Dale Earnhardt is this weeks Hank Parker Rewind Episode!

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hi I'm Hank Parker and this is exciting I'm gonna do a look back a rewind of old stuff that has been shot for years and years and get to go back and relive a few precious moments and I'm so excited about this uh this whole project and it's brought to you by Sheffield Financial who has been a friend to the Sportsman for decades so let's get started and take a look at where we're at oh man I know exactly this is North Wilkesboro Speedway it's just been revised and put back together all of these race teams and all these cars and setups you know I started fishing about uh 15 years or so ago and it's grown Leaps and Bounds and that's about the same way with NASCAR it is really really grown last 10 12 years I got a I got a friend of mine out there that drives one of those cars I guess he's kind of an American hero he came up hard he came up through the little short tracks and dirt tracks and he drove his way to the very very top in my opinion he's the greatest driver that ever got behind the wheel of a NASCAR and he's pretty well proven that as well but he's bragging on this guy man what an awesome look back and this is my first rewind show and to be able to go back at North Wilkesboro Speedway I was up there hanging out with Earnhardt as he was practicing and testing and getting ready to race and he and I I rode up there with him and that was quite an experience in a Suburban we were taped up and qualified all the way for Mooresville and North Wilkesboro but we hung out together all day long that day and wow do I miss this guy but he's kind of he's kept his priorities straight you know he's got his wife that he's crazy about and they got a new daughter Taylor and well he's really crazy about Taylor and he's a good Deer Hunter you know and we're real compatible in that area so I'm really looking forward to our show today he's going to go out here we're in North Wilkesboro North Carolina he's fixing to go out here and win pole position as soon as he wins the poll he and I are going fishing so you stay with us we're going to have a great show today I'm Hank Parker today thanks guys man I'm seeing Earnhardt get out of that car it just it's really tough to not not cry well he he's such a great friend man [Music] I know heifer's crew chief our little hangs on chocolate bar [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you never thought when I was a kid I just had a dream of fishing I just loved it so much and then you read about Bill Dance and Roland Martin and all these guys are making a living fishing and I thought man that's what I'm gonna do and I was able to make all that come true but the benefit of all that is getting to know all these neat guys to be able to have an experience uh with Davey Allison big NASCAR driver and Dale and Davey's dad Bobby and just so many people and then later on of course my kids all gravitated back to NASCAR and uh that's not so good I'm like the guy in the AAA meeting I can stand up and say I've been NASCAR free for 11 years [Music] every time every time yeah mine's small my small fish little little fish make two months I wonder why that is I reckon I'm fishing for quantity and fishing for Quality quality there you go you know that's so funny Earnhardt he was a heck of a deer hunter and we deer hunted together we had a deer leash together for over 20 years in Texas and uh we hunted a lot here as a matter of fact I got a feel on my farm here that was dedicated strictly him he didn't want nobody else hunted we call it the Earnhardt field still today this is called the Earnhardt feel and I never let anybody hunt here he had his deer stand there I didn't know when he would come or when he would go but uh he would come to Union and climb up there and just hyper as Earnhardt was the most amazing thing about him uh to me he was I guess that's why it's a great race car driver I really want to hurry up get to the front but he can sit here all day long he would come and get in that deer stand right there on that point of pine trees and watch this field he'd get in that sand before daylight and he'd sit there a little dark over and over again so this is the Earnhardt field and uh we never hunted it the whole time that I own this Farm until Dale passed away this was all left for him now we hunt it a lot I see the old frame I see the chain the chain the old frame and a piece of carpet a bow hanger is still there it's kind of sad you know you go through life and you you meet special friends and you don't put as much emphasis on how important that is when you're young or at least I didn't I shouldn't talk to other people but I didn't I didn't really appreciate all my friends as much so I really got in my 50s and then I really realized that all the ambition you had and all the tournaments that you wanted to win and for Earnhardt I guess the races and all the things friends were really what was way far more important and you take so much for granted you know you want to achieve all this young men Especially You Want To Be A Champion and a winner man it's about the people and about the friends and there's a song out right now it says tell them how much you love them uh while you have them because someday you'll want them back and boy I sure would like to have him back I'm with my friends for many many years nobody hunted that field but him but we're on the water up here and uh he's fishing and he really wants to win uh he's playing like he's he's okay but uh we're catching fish and he really really wants to win most competitive Rascal he wanted to kill the biggest deer every time he wants to catch the most fish even though I couldn't drive a race car worth a nickel I tried but he didn't care that he didn't fish every day he expected to win like [Music] today [Music] the show Bill Landers who produced my show for years and years and years uh from the various onset bill passed away two years ago just a couple of weeks ago with the anniversary of his uh his death of two years ago and we wrote this song he wrote the music and I wrote the lyrics because I heard it all the time the house needs painting in the grass needs more than worthy gone fishing and people have actually put that as a ringtone on their phone that's how that little jingle just caught on it's funny how that happens but uh special times watching it brings back so many memories and it's just so much fun for me to sit here and look at this all open [Music] the house leave me your name and your number and I'll get back to you hanging Partners out here featuring the only Sportsman to ever win the bass Triple Crown including not just one but two classic championships the coveted bass angler of the Year title and winner of Super Bass four I don't know how I'm talking on this telephone Andrew but this is your husband if you remember what I looked like I hadn't been home in so long but I'm standing on the fence Ray passed away this past year back in my windows away hang show was brought to you in part by Delco Voyager marine batteries deep cycling and maintenance free and by hummingbird absolutely brilliant technology but it looks like good fishing while they're today well I'll tell you we've got to get disqualified out of the way where we go fishing this rain holds up a little bit we're just practicing I think we'll be all right well I want you to win the poll you think you can win the poll up here well I think we can you know it's going to be competitive like always but we got a good car here this is really important are you nervous well a little bit but uh not too bad I think we'll be all right you got it late I believe you're going to win it you're going to get the pole out here today and we're going fish biggest worry is going fishing catching a big fish well let's get ready foreign [Music] how often do you get to pick a guest when he wins the race that's a pretty big deal get around it pretty good in a lake like this I'll tell you earning morning fog's cold you might hear me felt like man's a race car and the one watching yours I'm gonna get mine he got a gloves on he's cold you know race cars 125 degrees inside and sometimes more so they get acclimated all that heat he gets cold he's out there it's about 60 degrees he's freezing my two times [Music] what a tape I told you to help if it okay he's gonna get away and get away okay that's what they're supposed to look like in it is that what a fishing pole I think that's it he's too small isn't he too little just well going back I want him cluttering up the Live Well that small anything over coil will say huh what did I tell you foreign [Music] [Music] bro [Music] thank you it's really when time goes so fast I remember him catching that big crappie I called it a crappie he called it crappy and I called it a crappie and finally he he gave him said a crappie you bass fishing crappy fish yeah they call those crappie crappie fishing with Hank Parker crappie look what you had him laying on a plate would he be good I don't Mount this guy eat this guy that's one of the best eating fish that I want to eat and put them in live well with me and I'm gonna tell you what put them in the line where we're leaving that's probably the biggest crappie I ever caught in my life yeah put him in a live well do it really I'm telling them some nice fish where do you go three quarters of a pound that coffee will weigh two and a quarter to two and a half pounds nine yeah huh where's the Live Well at them right there where your reels are he's inside yeah there's still many which side now somebody else now don't go away there's a whole lot more coming up with Hank and his North Carolina neighbor NASCAR's Dale Earnhardt yeah [Music] it's hard to believe he would uh he was so competitive and he was such a good guy and looking forward to retiring where he could uh fish more he told me the last just before he died maybe uh a couple of months before the wreck at Daytona he told me he said when I retire Parker you and I are going to do a whole lot of hunting and a whole lot of fishing and I said man I'm looking forward to that course he was going to come up and the next year going to be 50 years old he said when I retire we're going to do a lot of hunting and fishing he said I'm going to retire in the next 10 years he loved it I don't know if he'd ever retire when it comes to fishing everything's got to be just right from what goes on the end of my line to what goes in the bottom of my boat for me that's Delco Voyager batteries with built-in Chargers Chuck Yeager we're doing a commercial here with Chuck Yeager I fish with him on many many occasions uh he was quietly American Hero it's still all kind of flight records across the USA we had not had transom problems to speak of in the past but when you really know what you're talking about and compare the full treated fiberglass transom to the wooden ones that we and everybody else has that have used the glass is just so much stronger and there's no way of rock and it's just stared us from now on there's not in look back a little bit harder than I thought it was going to be man tournament fisherman I look for everything with the classic spinnerbait I've got it Man's big company presents Hank Parker's the classic 22 karat gold plated super strong wire from Maximum custom twin tail trailer without a doubt the classic catches more fish than any spinnerbait I've ever used here's one of Hank's tricks of the trade hey I'm sitting here building spinner back you know you think about spinner baits and you think about one type of bait or like you go in a store and buy a bait off a shelf and just tie it on your line and throw it in your fishing spinnerbait you think about plastic worms you think about 15 different sizes and 400 different colors and you feel like it's a very versatile bait but a lot of times we don't realize how versatile a spinnerbait is now there are several different sizes shapes different blade designs I work with a spinner bait a lot I fish a very transparent bait in Clear Water For example and then I'll fish a very loud bright bait in muddy water and anywhere in between there I fish a spinner bait five or six foot deep and I fish one right on the surface I may even fish one 10 or 15 foot deep I know in Guntersville Alabama this past year the bass tournament was one on a one ounce spinner bait fishing about 12 foot deep over the grass so a spinner bait is a very versatile bait you can notice today when Dale and I are fishing we're using a bait that I designed it's called the classic spinnerbait it's got an Indiana blade which to me is probably the best combination for the most part say 90 percent of the time and I'll tell you a few things about us spinnerbait as a rule of thumb I've already talked about you can fish it deep you can fish it shallow well you know it's a whole lot easier to fish if spinnerbait deep if it has a one ounce head it's a whole lot easier to fish it shallow if it's got a quarter ounce head so you've got a lot of different weights and head sizes you can use depending on what you need that spinner bait for tips that are 30 years old are still valid I mean it's still true today what we were talking about 34 years ago or so you need to pick out a light bait something that you can fish on top through that heavy grass or if you've got real muddy water and you're wanting to Fish It On Top then you'd want to use a heavier bait and use bigger blades to get more vibration see that's important but yet you're fishing both baits on top that's a good time to use a heavy bait even though you want to keep it on top because by using that heavier bait you can use a bigger blade that's what Dale and I are doing today you notice when we fish the rip wrap how we fish that bait up on top but yet that's a three-quarter ounce bait we're putting off a lot of vibration with that weight the all those little things are tricks of the trade but the one thing that I do always is I use a little white trailer I never vary that I may fish a chartreuse skirt or maybe it's a blue skirt or I'm a fish or blue instructors or whatever color I always use this little white trailer and I think that that trailer it works as a keel keeps the bait upright keeps the bait running true that little trailer is probably uh the best little tip that I can give you to dress your spinner bait up with and I always use a white one but I guarantee you if you'll use that spinner bait and stay out of the trees But realize that that spinner bait is a versatile bait just like a plastic worm a lot of different sizes on a lot of different colors and you try all the different sizes you'll catch more fish on a spinnerbait 30 years ago just a lot younger looking than what I see now of course we talked about the hurricane and all the rain that they've had and it's really filled those Lakes up fast you got a lot of rising water and the fish are a little bit spooked and but yet you have to draw them for a distance because of the muddy water so you don't want to overdo it you don't want to put out a bait that's got too much vibration when you got spooky I'm looking at my electronics on this boat it's amazing how much difference a lot of things are still the same but these little pistol grip rods and these Electronics man we've come out here a long way I don't think your competitive enough to race [Music] don't let me be behind you on the last lap they say that that is the most feared awesome intimidating feeling in racing is to look in the rear view mirror and see the number three alumina on your back bumper I hope it does intimidate them that's half the job right there is getting excited [Music] [Music] you'll make it work [Music] s well I tell you I've done a lot of a lot of fishing and fish from a lot of different people and you forget so much and now to go back and Rewind and look back at the good times and the friends I've often said you know you um you fish and you enjoy you have a great time but at the end of the day when you really count your blessings you were blessed to get to go fishing you were blessed to get to be a part of Nature and all of those things are important but the strongest part of all and the most meaningful part of all of it is the camaraderie and the friendships that you make and you know it seems like the outdoors it just removes a lot of barriers Earnhardt was a bit of an introvert a lot of people don't know that he got that reputation of the Intimidator which he was very intimidating on the racetrack but he was short and sweet with his words and part of that was the fact that he just wasn't that comfortable once he got to know you he was extremely comfortable you'd talk and talk and talk and and he's very very very comfortable and open up and tell you his heart and you just build such a bond he loved the outdoors as much as I did and to be able to share a lot of those emotions just before he died the year before he died I spent I spent about 10 days with him in the mountains of New Mexico in the tent we were on elk hunt together and we talked about everything and laughed and cut up and had a great time and and I'm just looking at us in the boat here fishing and the camaraderie that we had and the friendship that we built so much more important than the fish but the fish was the denominator that was the common denominator that Drew us together as well as so many other people [Music] now [Music] original country mile or new country mile spinning reel cast one hummingbird does it again TCR the first high definition depth Sounders with 455 kilohertz you actually see more fish in more detail and even in red take control with seven simple buttons just snap the TCR into place this all-new unit design mounts almost anywhere and the compact TCR sensor makes transducers obsolete PCR technology screen you know now I got a TV up there man this little guy can't hurt your line this big guy can destroy your life so I use Berkeley trilene it's super strong the Via Mercury you own what may be the be the most technologically Superior I'm saying you're looking at hummingbirds Minn Kota Mercury outboard commercial door right now yeah I've been with these companies for 40 years you know this is like our 38th year of Television I'm looking back [Music] we've been there from the beginning and that's really cool good fish good Lord you didn't give him any time did you hey you act like you're in a tournament let's say it small town small but I found a little high I think he'd go pound that's a good all right and it goes back [Music] about moving down the farm my wife wasn't gonna like that at all kids uh lock it down there yeah my boys do of course oh yes there's a good deal he's got in there with him didn't he's gouged in that tree too then he's doing it trick come on man that's a professional tree fisherman that kind of makes you nervous when you get fifty thousand dollars on the line he's sitting there doing that all right it's like a brother the one I caught out here last year that's the kind that makes you nervous the Rascal could cast pretty good I didn't realize how good he was because the heck behind everybody's pretty good fisherman chucking that up Center back pretty good [Music] foreign [Music] he does not like this too he might go eat pound man I think you're a good eight pound s he looks pretty good one there is a pretty good one fish buying this morning didn't we huh I was wondering what year this was I don't remember what year but I just looked in the sticker on the boat telling the story it's 1990 I don't know eight two three things they get right at eight one yeah I got the biggest one he don't like that good fish Yeah Boy Hey catching a good fish we caught really he's so wrapped up I don't know listen that line look at that fish he's nice he's a nice one I'm gonna get him bro I mean I got scissors right here come here now you're breaking all the brush out of the lake huh that wasn't in the water pretty exciting I got a big fish hung up they can jack it off did I tell you his fish around that stick up you're just teasing well I was hoping we wouldn't catch him really who's keeping score yeah when you get older the more experienced down when I get to beat a fishing magnet you are I'll be all right boy you ought to see me drive a race car I told him I said do you want to see me drive a race car and he just said but I actually raced against him at uh I raced a bush racing in Rockingham North Carolina I didn't race very long we're going to Crashed but uh I was out there for a little while I just didn't last very long had a very ordinary practice you know my idea of the perfect bait casting reel was one to cast with no effort at all line peels off the spool like it's in perpetual motion now I've never fished with a real quite like that but this new Ambassador XLT comes Mighty close in fact I believe I can cast father with this reel than any I've ever fished with before just imagine what this would do on a fishing rod when it comes to fishing everything's got to be just right from what goes on the end of my life I just saw a forestwood commercial race car Lefty crane and more people on the other side than there is on this that's one thing about getting old know where the batteries get on board there's a lot of good friends compared to the noise of a gas outboard and the electric fishing motor seems quiet but some electrics still frighten fish while Minn Kota doesn't no wonder three out of four fishermen choose Minn Kota for The Quiet power please thank you that catches fish [Music] it's that same one that's the same one that's why I just paid the big bucks you're good I ain't telling you I knew you was good back in 81. I knew you before you was good when you thought you was good he's bragging on me he said he knew I was going back 81 this is 1990 it was nine years ago I think that's when I met him no I met him in 77. I met him I'll tell you what 81's when we fished together to be able to make a living doing what you like to do but to have the opportunity to fish with one of your Heroes NASCAR's all-time great I'll tell you Dale I enjoyed it buddy I enjoyed tonight I appreciate it a lot you're a good guy I'm a better guy named uh hey I appreciate you being with me today God bless you I'm Mike Parker he's Dale Earnhardt sometimes impersonating a fish [Music] we made shows together but you didn't want to get too far ahead of him if you got too far ahead of him he'd quit he'd go back to the race shop so you had to kind of uh let him stay hang with you but in this particular show I remember this show uh as soon as I saw it I recognized North Wilkesboro Racetrack and and uh I remember how much fun we had and I remember riding up there with him I drove to Mooresville he lived in Mooresville and and I drove to Morrisville and got into Suburban with him and and rode up to Northwood where we hung out all day went out to eat and uh I don't remember if he sat on the pole or not I think he did and uh come back and he went won the race and we we went fishing and had just an incredible time but I didn't remember catching as many fish as we caught I didn't remember him catching that many fish he he hung in there man he calf that's better but it was impressive there and I'd kind of forgot about that now I I was kind of used to when we hunted together he he'd kill the biggest deer just about every year now he just had he had that going for him and he had eyes like no one I've ever seen I've never seen anyone that could Blood Trail a deer as good as Dale Earnhardt man he'd say oh there's blood and I'd say where and he said you don't say that or you blind it'd be just a little Pinhead of Speck how you know he saw that I don't know but uh I was pretty much used to him out doing me on in the woods but I didn't realize how good a fisherman that Rascal was he did a great job in the look back at 1990 and fishing with the world's greatest NASCAR driver in hanging out uh this whole look back series is going to be a fun thing for me to do in I'm I'm emotional here uh because I lost a great friend in Dale Earnhardt and according to his own testimony I will see him again one day and it probably won't be too long for me I'm getting to be a very old man so I'm looking forward to having a reunion in heaven so wow how awesome is this to be able to do these look backs and these fantastic memories and is just so special to me I appreciate you being with me like always God bless you I'll see you later on I don't know if it'll be next week but I'll see you later on I'm Hank Parker dude [Music] the house needs pain the grass means [Music] gone fishing [Music] that's pretty neat to catching big fish like that off that same hole and I had just thrown in there [Music]
Channel: Hank Parker's Outdoor Magazine
Views: 62,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 39sec (2259 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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