Dan Mohler @ KFC - 4 - Becoming love

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but but all weekend if you haven't been able to be at any of the services what what we've really talked about is the goal of Christianity to go of Christianity is the transformation of your life it's you becoming one with who he is inside of you the image of God in you and the nature and image of God is love he made man watch ladies you should like this both male and female in His image so the man was made for God's image and the woman has the same creative value the reason a woman's on the earth is to be found in His image the woman's not on the earth just to serve the man like the only reason that the woman makes the man complete is because she's an avenue for who God is to flow and reproduce a multiply he didn't make woman cuz man was needy he didn't make a woman to meet a man's knee there's there's no woman on the earth with the job description to scratch a man's edge women are on the earth for the image of God man's on the earth for the image of God in His image they come together and reproduce after their own kind till the whole lower earth is covered with his glory he said man this is amazing he blessed and said be fruitful and multiply what he's saying is multiply the image let the earth be filled with Who I am that's why man's on the earth to be found in God's image so what Jesus did was pay a price to restore that truth I don't know if you understand this but he got beat the on description when they when they beat him the Bible says he was marred more than any of the sons of men that's an intense scripture that means when they were done beating Jesus when they when they were done with him when they were finished he was left more marred than any man was at the hands of men that's pretty barbaric you think about the horrible things people have done to people how do you burn somebody on a stake believing they're into witchcraft and you tie him to a pole you pile wood at the bottom and you light it up and the whole town celebrates because the witch is getting burned you know that chefs happened to people right when the fire goes out can you tell if there even a person can you tell if they're male or a female could you tell who they were done some horrendous things the old cults are back in Jesus days to boil people in oil you you boil a big kettle and throw a person in there whenever they end up coming out of the oil you tell me you can tell who they are and what they are Jesus was marred more than any of the sons of men that's intense that means when they were done beating on him there's no way you could tell who he was the movie the passion was hard to watch makes you cry I wish every Christian would watch it and stop saying it's too brutal you need to get sober and understand what he had to pay and that he was willing to pay why why is he lonely does he need a friend that bad he wants to redeem what he made man for man got lost in sin and selfishness went another way got himself cut off from God but God doesn't cut himself off from any loves people and he wants to restore people through for God so loved the world it doesn't say for God was so frustrated in a wits and he finally sent his son he loved us but Jesus was marred more than any of the sons man why why does it have to be like that why can't he just take 39 stripes and some steaks in the hand and shed his blood because when sin got done with man in the garden man was unrecognized when didn't look anything like he was created to be so Jesus had to come and take that on himself to pay the price to get man's identity back and put the nature of God back in man so he could be seen for what he's here for he was separated on the cross so you're forever joined with God he died so you never have to there's parallels to the cross don't miss getting beat beyond description he's beat unrecognizable to get man's identity back so you once again could walk and live in God's image like he intended from the beginning so these are just simple the simple goal of the gospel that's why the Bible says you should seek first the kingdom of God that's why the Bible says to love not your own life unto death that's the Bible says to prefer others to make yourself of no reputation guys all these commissions all these exhorts exportations are are what we've lived the opposite our whole lives so what he's trying to do is is write the ship and go you're not what you think you are her you're here for a different reason and he wants to 180 not 360 180 that thing and flip the coin we live for ourselves we don't even acknowledge it sometimes you just think every taken for granted everybody lives her so we live at the expense of each other we're created to love and that love lays down its life what's the opposite of laying down your life live at the expense of you see some people say well I don't live at the expense of people that what are you talking about man if you're just in a family if you're in a home and you have an attitude it's non-productive putting pressure on the family forcing them to respond you're living at their expense you're making it all about you Jesus made himself of no reputation we've all sought reputation at some level we all wanted to be noticed we all wanted to be seen a certain way and I understand a good testimony but a reputation is different people want no riot II they want Fame they want to seem like they're on the top it have this same mind in you that was also in him yeah who even though he was equal with God didn't consider it something to be acknowledged for and honored for instead he made himself he laid down his gloria made himself of no reputation he didn't come blow in the trumpet he didn't come with me reads of angels iki born in a manger he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey you get it he made him say called himself the Son of Man constantly I love Jesus so much he he's all power all authority all wisdom and he's so humble it's ridiculous I just think about this stuff it just I want to just be more more like him like growing up the little cartoons it was always this little sinister guy with this little beady head long nose and chin and he always wanted a little he wanted to get all the power to rule the world why is everybody want all the power so they can rule the world me number one come on that little character was in so many movie lines and plot lines and cartoons growing up we all saw he was all different shapes and sizes but he always had the same motive he wanted to get all the power so he could be number one in lu lu whirl here's Jesus with all the power he lays down his life and becomes a man submits himself goes into a woman and comes out as a man has to be empowered by Holy Spirit and walk out his life as a man and be tempted at every point yet without sin and fulfill the law and fulfill when Adam failed so that we could be restored to a truth that he believes is worth it all I'm not going to reduce this to blessings in favor and protection in heaven someday I want transformation I want to be what he paid for I want to follow him not just sing to him and pray to him when I'm overwhelmed and I sure don't want to get mad at him when things don't go my way cuz that's a dead giveaway you're not a Christian for his great name if you're mad at him you have a wrong understanding we're not Christians for our sake we're Christians for his great name sake don't forget that I'm just nutshell on the weekend this is the stuff we talked about every session so it's not too harsh it's the truth and it's where you're gonna live free cuz you're not free until you're free from yourself living for yourself is the biggest bummer and the biggest bondage and I never realized it till I finally understood and got free for myself and then it hit me living for myself was the loneliest place I've ever been everything around me dictated who I was what people did controlled me and I thought I was in control and it hit me after I saw it all oh my goodness I was never created for me and I've been living for me no wonder life is a bummer no wonder it's such a struggle no wonder its highs and lows no wonder you live for a moment to moment we're trying to survive man I ended that a long time ago and I just absolutely enjoy not living for myself like that would be a wretched thing to me to try to even just think about that it's a lonely nasty place produces nothing unless the seed dies and falls to the ground it abides alone and at the end of your life you have nothing to show for but a pursuit to make your own way and survive or whatever that means but if the seed dies and falls to the ground they'll spring up you know very much friend and in this the father is well pleased that you bear fruit and that your fruit remain you see how it all goes together it's the whole reason he came people he didn't come to assure you or even possibly make you think your day can just go better because he came he didn't come for just your blessing he didn't come for your provision he didn't just come so your vats and your barns are full he came so your heart is full of him so that your light so that your light so shine before men that they actually see your life and know he's God come on this is all Scripture horizon shine Church arise side where you don't know what other going through brothers but that's off wait all right sighing church your light is going you don't know what they put me through you don't know it's been a shining your light has come the glory the Lord is risen upon your darkness to cover the earth deep darkness to people but the light so on you oh my goodness so that's Old Testament shine New Testament shine I think he's the light of the world he's in us and we're supposed to shine not complain not get bewildered not get discouraged not get frustrated not get angry not get jealous I think we're supposed to shine I'm pretty sure by now we're supposed to shine yeah but yeah but no yeah but don't you Jesus had a lot of reasons in the natural as a man not to shine his old man betrayed him Judas betrayed him he did good and people called it bad constantly and he kept staying good he never lets sin against him produced sin in him he never justified his flesh he lived by his spirit and didn't fulfill the lust of the flesh and he kept his mode of pure and he lived for the kingdom of God and he lived for the glory of God's name and he laid down his life for others and then that same Jesus said follow me and say sing to me you didn't say pray to me when things get tight follow me they said really crazy amazing things like the things I do you tell if you believe if you believe so guess what the whole goal of the enemy is scram bought what we believe he does not even know what we believe get us to fight over what we believe disagree over what we believe because when we're doing that we're not producing life and we're not producing him so he's got us right where he wants us even though we're going to church and all of a sudden we're accomplishing nothing just attendance make sure that's never your life please I'm not saying this because you're doing it I'm saying don't ever let it happen I didn't come here to correct you I promise I have no need to be right in your life I came here to tell you who you are cuz he said press his blood to get this truth out and what you hear in the secret you shout it from the rooftop so they gave me a mic so I didn't have to climb on a roof so I want you to see something because these signs follow those that if you believe in me as the scriptures say is John seven out of your belly will flow rivers of living water it's one thing to get born again and have a well springing up into everlasting life that's John four but John seven takes it another step if you believe in him as the scriptures say out of your belly will flow rivers of living water who would agree that well springing up into everlasting life is a little different than a river pouring out of your belly one's your born-again experience John four John 7 this he spake of the Spirit who had not yet been given because he had not yet been glorified is a little different to say hey yeah I'm saved and then to live by the spirit it's a little different to have a wellspring up and you get your name secured in a book called life but then you become loved and you walk in you and you live in him and you don't let anything change your mind why because the just live by faith not circumstances not feelings not in justices they live by faith why because they believe one day they believe one day they'll stand before him and they're not gonna let themself be tricked they're not gonna sell out time that they don't have they're not gonna sell out when they're not for sale because they believe they're gonna stand before him and that this life is a gift and they're gonna make it count for his glory all I'm preaching simple Christianity it's not even one bit radical I think we've been tamed down with a lot of all about me messages me getting my breakthrough and me get my blessing and me getting my bread out on the water so in many days not many days it can come on back and be a bigger loaf and then the bigger loaf don't come and we spend two more years fighting with faith struggling with faith and study in faith and trying to get a bigger loaf and the whole time you're welcomed by everybody that you need to be shining in front of all of a sudden you're using your faith for a green light or something I miss that light every day father if I'm walking in favorite a shot cut on Ibaka soft a you don't have faith to get green lights you don't even understand when you're like screams somebody else's is red and it doesn't seem to matter you went all this blessing but when you're getting those kind of blessing somebody else isn't so why doesn't that matter that should matter you don't have faith to get green lights you're not faith faith for convenience and for blessing you have faith to live your life in him way more than not faith in your Bible is a perspective you live by than a tool in your belt to get prayers answered most people think faith is just a tool in our belt we get it out to get prayers answered to get mountains to move faith is a perspective you live by it's a view you acquire through the truth it's you seeing who you've become now that he came and you live from that place daily the just shall live by well how can that be a tool to get a prayer answered the just shall live by a perspective of who they've become now that he came of a life surrendered putting off the old man putting on the new man renewed in knowledge according to his image walking in the light as he's in the light having fellowship with one another come on that's all scripture it just paints a beautiful picture I love it yeah I'm home did you tell him bumped I'm actually really calm this morning for you guys I think I was more pumped last service as far as intense but I'm pretty calm right now I feel calm this is happy message he's happy I didn't come to correct you came to cheer you on he gave his life for you he shed his blood for you don't let religion law you to sleep don't just let coming to King's for her take the place of knowing him and living in him don't just let serving and administer here and keeping this thing roll in take the place of what you created for him call to please participate please make things happen but do it all for the right reason let's have one mind in one spirit one faith and that's all wake up in the morning for one reason to be more like you and to walk in love and to love one another because if we do that we're gonna step into something amazing and our spheres of influence will recognize it and seed by seed by seed by seed will start taking over ground precious ground and bring a harvest that we've all been praying for you come on that's just simple clear while yay great preaching I'm glad you got close I'm glad I'm just having fun with you I gotta read this did I turn you to Timothy like second Timothy four I want you to see something it's a simple message and I won't be long with the enoughstop in plenty of time because on a Sunday morning I understand children church and all that stuff I'd never asked pastor what time I should stop this morning I I thought well you 10:45 I could probably go to about 10 20 or so but I missed it by a few minutes but that's alright he assured me it was okay he smiled just the same and today I'll have you out here in plenty of time I don't have a vision on Sunday to keep people long and open services I don't even think about time if you came you learned that I just preach man I drove up here I didn't drive up here to be on the time frame on a Friday night Saturday night special service I'm going for it and I rarely feel done I just stopped but on Sunday morning I get it here's why we come on a Sunday morning to corporately enjoy him to celebrate him in unity and oneness and they all get up there and they're not leading us it's there that man there just aren't they a blessing they their company but that stop making them lead us let's be worshipers of the Lord Lizabeth and no instruments work and we didn't have sound we're gonna tear this place up with worship you know what I mean but it sure is a blessing right the worship team it's a blessing and I was pointing over there to kids because that's where the worship team wasn't the first service but it's future worship team oh there it is yeah you're there you're there I thought maybe I was prophesying but but that stop making people lead us and lead us in prayer and lead us in worship early come on it's our own relationship let's wake up and be in him and be his children and know he loves us and ever faced unveiled and live in the Christ yeah and come to church excited because you had fellowship with him before even got here because you've commune with him because you woke up in him so we come to celebrate a truth that we're living and some people are new and some people are visiting and some people are wondering why I'm freaking out I get that but the truth is this we can walk in something that we're becoming and we can have a unity of faith here and a synergism and and love him and worship Him and celebrate and look around the room and realize man there's people in my community believing what I'm believing like God's doing some you look around at young people and go wow I do it all the time I look up at young people to watch them worshiping and just blesses my heart image yeah just awesome and then we get a word of encouragement and empowerment so that hopefully hopefully when we leave we look just a little like him then we came then when we can or we're just Kings fire church awesome shirts our worship is great I just love our pastor I just love it I just gotta love my church we just got o Church huh okay great and then you just can't wait to get back to church can't stand going to work that means it's three four more days till church and you folks that are my age and that definitely the folks that are older than me if you've been in Christianity for a while you'll know this is true we got this bright idea way back way back is it rape is probably in the 70s late 60s 70s got this great idea Sunday to Sunday is a long haul living in the world you get drained that's two a Wednesday service so that we can make it to Sunday who knows I'm telling the truth who honestly knows I'm telling the truth the whole vision for Wednesday midweek service was to split the hell in the middle so that you could come and drink and Jesus and then go back out and try to make it till Sunday who's been around a while knows it's exactly the theology that was in our lives back then because life is tough life is full of challenges you get drained all weekend stepped on spit on abused to misuse and it's hard to make it son need us not ground at you promise Mountain Valley theology where you just got go up on the mountain and just be with the Lord why so you can filled up cuz you got to go back down into Valley and hopefully you know and have discernment to get back up the mountain before you can't so you can get filled and get back down the valley let me show you how ridiculous that is so I've just been around you guys all weekend you've been pulling on me asking questions talking to me I'm on my feet and you still come up and I'm still on my feet can any of you tell that that's a real reality of me but I guess it could be if I have wrong thinking I guess I'm just here to preach that probably would be if I see you love you I'm not even thinking that way but I know how to cuz I've been in the world and I've been off the world so now you guys just pulled on me and drained me people come up to me they still that old-school mentality they said brother you poured out all weekend you just preach and preach I just won't pray that God just fill you back up and I'm like man be careful with that stuff I'm not empty I'm already don't know what to do I'm like already freaking out and you want to say oh you poured out and you've been so drained and we just go for a silly got stop that but you did drink out of my cup no one drank out of my cup all weekend he's anointed my head my cup runneth over do I look like you drained me this is my last service nobody drank out of my cup at best you're splashing in my saucer at best because I've been with him and I don't minister out of ministry a minister out a relationship but if not if not man you guys are tough and you got so many questions and needy needy some of your needy and then I just got a prank in and now I got pretty for you all right I'll preview and by that time you're done with me or I'm done with you I'll bear get up back up onto that mountain and hopefully I can make it up it feels like a steeper climb this time all of a sudden I get there whoa and you ain't there I get there whoa this is where I belong whoa oh Jesus spiritually right now now the Lord says you can't stay up here you get stay up here whole sudden I gotta come back down to the valley where are you and then you pull on me and you need me and oh and prayer no phone calls no appointments after a while if you live that way you anymore go back down because well son pastoring would be awesome if it wasn't for the people you folks have been around no no they you know that this has been a theology in the church somebody needs to kill it that's what I'm trying to do ain't nobody pull it on me see when do you ever leave that place I guess if you choose to I guess if you never went in in the first place but when do you leave that but people say there's a silage out there oh I visit the throne-room every morning I'm like why do you leave I don't understand some of these theologians he not in you when are you not with him when aren't you anointed when aren't you living by the spirit well probably ought to be in that place right because if not life's going to sneak up on you well son you're gonna get tricked into believing something that ain't true or feeling something you don't need to live or taking things personal or getting hurt or I can't believe they did that now your best prayer is hoping God comes it straightens them out or waxham knocks them out they're ours now you're supposed to love him like Jesus loved you when you were unlovely you're supposed to see the best about him like he saw the best about you when you ain't and get nothing right when you were willful when you knew better and did it anyway and he didn't change his mind you don't give up on people you don't write people off you don't say if they to change and if they were gonna change there to change by now oh they ain't gonna change how many times it stopped if God took that initiative one day towards your life you're done you're done if you had that attitude just one day towards you you're done and here's what I'm talking strong to you right now see how this thing all shifted now all said I'm still nice I'll still smile but he never changed his mind about you and on your darkest day he saw what you're here for him what he created you for and he's telling us to look not without word judgment but righteous judgment he's telling you to never read a book by the cover you never see the chapters on the inside he'll just discard the book you won't even open it because you think you know what it says by the way it looks the way it sounds the way it seems and all sudden its judgment his presumption if God saw our lives that way he would not send his son but he did didn't he come on man we're all called to this and I must be straight and strong I'm already here might as well just be narrow if you're not living this way there's no way you can tell me you're free because people still bother you you're still very self conscious you still need people to do the right things for you to be alright you're in bondage to men because you don't know who you are and you're finding yourself through people instead of through him because when you find yourself through him you're finally free to love one another when you find yourself through one another your hearts in bondage and you're only as good as they're doing you and then you're only as strong as the weakness around you and that's called religion happens in the church all the time that's why people are hurt in church that's why they leave their church to go to another church that's why they talk about their pastor eight months after they've been coming because he's changed and he ain't the same and the reason I came and when I first came is Church and now it's just I don't know what's going on I'm and then pastors realize what's going on you put them in a vulnerable place if they're not strong and when I'm preaching because then we become Church shoppers so they have to provide a product you're looking for all sudden church is here to serve you instead of see you transformed and walk in love and win the world for his name it's the only reason we're Christians don't ever get mistaken by that that's the only reason he came is to put his life inside of you not to feed your preferences I don't know if I like the music well I think I'm not sure about that heart we're holy thing I don't know why he has to scream so loud since I don't know why the pastor has to I don't even like the lights man maybe so he needs to tell you the singing all about you you never heard the sermon huh I'm sorry I'm having fun man I'm really not mad this thing is all about him in you all about him through you so I'm not being wrong with her like it ain't about you know he wouldn't agree with me it's all about you but it's all about him in you and without him in you we miss why we're here and were reduced to survival and self-centeredness and hurt and regret and memories living our life 20 years later and stereotyped and doing no better than how it's been and all of a sudden the way it's happened is our story instead of what he's done our story just now we're writing books about our past instead of looking up in the present in the future and our language is constantly you don't know what I've been through you don't was like when I was growing up you don't realize I've never had a daddy to love me you don't realize that what does any have to do with what I'm talking about no that has a thing to do with what I'm talking about that's what's supposed to be put off and die that's why you put off that you put off that you go get water baptized get somebody that's serious to hold you under till there ain't no more bubbles in Truscott trust God I'll trust God there's a pulled you hole there's usually a late jerk and then 40 seconds you got now you better be in faith if you do that because we pull new life and if you don't get the huh at least you know they're right you know so we're gonna do some baptisms and serve silver I'm gonna officiate don't think you're bigger and badder than me that Samson and only will come me I'll hold you with one finger but I'm just kidding we don't do that don't anybody say Pastor Dan said wonders of opera stuff that's true faith somebody actually emailed me one time they said listen I heard you say that but you were so serious I couldn't tell if it was pulpit humor or if you were serious do you really walk in that faith and I'm like oh my goodness I'm like I called my girl that doesn't mean myself I said could you email them back immediately and say Papa humor don't you be drownded nobody and saying pastor said water baptism it's not an ordinance it's not the next rule to follow it's not do it cuz Jesus said it's the sign of death burial and resurrection you're dying in the likeness of his death you're dying to sin once and for all your reckoning yourself dead to sin and alive unto God raising in the newness of life in the power of his resurrection need any more scripture it's there man water baptism is not an ordinance in the next step to follow it's you bearing witness to your own consciousness this is the day I'm dying and I'm done with self and I'm done with frustration I'm done with the flesh and I'm done with tit-for-tat and he said she said and I wouldn't be if they didn't well don't tell me will that hurt I'm done with it I'm done I'm not gonna live but the wisdom I was trained by I'm gonna live by the way damn he showed me I was trained in the wrong thing man was home-schooled in the wrong home I was born into a demand I need to be born again I've been living for myself and it's time to live for his great name time to get saved that is not a passport to heaven that's an answer of a new life that heaven inside of you that's born again make no mistake about it our goal is not to quote a prayer to assure we go to heaven when we die we're getting back right with God so God comes in to us and to become one and we live in his great name come on and it demands change in attitudes and motives and reason for being come on it's just a simple gospel it's not radical it scares me sometimes in a strange sense when I say scared not Wow this is concerns me it's this word concerned it concerns me that when I preach sometimes feels to you are so radical and I'm like let it go it's normal Christianity it's in every scripture we have minimized it to serve us instead of changes so Christians have permission to be discouraged they have permission to live for two months and not even think about it they have permission to be mad at somebody because of what they did we don't even understand sometimes we've longed ourselves to sleep with messages that benefit us instead of change us that's why water baptism slips out of churches it's an annual event it best if it's even spoken about why this is not about transformation it's about making heaven what a baptism is about transformation and you read them old boys in the book of Acts they didn't even preach the gospel without water baptism it was all part of the message and there ain't one place in the book of Acts where you can show me where they believed and didn't get water baptized immediately immediately why because you are dying and we're going to help you I'll bring you up and you're gonna live yeah we turned it into a white dress pictures invite all the family no no unique on the chariot so convicted what forbids me water look hey yo Philip water you read the book of Acts in X 8 Philip gets on the chariot with the eunuch because he's reading Isaiah 53 and he says tell me sir who's the man talking about himself for another it says at this place Philip entered in and spake unto Him Jesus period the next verse and having come to water the eunuch said look water what forbidden that means he didn't spake unto him Jesus without the emphasis importance and power of conversion through water baptism because the very next line says look water what forbids me Philip said only that you believe with all your heart he looked at Philip and said I believe and told they went to the water Philip had a really busy day he baptized the man the man came up celebrated looked and Philip was gone I mean going it's pretty cool but he didn't men and brethren what shall we do repent and be baptized for the remission of your sin something so powerful about water baptism you come out of the water and you recognize you're clean not cuz you went in the water because you passed through the blood you're clean God sees you as if you've never sinned God sees you if you never lived a day apart from him God makes you one and accepts you as a son Holy Spirit takes you out of the water and presents you to pop a little Papa brand new baby boy any amazing it's what a baptism it's the womb of God it's where people are born your mother's you carried that baby in a sack of water that babies in their crock-pot and getting right yeah and at some point you got to have that baby you got deliver that baby honey right what's the first sign that tells women that baby's coming what happens oh if that water breaks you bury it in the car right or you better call the Midwife over to the home right if the water breaks you know a baby's coming it's water baptism babies under their crock-pot in for two seconds in the finished work of Jesus baptism the water breaks baby spawn oh it's so powerful it's been water all the way through first Peter 3:8 righteous so saved through water in the days of Noah Peter that's such a revelation eight right you saw saved through water we have this anti-type which now saves us saves I thought it was the blood brother it is but it's also on our baptism the answer of a good conscience toward God it's amazing how the word speaks and we fight it and to create our doctrines it's the blood brother thing today water baptism I think that if you what you have you're on a plane and you get born again on the plane and the plane crashes before you have to get the chance to get water baptized you tell me you're going to hell see that's the stuff people say analytical demonic that's demonic that's making the word complicated when it's just too simple eight righteous soul saved through water you have an anti-type which now saves you water baptism the answer not the cleansing of your flesh you're not taking a bath it's not but the answer of a good conscience toward God you be on with me how many people don't have a good conscience towards God how many people wake up every day and don't even feel worthy how many people actually don't believe they're lovable and accepted in the Christ water baptism is designed to change that to where you get in the water and you confess publicly and openly and to him into your own conscience man I've lived for myself I've done things I should have never done I hurt people now that I look back I wish I wouldn't hurt if I could rewrite the pages of my life I would write new pages but I can't so all I know to do is die and give my life to you I thank you that you love me and the blood speaking better things and when I go into this order you'll forgive me of everything I've ever done and when I come out there's going to be newness of life there's going to be a power of your resurrection all the things are passing away and all things are becoming new and I'm reckoning myself dead to sin indeed and alive under God I'm ready water baptism vents got my hair standing up right now cuz to me that is so powerful what's he saying about the days of Noah the earth was continually evil and men were wicked in their hearts continually so what did God do what did God do we all think flood flood flood what did God do what's Peter saying God did god baptize the earth in water and when he brought the earth out of the water there was no unrighteousness on the earth only eight righteous souls that came through the water and then he looked and said I'll never destroy the earth and do it this way again put a rainbow in the sky to vow and promise what's he saying there's a baptism coming but it won't be like this it won't be at the cost of men's lives it'll give men their lives and it's going to be through my son and I will never do a baptism of the earth like this again where men are destroyed for their sins because of days coming where his blood will speak better things and when they go under the water their sin will die but they will live Peter had a revelations rarely talked about but he had a revelation God baptized the earth in water brought it out of the water all unrighteousness destroyed but the men's lives along with it see because there was no transformation apart from the blood which means this gospel is pointing to transformation he doesn't forgive your sins just so you live forgiving he forgives your sins to separate you from them so you live brand new are you with me I gotta close I don't know where time goes with me I have this amazing anointing on my life that I'm very aware of how to pass time it seems like I should have like 20 minutes right now the way my heart feels but it's okay I just want you to see this I fought the it's it's second Peter for second Timothy for I'm sorry second Timothy four and it's verse seven we know this people put this stuff on the refrigerator's okay but this really see what it's really really really really really saying I have fought the what fight it's a good fight what fight the good fight of that's what 1st Timothy 6 fight the good fight of faith why is it a good fight because you win any fights good if you win when I was growing up in the city I didn't care if I had a black eye on a puffy lip his eyes were both busted up and a tooth was missing it was a good fight dude you look at me and think I'm beat up you ought to see him man he looks way worse than me man that's growing up in the city that was me I grew up in the city you fought your way through and it was a good fight if he looked worse than you it didn't matter how hurt you weren't America let him talk because you live what so let it hang out of your teeth you were like this because when you looked at him man you could tell he's been through it dude and then you puff up like a little bandy rooster in the city and you feel like you want I know it's messed up it's kid stuff but it's it was a good fight you were happy about it you went to bed you didn't feel the pain cuz you kept picturing him whoa good fight why is it a good fight the good fight of C see what that means fight the good fight of faith you're not fighting the devil stop thinking you're fighting the devil you're not fighting people I promise you that your Ward's not flesh and blood yeah but I'll wrestle no that just means there's contention between the two your fight is not the devil you can't punch him in the mouth you can't shout out I am loud enough your your fight is to submit to God and to stay in faith did not lose sight of who you are now that he came and not internalize things and take things personal and let things matter more than what matters most that's your fight your fight is staying fixed and focused on why he came and who you are now that he's here your fight is not people it's not the IRS it's not your boss it's not your job it's not your spouse i amplify that on purpose it's not your spouse because what a sad day if you let where somebody isn't decide where you are your eyes can't be on Jesus see I'm done with that it's weakness it's deception just live in your life to get by just live in your life for things to suit you just live in your life for convenience and no struggle stop thinking that way some of us are praying against fire because we're afraid of it Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego said what's your fire does so King you can't use that as a tool are you kidding we ain't afraid of you ain't afraid of fire we ain't afraid to die we love God we ain't bound to you we ain't bound to what's not God when I put a bow in fear we're not gonna bow to your image burn the fire man let it burn it don't matter see that's Old Testament we ought to get that they didn't even have a revelation of Jesus they had just integrity in what they believed they didn't even have what we have we've turned it into bless me and suit me and if things don't go the way we prayed we're mad at God and don't even pray for a month well no no way let me get laid off I prayed and prayed I won't get laid off and I still this I don't know why my prayers ain't working I just well we just got a little thing going on right now we ain't talked no you're in your own delusional little world stop you're hurting yourself you're believing wrong and you're being deceived oh it's okay I talked that straight where she can do is get bad at me or maybe shoot me I don't know but I won't die so if you wait out at my truck and just make it good I'll be with him it'll be all good I feel like some of your thinking man dude you are out of your mind and the truth is I'm probably just out of yours so I seem radical and I'm normal I'm probably just out of your mind you think I'm out of mine I am I'm out of yours too I gotta finish fighting a good fight of faith I fought the good fight this paw at the end of his race man this is a beautiful declaration I wish we could just all say this right I finished the race so Paul realizes he wasn't in this thing to go to heaven he just wasn't in this thing to get his sins forgiven and get his name in a book there was a race he was running there was a purpose involved there was something to grow up into an accomplished you see well that was Paul we had a calling you don't have a calling I found a calling for you in first Peter 2 you're called to suffer for doing good and take occasionally to this you were called that's your calling that's glamorous because you have Christ is your example and you should follow his footsteps so if he did it and you get to do it you're following Jesus yay you're suffering for doing good and take it patiently you're proven that you understand why you're a Christian you've fallen out and fretting and calling your friend and telling them how bad you were done over and then they get mad - and now they're hurt and they call their friend and now have 10 other people know how bad it was for you how's that make you better because they sympathize with your pain I'd rather get rid of the pain by not believing the lie if God changes your perspective friend he'll change your whole life your eye is the lamp of your body how you see is how you'll be so a man's life lived gives away what he sees and believes a man's life lived is the evidence of what he believes and what he sees Paul said something amazing I fought the good fight I finished the race I've kept he did say I've kept faith he said I've kept the don't miss that word in front of faith the first Peter 1:5 Satan roaming around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour resist him standing steadfast in the faith contending for the faith obedience to the faith up and established in the faith scripture after scripture after scripture the faith what's he talking about a perspective and I you live from something you become now that he came and you never lose sight of it and so it takes you through Nebuchadnezzar's fire and Nebuchadnezzar is a type in shadow of the enemy right and and he he is not impressed with their stand because he thinks he knows all men and that all men fear for their own lives in fear for themselves so he says I'll tell you what you won't bow to my fire I'll just make my fire hotter till it freaks you out wheeze do them a favor because the first fire is gonna kill him anyway you might as well make it quick because they're going in the 7 times hotter doesn't change those boys he's infuriated I'm still puzzled by the story nobody's ever helped me with it the king's command was so urgent that when his servants opened the furnace doors to put him in the servants got consumed by the King's fire the King's servants got consumed by the fire that was so hot to kill the boys his own men got killed so if his own men got crispy bacon how they get in the furnace they either walked in or Jesus kicked them in there's three guys bound tied up blindfolded bound up heading to the furnace two guys are taking them to put them in and when they open the door the fire went pop crispy bacon the guys are going and the three guys are standing there bound and tied how'd they get in I think Jesus has said I'm so proud of you boys get in there I'm about to show a thing right now did he come with a whole bunch of myriads of angels and holy water and doused the fire he wouldn't honor the fire that much to put it out that would mean it was a threat to them sometimes your fire didn't go out what you thought was a problem didn't go out why he didn't a threat to you you're supposed to walk through it and see through it and shine through it and be through it he didn't put the fire out he left them boys right in the middle of it and it didn't have any effect on him next thing you know there's a fourth man in there and he's shining I love VeggieTales he says boss boss I'm such a softy I cry on VeggieTales man he says he says boss did we throw three men in there yeah big old warty pickle man you when that life chef comes out who saw VeggieTales in the light chef comes down into the furnace and shoots out all the windows I just start crying my granddaughter looks at me every time we watch it cuz she's like grandpa's gonna cry but see I know it's coming because it's Jesus it's more than the cartoon he's coming into their situation and responding to their faith and their fearless stand that like Oh Steve it's him you see her you see her my granddaughters looking at me can we throw three men in Europe well there's four in there boss and the one is really shiny Jack Benny come out of there if I'd be the best story in the Bible that teaches us a lot if we listen you don't bow to what's not him you know about a fear you don't battle intimidation you love not your own life unto death remember the fire shouldn't be any threat because you love not your own life it's not about you living it's about you living in him whether we live whether we die we do it unto Him so the threat of fire shouldn't even be a your life's not your you've been bought with a lover Christ compels us we judge something if one died all died so we who live because he died or do not live for ourself but him who died second Corinthians five it's there I read the book it's amazing I've kept the faith so faith is a perspective that you and I live by it's understanding who we've become now that he came I'll quote this and I'm definitely done pastor I promise he said 12:10 after you know I'm taking him to the wire I'm so sorry I am I'm sorry Galatians another very popular scripture I've been now listen to the words I've been crucified with Christ nevertheless I live boss but not I it's Christ he's living in me and the life that I now live watch I live by the faith the perspective of the Son of God now he describes the perspective who gave himself and died for me but my final live I live by the faith the view the perspective the unwavering mindset of the king who didn't get offended when they release Barabbas who didn't get offended when they talk bad about him and called him a demon-possessed Samaritan fine then I just won't hear anybody else fine stay sick then feeds their bellies and they come back to him and he calls them on and said you're only here because I fed you yesterday you just want food but this is what it means to follow me and they said this is a hard saying and they all walked away but he didn't change and now he's hanging on a cross for doing nothing wrong and he doesn't even let that change him I am impressed with Jesus he is really my king and I'm gonna follow him would you join me and would you go after him in this season of your life like never before [Applause] you
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 13,153
Rating: 4.8631177 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, 2018, King's Fire Church
Id: rJx_e7LTuzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 4sec (3484 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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