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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter welcome to an historic day at laland because yes today is the day that dan the gardener is going to be cooking for all of us and the b and b guests i think i've already seen the van arrive so i'm going to go run down and say hi to him find out what the plan for tonight is and also kimberly is leaving so i'm going to say goodbye to her kimberly hello hey hello kimberly's husband i don't think everyone's met you yet you just arrived last night that's right and you're off hiking yeah we're gonna hike in the pyrenees we brought you a little something that we made you definitely shouldn't have yeah it's a little uh rhubarb earl grey jam oh i love rhubarb but with earl grey yes yeah so we we brew the double strong earl grey so you get the bergamot flavor into the rhubarb adds a little bit extra to the well i think i might have that for breakfast today oh this looks amazing there's little bits of vanilla in here hmm cheers cheers cheers so good oh my god it's incredible amazing seriously the best jam ever i'm so happy you like it best jam ever we tend to do really cool flavor combos well no you definitely can't leave we will definitely come back um probably when the teaching term is over okay well good luck with your research thank you you're researching a mad house i know a really wonderful place i'm glad you've enjoyed it thank you it's been great there he is how do you sneak up behind us like that the special skill i learned shifty bye how you feeling dan how are our stress levels being confident always cool calm and collected i will ask i want to ask you what is that thing that you shouldn't in the service [Laughter] the other one was on the floor because it's windy so i moved it well look at that it was like like here this is his decoration for the terrace and then you have to re-watch maybe maybe if you become one of murray's patrons then you can watch her tutorial videos yeah yeah link here someone's nicely set up aren't they yeah someone's very much at home today so i hear there's been a last minute change to the menu it's not cod it's salmon correct exciting times we just don't know what's going on maybe it'll change again yeah no we just couldn't get enough cod last minute oh what time are you starting cooking we're sitting people are eating at eight yeah what what time are you starting cooking i'll be here at half seven it's not that it's cooking i'm excited probably i don't know what is for this house actually i didn't read this last night it was a summer berry tart yes it's all the berries from the garden someone's been eating my gooseberries maybe me is it you well i only because it was some definitely yesterday oh no i didn't have ghostbusters yesterday i had a couple of tay berries yesterday um and that was delicious but i didn't have a gooseberry because they'd gone i will tell the guests i have less fruit because stephanie oi yeah so no all of berries and fruit from the garden and then i'm making uh creme patisserie pastry cream i'm sorry i'm just distracted by the way you wear your sunglasses biscuit base i'm thinking it may be like a layer i don't know see how it it will evolve and sponge sugar on top to make it look shape i don't like the fact that you're you're making this off behind the scenes because what you're doing actually is you're just getting the boys to make it aren't you and then you're gonna just go oh look i've been working really hard hold on just going to the restaurant down the road what's the string doing it's gardener's cutbacks well this no actually this string is now redundant that was holding the trousers did you get it from the too short for you string jar i did i've got one especially yeah oh that's that's that's useful who knew no just a little bit nice now we've got the green uh i've got some spare buttons if that's the situation here no no no okay twine it is yeah well done i hope your cooking's better than your flower arranging hey i am about to rush off on a very very exciting expedition and you might wonder why i am in the winter salon because let's face it i don't hang out much here in summer but that's because our classical cds are in here and i came to get this one bach griml this is the violinist david gramal and it's actually the last cd i ever bought it was during my father's illness i was stressed all the time and one day i was driving to the hospital to be with my father and i heard david grimmer playing these barks and artisan partitas and soothed my soul and i bought this cd and the reason is the last cd that i bought is after that there was spotify and i haven't got anything since then but this will always have a very very strong place in my heart and imagine my amazement when i realized that david grimmell was coming to play 15 minutes away in cyril's barn and it's tonight the concert and i cannot go tonight because of course this is dan's inaugural meal at the chateau and we have guests that i dine with once a week so i couldn't couldn't go this evening and unbelievably when cyril heard that he asked me to go this afternoon where i'll have a little private concert i'll be able to watch the rehearsal with david gremel and i i can't believe it so i'm gonna take you with me let's go and see i can't get over how blessed we are to have cyril nearby really in such a remote part of france and yet we get to enjoy things that are world-class quality it's incredible oh wow just as i was getting into the car i realized that the trailer's gone with all the rubbish in it ian's taking it to the dump that is a good sight well i think there's only one possible cd we can listen to on the way to this concert here we go this is a strangely emotional moment it feels like such a dream to be able to go to listen to david grimble playing at the same time listening to this cd brings back so many memories of driving to and from the hospital but i haven't been able to listen to it for many years but how wonderful that in life these beautiful things can come back even when they remind you of difficult times life gets better and then happiness comes back it's good to remember that i see they're preparing everything for tonight all the parking signs are up bonjour wow the garden has really changed since i was last here it's beautiful [Music] wow okay wow this is a surreal experience one other audience member hi donna how lucky are we [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's just so wonderful to be here yeah to not only to play here but just to be here i know there's something about this whole region yeah the region and the place and since they are welcoming it's so warmly and it's so special i'm sorry i'll be missing the concert tonight well you have a busy life here yeah i don't know such a busy life in the countryside you can't even imagine how much and where did you come from where do you live i live in paris okay so it wasn't too fast pretty easy and actually i don't feel in the middle of nowhere sometimes you know when i'm in the middle of somewhere i really feel in the middle of nowhere but here i really feel in the middle well maybe i prefer the cows to men but i honestly i love living in the middle of nowhere i love the countryside i just i find it's it's a perfect place to be creative right and to be able to raise them yes yeah i loved it i'll come as soon as i can to the next concerts yes and good luck tonight thanks that was amazing i had goosebumps it was incredible it was just a real privilege to be there for the rehearsal but i'm gonna rush back and see what dan is going up to in the kitchen it's five past seven damn's not here yet i'm not saying we don't trust you dan just saying we're stocking up on crisps just in case we're eating inside tonight yes the weather is too changeable yeah it could be chilly later it's sunny all day long yeah yeah yes i love these plates i tried like 20 different combinations i'm just like yeah let's just go with the one second the classic yes i thought you'd go simple for once it's good to have you back because you just went to pick up your friend micah how did it go how was the journey how is she everything went really well uh she's great yep just to explain to everyone we probably won't be seeing much of her because she's isolating for her entire stay in the marquis apartment she'll be cooking disease yeah so you're cooking for yourselves in there and yeah but it's good to see you wander out every now and then so you don't get to try dan's cooking tonight yeah i'm not sure that's a blessing i'm stocking up on crisps now i'm going to go and have a couple of peanuts maybe glass of wine looks as though we're going to have food tonight okay steph put the peanuts down right let's go down and see what's happening it is exactly 7 29. that's some pretty impeccable timing oh hello that sorry a great move after you hello hello you must be relieved to see that van arriving oh the table is ready for him the oven is on woohoo i've eaten all the peanuts in the house and all the crisps just in case it's wise hey diesel what is going on there's the salmon i knew there'd have to be a lot of tomatoes given dan's obsession with putting them everywhere in the garden they look amazing [Music] homemade fries this is going to be a happy happy evening there's nothing sinister about this at all but why are you even doing that you don't need to cut anything you brought everything pre-cut you might need to i'd like to be prepared are you filming yourself right now is this going into your daily vlog not the back of your shoulders in there [Laughter] that's absolutely hilarious see i know the best filming spot can i see it you you just know the right angles philip and i always fight for things the other day i was like that's weird on my own vlog i look semi-respectable and on stephanie's i just don't look right i'm going to realize it's because you filmed from down here like up the nostrils and then and then when you when you film yourself you go yeah yeah anyway i am not short i don't know what you're talking about are you happier now yeah this is actually more like dan's log come to think of it there you go hang on i can do better you can do that all the time no yeah no no this okay now now you're comfortable hi i'm dan bird's eye view of the cooking it's like a trendy cookery showdown it's very niche angles i'm going for here jamie oliver isn't it it's very dan's daily vlog whilst i'm walking it's quite hard to get a high enough angle of dan is this okay dan are we comfortable with that yes there's only lighting maybe you could carry like a light in one actually could philip one carry studio lighting round for dan i'm carrying you okay do you want to see the table do you want to like get inspiration from the table that he's laid we chose not to go with your flowers in the end um no i mean they were great you haven't seen them have you you mean the ones that are outside oh yes very rustic honestly my arm's starting to hurt dan i'm having to bring the angle down just a little bit not much cool oh it looks beautiful come on i know it's not finished but it looks beautiful i'm gonna go get some flowers because great i love the way this is just keeps hitting us in waves i'm gonna get flowers because my hair is gone there's quite a lot in the garden i had a little stroll out there and it's very beautiful that's so cute do you want to come out with me okay that'd be lovely yeah let's do that how are things out there so mark i'm surfing the cast good you're a man on the ground look you do look the part it's like a waiter yeah you look amazing i think yeah those soft pinks in the back what do you reckon they're really pretty and actually the ones at the front of this bed have got a tiny bit of pink in as well these white ones like they're really really pretty but that'll go really prettily love these yellow ones this one just cut them yeah okay they're great too okay oh look this one's so funny oh such a great color okay i'm gonna leave you doing that phillip and i'm gonna go see dan plating up okay you wish you were invited to the meal hey thor our dining room is the place to be tonight oh these look good bruschetta lovely nothing else can go on now until everyone sat down i've just heard that you're leaving at 7 00 a.m tomorrow yeah two minutes past a minute two minutes passed doesn't help me at three hours past would have been two months if i'm up i'll wave yeah of course of course that's the only way it is from the balcony oh no madame is an entirely different thing [Laughter] it's been really epic having you here it has been really fantastic my pleasure and you come back on your way back from portugal i do good see you soon then thank you bye bye-bye that's really pretty that looks lovely the finishing touch yes threw something together and may i say your dress goes very well with this entire thing i will be serving tonight okay the last case arrived so in 10 minutes they are downstairs if you want to join them i will quickly join them now then i'll come run back and see how dan's getting on git please all go through to the table whilst i check that dan's not poisoning in the kitchen everyone is so excited that dan's cooking excitement levels are very very high oh there's a little sheen of sweat now a little sheen i told him you're actually cool as a cucumber i know but i think it's a sign of panic deep down you're not as calm as you look at all times [Laughter] yeah remember to get going now you can do it they've gone to the table and i'm here to film your plating up and then i'll join them they look really good i love all these marinated we have lots of different colors in the garden as well don't we when they finally ripen yeah oh they're gonna be great i loved our multi-colored carrots it's been a while so i can't quite judge numbers still yeah we used to be able to just be like oh yeah that's enough for that many people yeah this is coming together dan it's looking really good we are two moves away the last minute decision squiggle or no no no nice i like it i think you made the right decision it's very cheffy got a little squeezy bottle and everything that's what makes you look professional this means there's one final move oh when he's going in he's going straight into the last move without explaining it to me that's a parmesan crisp something you made earlier yes it looked really really good literally just melted parmesan it looks amazing you got to make my plates quite pretty as well yeah ah come on i'd have preferred plain white no no that is so 90s move with the times done more is more really beautiful yes absolutely how is everyone feeling after the starter any upset stomachs okay i'm going to go and let down know that so far no one's left okay dan do you want the good news or the bad news the good news is that no one's left the table yet the bad news is it's time for you to serve the next course everyone loved it i forgot to tell everyone not to die no so far no i'm jumping over really bad mmm they're that's our tweet in the garden it is oh that looks excellent dan and these chips are from the garden the potatoes are from they're right there potatoes yes i think they're going to be our first chips from the garden i've had these many other ways all good but the first chips yeah well done down i haven't got my plating ring so it's not going to be pixar style you can use my little plating ring no they're too small dan decreed my plating rain subpar very chefy down very it's very 80s do you know what i'm having a big personal 80s revival right now yeah i was born in the 80s 89. i like the single courgette placed next to the ratatouille of course did we have a lot of quarters in the garden why do you say that so we've got ratatouille which is made from everything that we've got in the garden salmon um with pesto on top and that's it just simple one and the french fries just come in oh okay it smells good that's very pretty all of the plates are empty again whoa and everyone is still alive excellent news no one's dead no one said not one person yet it does take a while this is a hello kitty spatula yes it is my favorite spatula actually yeah creme pat friend pat is that what we call it that's what we call it in the piece why do you do that is that a wheel and diet no this is dessert that's it well fair enough actually i did think i had to slow down a little yeah it's a glue [Music] this is a spectator sport it is a crime pretty sandwich very nice dan that's actually a paintbrush because i can see that that's actually the color of the shutters on it what yep no yeah [Laughter] [Music] there should be a pastry room as well this is why you cooked at home done oh my goodness if my mother was here you'd be in so much trouble right now for making a mess of the oven yeah look you're her favorite and i'm trying to do something about that dan okay because it doesn't seem right that her own daughter isn't her favorite she may love me less but she won't love you anymore isn't that boiling hot when you do that it cools down pretty much instantly it's gonna do one yeah go on then you're just doing this so that i make a mess in front of my mother all right miss i didn't make that much mess that's it mine's rubbish quick punch up your hand ah screw it up into a ball i'm really bad at this i did this one it hasn't got quite the thinness of the other so but they're really like golden and light mine's an orange blob sweeter nice i like your thing you make it look easy oh it looks beautiful dan i think that might be your best one no i like this one oh it's perfect enjoy everyone thank you [Applause] i'm surprised you're all alive all the potatoes were from the garden i think the flavor was quite good for the potatoes yeah we were saying that you were keeping the best veg and the zucchinis yeah and you were talking to them saying right ready from friday ready on yeah [Music] i think it's good it happened this way around that philip did the table and you did the cooking because we should actually do it one day where you do the table and philip does the cooking just see how catastrophic a night we can do me well we've brought your flower arranging in they're good for cleaning the chimney well done a huge thank you to all of our patrons who make this vlog possible and the duffans and dauphines of la land jaidel and ether alisal and dan bander whaling banshee brian barnard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise behrens daniel bernakovich jill bidwell candice blackburn candace ned borkovsky clara butcher paulina calabro chloe chalikani lindsey c shelton steve and sarah cole linda sue concepcion erin conklin zoe dork sylvia dem jim demersman and richard paternord sakura dennis zane dixon jason w jackie allison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first to kevin fossum abigail grant fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine holbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson camilla herrera jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla hoop lissandra hawley melissa jamson brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy camp nadia kennedy lisa laforge dave and summer la land morgan lawley angel leonard victoria lepin janet huff lombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton karen nicholson kathy nerd maureen palmer wendy piatek frank poposki and james snow tomorrow price almond ramen tonya renee rjb bettina roject honey ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks rebecca shurik carl and laurie siebet teresa sloan patty suhu susan stevens montes de pora sabrina saret and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer rene valelli victoria jessica walker brandi walton laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen cheryl whittaker linda wiest christine wilson wins la coca poo greg wood david young and lord vicos ordinatso [Music] you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 91,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, the chateau diaries, renovation, chateau diy, restoration, chateau garden, gardener, escape to rural france, cooking, catering, chateau kitchen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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