Daily Juicy Memes 483

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fresh juicy memes every day 7 p.m british time module there is one more thing hey do you have anxiety prime amazon yeah i got both [Music] can we fix it no bob just sign the divorced papers when the house collapses but you're in the living room [Music] person drives a speed limit bmw owners and i took that personally [Music] doctor finishes nose job credit card declines doctor game developer spends hours upon hours making a 15 second cut scene the guy who adds the skip button i'm about to end this man's whole career everyone 2020 sucks minecraft cave update everyone a blessing from the lord what you order what you receive youtube have you seen this random video from eight years ago no would you like to when the end credits says himself next to an actor's name congratulations you played yourself when i find a meme with too much text yeti yeti thief i took that person's belongings scammer i took that person's money kidnapper and i took that person waiter i hope you enjoyed the meal ma'am card declined waiter people who can say no to their parents god wait it's all pizza no hank you're leaking oxygen and becoming delirious water flows through a river beavers and i took that personally are you winning no i'm son dad hey are you sleeping yes now shut up the objective of golf is to play the least amount of golf how to find out how old is a tree if you know when the tree was planted you can easily and accurately determine its age thank you mr helpful the reason i call this meeting is because i'm not doing too good guys emergency hug woman's head doubles in size after horrific allergic reaction to common hair dye yeah this is big brain time [Music] dead body discovered in cemetery who could have seen this coming me switches tv channel because no one is watching my dad who's been dead for five years me looks at enderman enderman and i took that personally spooky spiderweb found in missouri looks big enough to catch a human australians first time a crewmate me coming out of a vent thinking i'm sneaky when we vents invented 1928 ventilation in 1927 concept for an among us usb stick invest your mom called me a good boy last night patient gets better doctor put your credit card away you're in canada have a great day four horsemen of never dying pov you're a task in electrical nobody the quiet kids pc british kid i prefer coffee over tea british parent and i took that personally me flirt with a girl girl flirts back me to my brain now what i never thought i'd get this far me in my room laughing at my own jokes because i'm hilarious [Music] when your answer can't fully fit on the paper so you write like me accidentally slams the door after a heated argument with my parents my parents and i took that personally therapist i hope you are motivated now card declines therapist give up on your dream and die provide an example of a risk no victory stake u.s woman posts a selfie every day for a year after troll calls her too ugly i just wanna talk to him the internet after you show them a cat ah me signs my friend up for gay dating site as a joke sight this email is already in use me that's interesting doctor i have successfully cured your lung cancer credit card declines doctor got congratulations on making it this far into 2020 your award is steven smash and minecraft cave update the remaining 20 of the human population when you're different but your friends accept you for who you are i always knock on the fridge before i open it just in case there's a salad dressing when you flip your pillow to cold side and realize that it's not cold because you had arm under it [Music] goodbye forever don't do that don't give me hope the world's quietest room is at all field labs in minneapolis the chamber is so quiet you can hear your own organs and after 30 minutes you begin to hallucinate the longest anyone has lasted inside is 45 minutes me realizing nobody will disturb me and i can fall asleep finally inner peace i go mountain biking go way faster than i should i crash and see my leg bone i have become extra spooky when a girl walks up to you and tells you she likes you usually they don't do that [Music] if you remember him you deserve a veteran's discount [Music] doctor the heart transplant was a success card declines doctor [Music] avengers we save the city credit card declines avengers me makes direct eye contact with an enderman the enderman and i took that personally when your adopted daughter gets scanned of a unicorn and i took that personally rtx off rtx on you either dire hero or live long enough to become a sherlock holmes therapist you can't be jealous of building me my dad likes to leave me messages in his minecraft server why is this double wide you don't have a girlfriend why must you hurt me in this way apple drops on newton's head newton and i took that personally people with fake depression that always say to everyone how depressed they are because they don't have airpods actual depressed people when you say homework is easy so your older siblings show you this adam and eve eat apple got and i took that personally my server when i'm imposter my server when i'm a crewmate me playing mario kart throws a banana the same banana to laps later white girls as soon as the first leaf falls i need pictures in a pumpkin patch australian university develops world's first bionic eye it will fully restore vision in blind people everyone like that doctor your liver transplant was a success card declines the doctor the villains base will be hard to find the villains base villain captures hero hero villain well here's my entire plan hero escapes defeats villain villain boundary between land and ocean exists humans me in second grade picking up two chairs at once all the girls teacher today is pajama day the kid who sleeps naked [Music] chinese guy has an opinion z jinping and i took that personally i'm a gamer console for pc board games understandable have a great day friend did you see that funny skeleton meme me do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down long ago the four nations lived in harmony milk calcium juice bone source rattled me seeing that no one is making spooktober memes anymore friend how poor are you me i love my baby but i wish he would stop saying this human form is limiting emergency meeting when you keep making a new account to get free trials are you ready for halloween leapplex introduce you the original led halloween mask extremely fast shipping on all us orders get the most popular mask on the market humanity [Music] because of overwhelming demand hurry up and get your mask on time just click the link in the description and completely amaze your friends this halloween with led halloween mask thank you for watching today's episode of juicy memes tune in tomorrow at 4 p.m and 7 p.m for your daily dose of memes if you liked the video be sure to like and subscribe if you haven't already also be sure to check out my instagram page and discord server the links are in the description thank you for watching
Channel: Memenade
Views: 300,057
Rating: 4.9428248 out of 5
Id: iBC1yoL8TK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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