Daffy Duck is a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE Person

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there's a lot of great characters in animation usually when speaking about great characters people can focus on anything from morally good characters to traditional villains within a show but one type of character i really enjoy talking about is the character that has no shame in being morally terrible but somehow manages to win me over because you ask yourself how could you hate him or her daffy duck is a horrible horrible person and that's a good thing i love exploring mean characters because there's so many types and in this case we're talking about a weasley character which is not easy to write because these characters can end up being extremely annoying but daphne manages to do it in a way that not only makes sense but makes me love him as a character because of the way that he's written take this opening scene where he's driving in his world famous parade float he would ask his friend bugs bunny if he's able to merge to which after not being able to a few times throws all caution and safety to the wind and merges anyway that's it i'm going for it great now we have to go to the car wash not to some it may be weird to call bugs bugs bunny and not just bugs but i really do want to emphasize that daffy duck's friend is supposed to be bugs bunny do you think he thought of his friend when merging crashing and falling into the grass no he thought about his parade float he didn't say a single thing about bugs his friend and just you wait this entire episode is going to shed light on how daffy treats his friends which surrounds this float to those who don't know this float is his baby and i do mean he gave birth to it literally through his own hard work as a single father this episode strikes a great balance in between being meaningful but also being really comedic and lighthearted and you can see it within his car wash scene and i know i brought this up in a few other looney tunes show reviews but having these rigid and realistic models for people cars in fact most objects you've never seen such a comedic cartoonish reaction to putting a paper mache float within a car wash everything from him rushing into trying to pull it off the locking mechanism or getting completely stuck in a rubber bristle brush part i don't even know what that's called what is even that called i tried googling it and nothing pops up but how would you even google what would you even google for that part anyway while generally considered to be selfish and self-centered in the way that he's depicted considering the parade float to be a part of him and his identity not only does it make sense for him to now risk his own life to rescue it but specifically in this way in this style where it makes him look like the biggest idiot to everyone in the vicinity now you may think that daffy would be smart enough to protect his parade float but no he does not think about the fact that car washes have water in the same way that daffy did not think about the safety of bugs daphne thinks about himself and his items and that's really it now you may say that's not too bad well i beg to differ we're so very very early in this episode and how daffy falls from grace don't move i'm getting the first date [Music] let me see your eye is valve is left my beautiful parade float is gone and we we never even got to be in a parade it's very important here that bugs didn't get mad or belittle daffy as again the float is a part of his identity it was a great use of misdirection that didn't take away from the severity of the situation at least with daffy rather bugs is very concerned for someone he does consider a friend and gives him the space he needs to mourn little does he know this space would end up taking what i assume to be an entire calendar year you don't really get to see it packaged as nicely as it is here but when you look at the weather changes the sky in particular i always found it so unique the way that they approached it as it really does make everything look so clean however i wouldn't feel too bad for daffy i know crying for a year and mourning the loss of a parade float is something that everyone watching this video could relate to but wait until you figure out exactly why he stretched it out for this long daffy bugs i knew it i knew you'd come through for me i knew if i stayed in here long enough and sobbed loud enough you'd make me another parade float let it be clear this is very selfish and whiny behavior however the reason i'm not annoyed by it is because it still follows a general comedic flow the misdirection was there right after the eye gag where it was perfectly reasonable to suspect that he would be mourning because he didn't know what to do and needed some time to think this entire time he was suddenly hinting to bugs to build another parade float for him that by the way would have to be up to daffy standards standards he wouldn't even be able to satisfy because of staffy is exactly why daffy is kind of messed up but in an entertaining way his bravado and confidence in speaking about how he wanted to quit crying on some days but persevered as if he in any way was helping the situation is insane of course bugs didn't build a float but mistakenly advises daffy to move on to something that fits him better remember this is daffy and daffy thinks of himself a certain way however i want to be fair to the guy normal cars are for normal people i'm not normal i'll give you that you're my best friend you know me better than anyone you see what a horrible person i am that's why i have to drive a parade float i'm not sure if this aids in my justification that daffy is a horrible person but he admits it here now even though he's saying this after merely crying for a year which is some pretty psychotic stuff that i absolutely do not want to dismiss as being nothing big it just pales in comparison as to what he's about to do when bugs recommends him to move on he moves on to a yacht and just hearing how he speaks about the yacht using a low tone and words that express how the yacht represents him in such a lavish way it makes me think that he's watching too many of those diamond ring advertisements which are a scam by the way and while daffy has always thought rich despite having no money no work ethic no talent no credit and no rich friends he somehow managed throughout the series to get into places where he didn't belong take the episode members only an episode i did cover a while back where he was able to sneak in by using a membership id that he did not have consent to use so while on the surface he doesn't appear to have money daffy finds a way and oh boy did he find an interesting way here i'm not giving you 375 000 for a yacht but you're my best friend that's what best friends do no they don't daffy so far has had a very narrow one-way transactional relationship with bugs whether it was tiny things such as needing him to check if he can merge some moderate things such as begging for a parade float to be built to now well beyond the realm of outrageous things such as asking for such a large amount of money daffy is partially self-aware that he is this horrible person but more importantly he has no shame or self-reflection skills at least to even pick up on this the person whose moral center is so far out of whack that they would expect to be given such a large amount of money just because when they would never do the same is what defines such a weasely character to daffy the end goal is just another vanity project regardless of the people he has accept to get there in his mind the n justified the means and anything he had to do given his end goal here happiness just in the form of hedonism was necessary as he couldn't imagine a world where you wouldn't want to help him achieve something so great for him as he's self-aware that he could not help himself it's exactly why he would later go on to poorly try to trick bugs into thinking that if he rephrased the question as him needing money for charity that bugs would fall for it he doesn't assume highly of bugs his intelligence but a better way to view it is that daffy doesn't have the mental capabilities to think beyond himself when it comes to vanity projects it's that classic looney tunes based shell that makes him not just a great horrible character but a great horrible character that explores a lot of deeper subjects without making it seem boring or too serious however for your patience now that we got all of the background information out of the way let's just rip the band-aid off you want to know why daffy is a horrible horrible person daffy no one's going to give you 375 000. uh of course i'll give you the 375 000 i knew i could count on you porky a while ago i made a rise and fall on coconut fred it was a show that revolved around this coconut named fred where through watching your series i noticed that fred was actually not just a bad protagonist but a character that causes a lot of pain to the people around him that he deems close friends even in the worst coconut fred episodes that feature his hedonistic behavior it does not come close to how this was built daphne doesn't just trick porky into giving him 375 thousand dollars daphne doesn't just lie to porky by saying that he has a life-threatening condition that just so happens to need this money for an operation that's done today daffy doesn't just lie to porky again by saying that he didn't ask bugs specifically because and this is his third lie that porky is daffy's best friend daphne does all of this knowing that it's everything that porky has and has no qualms or regret or second thoughts over what porky is going to do without any money to support himself that right there is the embodiment of horrible but in a good way horrible in the sense that this episode has built him up to really like that float but then show us scenes where he's a hundred percent willing and also wanting to step over people to take their money even from people who are easily tricked or believe that he's speaking in good faith his conscious is non-existent at this point and they play this up very casually as if this is on the same level as like small talk or something like that no he's bankrupting porky for a vanity project this is only 350 thousand dollars but it's all i have porky you are making this very hard for me do you think i like having to come to my best friend for money can you imagine what this is like for me sorry he's bankrupting and shaming porky for not having more that he can take from him for his vanity project he not only takes his family heirloom and debit card but even makes him look like a really bad friend for not having more to give morally daffy is corrupt and it's not usually brought to this height in looney tune show episodes the serious nature of this contrasted against the comedic things that the car wash or the comedic dynamic with the more mature skeptical and socially experienced bugs it really shows you that this is going to be a big deal and not only that but given that daffy was rather composed when driving extremely concerned at the car wash said at home and somewhat aggressive at porky's home it only makes poetic sense that his happiest moment within the episode is him celebrating on a yacht that he had to bankrupt a friend for this is why i say that supposedly they're friends in reality daffy tries their patience all the time but this is a new low even for him and i think that's fantastic it really brings you to the height of his hateable nature and speaking of height we see porky at his lowest eating garbage in a freezing home of piling bills to which bugs gets concerned and visits his friend i tried calling you but your phone's been disconnected why is it so dark in here and cold i couldn't pay my bills why not i gave all my money to darthy why would you give all your money to daffy if for his kidney transplant do you know how he's doing let's go find out and to be clear while daphne's actions here were hedonistic selfish manipulative some would say evil at no point does the episode seem to endorse his actions or feel like it is the right way to go they show you multiple people either confused dismissive or in porky's case flat out naive to the way that daffy thinks or acts no one would have given him that money for the yacht or rebuild the float because no one cares and i would wager that daffy knows that however what makes this episode great even despite the fact that no one treats him like a god or that this episode dodges the things just so happens to work out for the annoying character despite the odds of everyone trying to prevent it is that this episode gives you catharsis how's the kidney kidney i just told porky that so he'd give me the money for the yacht daffy isn't treated like a misunderstood person daffy isn't treated like a lovable rascal daphne is treated like he made a really terrible decision and ruined someone's life over it bonus points for bugs being a great friend and letting the fight happen because daffy deserves it porky was willing to sacrifice a comfortable life if it meant saving the life of someone who referred to him as a best friend jaffy wasn't going to use the yacht in some competition to win the money back and recoup what porky gave to him daffy wasn't gonna work with porky to get his situation back to where it was in fact anything about porky at all i am a hundred percent sure i am willing to wager left a mind of daffy once he left porky's house with porky's money that is because daffy does not have the mental capabilities to think about anyone else when it comes to his own vanity projects he's stubborn empathetic in a way that he just slimes through everything and honestly it takes extreme emotions like the love he has for tina or the begrudging respect that he has for gossamer or the pain of getting his butt kicked by porky for him to finally give in and see how other people feel about a situation you give daffy an inch and he will take a mile and then another mile after that and that's exactly what happened here how could you really even lie to me i'm sorry i thought if i told you what the money was for you wouldn't give it to me i could be able you wouldn't have you just proved my point how am i the bad guy here well to not repeat what i've been saying let's tackle this in another way we'd later go on to see that he would much rather continue to get beaten up and die on the hill of not giving porky his money back then actually keep him as a friend making the morally right move and make things right purely on the fact that he can find new friends given that he has a yacht saying that he's bankrupted a friend and was willing to let him go is an understatement we'd see that the ship was never tied to the dock so it gets swept out to sea when asked about life jackets sails a radio he'd give the exact same reason that he didn't get one because he wanted to get a jacuzzi and a second jacuzzi and the budget didn't allow despite porky giving him everything that he had so it is more accurate to say that even though he admits to lying about driving porky to become broke he feels that it's porky's fault and that porky is a bad guy for not having more money to satisfy daffy's expensive interest amongst having daffy's interest in mine to give him that money at any time for any reason on a whim so that daffy doesn't have to lie about it that's why he got beat up and that's why bugs doesn't take him seriously however if you expect me to feel bad for porky beyond the first incident you'd be mistaken take this scene here where daffy was tied up because he tried to take the makeshift sail down that would have rescued them as bugs took everyone back to shore i see now that it's not money or things that matter it's friends best friends and you porky pig you are my best friend do you live will be is it really mean it have you ever known me to lie uh yes you lied about in and eating a kidney transplant just in the past now please untie me so i can give my best friend a great big hug porky wants to believe that daffy is a good person daffy is not a good person and for a good reason daffy needed to be tied up for this exact reason so while i do sympathize with porky when it comes to being broke the untying is completely on him given that it happened pretty much within the same amount of time where he was aware that daffy is a liar in fact focusing on that aspect a little bit more isn't it crazy that daffy could find the right words to make it seem like he's a completely changed person yet it's always with porky bugs sees right through it and in other cases tina for the most part can see right through it as well it's why during double date another episode i reviewed tina was self aware from the start that daffy embellishes his strengths far beyond what they actually are and knows that daffy lies but loves the project of building him into becoming a decent human being he's really good at being really bad and speaking of really bad he takes the sheets that were to makeshift sail and jumps into the water with them clearly not being able to swim with it wrapping around him in the process luckily he was not only saved but humbled it was a dream it was all a dream that explains why i was such a horrible person and did all those horrible things uh not a dream you are a horrible person and you did do those horrible things and that's what makes this such a good episode accountability accountability didn't make this episode boring accountability didn't make this episode moral based accountability didn't even make this episode more complex it's a basic thing that you need when you have a weasley character if you want your morally horrible character to be likable in some aspect this character has to be entertaining and not taken seriously or be relatable or just have something that they at least respect somewhat to keep them accountable daffy within a looney tune show is a lot of those aspects everything he did here was entertaining despite how morally awful it was and i loved the feeling of seeing porky beat the crap out of daffy because he deserved it doing one of the most gummy things you can do to someone that you label a friend it shows you the adventures they go on because daffy is willing to take it there in an ironic twist we see that through selling the yacht the doctor says that he actually needs a kidney transplant said transplant that he lied about with porky earlier to which bugs sources the money for now you may bring up that i said what makes this episode work is that no one is giving daffy an out and i still believe that here daphne was shown what friends would do in a dire situation which is he actually helped not for a yacht but for a good reason so does daffy learn something in the end not really but he doesn't get treated like he's misunderstood or just a lovable rascal he's treated as if he's tolerable but you have to watch him and that's the dynamic that works for him well at least on the lenny soon show so yes daffy is still a horrible horrible person and that's a good thing let me know what you guys think and until then take care of out [Music] you
Channel: Alpha Jay Show
Views: 226,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the looney tunes show the float, the looney tunes show, looney tunes show, the looney tunes show daffy duck parade float, looney tunes show review, the looney tunes show episode review, why was the looney tunes show cancelled, the looney tunes show review, the looney tunes show semper lie, what happened to the looney tunes show, why did the looney tunes show get cancelled, the looney tunes show daffy duck, the looney tunes show cartoon network, did the looney tunes show end
Id: gghILCfvFiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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