Dale Jr. Download: Reliving Tales with Hank Parker Jr.

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and hank parker jr gets victory number two so dale jr happens upon this this little column that he used to that he wrote for nascar.com do you want me to read it or do you want to read it this is this is remember what it says he doesn't do all i do remember is so let's pair it let's set it up set it up so back in 2000 i was rookie and xfinity in the cup series and i was wanting to become i wanted to try to write uh i enjoyed writing and and uh just wanted to do it try it and get better at it so my pr guy jade gersch said you let's write some columns and so i wrote a series of about a dozen columns one about my dad and one about various things and i wrote one about you and i called you i was driving down i-77 going somewhere and i said hey man you're like what i was like i wrote this article about you and i'm gonna put it on nascar.com i just wanted to tell you about that before you so you don't read it and go or somebody send it to you and you don't get weirded out it would it seemed that there was an occasion for it now first of all do you remember this at all um i do not okay it seems that the occasion was you were about to get married and that that's my point is that uh you're a family guy well this is apparently genesis 1-1 of hank parker jr right all right so here it is here we go this is about dylan hart jr we ought to get some little you know some music for this i'm sure they'll put us on yeah i'm sure they will yo it's that time again to get a dose of my column better late than never they say this is like hemingway all right yo you know when it starts out but believe it or not i had written a few columns for this month and canned them all i decided to skip over the latest controversial topics like restrictor plates to tell you a thing or two about a buddy of mine you all know him as hank parker jr around here we call him all sorts of things some that can't be printed first off hank and i have been friends for years way before he ever got the nerve to drive race cars second he's probably one of the most impressionable personalities in the sport how about that that's nice yeah wow i met hank on a hunting trip with my father my father hunted with hank senior quite often in those days and me and hank met on a few of those trips for a few years we would see each other but it was a while before we got to be good friends hank and i had and still do have different outlooks on life that's interesting yeah we'll get back to that in a second okay i can't say that i could explain either one of them but i know they are not two and the same hank was really into the outdoors i on the other hand could take it or leave it that's true i actually was better friends with his two brothers bill and ben me and those two were getting into trouble on the weekends while hank was off with his girlfriend okay write a note down we got to get back to that too because i mean this wasn't part of the stories i recall one day at the shop my father tells me that hank senior wants to buy buy my street stock for lil hank you got lil not a little lil hank that's that's my rapper name yeah i got you right right little hank this was good news because i always thought hank was cool and if he's gonna race we might get to the ha we got might get to hang out more often so we sold him the car and it wasn't long before i was driving in the bgn series and hank was getting offers to join me there in those days i tried really hard to help him on the racetrack i couldn't think of anyone else i would rather be banging doors with in my racing future than my buddy hank i always thought he was a great driver with in-depth knowledge and unlimited ability before long me and hank were swapping setups at the track and club hopping during the week oh boy we got to write a note we got to ask about the clubhouse we spent the better part of two years doing that two years of club hobbineck is that what y'all were doing my name was little lil hank yeah were you were were you the dj did you have a job at the club no no no okay when i uh we spent the better part of two years doing that one week after the next when i threw a bash at the house hank was the life of the party when we went to the clubs no one had a better time than lil hank we spent a lot of time racing on computers critiquing our driving skills and patience anytime we had a career decision to make most of the time he would call me for some advice he only took it half the time but wait but but what the hell do i know bill jeter qualifies that yeah last year me and him along with a few others had the most fun on halloween hank took us up to an old haunted hotel seemed like it was over 100 years old it freaked us out pretty good we did a little bird hunting that winter as well those were the times i tell you well that's changed as it always does ol hank is getting married it's really no surprise to me i joke with him all the time about it happening sooner i tried my hardest to make him feel like a deserter did a good job of that i did a really good job a deserter he says to be honest though this girl's one hell of a catch almost like a female version of hank weird but true not my cousin [Laughter] yeah so close to hank you think they're related no even though we still look at the world around us in a different way me and hank still find time to chill out together albeit not as often as before hank jr has always been a workhorse but he still calls after every win i get a lot of credit for being real well this guy takes the cake congratulations on finding your bride hank and thank you for being my friend still single and loving it dale earnhardt jr isn't that funny okay where do we start we got to go to the trouble right well let's go to let's go to the trouble because i mean dale jr is conflicted we got deserter hank i mean you're leaving your wingman apparently yeah yeah yeah that uh yeah did y'all really get into trouble i mean well i will say this he did he he mentioned it in there he hung up with my brothers more and they got a lot more trouble than i did i've always heard that catfish was you know quite the hellraiser is that true he's pretty crazy he's wild he's calmed down he's married yeah we've all called it out everybody's home everybody's calm way down we would um it's the podcast yeah what we got well it seemed for for this story we all sh we it didn't feel right telling it without catfish in the room but yeah or ben uh they were two great guys and um just as nice and friendly and easy to be around as hank was and uh and hank jr was more career-driven more goal-oriented he definitely put more work into his relationships with his with his wife and and um so when i would come around i'd be like hey man let's go buy a bunch of eggs and go egg a bunch of cars and or toilet paper somebody's house or play mailbox baseball and yeah crazy yeah and ben and bill would raise their hand and hank jimmy would be like i gotta stay home i got that dude this that's funny i don't remember any of that bull crap his memory is impeccable up until this point now that was when we were younger yeah when i was just getting my license and just raising hell um but we got into going to you know we drink together and i always had a great time and i knew that you know hanging around hank was always going to be good clean safe fun you know hank wasn't ever gonna do anything questionable i wasn't i wasn't either um and we were gonna be wild and wide open but we was gonna stay in our lane and i always knew when we were gonna hang out it's just to be fun but one of the most impressive things about hank and we'll tell you anytime you come on this podcast before we put it out on the air if anything in here you don't like we'll take it out yeah but one of the things about hank that was most impressive was his ability to puke and rally he was a big he was a very puke oh he was a puker rally yeah a puker now not not i have drank so much i'm nauseated and i probably should go to bed but he just it just didn't sit on his stomach right i don't even know if you can explain it i can't i can you know i think i've learned a lot since then but i can tell you this i can remember most after all the like uh short track races i would puke my guts out for hours after races and i just pretty weak stomach they didn't it didn't slow me down i kept on going like we'd we would have like four or five beers and he'd go i need to throw up and he'd walk out in the yard and literally bend over and and projectile into the yard and turn around walk back in grab a beer like nothing ever happened and we ain't even got a good buzz yet that's a champ and i'm like damn you good he's like yeah i'm great a lot better now okay buddy i will i will throw this in for disclaimer uh yes that that all of that is very true uh my life is a lot different now it is a lot more super thankful for gray hair maturity and god's grace i can tell you that but uh that that is uh that was uh they they liked that they would they would wait for that like when's it gonna happen oh is it gonna happen yeah what was dale jr like to to hang out with just like he is right now i'm not sure he's grown up no you're just good you know just funny funny as all get out and have have a good time and uh you know it was always the same group of people you know there would be a lot of people sometimes but it was there was always this core group and it was always just a just just you know there was a time there there was always this serious deal junior at the racetrack you know where he's like really focused and then there's just completely uh funny turn it off mischievous crazy dale junior that's that's that's what it was like off the track i mean by now i mean gosh dale you and i we've been friends so long i think i've heard about all the stories but i don't and and i definitely know stories where you got in trouble with your dad yeah but i don't recall any any serious trouble with your dad's uh on anything y'all did i mean i maybe y'all kept the mailbox situation to yourself if daddy knew about that oh yeah holy it had been over wore my ass out uh yeah you didn't play games with my dad either and there was a time man like you know when you were talking like when you're 17 18 years old and you're you're just young and dumb and doing stupid things i was i was really trying to to not lose the opportunity of driving that race car so i think really i was a late bloomer as far as uh coming into being wild into my early 20s and you know kind of when i first came onto the scene of of uh the bush cars but you know it's uh it was it was it was a tough road to get there you know and so you're kind of always trying to stay focused and get these race cars ready and you know you've got limited opportunity and i kind of had a sight for that at that moment but i kind of lost sight of it you know i'm curious dale jr says that he never expected to get that ride at dei in 98 98 right yeah i mean and they didn't even tell him until like about time they were loading up it seemed like were you shocked that he made it in 98 and then became a champion i mean because you were with him back to 16 years old he was a bit of a late bloomer himself yeah yeah well i will say this i was super thankful when he got that opportunity because i felt like he was going to do a good job and if you kind of you look from the uh from the flip side of that the pressure that he was under you know that that was a ton of pressure back then because you had an established team and you had these guys who were used to uh you just a whole company that was used to winning and so you put him in the seat and he he he performed and it was awesome and and it was it was it was a fun thing to be a competitor and watch him do that because that was pretty impressive that was a very impressive time to see him stand underneath that type of pressure and win that was that was really cool all right now go listen to our podcast the dell junior download is available for free on all major podcast platforms
Channel: Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Dirty Mo Media
Views: 113,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dale Earnhardt Jr., Dale Jr., Dale Jr. podcast, Dale Jr. Download, Hank Parker Jr., Hank Parker, Dirty Mo Media, Catfish Parker, NASCAR, Dirty Mo, DJD
Id: zcxEjr7gZZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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