Dan Levy Answers Personality Revealing Questions | Proust Questionnaire | Vanity Fair

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if this were private listen we'd have a whole other skew of answers to those questions but [Music] dan yes you are about to take vanity fair's produced questionnaire you will be asked 35 questions in rapid succession in order to reveal your true nature oh boy once a question has been read out you will have five seconds to answer before we move on once we have completed all 35 questions you will have a chance to reflect on and even correct your answers i am as ready as i can be i think what is your idea of perfect happiness a sunny afternoon in tokyo with some of my closest friends what is your greatest fear illness what is a trait that you most deplore in yourself thinking i have an answer to everything what is the trait you most deplore in others bigotry which living person do you most admire oprah what is your greatest extravagance glasses and sunglasses i have more than i'd like to share with you here today what is your current state of mind hopefully what do you consider the most overrated virtue obedience on what occasion do you lie um when the truth would hurt more and the lie wouldn't hurt what do you dislike most about your appearance i have a very lazy eye which living person do you most despise i don't want to give him press what is the quality you most like in a man humility what is the quality you most like in a woman i like them all which words or phrases do you most overuse the thing is what or who is the greatest love of your life i don't think i've met him yet so i'm gonna say my dog redmond when and where were you happiest italy two summers ago with some friends long before any of this happened which talent would you most like to have i would love to be a very very good singer if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be [Music] to let things go more easily what do you consider your greatest achievement oh uh probably telling stories that might have affected a positive change in someone's life if you were to die and come back as a person or a thing what would it be i really like my life so the concept of reincarnation is kind of sad to me where would you most like to live london england what is your most treasured possession i want to say my dog but he's not a possession it's he's more just like a family member that i found what do you regard as the lowest depth of misery self-obsession is your favorite occupation i quite like juggling acting and writing although ask me when i'm working and that answer might be different what is your most marked characteristic uh sarcasm what do you most value in your friends a strong sense of character who are your favorite writers yikes at the moment ann carson and michaela cole who is your hero of fiction mary poppins which historical figure do you most identify with whoever hasn't been cancelled yet who are your heroes in real life uh great teachers what are your favorite names eugene deborah sarah and redmond what is it that you most dislike generally speaking uh arrogance what is your greatest regret uh not respecting myself enough in my teens how would you like to die on a beach mid-laugh with some friends and finally what is your motto uh there is no such thing as this is how it's done that concludes the questionnaire okay relatively painless so dan how was that experience uh it was okay it was okay i crack under pressure usually so it was relatively smooth considering other high pressure situations i've cracked under were there questions that you lied about no no the problem is between my friends and my family i'd be held accountable for each and every answer to those questions likely publicly so i just don't think i'd be able to get away with uh lying in this if this were private listen we'd have a whole other skew of answers to those questions but can you explain why you answered oprah to which living person do you most admire i mean she has played such a formative role in my life she was someone who has like greatly informed my desire to be of service to people to try and do good in the world she has inspired a sense of charity um and generosity in me um from a very young age and i just think that she is someone who has made a mark on the world in such a positive way you answered thinking i have an answer to everything when i asked what trait you most deplore in yourself in what occasions has that gone awry a lot of the time it's like unwanted advice where i just can't help myself from from offering uh solutions or opinions on things that ultimately were never asked of me but i'm a leo so i i mean i don't want to default to a star sign because that's like a really weak excuse but at the same time for people who are leos you realize that you are essentially trapped by a star sign whether you want to admit it or not and i'm not really even into star signs so i don't really know what that means but uh i do know that i that i take a lot of the boxes uh of my horoscope why do you think obedience is the most overrated virtue um i think i've learned even in this short time in entertainment that a lot of the current setup and you know the con the current sort of constructs of how this industry is has been built and sustained over the years is built on the simple concept of just people doing what they're told and that's not to say that doing what you're told is a bad thing at times but i do think that sometimes in order to make great change you have to break the rules or at least ask questions that push back on the rules and i think that's the only time that you you will change them for the better hopefully can you explain the context behind your greatest regret not respecting myself enough in my teens yeah i mean i think i was a really introverted kid i really didn't think that highly of myself and i think you look back at your teens and you you see missed opportunities would i have changed anything probably not because i feel like everything that happened to me led to who i am today but at the same time i do feel like you know looking back you think geez you were so much better than you thought you were if i were to ever meet my younger self in a strange sci-fi scenario that's what i would say why is london england the place you most like to live i lived there for a little bit um in my early 20s and i loved it and i go on a lot of dates there to be perfectly honest me and los angeles in the dating scenario are just not the greatest fit why is humility the quality you most like in a man maybe it's because i live in la and it's really hard to find that in men in la people are very very concerned about themselves in los angeles you know i just think it's such an attractive quality to um be sure of yourself and confident but not have it take over who you are or define who you are why is mary poppins your hero of fiction um she's my fondest and earliest childhood memory of a fictional character and i've always admired her strength of will her stoicism her humor and there was just this kind of strong warmth to that character um that i've always loved and i once made the big mistake of of telling my my nana that i wished julie andrews was my grandmother and it didn't go over uh very well and now i just miss my nana a lot so um i've kind of equated the two of them how'd she respond to that i think she raised an eyebrow and said i'm standing right here why are anne carson and michaela cole your favorite writers i have so many favorite writers that i think you can only go on like the people that are taking up space in your mind right now and i just reread autobiography of red which is my favorite work of fiction um which is a long-form poem that ann carson wrote many years ago that always sort of brings me great inspiration and and joy when it comes to you know contemporary writers i thought what michaela cole did with i may destroy you was absolutely um game-changing and uh revolutionary and inspiring and heartbreaking and necessary so they seemed like two kind of important voices that are floating around in my head you said that the talent you would most like to have is being a very very good singer can you share what your go-to audition song would be i don't sing that often because i don't have a very remarkable voice you know in my mind like a really really good singer is like i would love to s you know to show up to a holiday party and sing by a piano like adele and have everyone run into the room and just have their breath taken away by the vocal stylings that i was surprising people with not the case in real life but probably a mariah carey son i would probably sing a mariah carey song let's talk about your greatest extravagance glasses and sunglasses i've been collecting glasses i think since i was in high school so you know they're a form of expression i think when you can't see quite literally without them um i've always felt like if they're if i'm stuck with these glasses i'm gonna have as many as i possibly can to sort of swap out with every mood and look if you will so you answered i really like my life so the concept of reincarnation is kind of sad to me why for me i think there's a lot of people that have a lot of hope attached to reincarnation i think it's a very optimistic thing for people who believe that there's something outside of this i think as someone who has worked really hard to find a life for themselves and build a life for themselves and take up space on the planet coming from a place where i felt like i never was going to take up space on the planet and i never was going to have a voice that i loved or i or other people would love i think when you when you spend the time to really build a happy and joyful and successful life for yourself um the thought of coming back is like a toad um just doesn't doesn't do it for me so i don't know i'm focusing on this life right now and whatever happens after it i will leave up to the stars i suppose and by stars i mean celebrities i'll just let a celebrity decide what i come back as do you think these questions have revealed your true nature i think these questions hopefully have guided the viewer down a path toward my my true nature i hope we've sort of held hands for a part of that journey
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 146,613
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Keywords: dan levy, dan levy answer, dan levy answers, dan levy interview, dan levy personality, dan levy proust, dan levy proust questionnaire, dan levy proust questions, dan levy question, dan levy questionnaire, dan levy questions, dan levy revealing questions, dan levy schitt's creek, dan levy schitts creek, dan levy vanity fair, proust questionnaire, schitts creek dan levy, vanity fair, vanity fair dan levy, vanity fair interview, vanity fair proust questionnaire
Id: qitgt0qkDyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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