Dad's Phone! | The Fixies | Animation for Kids

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foreign [Music] huh try to guess what we have with us you guess what I have a banana a race car no not that chocolate uh a pair of socks do you give up my dad bought a new phone for himself and gave me his old one he said I can keep it oh wow and what have you got look [Music] look ah you got a telephone too it's better than that this is a fixie phone Papu's got himself a new fixie phone and he gave this old one to Simca and can you make calls on it uh take a guess come on let me show him [Music] hi there Papoose hi nolik why are you calling uh just to say hi no let's don't just call me if you know I'm working all right see that so what I can make calls on my phone calls to humans that is but to fix these you can't a pixie phone is a smartphone made just for fixie not only can fixies call each other with it but they can get onto their own special fixie internet on a fixie phone you can find a camera a flashlight news Games movies and fixie ditties those are the fixie's favorite songs Dixie kids love them and so do their parents because fixie phones can easily let parents know where their kids are and whether or not they're in trouble over the years humans have learned how to turn telephones into Mobile phones and mobile phones into smartphones them to call each other and enter them to their internet a smartphone is almost as powerful as a computer but they still have a long way to go to be as good as fixie phones [Music] yeah that's really cool guys only this phone does the same but can your phone do this take a look over here you mean here it's just a mouse and now look here whoa [Music] but he's not he's not on there but Lucky's here and that's not all watch a mouse helps the user navigate around the computer and when we move it you get it no one else can see the fixie except for you and he can help you super oh it'd be great to have my own fixie phone what talking about you're not you're not what a shame I'm off to school guys oh that's so upset even forgot to take his phone I have an idea [Applause] [Music] my smartphone is my best friend I love to hear it beeping so I keep it by my side even when I'm sleeping all day long even when I'm sleeping with my phone I play alone I don't need my brother so no make a brand new app to replace my mother all day long to replace my mother check my mail send the dates a million times an hour I forgot to plug it in now I'm out of power Bing Bong all day long all day long all day long now I'm out of power [Music] now I'm out of power we finished peace look it's a surprise wow this is great now I've got my own fixie phone it's just like you've got well pretty close Tom Thomas Tom Thomas let me use your phone to call myself I need to find my phone oh wow you've changed everything in here where am I I guess I'm papous what a funny name you came up with for me foreign [Music] just stop I don't have time for you fooling around what who is that sir not no lick who is this [Music] do you know who I just called does anyone know who this phone belongs to out here oh your mother found it I'm coming we'll fix those numbers later uh Papa's gonna really give it to us give me your phone Tom Thomas and I'll delete all the fixies numbers from it [Music] but how can I call you up then why would you have to call us we're always close by the fixie phone Tom Thomas huh try to guess what we have with us you guess what I have a banana a race car no not that chocolate uh a pair of socks huh do you give up my dad bought a new phone for himself and gave me his old one he said I can keep it oh wow and what have you got look [Music] ah you got a telephone too it's better than that this is a fixie phone Papu's got himself a new fixie phone and he gave this old one to Simca and can you make calls on it uh take a guess come on let me show him [Music] hi there Papoose hi No Lick why are you calling uh just to say hi don't just call me if you know I'm working all right [Music] so what I can make calls on my phone calls to humans that is but to fix these you can't the phone is a smartphone made just for fixie not only can fixies call each other with it but they can get onto their own special fixie internet on a fixie phone you can find a camera a flashlight news Games movies and fixie ditties those are the fixies favorite songs Dixie kids love them and so do their parents because fixie phones can easily let parents know where their kids are and whether or not they're in trouble over the years humans have learned how to turn telephones into Mobile phones and mobile phones into smartphones them to call each other and enter them to their internet a smartphone is almost as powerful as a computer but they still have a long way to go to be as good as fixie phones [Music] yeah that's really cool guys only this phone does the same but can your phone do this take a look over here you mean here it's just a mouse and now look here whoa [Music] but he's not he's not on there but Lucky's here and that's not all watch a mouse helps the user navigate around the computer and when we move it you get it no one else can see the fixie except for you and he can help you super oh it'd be great to have my own fixie phone what you're not you're not what a shame I'm off to school guys oh that's so upset even forgot to take his phone I have an idea [Applause] [Music] my smartphone's my best friend I love to hear it beeping so I keep it by my side even when I'm sleeping Bingo all day long all day long all day long even when I'm sleeping with my phone I play alone I don't need my brother so no make a brand new app to replace my mother check my mail send the dates a million times an hour I forgot to plug it in now I'm out of power Bing Bong all day long all day long all day long now I'm out of power being long all day long all day long now I'm out of power we finished peace look it's a surprise wow this is great now I've got my own fixie phone it's just like you've got well pretty close Tom Thomas Tom Thomas let me use your phone to call myself I need to find my phone oh wow you've changed everything in here where am I I guess I'm papous what a funny name you came up with for me foreign [Music] just stop I don't have time for you fooling around what who is that sir not no lick who is this [Music] do you know who I just called does anyone know who this phone belongs to out here oh your mother found it I'm coming we'll fix those numbers later uh Papa's gonna really give it to us give me your phone Tom Thomas and I'll delete all the fixies numbers from it [Music] but how can I call you up then why would you have to call us we're always close by the tools hang on there are these really cool things that I want to show you [Music] whoa whoa look how many things you got all at once your dad's gonna be so angry when he sees what you did with all of his tools I'm gonna put them all right back where they were and where were they open the box and you'll see it's neat there's a special place in there for each one of the tools hammering in a nail or drilling a hole with your bare hands uh-huh there's no way but with the help of the proper tools it's a piece of cake but of course that's only if you know how to use them tools need proper care if the head of a hammer is loose or a drill is dull then you shouldn't work with them it's dangerous and when you're done working put the tools back in their places or you'll be tearing your house apart trying to find them the next time you need them huh the pincers go here and the wrench goes over there this drill but it's too long for this spot let's see if it fits in this one huh any idea what this tool is for for splitting wood or carving stone that chisels what you want to own whoa you're a real poet now try to answer this little poem when you have a thing to measure this round tool is quite a treasure this tool right I know what it's called it's a measuring tape let me measure you know look wow you've grown you've almost reached one centimeter class I also have a rhyming riddle for you when bangs and nail into the wall to make sure pictures never fall a hammer I was first and the hammer goes right here and now I have one for you to guess if you need to screw in screws here's the tool that you should use a screwdriver I was first again you got it right all right Tom Thomas we better hurry we still have a lot of tools here to get sorted out humans just like fixies use hundreds of different tools to do their work picking the right one depends on the task at hand for instance if you need to hammer in a nail use a hammer but you don't use a hammer for a screw for that there is a special tool called a screwdriver a wrench is the tool for tightening nuts and bolts a vise is used to hold a part in place and a drill to drill a hole if you need to cut a piece of wood you should choose a saw you could use a handsaw for example or a hacksaw different kinds of pliers can be used for snipping gripping or bending if you need to smooth something down you use a file if you learn how to work with tools properly you can build just about anything looks like we did it just in time oh and how about this do you know what kind of tool that is I don't know there's no place for it in here just throw it out come on and what if my parents use it looks like we did something wrong here my dad came home Tom Thomas I'm in here hi there reading way to go son I don't get it where is it what I put a piece of metal under the table leg so it wouldn't shake but it disappeared so that's where the tools place is did you take it what I didn't it must be somewhere under the table foreign [Music] what do you think he wants he wants us to get that metal thing out of his dad's Box come on let's go you got it [Music] foreign [Music] I found it Dad it was under the table just like I told you huh you were right it's strange how could I have missed it maybe you're just uh tired from working too much maybe what uh it's a new word to Dish to Dish I do like the sound of it the instructions [Music] it doesn't work try putting it in the other way did you read the instructions why would I instructions are for dummies yeah instructions are for dummies all right oh what's going on [Music] battery instructions teach us how to do things right instructions for a piece of furniture explain how to put it together with the instructions for a television we can adjust the picture and sound the way we like them print it on a box of oatmeal are the instructions for how to cook it the instructions for medicines tell us what the medicine is for and how to safely use it so always read the instructions if you want to do things right and avoid a lot of problems I found it here it is here you go Tom Thomas whoa we got your new chair but it has to be assembled and I'm afraid it'll be a little bit difficult for you no it won't don't worry Dad I'll do it finish before dinner and we'll get ice cream tonight A creamsicle two okay first assemble the chair [Music] Thomas can I help you put the chair together come on hey first you two need to read the instructions for like I haven't seen a chair [Music] foreign [Music] Thomas you're done dinner's ready let's go oh Dad no I need another two minutes hmm help me does it say I have to do in the instructions ah I thought you could do it without them all right I'll help you let's see take this part over here and that one over there no look get a screw come on it's over there the very first stools and benches appear as far back as ancient Egypt the Pharaoh stool was special because it had a back it is thought that the pharaoh's stool was actually the first chair for a long time a chair was considered a luxury Rich noblemen would bring their own chairs to parties and the more important the man the higher the back of his chair you wasn't until the 19th century that chairs became part of every house today there are just so many different kinds of chairs there are wooden chairs plastic chairs metal chairs chairs with legs chairs with wheels folding chairs baby chairs just all sorts of chairs well well how could people sit down at the table with no chairs I think we'll make it screw it in quickly no look we need one more screw but but there is you gotta find it I already looked everywhere Tom Thomas time's up Nola you have to help just for a minute that's all turn into a screw if it's only a minute I'll do it for you [Music] I'm done you built it huh great job son see how I won the BET can you believe it he put the chair together you're so brilliant go on have a seat [Music] huh [Music] ah now I see you missed a screw but I screwed it in it must have must have what must have what look here it is now this screw's not going anywhere and that ice cream you won well you just lost it well then Mr chair builder time for dinner yeah in a sec where is that noise he ran away what a traitor no he's not he promised you he'd become a screw for just a minute and a minute was up well where is he then over there he's studying the instructions for the clock hey Tom Thomas it says that we put the wrong kind of battery into the clock we should have used that kind you see Tom Thomas if you don't want to be a dummy instructions are for you draftsman huh what hi there Tom Thomas what are you drawing I'm not drawing this is called drafting what's the difference tell me is that a circle sure is [Music] and that it's a circle too only it's a rounder one of course that's because I drafted it with a compass and now I've got a real Target so now I'll load my dart gun [Music] [Applause] oh whoa why'd you shoot that thing in me it was the gun I didn't even pull the trigger [Music] what did it break hmm let's open it up and see there this little part broke let me go find Papa's he can help you he can make another one a brand new one wait I can draft a technical drawing will Papoose understand how to read one of those are you kidding Papoose is an expert at everything [Music] done wow Tom Thomas you're a real technical drawer a draftsman nolik that's what they call it [Music] try drawing a perfect circle by hand can't do it huh well with the help of a drafting Compass your circle will turn out great just put the needle point in the center and turn the compass and it's done a compass is only one of the many different tools for drafting for example if you need to draw a straight line use a ruler and if you need to draft a frame for your picture you can use a triangle first draft one side and then the other and then to finish your frame just turn the triangle upside down and draft the two remaining sides you'll get a perfectly squared frame there are also drafting instruments for making curved lines they are called irregular curves or French curves but actually now people use computers more and more for drafting technical drawings [Music] what what happened we really need your help one of the parts broken Tom Thomas's dart gun could you make it what kind of part exactly look here's a technical drawing so you even got a technical drawing very good then let's take a look at it [Music] here you go super let's see hmm it's not gonna work you see it sticks out here on the side I need to draft another technical drawing [Music] no like you scared me again forgive me but the part is to stick out over on this side and you're sure that's all that's all for real [Music] Tom Thomas it's done listen while you were gone I realized that the part needs to have a hole right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] again uh sorry about this but there's a hole in this thing too a technical drawing is a special kind of drawing it has to precisely describe the thing that needs to be made to do that the drawing must be very accurately drafted and include all of the measurements and that's not all if the object is complex it must be drafted from at least three sides including the front the side and the top you see the object looks different from every side so if you don't want to work over and over again learn to draft correctly [Music] [Applause] [Music] and boom it works Bullseye and all thanks to our technical drawings yeah after three tries right some draftsman you are now I can draft all sorts of technical drawings even one of you if you'd like ah no don't bother hey do me a favor and turn hey what are you doing there just stop foreign that's the top view you know what Simca that's what you really look like from up here no look take this over to Papas he can use it to make another Simca no thanks Tom Thomas for me one soup is enough the gramophone and that's a photograph of my mom when she was little she sure looks happy didn't she because parents were all happy when they were children but then they grow up and start getting all gloomy and as boring as can be oh what's this do you know a song about a screw it's total nonsense nonsense it's about a screw which means it's practically about fixies why don't we listen to it and find out if it's good we can all dance together how do you listen to this thing like this why don't we try to use the player we won't fit in there look right here it says gramophone record see so we need to find a gramophone player find what let's go to Grandpa's we found a song about a screw we want to hear we're looking for a player for a grandma phone record I understand what you need is a gramophone a gramophone is an old appliance that was made for playing back sound that was recorded onto records if you want to turn on a gramophone you need to turn the handle to wind up its spring the spring makes the record spin then a needle is placed on top of the record and as it moves through the groove on the record it shakes a little which makes a diaphragm a sort of mini drum skin start to vibrate the Big Horn of the gramophone then makes the sound louder and we hear a voice or music the most amazing thing is that a gramophone doesn't have an electric motor or any electronic that's right you don't need electricity for a gramophone to play back the sound that's recorded on a record that's because a gramophone is an entirely mechanical Wonder if you want to know there is a gramophone in the office of Tom Thomas's Dad it's on the desk great let's go Banks would be nice I can't find the on button there is no on button you need to grab that handle and turn it now take that thing and put it down onto the record it's not playing look there's no needle in there and where can we get one from we can make it do you have any nails around here [Music] is this good that'll be great are you ready totally better cover your eyes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] double dozer was a strong one until there was a throat and then the mighty giant fell straight into the mud five four three two one a little screw went for a run and now without this little party everything just falls apart [Music] [Music] what's that music playing it's a grandma phone record gramophone I thought it was broken we fixed this so not we I fixed this thing really what a wonderful boy I've got other kids are breaking things and you fix them what do you say we played that record once more I used to love it so much when I was little so mighty cream was working until there was a pop and then the mighty giant gave out and lost its top five four three two one a little squirrel went for a run and now without this little heart everything just falls apart [Music] [Music] Tom Thomas's mom really dances super Nova the baby monitor [Music] oh it's my old baby monitor on check check checking one two three checking it's working why don't we give it to the Johnsons they just had a baby the other day oh this is mine and I'm planning on using it aren't you a little too big for it no I'm not big at all well I didn't realize that you're still a little boy and a greedy one at that [Music] they're never gonna notice this hey fixies are you here [Applause] we're here now why did you call us I gotta show you how I turned into a mind reader I I find that just a little hard to believe okay then I'll show you I'll leave you alone and then you'll hide this button wherever you want then I'll come back and find it you got it foreign Place well we gotta think of one keyboard come on in we're ready for you and now I'm going to read your thoughts here I go you hit the button here look ta-da he really does read minds oh that was a lucky guess bet you can't do it again well I bet you I can we're gonna have to be sneakier Vera she's the most beautiful girl in our class she knows it too and doesn't hesitate to use it she can even be a bit sneaky like when she needs help with her homework then digit suddenly becomes her best friend but if she doesn't want to carry her pack a match she'll say fire please help me you're just such a strong fixie but all those boys like her just the same digit does and all it does then I guess I do too although I really like Simca more or maybe Verda or both of them I haven't decided yet Verdi can be difficult and even bossy sometimes but one thing I know for sure bear does a good friend a friend that'll always come help well that is if she's able to pry herself away from the mirror [Music] throw it down into this pencil gun we concentrate on another place that is good but it won't work fixies come on in [Music] uh-huh hmm [Music] it's in here [Music] Simca were you thinking about the cup no I swear and my mind was blank then who did huh huh uh-huh Tom Thomas where do you say we go again as many times as you want I know how he's been doing all of this it's a baby monitor that's how we can hear what we're seeing I don't get it a baby monitor helps parents watch over their babies has two units that look like Wireless telephones the parents keep one of the units by their side and put the other one in the room where the baby is sleeping if the baby suddenly wakes up and starts crying the unit in the baby's room will pick up the sound and send it by radio waves to the parents unit mom or dad will hear the crying and go and comfort their child and so he's listening to us now this time I know what we should do we'll hide it under the globe go on uh-huh huh where is it if you're about our minds you'd find your button under the baby monitor you tricked me that's really not nice and spying on us is nice you think I'm sorry I just thought it'd be fun well anyhow Tom Thomas you're too old for this thing unless of course you still need it I'm not a baby I was just you know checking it I'll go and give it to Mom Mom I'm not greedy about what let's give this monitor to the Johnsons and this car is for their baby boy I don't think that baby's big enough yet for your car so what soon he's gonna get bigger and become a big boy right like me batteries [Music] one day you'll be a strong and Splendid tree she's talking with a flower pot scared me do you like it like what my ceiling don't you see if I grow into a huge huge tree and there amongst the green leaves will be beautiful yellow lemons glass from that thing lemons oh yeah it'll grow into a tree all it needs for that is to gather energy get energy from where from our sun the sun it'll be so slow oh batteries would be faster than the sun batteries I really don't think so Tula do you know how much energy they have let's just bury a bunch of those batteries in here and you'll be watching your lemon plant shoot up into a tree are you positive absolutely and where can we get the batteries over there Professor eugenius has a whole box full of them [Music] [Music] so they can run [Music] that does it we'll be seeing the first lemons before the week's over [Music] the first battery in the world was made in Italy more than 200 years ago when two different kinds of metal were placed in salty water electricity started flowing through a wire from one piece of metal to the other many years have passed since then but batteries still work in pretty much the same way today you can find batteries being used for electricity just about everywhere tiny batteries are used inside of wrist watches while big batteries can power cars and even ships with new batteries being produced by the millions we have to think how should we get rid of the old ones you can't just throw away batteries because they'll poison our Soil and Water the best way to dispose of batteries is to take them to a special collection station that sends them to factories for recycling [Music] yes yes it's a terrible idea to bury batteries you can kill any plants that are growing there and this is the very reason why Professor eugenius puts all of his used batteries in that box over there so we can dispose of them properly hey where are they [Music] what where are the batteries how come so the lemons would from the batteries who came up with that idea it will die hurry we gotta go save it the soil's contaminated we've got to find a new home for the seedling but where over there there's a pot with healthy soil do it they come in different sizes shapes and colors too batteries [Music] everybody 's batteries don't cry slow the seedling will be perfectly fine it will grow big and strong with branches full of beautiful lemons and oranges and watermelons it's a lemon tree fire will you ever stop going too far like with the batteries well anyhow batteries are cool right look how many appliances can't work without them you're right appliances can't work [Music] look the seedlings coming back to life it really really Tula tell us isn't it splendid spending [Music] the antenna wow is this cooler what ah hello there little fixies did you come to see what I'm working on Professor eugenius tell us what you're planning on doing with this huge thing well I hope to use this fantastic device to make contact with aliens since ancient times people have wondered is their life on other planets what made aliens from outer space look like and what kind of spaceships do they travel in there are some people who say that they've seen alien spaceships and that they look like flying saucers there are even some people who say they've actually made contact with aliens but personally I'm sure it's just their fantasy and science hasn't been able to prove any of these stories either the one story that makes me laugh harder than all of the rest comes from a guy who claims that he saw aliens with his own eyes can you believe it said that there was a group of tiny aliens that look like humans with glowing hair it seems to me that this guy just happened to spot a few fixies who weren't able to hide from him in time [Music] it's ready the aliens are out there flying by the earth oh see this plate get hungry and come for food aliens don't need a plate like this silly when they've got plates that fly flying saucers you're both silly this thing isn't a plate at all it's an antenna antenna antennas help people receive radio signals they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes like this this or this to pick up a signal that's very weak powerful antennas that are shaped like large dishes work the best of all when radio waves hit the dish the waves all bounce off of it and gather together into one point this makes the signal stronger and clearer the most powerful dish antennas can even pick up signals from outer space no look stop you'll burn yourself don't treat me like a baby boy okay interesting what's inside of there do you know why don't we go and take a look I was only trying to help him out no need Nola the soldering iron is way too hot and I'm practically all done here let's start looking for those aliens in outer space just one second nolik oh and now oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we go Simka let's see if we can pick up signals from outer space what do you think is it night right now where the aliens live what if they're sleeping bothering the professor with your nonsense let us out right now okay please let us out I'm afraid there's no way they can hear us from this far away I can't hear any signals just sounds like static be patient you guys and keep listening we all know how clever you are can I can't think of a way out of here I think I got it to uh you stay there I'll use a special code I know to send a signal that we're in trouble wait a second do you hear that could it be a signal from the alien Ray this is Sensational it means that somewhere in the cosmos or intelligent forms of life three dots three dashes three dots who's Morse code it's a signal for help that they're sending you don't think the aliens are in trouble do you yeah I think so and who do think they learned Morse code from out there yeah that's strange there are hardly any fixies that know that code digit does ah and where is he you know and where's Tula well well I think I know exactly with which aliens we made contact I think I know it too Professor lower the antenna [Music] greetings to you oh extraterrestrial visitors hi there it's good to be back oh uh what a shame I was really hoping that we'd find intelligent life forms out there it's all right to unintelligent ones the suction cup [Music] where's Professor eugenius did you see him not yet straight straight he told me he'd be here today to conduct some tests rampus right here under the glass there's a note hmm dear friends that means the notes for us that's because Professor eugenies can always count on us I'm off for a conference today so what should we do while I'm away please keep an eye on each of my tests there's the wristwatch and where is it it's right there [Music] look how come the watch is in the water so the fish can know what time it is no like don't be silly this is the test he made for the watch you see it says water resistant right there on the back means that water shouldn't get inside of it I see so the professor needs to check if it will work underwater understand I yep I got it the watch is working so now the doorbell test we'll go look it's over there [Music] what's that thing doing it tests the button to see how fast it wears out to check the quality of appliances toys Sporting Goods or just about anything they need to undergo serious testing take for instance telephones they need to be tested with both heat and cold because they have to work in places as hot as Africa and as cold as the Arctic computers are tested to make sure they can be shaken and rot too that way you can be sure they'll work on a desk at home or outside in the Parks or while you're taking a ride different kinds of products need different kinds of durability tests for example athletic shoes and car tires are robbed and squeezed over and over to see how long they are going to last yes testing's very important without testing a machine or Appliance could let you down at the very worst moment [Music] to visit once a week and once every month a hooligan comes pushes the doorbell and runs then I figure this doorbell lasts right around 400 years that's long [Music] the doorbell is still working that's very good and also uh what I don't know we need to turn the note over to read the end but how oh raise the glass that's all [Music] I can't get a hold of it we should find a suction cup a suction cup suction cups are made out of rubber or other elastic materials when a suction cup is pressed against a smooth surface the air inside is squeezed out the air outside wants to get back in and so it pushes down on the cup the rubber edge of the cup won't let the air leak in so the outside air keeps pressing down and the cop keeps on sticking and that's how a suction cup sticks to a Surface by using the power of air foreign wait a minute I know where there's a really big suction cup that we can use [Music] it's a huge suction cup noise well done nolik only we need to hurry before air gets under the suction cup and it unsticks my suction cup will never unstick well let's see what it says here okay you'd better hurry and make sure nothing gets broken here in the laboratory while I'm away [Music] yeah so much for that and who's gonna clean up all this broken glass you don't know no look he told us to use that suction cup Simca she was reading way too slow listen there's no need to fight I came up with the idea of the suction cup I should clean this come on now grandpas we'll clean up this mess Professor I still think the suction cup was a great idea chess [Music] how about that then I'll play my pawn and I'll play my pop grandpas we need our spool and it's missing oh congratulations Professor have you seen it anywhere the spool I haven't seen it we're playing chess can't you see do you like board games like dominoes for instance just about everybody has played it but do you know where it came from Domino's was invented by the ancient Chinese they made tiles and decorated them with dots like on a pair of dice and this is a game that looks a lot like Checkers but it's a lot more challenging it's called backgammon backgammon originated in Persia and from there it's red all over the world but the most challenging game of them all is the game of chess chess was invented in India and today the game of chess is loved in every country it's played by adults by children and even by computers chess is a real sport but the most important thing for playing chess is not the power in your arms but the power in your brain foreign [Music] hey what's going on that's our spool please let us take it back there's something we have to do with it but we're using it can't you wait it's a replacement for the missing Pawn uh oh no that can work for a while as the Pond's replacement yeah I can do it all right you can take it and you stand right over here one two three up we go class so how do we play you're going to play for the whites and now I'm going to capture your knight and we we're gonna not cover yours young men slow down it goes back here [Music] get back to your Square what for pawns don't move like that and how do they move only one square per move and only forward of all of the pieces the little Pawn is the weakest what a mess so which one's strongest huh this the queen she's the most dangerous threat to the other king oh how come I couldn't be Queen then that black king would have to deal with me oh yes [Music] a player has a black or white army with eight pawns two knights two Bishops two castles and a queen all of them work together for their King trying to protect him while attacking the enemies King if the king finds himself in a position where he can be captured the attacking player says check and if the king finds himself with nowhere to run from the attack it's called Checkmate whoever checkmates the other players King first is the winner [Music] hmm I'll move my queen yeah and me my queen huh then I'll just capture your queen really then I'll just capture yours should I go now not yet so do you feel like surrendering huh you're kidding do you know it Forward hooray we'll step aside forward let's go and capture the night he got away all right pawn and once more go forward Grandpa where do I go now don't you see the edge don't go anywhere now you're the queen what the rules of Chess say that if a pawn makes it all the way to the other side he can become anything that was captured earlier hooray then I'll be the queen and I'll be the strongest piece in the whole game hey Queen get back here in case you don't know this isn't over yet we capture the pawn with the queen queen this is your new place yeah now come to here mate my colleague of course it is it is mate yeah I lost hooray Christmas that means Nola can leave with us I'm not going anywhere with you which is the greatest game you'll ever play in your life all you should have seen are put Professor eugenius into Checkmate really well Grandpa's helped me a little actually it was Grandpa's telling me where to move [Music] the gramophone and that's a photograph of my mom when she was little or looked happy didn't she because parents were all happy when they were children but then they grow up and start getting all gloomy and as boring as can be oh what's this do you know [Music] a song about a screw it's total nonsense nonsense it's about a screw which we is practically about fixies why don't we listen to it and find out if it's good we can all dance together how do you listen to this thing like this why don't we try to use the player [Music] we won't fit in there look right here it says gramophone record see so we need to find a gramophone player find what let's go to Grandpa's we're looking for a player for a gramophone record I understand what you need is a gramophone a gramophone is an old appliance that was made for playing back sound that was recorded onto records if you want to turn on a gramophone you need to turn the handle to wind up its spring the spring makes the record spin then a needle is placed on top of the record and as it moves through the groove on the record it shakes a little which makes a diaphragm a sort of mini drum skin start to vibrate the Big Horn of the gramophone then makes the sound louder and we hear a voice or music the most amazing thing is that a gramophone doesn't have an electric motor or any electronic that's right you don't need electricity for a gramophone to play back the sound that's recorded on a record that's because a gramophone is an entirely mechanical Wonder if you want to know there is a gramophone in the office of Tom Thomas's Dad it's on the desk great let's go Banks would be nice I can't find the on button there is no on button you need to grab that handle and turn it now take that thing and put it down onto the record hmm it's not playing look there's no needle in there and where can we get one from we can make it do you have any nails around here [Music] is this good that'll be great are you ready totally better cover your eyes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] double dozer was a strong one until there was a frog and then the mighty giant fell straight into the mud five four three two one a little screw went for a run and now without this little party everything just falls apart [Music] [Music] Tom Thomas what's that music playing it's a grandma phone record gramophone I thought it was broken we fixed this so not we I fixed this thing really what a wonderful boy I've got other kids are breaking things and you fix them what do you say we played that record once more I used to love it so much when I was little the mighty cream was working until there was a pop and then the mighty giant gave out and lost its top five four three two one a little squirrel went for a run and now without this little heart everything just falls apart [Music] [Music] Tom Thomas's mom really dances super you've grown up pools hang on there are these really cool things that I want to show you [Music] whoa whoa look how many things you got all at once your dad's gonna be so angry when he sees what you did with all of his tools I'm gonna put them all right back where they were and where were they open the box and you'll see it's neat there's a special place in there for each one of the tools hammering in a nail or drilling a hole with your bare hands uh-huh there's no way but with the help of the proper tools it's a piece of cake but of course that's only if you know how to use them tools need proper care if the head of a hammer is loose or a drill is dull then you shouldn't work with them it's dangerous and when you're done working put the tools back in their places or you'll be tearing your house apart trying to find them the next time you need them huh the pincers go here and the wrench goes over there this drill but it's too long for this spot let's see if it fits in this one huh any idea what this tool is for for splitting wood or carving stone that chisels what you want to own whoa you're a real poet now try to answer this little poem when you have a thing to measure this round tool is quite a treasure this tool right I know what it's called it's a measuring tape let me measure you know look wow you've grown you've almost reached one centimeter class I also have a rhyming riddle for you with bangs and nailing to the wall to make sure pictures never fall a hammer I was first and the hammer goes right here and now I have one for you to guess if you need to screw in screws here's the tool that you should use a screwdriver I was first again you got it right all right Tom Thomas we better hurry we still have a lot of tools here to get sorted out humans just like fixies use hundreds of different tools to do their work picking the right one depends on the task at hand for instance if you need to hammer in a nail use a hammer but you don't use a hammer for a screw for that there is a special tool called a screwdriver a wrench is the tool for tightening nuts and bolts a vise is used to hold a part in place and a drill to drill a hole if you need to cut a piece of wood you should choose a saw you could use a handsaw for example or a hacksaw different kinds of pliers can be used for snipping gripping or bending if you need to smooth something down you use a file if you learn how to work with tools properly you can build just about anything looks like we did it just in time oh and how about this do you know what kind of tool that is I don't know there's no place for it in here just throw it out come on and what if my parents use it looks like we did something wrong here my dad came home Tom Thomas I'm in here hi there reading way to go son huh oh I don't get it where is it what I put a piece of metal under the table leg so it wouldn't shake but it disappeared so that's where the tools place is dude you take it what I didn't it must be somewhere under the table ah and you look under the sofa uh all right [Music] what do you think he wants he wants us to get that metal thing out of his dad's Box come on let's go you got it [Music] any luck ah me neither [Music] I found it Dad it was under the table just like I told you huh you were right it's strange how could I have missed it maybe you're just uh tired from working too much maybe what uh it's a new word to Dish I do like the sound of it the airbag it's gonna be late we'll make it [Music] oh wow hey slow down there I'm a super duper racer well well fire again risking your life and super Racers like me can always count on life you know fire counting on Good Luck is stupid it would be better if you would keep your mind on safety actually today Professor eugenius has something really special to show us he's going to be testing an airbag uh what's that digit explain it [Music] everybody riding in a car has to wear their seatbelt because if the car has to stop quickly the belt will hold the person back but there are times when even seat belts don't give enough protection like when a fast moving car crashes into something when that happens the driver and passengers can be protected by an airbag you can't see them when they're folded up because they're hidden but if the car is in a crash the airbags blow up very quickly and the person bumps into the bag instead of bagging it to the steering wheel or flying through the windshield foreign [Music] here I come and once again when something dangerous must be tested Professor eugenius tested on himself but grandpuss aren't you scared that it won't blow up with air don't worry about the air three and [Music] the airbag filled up in an instant did you notice yeah but how does it do it there was a chemical inside of there that quickly Burns and instantly turns into a gas the moment the crash takes place the gas filled the airbag and there you go did I explain that right professor [Music] he's gotta get him out stop we'd better call for help [Music] Professor do you need some help sorry to take you from your work you are free to go [Music] Professor how did you manage to press the button from way over there uh I managed to hit it on the Fly you are just astounding to keep small children safe while they're riding in a car they must be buckled up with a seat belt inside of a special booster chair but kids also need to be careful when they're riding a bicycle skateboarding roller skating riding a scooter first of all it's best to keep off of roads where there's too much traffic can put your protective gear on or your arms and legs wear elbow pads gloves and knee pads for your head we're a helmet that way if you fall down you won't get badly hurt third make sure that people can see you if you're out riding in the evening your closing bike must have safety reflectors on them they let drivers see where you are by reflecting the light from their headlights back at them remember better safe than sorry here we go well I hope this time I've got it should we call his assistant right now just in case let's just wait and see Ready Set Go Grand boost he needs to be rescued no need I made a change to it now the back not only inflates automatically it deflates itself as well as you fix he say today's lesson is done hooray where's my fixie board I've got I've got your fixie board fire here you go I just went and equipped it with an airbag really how come you know I'm a super racer see foreign that's why I installed it super Racers don't need airbags we never never ever oh wow is that airbed cool or what it's a very original design to use there that design is my own and fire ran the test Professor will you make an airbag for each one of us you all will get them real soon but even so care may accidents rare knots no look there are pirates off the starboard side battery fire hey I'm not a pirate why'd you hit me that's it I'm tired of playing the wind where are my Pirates this looks great can I board your ship and what are your skills guns like protecting the ship and yelling hooray when we win and how about good C knots can you tie them of course I can tie them entire [Music] bite that's good enough [Music] it's good and tight now can you survive a storm without a doubt [Music] oh wow yeah it sunk into the sea that was my that was my Mom's necklace we sunk I'll pick it all up don't worry no thank you we'll manage ourselves he calls himself a sailor go and go and learn to tie some knots [Applause] tying two ropes into a knot you think it's easy a badly tied knot will untie itself before you know it here's one way to tie it right first cross over the two ends like this now to finish the knot you've got to cross them over again but not this way it's got to be in the opposite direction when it's done it looks like one Loop inside another this kind of knot is called a square knot and it won't untie as long as you tie it right and that's just one of the many kinds of knots a sailor has to learn [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I knew I could tie it now what else is there to practice on around here pleasure another one that's night I know it because I counted our treasure so what happened to the last one well done there so what else could I touch perfect I even remember what it looks like it's a different color it's a bright red one oh mom's gonna notice right away that the red one's gone I gotta go find it yeah I think it's on the floor who tied my laces together I was just practicing sorry and what else did you tie up to practice your nuts um not sure you want to know you're funny let's go untie them foreign [Music] [Music] don't look at me that way I'm scared she's just staring at her own whiskers nolik and what have you done to her whiskers well I tied them with the square knot fire you're just a blockhead and why don't you tell us what else you've done well okay I tied a decoration on her tail that's where it is we were looking everywhere for that thing fire go and fix everything you've done don't run away don't scared [Music] Sailors have developed all sorts of different nuts without them they couldn't control their cells but we couldn't get by without knots on land either mountain climbers use tightly knotted ropes to help them climb and keep them safe fishermen tie hooks to their fishing line using special knots you can't even pitch a camping tent properly without making a knot when people sew they tie knots in the thread to hold it in place and doctors use knots when they Stitch and bandage a wound and a tie wouldn't be a tie if you didn't tie a knot in it sneakers won't fall off your feet and the laces won't drag on the ground if they're tied with a proper knot but sometimes things can get knotted up by accident and that's one time when you don't need to know how to tie knots but how to untie them all aboard [Music] like that now the only thing left to do is tie a knot should I tie it are you sure it won't untie you're joking why don't you go ask you Saka if I can tie a knot like a sailor the baby monitor [Music] oh it's my old baby monitor on check check check checking one two three checking it's working why don't we give it to the Johnsons I just had a baby the other day oh this is mine and I'm planning on using it aren't you a little too big for it no I'm not big at all well I didn't realize that you're still a little boy and a greedy one at that [Music] they're never gonna notice this hey fixies are you here [Applause] we're here now why did you call us I gotta show you how I turned into a mind reader I I find that just a little hard to believe okay then I'll show you I'll leave you alone and then you'll hide this button wherever you want then I'll come back and find it got it where's a good hiding place well we gotta think of one keyboard come on come on in we're ready for you and now I'm going to read your thoughts here I go you hit the button here look ta-da he really does read minds oh that was a lucky guess bet you can't do it again well I bet you I can we're gonna have to be sneakier Vera she's the most beautiful girl in our class she knows it too and doesn't hesitate to use it she can even be a bit sneaky like when she needs help with her homework then digit suddenly becomes her best friend but if she doesn't want to carry her pack a match she'll say fire please help me you're just such a strong fixie but all us boys like her just the same digit does and all it does then I guess I do too although I really like simcamore or maybe Verda or both of them I haven't decided yet Verdi can be difficult and even bossy sometimes but one thing I know for sure bear does a good friend a friend that'll always come help well that is if she's able to pry herself away from the mirror [Music] throw it down into this pencil oh God we concentrate on another place that is good but it won't work fixies come on in [Music] uh-huh [Music] it's in here kitty himka were you thinking about the cup no I swear and my mind was blank then who did huh huh uh-huh Tom Thomas where do you say we go again as many times as you want I know how he's been doing all of this it's a baby monitor that's how we can hear what we're saying I don't get it a baby monitor helps parents watch over their babies has two units that look like Wireless telephones the parents keep one of the units by their side and put the other one in the room where the baby is sleeping if the baby suddenly wakes up and starts crying the unit in the baby's room will pick up the sound and send it by radio waves to the parents unit mom or dad will hear the crying and go and comfort their child and so he's listening to us now this time I know what we should do go hide it under the globe go on uh-huh [Music] huh where is it if you're at our minds you'd find your button under the baby monitor you tricked me that's really not nice and spying on us is nice you think I'm sorry I just thought it'd be fun well anyhow Tom Thomas you're too old for this thing unless of course you still need it I'm not a baby I was just you know checking it I'll go and give it to Mom Mom I'm not greedy about what let's give this monitor to the Johnsons and this car is for their baby boy I don't think that baby's big enough yet for your car so what soon he's gonna get bigger and become a big boy right like me the shadow play ER Tom Thomas what are you doing here uh I dropped a paper clip [Music] [Laughter] funny huh we're trying to help you out you've got funny Shadows that's what [Music] hey check this out it's an eagle she looks more like a moose I do huh all right [Music] you're like real actors performing in a show uh-huh actors playing a theater you know and we're just under a bed and so what how about we make our very own theater a theater with shadows Tom Thomas we need a piece of paper a huge sheet it's really quite easy to make your own Shadow theater you can make the screen out of a white sheet or a big piece of paper now make sure the room is dark and shine a desk lamp at the screen now to make the Shadows just put yourself or a cardboard cutout between the lamp and the screen Your Shadow or The Shadow of Your puppets will come to life but make sure that the audience sits on the other side of the screen the play will be much more magical for them from that side [Music] Tom Thomas light [Music] oh wow Simca you look totally like the real Red Riding Hood hello dear granddaughter hello hello grandmother grandmother what very big eyes you've got the better to see you with my dear come on we're rehearsing the wolf's voice is funny grandmother I never noticed what very big teeth you've got they're so much better to eat you with my dear Yum Yum Yum yep let them out wolf or out or out get them out whoa myself haha you'll stop me with that little sticky that's not in the fairy tale but in the fairy tale it's a normal Hunter and what do you think I am look for yourself you're way too small to be the hunter fine then go to your play without me well I guess I'll have to make the hunter out of paper then that's all take a break I'm really thirsty she was so salty that Grandma No Lick don't be upset the wolf is huge and I'm so little then let's make it bigger you see now you're bigger yeah you're right and if we go back here then I'm even bigger now you know if you go back here near the lamp Your Shadow will get bigger on the screen Clash there are just so many different kinds of theaters in the world in the dramatic theater the actors speak the lines of the playwright at the Opera the actors don't speak their lines they sing them accompanied by an orchestra and here at the ballet the performers don't speak or sing their parts here the story is told with dance there are also theaters where the performers are animals in an animal theater you can watch performances by cats and dogs or goats and pigeons or even bears and seals there are also theaters where the stories are told by puppets to tell the truth the puppets are brought to life with the help of people yes there are so many different kinds of theater my favorite is the Shadow theater I think it's the most beautiful and mysterious theater of them all hello dear grandmother grandmother what very big eyes you've got the better to see you is my dear and grandmother what great big shark s you've got all the better to eat you up with my dear um oh just wait aha wolf I got the hunter looks so strong you're a hunter then where's your gun why do I need a gun you're so tiny I could use a fly swatter but I'd rather do it like this like what with my bare hands way to go [Music] foreign [Applause] who is your favorite mine was the grandmother I think Red Riding Hood was the best for me the Hunter he was so mighty and so fearless and for me the special effects the video call [Applause] turn on the camera right away it's me Simca [Music] just as I expected no look why aren't you in school school it started no but you'll be late if you don't hurry I'm on my way Simka is that really your fixie school um well actually it's the laboratory where Professor eugenius works at he lets us have our school here who's that some good luck is that the professor oh come on Tom Thomas that's the manipulator who not who what it's a mechanical arm for real oh please show me some of the other things you've got but how can I show you come on with the camera computers and tablets are able to connect with one another through the internet that's why you can talk to another person on your computer like you're talking on the phone and if the computer has a video camera then it's possible to send not only sound through the internet but video as well that's why it's called a video call with video calls it's possible to talk to your friends to see them and to show them all the things you can see yourself foreign [Music] over here we have the chemistry equipment and over here hey Tom Thomas it's good to see you wow you flew there so fast no like get out of the way you're blocking the view of the lab I'm not blocking the view stop it go away you go away Tom Thomas what are you watching uh is it time to turn into screws too late he already spotted us it's just a cartoon about these funny little guys can I watch with you nah it's boring dad and I've already seen it next that blue guy he starts jumping watch now what I say Run start jumping make it cartoony [Music] now that red-headed character will sing watch then she starts dancing [Music] these guys really are funny and hear the super fast moves [Applause] that was funny I gotta get going that's all you can rest my dad went out [Music] I'll get you Tom Thomas what are you doing over there huh watching a movie but why on my computer sorry Professor yeah will you forgive us so how is it any good uh-huh it's a super funny one really yeah you see that boy there he's gonna start waving his arms around like a maniac he also crows like a chicken cock-a-doodle-doo and now the boy's gonna go in and chew paper [Music] I can't do this all at once hmm [Music] a movie that's what we're watching here right people have always been interested in seeing what's going on outside of where they are and with the invention of video transmission it's now possible to see what's going on almost anywhere now without leaving your home you can see what's happening on another Street or even in some Far corner of the world with the help of video calls doctors can help their colleagues perform complicated surgeries teachers can give lessons by video and scientists can take part in video conferences with video you can watch a live theater performance in another country and even in outer space an astronaut can feel right at home just chatting away with friends and family and it's not just for astronauts either now almost every tablet and phone here on Earth has video in it introducing Tom Thomas nice to meet you there son I'm Professor eugenius so I guess you're also a friend of the fixies yeah only it's a secret my friend that's a secret the two of us share and you know keeping secrets is what friends do the elevator [Music] we gotta hurry Thomas is going to see the circus ah and what we want to go with them can we the answer is no just you kids without supervision who said no supervision his parents are taking him there be careful don't worry they won't even notice us hmm well if Tom promises parents [Music] wait a second I didn't even say yet yeah [Music] simcanolic where are you we gotta hurry up Tom Thomas it's time to go I'll be right there we're ready climb into my hood huh I know who's going to the circus today [Music] huh what just happened think that the elevator broke down don't you worry emergency operator um we got stuck in the elevator understood please wait got the elevator fix within the hour that long that means we won't get to the circus on time we'll go get Papoose I'm sure they can fix it people need elevators to help them get to the upper floors of tall buildings when someone steps into an elevator and presses a button the elevator's electrical engine starts up it pulls the cable that is attached to the elevator cabin and the elevator goes to the desired floor the cable hangs over a wheel and it usually has a heavy counter balancing weight attached to the other end of it this counterweight balances the elevator and helps the electric motor do its job [Music] foreign I wonder what the reason is [Music] over there that got stuck it's like you found the reason we gotta go and fix it now or we'll never get to the circus on time you know we can just have it right here ladies and gentlemen presenting the fixie spectacular and now your attention please on the high wire [Music] whoa just don't come down then I'll close my eyes and I won't look anywhere at all and now we bring you our very own aerial gymnasts [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] our next ACT Feats of Strength [Music] I know how to fix it with a death defying circus I point your eyes up yeah where are you going up to the electric motor [Music] do you know the right way to behave yourself inside of an elevator first of all small children should never get into an elevator by themselves they should only go in with their parents or other adults they know well when getting onto an elevator the adult should always enter first and then the child when it's time to get out it's the other way around first the child leaves and then the adult if you are taking a dog onto an elevator make sure its tail and Leash are completely inside so they don't get stuck in the door and there's one more thing if the elevator suddenly stops for some unknown reason don't try to break out of it yourself it's the button that calls the emergency operator and wait for help from the elevator repairman or the fixies [Music] they fixed it that was quick now we'll make it on time there was no need to worry stop ugh it's way too hot Thomas went to the circus without it there's no need to get that upset No Lick the circus is as good as theirs right Papas of course it is thank you thank you uh to who what do you mean who the elevator repairman [Music] the bee Tom Thomas hello how come you're eating jams straight from out of the jar because it tastes so good [Music] shoot get out of here leave it alone it's just a plain old bee well I was bitten by one of those plain old bees once Tom Thomas don't do it do it go away you pissed flies are pests these are very helpful and useful how can a bee ever help us out bees are hard workers they are constantly collecting nectar from flowers flying from flower to flower bees transport pollen on their bellies thanks to this process of pollination flowers produce fruit and seeds in other words bees help plants reproduce the bees use the nectar they collect to make that delicious sweet honey loved by kids of all ages and bee honey is not only delicious it's also nutritious foreign [Applause] [Music] well now I'm gonna show you don't the bee's the one who should be afraid you Tyrant yeah you let it go Tyron why are you calling me names who's stopping her she can fly away if she wants we need to show her the way out well how here little bee fly this way why don't you try going then what can I say [Music] shoe socket don't move it'll sting you it doesn't want to sting both of you like to eat sweets you like eating jam and so does the B why don't you carry two socket to the window go on fly no that's not gonna work you need to go and get more Jam [Music] here little bee yum yum go on and fly you're free let her eat first don't be greedy I'm not being greedy sheets she can make honey out of your jam long ago people could only collect Honey by destroying the nests of wild bees and that went on until someone came up with the idea of taming those insects they started by leaving enough honey for the bees to survive through the winter people took care of bees in these Hollows until they learned to build small houses for them called beehives and a town made of these bee houses is called an bees live and work together in the beehives making honey while beekeepers take care of the bees and collect the honey bees are real team players they tell each other where the best flowers grow do you know how they do it one of the bees does a dance and then the rest of the bees watch the dance and learn where they need to fly foreign Tom Thomas tired you out I told you there's nothing to be afraid of you see she's just so nice and kind I'm not afraid of her she wouldn't let me eat my jam that's all well now it's time for you to fly away whoa she's playing rough here I want to try uh no look you're too little you'll have to grow to do this job whoa whoa whoa calm down now now let's fly I think of a Windows back there I can see that without you [Music] so how can I get you to turn around cool hooray she's listening to me don't miss the window [Music] so long honeybee [Music] bies do you have any more of that jam left yeah what for bring it here we'll get more bees to fly it how come what do you mean how come cause it's my turn for a b ride the bee Tom Thomas hello how come you're eating jams straight from out of the jar because it tastes so good [Music] shoot get out of here leave it alone it's just a plain old bee well I was bitten by one of those plain old bees once Thomas don't way you pissed flies are pests these are very helpful and useful how can a bee ever help us out bees are hard workers they are constantly collecting nectar from flowers flying from flower to flower bees transport pollen on their bellies thanks to this process of pollination flowers produce fruit and seeds in other words bees help plants reproduce the bees use the nectar they collect to make that delicious sweet honey loved by kids of all ages and bee honey is not only delicious it's also nutritious foreign [Applause] [Music] well now I'm gonna show you don't the bee's the one who should be afraid you Tyrant yeah you let it go Tyrant why are you calling me names who's stopping her she can fly away if she wants we need to show her the way out well how here little bee fly this way why don't you try going then what can I say [Music] shoe socket don't move it'll sting you it doesn't want to sting both of you like to eat sweets you like eating jam and so does the B why don't you carry two socket to the window go on fly no that's not gonna work you need to go and get more Jam [Music] here little bee yum yum go on and fly you're free let her eat first don't be greedy I'm not being greedy cheats she can make honey out of your jam long ago people could only collect Honey by destroying the nests of wild bees and that went on until someone came up with the idea of taming those insects they started by leaving enough honey for the bees to survive through the winter people took care of bees in these Hollows until they learned to build small houses for them called beehives and a town made of these bee houses is called an bees live and work together in the beehives making honey while beekeepers take care of the bees and collect the honey bees are real team players they tell each other where the best flowers grow do you know how they do it one of the bees does a dance and then the rest of the bees watch the dance and learn where they need to fly foreign thing Tom Thomas tired you out I told you there's nothing to be afraid of you see she's just so nice and kind I'm not afraid of her she wouldn't let me eat my jam that's all well now it's time for you to fly away whoa she's playing rough here I I will try uh no look you're too little you'll have to grow to do this job whoa whoa whoa calm down now now let's fly I think of the windows back there I can see that without you so how can I get you to turn around cool hooray she's listening to me don't miss the window [Music] so long honeybee [Music] do you have any more of that jam left yeah what for bring it here we'll get more bees to fly in how come what do you mean how come cause it's my turn for a b ride the motion sensor this part has to be replaced with one that's new I've got an idea how about we run to the warehouse and get it because you don't have time to go there and that way you can keep on working all right then only remember the code for the part A 83.75 I'll remember it for sure [Music] [Music] why is Lisa always there at the wrong time do we have to wait till she goes away what for we'll sneak out behind her did it did you find the part it's here are we ready yeah we're ready let's do it [Music] Professor you genius you're in here uh do you know why this door just opened and closed by itself of course I know Elisa it's because I converted it into an automatic one you see I installed a motion sensor above it a motion sensor is like an electronic eye that watches everything that moves in front of it did you ever wonder how doors open by themselves at places like stores or at the airport they open with the help of motion sensors if the sensor sees that someone walks up to the door it sends a signal to the door's electric motor the electric motor opens the door and then automatically closes it after the person walks through it foreign only a bit untidy the door is automatic now then why didn't it open for us on the way here because we're too little for that motion sensor but the parts bigger than we are big enough for the sensor to see it then how do we get in there we can fool that thing if we stay close by the wall well let's keep this as close to the wall as we can this door is a little too automatic these parts are here again didn't I put them away [Music] ah a sensor still noticed us here's what we gotta do let's break it why do we gotta break it all we have to do is deactivate the unit [Music] sensors are used to help people in all sorts of different situations for instance motion sensors notice when someone is moving so they can automatically open a door or turn on a light some automobiles are equipped with rain sensors if it starts raining or snowing the sensor automatically turns on the car's windshield wipers there are also sensors that react to how much light there is in the evening when it gets dark light sensors can be used to turn on Street lamps and in the morning when it gets light again the sensor switches them off a smoke detector can sense when there's smoke inside the sensor can be used to turn on a fire alarm or even an automatic fire extinguishing system foreign [Music] great job let's go [Music] Professor eugenius mission accomplished well done fixies uh actually not that well the part here is a 7583 -75 didn't you say you knew the code number I did know it but somehow forgot it uh digit I can't believe that you forgot it all right we'll just have to go out one more time thanks but no thanks I'll get it this time I forgot to warn the professor that we've turned off the sensor door will automatically open up [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] the laboratory [Music] you've got to get to the school right away what did he say that we've got to get to the school how come did you hear why I didn't did you [Music] I wonder if Simka didn't go to school today or if nolik got into some kind of mischief oh I'm worried this is something serious [Music] [Music] hi there hello Verda oh where's Grandpa's I'm not positive but go and look in the chemistry area over there over in chemistry uh Telus was nolik doing anything wrong today he's always fooling around right so we're not here for anything nolik did maybe something awful happened to him like what well how about anything this isn't just a school for fixies this is a laboratory [Music] the laboratory where Professor eugenius works is always humming in the mechanical Zone Professor eugenius tests all sorts of different devices to see how well they are made in the chemistry Zone he conducts experiments on the quality and safety of food in the electrical Zone he repairs electrical devices and checks their safety unfortunately the professor can be absent-minded and that can cause things in his laboratory to Bubble spark or even explode foreign there's nothing to worry about yet but how can I not worry digit you see no look anywhere do you know if anything's happened to him this is a laboratory here who knows what could happen to anyone like what what are you saying like that I told you things happen here and where let's go quickly [Music] last year no need to panic we really need your help what is going on [Music] there they're all there oh my children don't lose your head oh [Music] Asia is my wife and the mother of our children Simca and Noli Masia is a real Beauty a kind and gentle soul and a wonderful Homemaker she is also a very responsible and extremely skilled fixie she is our family's expert in kitchen appliances and gadgets Marcia works from morning till night fixing and cleaning anything that is in need of her expert care because she just loves when everything is clean and tidy but most important for Marcia are her children she takes loving care of Simka and nolik and tries to protect them from harm Marcia worries about them so much that sometimes Her Imagination gets carried away with what might have happened to them although our little knowledge can get himself into situations that even Mafia could never have dreamed of [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what's going on I don't need to be safe from anything so it's Simcoe we need to save not you I don't need saving either I'm fine and what are you so worried about everyone's alive then why did you make us come here I need you to help with a little accident we had Nolan was this your fault oh no it's not nolik's fault quite the opposite he was trying to help me fix it papers we need you to help us with one of the pieces that we couldn't get back in place this one [Applause] oh a perfect repair huh that was really the only reason we had to rush here why not there was just no way we could let this wait so I sent for you but fire said why fire why is it always fire how come you had to scare us so badly I'm not the one who scared you you did that all by yourselves [Music] the Eco tester are you ready to see my new invention I just can't wait to show you what it does what is it an Eco tester and what is it for this device lets you check vegetables or fruit so you'll know if they're safe to eat [Music] [Applause] that's Tomatoes or melons faster and bigger people add chemical fertilizers to the soil but there's a problem if too much of these chemical fertilizers is used when there's too much of them the harmful chemicals get inside the fruits and vegetables and that makes them very dangerous to eat an Eco tester is a special device that quickly shows how much of these harmful chemicals have gotten inside of the food and if the reading is too high that means you shouldn't eat it as you can see the Eco tester shows that this apple is good well let's see this one is safe too it's not interesting this way these apples are all safe now let me take this delicious apple and um make it bad we will inject this apple with a harmful amount of nitrates what do you mean how come so we can see how the ecotest room works [Music] aha so you see the ecotester clearly shows this apple is poisonous and can't be eaten is it only for apples or for any kind of fruit any fruit or vegetable I can get a watermelon to show you could it really be true that watermelons can have nitrates too of course they can have nitrates humans often Act without any concern for nature the waste from factories airplanes cars and cities causes tremendous damage to Nature species of plants and animals disappear air water and soil become polluted and many other kinds of ecological problems appear and humans shouldn't think that ecological problems are just Nature's problems because when humans harm nature they are also harming themselves people breathe in the dirty air drink polluted water and eat food grown in soil contaminated with chemicals if humans don't want to drink milk filled with poisons and they want to eat ecologically clean fruits and veggies then they must learn to treat nature as their friend hey what are we just these apples ourselves snolick help me out [Music] oh [Music] he rolled away I don't care that Apple's Poisoned With nitrate oh apples Elisa don't eat that look Lisa Elisa stop oh please sit down what you bit into it yes and what oh no it's poisoned what do you have trouble talking oh yeah you feel faint oh I'm fainting Lisa hang in there what there's no poison in that Apple she ate oh my assistant oh no I've poisoned her oh Lisa please should I do I know how to make him here hello it's an emergency it's a case of of poisoning not me I poisoned someone yes with an apple fire I mean poison oh Professor this Apple has no poison in it the bad one rolled away onto the floor did it really fantastic news can you see me Elisa I can't see anything how's that I see you I can see you I can see again I have great news there's no poison at all in this apple are you sure it's perfectly fine here take a look the ecotester shows that there are no harmful chemicals inside it's wonderful news this is one excellent apple and nutritious this Appliance of yours is simply wonderful and also say he's a genius Professor you are a genius thank you for saving my life oh it was nothing actually it was Nordic he saved her life I did dropping the watermelon was your idea wasn't it ah you're right I I saved her life the Eco tester are you ready to see my new invention I just can't wait to show you what it does what is it an Eco tester and what is it for this device lets you check vegetables or fruit so you'll know if they're safe to eat [Music] to grow apples Tomatoes or melons faster and bigger people add chemical fertilizers to the soil but there's a problem if too much of these chemical fertilizers is used when there's too much of them the harmful chemicals get inside the fruits and vegetables and that makes them very dangerous to eat and Eco tester is a special device that quickly shows how much of these harmful chemicals have gotten inside of the food and if the reading is too high that means you shouldn't eat it as you can see the Eco tester shows that this apple is good well let's see this one is safe too it's not interesting this way these apples are all safe let me take this delicious apple and um make it bad hey we will inject this apple with a harmful amount of care what do you mean how come so we can see how the ecotest room works ah [Music] so you see the ecotester clearly shows this apple is poisonous and can't be eaten is it only for apples or for any kind of fruit any fruit or vegetable I can get a watermelon to show you could it really be true that watermelons can have nitrites too of course they can have nitrates humans often Act without any concern for nature the waste from factories airplanes cars and cities causes tremendous damage to Nature species of plants and animals disappear air water and soil become polluted and many other kinds of ecological problems appear and humans shouldn't think that ecological problems are just Nature's problems because when humans harm nature they are also harming themselves people breathe in the dirty air drink polluted water and eat food grown in soil contaminated with chemicals if humans don't want to drink milk filled with poisons and they want to eat ecologically clean fruits and veggies then they must learn to treat nature as their friend hey what are we just these apples ourselves snolick help me out [Music] oh [Music] he rolled away I don't care that Apple's Poisoned With nitrate oh apples Elisa don't eat that look Lisa Elisa stop oh please sit down what you bit into it yes and what oh no it's poisoned what do you have trouble talking oh yeah you feel faint oh I'm fainting Lisa hang in there what there's no poison in that Apple she ate oh my assistant oh no I've poisoned her oh Lisa please should I do I know how to make him here hello it's an emergency it's a case of of poisoning not me I poisoned someone yes with an apple fire I mean poison oh Professor this Apple has no poison in it the bad one rolled away onto the floor did it really fantastic news can you see me Elisa I can't see anything how's that I see you I can see you I can see again I have great news there's no poison at all in this apple are you sure it's perfectly fine here take a look the ecotester shows that there are no harmful chemicals inside it's wonderful news this is one excellent apple and nutritious this Appliance of yours is simply wonderful and also say he's a genius Professor you are a genius thank you for saving my life oh it was nothing actually it was Nordic he saved her life I did dropping the watermelon was your idea wasn't it ah you're right I I saved her life the elevator [Music] we gotta hurry how come Tom Thomas is going to see the circus ah and what we want to go with them can we the answer is no just you kids without supervision who said no supervision his parents are taking him there be careful don't worry they won't even notice us hmm well if Tom Thomas's parents will be we can go wait a second I didn't even say yes yet yeah [Music] silkenolic where are you we gotta hurry up Tom Thomas it's time to go I'll be right there we're ready climb into my hood huh I know who's going to the circus today [Music] huh what just happened I think that the elevator broke down don't you worry emergency operator um we got stuck in the elevator understood please wait not the elevator fix within the hour that long that means we won't get to the circus on time we'll go get Papoose I'm sure they can fix it people need elevators to help them get to the upper floors of tall buildings when someone steps into an elevator and presses a button the elevator's electrical engine starts up it pulls the cable that is attached to the elevator cabin and the elevator goes to the desired floor the cable hangs over a wheel and it usually has a heavy counter balancing weight attached to the other end of it this counterweight balances the elevator and helps the electric motor do its job [Music] foreign I wonder what the reason is [Music] over there that got stuck it's like you found the reason we gotta go and fix it now we'll never get to the circus on time you know we can just have it right here ladies and gentlemen presenting the fixie spectacular and now your attention please on the high wire please [Music] whoa just don't come down then I'll close my eyes and I won't look anywhere at all and now we bring you our very own aerial gymnasts hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] please our next ACT Feats of Strength [Music] oh come out I know how to fix it with a death defying circus I point your eyes [Music] do you know the right way to behave yourself inside of an elevator first of all small children should never get into an elevator by themselves they should only go in with their parents or other adults they know well when getting on to an elevator the adult should always enter first and then the child when it's time to get out it's the other way around first the child leaves and then the adult if you are taking a dog onto an elevator make sure its tail and Leash are completely inside so they don't get stuck in the door and there's one more thing if the elevator suddenly stops for some unknown reason don't try to break out of it yourself it's the button that calls the emergency operator and wait for help from the elevator repairman or the fixies [Music] they fixed it that was quick now we'll make it on time there was no need to worry stop it's way too hot Tom Thomas went to the circus without it there's no need to get that upset No Lick circus is as good as theirs right Papoose of course it is thank you thank you uh to who what do you mean who the elevator repairman batteries [Music] one day you'll be a strong and Splendid tree she's talking with a flower pot scared me do you like it like what my ceiling don't you see if I grow into a huge tree and there amongst the green leaves will be beautiful yellow lemons class from that thing lemons oh yeah it'll grow into a tree all it needs for that is to gather energy get energy from where our sun the sun it'll be so slow oh batteries would be faster than the sun batteries I really don't think so Tula do you know how much energy they have let's just bury a bunch of those batteries in here and you'll be watching your lemon plant shoot up into a tree are you positive absolutely and where can we get the batteries over there Professor eugenius has a whole box full of them [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] pottery please [Music] that does it we'll be seeing the first lemons before the week's over [Music] the first battery in the world was made in Italy more than 200 years ago when two different kinds of metal were placed in salty water electricity started flowing through a wire from one piece of metal to the other many years have passed since then but batteries still work in pretty much the same way today you can find batteries being used for electricity just about everywhere tiny batteries are used inside of wrist watches while big batteries can power cars and even ships with new batteries being produced by the millions we have to think how should we get rid of the old ones you can't just throw away batteries because they'll poison our Soil and Water the best way to dispose of batteries is to take them to a special collection station that sends them to factories for recycling [Music] yes yes it's a terrible idea to bury batteries who can kill any plants that are growing there and this is the very reason why Professor eugenius puts all of his used batteries in that box over there so we can dispose of them properly hey where are they [Music] what where are the batteries how come so the lemons would from the batteries who came up with that idea it will die hurry we gotta go save it the soil's contaminated we've got to find a new home for the seedling over there there's a pot with healthy soil do it they come in different sizes shapes and colors too batteries could be yellow might be green or maybe red and blue [Music] batteries [Music] batteries don't cry slow the seedling will be perfectly fine it will grow big and strong with branches full of beautiful lemons and oranges and watermelons it's a lemon tree fire will you ever stop going too far like with the batteries well anyhow batteries are cool right look how many appliances can't work without them you're right appliances can't work [Music] look the seedlings coming back to life it really is Tula tell us isn't it splendid [Music] the key card well professor eugenius your kettle's back in Action kitties oh why thank you I've been longing for a cup of tea yes there's no tea left in here um eugenius you forgot the key [Music] the key don't close the door Simca you must be joking that's the key this is nothing but a plastic card but it is a cube a special kind it's called a key card to open up a combination lock you need to enter a code in the correct order that means if you can't remember the code you can't open the lock but if the lock uses a key card there isn't any code to memorize because the code is held inside the card's memory and the lock can read the code from the card of course key cards don't work with any law they have to be smart locks that are able to read electronic codes when the Smart Lock reads the correct code it opens right up [Music] Elisa do we have any tea here of course because you're a genius wonderful I'll take one bag then oh I left my key inside the lab can I borrow yours just don't forget to give it back of course I'll give it back come on Elisa I got myself a tea bag the water's boiling fantastic wait a second ah oh no I was supposed to give something back to Elisa why don't you go and ask her right I'll be right back all right professor eugenius card number two now [Music] Elisa I promised you something didn't I yes the key you said you'd return it yeah sure let me get it just a sec oh I locked it in the lab it's terrible how will you ever get back into the laboratory now you see there is one way but it's a secret would you mind leaving for a couple of minutes key I think I left it on the table Yeah right it's true so how do we solve this I need to think about it what's there to think about we just have to go and push it under the door you think you can do it yeah yeah it's time to get to work hey what's going on oh were you just calling for me yeah uh no Lisa not for you it's so heavy he's [Music] time to work hard to Port hard to starboard way to go know like then who are you talking to actually oh what's that what what was that come on let's try again look do you see that ah that it's a telekinesis it's the power to transport things with your mind you are just astounding was that done with your mind too the door yeah sure you are a genius Professor eugenius is a very talented scientist and a dear old friend of the Pixies he he always helps the fixies and the fixies are happy to help him too Professor eugenius let the fixie set up their school right here at his laboratory if hard to imagine a better place for a fixie school people from all over the city bring all sorts of things to the laboratory to be tested from computers phones and Furniture to food and toys Professor eugenius uses his expertise to check the quality of all these different things to help him carry out his experiment his laboratory is filled with a variety of tools and machines yes Professor eugenius is a very smart man but he can be absent-minded lucky for him he's got us Pixies around thanks for everything sliding the key card under the door that was simka's awesome idea but the door opened wide while the card was still on the floor that's strange there's nothing strange about it I'm the one who opened it how I climbed in the lock that's all figured out how it worked then titties very clever that's a real tadish I guess they're thinking before you go and fix something ought to be what we all study next [Music] the instructions [Music] it doesn't work try putting it in the other way did you read the instructions why would I instructions are for dummies yeah instructions are for dummies all right oh what's going on WOW my battery [Music] instructions teach us how to do things right instructions for a piece of furniture explain how to put it together with the instructions for a television we can adjust the picture and sound the way we like them print it on a box of oatmeal are the instructions for how to cook it the instructions for medicines tell us what the medicine is for and how to safely use it so always read the instructions if you want to do things right and avoid a lot of problems I found it here it is here you go Tom Thomas whoa we got your new chair but it has to be assembled and I'm afraid it'll be a little bit difficult for you no it won't don't worry Dad I'll do it finish before dinner and we'll get ice cream tonight A creamsicle two okay first assemble the chair Tom Thomas can I help you put the chair together come on hey first you two need to read the instructions for like I haven't seen a chair [Music] foreign [Music] Thomas you done dinner's ready let's go oh Dad no I need another two minutes hmm help me does it say I have to do in the instructions ah I thought you could do it without him all right I'll help you let's see take this part over here and that one over there no look get a screw one it's over there the very first stools and benches appear as far back as an ancient Egypt the Pharaoh stool was special because it had a back it is thought that the pharaoh's stool was actually the first chair for a long time a chair was considered a luxury Rich nobleman would bring their own chairs to parties and the more important the man the higher the back of his chair you isn't until the 19th century that chairs became part of every house today there are just so many different kinds of chairs there are wooden chairs plastic chairs metal chairs chairs with legs chairs with wheels folding chairs baby chairs just all sorts of chairs well well how could people sit down at the table with no chairs I think we'll make it screw it in quickly no look we need one more screw but but there is you gotta find it I already looked everywhere Tom Thomas time's up Nola you have to help just for a minute that's all turn into a screw if it's only a minute I'll do it for you [Music] I'm done you built it huh great job son see how I won the BET can you believe it he put the chair together you're so brilliant go on have a seat [Music] uh [Music] ah now I see you missed a screw but I screwed it in it must have must have what must have what look here it is now this screw's not going anywhere and that ice cream you won well you just lost it well then Mr chair builder time for dinner yeah in a sec where is that noise he ran away what a traitor no he's not he promised you he'd become a screw for just a minute and a minute was up well where is he then over there he's studying the instructions for the clock hey Tom Thomas it says that we put the wrong kind of battery into the clock we should have used that kind you see Tom Thomas if you don't want to be a dummy instructions are for you Shadow play oh hi there Tom Thomas what are you doing here uh I dropped a paper clip give me some light [Music] [Laughter] funny huh we're trying to help you out you've got funny Shadows that's what [Music] it's an eagle she looks more like a moose I do huh all right [Music] you're like real actors performing in a show uh-huh actors playing a theater you know and we're just under a bed and so what how about we make our very own theater a theater with shadows Tom Thomas we need a piece of paper a huge sheet it's really quite easy to make your own Shadow theater you can make the screen out of a white sheet or a big piece of paper next make sure the room is dark and shine a desk lamp at the screen now to make the Shadows just put yourself or a cardboard cutout between the lamp and the screen Your Shadow or The Shadow of Your puppets will come to life but make sure that the audience sits on the other side of the screen the play will be much more magical for them from that side [Music] Tom Thomas light oh wow Simca you look totally like the real Red Riding Hood hello dear granddaughter hello hello grandmother grandmother what very big eyes you've got the better to see you with my dear no like come on we're rehearsing the wolf's voice is funny grandmother I never noticed what very big teeth you've got they're so much better to eat you with my dear Yum Yum Yum yep let them out wolf or out or out get them out whoa myself haha you'll stop me with that little sticky that's not in the fairy tale but in the fairy tale it's a normal Hunter and what do you think I am look for yourself you're way too small to be the hunter fine then go to your play without me well I guess I'll have to make the hunter out of paper then that's all take a break I'm really thirsty she was so salty that Grandma No Lick don't be upset the wolf is huge and I'm so little then let's make it bigger you see now you're bigger yeah you're right and if we go back here then I'm even bigger now you know if you go back here near the lamp Your Shadow will get bigger on the screen Clash foreign there are just so many different kinds of theaters in the world in the dramatic theater the actors speak the lines of the playwright at the Opera the actors don't speak their lines they sing them accompanied by an orchestra and here at the ballet the performers don't speak or sing their parts here the story is told with dance there are also theaters where the performers are animals in an animal theater you can watch performances by cats and dogs or goats and pigeons or even bears and seals there are also theaters where the stories are told by puppets to tell the truth the puppets are brought to life with the help of people yes there are so many different kinds of theater my favorite is the Shadow theater I think it's the most beautiful and mysterious theater of them all dear grandmother grandmother what very big eyes you've got the better to see you is my dear and grandmother what great big shark you've got all the better to eat you up with my dear um oh just wait aha wolf I got you the hunter looks so strong you're a hunter then where's your gun why do I need a gun you're so tiny I could use a fly swatter but I'd rather do it like this like what with my bare hands way to go [Music] [Applause] who is your favorite mine was the grandmother well I think Red Riding Hood was the best for me the Hunter he was so mighty and so fearless and for me the special effects the motion sensor this part has to be replaced with one that's new got an idea how about we run to the warehouse and get it only remember the code for the part A 83.75 I'll remember it for sure [Music] foreign [Music] are we ready yeah we're ready let's do it let them die [Music] Professor you genius you're in here uh do you know why this door just opened and closed by itself of course I know Elisa it's because I converted it into an automatic one you see I installed a motion sensor above it [Music] a motion sensor is like an electronic eye that watches everything that moves in front of him did you ever wonder how doors open by themselves at places like stores or at the airport they opened with the help of motion sensors if the sensor sees that someone walks up to the door it sends a signal to the door's electric motor the electric motor opens the door and then automatically closes it after the person walks through it [Music] that man is just a standing only a bit untidy the door is automatic now then why didn't it open for us on the way here that was way too little for that motion sensor but the parts bigger than we are big enough for the sensor to see it then how do we get in there we can fool that thing if we stay close by the wall now let's keep this as close to the wall as we can store is a little oh automatic and these parts are here again didn't I put them away [Music] ah a sensor still noticed us here's what we gotta do let's break it why do we gotta break it all we have to do is deactivate the unit [Music] sensors are used to help people in all sorts of different situations for instance motion sensors notice when someone is moving so they can automatically open a door or turn on a light some automobiles are equipped with rain sensors if it starts raining or snowing the sensor automatically turns on the car's windshield wipers there are also sensors that react to how much light there is in the evening when it gets dark light sensors can be used to turn on Street lamps and in the morning when it gets light again the sensor switches them off a smoke detector can sense when there's smoke inside the sensor can be used to turn on a fire alarm or even an automatic fire extinguishing system foreign [Music] [Music] Professor eugenius mission accomplished well done fixies uh actually not that well the part here is a 7583 hours for a 83 75 didn't you say you knew the code number I did know it but somehow forgot it uh digit I can't believe that you forgot it all right we'll just have to go out one more time thanks but no thanks I'll get it this time I forgot to warn the professor that we've turned off the sensor door will automatically open up [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] the video call [Applause] turn on the camera right away it's me Simca [Music] just as I expected no look why aren't you in school school it started no but you'll be late if you don't hurry I'm on my way Simca is that really your fixie school um well actually it's the laboratory where Professor eugenius works at he lets us have our school here who's that simple look is that the professor oh come on Tom Thomas that's the manipulator who not who what it's a mechanical arm for real oh please show me some of the other things you've got but how can I show you come on with the camera computers and tablets are able to connect with one another through the internet that's why you can talk to another person on your computer like you're talking on the phone and if the computer has a video camera then it's possible to send not only sound through the internet but video as well that's why it's called a video call with video calls it's possible to talk to your friends to see them and to show them all the things you can see yourself all right take a look over here we have chemistry equipment and over here hey Tom Thomas it's good to see you wow you flew there so fast Noah get out of the way you're blocking the view of the lab I am not blushing The View stop it stop it you go away Tom Thomas what are you watching uh turn into screws too late he already spotted us it's just a cartoon about these funny little guys can I watch with you nah it's boring dad and I've already seen it next that blue guy he starts jumping watch now what I say Run start jumping make it cartoony now that red-headed character will sing watch then she starts dancing [Music] these guys really are funny and hear the super fast moves [Applause] that was funny I gotta get going that's all you can rest my dad went out [Music] I'll get you Tom Thomas what are you doing over there huh watching a movie but why on my computer sorry Professor yeah will you forgive us so how is it any good uh-huh super funny one really yeah you see that boy there he's gonna start waving his arms around like a maniac he also crows like a chicken [Music] cock-a-doodle-doo and now the boy's gonna go in and chew paper [Music] I can't do this all at once hmm [Music] a movie that's what we're watching here right well I've always been interested in seeing what's going on outside of where they are and with the invention of video transmission it's now possible to see what's going on almost anywhere now without leaving your home you can see what's happening on another Street or even in some Far corner of the world with the help of video calls doctors can help their colleagues perform complicated surgeries teachers can give lessons by video and scientists can take part in video conferences with video you can watch a live theater performance in another country and even in outer space an astronaut can feel right at home just chatting away with friends and family and it's not just for astronauts either now almost every tablet and phone here on Earth has video in it introducing Tom Thomas nice to meet you there son I'm Professor eugenius so I guess you're also a friend of the fixies yeah only it's a secret my friend that's a secret the two of us share and you know keeping secrets is what friends do chess hmm how about that then I'll play my pawn and I'll play my pop grandpas we need our spool and it's missing oh congratulations Professor have you seen it anywhere the spool I haven't seen it we're playing chess can't you see do you like board games like dominoes for instance just about everybody has played it but do you know where it came from Domino's was invented by the ancient Chinese they made tiles and decorated them with dots like on a pair of dice and this is a game that looks a lot like Checkers but it's a lot more challenging it's called backgammon backgammon originated in Persia and from there it's spread all over the world but the most challenging game of them all is the game of chess was invented in India and today the game of chess is loved in every country it's played by adults by children and even by computers chess is a real sport but the most important thing for playing chess is not the power in your arms but the power in your brain hey look I found it yeah hey what's going on that's our spool please let us take it back there's something we have to do with it but we're using it can't you wait it's a replacement for the missing Pawn uh oh no that can work for a while as the Pawn's replacement yeah I can do it all right you can take it and you stand right over here one two three up we go class so how do we play you're going to play for the whites and now I'm going to capture your knight [Music] slow down it goes back here [Music] no I can get back to your Square what for pawns don't move like that and how do they move only one square per move and only forward of all of the pieces the little Pawn is the weakest what a mess so which one's strongest huh this it's the queen she's the most dangerous threat to the other king ah how come I couldn't be Queen then that black king would have to deal with me oh yes in chess each player has a black or white army with eight pawns two knights two Bishops two castles and a queen all of them work together for their King trying to protect him while attacking the enemy's King if the king finds himself in a position where he can be captured the attacking player says check and if the king finds himself with nowhere to run from the attack it's called Checkmate whoever checkmates the other players King first is the winner [Music] hmm I'll move my queen yeah and me my queen huh then I'll just capture your queen really then I'll just capture yours should I go now not yet so do you feel like surrendering huh you're kidding do you know it Forward hooray we'll step aside forward so go and capture the night he got away all right pawn and once more go forward grip Krampus where do I go now don't you see the edge don't go anywhere now you're the queen what the rules of Chess say that if a pawn makes it all the way to the other side he can become anything that was captured earlier hooray then I'll be the queen and I'll be the strongest piece in the whole game hey Queen get back here in case you don't know this isn't over yet we capture the pawn with the queen queen this is your new place trick trick Shack yeah now come to here mate my colleague of course it is it is mate yeah I lost hooray that means Nola can leave with us I'm not going anywhere with you which is the greatest game you'll ever play in your life all you should have seen are put Professor eugenius into Checkmate really well Grandpa's helped me a little actually it was Grandpa's telling me where to move [Music] draftsman huh what hi there Tom Thomas what are you drawing I'm not drawing this is called drafting what's the difference tell me is that a circle sure is [Music] and that it's a circle too only it's a rounder one of course that's because I drafted it with a compass and now I've got a real Target so now I'll load my dart gun [Music] oh it was the gun I didn't even pull the trigger [Music] what did it break hmm let's open it up and see there this little part broke let me go find Papoose he can help you he can make another one a brand new one wait I can draft a technical drawing will Papoose understand how to read one of those are you kidding Papoose is an expert at everything [Music] done wow Tom Thomas you're a real technical drawer a draftsmanolik that's what they call it [Music] try drawing a perfect circle by hand can't do it huh well with the help of a drafting Compass your circle will turn out great just put the needle point in the center and turn the compass and it's done a compass is only one of the many different tools for drafting for example if you need to draw a straight line use a ruler and if you need to draft a frame for your picture you can use a triangle first draft one side and then the other and then to finish your frame just turn the triangle upside down and draft the two remaining sides you'll get a perfectly squared frame there are also drafting instruments for making curved lines they are called irregular curves or French curves but actually now people use computers more and more for drafting technical drawings [Music] what what happened we really need your help one of the parts broken Tom Thomas's dart gun could you make it what kind of part exactly look here's a technical drawing so you even got a technical drawing very good then let's take a look at it [Music] here you go super let's see hmm it's not gonna work you see it sticks out here on the side I need to draft another technical drawing [Music] no like you scared me again forgive me but the part is to stick out over on this side and you're sure that's all that's all for real [Music] Tom Thomas it's done listen while you were gone I realized that the part needs to have a hole right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] again uh sorry about this but there's a hole in this thing too a technical drawing is a special kind of drawing it has to precisely describe the thing that needs to be made to do that the drawing must be very accurately drafted and include all of the measurements and that's not all if the object is complex it must be drafted from at least three sides including the front the side and the top you see the object looks different from every side so if you don't want to work over and over again learn to draft correctly [Music] [Applause] [Music] and boom it works Bullseye and all thanks to our technical drawings yeah after three tries right some draftsman you are now I can draft all sorts of technical drawings even one of you if you'd like ah no don't bother hey do me a favor and turn hey what are you doing there just stop foreign that's the top view you know what Simca that's what you really look like from up here know it take this over to Papas he can use it to make another Simca no thanks Tom Thomas for me one sip is enough [Music] the suction cup [Music] where's Professor eugenius did you see him not yet strange he told me he'd be here today to conduct some tests rampus right here under the glass there's a note hmm dear French that means the notes for us that's because Professor eugenius can always count on us I'm off for a conference today so what should we do while I'm away please keep an eye on each of my tests there's the wristwatch and where is it it's right there [Music] look how come the watch is in the water so the fish can know what time it is no like don't be silly this is the test he made for the watch you see it says water resistant right there on the back that means that water shouldn't get inside of it I see so the professor needs to check if it will work underwater understand I yep I got it the watch is working so now the doorbell test we'll go look it's over there [Music] what's that thing doing it tests the button to see how fast it wears out to check the quality of appliances toys Sporting Goods or just about anything they need to undergo serious testing take for instance telephones they need to be tested with both heat and cold because they have to work in places as hot as Africa and as cold as the Arctic computers are tested to make sure they can be shaken and rot too that way you can be sure they'll work on a desk at home or outside in the Parks or while you're taking a ride different kinds of products need different kinds of durability tests for example athletic shoes and car tires are robbed and squeezed over and over to see how long they are going to last yes testing's very important without testing a machine or Appliance could let you down at the very worst moment [Music] to visit once a week and once every month a hooligan comes pushes the doorbell and runs then I figure this doorbell lasts right around 400 years that's long [Music] the doorbell is still working that's very good and also uh what I don't know we need to turn the note over to read the end but how oh raise the glass that's all [Music] I can't get a hold of it we should find a suction cup a suction cup suction cups are made out of rubber or other elastic materials when a suction cup is pressed against a smooth surface the air inside is squeezed out the air outside wants to get back in and so it pushes down on the cup the rubber edge of the cup won't let the air leak in so the outside air keeps pressing down and the cop keeps on sticking and that's how a suction cup sticks to a Surface by using the power of air [Music] foreign wait a minute I know where there's a really big suction cup that we can use [Music] that's a huge suction cup knowledge well done only we need to hurry before air gets under the suction cup and it unsticks my suction cup will never unstick well let's see what it says here okay you'd better hurry and make sure nothing gets broken here in the laboratory while I'm away [Music] yeah so much for that and who's going to clean up all this broken glass you don't know no lick he told us to use that suction cup Simca she was reading way too slow listen there's no need to fight I came up with the idea of the suction cup I should clean this come on now Krampus we'll clean up this mess Professor I still think the suction cup was a great idea knots no look there are pirates off the starboard side battery fire hey I'm not a pirate why'd you hit me that's it I'm tired of playing the wind where are my Pirates this looks great can I board your ship and what are your skills guns like protecting the ship and yelling hooray when we win and how about good C knots can you tie them of course I can tie them entire [Music] bite [Music] it's good and tight now can you survive a storm without a doubt [Music] oh wow yeah it sunk into the sea that was my that was my Mom's necklace we sunk I'll pick it all up don't worry no thank you we'll manage ourselves he calls himself a sailor go and go and learn to tie some knots [Applause] tying two ropes into a knot you think it's easy a badly tied knot will untie itself before you know it here's one way to tie it right first cross over the two ends like this now to finish the knot you've got to cross them over again but not this way it's gotta be in the opposite direction when it's done it looks like one Loop inside another this kind of knot is called a square knot and it won't untie as long as you tie it right and that's just one of the many kinds of knots a sailor has to learn [Music] foreign [Music] I knew I could tie it now what else is there to practice on around here pleasure that's another one that's night but we're supposed to I know it because I counted our treasure so what happened to the last one well done there so what else could I touch perfect I even remember what it looks like it's a different color it's a bright red one oh mom's gonna notice right away that the red one's gone I gotta go find it yeah I think it's on the floor who tied my laces together I was just practicing sorry and what else did you tie up to practice your knots um not sure you want to know you're funny let's go untie them foreign [Music] [Music] don't look at me that way I'm scared she's just staring at her old whiskers nolik and what have you done to her whiskers well excited with the square knot fire you're just a blockhead and why don't you tell us what else you've done well okay I tied a decoration on her tail that's where it is we were looking everywhere for that thing fire that one takes everything you've done don't run away don't foreign ERS have developed all sorts of different nuts without them they couldn't control their sales but we couldn't get by without knots on land either mountain climbers use tightly knotted ropes to help them climb and keep them safe fishermen tie hooks to their fishing line using special knots you can't even pitch a camping tent properly without making a knot when people sew they tie knots in the thread to hold it in place and doctors use knots when they Stitch and bandage a wound and a tie wouldn't be a tie if you didn't tie a knot in it sneakers won't fall off your feet and the laces won't drag on the ground if they're tied with a proper knot but sometimes things can get knotted up by accident and that's one time when you don't need to know how to tie knots but how to untie them all aboard [Music] like that now the only thing left to do is tie a knot should I tie it are you sure it won't untie you're joking why don't you go ask you Saka if I can tie a knot like a sailor the key card well professor eugenius your kettle's back in Action titties oh I thank you I've been longing for a cup of tea yes there's no tea left in here then I'll go ask Lisa if she has some ah look [Music] hey don't close the door Simca you must be joking that's the key this is nothing but a plastic card but it is a cube a special kind it's called a key card to open up a combination lock you need to enter a code in the correct order that means if you can't remember the code you can't open the lock but if the lock uses a key card there isn't any code to memorize because the code is held inside the card's memory and the lock can read the code from the card of course key cards don't work with any law they have to be smart locks that are able to read electronic codes when the Smart Lock reads the correct code it opens right up [Music] Lisa do we have any tea here of course Professor genius wonderful I'll take one bag then oh I left my key inside the lab can I borrow yours just don't forget to give it back of course I'll give it back come on Elisa I got myself a tea bag the water's boiling fantastic wait a second ah oh no I was supposed to give something back to Elisa why don't you go and ask her right I'll be right back professor eugenius that's card number two now [Music] Elisa I promised you something didn't I yes the key you said you'd return it yeah sure let me get it just a sec oh I locked it in the lab it's terrible how will you ever get back into the laboratory now you see there is one way but it's a secret would you mind leaving for a couple of minutes colleague Professor can you do me a little favor the key I think I left it on the table Yeah right it's true so how do we solve this I need to think about it what's there to think about we just have to go and push it under the door you think you can do it yeah time to get to work hey what's going on oh were you just calling for me yeah uh no Lisa not for you it's so heavy do you know where digit ran off too we're thinking he's always time to work hard to Port hard to starboard way to go north then who are you talking to actually oh what's that what ah what was that come on let's try again look do you see that ah that it's a telekinesis it's the power to transport things with your mind you are just astounding was that done with your mind too the door yeah sure you are a genius Professor eugenius is a very talented scientist and a dear old friend of the Pixies he always helps the fixies and the fixies are happy to help him too Professor eugenius let the fixie set up their school right here at his laboratory it's hard to imagine a better place for a fixie school people from all over the city bring all sorts of things to the laboratory to be tested from computers phones and Furniture to food and toys Professor eugenius uses his expertise to check the quality of all these different things to help him carry out his experiment his laboratory is filled with a variety of tools and machines yes Professor eugenius is a very smart man but he can be absent-minded lucky for him he's got us Pixies around thanks for everything fighting the key card under the door that was simka's awesome idea but the door opened wide while the card was still on the floor that's strange there's nothing strange about it either one who opened it how I climbed in the lock that's all figured out how it worked dead titties very clever that's a real tadish I guess that thinking before you go and fix something ought to be what we all study next [Music] the airbag [Music] oh wow hey slow down there I'm a super duper racer well well fire again risking your life and super Racers like me can always count on luck you know fire counting on Good Luck is stupid it would be better if you would keep your mind on safety actually today Professor eugenius has something really special to show us he's going to be testing an airbag uh what's that ditch it explain it [Music] everybody riding in a car has to wear their seatbelt because if the car has to stop quickly the belt will hold the person back but there are times when even seat belts don't give enough protection like when a fast moving car crashes into something when that happens the driver and passengers can be protected by an airbag you can't see them when they're folded up because they're hidden but if the car is in a crash the airbags blow up very quickly and the person bumps into the bag instead of bagging it to the steering wheel or flying through the windshield foreign [Music] here I come and once again when something dangerous must be tested Professor eugenius tested on himself but grampus aren't you scared that it won't blow up with air don't worry about the air three and [Music] the airbag filled up in an instant did you notice yeah but how does it do it there was a chemical inside of there that quickly Burns and instantly turns into a gas the moment the crash takes place the gas fills the airbag and there you go did I explain that right professor [Music] he's gotta get him out stop we'd better call for help [Music] Professor do you need some help sorry to take you from your work you are free to go Professor how did you manage to press the button from way over there uh I managed to hit it on the Fly you are just astounding small children safe while they're riding in a car they must be buckled up with a seat belt inside of a special booster chair but kids also need to be careful when they're riding a bicycle skateboarding roller skating riding a scooter first of all it's best to keep off of roads where there's too much traffic second put your protective gear on for your arms and legs wear elbow pads gloves and knee pads for your head wear a helmet that way if you fall down you won't get badly hurt and third make sure that people can see you if you're out riding in the evening your closing bike must have safety reflectors on them they let drivers see where you are by reflecting the light from their headlights back at them remember better safe than sorry here we go well I hope this time I've got it should we call his assistant right now just in case let's just wait and see Ready Set Go Grand boost he needs to be rescued no need I made a change to it now the back not only inflates automatically it deflates itself as well as you fix he say today's lesson is done hooray where's my fixie board I've got I've got your fixie board fire here you go I just went and equipped it with an airbag really how come you know I'm a super racer see oh and that's why I installed it super Racers don't need airbags we never never ever oh wow is that airbed cool or what it's a very original design to use there that design is my own and fire ran the test Professor will you make an airbag for each one of us you all will get them real soon but even so I shouldn't care made acid is rare Laboratory [Music] you've got to get to the school right away what did he say that we've got to get to the school how come did you hear why I didn't did you [Music] I wonder if Simka didn't go to school today or if Noli got into some kind of mischief oh I'm worried this is something serious and that's five six hairstyle seven eight [Music] hi there hello Verda oh where's Grandpa's I'm not positive but go and look in the chemistry area over there over in chemistry uh Telus was nolik doing anything wrong today he's always fooling around right so we're not here for anything nolik did maybe something awful happened to him like what well how about anything this isn't just a school for fixies this is a laboratory [Music] the laboratory where Professor eugenius works is always humming in the mechanical Zone Professor eugenius tests all sorts of different devices to see how well they are made in the chemistry Zone he conducts experiments on the quality and safety of food in the electrical Zone he repairs electrical devices and checks their safety unfortunately the professor can be absent-minded and that can cause things in his laboratory to Bubble spark or even explode foreign [Music] there's nothing to worry about yet but how can I not worry digit do you see no look anywhere do you know if anything's happened to him this is a laboratory here who knows what could happen to anyone like what what are you saying like that I told you things happen here quickly [Music] last year no need to panic oh it's so good you're here we really need your help what is going on [Music] there they're all there oh my children don't lose your head oh [Music] Asia is my wife and the mother of our children Simca and Noli Masia is a real Beauty a kind and gentle soul and a wonderful Homemaker she is also a very responsible and extremely skilled fixie she is our family's expert in kitchen appliances and gadgets Marcia works from morning till night fixing and cleaning anything that is in need of her expert care because she just loves when everything is clean and tidy but most important for Marcia are her children she takes loving care of Simka and nolik and tries to protect them from harm Marcia worries about them so much that sometimes Her Imagination gets carried away with what might have happened to them although our little knowledge can get himself into situations that even Mafia could never have dreamed of [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what's going on I don't need to be safe from anything so it's Simcoe we need to save not you I don't need saving either I'm fine and what are you so worried about everyone's alive then why did you make us come here I need you to help with the little accident we had Nolan was this your fault oh no it's not nolik's fault quite the opposite he was trying to help me fix it papers we need you to help us with one of the pieces that we couldn't get back in place this one [Applause] oh a perfect repair huh that was really the only reason we had to rush here why not there was just no way we could let this wait so I sent for you but fire said why fire why is it always fire how come you had to scare us so badly I'm not the one who scared you you did that all by yourselves [Music] the antenna wow is this cooler what ah hello there little fixies did you come to see what I'm working on Professor eugenius tell us what you're planning on doing with this huge thing well I hope to use this fantastic device to make contact with aliens since ancient times people have wondered is their life on other planets what made aliens from outer space look like and what kind of spaceships do they travel in there are some people who say that they've seen alien spaceships and that they look like flying saucers there are even some people who say they've actually made contact with aliens but personally I'm sure it's just their fantasy and science hasn't been able to prove any of these stories either the one story that makes me laugh harder than all of the rest comes from a guy who claims that he saw aliens with his own eyes can you believe it said that there was a group of tiny aliens that looked like humans with glowing hair it seems to me that this guy just happened to spot a few fixies who weren't able to hide from him in time [Music] it's ready the aliens are out there flying by the earth oh see this plate get hungry and come for food aliens don't need a plate like this silly when they've got plates that fly flying saucers you're both silly this thing isn't a plate at all it's an antenna antenna antennas help people receive radio signals they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes like this this or this to pick up a signal that's very weak powerful antennas that are shaped like large dishes work the best of all when radio waves hit the dish the waves all bounce off of it and gather together into one point this makes the signal stronger and clearer the most powerful dish antennas can even pick up signals from outer space no look stop you'll burn yourself don't treat me like a baby boy okay ah interesting just what's inside of there do you know why don't we go and take a look who's only trying to help him out no need Nola the soldering iron is way too hot and I'm practically all done here let's start looking for those aliens in outer space just one second nolik oh and now oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we go Simka let's see if we can pick up signals from outer space what do you think is it night right now where the aliens live what if they're sleeping bothering the professor with your nonsense let us help right now catch okay please let us out I'm afraid there's no way they can hear us from this far away I can't hear any signals it just sounds like static be patient you guys and keep listening we all know how clever you are can't think of a way out of here I think I got it too uh you stay there I'll use a special code I know to send a signal that we're in trouble wait a second do you hear that could it be a signal from the Ali array this is Sensational it means that somewhere in the cosmos or intelligent forms of life three dots three dashes three dots who's Morse code it's a signal for help that they're sending you don't think the aliens are in trouble do you yeah I think so and who do you think they learned Morris code from out there yeah that's strange there are hardly any fixies that know that code digit does ah and where is he you know and where's Tula well well I think I know exactly with which aliens we made contact I think I know it too Professor lower the antenna [Music] greetings to you oh extraterrestrial visitors hi there it's good to be back oh uh what a shame I was really hoping that we'd find intelligent life forms out there it's all right and two unintelligent ones
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 3,756,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 45sec (12465 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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