knickers 234 pairs i read i don't do that anymore mr davis the knickers thing it's all gone and i'm cured i was younger then and i was lonely now what the salvation army and everything now look mr parsons if you had murdered that girl i didn't i swear i said if you had and disposed of the body would you have left the clothes in an all-night toilet for anybody to find them any minute it doesn't make sense does it i didn't do it and you didn't find them there either did you oh god i knew it would all come out one day i'm trying to live it down the army all right no more bloody lighter you'll finish this down the station now where did you really find those clothes by the canal they were just lying there i nicked them but when i heard about the girl i panicked i was already on probation they tried to get me to that girl mr davis and i didn't do it now exactly where mr parsons to the inch yes yes exactly just at the bottom of the alley by the canal where the old wartime blockhouse used to be i saw them and i was tempted by satan and i picked them up god how many times i regretted that weakness right now by the alleyway right that's near the gardens near the allotments now what time was it what was the date the day she vanished at night about 10 30. right i don't push off to any band festivals when i think i want to know where i can find you is that a woman that's all yeah play one for me good night and god bless you mr davis i'll pray for you in your trouble it's not my allotment anymore mr davis like i told him in court the council took it off me after all them years this is mine i grew it myself look mr tilth this visit has got nothing to do with any of your previous dailies with the police i just want your help can i come in please yeah all right then yeah i'm just taking a few cut-ins messy business so uh what is it mr davis your allotment that was down by the canal now how far did your ownership go back oh back to the 1940s it was my old man's before that i told him in court it's been our edited allotment do you remember the wartime block house they built down the bottom blimey do i we had our nursery beds there then they come along and build that bloody thing yeah well when was it knocked down few years after the war 47 48 i should think not later no no definitely not my old man died in 49 it had gone then i remember putting a shed on the concrete foundations busy oh that partly allotment was never any good for growing things that could have dug the concrete floor up i suppose but underneath there was another room you see a room underneath a room more like a home guard command poster like an airaid shelter with a metal lid a trapdoor with like a manual cover and when they knocked the block house down did they leave the other thing under the ground oh yeah so it's still there still there why come on we're going down there now come on this house come on there's no time like the present yeah like i said it's only but where's the trapdoor inside the burger's got this place nice building on top of it bloody awful thing these wooden ones all fall to bits in the end just like i thought what a mess oh look at this fatch here mr davis you've ever seen such a disgrace he's covered a concrete and wooden board good for him listen where's the trapdoor where is it should be as far as i can remember it look at this jungle there it is listen we're gonna need a shovel and a pick do you think you can find them what do you mean breaking the tool shed lock don't do it then right oh then this boot's a mess there's not an idea not a single idea i better not lead you with this mr davis i know the proper way i'm not with your face and that hey there should be a sort of metal metal ring at one end ah now if i put the toe of the pick in there we'll see little shifters it's good and solid that's been fixed for too long both have a go right right right now nice teddy now next time she'll come wait a minute all right another good one that's bleeding donny come on you let's try this one again [Music] now what now what indeed never george [Music] it's unbelievable what did you do just left her pull the cover back left or there well you you won't do anything nor report it no i'm not going to risk it mod i've got her but i haven't got him yet it looks more and more like police constable dudley and he's dead you'd think an underground room would have been searched when they were looking for the girl look for a start nobody took her disappearance seriously for about a month and we'll never know how thorough the search was supposing police constable dudley got the area allocated to himself it wouldn't be that difficult and what about the policeman that went to see harkness that could have been dudley as well there was nothing in the record nothing look you've had no luck at all tracing hardness no i'm still trying what are you gonna do next well the first thing i'm gonna do is bring josie up to date you won't tell her about the body no i'm not gonna tell her about that there wasn't really much else i could tell her she already knew about the bike and the pants but somehow i had the feeling she wasn't really as perky as she seemed as though there was something she hadn't told me i was right dangerous i've got something to tell you what is it my dad does know where ram's car is where is he i said he knows i don't i wasn't going to tell you you've had enough goings over as it is what has he told you well my old man had a heart attack yesterday in hospital what oh well it wasn't much as our tax go he was in a terrible state got all confessionals started doing the my dearest daughter act and after all these bloody years and well according to the old man rams cast up to something very big and very soon what sort of thing well i don't know nor does he he seems to think he's got a good idea where ram's car's eyes are now would you try and find out for me i'll think about it i'm not making any promises do you want to come into the house it's empty do you mean to say you're staying there by yourself oh no i'm with the fieldings next door i've still got our key yeah well you better get some sleep when this is all over when it's finished with then i'm gonna take some leave and you'll take me too i'll think about it when i was a boy i was sent up the stoke on trent once i've often thought i'd like to go back oh it sounds dreamy still got a week of me holidays to come hmm oh stoke on trent you better go in thank you the hospital phone my dad doesn't have another heart attack well i've gotta go oh yeah come on he snuffed it jose i am sorry i was celia come on let's get a taxi dangerous yeah rams cars in uxbridge something's big happening tonight a place called brackham farm it was easy enough to find i got the address from the local fire brigade i couldn't wait to meet mr ramscar nobody puts the dustbin on me and gets away with it oh these sawn off shotguns make a terrible noise so if you don't want to go deaf pass me a shooter over your shoulder and very carefully where is everybody in in a barn i'm gonna walk towards it look if there's any shooting mate i don't want any part of it i never reckon this bleeding thing in the first place they all lost in there ramscar yeah how many seven well i've got this place surrounded by hundreds right walk they've got the other bloke in there the one they snatched so it's a snatch job who is it i don't know some yank big nom stop i'm gonna make things very difficult for you sunshine kneel down hands behind your back no noise i'll shoot you have you got it you [Applause] [Music] outside oh just right how did you know some girl founded a tip-off oh good old jose so everything's okay great except a blokey just crowned with a shovel happens to be a bloody american ambassador oh why don't you try the morgue that old man harkness he's still alive he's what he's hundred and one boy he's had a telegram from the queen his social services found him in bristol that's fantastic listen let's get down there now get a bit of a push in this call father harvey ask him we can borrow the church van mod marge you sure you've got a driving license of course i drove an ambulance during the war no wonder we have so many casualties mr harkness was quite excited when i told him you've telephoned my father loves to talk over old times when i told him he was a policeman he was more taken than ever this is quite a big day for him oh hello hello i'm i'm charlie heartless i'm 101. i'm very glad to meet you sir yeah well sit down sit down yeah i i've shrunk a bit yeah i won't have to dig much earth out for me will they you know i like my morning milk with a little drop in it yeah i'm supposed to be deaf i'm not really deaf i only pretend that i'm deaf yeah otherwise she keeps blabbing on all day you were fought in zulu land and mr arcness uh zeroland yes i was in that war not it did much good they're all in bristol now you know you can be sent to prison for saying things like that these days and mr davis is a policeman yeah you're from the force aren't you yes i forgot that yes no what are you after young man well it's about something that happened a long time ago back in london do you remember a girl called celia norris oh i know of you girls in the time yes well she disappeared in fact it seems she was murdered oh that yes i remember that yes yesterday i fell in the canal what can you remember about it would you tell us everything you can remember yes yes yes i used to drink a little drop in those days i was a youngster then in the 80s i suppose anyway that night i fell in the canal i got bronchitis humonia i thought i was going to get my cards mr harpness what exactly did you see that night did you see a girl and that night i was drunk as a monkey yeah i was walking home along the canal bank shortcut you see i was leading over the bridge looking into the water see if i could see myself okay is he all right i don't want to distress him you listening yeah i'm just getting an interesting part no i'm still listening yeah well you listen that otherwise when you come again i may not be here maybe dead and go don't you want me to get a sausage please go on oh where was i in the water yeah i was in the bloody water yeah i just fell in that's over me i'm a bit oh it stinks still like canality yeah it was while i was in the water hanging onto the bank and i actually saw them because they couldn't see me who the policemen and the girl being on the bank i thought sorry i'm in luck oh it's seeing the copper i mean you'll never see a couple when you want what do you anyway i saw he was kissing her and he was pulling her away towards the allotment where the old home guard blockhouse used to be yes that's it that's just it oh i forgot that yeah i think they pulled it down by that now are you sure you saw all that but of course i'm bloody sure i wouldn't be telling you otherwise would i i mean i told don't see her what i'd seen that's true a policeman did come to see him and take a statement yes you're sure in your own mind that the girl was on the towpath with a policeman oh it was a cover all right i've been in court so many times for being drunk and incapable i know a copper when i saw one i even saw who it was well you want me to say who it was well yes please that would be very helpful are you sure you are a copper yes of course yes look here's my metabolism police warrant card oh that's what they give coppers now is it oh that's a good idea you can get the pictures free without expecting she got one too no i i'm not a policeman oh well i'm telling you this i knew him all around that copper because he rubbed me in many times what are you gonna do now i don't know what can i do i mean who's gonna believe that old man right he'd make a grand witness yeah if he lives that long if he can hear if they've got an oxygen machine handy christmas he's 101 and the betting must be about the same odds you know a couple of nifty adjournments by the defense sharp draft through the courtroom door and our witness is no witness that he's dead stay put i'll find somebody to help me get you out mrs full james please i charge you that on the night of july 23 1965 on canal towpath london nw10 you did willfully murder god doesn't even convince me mr patel's coming down soon as he's out of the cars a couple of letters for you man what's that my knighthood special brunch superintendent carter you're getting a presentation presentation what form alien ramscar got to be at the station 10 o'clock tomorrow morning we'll open the other one it's probably cancelling this frederick fennell come and see me again for interesting news he's drawn a picture of a girl's bicycle yeah yeah all right come on off we go where to bedford all right here i am i'm very very grateful to you mr davis my wife's been to see me she came because you went back and asked her i feel i'm a person again i must say you look a great deal better i had to tell tell until it was all over between us of course i hope to be out of here before long and then my good wife and i can start again somewhere thanks to you what was it you wanted to tell us you don't want to get all my personal gossip i've got something for you what is it a statement from pc dudley it's always a careful bloke dudley he wanted to make sure he covered himself when they started treating the novice girl businesses murder he wrote down all he knew about it and sent it to himself by registered post if it remained unopened that was proof that it was written at the time of the postmark uh you see the date august the 6th 1965 got me yeah very clever but we can't know what's in it unless we open it and that destroys it as evidence right but he made a copy i've got that too from a solicitor in melbourne he'd left instructions for them to be forwarded to me in the event of his death it was about that time that i went off my head you'll never believe it i actually thought that i was peter the great here's the copy it's about that night we'd been to a party for davey morris who was leaving the force we'd had quite a few drinks even though he was supposed to be on duty in our van i sneaked in to see tarantella and then went to the cemetery because that's where we me and dudley used to meet up on that night the van wasn't there but there was this bike lined in the grass i took it back to talenteller like she told you well what did happen to dudley that night i put it in a statement you've got to read it yourself read it go on read it well it was all there they'd gone to the police party fennel had left to see his fortune teller arranging to meet dudley at the cemetery as usual but on this night i felt so bad after drinking the rum that i didn't think i could drive to the rendezvous it was then that sergeant yard bird offered to take over the duty for me he had been drinking with the rest but he seemed all right i let him take over and went to a friend and had some coffee and a lie down after about an hour i felt better and walked to the cemetery gates intending to meet sgt yardbird with the van it was not there i walked along the high street until i finally spotted it near the top of the canal alleyway there was nobody in it i could see someone moving at the bottom of the alleyway in the verge by the allotments i called and eventually that someone came up the alley [Music] it was sergeant yardbird he looked very strange white-faced and sweating and there was blood on his cheek as though he had been scratched it is not until now a month later that i have begun to think that the state sergeant yard bird was in that night might have a bearing on the norris case this statement is true signed james dudley police constable s division you've done it boy you sold it yard bird ah that's who acne said he wants to you might just as well have said it was the archbishop of canterbury well your duties clear you've got to walk into his office and formally charge you with murder are you kidding you'd have me put in the bloody cells before i'd finished why sorry i had some homework to finish would you do me a favor after the ceremony's over when i give you the wing would you take your boss into the cid room and just wait for me this is in the way of being a very private function the implications of the matter concluded bracken farm are still going on mr ramskar and others still have to go on trial but i feel and others do but in a personal way we should make some presentation to detective constable davis official recognition of his performance may follow that's uh that's not for me to say this is our show as you see he's been severely injured in this affair although i'm glad to hear that he will soon be able to walk again i hope this small presentation from his colleagues will make up for part of it i shall ask his own station inspector chief inspector yard bird who has known himself the difficulties of be working as a police officer in this district to make the presentation well i would just like to say i don't know what to say really except thank you thank you very much thank you sir [Music] [Music] sir do you think i might have a word with you in private it's about celia norris [Music] um [Music] you
Channel: Dag Ipad
Views: 126,440
Rating: 4.843349 out of 5
Id: RIhr5lfvgss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 20sec (6320 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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