Tony Eury Jr. Shares Never Before Told Teresa Story | The Dale Jr. Download Top 10 Moments of 2022

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let me go back I'm trying to still put the timeline together on 2005. okay because you're right I forgot about Tony Gibson and also we're forgetting about Steve Mill yep he was in it so like if I remember correctly and anybody jump in and tell me where I'm wrong okay so we started off the year with Pete Rondo you guys are going with my uh you guys got Michael in the Napa team and offer running and you guys were pretty like you could tell a difference already with the way Michael was running he just had a pep in a step too yeah I mean like he glowed um and then after I mean God it wasn't a handful of races it was about 10 races 10 races Pete's gone and they put Steve meal in who I think was their spotter at the time if I remember correctly he was kind of something and what was his role at Dei like he was a director of something he was like a director competition he held he handled the chassis shop for us and it was kind of like the middle man trying to keep everybody together okay you know so then at some point we get to Charlotte and there was a big Feud yeah and I would have to think Steve Mills our crew chief at that time because I think that would have uh you know been on the back end of the Rondo switch and so the the wreck between Michael and Dell because I just I have just snapshots of memories of that yeah and the snapshot is Tony Senior I remember when Dale finally pulled into the garage I said hey get to the get to the hauler I got to tell you a lot of things I got a lot to tell you because you guys didn't finish the race after that wreck was that in the 600 or the All-Star Race it was a 600 600 600 600 and whatever and and and that would have been where things were really boiling over right like there was a lot of animosity between the two teams yeah we me and him had I'd already went and asked him what the problem was okay so you had already had the conversation at Richmond then Charlotte happens then Charlotte happens and then we're like and and the whole time that this is going on just a little backstrap is like the 15 team which is me we're starting coal binding we're we're starting to do that kind of setup okay well we're not telling anybody anything about what we're doing we're keeping it all top secret because we're like we don't need this to get out because I'm looking at it as after the first 10 races I'm looking at it as half the people that are on eight car down there are probably going somewhere else at the end of the year okay so I don't want to get my secret out of what I'm doing because then it'll be in every yeah Penske it'll be everywhere everywhere else so I'm trying to keep it boxed in a in a box don't tell nobody put the Springs up don't tell anybody we're doing well there was Engineers that were down there on the eight car and they were like oh we know what they're doing like we'll just ordered so I've got the Spring Company calling me and saying hey I know you don't want to tell everybody what you're doing but your buddies at the eight shop just called and ordered fifty thousand dollars worth of Springs and they're not right do I just send them oh wow so I at that time I have to make a decision I'm like send them I'm like screw it I'm not giving up my secret I'm like just send them what they want yeah you know and and the guy's like okay well it's not right and I'm like I can't help it I'm not giving out my secret so and so we're going through all this we'll go to 600 and all it was was he was trying to swap Michael was trying to get out of his way and they hooked it was that simple you can be angry when you're up on a pit box or whatever but at the end of the day two of them went for the same spot they hit together and they wrecked but we were but I've got 15 guys in the pits that just you might as well throw the grenade in the middle of it like so everybody's pissed you know because they're like he wrecked us on purpose yeah you know and I'm sitting there going well I don't think he'd do that you know and I'm just like I'm just going to leave it at that but it was on the straightaway well you know it was on the front but it was still they were going to the same spot and I was just like keep trying to keep my emotions in check because up to that point I've been a nut case pops didn't take the same approach well you see you chased me up in the truck I think it was you Jr and there was somebody else they come running up in the truck and they're like are you okay I'm like I am fine just leave me alone I'm gonna get my book bag get my car in my truck and I'm going home and I said if I got a problem with him I'll go talk to him at his house I mean that's what I said okay and us and and you looked at me and you go so you you were like are you sure like are you are you are you because are you okay and I'm like because your dad had just held Court no you were standing there and you were like are you sure you're okay I said yes I said Mike I said your biggest problem that you have right now is you don't know where pops is at that's right that's what he said that's what he said it's all hit me it just came back to me because it's as soon as he goes your bigger problem is pops and as soon as I turned around he says where do you think I said probably in the middle of them no no yeah yeah those lights went change and it's like you saw this like bigger than God person standing out there and his arms are doing this you haven't seen and he was evangelizing he was like the holy spirit of God a hold of him and he's sitting here just carrying on and I'm like oh God this is this is where it all unravels right here yeah and sure enough you're just out there racing and and we're sitting there doing all that and then when you came in this was this was so funny because you would have been gone by then Dale comes in you know how he is like you can't like you can't have a secret without him going well tell me you know or something it's like hey come into the hauler and he's still in the car I said before you do all these interviews because there's gonna be there's a ton of people now surrounding the eight car because pops has just held the press conference of the century out there right and and Dale's like why and I said just come into the hauler I gotta tell you why and I'm like get in the horn you know like come on get like seriously get in here and he's it I mean of course some like pops just absolutely ran you under the bus and they are here to ask you all about it and that and that was it that was it so like that was like to me I felt like that was the bottom like that was that felt like the bottom it was I mean I remember I told all my guys I'm like do not say a word don't walk by their pits don't say nothing just go load our car up and get out of here don't nobody say a word and I mean they're they're like ready well I think the worst thing that happened was somebody took 250 lug nuts and threw them on your lift gate when they walked by or something and I've figured out who that was and who was it I think it was Troy I think it was true Troy Prince not Troy Prince yeah I think it was Troy everybody loves Troy he didn't work it here I was like Troy troyed undone that so we went back to the shop and I remember on that Monday the one of the funniest things that ever happened was we're coming there on Monday and they're like okay we're all going to talk about this you know and we're standing in the but our it had been an Apple shop down with his old Bud shop standing there Teresa comes walking through the door her and Jimbo and they come walking through there and me and pops are standing there talking and she comes through and I'm like oh hell this is going to be big because she don't come around and it's like all this stuff just happened and she walked through this door this probably gonna be a butt chewing coming right here you know so I'm like okay she comes over and she says tells pop she said you've got any tape I need some duct tape and Pops aside sure what color would you like she says it really doesn't matter just just any kind of duct tape and I was like okay so she walks over there and she's he says how big a piece she needs she says I need one about that long right there about three four inches and he goes okay and he rips it off and he goes here you go what you need that for she says can you she goes puts it right in his mouth she says I just need you to be quiet and stay off the TV that's hilarious and I busted out laughing because that was the first time he goes yes ma'am I probably shouldn't have done that and it was like but it she she was the only one that could like Trump him yeah you know but it was like but I think it was after that it was like Pocono Steve was doing everything Steve would come up there and Steve was like man we gotta have both these cars identical I want your suspension components I Want Your Dragon I want this I want that I'd hand him my setup sheet we'll still at this time I'm still holding my secret okay so I'm just putting down what my Springs are so I'm putting down like 425 450 200 1200 that's you're fibbing no that's what's in it that's the rate that's the rates of them but it don't say nothing about what the heights of them are or nothing and so we go out there and Michael sits on a pole he's like man hey don't pull in 14 years I said well that's the year I graduated and I said so we'll just congratulations I mean he's still jacked up you know and so we're sitting there I think you run was running terrible and uh I got lapped yeah well they left you twice in the race because before the race pops is like you got to stop this stuff and I'm like pops I'm not giving away my secret I'm not doing it I said I've worked too hard to figure this out I'm not going to hand it to them where they can just take it and just throw it everywhere he's like well it's just got to stop like we got we gotta we got to help fix that kid and I'm like well I can do it I said you just put everything back like it was and he'll be fixed like you know and uh I had one of my Springs that I'd been running all year in the cabinet and he goes and I remember Steve coming up in there and he goes I know you're not telling me everything and I'm like Steve you can go go over and look at my car everything you measure anything you want to measure I don't care and he goes well we're going to put a 4 25 and a 475 in the front of this car and and it better run like yours and I'm like okay and he walked out and I told Pops I said it ain't going to and uh pops is like you're not going to get him hurt are you I'm like no I said his teeth might hurt a little bit when it goes down bouncing off the cross member a couple times I said but I said it's not going to get him hurt but I said he's going to have a rough ride for a little bit Yeah and Pops is like damn you and I'm like okay I said I'll tell you what pops and I reached in the cabinet and I pulled the spring out and I set it on the on the on the counter I said when it gets so bad that he can't drive it take that spring put 51 and a half rounds in it and I said and it'll go and he goes for real and I'm like yeah I said you can just put it in there and I'm sitting up on the box and we're running we led a bunch we were sitting there running second or third we had lapped him twice I mean he's terrible I turned around and looked behind me and Pops is going down Pit Road with that spring carrying it and I'm like oh hell here we go this is going to be it in the middle of the race Mill the race they're down there up on jack stands changing the right front spring on Pit Road I unhook the front shocks and they've changed the spring and so they unhooked front shocks and they're like all right go around you know don't pace cars coming so I don't I don't know what they're done I don't know what they've done under the hood I just know they lift the hood and then shut it so I take off down Pit Road and the Pit Road got these giant ass heels in it and that damn thing takes off up in the air because they got shocks on the front and the shocks just doing this under the hood banging all around and this thing goes flying up there and I was like oh slowed way down and I was like goodness gracious what have they done we're bad to worse and I drive around and then they Jack it back up they put the spring in Hook the shocks up we lost another lap and then uh but man I go out there lined up on the inside and run with the top five the rest of the day yeah he made up like two laps and it's like he got back up there I don't know what happened to us I don't know if we crashed or something something happened to us but he ended up making up both laps and it was the storyline of the weekend and then I go back I opened the Winston Cup scene on Monday he says Dale Jr's Magic Springs turn season around and I'm I'm I'm like volcano no how would that have gotten he must have talked about it he got out he goes oh yeah they changed the spring and it was awesome like it was great and I'm just told Pops I was like so then I had to have a meeting of a meeting of a meeting of like exactly what was going on and then that at that particular time you know I think the ball was rolling to do the other deal but it was like at that time well that's when it run through the cup garage like crazy you know stuff but that but but it also sounds like you guys were now on a quick trajectory to get things right right the ship right like as far as getting y'all back together because I'd forget can you believe after what I did at Charlotte that pops took at spring on his own you know what anybody else I wouldn't believe it but you know I mean pops never stopped loving you I mean like nice to know yeah I didn't know that yeah yeah I didn't know that either but man I mean I gotta say I'm not surprised I mean listen at the end of the day you guys y'all fought like family but you never once lost sight of the fact that you're a family and that was what I mean Lord knows how bad every guy that that little element wasn't there right you know I mean it's like I said he done what he always done anytime we were like in a dispute he just put his foot down that's what we're going to do you know and and I think and you've said it in here and we've all said it I mean me and ties even sat down and talked about it you know about Dei and the way it was was and it was like I think everybody at that particular time had a little bit of arrogance to them a little bit of immaturity whatever you want to call it I don't care but it's like there was that was a great place to be it put too much pressure on him yeah y'all lack the leader yeah you lost your leader yeah we lost our leader and at that particular time he wasn't ready to be a leader you know he didn't want to do it I even asked Carrie Dale I'm like will you just come over here and just walk around just be an Earnhardt just walk around and just act like you owned a place I can't do that I'm like yeah you can just just play the part I don't care if they pay you a dime just go up there and play the part I said I just need an Earnhardt walking around in the building that acts like they care about everybody I said that's all we need you know and then when the whole deal started with the contract and all that it was just then it took another level and it was like okay it's intimate that everything's gonna go down and we went to Hendricks Dei lasted what another year another two years you know because I'd actually talked to Darien Grubb they were starting Stuart Haas and I went to Darien and I'm like Darian if you've got to start a team go hire Gibson in that whole bunch because that was my old race team I only took four people out of that team to Hendricks with me that's all they'd let you take that's odd let me take but hold up go back because he just brought up something that I you and I were talking about last night Dale and that was the contract stuff about where you you kind of showed up at speed weeks and said that you wanted 51 of the uh the company yeah we were just kind of curious like what was your like what was your feeling in all that like when he's now he's basically now he and Teresa are going to go onto the Battleground and fight over contracts and and now ownership of the company where did that leave you with all that did you I know you guys say well we don't care we just race but seriously though you were in the middle of it well at the time I was like well how's he going to come up she's going to have such a number on it that he ain't about to come up with 51. you know we the problem is at that particular time I don't want to talk bad about Teresa because Teresa's done a lot you know she's has issues and then she and other things but at the end of the day when she's sitting there she honestly thought that the D that the Dale Earnhardt Legacy was so big that she didn't need Bill Jr and for for her personal deal for yeah we want to keep Dale's Legacy but at the end of the day Dei can't survive without Dale Jr every contract every sponsor everything is tied to him at some way or another if it's if it's a sponsor going on the 15 car well they won't somehow they want to be tied to Dale Jr they want to have something that's connected to an Earnhardt name so you're sitting there looking at all that and you're like this This ship's taking on water you know and it's like in here and what I mean by not being bad to Teresa is like here here's here's here's my whole thing on Teresa deal yeah she you know y'all had issues or whatever but at the end of the day when I drove back into that place in 2001 from Dale being killed she was in that guard shack and waved at every person that walked they pulled into that shop that little black glove come out and I was like well damn if she's here I'm here you know because we don't had our conversation and two is I look at it as okay she just lost everything that she had you know like Dale was her shining Knight or whatever why would she want to go back to a racetrack you know it's like she just lost everything because of that you know and it's like I mean you got Dale and Kelly but they're not hers you know she's got his tailor you know and it's just like I said why would she even want to go back to racetrack for her to keep that business open for another seven years and for her to have to go to the racetrack to where she lost everything it's got to be hard on her it's got to be I mean if you when you love somebody like that and you lose them there you don't want to go back I mean you went down there for Daytona before we run that baseball car for two weeks just to make sure that your head was right yeah you know and it's like I look at that with her and I was just like man that yeah I kind of feel sorry for her in a way you know but it was always we had Teresa Standard Time you know she'd done things on her schedule and because she wouldn't show up to events at to be ideal it cost us a lot of sponsorship it costs this and that but at the end of the day I I can't blame her because I'm like well you know I like I think that's fair you know absolutely you know I miss Dale senior every day yeah you know I feel like it's funny you thought that she would it's funny that you thought that she she was gonna put up a number and I would need to pay a number because in my mind and maybe I'm the crazy one when I said I'll I'll stay with fit I'll stay for 51 percent that I was going to get 51 outright for nothing yeah yeah we were all yeah we were all thinking we were all thinking like this boy ain't got I mean I'm like this boy ain't got that much horsepower behind him yet he's good but I don't think he's got that much and it's just like you know at the time it's just like you know if she would have said deal I'd have stayed right we'd have kept on digging right yeah but um and I really was ready to if she caught I was calling her Bluff and she's gonna call mine that's that was gonna do it yeah [Music]
Channel: Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Dirty Mo Media
Views: 856,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dale Jr, Tony Eury Jr, Dale Jr Download, Dirty Mo Media, dale jr podcast, Dale earnhardt jr, dale earnhardt inc, dale sr, dale earnhardt
Id: APxFuLpDgws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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