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there's a good one boys I can tell by the way he hit it belly what a healthy fish isn't that a pretty face oh yes oh yes all right look at that I've caught two before but never too giants look at that oh goodness get it on video right there can you believe that look at that pawpaw maybe the giant of a Lifetime right here oh my goodness it goes right here pop the gold right here bye area [Applause] they caught me one I got one not a very big one but I got him I got me a bath first bass of the day keeps the doctor away I'm gonna keep these little fellas we'll keep a few little fellas there's a good one boys I can tell by the way he hit it I could tell by the way hit it man he loaded up on it push it to me it's just solid weight solid weight oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes him look at you now look at you now what you've done to yourself belly what a healthy fish isn't that a pretty thing healthy fish the Gold's right here Paul the gold right here Bob there he is boys and girls a nice one oh let me see him he is out there I think I can get it out though the way it looks without really hurting him bad don't move buddy buddy but I don't matter back don't move yes sir did not hurt you thank you for not moving you did so good I'm so proud of you and you're gonna live happily ever that is so important that they listen to you you know I tell my kids that just listening I'm not going to tell you something wrong there he is [Music] oh well who oh I had two I had two on Paw Paw look I still got them I still got them look at that I still got him two John I mean two really great big look at this they're still on there look at that I've caught two before but never too giant look at that there's no way I'll land them but get it on videos like that can you please that look at that oh look what you've done Papa here's what she's done I'd love to land them there's no way I'll ever end not both of them that can happen there's two I landed them can you believe that look at that pawpaw can you believe that look at that I cannot believe that who needs a 10 pounder just catch a six and a four there's more than one way to get a 10 pounder can you believe that happened that I landed these fish this is crazy stuff this is just insane yeah this is crazy all right I'm gonna have to have we're gonna take a commercial break and we'll be right back I'm really getting my cameraman to help me with a pair of needle knives because I don't want to hurt these fish oh say Ed you did remember to get those extra tackle boxes didn't you yeah how about the net yes and you got the bait right yes Dennis how about the trolley yeah and I got plenty of fishing line and and we ain't going fishing without Berkeley trilene birthday triley America's number one selling fishing line [Music] um foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] Minn Kota four-wheel drive for your boat okay we're back from the commercial now watch this ah he came loose on his own amazing isn't that unreal beautiful fish another beautiful fish yes sir there's more than one way to get a 10 pound base just catch a six and a four oh Paul isn't that something look at that beautiful thing bye bye my buddy double your pleasure double your fun pawpaw showed Oh I've done a lot of crazy things we had a bird in Venice Louisiana fly into the bay boat about hit me in the head hit the console landed in the back in the seat sat there for about three seconds and flew out like nothing ever happened yesterday I was fishing fluorocarbon on a drop shot and a pelican flew into the line well he got wrapped up in the line so he just stopped smart Pelican he landed and when he landed he didn't know whether he was still hooked in the line or not so he just sat there and not knowing he was free he just sat there and so I made a cast fixed my drop shot made a cast and caught about a three and a half pounder and he come swimming to the boat gut from here to that rod from me three feet from the boat and as soon as I pull that three and a half pound fish out of the boat he ate it and I hollered at him no Pelican no Pelican no Pelican and he dropped it just like a dog was listening to me I'll say no telling it's got a hook in it no pilling he spit it out no you got my hook Pelican no Pelican no Pelican no Pelican nobody I got my hook on there I don't want to hurt you oh he's a little big for you but he would have ate that bath and I said you stay right there and we'll catch you a fish and I was fishing with Billy Henderson and that Pelican stayed right there Billy pulled up about a pound and a half maybe two pound and fed it to him he got it got it in his Google it was going everywhere he swam away it's crazy got it he got him look at him he got it look at us in these crawl hello pelican he is a happy Pelican got him a bath first time in 38 years we have fed a pelic and a bath on Hank Parker TV s they don't know where he's going but he's coming up when he's got on his mind but whatever it is he's doing what he wants to do not gonna win oh my goodness oh my goodness maybe the giant of a Lifetime right here oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm so very nervous oh my goodness oh oh my goodness oh hanky hanky hanky my goodness oh oh my goodness look oh oh my goodness oh oh God that is the biggest fish maybe I caught a 12 at Lake Fork this may be the biggest one I've ever caught God wow awesome God look what a fish look what a fish oh my goodness 11 36 11 36. 11 36. all right let me get that one there we go here she goes There She Goes greatest feeling in all the bass fishing is the catch a fish 10 8 9 7 6 11 36 and let it go that is a great feeling that fish will bite another day is that awesome that's awesome 11 36. that's the biggest fish has been caught here seven 36. I had to call the whole group because everybody says I wish you'd have weighed that fish what that fish weigh I caught a 12 at Lake Fork and uh we didn't weigh it but I know it weighed 12 pounds it had scales on its side but I called it 12 but I really don't know what it weighed but it was a giant so I called it a 12. that fish right there 11 36 so I don't have to guess so that's why I wanted to do it and I wanted Todd to see it and so we stopped everything and we got this little breeze have been slick calm that little breeze started blowing and boom it's amazing we're going to leave these scales you're gonna need them again we got a very own scale second biggest one I've ever gone a lot of cash on TV yeah I call a 13-3 down there in the canal that Disney 13 pound 3 ounces all right well we're just not having very much fun this is just all right you can ride come on come on very good there's a good one there oh look what did it oh did it hope to all right the main thing is don't panic keep it cool boys and girls don't get excited nobody's gonna get hurt here be real careful careful careful hello buddy hello buddy you pretty thank you that fish away seven pounds from me I'll take our five fish to uh two more pounds 11. 7 26 and a five that's 35 counting ounces though that's 35 well heck we might have a 38 pounds count them out but a lot of people had a lot of good time too already very kind to share that's the truth that's exactly the truth I tell people about deer hunting I look back I've killed some really big deer but it's really the people you hung out with and the fun oh Stevie set himself on fire up at Harley's that was hilarious he called me one morning he packed enough sandwiches I said Stevie you'll never if you stay three days you'll never eat all that and he said you don't know Stevie and so I talked to him on the radio at 10 o'clock I said if you've been in that bag of Foodies today I'm crab list at 10 o'clock he had 13 sandwiches oh yes area Paw Paw look at me a boy come here boy come here boy I don't believe we heard him don't believe we hurt him at all he looked pretty good in there yeah didn't hurt him we got us a rider over here got us a fish over here got us a pawpaw over here and we're going bye-bye thanks for being with me God bless you Todd tell them bye goodbye Timber ghost yep yep later on boys and girls God bless you I'm Hank Parker thank you worked
Channel: Hank Parker's Outdoor Magazine
Views: 23,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KHl0tI3rX8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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