7.THE BRIEF Forever on the Mind

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[Applause] [Music] I'm happy the reaction to morphine [Music] all right what do we have [Music] we started rhesus me well done honest alright mr. Gildea mr. Gildea you were all right now okay are you okay it's always well done Alice isn't it I don't think so is it what's your problem Kelly I think she's a very good nurse yeah so are you and you both just saved a life any chance uh some of that coffee before I crash thank you thank you [Music] we all thought my father was on the mend such a shark yeah I will be mr. Kildee we nearly lost him last week I couldn't really get any sense out of the doctors it's okay the operation was successful but he then developed an infection that now seems pretty upset yeah she could quite close to him you know he had a lot of morphine I was in pain though it's Navajo in the fall 30 than a not replace swim FG Munoz [Music] tracks [Music] prosecution is going to say you chose rich patients and your motive was greed because of mr. Gildea the week before to saved his life the papers are saying there were others from two years ago when he first came on that ward I've been through all he was with the police but one of them dad wasn't even on duty that day we don't like give him morphine because it's dangerous you'd read something like this happening in those three weeks did he ever tell you he'd changed his will yeah but I thought he was joking when the police told me he'd really left me some money I felt to see I knew the way the man's will go on he was a silly old thing he must've just wants to thank me Oh oh don't worry love you might don't even have to face a trial offend me I guess his way no promises yeah but we're working on something I'll do my best for you you win my first case it was a shoo-in but what the hell there's not a schooi and i read the brief remember nothing now just make your day even lovely yeah how would you like to be the junior on a murder you are joking aren't you no I'm not but it does mean dropping everything starting now well I was gonna rest on my laurels for a couple of days but how I am gonna cook you the best dinner you've ever had yeah Just My Luck I've got meat my old man tonight he's trying to make up for lost time so I should probably roll in drunk get reading what in your first case dinner did I promise that absolutely keep trying the tango in two films one in 1992 one in 1994 lame the films and the stars congratulations spending my feast beforehand but the girls got a picture the girl done good ascent of a woman without patina it's a two-part question come on the name of the other film and the star who danced the tango oh I might never drop to you Delaney very smart boy and he brings us lots of work so you be nice to him mr. farmer sir I've got something for you and I wanted to give it to you personally because you didn't want anyone to see alpha betting exchange bragging spread betting Chinese gentlemen I would say and Leinster internet betting thank you and can you not get to ring your mobile in future does to tie us up when we're trying to make you money you put your quiz tonight good luck oh I should never let him talk me into forgive it you know LeBaron this this French trollop was just announced she's been his mistress for six years and not in the papers here not yet Oh what are you gonna do oh I don't know sort of the children of divorce always fighting each other about that one minute think I'm only should I look for another silk Brad it's right oh no I'm not going to back out and leave here without a lead oh yeah [Music] think about it I don't work for creeps ah don't see much coming your way then well have you had any treatment for your gambling problem not a problem dad it's a solution hasn't worked has it avoid therapy thanks for the advice willpower come on lady Gillespie wants you in bed by 12 hello yeah we haven't been properly introduced I'm the one we don't talk about I do I'll Drive don't be silly you've got to stop this I'm considered to be a moderate drinker you'll kill yourself [Music] he won't be going to the Lord's they don't want him but don't say I told you people you have what we know about judges of a revolution [Music] [Music] [Laughter] Ilse Michael Rea got a reservation accused nurse was obsessed with money angel had free holiday from my boyfriend you're just taking things and twisted them I short an undistinguished Korea this is the worst reporting I've seen and I don't think you can have a fair trial and I've checked the facts it amounts to hate can be what can you do as a first tactic we go for what's known as a stay of proceedings we say the court will struggle to find a jury of 12 people who haven't been influenced by this rubbish if we win the papers get taken to court we get a longer German which buys us more time then I still have to face them one day if you can never get a fair trial you may never go in the dock then a card properly say my name can I obviously if you go to trial I think you'll be acquitted but with a jury you can never be sure I want to give you every opportunity to walk away from here and failing that than the very best defense and it's all free okay so eat your greens don't lose heart yes mate well I tell you what have a word with both of them and I'll see you down there later yeah all right night but the briefs badly prepared meal and you're never available when I won't be oh come on I've delivered Steve the duty doctor for you trump card he's our only card isn't he ring I screwed the prosecution for Steve they thought he was their witness I've temporary so much that the jury are going to love a litter I don't want it to go in the box I like her but for better or worse they're out to get her she only has to be tripped up once and we're up against Jaws jaws you'll see Henry don't worry know what with your common sense of my genius never going to go before a jury hello [Music] [Music] [Music] God probably authored this happen I'm so pleased to see ya I'm sorry speech sometime don't you hear that's all that matters and I'll be all right now I didn't do this will you stay I'm being cause I want to get down this time I'll feel like y'all enhance prosecution case doesn't ring true she's not calculating her statements are fairly consistent she was in a difficult situation dealing with extreme pain the duty doctor signed off on the morphine and it's a busy NHS hospital shorter time and money too many people to treat but there is a little matter of the deceased giving her 15-grand yes it's fairly inconvenient so let's attack that I really feel in my gut she wasn't after the money either advice is even if you think she's innocent imagine she's no concentrates the mind don't let the big brown eyes get to your kid any chance getting hold of the victims will don't think there's any doubt he left direct but why Hey the time oh my god it started when you got homes to go to [Music] in the traditional closed hold of ballroom dancing the lady is always to the gentleman's right what is the origin of this gentleman used to wear swords when dancing who were the british standard ballroom champions in the year 1998 Donna Reeve and Alan jingler sure absolutely I know them you're right in the film sense of a woman what did the two actors dance to the tango is correct we'll be right back after the break [Music] welcome back Maureen Tyler you've already won 125,000 pounds and you're answering questions on ballroom dancing the waltz was originally called the vaulter or turn what was a vaulter originally an Italian folk dance you've won 200 incorrectly you win nothing you know that don't you Thank You barristers you look after you'll have to find someone else you'll be richer than then I'm not going to give up work I love it I'm going to go for it for our star prize of $500,000 the shimmy was one of the dances that evolved into the modern Quick Step it was first mentioned in 1909 in a song by Perry Bradford named that song you sure the bullfrog jump the bullfrog jump [Applause] [Music] let's get back to mrs. Scanlon if she's at home hi ray you do know account sir oh that reminds me Fingal Stephenson what about Fingal Stevenson well Jerri Fingal's ran off with two million of his clients mortgage money they're out of the game don't know you a check or two yeah well they stopped returning my calls now we know why hi your eyes [Music] congratulations drunk what are you doing here oh just trying to understand one or two things did you lose money from Fingal Stevenson loads oh I can't blame bad luck for everything hey forget me you were fantastic you should be dancing in the streets you know when I was answering the questions I've got sin smile I'll be there bless him go on girl my mind was so clear I can pay off the mortgage can do better than that you go on a world cruise [Laughter] wrong gildo is the only one of the indictment but the prosecution are going to say you have the wrong amount of morphine on a number of occasions we gave morphine all the time patients are dying all the time I must have saved 20 labs against the three they lost fine you made mistakes that's all we have to say I'm the good news sometimes when your backs against the wall Alice admitting to some human failings isn't such a bad idea would you do the same again I think so how did George pain it isn't easy he had some money problems now no the papers made a meal of this last you spent a lot more than you earn isn't that what most people do just trying to show you how their minds are working the police decides that was guilty they came into my life and turned it inside out trying to find stuff I thought you were on my side I really she seemed quite sweet when we first matter there's a lot of anger there from somewhere but that's not unusual I'm glad you're not letting her go in the box G recent outburst don't mix I don't know why she'd do it deliberately do you think she's healthy chopstick get it off excuse us cialis right trough I just wanted to warn you about something coming your way in the shape of fairness [ __ ] you see she says she's not gonna be around much well aren't you going for state procedures yes one Sunday tabloid is seriously had aboard here well apparently editors an old friend of us you aren't joking no she's seriously suggesting we drop this in favor of her social contact there's a detailed no coming your way it's a masterpiece of its kind because what he doesn't say what doesn't it's a well she doesn't murder I like this but the word is the editor will keep her marital problems out that gossip columns if she makes sure the papers in dumper content to call it jnanis rank come in Ida little chat with mr. farmer miss and he's very set upon the state proceedings because of what the tabloids have been saying well if he reads my note he'll see the strategic reasons why I'm against it oh don't worry miss he's not aware of any other factors well it is unfortunate that the editor of the paper in question has been very kind to me if I'm not publishing a very delicate and embarrassing matter to do with my family that's why I don't want a misunderstanding well I know that miss I I do think really that it's wrong to delay from a legal point of view well I see that I really do see that but he might see it as an act of self interest rather than you just thinking about the defendant thanks for you and what time to call this hangover feels like it's a TV cut celebrity appearance lend me a hundred grand hello oh well I'll wait to hear from you then there sorry for missing me around it's one or two things about last night's show they're worried about they don't feel able to honor the check [Music] the mother left us when she was five we never saw her again coped on my own for a year but wasn't easy when I stepped neither surely came into my life she was having sent she very good well unfortunately it isn't easy for girls that age to adapt to stepmothers when you live in Canada we decided to move that a while back Alice wanted to be independent so she asked if she could stay here with her Marsha how old was Alice them sixteen aunt died a couple of years later but by then she wanted to manage on her own but you had a good relationship we always kept in touch didn't just forget about her when Marsha was dying I was back and forth a lot I remember after the funeral we spent a week together I even said come to off for she wanted to be in England she's quite grown up Alan does anything you want me to do any information you need just ask just on my way to see Alice I hope she's calm down it's only for now let's see what she's so needy her father doesn't seem to think that leaving going to live thousands of miles away is that unusual is that from the heart Henry disinterest it's a crime whatever the age he took her aren't dying to get him to come to England last time now she's on trial for murder but we kept in touch he says he seems to be trying to make amends now it's all away I'm sorry about you must think I'm very arrogant it's all right he must be going through hell now sometimes I have to ask the difficult questions doesn't mean I'm making a judgement has he seen you alone I have to warn you the prosecution are going to call your colleague Kelly Byrne she is going to say that she stopped you giving an overdose of morphine twice before she also says she overheard you talking to patients about money I can't believe she'd say those things I can't believe she used to be friends how could she say those things that's what I want to know could there be anything behind it she was my best friend at the hospital we used to go around together we had an argument that's all it was billed to me after that you want to tell me what the argument that Kelly was about it was first mentioned in 1909 in a song by you all the answers how could I have cheated perhaps are going to accuse you of communicating with the spirit world should I take a solicitor days of scandal and confusion mr. farmer you haven't been accused of anything by the police doing their flea bite my dog look I couldn't see him even if he was scratching anyway how would that help they weren't multiple-choice questions no I just wanted to know what he was doing I ought to tell you mo I only found out recently that you've been trying to get on the program for years my wife's cousin works that yes I didn't want to raise your hopes because also you can do was look out for your letter put you on a interview list they liked you you got her into this pool you better get her out no I'm going to be working I can't just come over every night just listen it's not that it's got nothing to do with that we can't be late to the start of a murder trial yes but that is not the point don't you dare hang up beer I don't know it's tough doing that job came home from scurrying when you're not living together we have these rules when I'm not working what's happening too often at the moment maybe we should take a break and see how much it means and now it seemed to be the right time [Music] himself Thank You fuel note on the stay of proceedings my feeling is and prosecuting counsel feels the same way if the trial was halted for this it wouldn't be in the public or our clients interest justice mustn't be delayed it's not justice if the tabloids start trying to be the judge and jury I think the priggish are we this wouldn't have anything to do with a newspaper editor holding off breaking a story about your husband what is do you mind Millie as senior counsel I have to make a decision based on my legal experience they don't defendant solicitor makes a decision I'm going for a stay or I pull out you're on your own you have to speed you are a heartless blackmailing bastard Henry that's why you like me yeah well unfortunately my client has changed her mind that is why I don't want to look like I'm twisting out of it we've got a good defense haven't we I didn't do this sometimes innocent people get convicted if I don't face them now little stick Walton please take my advice I know I'm making a typical for you I've got a very good case against this newspaper if we go to trial now just one or two hostile jurors could sink you I want my day in court all night you killed my father please remove that man from the court she died any demonstration look at her see what she was doing steaming [ __ ] the court will hear that the amount of morphine administered by accelerating the IV drip was such that there was a risk of death and although the defendant is only accused of the killing of Ronald Gill day we must carefully consider other similar fact incidents involving the defendant and other patients and when we do that a much clearer picture of a dark and sinister motive appears in each case a three milligram per hour drip was setup 50% more than normal and in each case this trip had been made run faster at certain times but doctors detail witness you can't talk to him I'm not going to and all you this is how it works that's a normal dose two mils over 24 well you know how to do that but watch the nurses do it when my mum was dying did yours doctor state if 3 milligrams was an unusual dose no but I'd have to sign off on it which I did ask him if there's a gray area about how much more thing could be given by increasing the flow very much so nurse ray was working within that she died accelerate as she wished I'll start to see to indicate which nurse is Kelly burn could you must doctor stayed if he'd like you to buy him lunch DCI McCann in what circumstances did you first interview the defendant briefly the deceased mr. Gildea children came to see me with the colleague of the defendant Kelly Byrne they showed me a will the deceased had left the defendant fifteen thousand pounds in a codasyl made two days before his operation and four days before he died they were in a state of shock as they had understood that their father had died as a result of an operation did you note the defendants demeanor when you interviewed her about Ronald Gill days death she was nervous but quite matter of fact when she described it and when you subsequently searched the defendants flat what did you find we found a 50 milligram phial of morphine and we verified that morphine was missing from the stock at the hospital are you saying the defendant added more morphine to the patient's trip no are you implying that the defendant had given more morphine than was in the drip by some other means no are you saying that there's any connection between the morphine found at the defendants flat and the death of any person no but the find was significant surely and the defendant refused to offer an explanation for it that 3 milligram per hour dose was signed off by the duty doctor dr. steed wasn't it yes well I think it's all going rather well I'm so glad we didn't go out of the papers how can we be sure the jury weren't influenced by the newspapers if she's convicted she won't be the media is overrated not by you apparently people know when the papers are trying it on they see through it I trust the jury don't mess this up between you will you I'll handle the pathologist he's the one to crack anybody tell her we're not challenging the pathologist not the autopsy we're not disputing how much more famous given it's in the gray area poor judgment over enthusiasm to help she may have given the same amount many times in its work to not cause death did the hospital cover no there's no controversial medical evidence it's all circumstantial did you read the rest of the code of sale to the will yes I believe I did remember it not exactly know let me remind you in this same codasyl the deceased also bequeathed a similar amount to his cleaning lady an old school friend as well as donations amounted to tens of thousands of pounds to the British Legion the princess diana memorial fund and an owl sanctuary in norfolk remember it now yes making it abundantly clear that his children get a penny that right they were disinherited I believe did you investigate whether it fallen out with his family yes I did think they'd been some tension there a man falls out with his kids a nurse is kind to him and you didn't consider that a possible explanation it was difficult to establish the deceased state of mind sure it was I'm sorry we think you may have seen the questions more in the city how caught on our studio CCTV that's Suki my wife's company she works as PA to the producer and the producer is the only one who has access to the questions before transmission we're talking to Suki we hadn't met until that moment after the show I'm afraid that pulling strings to get on the program always rings morning girls I didn't even know she worked on the program I know everything about ballroom dancing it was my life mine and my husband's these are very hard questions Oh rubbish they were too easy who could possibly know the answer to the final question it's so obscure it's practically out of sight the bullfrog hop bullfrog jump well you wouldn't know that if you'd seen the questions so I don't get my money is that it we're giving all our evidence over to the police offering her up as a snack for you Peter haha don't you trust what she's going to say was there anything about the defendants behavior which attracted your attention well she was all over some patients she couldn't do enough for them and if they were thanking her for something then she was there as a joke Oh we'll leave me something in your will I had to say that dozens of times from anything said by the defendant could you say whether the patient's took her seriously well yes she must have talked by herself because they rotated me oh poor Alice she's got such and such a problem can you describe what happened on December the 13th last year yes mrs. Hollings was recovering from a serious operation and we this Alice rare night were asked to set up a morphine drip Alice had just come on duty and I was just going off and what strength was the solution I got the doctor to sign off two milligrams per hour over 25 hours but Alice set on the drip and what happened when you came back on duty ten hours later well I found Alice sitting with the patient and the trip was a three milligram group not two no three and it had been run on quite a bit how did the defendant react well she said that the patient had been in a lot of pain but she seemed totally shocked to see me why was that well I'd got there time for my next shift wrong and I was too surely did the hospital record show evidence of her having claimed to be in pain and what would have happened if you hadn't arrived for work early mrs. Hollings what have been dead an experienced divorce lawyer is like a good therapist wonderful performance Ayurveda you're a lion and I must say or looking even more delightful these days I'm so sorry we've seen so little of you in court you commissioned a shrink at the 11th hour haven't you signs of desperation you've got me a shrink now you sleepy right you're here don't know what's going on in that court so unfair you've got to say that we can unset everything I wasn't very good with the police because I was still in shock just like you were when you were little you acted guilty even when you hadn't done anything I feel bad [ __ ] you stepmother yeah you couldn't help it was a wetland wasn't always that for him [Music] greatly helped to get me I was so stupid I had the chance for longer jamuns I wish to put and was arrogance please I'm just scared you're convicted you're gonna go back to Canada aren't ya what could I do it's my home [Music] she's putting a brave face on this but she's in places she knows this is going badly why can't she just answer what this Kelly Byrne is saying herself you'll understand when I've cross-examined my daughter's whole life depends on you do you know what you're doing love to take them on in court friends shouldn't defend worried about the police giving you a hard time I think you should see Jimmy Kalina now it makes me angry you win fair and square and then I try and wriggle out of paying you about using you were cheating square Paul didn't I hear you testing her on one of the questions in chambers the one about the tango that was a coincidence really believe you said that coming from someone who just cheated someone out of a decent defense I know you didn't cheat I don't know about ballroom dancing isn't worth knowing I'm gonna give you something like one it's a very calm I wouldn't have taken it I could kill Neil Delaney we don't have enough character witnesses my father said she looked after her aunt but she was ill talked to the father again I - you've looked after her a lot really caring that sort of thing called the aunts Jeep hey let me or deny anything it was his idea I've gotta talk to him mr. farmer you took your suspicions to the police but you never once said anything to the defendant why when someone dies like that you don't just go up to the nurse who set up the drip and accuse her of murder well no not when she's saved so many other lives how could you well I didn't properly understand what was going on not for a long time until mr. Gildea died right I told dr. Stephen I'd put two and two together and that was just after you and the defendant fellow no why are you hesitating um well there wasn't any falling out because there wasn't any falling in you never went out to pubs and clubs together at the limelight in Leicester Square I don't know maybe once or twice once or twice good more than that wasn't it when Alice first came on the ward you were inseparable weren't you we went out once or twice you always wanted to go out to bars with you after work didn't you yeah for a while she was your new best friend wasn't she I don't know my lord I think the witness needs a break we should adjourn all right [Music] she knows to Ron told her two years Marcia was very ill she must have been young to take em all that she was a trooper Marcia used to write and sound wonderful she was there was a Macmillan nurse to thought the world of her I think that's why I always went into nursing this is incredibly helpful if I could get some more details maybe the letter she wrote or what a joke this dinky letters surely wouldn't have liked it but I can tell you where the doctor was you might even be able to track down the nurse i suspended Mobe are you auditioning for Wicked Witch of the West Julius are coming to work she was so page she's being interviewed by the police she suspected it's buffed an equal zero point of a newspaper doesn't be charged with anything well all the same it's not good for the image of chambers can you lend me a pound you can't suspend someone on your own the allegation is a cracked we had an emergency meeting at chambers last night tried to find you fed up with being a puppy I don't care don't care this is what is suspending mow tire it's disgraceful it wasn't me it was a meeting of chamber it's just an excuse to get rid of her because she doesn't like you meeting over if you don't unsuspended you won't have a working clock in this building barristers clock going on strike there's a terrible flu bug going around I didn't know she didn't like me yes miss mr. farmer you and the defendant had a meal together alone on your birthday didn't you yes talked about your life and family and lots of intimate things I don't remember did you leave your dog with her when you went on holiday yes holiday you were desperate for her to come on where is this leading mr. farmer you and Alice had a very bad falling-out didn't you it's obvious because I didn't trust her because of everything that was happening at the hospital that wasn't that was it Kelly you fell out because she rejected your advances no that's not true defendant called you a dyke didn't she yes it wasn't very nice but I am comfortable with who I am what do you think of that word I it's not a word that I like course not you were very very fond of her and she treated you disrespectfully because you'd only kissed her in a slightly different way yeah these things happen when you're drunk it was all forgiven and forgotten really you never said a friendly word to her again after that no of course we had to communicate because we were together last we moved to a different floor I have the letter here citing personality difficulties with a colleague written about a month before mr. Gildea died yes and you didn't get your move did you know truth is you started making up these stories about Alice didn't you no that is not true perhaps you were convinced they were true because you were angry so write everything that I said happened did happen you were indulging in a warped fantasy and all you needed was some concerned relatives don't know and you had your opportunity it's not true Kelly no one is denying that Alice was harsh and unfair but you are not admitting how badly hurt you where are you it's the same person who said those things and did this and that is why I stopped liking her what was that psychiatrists a bit disappointing nothing terrible so she's a neurotic and a bit insecure I'm gonna be in her shoes Alice was brilliant with the on but the arts letters are all chucked Macmillan nurse died three years ago we don't have enough for that cheering splendid nopales Henry would you were much too busy to be so nasty put us on the back foot their overconfidence Peter terrible weakness yes I'm not sure the defendant is quite as sweet as she makes out no we're neither a you Peter hmm well I'm at a loss frankly what are we will doing here kind of risk in cross-examining her I'm again over the Arts GP I found him he's calling back promising I'd say make sure he get something right in case I can't get him in court final nail you know jaws is covered what's wrong you went in called today sorry I'm be perceived everywhere by reporters so I had to change my hotel a barrister was fantastic so Kelly be in a path she was in pieces to write be there all the time please you were too young for me to explain why had to get married again so soon listen I was a pig deshaney I should never have left you at auction it was my choice and I'm glad I did she rarely needed me and I was able to help her how was she lived longer so don't feel guilty I've been in that court every day from now on until hereafter here promise no defeatist talk now forever on the night Yelp's to be great he's very positive about Sabbath we come to court well he's faxing me a letter in lietenant and as a witness if you want him even an hour meeting mr. farmer we will I promise I'm looking forward to it well don't rush because alice is ill so adjourn for the day just pretend we're going into court okay we have busy we are not a germ what was it gastroenteritis that's a big nerves you okay I told them all cotton eat spicy food they stood over me from when I was a kid blob you're eight you wanted to see me alone I'm going into the box I can't let you do that I'm sorry I have to it's not worth the risk we're nearly there we've shot down a lot of their case your aunt's GP is going to tell them how well you cared for he'll be a very strong character witness I think you'll be acquitted without going in the box I've made up my mind that's what my client wants Henry we make show me dad's there I wanted to be dead proud me I have a barrister if you and your client don't take advice she's not up for shoplifting she's vulnerable she's going in the box with jewels she could still go down she's not even fit Oh calm down Henry she's an eel she's just freaked out it's got something to do she told me her old man used to put hot pepper sauce on her tongue when she was cheeky to her stepmother it's heavy stuff mean what am i hearing this for the first time wonder if that's why Alice is so determined to go in the box to her father with power more attention I certainly have to I don't think II enjoy seeing jaws ever going up she never takes her eyes off it be cool I know what you mean no Dane caught me enough will she ever get enough attention Alice Alice what are you doing mr. farmer dr. steed do you remember what happened on the night of Ronald Gill days death I do yes Alice ray asked me if mr. Gildea could have an increased dose of morphine for the next 24 hours and I agreed to it why did you agree to it he'd been experiencing a lot of pain and obviously I agreed to it was it an unusual dose it was near the high end but Alice raised an experienced nurse who I trusted so you signed off on it but you could have said no right most certainly ill met by moonlight proud titania nice lunch dad not at all taking your advice just this nurse of yours seems guilty as hell you following it not actively éclairs me remember when I was a kid you saying that all criminal lawyers with shallow show-offs who nobody to it very seriously then those people coming out after years in the sigh for something they never did and I could hear you saying of course they did it everybody knows that commercial from his Olympian point not to mention the neglectful father dear Henry farm I do remember Alice Rea extremely well and caring and considerate and looking after her aunt was a huge help during this time you discover a nurse's scene off a patient with a massive overdose of morphine you'd have to be completely blinkered not to be suspicious wouldn't you I dispute that it was a massive overdose in your statement to police you said you were in a hurry when the defendant asked you to sign off on the morphine is that true we're always in a hurry dr. steed this is the kind of dose that no one accelerates without the permission of a doctor surely it has to be left to the discretion of the nurses sometimes the defendant was a particular favorite of yours wasn't she I wouldn't say that oh come on blond brown eyed the image of an angel she formed a strong bond with you didn't she attached herself to you I wasn't aware of that were you in love with her no of course not how many times did you take her out to dinner twice feel sympathy for her now obviously I feel sympathy for her in fact you were so mesmerized by the defendant you went out of your way to make excuses didn't you that's ridiculous I'm just here to give an opinion I don't think she should be sitting there you're neither objective nor dispassionate are you if you make those remarks [Music] fights back she's going in the box I don't have any choice emotional involvement there's big brown eyes getting to you I'm going to need that GP if he's got anything half-decent to say he does in your well thought she was brilliant for a kid absolutely dedicated in fact it was the GP that encouraged her to become a nurse when we get to get the arts medical details do I keep pressing him press McCain case Meninas [Music] I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth you may sit now mister if what did you think when mr. Gildea left you all that money Alice I wrote was found me and said that I didn't want a book by that time they were convinced I was wrong what was your relationship with him I didn't make a special photo of him at all I just listened to suppose can you describe mr. Gildea in the hours before his death he was very brave he didn't make a lot of fuss he just kept saying it wasn't working the IV wasn't working I held his hand for ages I kept coming back whenever a couple his eyes were pleading and his groaning it was it was coming from deep inside I just wanted to make the morphine work safely did you think you were giving too much no I thought I'd get to a plateau and then hold it there at the normal rate when it starts work and he went into convulsion so soon the image he projected of Alice was a happy kid with some problems wasn't entirely honest was it defiant talk to a parent we didn't stand for when I was brought up kids ooh swallow bless fiend got out soft we used to say a minute on the lips forever on the mind so mr. farmer maybe I'm the guilty one something's bothering me I've just had the medical details on the ant I'm not sure if it's relevant but the Macmillan nurse was allowed to give morphine right there's right there's something deeply wrong here some stomach illness offering yourself up to joules on a platter controlling how much attention to one person want we couldn't just be a coincidence that there aren't and gilding both gave her money in approval we'll brought back from the brink of death a number of times Canada she saved them she got attention from the GP she got attention to doctors DG got attention from everyone except the one person she most wanted attention from her father how much do you know about Winchester syndrome by proxy oh my god do you think we should tell clear what were you doing stealing morphine from the hospital Alice it was me who wants to try it you knew what morphine would do to some patients you surely wouldn't be playing around experimenting would you I was wrong to take it I was wrong you stole that morphine in case you needed it to finish someone off didn't you no taking them all fee myself was stupid but I loved all my patients I wanted them all to get better but some of them didn't Alice what do you feel about that every person who dies is a hole in your heart Ronald killed a no responsible nurse could give that amount of morphine inside an hour without intending to kill good day Alice yes it was in pain it was in such pain what would you do tell me if you were in my situation this is Munchausen by proxy the police in the prosecution have missed it gildea changed his will the police have been barking up the wrong tree you're not a medical expert Henry Marcia Ray was admitted to hospital on the brink of death five times before she died Macmillan nurse use morphine she and Alice were close Alice could have stolen it from a bag or even helped her administer it it was a long time ago it could just be a coincidence everything about her scream was it deliberate self-harm as a kid desperate for her father's attention well that's just mumbo jumbo on chairs as cases are often highly credible Gilda was saved several times before he died in all the other cases her own defense condemned sir she saved them first she wanted to be the good nurse she wanted to be the center of attention he was magnificent in the witness box we have a duty to our client we're duty-bound to disclose the evidence all right to be fair to the prosecution I suggest we earned him the doctor's note about the aren't one waiting for the judge what if he doesn't understand it we should take it to the judge in chambers we're giving the prosecution the letter aren't we if he wants to see the judge he will frankly I'd rather see something more concrete than that I am leading this defense aren't I Oh light misty members of the jury there has been a great deal of speculation and supposition about the defendant which it seems judging by the prosecution case has very little basis in fact the defense has always sought to prove that the defendant worked within the regulations with care and compassion and she has very movingly and courageously stood up to answer those accusations well you'll be pleased to hear that we finished our own investigation and we don't think that you cheated I told you I didn't that's wonderful the police found Sookie never got near the questions didn't they absolutely so can I guess by check now well don't you remember the disclaimer you signed the what MOU signed a contract saying that she had nothing to do with the company and its employees Sookie didn't get her on the program she just made sure the letter got through the producer chose her well I'm sorry but we checked with our accountants and our legal department and we're not obliged to pay a penny sorry the trial is over it's one thing unless to somehow rather I better tell their father not looking forward to this with the foreman of the jury please stand do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty of murder not guilty and is that the verdict of you all you must understand the prosecution will alert the police mr. rage your daughter needs help poor child why aren't you happy oh I'm gonna get you some help does that about the incident in the cell last night drinking lavatory water trying to make myself sick classic symptoms wish I'd looked at the note more carefully okay we go through every other place she ever worked the other cases see and then the evidence you doctor you don't know will be crucial good results are high well in one way Henry have I missed a serial killer you hunted a piece of paper to the prosecution which relates to her and to possibly having a similar experience with morphing all I knew was she's died from natural causes this is just like gunday isn't it ethically I can't calm my client still insists on her innocence but you did your best to warm the prosecution in here I passed on some new evidence I was hoping might've helped us thank you the defense barrister that's very full experiences I'm gonna start looking at these other deaths trying to save my career how was the TV a team needs victory for common sense that's fantastic Sunday filth I they were so unfair tumor I spoke with the editor what he's a friend of mine and they must have started a campaign I thought this has got to be a good story I walked in there I bit my hand çb company just rang and offered me half for money I said no and then they caved in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: swimasfastasyoucan 🇳🇿
Views: 157,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: murder, mystery, rare, Alan Davies, Jonathan Creek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 3sec (4083 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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