Dan Mohler Exclusive Q&A - Praise Comm. Church - Part V

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hi guys pastor brian connelly here with Pastor Dan molar hey and we are here to talk to you about beards and how they will actually increase the anointing in your life so but that's that's a new look for you right now somebody said last week they said oh my double wisdom said I hope that's true yeah yeah but in the past you know we've had pastor out of it you know do these and it's his heartbeat to really you know grab grab you spend time with you interview you but you've been looking forward to this moment yeah I appreciate that the one thing that I was thinking about there's there's I know there's a great many things we could touch on but I first heard you in 2009 I didn't know if you knew that okay and you gave a message at the global school of Oh actually it was new was that it was a conference it was the school of healing and impartation okay never heard you before a day in my life and somebody had given me a video from that conference and you did a message called righteousnesses healing now as a youth pastor at the time you know it is a conference on healing you know and people want the move in the supernatural tell me how to do this stuff and you came out to my knowledge gave a completely different message probably than what the people were expecting to hear but when I sat I mean and I opened my Bible for a reason to this specific spot Dan because I've spent time in this portion of Scripture but when you unlocked Romans 6 and you talked about the reality of dead to sin alive in Christ you know and right standing with God and how he who knew no sin became it so I could become the righteousness of God in Christ that message in 2009 somebody that was bound and addicted to time to pornography radically changed my life flap and it just I mean it just yeah it just it just set me in the cup because I was the kind of person that was so bound by shame I'd wake up in the morning and I would always feel like I'd have to go through this period of penance so I felt clean again do I get back in the presence of God I wish somebody would have sat me down as you've explained so many times man don't you see the fact that it grieves your heart is so not you and even hearing you say things like that has radically changed my life but you're hearing these testimonies all the time wherever you go even in my travels you know people like have you ever heard of Dan more yeah I know you know that's so what message to your knowledge have you taught me to just talk about receiving emails and things like that what message has single handedly in your opinion what God has given you have you heard the most feedback from where people like this this message right here single-handedly changed my life well the righteousness message is so amazing because he rules his kingdom yeah with a sector of right to a mess so he came in righteousness so there's rightness and righteousness they're two different things like you and I grew up in rightness you're right he's wrong right yeah yeah and when you're right somebody's gonna be wrong right that's not cool yeah that's how most of us were raised in our families and you know you did that wrong you didn't and barely did we get any any any any acknowledgement affirmation even when we did right most of the time it was expected yeah right yeah so if not much was said right but when you did wrong right yeah right so you get trained by that stuff yet still fall oh man that's the wisdom of the earth that has nothing to do the wisdom of God that is not how he grows his kingdom like if he came right we're off we're all in trouble but he didn't he said I did not I did not man if somebody's watching I would love you to just make sure you get this he did not send us undercover well so condemnation is never the never the answer it's never God and people say yeah but you know you can't just keep on going sinner but we're not talking about that most people Brian on this topic of righteousness panic mostly there's a bastard because they think you're empowering sin they think you're saying hey everything's okay God loves you anyway right oh my goodness if anybody's ever listening to me preach for 10 minutes I'm not preaching staying the same no you're not and except in a label right man this thing changed it changed that's what you just said you said all those years of addiction yeah change yes and those emails I get I'm emotional now because it's hard to wrap your heart around that I get so many emails that we were just talking before we start this interview that people aren't making that stuff up they wouldn't have any need to write it I mean they're saying 20 years pornography yeah one guy just I just got 130 years bound deep in pornography I started listening to this message if bro he started to come out of that show of condemnation cuz see he's labeled as a porn addict livin in secrecy he feels dirty yet even though he's going to it and then his value gets so crushed and he just sees not even to him he's not worth anything he knows this is wrong he knows it's violating his marriage he knows it's violating his life but yet he's driven by the essential flesh desire right and it's just that addiction it's that thing that I can't understand cuz I was never addicted to drugs but you think gotta smoke the crack in ya and they can't not but when they do it's it's their de lies cuz when they start coming out of that thing here we go again that cycling yo and they just drives them back and but they live so low what righteousness does Brian it brings you at righteousness makes everything that's wrong look right or possibly become right in the sight of God in other words righteousness whoops at Brian and says in the midst of pornography whatever however long ago and says Brian you're more than that Brian I love you Brian you have a chance through my blood I will raise you up that darkness into the light I can deliver you you're more than that so the cross Jesus on the cross says Brian you're so much more buddy I know why you're on the earth I know why you're here I have known you from the beginning before the foundation of the world you were predestined to be my son and he doesn't say oh look at him again oh my gosh there he is on the screen don't hit the button Brian doing it right that's not God yeah which is kinda jacked real quick because of what's so interesting is you touched on something and it's a verse that oh my gosh any any one of us that's ever been in the church or a part of the body of Christ you were quoting John 3:16 God sent his son because he loved the world not to condemn it I it was very common for me in my relationship with God I I believed in I believe my heart became pure in a moment I mean I there was a sensitivity to sin I never had to thing wants to loved I hated the thing that I hated I now love but whenever whenever because I didn't fully understand what you're talking about you know right now I would expect punishment from God sure more than I would love where does that thing compromise that's just common to people miss and that's the mentality that's painted and projected look inherent say it we think God's punishing us it's in phrases it's in movie lines it's like what did I do wrong and we look up and think God's causing the calamity yeah we almost always tend to think God's cause of the calamity and this is the way he rules was the stiff Rob that way and he came in righteousness he came to make wrong things right he didn't come to expose wrong things as well yeah he came to make wrong things right that's the difference between right and right to us right so so he didn't come to say you know you should know better there's a lot of people preaching messages I was in a church a while back and there was a pastor came up through a whole different theological school and I'm not even going to name the discipline a she's not even in important what's never in your heart I've never seen waited but he said he said I was through this college this is my background this is the domination I'm a part of he said we were taught strongly to attack a man to get his confession to get his conversion to get his prayer of salvation we were we were called to expose his depravity we are taught to come at a man based on his depravity but you come and expose what's wrong with him to get his heart to repent well the trouble is there's no transformation in that theology there's just conviction yeah but no ability to change I hope ya know and when he heard me preach he was crying and he asked if he can spend time with me and he was crying he even wanted to take me the airport so we could spend more time talk you know and he said you came all weekend from the angle of men's value purpose and destiny and at the same time drove away the sin you didn't you didn't that comp you didn't call out the sin you didn't have you do it yeah you didn't accommodate sin either right I see some people are afraid when they preach righteousness they're accommodating sin and see I've preached for years Brian I didn't find a way in this gospel to sin and get away with it I found a way to be freeing them and then we're so sin conscious that when you preach that people say oh what are you saying you never sinned you say in your perfect city that questions coming from a sin conscious blindness that all we're thinking about a sin all we're thinking about man I thank you which is so interesting because I remember there was a maybe it was in the identity school that you did back in 2011 but it was one of those phrases I'm like oh that's mine I'm gonna take that share that wherever I go now as well but it was so liberating because I think anybody across the board that's a believer would echo this I'm not waking up wondering how I can sit and get away with it bro so you'd think everybody would be in agreement with it bro no no I mean I'm not looking to work the grace of God in such a way to stay the same so it's I find it always fascinating that people and maybe it's just because they they they're looking to justify where they're at I don't know but I think across the board many of us would say I'm not looking for a way to stay the same so if I not always so interesting that that message draws that level of contention right yeah and and if you expand that we're not looking for a way to sin and get away with it so I'm trying to expose that look our hearts are like just constantly evil on wiki guys we have good desires down inside like condemnation did not come to condemn you how come so many people are condemned because there's a part of their heart that's alive inside that wants truth that wants change that's telling them this is wrong but because they have no way out they don't see the truth that makes them free the only answer is shame on me that had me well here I go again after I'll never get it straight yeah I'm such a loser that's how I was right mentality and it's condemnation with shame full of Connie but watch this if you didn't have a sense of purity down inside see if you just lost an apostate and wanton and whatever you can't be condemned you don't care and then the devil doesn't even need to use the - of condemnation cuz he has you you're like a deadbeat man spiritually you you're like whatever and you're lost there's a place of just that's that's apostate yeah I don't run into people like that I don't know how you would get there I don't know who that really is I know most people are in the shoes of your experience yeah and they're getting beat down by condemnation which tells me that they're live inside there so reachable yeah you just got to give him the truth yeah and the truth will make them free man and see we can expand that out of that a comment you made about I didn't wake up to sin and get away right how many people wake up and try not to sin and think that's holy they wake up and try not to sin they try harder they try and a lot of preaching and messages say you need to do better you need to get this right well if you love God you'll stop doing it edge weights that consciousness oh my goodness you wake up and all you're thinking about is trying not to sin you're constantly making sin your master and you're aware of it constantly so when do you ever enjoy a righteous identity when would he ever then they ruling his kingdom with a scepter of righteousness so watch this Brian wakes up in the morning good morning Jesus you kneel before him and he reaches out and touches you with the scepter love you man I have made you clean before me Colossians 1 says holy blameless and above reproach did I tell you when you when you shared that in the school this is you know no life for everybody that's watching I was a student at dan Mohler school at harvest Chapel and password on wall bond habits down wanted dan to do the school you unpacked Colossians 1 that one day I went home and was so excited to open up my Bible on me and I just cry I did right but because life their their life cuz I thought my whole life like you know this is still Who I am if you know why are you doing this what's wrong with you you knucklehead if you Nino you think you thought you if you get it you get it by now all that language was just in riot so it was so liberating and that's why I share these phrases for years now him here I am in June will be 23 years of safe which I don't even know where time went but you can tell I'm excited I'm you know I calm down enough to communicate people laugh at that and they think I'm kidding no my heart is a lie why it's how can you stay excited for 23 years how can you talk about the same topic all this time and have so much passion people think it's because it's alive it's who I'm created to be and the Bible says it's good tidings of great joy so when you understand the good tidings great joys the automatic response so people that don't have great joy that don't get excited about the message there's something still they just haven't seen so are they hopeless are they condemned in that absolutely not so we continue in the word till we know the and the truth see what we do is we continue in feelings opinions counsel what's happened you know but uh if I wake up every day Brian and my goal is not to to try not to sin but my goal is to be his like I wake up and wrap faith around the truth of what he accomplished and I wake up and this is my mindset okay let's just use this as an example let's just say I was struggling in my life with something but so many people can relate to the shore okay so I'm waking up in my life and I'm struggling with something that I know isn't good in my life it isn't good for my life it's doing my soul harm my image my impression of our identity of who God's made me to be it's a violation through my acts yes okay yeah so if I wake up and I'm grayed out and I can't face God nah but they over my face and I'm believing I'm a product of that thing now I'm making my life that tree so I'm a tree of whatever I'm defining through that and that's my constant evident fruit I'll never get out of that but if I wake up in the morning with a sincere pure heart even though the things in my life father I so thank you my life is more than sending more than this cycle in my life is more than condemnation don't sudden you're laying in your bed and you raise your hands and purpose to believe this you absolutely love me or you would have never died on that cross you have a higher hope than this cycle you have a higher vision a higher destiny and I just thank you that today you love me see when people are caught in this cycle they're not thinking he can love right because they've never been loved this way when they're in that place you know I'm saying they've only been told what they did wrong and how they need to shape up and you need to knock that off and don't you see what you're doing to this family and you need to change and you see what I mean yeah and you get reprimanded for all your wrongdoing and when you do something right it's hardly mentioned because it's always expected you say you know so he did something right to release righteousness so here's what he's looking for he's looking for a sincere heart he's looking for brokenness humility just repentance yeah right and it says who can enter into that holy hill he who has clean by a pure heart and a clean hands and a pure heart right and and you say well my hands ain't cleaning my heart isn't pure but look what I'm doing well yeah yeah but what you're doing is breaking you in the inside yeah so you got to grab that place that's pure and take it to God and let the blood make your hands clean that's not an exception for sin that's a removal of it and all of a sudden you say my heart is for you thank you for loving me God you make me righteous in your sight I thank you today is a day where I believe you love me and your life lives in me and you're gonna live through me by your spirit and all the sudden you start proclaiming what you desire to be true cuz your heart wants out now wouldn't you agree that it's amazing if your heart wants that yeah see you say well you're not achieving that get it right no no your heart wants that that's what God's look in there come on you saying that's the starting place you've got to start you've gotta start there and if you don't start where he finished and come under what he did and be accepted in his sight how do you want to get how it's gonna ever get free for your sin how are you gonna ever present yourself as a member unto righteousness and ever reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to God what scripture says you're sitting right there how can you ever get there if you don't believe what we're saying you got to start where he finished yeah and people that simple what that means is faith you got to live by faith you see wow you know feelings are detrimental when they're demeaning your identity when you're waking up and feeling condemned when you feel unworthy they're detrimental feelings they don't produce life you have to recognize they're not from the Lord like that's not inspiration of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit wants that out of your life so you can come to God and I'm not even talking crawl to God I'm talking in that brokenness in that crying you cried yourself to sleep because here we go again and you woke up in the morning and the first conscious awareness was what you did and now you're trying to sleep it off and you wake up to another day of nothing right that's how the enemy was drawn man he'd get me to honestly Dan if it was a movie screen or a tape he would rewind my yesterday total why do you think that why'd you do that why'd you sneak out tonight already be dead they say they wake up and it's all the Chalker man yeah so by faith guys you got to look up and say father watch this is faith you've got a dare believe this my life is so much more than this you love me now so many preachers are afraid to preaches because they think people are gonna learn to live this way and claim God's love no no no when you sincerely receive God's love and claim God's love it's the total opposite it pulls you out of darkness into light because here's what you're doing you're making the tree good you're actually believing you have a higher purpose and a higher potential than even your actions in the recent hours right and you're actually believing that Jesus paid for something that's redeemable called your life and you got to get in agreement with that when I got saved Holy Spirit flooded me with this river it was amazing and he said to me he said I'm gonna give you revelation to my love and righteousness and he said you're gonna speak to many of my people and he flooded me and when he flooded me it made me so free like this is gonna be hard people for here this wrong all the time please don't judge what I'm saying I'm real quick listen what was sudden I didn't even it was like I didn't even have temptations like my life my whole life when this message got in my heart it was like I wasn't struggling at home yeah like I wasn't trying till you found what you were looking for your life and it identified me yeah it didn't just give him glory it identified me so that in living in him it would give him more glory right so all of a sudden I'm sanctified I'm set apart which all these scriptures yes in the world be transformed by the renewing of your mind not conformed to the old ways right so all of a sudden all these scriptures with Wow and there's this big beautiful gospel picture painted in my heart and I said this is what it was from the beginning and all of a sudden the lives were over the struggle was over and I can honestly tell you God knows one day we'll spend it for him guys you could judge this all you want and get trapped in a sinking ship but what's he saying is he perfect he never sins somebody said well I have a friend won't listen to you because you don't think you ever sinned I've never said that we never ever heard you say that I don't say that that's what people interpret because their sin conscious they're listening through a sin mentality and I'm preaching a righteousness mentality and it's a total opposite spectre so what they're doing is when I'm preaching they can't even hear what I'm saying because they're judging it through a sin concept that's what happened to Jesus he's on the street average internal total truth yep his whole ministry total truth not even one thing with a slight slant right and all they're doing is listening for what they don't agree with doesn't measure up to their own understanding and they're constantly bicker and debating and and deciding what's not right about his message in their filter and Brian the whole time he's the clearest purest truth that everyone yeah and then were sure they had a reason to kill out isn't that something please don't be that presumptuous yeah see I'm not talking from a place where I'm just ignoring sin and harden my heart and Sam you're not in denial it's it's it's what we're created to live one of my biggest heart rises conveying this truth and then you said what's the biggest message it's this message it's it's coupled with becoming loved yeah because the whole purpose of this righteous conscious message isn't just so you feel better about yourself and receive the love of Jesus it's so that in receiving the love of Jesus you actually get transformed into the very expression of who he is and it's Christ in you Christ in me Christ in you that's the hope of glory know what when you're bound by a cycle when you're bound by condemnation the Christ in you gets totally suppressed requests you can't even see that reality oh you see as your failures all you see is your everyday actions so the gospel and the blood speaking better things has to be greater to go down inside of you and change the way you think and the way you see yourself yeah so you start seeing yourself in him and through him instead of where you've been and what you've done and I've always said you know you can never change where you've been and what you've done but who you are can change and who you are changes God will never judge you don't judge you for who you've been right and that's powerful and and and I just got emails from from those kind of messages on right oh where people have incurable stuff that's not in their their bodies and I just got another one from a girl HIV totally undetectable amen totally undetectable and she came she came from a life that just brought it on I was gonna say yes you probably came from that and heard his message I was in recovery how she heard this message she sent me the email she has the medical papers and everything and she was just because I remember we baptized a bunch of people and she was on the beach crying and she couldn't relate because she did so many bad yes and she said are you trying to tell me I promise you no what's this she wouldn't cry yeah if she wasn't so here's a lady in torment that's living in conflict or heart desire why can't we see them why do we just have judgments why did we just want to call her a hooker or a prostitute a drug addict why would she ever be a throwaway when Jesus said forgive her for ya know what she's doing see that's the gospel when there's a story you told and I actually will share it sometimes up with the some of the students that I have with the prophetic school it's because I'm always trying to get them as you know see see the person see who they are rather than seeing right okay well there there's a video on YouTube I know you don't watch your own videos on YouTube you didn't even know you were on YouTube at one point but there's a video you were talking about me that this this this mess me up there was a I think a time when they may have been here and you were driving down in York and you were looking for an individual and and you picked her up had her at you know and people could have been like what are you doing down there where people car and you sat there and like it broke me and you were holding her and and in the reality of that she had never been held have you ever been loved and I'm I watch it I just sit there and I cry because they were waiting for this she freaked out Brian's user active prostitute yeah and you know the Bible says to avoid the appearance of evils so then even religions is right you should whether you should have never put her in your car because you supposed to avoid appearance evil but why would you avoid the appearance of evil if it's only the appearance yeah why do you have to avoid it if it's only the appearance and it's not actually evil here's why this is what the persecutors don't understand the reason God is so loving he asks you to avoid the appearance of evil cuz men think evil but why do they think evil because we're not perfected in love right love doesn't think evil yeah so when I put her in my car how many people would be presumptuous and go oh my gosh she just got him Pastor Dan Scott yeah what is he doing picking up a prostitute driving away because of what it looked like they would have interpreted what it was yeah many people without being judgmental across short large percentage of people would have snapped judged that scene and said oh my goodness I've been listening to his messages I thought he was for real here he is picking up a prostitute rather than oh my goodness I don't know what she's thinking but she's on the brink of getting delivered because she just got the car with that man right as we know then yeah there's a lot but that's not usually the case it's usually we've been marred and scarred by so many exposed secrets so many men live in one thing and finding out their darkness and all this stuff we tend to think here's what happens when we think that's normal human living yeah we incorporate the Word of God into our lives then but in in essence we're following ourselves not him and we think the way it's been through others is the way it's always going to be how many of us are following each other more than were following him following our own experiences our own wisdom our own best practice yeah but brother people were always where do you get that phrase people are always what's Jesus look like what's he look like you know I mean I'd see people come to me over the years and say how was out of balance I was a little too extreme I had my own kids do it when they were in their teens they said dad you know I think we're telling me that they around there wasn't anybody as intense as me and and and and like me and I'm like well you're naming these people I'm not following any of them yeah I'm following Jesus right now we think because so-and-so has some issues everybody has to have issues and we know that everybody has had issues we've all sinned and fallen short of oh god we snow by ourselves into that category and at the same time sing and say we're following Jesus but we're following our own past experience so somebody starts preaching on righteousness and we go oh my gosh they're saying they never sinned what are they saying that's heresy that's blasphemy and we blow the whistle well they'll quote first John one to you how can you say that we have no sin you know I mean they'll quote that all the time that'll be their default yeah yeah and and that's that's that gets used out of context constantly yeah and because he's actually he's talking about people that have never sinned you're saying you've never seen that you don't need the blood right and that gets used out of context as if we wake up constantly every day Anderson yeah how can you say you have no sin meaning I always am aware of sin yeah well how can you in Romans 6 you see you got me excited yeah that's it yeah it is how can you reckon yourself dead indeed to sin if you're always guilty other day man yeah so wonder if everyday man guys listen to this wonder if everyday you let the gospel teach you to wake up and believe these couple things that how you usually say one thing but that's that's concerning love but that's added it's that two things wonder if you wake up in the morning and you say well lord I thank you I'm on the earth to love I'm on the earth to live by your spirit and I thank you I'm a righteous being in your sight you've watched me cleanse me purified me I have destiny you pay for it all thanks for your unfailing love wonder if you believe that and reckon yourself dead to sin and then say father nobody on the earth owes me a thing today I'm alive for one reason to shine in your presence through the blood of your son and to shine in the eyes of men so that who you are is seen through my life now thank you for this honor I'm gonna live this way all the days my wonder if you would let nothing impede that faith and you'd go after that and make the tree good in that truth what would the fruit be well what I hear you say and it's another one of your messages you're talking about a single I essentially I'm you home bow yeah you know just I'm choosing to change the way I see it it's it's it's the only way how else can I wake up now that the bloodshed now that he rose from the dead yeah now that the blood speaking better things you said about Colossians why don't we look at that real quick that I want you to see this this is amazing I know what you see in Colossians 1 man if anybody's watching this and you have it then you can actually get a Bible and look in the word I know you hear the word quote a lot your people teach the Bible but man it's powerful to actually look and see hey it's right there now I know for me saying that I'm the one that just preaches a lot I don't open and read a scripture right right really Todd really does need a minister and I feel like they give me like five sessions to the church and I feel like I'm crammed right I don't know what stuff people laugh about that I yeah I had a conference director call me one time and say hey well you know we scheduled you for four sessions in there an hour each are you comfortable with that much time do you have enough material ah she's one look at this this is amazing verse 21 it says in you that's us that's everybody reading and you that's that's you yeah that's me and you who were once alienated in enemies in your mind by wicked works so that means the way our minds will dear the way our minds function and really he's not just talked murder adultery right he's talking about self-centered things he's talking about the perversion of man's mind it's wicked it's it's contrary to the kingdom of God if you love the world and the things that are in the world he says the love of the father is not in you so it's the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh and the pride of life that's also sanity lust of the eyes lust of the flesh and the pride of life all about me well we were created for His image all about him now we go to church and sing it's all about him but then we give ourselves away when we're living offended hurt gossiping bickering fault-finding wow you can't be all about him and walk in love and have those things working actively in your life so those things should be a dead giveaway that hey I need to deal with my heart will not be a James Street guy and have self-centeredness and boast and lie against the truth yeah and just appear to be something I haven't allowed my heart to become my grace but see that's where I say I don't preach a message that allows you to stay the same see this gospel changed me yeah see I know who I was before the cross I know who I used to be and I didn't like me I needed you to like me I try to win attention I I know who I was before I have I actually even though I'm not that man I'm glad I can relate to both sides of that fence and don't hear that wrong no I don't get condemned by that I don't ever relate to it in the century but you understand it's so sobering yeah it's why I feel like I'm holding back tears right now because I know how far away and you you who were once alienated see I was so far away my mind was so contrary to why I'm here why I'm created in what wisdom says the wisdom of the world was eating my lunch he said she said tit-for-tat well you should know well I wouldn't feel this way if you did well how come you were why did all those excuses to be not like him right yeah all those justifications to be right right and find yourself wrong the whole time Oh watch yeah watch this by wicked works yet now he has reconciled like the word now he said hey I know where you've been thinking I know where you've been traveling I know what you've been doing but through the blood of my son I've made you a friend to me if you'll receive it and come out of the darkness into the light and exhilaration peace man amis Francis to be friends to make friends with to agree to agree reconcile to be made friends with so yet he has reconcile now watch this why would he take the initiative the Lord to reconcile you and me when we were so far away cuz he knew the whole time we were created for so much more so God so loved the world he gave his son yet it doesn't say for God was so frustrated at wit's end and exasperated by humanity you finally sent his son wow that's different right he wasn't like that at all he so loved you know what I say a53 says he he says it pleased the father to bruise his side it pleased him to bruise the Sun and caused him his soul to grieve by making him an offering for sin it leaves the Lord yeah we don't get that picture we think God's up there right because they're killing his son are you kidding they're playing right into his hand yeah and then to his eternal wisdom and he's gonna raise him in three days and because of one son he's gonna have many sons oh god it's not like crying he please and actually Isaiah reveals he's the inspiration behind it he pulls back and lets darkness have its women he said it's the hour of darkness do what you came for Jesus just like hey you guys gonna play right into father's wisdom ah right yeah so he reconciled us now watch this how did he do that in the body of his flesh through death so he became a man totally became a man don't miss that everybody thinks they gotta add in yeah but he's 100% God stop that he's a hundred percent man stay there to get the point he didn't come as God he came as a man powered by God's - well here's three things real simple I'll just pull three things out God doesn't slumber he doesn't sleep but Jesus was sleeping in the boat you can't tempt God but Jesus was tempted at all points yet without sin how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost power you don't have to anoint God he's already in Luton so there's three examples not not one not two there's three of his absolute humanity when he raised from the dead he he said touch me whereas spirit doesn't have flesh and bone is trying to tell us he's still a man and Paul writes to Timothy and says there's one mediator between God and man it's the man now obviously he's King of Kings Lord of lords name above every name and 100% God but when he came he came as man we got understand him because touch the first John or yeah first John 4:1 says any spirit that's not of God won't acknowledge Jesus coming in the flesh you got to recognize why he accomplished so much through his flesh and in his flesh he became a man so you got to see that the enemy doesn't want us to see the power of him coming as a man right because he gets us free how could he be the last out of the feed come ISM right and it empowers us to live by the spirit there's a total transformation for Humanity when they catch that concept that he came to be made like us so we could be made like him Christ in us that doesn't make us Lord said boasting humanity that's boasting in God in man like Christianity is union with deity it's one that's with God nothing less Christianity isn't better circumstances everlasting life Christianity is oneness with God Christianity is christ-like yes how are you gonna live christ-like without oneness with God yeah so watch this oh I'll wrap it up with death in the body of his flesh through death to present you watch what he did through his flesh presented you what holy man if you have a Bible you ought to look at this and make sure there this is exciting blameless and above reproach in his sight now watch what verse 23 says indeed you continue in the failure that means this is your position through the cross if you don't let anything move you from it yeah but if you have feelings a slip reoccurrence a memory from three weeks ago or a year ago young ladies I've had you girls come to me cry oh my goodness their hearts are pure bride they made a vow in their youth group and they thought they were in love with this boy and there was a year ago and it's still eating them up yeah they go to church and they end up crying because they hear a message and they feel like man you know I gave that away and that was a man and they feel changed by that is right yeah but the Bible says your holy blameless of approach in a sight if indeed you continue in the faith so what he's saying is not moved away from it yeah right you're not away from the hope of the gospel so so let me just paraphrase what that says today you and I Brian are holy blameless and above reproach it is saying if you don't let anything change your mind amen I remember you saying when you read that all those years ago and I went home and I opened that the phrase that stuck out to me when you just quote it if indeed you continue in the faith and you said as long as you see in that way it will be that way and I was like well there it is yeah so so that was sin in what 2,000 2011 11 but in 2009's the first time you heard this message yeah so you just look at what God's done in your life honestly yeah and I know you won't like I'm not boasting or you worsen yourself yeah and honestly God has used you in a beautiful powerful way you're in ministry you're pastoring you travel you preach you encourage you count you inspire and people I hear people love you they look to Brian and see Jesus long and in 2009 you didn't even know this truth but you saw it you know oh my well and you put your faith in it so you didn't try to stop your addiction you saw truth truth freedom now I'm getting choked up that'll be enough seriously so guess who gets all the glory yeah he does yeah how about and guess what happens to you you love him all the more because you know you didn't bite your lip to change you saw team yeah and you saw the truth yeah and the truth made you friends that's right that scripture still is is it sure I live in me do you relate to it yeah and now you're able to go reproduce that wherever you go and at least sow the seed into the hearts of men see cuz people say boys everybody changes it listen I don't get into all that I'm a seed sower the king of gossip a man scatter seed if you don't so nothing's growing so even a video like this you're pouring out and you're trusting somebody's gonna hear it and it's just--see form it just captures them intrigues them get some wandering but man a little water on that thing and God causes increase it says a man sews the seed goes to sleep at night wakes up and sees what God does is just how do you do it hard so all glory to God right yeah yeah we're not self-made people we're not radical Christians we're not great believers and we're just believers here's the truth I'll close with it we just believe what he said what he accomplished and who we are now that he came that's all we're gonna be guilty of in the end if we live by faith we believe there's no super Christian on the planet I promise you there's yeah well thank you guys so much for watching thank you Dan for making yourself fun being a part of it so we know you guys look forward to these videos it's an honor to have Dan here with us and I'm sure we'll do more in the days to come and in the future so I should guys be blessed hope this encourages you and strengthen you and we'll see you again soon god bless
Channel: Praise Community Church
Views: 27,781
Rating: 4.9328671 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, interview, Q&A, Mohler, Praise Community Church, christianity, righeousness, holiness, jesus, power and love, lifestyle christianity, todd white
Id: efqrUCHtr2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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