Dale Jr. Download with Ken Schrader: Greatest Story Ever Told & Greatest Moment in DJD History

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Savage9645 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] Jenny I think we need to talk about the week the week I figured it had come up but the week was good we didn't do anything you know so I don't I'm honored that I've heard you say it was still one of the best weeks ever it was a rite of passage so yeah it was so my dad's guys didn't talk to me much so when you asked me to go on this trip I'm like this was extremely way out of character for me for anybody in dad's generation and all I know is I'm going to get on the king air to leave Statesville Regional Airport and I'm flying somewhere to meet up with Kenny Schrader's and I'm gonna be with him we started out 15 years old this is 16 16 yeah that's right roma drove he drove truck up there and I got on the plane and I'm reading the Bible all right in this King here flying to meet Kenny a day or two before I got on this plane to leave I had been really able and if I remember right cuz I was already hoarding I was already knowing how we know this trip we heard yeah did dad come to you and say man boy with you somewhere or did you ask no we just we're just talking and I said we would take junior and trip with us we just go racing all week and he just looked at me and I said racing and he knew you know and I also heard what he knew what was gonna happen which nothing bad happened nothing happened that no one's going to jail for and y'all land and then what and then and then where do you meet up with Ken I don't know Sam st. Louis we ran Grant City Illinois first night cuz we got pictures of us you know because we won that race yes y'all never y'all runnin around you had a little bit of a match race maybe or no I don't know but we won the feature yeah they didn't really start loading up or hustling to get out of there everybody else is kind of leaving a little bit of time and before you know it it's just Kenny in his truck and 30 people maybe is a lot of freaking people it seemed like just seems a bit cooler yes stand around drinking beer yeah and I was standing there with an and I said Kenny's wife yeah I went up in maybe went into the to the RV for for either P or two to get a drink or something we were geared up we had to holler and motorhome yeah and she says you want a beer and I was like oh I can't drink a beer she goes yeah you can't and I said well I don't want anybody know I'm drinking a beer she goes we even just pour it in this cup and so she pours so she was the pageant was the bad influence and so then I drank a bunch of beer and then I walked over to the racetrack climbed up in the flag stand and just looking around checking the track out I mean it's like 12 o'clock at night it's midnight they'd still left lights on them it was pretty cool it was really a unique I'm standing there you know with Schrader and I ain't no danger and I'm we're just grassroots and drinking having a beer yeah which we still do that every week yeah yeah every week and then about two o'clock in the morning Schrader goes by we should start heading on to the next place so we go to Belle Claire this one I remember specifically because we by this time we I mean drinking beer every day all day it seemed like I wasn't yeah I was I was race yeah he was racing but now I'm taking now I'm getting my own beers and I got a couple nudie magazines Bibles long gone your dad stuck his head in the camper at Topeka during his practice yeah he says he's fine and he's like you know he's got a magazine and beer cans besides the couch I'm good dad he didn't take he didn't take notice of anything anything arrived at that moment he know he did that yeah I remember that Wow so I remember her we were there's heat races going on and everything and I'm hanging out with the crew and then we saw these two hippies in two wheelchairs fighting and yeah I don't know I just six in my mind I miss I miss something as he was in the car he's in the car driving but I remember two guys in wheelchairs toppled over and both of them had a holy hold of each other's hair not one was willing to let go of the other and they were upset with each other oh my god but um and then I remember we were in the king here a little bit flying to a couple things where were we when we went to the gentlemen's club well we flew back from we flew back from tip from Belleville Kansas and we had to run Topeka where your daddy was coming in and we were all gonna rate Rick Kendrick was there and we were all gonna race Sunday so that's a Saturday night Saturday night okay blue back to the pika I thought that was in the middle of week for some reason no pika was Saturday night we didn't race Saturday night we just went and watched Topeka and Saturday night you were you were in tuned up you were tuned up yeah so Saturday night straighter and them I'll organized a trip to the gentlemen's club well it was between the airport I mean it was a stop on the way home way home you dare go out of your way to the gentlemen's club but we had a van I mean yeah we're in a van we pull up and Schrader is like every all of them are short of talking now I'm sitting there and we're in this band pulling in and and a couple of people were like ain't gonna let him in I'll they'll let him in no no they're not gonna let him in ain't no way so Schrader's like ah we're gonna form a circle Jeeter you get in the middle just don't even just eyes forward don't say it don't say a word we're just gonna go in there never even gonna see it didn't work it didn't work so we get to the door and we tried to go on in and the guy get guys hey you can't come in a little bit of conversation sorry just can't let him in so straighter I said y'all go in I'm gonna go back out to the van and another guy follows me and he's like and I'm he had hung out with us a little bit but he hadn't been on the whole trip so he's like let's let's sit in the bed of his pickup truck next to the van there's truck next to the van me and him sit in the bed on whose truck we get me and him get some beer cooler we sat in the bed of the pickup and we're drinking beer and we're just watching people come in and out of the parking lot I'm sitting there talking to this guy having a great you know we're just having a great conversation I watched a gun deal go down so yeah my guy selling guns at the bit at the trunk of his car he's like an old 78 Ford Mercury or something big old big old clunker wagon and me and this guy are sitting in the bed of this pickup truck and two guys are standing at the back of this mercury with the trunk open just talking and looking in there and talking and looking in there I imagine it was guns I don't know I'm gonna assume it was guns who knows what could have been been in there but anyways we didn't say a word we just sit there it was amazing we've said time goes by right an hour to whatever it was I don't know how long I'm sure it wasn't near that far well I don't have been in there very long I don't know how long it was I wasn't worried finally they all come barreling on out of there yeah that was a great time you know everybody get back in the van and we get in the van and drive off right and probably about five years ago I was sitting in the lounge for the drivers meeting for the Daytona 500 either Daytona maybe there's a bush race I don't know exactly where it what it was but I'm sitting and I've got there a little early nobody really filtered in yet Carl Edwards is sitting there with his dad and I sit down next to Carl Carl weighs me over he's like hey he's like you know my dad I was like no I don't think so man how you doing he goes Nagi know him he says y'all him hung out he's like yeah in the back of a pickup truck speaking Kansas that was you back in 1991 what a small world yeah right no doubt so you're back there it's me is the best part of the whole deal well yeah I mean so but I always thought you made it into the club no was there another club Wow you're leaving out part what we finally negotiated with the bouncer oh yeah that's true yeah I forget yeah how could you forget there's a noobest all right of this story well this is the better part of the best part so well it's midnight one o'clock in the morning right pitch black but they come out right well who comes out with them all the girls that are different club yeah I mean how many there had to be five yeah I remembered a little bit different but yeah yeah well in my mind today as I'm remembering all the strippers ever days I'm remembering it but in about two minutes they're like hey you couldn't get in there so we brought the party out here and there's it's getting there's they're strippers standing on the hoods of the cars around we don't do that stuff so they were there like they're all just dancing on the roof so the cars are all around it wasn't really like that but that's how I imagine it I imagine it was right yeah Wow so the party the strip club basically just emptied out into the parking lot for I don't know how long we didn't want you not to be included nice what nice and then that's a good friend that's a good friend they were sitting in there just having a great time going off he's fine right we were they were working the whole time worried what's it gonna take to get them off the stage and out their parking lot so Sunday morning rolls around I haven't really had a hangover this entire trip until Sunday morning oh um you would have had to quit drinking to get hangover so I did we quit drinking why do we quit drinking cause dad was there dad's gonna dad it flew in to run the race is this back at Topeka we're in to pick up okay Sunday morning race day mr. Rick Sara Rick hinders there I feel pretty rough and I'm trying to avoid dad I meant the RV I gave you strict instructions to don't talk to him yes don't breathe all right dad is roaming around right and I've went over to the pit road and sit down in our in Schrader's pit stall and their glue and lug nuts and I'm just sitting there hanging out talking to the guys a little bit as they're gluing lug nuts to the race and I seen daddy's boots coming across the floor and in the I mean I got my head down and under the Bill of my cap I can see daddy walking up and he looked down at me and he goes hey and I looked up at him and he just turned around walked off I didn't have seen anything and I didn't seem the rest of the day well his day was sure yeah until after the race he started in the back because he missed qualifying he wasn't there to qualify right so he starts in the back you qualified you're running up front he drives all the way to second place and he gets the second and then miss turn one and back to car and into a barrier mmm great little racecar mark Reno built it mm-hmm I remember we got on the plane in my home I don't remember having a conversation with him about it I don't remember I think it was I knew I was caught I knew he was mad and he didn't want to talk to me and I didn't damn sure want us you know my mouth and start anything you know so it was just silent treatment silent yeah and he never said a word to me week goes by they go to Pocono did he say a word to you no no he say anything to you in Topeka no no I know that you aware that a lot of people you know follow your career and love the fact that you're still out there racing but there's so many fans that still appreciate you I just couldn't make it because I'm I'm not retired like everybody else I'm still so I'm salaried man like it's hard to get away so you're gonna I'll get in 65 70 and then we'll do 45 of those play days for federated where we take cars out to the 45 play days yeah last year we did 60 it's gonna be down to about 45 this year well man I um you know I when I when I I know he's gonna be on this show at some point and when we figured out we had you booked I wrote small notes and try not to really I mean the the big alpha in the room is that on the day my dad was killed that you were a part of that accident and I wanted to say something about it I can't we can't do this podcast we can't have this conversation and not and ignore it right so I wrote something and I wanted to read it to you if I could don't mess me up here I'm not gonna mess you up you don't have to say word all right but I just wanted I've known you a long time and we've a lot of time has passed since that happened and you've been a great friend to me you're one of only a few to see the darkest moment for my dad that that you have intimate knowledge of those moments you are a keeper of that delicate information it makes me feel close to you Kenny I feel pain for you to have to carry that memory but you carry it for me you carry it for Kelly dad's family you carry it for anyone who's ever cheered for him it's a secret that you'll keep to your last breath Kenny I know you might sometimes wish you weren't the one but I'm glad it was you and I really appreciate you for who you are and the friend you've been to me just that little gesture to give me the nod on Kenny Jones there was a couple drivers in the last couple of decades that gave me some great advice really really good advice in particular times and just to do something that small thing you knew is a big thing to put Kenny with me you knew how good a person Kenny was you knew how important he was in your life and how important he would become in mine he means the world to me and Aimee and I just appreciate it well I love you guys but the best advice I ever gave you you didn't listen to don't look at your dad no breathing you screwed that up new [Music]
Channel: Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Dirty Mo Media
Views: 988,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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