NASCAR Hall of Fame: Dale Earnhardt Jr. praised by Mike Helton, Rick Hendrick | Motorsports on NBC

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really needs no introduction. Okay. I don't even know why I'm up here from this first full-time. Bush Xfinity ride to the last full-time cup season was 20 21 years. He was the most popular driver between those two series 16 of those 21 years. So if you don't know who he is, shame on you, okay, it's not his fault. He is so popular. He's got that single name, Fame thing going, you know, you got by know and you got sting and you got share and you got Junior. That's it. Okay, that's what he goes by that's it end of conversation. So I'm going to bring out too. Give us a little insight into Dale jr. Bring out senior advisor. NASCAR Mike Hilton class of 2017. Nascar Hall of Fame inductee. Rick Hendrick and class of 2021, Nascar Hall of Fame. Inductee, Dale Earnhardt, jr. Yeah. Take a seat. Oh, you can put him over here. Oh, I get to keep my own y'all, 20. All right. Let me get my stuff. Okay, I can I tell you something for we start you sure came out. I want to tell red. I used to vote race and the name of my boat was preparation age from shirts. That's the perfect name for your vote. I mean, what I ask, why? Yeah, I just love that. I love that. Alright, I'm going to start with you, Mike. You're only on the other end. Give us your first memories of this Gap. Dale, Earnhardt, jr. Well, there's, there's a lot of people in the room that watch Dale and Kelly and Carrie, come and grow up in the garage area with their dad and everything. But if you knew Dale senior, you knew he had a master plan to put them in race cars. If that's what they wanted to do. And then and follow through with it along the way head up had a game in his head that he kept after and they all kind of worked their way up. And then eventually they all got into the Xfinity series, which was the Busch Series back in and was pretty good. I mean some of our Banner years when it was Dale, Junior Matt Kenseth, every weekend was like Richard Petty and David Pearson in the old days because they were going to, they were going to have a race and and then he moved him into the cup car. But after a few months or weeks, I guess into the cup car, Dale started coming by and he said, look, I, you know, I don't know if he's going to cut it. I don't know if he wants to do this, you know, I did all this work and got all this up and running and everything and he won't take it serious. You got to talk to him. And so that one on for two or three weeks. So when we show up the racetrack and and Senior said, I'm sending him over here to talk to him. I said, what am I supposed to talk to him about yours? Dad? He said, you've got somebody. He's got to talk to her. So I never did anything Dale walked off the truck and a few minutes later tied Norris, who worked for D. I had Dale jr. And toe and I don't know if either one of them knew what they were in the holler for. But anyway, we go up and said they on and we started having a kind of a parental conversation between me and Dale and and spent 30 or 45 minutes talking about responsibility when she get into the cup garage and that type of thing and all that. And I don't even know if he remembers the conversation, but I will tell you that, after all these years. Dad will be really proud of how serious you've taken your career in this business and still do so. Yeah, I don't, I wish I did remember that one. But I the one thing, the one conversation that I remember, and I guess I ought to thank you for having that conversation with me. I didn't know. Dad was in such Dire Straits there for a while. Goodness. I don't know. How come how close he came to pulling the plug. Did he come close. Tony goodness gracious. So anyways, I remember Mike and dad were great friends. And that was interesting to me because, you know, mykes mykes, one of the managers Elite official kind of guy. He's one of the top guys in the, in the, in the, in the NASCAR organization drivers are supposed to be friends with those people. How did they have friendships when the, when the guys out there racing and he's running the show? You know, and I felt the same way about dad's relationship with with Bill jr. I just was so amazed by that friendship that they had, but the fact that Dad was your friend and looked at you the way he did, it made me instantly respect you and and I felt like that we had, you know, we developed a friendship too. And I took that little bit too far one day and I love telling the story, but we were Bristol and I got behind somehow and had a fast car. And I'm A couple laps left in the race. I'm trying to make up as many spots as I can. We got a top five car and I used to get so upset. If I didn't finish where I thought the car should run and caution comes out and we're running around in a caution and somebody blew a rotor. And so there's tiny little brake parts all over the racetrack, but I don't see them and I'm cussing all over the radio and cussing up at the booth. I don't know if they can hear me or not. They hear you. Yeah, they hear you. Well, we going and and run a few more laps under caution. And they come on radio and they said, hey, they want to see you at the holler after this is over with and I was like, oh no, they must be listening. So me and Tony, Senior went up in the holler and sit down and nobody was up there yet, and we're sitting there and we're like, me and Tony Senior. We're getting our game plan. Ready. Tony's mad. I'm mad. We're going to, we're going to tell them how we feel about it. And as soon as the first person, He's in the room with his might and we just barely start opening our mouths, get ready to plead our case, and he said, you're not talking, you're listening. And he he set the, he set the tone and that moment for the rest of our the rest of our friendship and our lives. I was like, oh, I see how this is going to work. And and it was so good, you know? And and then you know, there were times throughout my career where I go. Hey Mike, you need to go have that conversation with that guy. He's not, he's not doing right, you know, but I really appreciated that because you, you were such a great friend to me, but also you treated me just like all the other guys and went and you held me accountable. When I was, you know, when I was out of line, you straight me right back. And I always wanted to, you know, make you proud. Always thought about every decision I've ever. Made in the garage or around the sport or involved in a sport. I wanted it to I wanted it to be a decision. You'd be happy with, you know, and I know and I think it's great to have people like that in your life because you've kind of kept me on a good path. That's good, man. Thank you, you guys. All right, mister Preparation H here. All right, Rick. We've all. We've all heard the story about the contract on the napkin. Okay, then that can contract story. But I want to know about your first real contract negotiation with this cat. When you sit down to talk serious about it, and I also want you to tell me how he offered to help the company later on after he'd been there for a little while. Well, I talked to Dale and Kelly and my son Ricky said, you know, he's gonna drive for us one day and I never thought it would happen. But when we were negotiating, you know, you're sweating. What do you offer, Dale Earnhardt? You know, so what percentage, how much salary, what are you going to have to? What do you have to do? So I had this big sheet of term sheet so I set out with Dale. And I'm like, okay. I hope he's gonna like these numbers so I had him to sheet and I said Dale, here's the numbers. He said I don't care about the numbers. He turned the sheet. Oh, I thought, give it back to me, you know, but so it should you get that you work at work, that out with Kelly. So we started we were having a great conversation and I thought, okay, we're done. He's going to do it. We're happy. We're Smiling and Marshall Carlson. I've sitting there and they'll stands up and he says, got a couple things. It's important to me. This this is very important to me and I'm thinking we just spent two hours. I thought it was done. He said, I want to use the helicopter, but go to Martinsville and to Darlington I said that. Okay. Sure. That's good. That's no problem. No problem. And and then we say, okay. He says one more. And I thought this is the big one. Now. He said now this is very important to me. This is this is it, I said, okay, and he said, I want the skirts on the car, the same color as the car. I said, what, you know, you okay. Yeah, no problem. Dale. We got, we got the handle, but not a problem. Not a problem. But those are the only two things you wanted. You you thought, you thought it was going to be boom. Boom, something big cars money. He's wearing, skirts painted. I just was the paint, Scheme matters to me and back then. Nobody is really painting the side skirts, and I'm like, man, when the car's got the painted skirts. It looks like it's so, you know, it's right on the ground and when the side skirts were like a black plastic, it looked like it was a foot off the ground. And I'm like, we got to paint these side skirts Rick. And he's like, I mean, I needed to know in that moment. Like if we was going to do this, every car, I drove had to have the size after the had to be a deal. Yeah, and I was shot helicopter and are just hoping that that would get done. Yeah, that was just gravy right helicopter was just gravy. I need to know side skirts, dude. I needed those side skirts. We had the side skirts. Yeah. So how did how later on as you run together? And And things changed? How did he offer to help the company? Well, he would people, I think most people know that Dale's got an unbelievable heart and it was a going through a recession and everybody was adjusting pay, and all the teams and we were in California and he came up to me and he said, listen, I don't want any of my team to suffer. I'm going to take a million dollars out of my salary and I want to give it to the company to pay. People and I said day like never had anybody say anything like that and so we didn't do it and he found out that it wasn't anything. He didn't get the money to check. So he went to the office and said take it out of my check. I want to make sure I take care of the people. So that's the heart of Dale Earnhardt that it was taken care of the folks in the organization. Yeah, that's cool, man, I think, I got a I got a credit, just, you know, obviously all the people that I'm around that influence you to make choices like that, you know, you would have done the same thing. I was, you know, influenced by you and that moment, you know, by my sister by anybody else that I've worked with and dealt with. And so, you know, you're a product of the people that you spend time with and the environment that you spend time in. And so I was just, you know, thinking about. Well this you I've you know, Seen you do so many things. A lot of people in this room know about some of them but there's a lot of things that you do. That, doesn't get publicize how you help people, when somebody's sick, you get them to the right doctor. You do any you go above and beyond out of your way to help people that you've never even met before? And you don't even personally know. And so it's people like you, I guess that, you know, such a great example for people like me. Okay. Thank you. Thank you very much. So, I'm going to ask you to help and you talk about, you know, your relationship with Mike, but what has his presence meant to you? Number one, and Mike. But at the same time, and we spoke about this the other day that, you know, when you and Rick started, a lot of people talked about it, you know, you were brought together. Here's two guys bonded with a bond of tragedy and their lives are Are they going to look for in this relationship? What did you look for in this relationship with Rick? Well, I mean, I remember the napkin, you know, we signed the napkin contract with him when I was 16 and even then that day, a little tiny part of me was hoping that that was a real contract and that Sandy. And I used to hang out Ricky and talk to him and me man. It'd be so cool if I raise for y'all or and and he would and here that he would go back and tell you that. When me and Jimmy would hang out. I'd tell him and I'd love to be your teammate. Wouldn't that be awesome? And, you know, I guess my wife believes in the Law of Attraction and if you think about something enough, it might happen to you. And, you know, we were so blessed to become part of your family and part of the Hendrix family. And I was, I experienced such a growth and I learned so much being around. So many talented people and It was amazing, but the relationship that I that I gained, you know through you was was probably the most important part all that and just you know, I don't want to say too much because I mentioned a lot of this in my speech but you know, you mean a lot to a lot of people you really do you your special man and you've changed a lot of people and influence a lot of people's life and such a positive way. So I hope that I can, you know, following that path and and and have the same impact on others. You have. I love you buddy. You're you're a special special. Y'all didn't think y'all thought we were going to have a good laugh up here. This is gotten pretty heavy. You know, I will say this what has it meant to you and and I've said this to you before but as we've set in the NBC bus and we've talked about it, your leadership role and when you step out of that car and said, you know, I've got to take a risk. For me, I've got to put myself first. That opened that door for future generations of drivers to follow down that road. You became in more ways than you'll ever know a leader for this sport in that moment. Is that your legacy that that that part of it? Well make you Collins. The guy that helped me through a lot of the rehab from my concussions and sitting right here at my table. And and so I think that would show, you know, how important all of that experience is. To me and how important the work that Mickey does and countless other people across the country, do so much so much for for people that are, that are needing that type of help and that type of Rehabilitation. I didn't, I didn't really want to be the spokesman, but I had such a great positive experience through working with Mickey that I wanted to. If anyone else, you know was struggling or maybe they didn't even know, they were struggling or maybe they did it. Maybe they were living with something that they didn't know they could fix. I wanted to try to get them in front of Mickey if I could and and help them learn that they can, they can improve the quality of life. And and so we talk about that all the time. It's been an amazing experience and I've learned so much to it. I wouldn't ever want to go through it again, but I come out the other end so much better off. And we've been able to work together and help a lot of people. And it's just you just want people to be able to enjoy their lives and have a good quality of life. And there's, you know, there's guys like Mickey out there that can make that happen. So, last question, most popular driver 16 times in 21 years. More most popular driver trophies are more trips to the to the truck to talk to Hilton. Which number I will tell you right now. That was the last trip. It took 11. You only went. Well, I'm pretty sure, I don't think I've got called in there again. I got called in the Xfinity trailer with Tony Stewart. One time back in 99 that big, a fun story to tell, but yeah, I don't, I don't remember every really getting drug in there for being in trouble. No, except I'd ask you to come help. What? Other drivers and it helped. Yes. Oh, yeah. There was a I was going to tell you. I was gonna leave that out of my speech. I'll tell it right now. But so one time I'm walking through the garage and Mike comes up to me and he's like, hey, I need to talk to you when you get a minute. And what goes through your mind, when you hear that for my killed, I'm walking around. Going man. What have I done? I'm running it back to my head. I'm playing it back. What have I said? Who do I run into what I say in the media? What did I do at the bar? The other night. And so I'm running it through my half. I can't figure it out. I go into the holler and I said, I like Mike. I got few minutes man. What you need and he goes, I need you to talk to a couple of these young drivers and he named a couple guys. And I was like Man, that's a relief but me really me that. I'm the one that needs to go set them straight or give them advice. You sure. But you know, that was that was a moment where I felt like I kind of turned the corner and I saw this guy looking at me as somebody that he thought could help somebody else and that motivated me to continue to try to be that type of person. But that was a that was I was pretty nervous about what we were going to talk about that day and boy, I was relieved, it wasn't Not about me. It was we're going to help somebody else. Listen, that's good. Thank you. I don't know any other better way to end it than that. So, thank you guys for doing this. Thank you for for being here tonight and congratulations to you do. Congratulations on your own the nightmare. He said everybody. Thank you guys. Thank you. Thank you guys, man.
Channel: Motorsports on NBC
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Keywords: nbc sports, nascar hall of fame, nascar hof, hall of fame, mike stefanik, nbc, sports, nascar, xfinity, kyle petty, nascar news, nascar highlights, nascar video, nascar hall of fame video, nascar hof video, red farmer, dale jr, dale earnhardt jr, dale earnhardt jr nascar, dale earnhardt jr nascar hof, dale earnhardt jr nascar hall of fame, dale jr nascar, race, racing, dale, mike helton, rick hendrick, dale jr., dale earnhardt jr., dale jr nascar hall of fame, dale jr video
Id: dr3jaM238rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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