Dan REALLY struggles with his flashlight (and other scary stories) - Phasmophobia

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Dan β€œThe man in the van with no plan” Avidan

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EnvironmentalNobody πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love that with Ross playing in VR, his character model seems to walk like he just shat himself.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wiiman9999 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hell yeah. Happy Thanksgiving!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Golod1289 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AmyWarlock πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Please never stop playing this game. I love it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how Ross just wants to bum rush the ghost and throw hands, no fear.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Viper114 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

There's four of them.

And tonight

Chugga chugga choo choo its time to fright.

Steam Rolled! GoddammitRoss

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jado1stk2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey i'm grump i'm not sue gruff and we're the game grumps hey everyone welcome back it's game grumps time we're doing phasmaphobia again we got ross we got susie with us we're gonna do it hello this time i hope not to die yeah you look like a little spider boy on the ground what's going on it's adorable aaron and susie both went up a level way to go yeah i'm still learning three what what about it what about it hell yeah i love it maybe i can actually stay alive i might get a level don't believe my score number it's much higher all right this time we're bringing two emf readers um we got all the head mounted cams i'm bringing four sanity pills so if people run out of sanity they can they can grab some pills feel free that's kind yes thank you uh let's do a farmhouse huh oh farmhouse yeah nice and nice and relaxing we can pet some cows get some milk what was the last time anything bad ever happened in a farmhouse are there ghost cows cause i gotta know they go [Laughter] all right uh dana ross ready up oh yeah let's go here we go keep your sanity high by staying in the light oh loading game go submissions i learned some other victims in the dark yeah no [ __ ] thanks game really really helpful all right we're here all right all right i'm actually a little bit short we're dealing with carol harris here carol harris oh her again yay i'm gonna take the emf reader and the thermometer oh they're a violent ghost uh you're gonna want a flashlight for the bottom shelf instead of the top shelf why's that because they're stronger oh are they let's see oh it's one of these ones oh yeah these are good i'll grab the book again and if i die make sure to find the book oh yeah although i might actually just leave it in the room with the activity now that's probably smarter thing to do yeah that's the way to do it i have the emf and the crucifix nice all right uh i'm gonna take the well no you know what well i'm gonna take one of these cameras and just set it up in a room so i'll put that on my belt hey dan why don't you take the spirit box and try to communicate with the ghost i would i would be honored to where is it oh it's over here top shelf baby come on the top shelf confirmation from you guys on something for vr is this my radio right now can you hear that yes it is yeah oh that sucks cause i was using the head mounted camera and it kept pulling the head mounted camera off oh actually yeah yeah i can't do it cause it keeps messing up bummer dude you can just carry around a video camera if you want true actually you know what i've got one on my belt i'm probably going to set one up in the room nice let's do this let's do this baby oh i hate this slide i came here i threw my flashlight down and i can't find it it's right here right in front of you on the ground it's like the same color as the floor is susie it'll illuminate yeah i don't think i brought a tripod to this one oh dan did you bring a tripod and try not to make a dick joke did i i got it i found it okay no i'm not i'm not staying in the van i'm coming i just i'm still learning the controls here he's coming the breaker is outside of the hat front door by the way that's good thank you oh and the light i'm going to stand up oh it doesn't actually make me go faster when i stand up all right check in the lower bedrooms whoa whoa on the stairs excellent that's great put put a emf 5 in your journals i brought you a beer dan oh thank you ross that's very kind of you i cannot recall how to uh turn up turn on my flashlight uh you i don't know click yeah let me feed you yeah i'm getting some slight delicious temperatures upstairs ross what is happening right now what are we doing i have no idea do you want to go in first i'd love to breakers outside hey dan dude look up it is second floor bedroom yeah yeah i'm getting 11 celsius dude don't antagonize him what are you doing dude that's messed up it's too dark in this room i really need to have to figure out how to turn on this flashlight i set up a camera i'm pretty sure it's on how do i check i should have a green light on in the back yeah it looks like it's on uh ross just set up a stationary camera in the bedroom dan if you can take a look at that and see if there are any ghost orbs [Music] aaron aaron i'm having the dangerous time turning on my flashlight uh if it's if it's equipped you just right click but if it's not equipped then hit t uh thank god guys i'm gonna be a huge [ __ ] and watch the camera in the truck uh yeah well you know if you can tell us if we got ghost storms or not that would be really helpful oh whoa whoa whoa i got really cold temperatures on the stairs right now you know what i forgot to put the riding book in the room do you want to bring it back in um yeah if you can put the the book on the stairs that would be great because i'm getting oh oh it moved all right i'm gonna try to i'm gonna try to talk to him on the stairs it's right here where are we upstairs in this chair so okay where do you want to put the book guys i got the book right here aaron right at the top of the stairs is good yeah right here where this chair is like right right here all right okay i'll move it where are you how old are you yeah we're getting like five degrees do you like football it wrote a bunch of cool symbols that's pretty dope are you a leprechaun if it does not respond high to tiddly t it's not a leprechaun it's a three on the end where are they it's a three right next to the book they're here does any oh we got a spirit box where are you uh we're good it's an oni oh are you an oni yeah we got ghost riding we got um spirit box and we got emf level five what are the let's get the [ __ ] out of here oh yeah it spiked up to three it never went past three as far as i can see what are the uh what are the objectives it does look like a kitty cat someone tell me the objectives that are on the on the board uh okay i'm going over right now let's see okay prevent the ghosts from hunting with the crucifix discover what type of ghost we are dealing with i mean obviously the crucifix is upstairs the other objectives are have a member of your team witness a ghost event and find evidence of the paranormal with an emf reader oh did the crucifix one did it work do we already get the crucifix one uh the crucifix one is no that is not susie i can't hear you you're not on the radio okay all right i will try to invoke its wrath what what is the name of the ghost again oh i'll check the ghost name is carol harris carol harris carol harris come out show yourself carol harris carol harris did you turn the light on my balls carol harris show yourself turn that light out carol harris carol harris okay i know i promised i wouldn't stay in the van but i feel like i'm really helping by being here you know what i want to come help i want to come help you dad carol harris show yourself please please get it hello does that count as a ghost event i don't know no the crucifix one is still open carol harris you show yourself you stupid stupid ghost carol harris [ __ ] you you oni you stupid oni not oh man you guys ross is harassing me russ is hectoring me in the van ross coming home you're not helping anyone by harassing dan all right carol harris show yourself you stupid ghost oni piece of [ __ ] give us a sign are you here give us a sign carol harris she's like i gave you everything she just threw that on the ground harris carol herrera just threw it on the ground carol harris you're stupid and you're dumb [ __ ] you carol harris are you here carol harris what are you carol harris carol harris carol harris carol harris carol harris carol harris hold on let dan talk to the ghost let dan talk to the ghost yeah talk to the guy oh god oh god it's right next to us oh it talked are you here carol harris carol harris how old are you suck my balls oh [ __ ] it said kill i think i'd like to leave now oh holy [ __ ] did you hear it did that count or something yeah it said kill oh it said kill oh sick that's that's dope dude hopefully it doesn't kill me again maybe the door's gonna close carol harris [Music] all right let's get the [ __ ] out of here i got super scared that was great that one was really productive yeah we did really well as soon as it said kill i was like everybody it's all right that's crazy okay make sure you have it in your journal oh oh yeah i'll give you one sec guys i need to do the journal yeah everybody mark in your journal oni uh what were the what were the uh the signs we got did we get spirit box yeah emf level five spirit box and ghost writing ghost writing and we think doing all right dan all right locked in dude ready to go doing great you uh can't figure out how to uncrouch but oh just got it all right y'all want me oh did you have your journal done dan yes journal buddy all right let's get out of here hey congratulations guys we need 60 bucks we can go to denny's up top high five up top ross i don't know how to high five welcome back i've prepared some jobs for you that's good uh hey we are correct let's go yeah a clean 30 buckaroos bought all this equipment that costed us like 300 bucks if someone else dies do we get to divide their 30 amongst us well they get insurance they get life insurance for dying oh wow yeah you get like a ton of money you lose all your items but you get a ton of money okay all right why are these pumpkins still here we know it's november now i am not the host anymore so whoever has select job available for them check it out on this the board the board uh wait actually oh it is me all right pick us a job which one you want to do i've got uh blee bloodsdale farmhouse brownstone high school tanglewood street and ridgeview roadhouse whichever you want man oh okay i've never done a high school so i want to try that you're real creepy over here in the corner dan sanity pills okay so it says shut down due to unnatural deaths this isolated school has been abandoned for decades we've just got confirmation of a possible ghost siding here you'll be sent in together as much evidence okay cool yep all good uh should i buy some stuff guys i got 30 bucks what do you want what you're thinking about uh you know what i'm talking about another i'm bringing the usual suspects did dan leave i left oh yeah dan dropped let me get him back in real quick you know what happened he probably clicked the menu and then hit how you doing bud okay i'm back can you hear me again hell yeah okay sorry i accidentally left and joined a server called chick nugmaster [Laughter] yes but i am back hell yeah ready to go let's do it ross okay russ yeah i'm ready ready up baby let's go ghost time so none of these ghosts are ever cool huh why hello there hi fancy seeing you here wow got this van all to ourselves oh hi guys what's up y'all oh 10 celsius oh yeah thermometer and a crucifix all right good old joseph thompson classic name god damn it all right let's see what we got discover what type of ghosts we're dealing with prevent the ghost from hunting you have to be alone oh no yeah i hate that [ __ ] i've done some more investigation ghost names joseph thompson god damn it all right all right i'll grab the ems all ready to go i got thermometer and emf oh let me grab a flashlight i have a thermometer and crucifix i'll grab the book i've got the radio got the key i'm also getting really good at crouching and not crouching check that [ __ ] out that's amazing you're ready to tea bag you're a real gamer yeah you can see that i'm going to bring so i can to set up maybe we should get a tripod sometime oh did i not bring one oh sorry no he didn't that's all right it's all right i'll just find a place to prop it up can somebody bring uh can somebody bring a uv flashlight i guess we're good wow the moon looks amazing wait did you pick the high school was that a hard one yes it's a lot of ground to cover uh i've never done the high school so i just wanted to oh it's it's it's quite large but you're going to be using the radio what's the run button yeah well i'm sure i'll figure it out this is actually a stage that would behoove us to have somebody in the van maybe not now you got it in the van wait i'm gonna stick with you guys for now hell yeah i just want to shoot some hoops oh they've got a ball dude can i can i actually throw this yeah you can throw the one in the lobby too yo dude find the hoop find the hoop for me all right are you ready for this let's see you do it pay attention watch and learn homie wait oh [ __ ] hold on it's actually amazing thank you guys you do that i'm going to try again how do i throw it oh jesus [ __ ] hadouken it to the wall oh that was close you know that was close oh wait call it's really hard to let go of it yeah oh oh that would have been so good oh wow do you think the ghost is like sitting in another room where are they joseph thompson are you up for a little one-on-one yo dan check this [ __ ] out i got two balls now nice [Laughter] i think i probably could um i want to keep this up 360 dunk oh very nice you know what i give up i give up yeah we gotta go find this girl right cool there's another door over here through yet let's just do classrooms one by one guys can you remind me how to run uh shift and it was shift what you can run okay yeah if you hold shift it's pretty slow i can't hold shift wow it's gonna stop getting out of here yeah this is uh this is this is quite the stage i got no readings in here in the locker room i found a door that won't open oh that's nice there's probably a key somewhere right what was that do you hear that yeah well hear what oh that's me oh it's the spirit that's the radio joseph thompson are you cool whoa whoa just using his name all willy nilly yeah don't sweat around man [ __ ] brazen are you cool though [Laughter] do you have any what the hell do we have any uh like who's got the thermometer is that you susie or is that i've got one yeah i have a thermometer all right all right wherever we get a temperature drop i'll set this up if there is one yeah a little scour how close are you where are you are there is there chalk can i draw i mean you can try i don't think this chalk they need to add that hey susie let's check every other door if you come to open door just skip it oh lord um yeah it's called ectoplasm oh yeah you're right it's interesting that the graffiti artist chose the chalkboard to do the graffiti on yeah yeah seems a little uh basic show us a sign give us a sign give us a sign but like not a scary one that's usually a surefire sign i'm at 13. it hasn't gotten to 11 yet all right we'll keep an eye on it spooky school huh wouldn't want to get an f here you know what i'm saying lockers lockers lockers what's up with that wins all right what's the name of the team here give us a sign give us a sign uh i'm we're gonna stuff you with the locker dude stuff you in the locker and dunk you in the toilet oh did you get some temperatures really yeah i don't know maybe it's a glitch that's kind of creepy wait did i get it oh do you hear that phone telephone is it close to you yeah okay it's definitely upstairs we should go upstairs yeah let's do it guys do you mind do you mind waiting a second i should really i need to drink some water yeah man you got to stay hydrated what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did did you see that yeah shot away oh whoa what's going on you got it okay uh [ __ ] i believe the stairs are this way smoky aaron you're moving too fast yeah aaron i can't keep up with you sorry i don't know how to run uh you put one leg in front of the other but faster oh it's like i hear the stairs how's it going up there babe i'm coming down i'm leaving i use my tools there's nothing else i can do so now i'm going back to the bus to try and get some other tools oh [ __ ] where were you uh upstairs oh god oh cool give us signs give us a sign this is a huge level big map give us a sign did you open doors up here okay we'll look for the open doors then one door i couldn't open it and i think that was the room where the ringing telephone was okay we'll look for open doors oh here's one i can't find my way out give us a sign give us a sign nothing you're getting a c-minus in being cool give us a sign are you learning dan are you a delinquent student damn oh [Music] my flashlight just turned off oh does it turn back on that's good oh jesus okay out of here every every exit door i find is locked give us a sign give us a song oh i think i can hear you guys oh [ __ ] all right all right we're coming to save you very slowly this ghost is on the move a ghost with a need for speed are you near the entrance i am by the basketball court okay we're like right there i told you the ghost wanted to shoot some hoops you're right i can almost hear you guys like i don't know if you're upset we're on the basketball court right now oh okay we're right outside the basketball court now but i'm in the basketball court oh there you guys are there's multiple i think i think there's two oh no hello wait so was the phone ringing on this side susie good to see you guys okay so behind me is where the phone was ringing in this hallway um i didn't physically see the phone but i can hear the phone so right right i will guide you to where he was uh no it's this way further ooh is this the is this the chemistry lab that's pretty sick and i have my temperature gauge out right now and i'm not getting anything i haven't seen anything below 10 honestly give us a sign oh [ __ ] it's freezing in here yeah put that internals it's freezing temperatures wait wait hey aaron do you want me to set up a camera in here yeah yeah that'd be great okay here's what i'll do uh are you close where are you put freezing temperatures in your journal oh well everybody wait up i'm trying to drop the camera but vr is being a little scuffed there we go oh oh [ __ ] i see it oh oh [ __ ] there it is oh my god oh oh where are you where what's happening oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude hey ghost eat my dick no don't eat his dick oh all right well we found it he's a hefty lad he's got a cleaver he looks like a butcher oh my god that's scary oh that's nice that that's great oh that's nice maybe we got our points for that are you a hefty lad i'm not getting an ems you're a chunky boy hey ross throw it down i ran at him dude yeah yeah yeah hold on well he would have written in it but i'll just leave it right actually should i keep it near the camera uh [ __ ] he made me drop it throw it throw it to where he was throw it to where he was all right here's what i'm going to do oh hold on hold on hold on i'm a little i'm going to leave it here so if he wants to do his homework you can do it right it's really sweet ross you got to let him you got to let him know he can write in the book yo right in the book idiot dude don't be so mean about it wow negative nine i've never seen it that low before you learned about negative numbers i'm proud of you oh thanks man yeah i appreciate it big progress from the among us play through yeah uh here someone has to go oh aaron great news you're in there alone now because we all left oh god oh god oh god oh my god he's getting he's on the hunt he's on the hunt oh my flashlight is shaking guys oh god there he is oh my god behind us where oh crap he got me oh no we got that bad oh oh jeez oh oh well that's great oh no bye dan all right all right we should get out what do we have uh we have freezing temperatures i don't have any emf do you have the spirit box let me check the writing dandy uh no writing guys no writing hey using all right love it what i'm dead uh hey how old are you what do you want what do you want are you old hello what's his name ask him if you do that are you here are you here we got ghost riding let's go that's more than enough right uh no we need one more piece of evidence don't we yeah hey uh excuse me uh what's your name what do you want who are you something what should i ask how old are you yo bro how old are you hello how old are you if one of you is it and oh god oh god he's here damn he's [ __ ] gross-looking [Music] you're ugly you're ugly as hell man oh i saw him i saw him like holy [ __ ] that was scary full-on saw him he was ugly dude he had like a blacksmith robe on all right so ugly did you just see him yeah i've seen him a couple of times one of me go go ahead and go back to the van and check the video to see if we go i don't even know how to get back to the van dude brought us here so you got to help us hey aaron do you want the radio here aaron take the radio uh yeah thanks uh just drop it on the floor thank you thank you all right let's go i set up a camera in there so yeah guys he was so ugly are you here yeah are you here he's probably there like the cafeteria chef you know where are you had a basketball related are you here but i know oh it's all right i'm fine poor dan i was is dan recording his perspective i am although you can't hear it beautiful okay so this is where i get lost oh bring ring i don't see it are we are we upstairs or downstairs susie uh i can't hear you guys anymore okay we're trying to find our way out oh my god you're still not out you'll see a lot of lights there's all the lights are on at the entrance i think this is the entrance isn't it oh [ __ ] oh god i see him again i see him again man big dead sucks stab him i'm not gonna throw a basketball at him what are you talking about i'm not ross you might want to take some pills okay we got the crucifix point we got the thermometer point it says all we need to do is cleanse the area that goes using a smudge stick and determine what kind of ghost it is okay forget that check check the cameras and look if there's ghost orbs the lights are on pretty much there are orbs yeah okay all right we're good let's get the [ __ ] out of here what do you think it is it's a euray a yuri yes man this is a drag i hear that was banned in australia all right i think you race just japanese for ghosts we're level 10. i need to get the [ __ ] out of here uh yeah i'm pretty sure it's chasing me i think i'm gonna die oh jesus christ that was terrifying yeah as fast as you can yeah i'm going i'm going i hid in the corner okay so keep going straight and then when you get to the hallway you're gonna turn left hell yeah perfect so go straight and then keep going straight hell yeah this area is lovely okay aaron when you get to the big opening where the hell am i oh hell you're outtie yeah we did it and we only lost one friend i'd say that's a good day that's right he was giving his signals oh basketball sick hi erin hello hello come to the warm cozy van in your honor dan we have we have identified the ghost i hope that you feel does everybody honored it in their journals uh what is so what are what are what's their evidence let's run through it we got freezing temperatures ghost writing and ghost orbs that gee whiz new activity went up it was making like this like radio noise we couldn't even reach you in the van yeah his power level was off the charts wow yeah did everybody set their answers in all right okay hopefully it doesn't crash this time oh yeah i think we did it man that's great that's great resting i'll catch up with you it's nice sorry dan i don't know where you are right now but you must be with us welcome back i've got some jobs ready for you hey let's go nice oh [ __ ] tripped up all right hey dan how you doing back from the dead that was just great really had fun thank you guys i'm sorry you got killed killed so quickly no it's a blast i got to wander around the school uh i haunted the um uh the basketball grounds behind the uh place i i tried to find my way out but ended up walking over my dead body like three times okay uh it was hard to get out of there yeah yeah being dead is a [ __ ] drag man uh yeah i was with ross i was with ross and susie for a while and uh i heard you guys say i feel bad dan must have been so scared and uh and then i just kind of wandered off for a while but i did see the ghost i did see the ghost did you see the ghost chasing me yeah wait no i saw it when ross was looking at him like you had him cornered ross in the room he was really scared of me yeah he was he was a beast he was very uncool yeah he was afraid of a whole face i haven't seen one that strong before that was well i'm dying to play this one more time right on well next time on gangnam then we will yeah i'm loving this actually this is really neat oh right on yeah all right let's go hell yeah gamers cool bye everyone peace bye bye i don't think i have anything to snack on right now
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 532,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, phasmophobia gameplay, ghost hunting, scary games, phasmophobia professional, phasmophobia tutorial, ghost hunting game, family gaming, horror game, funny moments, horror games, phasmophobia gameplay multiplayer, phasmophobia gameplay professional
Id: eFpvZs4Ax1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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