daffy and lola sharing a braincell for 5 minutes and 36 seconds

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A J&PB? I think that sounds good! I invented the sandwich once. You take a piece of bread, a piece of cheese, a bunch of ice cream, a little more bread, some fish sticks, a little syrup and then the heel of the bread. I call it a DARVOG. *GASP* I knew that was a word! We're looking for a lamp. Tosh is missing! Well, we're not looking for a Tosh, we're looking for a LAMP. what's a tosh Chances are, you will never see him again... *creepy organ playing in the background* o h sorry We'll take your case. Are you private detectives? No. But, I can't go home until Bugs takes care of that giant spider... And this seems like a decent way to kill some time. The good news is... we got you a new lamp! And it looks exactly like your old one. Except it's a different color... And the base is a little wider. A LOT wider. And the shapes's different. It's a weird shape... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *me when i see giant 1mm spider* You know, you could at least see it before you judge it. *hangs up* Unbelievable, that guy. Tell me about it. Try living with him. *mumbling* that's okay... *lola drawing her gophersona. jk unless...* ...change that part... How's that? I don't know... Just those two big teeth in front? It looks like a hillbilly. 🦷🦷 No offense. *WAIT. bugs has two big teeth in front too... under that same logic, does daffy think bugs is a hillbilly too?-* How about that? Better... What about putting him in clothes? You know like, uh... maybe a white outfit to signify his purity Ooh yeah, like he's the innocent victim! i like that... *btw there's an earrape at 1:38* Hmm... Now it's a little too much white, maybe he needs a pop of color... Ooh, that looks good! What about a hat? Give him a little personality like... hEy loOk aT mE I gOt a hAT oN!!111!111 Oh yeah, that's our guy. *V I O L A C I Ó N D E O Í D O* This mailbox was Tosh's destination... Did he make it? There's only one way to find out. Dust for fingerprints. Right... yes, dust for fingerprints. (tf is a fingerprint) (gee i wonder if all the fake tax papers i filed a week ago are here) (and why do we need to dust for them again???) (oH FUCK they can read my thoughts i better hide the fact that i committed tax fraud uHHH The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the revenue service of the United States federal government, which is responsible for collecting taxes and administering the Internal Revenue Code, the main body of the federal statutory tax law. It is part of the Department of the Treasury and led by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, who is appointed to a five-year term by the President of the United States. The duties of the IRS include providing tax assistance to taxpayers; pursuing and resolving instances of erroneous or fraudulent tax filings; and overseeing various benefits programs, including the Affordable Care Act.[ You know what? We don't need fingerprints, let's run some forensics. Right... forensics. Love forensics. Big... fan of forensics. (who is this Four N. Seeks he's talking about???) *awkward silence* Now that I think about it, all we really need is a DNA sample. Right, one sample of DNA... coming up. *cricket noise* *IN BROAD DAYLIGHT BY THE WAY* You want to just crawl inside and see if he's in there? Ooh, fun!~ *lola ily* Nope, no gopher... Ooh but there's tons of mail in here! Oh, really? Hm, not as roomy as I thought it would be. What do we know? We know climbing inside a mailbox is against the law. What else? Uh, the fire department's not happy when they have to use the jaws of life to pry you out of a mailbox... What else? The city says you have to pay to replace the mailbox or do 1100 hours of community service. What else? Tosh has been missing for 28 minutes and we still haven't found him. Oh right the gopher, I totally forgot about that whole situation. Well, I guess we're back to square one... Or... *mumbling* Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Interesting. Maybe... Could be... Ah! I like where you're going with this. I hadn't thought of that... You're good! What do you think? I think this is just the break we've been looking for. Yeah, I think we'll be able to focus a lot better after we make some cookies. Later... I thought those cookies would help us focus but now I'm just really full... And tired... And a little sick... Well, the gopher's been gone an hour anyway. I think we should just assume the worst and get on with our lives. But how are we gonna break the news to that poor gopher? I don't know. Email? Text? The beauty of today's electronic devices is that they allow you to maintain a cool distance when delivering upsetting news. *gasp* Or... Maybe we don't have to break the news after all... We found your friend! *gasp* Where is he?! Ta-dah!!! *bruh* A scarf basket... Who needs a scarf basket? OOH! Look over here! You found the recliners? No, it's a complete closet organizing system! See? Everything is divided into little baskets... Baskets... Genius! All of your t-shirts go in here, socks and underwear here, this is for your sweaters... What about my scarves? Look! Scarf baskets! Ugh, my mornings would go so much quicker if my closet looked like this... Hmph, tell me about it. You know, about seven years ago I quit wearing clothes because my closet was so disorganized... I just gave up! O M G You found the recliners? More like patio furniture and outdoor dining! Ooh! Wait for me! *and so daffy and lola ventured through the ikea* You went over there? Mhm. Very european. No doors. No judgment. Um... *cringes internally* How do I say this... Uh, I think those are display toilets? ...What do you say we keep looking for those recliners? Away from this area... *he PISSED on the DISPLAY TOILET HAHASJANDJAC funniest shit I've ever seen* Ooh, maybe Daffy will want these... They'll match his necklace. And thank you, Lola. SON OF A BITCH!!!
Channel: Shko
Views: 2,706,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Looney Tunes Show, TLTS, Looney Tunes, Daffy Duck, Lola Bunny
Id: hnQxhhPAJ3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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