Daily Juicy Memes 388

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fresh juicy memes everyday 7:00 p.m. British time this film is based on a true story the film I love honey but you know what I don't love dinkler burg people on a roller coaster be like US government I'll pay you more to be unemployed than work retail and service industry workers you will be getting rickrolled in 2050 nobody the guy who sells how to basic groceries me finally wins a game my little brother who was playing on a disconnected controller Arwen facts the whole internet is really just one huge inside joke with people you've never met teacher why are you laughing me nothing my brain I'm sickle rake mop Park scar in the Sun me Mom the car is hot mom the cars not that hot the car the Four Horsemen of cursed front-facing human makes the air vibrate with his vocal cords other humans understandable nobody French people on a roller coaster yes our yacht winning son not really dad I just donated $100 to this streamer that's kind of simple son let there be ants I'm going to spend my whole life simple for a queen who will never notice me let there be ant eaters me staring at the chat I never talk in teacher no eating in class kids in the back companies trying to be hip with teams teams how doctors feel after wearing masks for 12 hours how Karen's feel after wearing it for four minutes when you spend the entire night revising the wrong topic for a test no you can't reopen the economy in the middle of the pandemic haha cases go bra you know a show is self-aware when they dedicate an entire episode to roasting itself seven-year-old me and my dad tracking down the spider scaring my mom i copyright claimed my own YouTube video to get Italy monetized surpassing even the gods why are all his fingers the same length good question Queen and chess King washing our bread so it's clean I prefer the real hot dog I said the real hot dog this is fine when the me my dear that you forgot three days ago comes back I have risen from the ashes nobody English teachers when you forget to capitalize and I Karen's dinner Karen asking to speak to the manager Karen the manager me opens WinRAR WinRAR please buy a license me no WinRAR understandable have a great day guns effectiveness when it's the main character and there's another season everybody your life's at rock bottom you can't sink any lower me 20/20 can't get any worse July deaf people when the subtitles are in all uppercase me when I say a scene with mean potential the cringy things they did in their past lives buddhists 2020 for everyone else 2020 for the introverts when your download jumps from 10 minutes to 10 years I'm steamed man who lost arm by plunging it into lava smugly refuses to describe what lava feels like let me guess Florida The Hunger Games winner after eating all the other opponents I don't know I've never seen the movies do shark play harmonica like this or like this Pride Month is about to end but you are still going to support us right companies I don't even know who you are the little guy grew up so fast do you speak French French people the rest of the chessboard looking nobody animals an avatar when you finally find that tiny Lego piece you need when you sneeze with food in your mouth [Music] don't knock unless I married you birthed you are ordered food from you mr. beast who was about to give them 20 cars companies on July 1st Ash Ketchum finally becomes a Pokemon master after more than 20 years Brock from Pokemon finally got a girlfriend after 20 years of being single introverts be like we are open the door is just very heavy throws phone on to bed firm when I tell someone I'm gamer from Egypt what men think women want what women actually want a chunky seal you got games on your phone no are you sure parents when it comes to obeying orders my house my rules parents when it comes to doing chores a house me and group pictures it's beautiful I've looked at this for five hours now not therapist therapist rapist there's always a bigger fish cash isn't the only way to pay I don't like where this is going dad wakes up early to go to work me who pulled an all-nighter going to get a snack me when my dad makes a dad joke me when my girlfriend's dad makes a dad joke every time I find a great team mate online so wanna party up player has left the lobby wait it's all ours always has been I love honey but you know what I don't love when rules destroy creativity my mum when I was born me he's so ugly I love him when I ask out your crush and she says no instead of oh not today old friend me when the kid that has been running and screaming around the restaurant finally hits his head on a table Will Smith took a selfie while bungee jumping and he looks like Uncle Phil teacher gambling is prohibited me and my home is in the back when your dad welcomes you home and says he's proud of you for killing the avatar but you didn't and he could still be alive [Music] finally a worthy opponent our battle will be legendary what is love according to everyone else baby don't hurt me according to me it is at all just backwards when your honor rating a tennis match whack whack whack whack dolphin grows human arms no one crisis at a time bully beats up kid the kid I'll get my brother to come beat you up bully your brother's probably not even strong the next day the older brother the kid me trying to control my laughter in a serious situation four kilobytes ram in 1969 let's send meant a moon four gigabytes ram today mob I can't play fortnight lawful good neutral good chaotic good lawful neutral true neutral chaotic neutral lawful evil neutral evil chaotic evil me waiting for the teacher to finish telling the class to shut up so I can present my project I love you I have a boyfriend you are so beautiful you deserve at a boyfriend are yes the negotiator nobody minecraft wolves your family is asleep and you're playing than Kratt on a cool 2012 summer night I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them my ability to fall asleep at night my ability to fall asleep in the morning after I already woke up me finishes watching all these source videos me five minutes later explaining to a total stranger why we wear clothes communism in theory communism in practice you tell a joke everyone laughs someone else adds on to your joke everyone laughs at that too the cycle keeps going until you're laughing the hardest you've ever laughed in your life thank you for watching today's episode of juicy memes tune in tomorrow at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. for your daily dose of memes if you liked the video be sure to LIKE and subscribe if you haven't already also be sure to check out my Instagram page and discord server the links are in the description thank you for watching
Channel: Memenade
Views: 411,044
Rating: 4.945138 out of 5
Id: eEnJITprD7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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