Daily Juicy Memes 387

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fresh juicy memes everyday 7:00 p.m. British time companies when June earns bees wasps the reason why smart people don't see wellies because they lower their graphics to max their FPS intellect teenage girls when they use Face Swap oh my look so cute Shack when he uses face squad me explaining to my kids why they can't touch my Pokemon guards you simply have less value more if you tell me what's wrong I won't get mad me no thanks I choose life family thanking God got the doctor who has been struggling for hours to keep the person alive hi sorry I don't talk to ugly people but I do that's quite a bit of damage here Oh park ranger carries dehydrated doctor safety down a treacherous mountain trail everyone like that twitch trying to find out who's been killing their platform people who know quantum physics people who can solve the mystery and scooby-doo before they reveal it Noah trying to figure out how he's gonna get all the fish on the ark this is why I hate video games it appeals to the male fantasy solve mysteries as a cat with a little backpack in this ps5 game iran creates fundamental human rights to be a unique country world cop is Iran Iran well now I'm not doing it decoy keyboard keeps her off mine modern problems require modern solutions 16 minutes YouTube video 15 minutes YouTube video first half of the year passes July the ancient spirits of light and dark have been released playing games online what it might look like how it feels teacher today we are going to learn about the three states of matter the kid who knows about plasma me gets a present for a family member my siblings 2020 babe it's time for another disaster yet honey me Mom I want to cyber truck mom we have a cyber truck at home cyber truck at home when kids chew with their mouths open around me 2013 people laughing a Doomsday Preppers 2020 our bunker when you show the boys your home made dank memes you see that depression you can't buy that you got to earn it me speaks a foreign language to my friend in a coffee shop carrot this is America gravity I will not let you fly helicopters haha blades go brah gravity understandable have a great day July arrives rainbows in company Lagos Oh No Mesa disappearing nobody is born cool except of course the government employee who convinced the Indian government of antic talk the rest of the world could you not have a new disease for five minutes your IQ is zero and I have at least 500 times bigger IQ than you well I might not be extremely wise but at least I know that 0 times 500 is still 0 all right we'll call it a draw Kings in a chess game the other chess pieces there are two types of siblings you will always be my sister I've never met this man in my life let me get this straight you think Harry Potter is overrated I do and I'm tired of pretending it's not got only don't eat the forbidden fleas [Music] world I wonder how Texans eat their burgers Texans my friend trying to figure out in my celebrity crushes me without one literally the whole world China coming out with new dlc diseases me leaving the classroom the Bell doesn't dismiss you I do how girls cut Caesar how boys cut Caesar the Four Horsemen of learning how long a minute actually is holding your breath exercising loading screens microwaving food the problem with ads you have become the very thing you swore to destroy when you need to go to the toilet but then you let a huge fart and you don't need to go anymore the song has restored my strand would you punch your best friend for 100 million dollars girls no I love my bestie boys great stand lemonade stand corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture the dark they are the same picture Putin after he wins the elections again I really love tick tock you know the song made by Kesha in 1953 due to high speed the F 11 fighter shot itself because it was faster than its own bullet the problem of being faster than bullets is that you hit yourself rabbit humps a cat [Music] me posts the meme super late at night that one guy browsing memes at 3:00 a.m. ancient Mayan sports men I play with a nine pound solid rubber ball and risking to be sacrificed sports men nowadays oh no I fell on the grass now I need to recover in my six million dollar residents before I cheated on him things were amazing after I cheated have changed my goodness why didn't I think of that everybody asks what are you doing step bro but never how are you doing step bro doctor do you want the good news or bad news first me the good news doctor you get to name a disease me Millennials by hating on tick tock we are becoming just like the boomers that hated us for using vine me thinking about buying something Google YouTube Instagram then men today we fight under our new banner I hope we lose the customer isn't always right carrots if those kids could read they'd be very upset India lowest tick tock rating 21.8 google removes low ratings from India India banks tick tock applaud my supreme power me when I look at my phone at 2:00 a.m. how ninja looked having to defend his wife stupid tweets me leading the library after putting a cookbook in the women's sports section 2010's kids will remember these I just found a village took their stuff and burnt down their houses law what is your username can i play minecraft with you I don't play minecraft understandable have a nice day PewDiePie fans when the Swedish funny man says floor gang peepee poo-poo for the 10,000th time and i don't react block of Apple doctors chuckles I'm in danger name a character that went through more pain than her I'll wait both of my parents failed to show up this is a model of our thought Laura Arthur Clara was a prehistoric centipede that could grow up to 2.4 meters long imagine it brushing against your leg Australian's you get a bump those numbers up those are uh key numbers patient asks if I can also fix teddy bear just before being put off to sleep how could I say no it's enough to make a grown man cry and that's okay rubber give me all your money me but robbery is illegal rubber understandable have a great day to all the skeptics who believe that birds are your basic information recording drone what the eldest gets what the middle child gets what the youngest gets Billy ila shunt follows everyone on Instagram nobody cares I hate it when I hate it when my girlfriend turns into the moon that's rough buddy at the toy shop what will this man do with that B when they do this and then attack you truly are the lowest scum in history how do you want your hair done like this done homeless people lives on the street random 14-year old if you are homeless than just buy a house homeless people understandable have a great day some people are cutting holes in face masks so it's easier to breathe are yes natural selection when you thought on a zoom call and it lights up your name the entirety of this terrible planet people who put trash in their pocket until they find a trash can ancient Greek statues be like me listening to my friends having fun playing a game I don't have happy birthday you're 24 thank you for watching today's episode of juicy memes tune in tomorrow at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. for your daily dose of memes if you liked the video be sure to LIKE and subscribe if you haven't already also be sure to check out my Instagram page and discord server the links are in the description thank you for watching
Channel: Memenade
Views: 534,715
Rating: 4.9317656 out of 5
Id: ex0pj5gLnZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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