Interview with Dan Mohler & Adam Bower // 05.07.2017

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hey guys how you doing on my name is pastor Adam Bauer and I'm here with dan Mohler and this is the second time you're with us welcome yeah we're glad to have you here to be here I wanted to just kind of talk to you a little bit today about the enemy about its schemes thoughts feelings what's going on like what is the enemy actually doing as far as that because we know that Paul talks about that in second Corinthians he says don't be aware I mean he says be aware of his schemes and so I know you were passed for all of them and you know you're speaking now what are some of his schemes that you've come across in ministry oh my uh familiar stuff bringing you back to the way it was familiar experiences impressions I call them impressions flashbacks memories dreams I think some of them can be can be psychological if you really study that out maybe but I think a lot of them are spiritual and I think there's familiar spirits there's things that ruled your life that HR lunch so to speak kept you in bondage yeah and then now you're saved you're pursuing truth you're growing in God and then and I think Adam one of the one of the main things is that happens is people take those kind of things in so personal they just think it's their own mind their own heart their own memory and and then the fact that it's happened may say well I want this to stop or I don't and they they take it really personal you know I mean and they just want it to go away rather than find truth and walk through it and establish truth they just want the Uglies to go away yeah and that's really not how it worked like the like parlor you said about he says give not be unaware of his devices and in Ephesians I believe it is he says given no place so when you're given place you actually start believing those things that don't add a PHY that take you back to where you were that make you feel defiled regretful guilty yeah do you know what I'm saying and I think that's the way it works a lot condemnation and shame major tools yeah major tools of the enemy here's here's a person that hearts changed he wants to do right he he sincerely ones change and yet he's thinking about things or feeling things or he hasn't let to say oh man to go spend they have a nasty dream of something that they participated in three months before they were saved yeah they wake up and feel guilty feel defiled feel ashamed of that dream and the fact that they feel all those things means they don't want the dream it means that that's not even the person they are yeah this is a strategy of the devil he flashes back these things familiar spirits was like and the Bible says he comes for the words sake he's not trying to give them a bad day he's not just out to destroy that person he doesn't want them to ever get established in the word and the problem is when I set it up taking it personal we take adversity personal instead of think for the kingdom yeah you know seek ye first the kingdom of God so when these things come you got to realize they're coming for the kingdom sick yeah like before you were saved you you were participating in these things you're flashing back on now that you're saying you were actually a participant and you might not have felt all that bad you might even been pursuing some of it and even if you had second-guessed as you were still enable and empowered by your desire to do those things now that you're saved the sheer memory can be enough to just wreck somebody sometimes emotionally yeah and I just teach against that I say man don't you sell cheap like that here's the point Adam if you weren't changed inside and you weren't different person you wouldn't be so vulnerable to guilt condemnation and shame you wouldn't care that much yeah and the fact that you care that much not that you should ever be guilty condemned or seen I think it's encouraging that somebody's hearts alive enough to even think about biting that bait because they must care yeah like people that feel bad you ever have somebody come to you and say look I need to talk and they confess something to you and they really broke up yes you and me as a pastor should look at that and go wow the gospel is really changing their heart because a year ago they wouldn't have been this broke up about this thing yeah so the key is to not let that that that godly sorrow that that feelin sorry about what you did turn into guilt condemnation and shame because it's so degrading yeah and to actually do it 2nd Corinthians 7 says it's godly sorrow you got to think for the kingdom you got to go wow my life is more than this well this isn't really Who I am Wow a year ago I - done this and when they even thought much about it now it's breaking my heart while I am changing well I care like I've never cared before and you got to make sure you don't let the enemy take that care and turn it into a negative yeah you know what I'm saying well that's that's what I like to just cut this with a scalpel with you because like when I'm talking about people and I'm sure you are too it's like okay so I'm really struggling in this area well how do you know you're struggling in this area well I am I have this I have this going on because there's got to be there's good there's a temptation of something and then there's the bite on something you know I mean were you okay agree with it you define that a little bit or what do people need to repent for yeah and and well what you're saying is - they're there they're feeling really bad because this thing's feeling real they're taking it personal is if they're dreaming it up desiring it you're talking about emotions feelings memories sense essential yeah right okay all right uh you said you asked this question was this your question how how can you encourage them or how do you decide if they're really doing it yeah how can I look when I say to somebody like that's not you okay yeah I mean but when is it so so I'm going to look good they're right out there right at that there's a camera right I got to look this way okay you're a handsome fella you look like a well sure but I got this is serious to me listen guys if you're watching this it can make me cry I've seen countless people fall into this trap countless here's the deal it's so simple so you keep the Gospels so simple if you're feeling bad about the thing and you don't want to keep repeating the memory of the thought or the feeling of the dream then it's sure it's a sure revealing that it's not in your heart it's not who you are like if you can turn it off your would but it keeps coming and that Sistema the devil yeah it's a reminder to familiar spirits so listen to me carefully if you're looking at this thing and watching this thing on YouTube or whatever if you're feeling bad about what you're doing it is not who you are it's not your desire and I'm talking about memories flashbacks emotions dreams in the biggest trap we do we think it's spiritual we call out them for prayer we call the protein prayer so what you're saying is I need prayer I need this to go away this is me this is who I am I don't like thinking this I don't like feeling this I don't like remembering this listen somehow I have to convey to you today and you and help you understand this that if you're bothered by it man you ought to rejoice because there was a time in your life you didn't have that discernment you didn't care you weren't that sensitive there was a time in your life where it might even been normal to do what you were doing to remember what you're remembering and think what you were thinking but now it bothers you doesn't that tell you you're changing men you ought to be excited do let's devil trip you up and try to say this and still you and flashing back are you kidding me I've had visions and words of knowledge ministering the young ladies where they broke their vows and promises sexually and all this stuff they're driving to work two years later and they're doing good and they're saved and all of a sudden they remember that moment that night that crossing of the line nor the sudden they feel condemned again as if they're still there is if it's who they are that was last night yeah what a lie from hell yeah the biggest thing you can do I actually be open my Bible up here to second Corinthians 10 when you when you just said hey I'm going to talk about this I don't know if you saw me do it but I opened it up for our waking up because we're going to get here see what that young lady needs to do driving to work don't be unaware of Satan's devices right second Corinthians I think it's Ephesians given no place yeah so what do you do when you're driving to work in ladies and you have that memory or that feeling that the filing thing tries to come to that unsanctified thing or you you lift your voice don't even acknowledge the thought the memory the flashback or the devil don't you waste time on him he's a cut-off withering branch he's coming to nothing he would love to mess with you and he'd love you to put him on a stage because he'd perform all day what you do is actually ignore him you submit to God submitting to God is your warfare in your weapon and and what that means is you submit to the truth because he's truth right so here's what you do you're driving to work in that memory comes and as soon as it comes it tries to hit you it might even catch you off-guard for three minutes and you might find yourself with tears in your eyes thinking but I wish I didn't do that well that wish I didn't do that with tears in your eyes that's actually a healthy thing if you don't let it go any farther because it reveals that you are really separate from this thing yeah this is not you and if you had a chance to do it over again here's the good news if you could go back to that day once you learn what you've learned along the way if you could back up and do some things over and you would choose difference that means you're different so why would you ever take responsibility for something that's past gone forgiven and over so here's what you do Adam you're driving to work and you let this attack this thing this memory turned into a timing god yeah and it's called submitting to god it's puka james resist the devil he'll flee we call it a one step program if you're submitting you're resisting yeah and he's going to flee or else he's going to continue to cause you to keep submitting and if you're submitting you're going to get to know God more in this thing yeah you see what I'm saying so let me give you a real practical example young lady's driving a car this memory comes and all of a sudden it tries to hit her catch her off guard and all of a sudden is teaching these thoughts just rides in her about her warfare her weapons and I can show it to you here in a minute but she goes father I thank you that you love me and father us thinking you've changed my life forever god I thank you I'm not the girl I used to be God you have taken away old things you you've made all things new father I love how you love me you have washed me so clean and you have made me so new see if you don't have that is your answer in your warfare weapon you're going to submit to the feelings the emotions because it really feels defiled it really feels dirty and it really feels like you and real and if you don't separate those two you're going to live out of the degenerate emotions and memories and feelings that came with the lie instead of the new truth that you're growing in yeah and my biggest shout out and and cry to the body of Christ when I'm preaching all the time I preach about it all the time this topic is not living sensual by feelings and emotions yeah most people that are asking for prayer Adam are asking for prayer based on how feel and they think if they're not feeling good thinking good remembering good they're not doing good and here's what I tell people know if you're not believing good you're not doing good because right believing is going to separate you from everything from yesterday and here's the problem it all goes together if you don't get that distinguishment and you keep believing that you're still what you were then you're never making the tree good so you're actually believing you're still that thing so guess what the fruit could still look like and all of a sudden inadvertently you sell yourself cheap and you believe this and now you're producing this yeah and now the cycle confirms the lie and you're going wow I got fruit this must be the tree you know the tree by the fruit and instead of looking to the cross and the finished work in your own heart being changed and letting the tree be made good by a new healthy identity that comes to the finished work see that's the difference that's called say the just live by faith unclean because he came he said you're clean because of the word I spoke to you you didn't say yeah but he said you are clean and John 15 because of the word I've spoken to you oh my goodness Adam it's get up and live clean that's a yay and a memory come see that's not me anymore what are you doing you're making the tree good constantly you're getting to know God more you're a firm in the gospel more and all of a sudden you're submitting to God resisting the devil and what's he going to do he's going to flee and if he doesn't please soon it's not a problem see proof on a time frame and truth does it no time yeah we said well how long is this going to happen and when we say that guess what we're doing we're making it all about me how long is it going to have well how long do I have to go through this well when to the devil gonna stop and it's not the point the point is that you continue in truth and know the truth and the truth makes you free yeah see here's the deal when when you're remembering the thing of yesterday or feeling that thing that bad thing to happen you actually don't have a problem when you're a question you have an answer and your answer is the truth and it makes you free and it will realign your emotions your your feelings your sensual life and make it healthy instead of detrimental yeah you see you would not always have a reason to rejoice we've been forgiven we've been washed man we've been cleanse we've been made brand-new we got to start living new thinking new acknowledge and new and wilbear new things yeah does that make sense does and so that's when and I'm glad that's why we're doing this video is because sometimes when people come up for prayer at the altar they say look I want the depression to go away and it's like I'm almost I almost don't want to pray for them right because I it's like oh I don't want you to get prayer and the enemy come back throw it on you and then you really it did work yeah I went to shield a faith issue most especially when it's connected if it's connect a lot of times depression is connected to Rome believing well yeah leaving things about your life or just overwhelmed by your circumstances you know and in all fairness there's some times that depression seems to be a clinical diagnosis I know people that are constantly thinking straight spiritual is always the devil but there's some reasons it's usually wrong thinking if it is physical I pray for people with depression and felt like it listed so like eight but if they go on and don't believe different if you don't build a strong foundation or Trucy weak people people think they tend to panic when you say everything is not a prayer issue because we base everything on prayer listen prayer is extremely important there's a place for prayer but in feelings emotions in these lives a lot of times it's not a prayer and people got to hear me say that without panicking in hearing what I'm not saying yeah I'm not saying prayer is not important yeah I'm saying in some situations we make it all about prayer when it actually has nothing to do with prayer it has everything to do with truth so if I'm waking up and not feeling good about myself Adam and you're my pastor and I wake up every day and think Oh Lord it's going to be one of the days this hasn't changed miss and I haven't felt I didn't sleep good last night I just need to passed around and you pray every time he prays I feel a little more comfortable more boosted let's go quiet for prayer I need prayer that's a normal Christian scenario right there but it's way deceived and it's not the answer because the most they're doing they're honestly going realize what they're doing they've reduced themselves they're calling it prayer so feel spiritually say in prayer but they're actually just receiving a level of grace that you care for them in you're praying for them it's drawn from the fact that while you took the time you care for me see what's happening is when they wake up in the morning they're just relating to the day and the feelings and their senses and their flesh and their circumstances there's no viable well father thank you for today yeah man I appreciate my life in you cause you know my body doesn't even feel like I want to get out of bed but the truth is this you live in me and you're mighty and me your love will never fail you're giving me everything necessary to live this day productive and god I worship you and you're laying in your bed having contact with God listen no offense to you mr. Adam but that's a lot better than calling you and he needs truth away for prayer yeah because this situation saying oh boy somebody won em days I need prayer it's not even prayer its truth that makes you Freya and I never read my Bible where ministry makes you free ministry is a little stepping-stone to bring some freedom to get you thinking clear enough to act on truth to get you clarity back you know what I'm saying and it's a form of breakthrough or freedom or deliverance if you will in an arena where where you can move forward yeah that's really what ministry is I think we got the idea that I am free mm-hmm and you're never going to have another bad thought the rest of your life yes we're waiting for this anointing to hit us where we're never going to be challenged in our emotions again that is how look at the camera that is unrealistic our goal is not for all the bad things to go away our goal is to grow in such a truth and understanding of truth that the bad things have no place we hear and obey his voice and strangers we do not follow now look if he says do not follow you have to hear to follow he didn't say of strangers you won't hear yeah a stranger's voice you want what so if he said follow he's letting you know you're going to hear so you have the test to follow it but what's your antidote what's your what's your answer knowing you're his yeah my sheeps hear and obey my voice as strangers they won't here's the deal when you know you're God's and you know who you are to what Christ did the strangers voice sounds strange yeah it's not rational a strange it's like dark that's not me that was three years ago well that was a month ago that's not my heart I'm not going there duh right so if strangers voice is supposed to sound strange but here's here's the catch if a person doesn't have a healthy ident a healthy expression of faith toward God the strangers voice starts sounding rational because it relates to their senses feelings emotions and memories yes and that's the field that he plays in the most that's really the feeling pleasing I just say it that way I don't think he has another strategy yeah yeah so and you alluded to this a little bit to get out of the woods per se like with the enemy like that's what people want when they can prepare they want to stop talking it was tough oh they want to stop hearing the voice they want to stop the band then we go away they don't want to have the bad dream anymore yeah that's yeah and so how or why you know I mean I've heard you talk about you know the swearing in your head Ramon that was long when does the enemy say okay I'm done it's not working I don't know when he makes that choice but here's here's and that's a good question I don't know here's what I want to tell people don't put truth on the time frame or you're going to turn what you're doing into a method a breakthrough instead of realizing you already broke through yeah you're already living in truth when I had the curse words in my head what's it matter if the curse in my head every day if it was leading me to him and I was finding peace in him and growing in the person Holy Spirit and recognizing this wasn't me wasn't condemning it was a lot people just think they sell cheap it symbolizes sanity hearing it come on get excited about growth people ask me why are you always so passionate and excited you see how passion and I walk by the line I can't do anything about it why truth is established in me like like none of this stuff we're talking about even has a a bleep of a blink nothing in my day if it would come it would be so exposed by the truth that is established Danny and I'm so excited because I can't not be free yeah and it's not a special anointing it's a belief if something not understand when I was yet a sinner he sent his son for me at him I was doing everything wrong he did everything right I was lost and he pulled me out of darkness into the light guess where I'm going to live in the light he put me in the kingdom of the son of his love guess where I'm gonna live in his love you can't take me from that please yeah so people say yeah but you just gotta pray against nightmares and that's the devil and you got to rebuke him and then but like there's not even a threat to you my friend you wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and you say oh that was nasty and gross you want to find a place in your heart to start rejoicing and saying oh my goodness Lord thank you that that thing is so not the reality of my life that was weird I don't know where that come from I don't even think that was the pizza I think that was the devil but I know what I rejoice in you because none of that thing is true about me anymore is going to have nothing to fear man you stand up at 3:00 in the morning in the middle you will lift your hands high and be real about it God have nothing to fear my worship you and just starting rolling in and praise Him and start proclaiming truth and take what that nightmare was trying to accomplish turn it around and let God have his way now you'll be honest with me if you were the enemy tapping on there so in the middle night with a nightmare and they responded like that yeah once twice three times you'd probably stop tapping on their soul because you realize what you're attempting to break them with yeah they're using as a tool to make themselves yeah in God because the just shall live by faith and people get upset with fate they're like why do I have to fate why can't God just deliver me he delivers you through faith in other words faith separates you from living central yeah faith and powers you live by the truth sheer emotions just tell you this is the way it is because this is the way it feels see Adam wasn't that way before sin in the fall I don't know spirit-led he was a spirit meeting and he was like God yeah when he fell he got separated from God and became completely carnal and flesh driven feeling driven feeling or in it we have to understand guys that we lived that way till we accepted Christ and many people accepted Christ as a way to go to heaven not a way to have a changed life yeah so in all sincerity they believed they needed forgiveness of sins I'm not saying they're not saved going to heaven what I'm saying is the way they came in was heaven or hell yeah and wow I sinned I was a bad person yet I broke the law you know and somebody showed him the ten commands did you ever Rob did you ever see up did you ever like yeah Wow see you broke and rough okay well and they're sincere yeah but they don't understand the person they grew up being isn't the real them there's a new man we put off the old man and put on the new who's the new according Colossians 3:10 he's renewed in knowledge according to the image of him who created him so what power does the enemy have over the believer this is why Jesus sent the rule in this amazing Jesus said this guy sketched this jesus said the ruler of this world cometh see it doesn't mean he isn't coming he's coming at Jesus when he tested Jesus in the garden attempted and it said he left and look for what more opportune time so was he coming back was he constantly looking for access to Jesus yeah absolutely because he saw him as a man and he figures every man's vulnerable but Jesus made this amazing statement Jesus that told you and me to follow him he said the ruler of this world cometh anyway is nothing in me if Jesus said that he send enough the message you follow me you live in purity you live in truth you walk in belief and you stay in the father the things he comes with has nothing in you you're sanctified you're set apart yeah I'm just concerned that so many good-hearted people out are following their feelings more than the truth they're following their memories more than the truth then they're asking for prayer and people that have kind hearts are trying to oblige them to give them a different experience instead of a different understanding and truth yeah that's what I really really do and I've watched a lot of your videos online and I've heard you speaking it almost seems like there's a is it legal to say if it's not peace joy and righteousness then I don't have to listen to it that's what the Holy Ghost is king of God is those things in the Holy Ghost Yeah right if any of other than that comes you don't have to stop the Lord I've said this for years I don't when I preached and any counseling of people I've said this a thousand times over if what you're thinking dwelling on and meditate is an encouraging building up or edifying your life there's no way it can be the Lord he came to give you life and life more abundantly so what's your believing what your thinking what's your musing on if it's not exciting your heart and taking you closer to the love God how can be the Lord yeah right yeah can I read this grace go ahead this is amazing this is second Corinthians ten guys for though we walk in the flesh that doesn't mean carnal nature that means in a body we have a body we do not war according to the flesh in other words our warfare isn't just feeling driven emotions we're not just trying to have the so discipline that you know we stopped fearing if you're not going to do that or stop feeling guilty its truth that makes you forget so we got to continue in the word so we know the truth or the truth makes you free so when you realize that your life's not your own that God will never leave you or forsake you that he saved you ye we get a sinner how much more we save you from rock now that he lives and is any records object to rosette they'll save you from wrath through his life I mean you let those things sink in man it's wrong yeah right so watch this for the weapons of our warfare so so here's the cool thing he's not even talking warfare we think fighting somebody we think punching somebody a mouth we think shooting a knee or whatever this is in our worker the Christian warfare is been beaten up the devil watch this for the weapon of our warfare is is not carnal but it's mighty in God that's key mighty in God for the pulling down of what strongholds if you study out strongholds its beliefs of the mind believes to the mind things that gump up become beliefs when they come beliefs they become realities they become words they become expressions right so you know them by their fruit so if you make the tree good what's the fruit going to be good how many of us try to clean up our fruit without changing the identity of our lives to the finish work of Christ how many sincere people try to do better now you be honest with me if somebody's trying to do better they got something good going on in their heart yeah now the trouble is that they're doing it in their own strength or failing miserably and now they're condemned in the question in their own good heart because their fruit has the learning question in their rational mind but you get the whole time they're broke and crying themselves to sleep because they feel like they're failing yeah you see what I'm saying so so stronghold wrong believing he says casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God isn't that where the devil works that's his playground he takes the things God says until oh yeah really okay where'd it start God really say not to eat the through that tree really you're going to die oh yeah you said not to eat it or touch it with that oh come on if you're not going to die look God just knows the day you die I eat the tree you're not going to die you're going to be a light you're gonna have the knowledge of good and evil just like and you'll be just like him so Bob already says they already were yeah there's the first sign where you see the enemy getting people tricked into work stuff trying to get them to do something to be what they already offer yeah it's just crazy and and she goes hmm yeah rational suggested yeah deceptive half truth most dangerous thing on the planet yeah half truth because seems true yeah not all the way can produce life truth makes you free I'd rather somebody be totally off-base because then you can locate it and split up yeah oh yeah half truth is very dangerous but this is what it's telling you casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing every what thought into captivity into the obedience of Christ now what's that saying you're thinking something contrary to truth contrary to the finish work contrary to your identity and your new caring repentant heart yeah and you're thinking something contrary to those things and it's coming to you and it's attacking you and it's hitting you you cast it down by bringing in the obedience according to Christ every thought everything that's above the knowledge of going so what's the weapon ego warfare going to god father I thank you you love me God you changed my life so much God you have washed me clean of everything Wow god I thank you that depression is not my calling in my life in life today I have every reason to rejoice you have washed me clean I stand before you righteous and I'm holy and pure in your sight your word says so and I believe it confidence in you because you said come boldly I don't even knock you have the door open because you'll love me God be God see what's wrong with me but I've been believing this for 22 years now do you think that for years I never had a second thought or an emotion that was contrary or a memory that was derogatory or flashback or former life yeah come on oh it doesn't even actually I probably I don't know if I should say this now because people tend to compare amongst ourselves and judge and get condemned please don't get condemned I'm saying this to encourage you and what's possible those kind of things I don't even know the last time it happened to me because every time it would it establishes anymore in something I already know yeah and a strangers voice what sounds strange why would I follow it like come and try to whisper to me I'm not worthy try to give me a condemning dream yeah are you kidding I'm going to wake up in the middle of the night be so close to Jesus and rejoice would be more filled with the expression of Holy Spirit in the morning than if I wouldn't have the dream yeah that's pretty good weapon or warfare right there and here we are worried about the dream when the dream can spring you to higher true yeah now that's that's awesome and I want people to be encouraged because sometimes I feel like people will say well I'm not I'm not there yet and they allow space yeah because it's like they'll say well I'm not as well my flesh or I'm not that mature yet yeah and so now there's this landing strip for the enemy to mess with them because in their minds they're not mature enough yet you give them they give more though they say not to yell but it's oh well it's oh yeah but it's a sellout and they don't realize that they're not meaning it but it could be an expression of weakness sometimes people here's another one they say they said yeah but I mean I hear what you saying but it's really hard oh my goodness I don't let anybody say that without respondent till I mean if they're going to get upset with me I say listen stop right there that's your worst enemy right there that that right there what you just said is the worst enemy than the dream you talked about or the impression of the feeling saying yeah but it's really hard is worse than the actual thing that's happening because you're believing it's hard to overcome yeah you try to tell Jesus the Lord of all in the lord of your life yeah it's hard you try to explain to him why it's hard living in this life when he walked this earth in the flesh and was tempted at every point and he said follow me he is not a high priest who's unsympathetic he is willing to bear up come and give what's necessary to walk us through if will remain believing yeah you know what the cool thing is Paul Paul said in a first Timothy chapter 6 he said fight the goods by a fake he did not say like the devil yeah he said fight the good fight of faith in fact Peter said that Satan look he's seeking he's wounded like a warren lion he's looking he's listening to words he's looking at that yeah but it's really hard well I'm just not there yet well that might work for you we're not all in the same place brother yeah you get yeah and he goes fall they're there they're laying there belly-up yeah he's they goes through it and then and then those people are looking for more sympathy yeah then they are freedom you see what I mean because you got to look for free you don't want sympathy it's never going to make you free just getting somebody to wrap them around you and act like they care about what you're going through please don't give yourself to that don't don't allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself listen it could be extreme if you want to compare your life to anybody compared to Jesus Jesus probably had a lot of natural reasons to feel sorry for himself yeah and it didn't happen why because it's never about him it's always about the kingdom and others and we got to get that from Jesus yeah yeah yeah now so so just so there is no landing strip for that like the people who are watching who are Christians have Jesus they they are you know filled with the Spirit of God they are a new creation so there's there's literally nothing very different you might have a few more experiences in this and then knowing what it's like what you said it's faith we all have the same thing where I'll fight the good fight of they Satan's roaming around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour now what's Peter right after he says that makes a comment he doesn't say so you know going to hand hand combat he says resist him yeah standing here's the resisting standing steadfast in uh-uh faint he didn't say standing step ass in faith he said love faith and if you look at the faith after the New Testament it's actually revealing what we've become now that he came so it's your identity is to finish work buffet is my righteousness it's my Ephesians six armor yeah so resist him here let me paraphrase what Peter saying he's roaming around looking whom he may devour resist him standing in the truth of who you've become and who you are through Christ that's what he said that he's not saying pray for prayer so you feel your gas prepare so you feel better he's not saying pray that these bad thoughts go away pray that I don't have the ugly thing anymore no no resistance standing steadfast in the faith Paul said fight the good fight of I said guys we are not trying to feel better we are believing better and believing better we'll adjust our feelings yeah we spend Adam we spend with good intention countless hours ministering to one another based on feelings emotions oppressions memory streams of pleasure and those things have nothing to do with truth I am NOT trying to pray so you feel better trying to minister to you so you believe better Chris believing brings the evidence of your salvation yeah believing transform sorry yeah and that can only be done because somebody goes and get to learn and shuts the door come on AJ you no matter how you feel people always saying why I need deliverance I need deliverance I've had that so many times in my life for people covering me I need you to pray for me for deliverance I say listen and there don't get me wrong and please don't like I said hear what I'm not saying there's times I realized people were so involved a didn't really know the Lord they walked away from the Lord they got so enchained that you lay hands on and there's a place to castings I've hugged people and saw deliverance I've held people innocence here God loved and saw Devils cast out stuff yeah so there's a place for that but a lot of times we're just making prayer the answer instead of a discipline some people would call it I like it that's why I did this I like it's the joy of relationship so if I if I feel like I need delivered and I'm reading Colossians you have been delivered from the power of darkness yeah and translating the kingdom of the son of his love where should be my starting point if I'm fighting good fight of faith yeah if I'm resisting them standing sufficient faith and I read a scripture like that what should I be doing I walking up dead room and close the door and I actually feel like there's a spirit hovering over me I feel like I'm in bondage and my emotions are suppressed yes and all of a sudden I promise you this anybody that has a heart to go toward God is not going to find a ball and chain on them in that place God is so much greater he is so much greater if they pursue the move in faith they're going to have the capacity to move in say I've seen it over and over they closed a bedroom door and they say father I thank you you've delivered me now watch for three years they've been believing they need delivered yeah father I thank you you've delivered me you've translated me into the kingdom of son of your love your love will never fail will say God you love me print years I've been living by feelings and you know what the truth this I'm free you separated me from everything next thing you know you feel inspired and you lift your hand Tyner watch this nobody's in the bed it's just you Jesus that lie and faith yeah now what's going to happen in that place oh he says who seeks me in the secret man I'm going to see them there I'm going to reward him in the obey what are they seeking in secret this truth is freedom this what's the reward the open the truth of freedom the expression of Christ is the artwork and the whole time in in a heart attempt to get free they're asking for prayer going to meetings going to conferences watching YouTube and it seems like they're putting their heart in godly things but the whole time believing the lie and the lies actually motivating their pursuit yeah so the whole time they're in despair they're desperate you see what I'm saying rather than get alone close the door and say you know what I'm done just playing corporate prayers I'm done just getting into prayer rooms and going through deliverance meetings I'm done with the morning law I'm going to close this door and be with you yeah because I believe you paid a price for me to be in your presence Adam if Christians would start believing that simple truth right there changes everything yeah changes everything and this book will come alive and you'll realize wow as I get a closer look at Jesus I get a closer look at me and Who I am because I'm always found in him and he never saw me apart from him yeah or why yeah thanks mate that's awesome yeah now before we continue how are we doing on time on that gorgeous done excellent I'm loving this I'm going to go back and go back into it let me Dan let me ask you a question the Bible says to account the cost and to deny yourself and you know most often no we talked about that when they first got saved right but um could you just talk a little bit practically like so you said you don't have any you're not doing something and that certainly stems out of that then how does one practically do that so that the enemy could have less of a foothold and oh well I get in the real understanding what being a Christian is I I think we as leaders at large ought to apologize to what we've done with the gospel we've made the Gospel very beneficial yes to serve us and to make sure it takes care of us and take us to heaven we've preached the gospel for our well being instead of our transformation yeah and that's the problem that's what keeps these feelings and emotions alive so all the sudden people say we're just more golden than it was before I was saved and then they get mad it's what the people of Egypt did yeah they thought somehow God was there to serve them instead of be their deliverer and raise them up in His image so that the nations of the world would know that he's God through their lives he says in Ezekiel they went out among the nations and profane my name everywhere they went what's he saying they misrepresented who I was through their lives yeah see the Bible never one time just makes it the point about God taking care of us and the whole goal God making sure we have a better life with less complications that across the board is how I heard the gospel I don't know about you guys yeah my whole life it was always beneficial so now that I understand the gospel I think the clearest thing we can do is let people understand listen when you count the cost preachers say it'll cost you everything what the gospel costs me is giving up what I never was in the first place and surrendering I was never created to be so if I deny myself that means living for myself is a big lie becoming a Christian for my own well-being has to be a lie because it's self-serving just being a Christian to go to heaven and not go to hell how self-centered is that come on yeah I want to be a Christian to become everything he intended and to walk in the grace that empowers me to be those things and learn along the way the beauty of those things and what they are so I'm on a journey man so I've died to myself I've denied myself I'm picking up my cross and I'm following him and he is loved so my journey is to grow in love and grow up into him visions for into all things never again tossed to and fro by every wind and doctrine and thing that's out there grab and men's mess I'm walking in that just live by get my eye on the purpose on the cause Paul said I'm going to apprehend this thing I'm going to forget what lies behind I'm going to reach forward or what lies ahead and lay ahold of that which he laid a hold of me for which means Jesus himself saved you with intention he has purpose behind it it's not just the book of life where it's already over yeah no no Paul said not that I've apprehended but I'm going to lay a hold of that which he made a hold on me for in other words I'm going to walk in the fruition of why he obtained me and the one thing not the three things not the one of three things but one thing I do I forget what's behind me and I reach to what lies ahead I'm looking here because he's out here he bought this I tell people all the time I'm not looking back I'm not Lot's wife I'm his bride yeah so I'm not looking back I'm looking forth from whence comes my help yeah and I'm going after Jesus it's so powerful yeah and so a lot of people sincerely are looking for help and you just mention that and oftentimes they might go to a counselor because they have a degree you don't mean right what you just described is typically the world's counseling is looking back trying to figure out connect feelings and thoughts where they came from what would you say about that well and they could know why you record this I'm not against psychologists and if you have a psychology degree my concern is that all we do is deal in emotional room and try to just get a healthier fault pattern that subdues the bad feelings that it's it's we're not trying to do that we're trying to change the way you think where you live from who you are it's a whole identity shift so really psychology if you look at it I'm not trying to be rude degrading to psychologists it's really just the study of human function and what makes this chick and why we think that way and feel that way so you're really diagnosing and then at some level trying to get them to think maybe a little different or trying to assure that it's going to be okay yeah the gospel is totally different the gospel exposes the lie through the truth and wants to establish the true civil I can no longer be considered so psychology is is okay to diagnose why this is happening but then it's the strong application to truth it's necessary you see what I mean yeah there's a lot of ministries out there it's not fair to call them inner healing ministries because that inner healing is such a diverse word anymore it's such a broad spectrum there's so much stuff out there there's some things out there that really deal with well I can't believe they touched you wrong and they really go there they go to the problem when they were six and they're 34 now that they've been dealing with the day they got traumatized sexually and they're talking about it but there's some ministries out there that they feel it important to acknowledge hey I see this happen I'm so sorry you hold their hand cry we should all be able to do that that's not but but there has to be a strong application truth to separate them from that six year old that was defiled to a 34 year old that is renewed reborn in Crescent filled with God's Spirit and that six year old in that whole situation is gone and not to relate to it anymore because this is your new life in Christ you have every right to shine you're not a touch strong six year old you're 34 year olds filled with the Spirit of God woman or man right yeah and we got to convey that I mean I've had so many encounters in my life this way where people went to psychology to meeting after meeting and they gave me the opportunity to pour truth into him when I was pastoring and had more of a time my life so shifted now with everything with people put all this YouTube stuff out there well I so a little different but I remember a Vietnam vet coming to my office he couldn't get past the war he lost all his friends Oh make you cry he couldn't go fishing with his buddies he would just get a flashback like he was in the in Vietnam and he would just grab his friend and push him into the bottom of the boat and cover him down and it would freak his friends out so bad they wouldn't nobody wanted to be with him he came into me crying and said can you help me and I watched God make that man free there's a simple application a truth minister in him and I touched him and prayed only through the strong evidence of truth that he was gone yeah and then God just it was kind of like God went boom and just sealed the deal you know what I mean and it was just beautiful and we were just and then he had wrote me and called Nick and I'm out of touch with him now that that was many years ago in fact I'm not even sure where he would be if he's living that was I'm going back 15 17 years but this man had no more flashbacks yeah and why I separated him from the man that was in Vietnam he was carrying a level of guilt responsibility because he did things he said no man should ever do because of the brittleness and the precariousness of that war people don't understand and sometimes you're just in survival yeah so he opened up confidentially some things that he did and we just talked and I shared truth and I shared where his heart is and looked how your meeting with me and try and look how different you are on the inside let's start there and I took him I located the man he was yeah thank God his eyes off of the man he remember yeah and God started to work with the man he was and build stronghold in that man setting free it's powerful yes and that's awesome yeah one of the last questions I have for you here is uh you know God commands us to cast our ID on them you know and certainly when would you recommend even somebody going and talking with somebody else you know because I don't know if you find that people are or aren't doing well here's here's the funny thing about tests are you cares like we take the word to litter sometimes so people think that means I've heard it talked this way like listen when you get up in the morning which Lord I just kept all the cares so what they're doing they're still caring somehow they feel like they're catching on him but caring that when you can't start your caris upon the board he's showing you a way not to care not to carry care it's in the Lord you're looking in God you're it's mighty in God the warfare is mighty in God your weapons so you're actually looking to going on Wow you know without knowing you like I know you and understand me covenant I'd be shook up today seeing what I'm going to have to address and walk but I thank you your grace is there every step of the way and God you've separated me from feeling for myself survival that instinct of self-defense God you've taken it from me man I am so ready to face this today because of who you are enemy you've brought such change that's how you cast your care you don't allow yourself to care because you look like people say you're my rock in my defense yeah so then they proclaim that when they're scared half to death as if God's going to somehow supernaturally protect them but they're scared the whole time so what happens the fact that he's my defence means the way I see in him the way I believe in him defends me yeah he says Hope deferred makes the heart sick where does it tell you you're supposed to ever live with deferred Hope yeah he's telling you look don't live with the firt Hope because that's when your hearts going to be found sick most people get a heart break into well the bottom says the brutal makes your heart sick no wonder I feel this way totally missing what the scripture is trying to teach us where does it ever say to live with deferred hope yeah suppose think it's our oak sky I it's the anchor of your soul passing through the veil faith is the substance of things hoped for them people hell oh yeah they pour scripture out of the Hat that they heard somebody quote or other Hope deferred makes the heart sick and give them self permission to have a sick heart when there's no way the scripture tells you to have a deferred hope yeah yeah so what's yours what you're saying everybody just just review it you would say somebody's got to have a prayer life seeking the Lord oh it's imperative yeah yeah yeah the second thing is is let the enemy be an alarm clock back to that prayer life you know when the enemy feels like you send in something big time he should springboard you to God yeah the enemy we should have him so afraid to touch us that every time he touches us he provokes us to deeper truth yeah yeah and honestly on that thing you said without a relationship with God without getting an established knowing in a prayer life is there's no way you're going to walk and freedom if you're just going to people for prayer ministries for ministry Healing Rooms and conferences I'm just telling you straight you're robbing yourself of what you created fund called - you're not called to feel better you're called to know him and you'll never get to know him going that route you'll just always be driven by how you feel is today a better day while the day wasn't so bad while today was really bad yeah you're not called the feel better you're called to know him and you're never going to get to know him unless you go to him listen this is Adam Bauer sitting across from me I could know its name I could sit under his messages I can watch him on YouTube and I could talk about Adam for 20 minutes after a while of observing you right here I'm sitting without him I've met Adam I've known Adam we've eaten lunch together I've looked in his eyes when you say do you know how to Bauer I don't know him because I've been around him I know him because I've been let down there's a difference don't be around the Lord don't hang around where they're talking about it open up your bedroom door and close it if you need get in a car take a ride sit on a park bench go climb a mountain and get on a rock be alone and be with him because you'll get to know him knowing him will transform your life here's the deal and this is eternal life John 17:3 it doesn't say that you prayed a prayer to go to heaven in your names in the book called life and this is eternal life that you might know him the only true God and His Son Jesus Christ he says if you love your knowing then first John for if you don't love you don't know anything you didn't say you're not sincere you can say you didn't see your need for a savior yeah he said if you don't love you don't know him which means this Adam it's impossible for me to know else and not be changed by him and if I'm not changed I have because I don't palea knowing him is the goal yeah yeah that's biblical amen thank you all right hit it man bless you well I'm pastor Adam Bauer and I'm here with another episode of God's old guy this is uh [Music]
Channel: Praise Community Church
Views: 29,898
Rating: 4.8972712 out of 5
Keywords: enemy, dan mohler, schemes, q&a, lifestyle christianity, todd white, power and love
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 59sec (3059 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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