Free Family Movie: FIXIES vs CRABOTS

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[Music] all right cut it what's back there it's a surprise cut it my colleague cut it [Music] [Music] how did you even find all of this we've been collecting your awards from all over the laboratory for days now anyone will plainly see that Professor eugenius is a Real Genius it's a tad and modest isn't it but it's true all of it look how many different things you've invented and how many prizes you've gotten just take your spender boots alone or this trash can that's a phone with Wi-Fi and your skis for dogs are great oh hell to you Professor youus ho why thanks my little friends you're too kind you can't go in there you're not allowed where are you going stop this is a private laboratory stop right now sorry professor she wouldn't stop I don't know who she is [Applause] eure really my name is Erica let's dispense with the student nicknames oh quite a cute Museum you've got where's the Monument of yourself still working on that you put our picture here H you've got a lot of nerve what are you doing uh Elisa you can go please I challenge you as a matter of honor to a duel a duel what for for the trick you played when you stole that Victory from me you remember don't lie now I know how you won the contest with your magic box I'm confused what did I do you brought in some helpers fixies what who Pips stop playing innocent I know everything look here's the dossier huh a dosi what fixies tiny human-like creatures that live in machines and appliances all over the world their principal activity technical repair they carry out their work with packam mats from which they can summon any tool they hide from humans to escape danger they turn into SCS I don't understand why you're showing me this then just keep watching I'm sure it will all be crystal clear your laboratory is home to the fixie school this old man is the teacher his name is groose did she say old I'm only 150 and these are his students fire Tula Verda digit Sima and her little brother Nock what does she mean little I'm turning seven this year is that enough ha and here they are fixies quit kidding it's a bunch of uh ordinary screws that's all you a Shameless swindler and a fraud you lied to everybody to the whole world don't you yell at me what right does that woman have to yell at him like that maybe she's a scientist too and they're engaged in an academic quarrel they stopped yelling they're formulating code ah you want to get back at me cuz you lost some contest this is not Vengeance I've arrived to reinstate Justice how do you propose we carry out this tool there's only one way you and I will have that contest again oneon-one one with the same boxes only with new components comp and you're allowed to use your little fixies this time cuz I'll be using Little Helpers of my own there will be eight helpers for each of us you've got eight days to prepare for the duel is that all and this is how it will work in the event that you lose you'll have to confess your fraudulent past and expose the fixie secret life and what if if I refuse to duel then I can just put my finger here this dossier will go online and the whole entire world will learn the secret of fixies from me oh my back Professor eugenus so you will I beg you let's talk about this like scientist scientist we can talk at the duel uh [Music] Professor eugenius is everything all right in here huh oh I've really let you down so what do we do now first not a word of this to anyone otherwise our school here in the laboratory will be closed you're kidding if people learn that you fixies exist they'll just try to capture you and it's just a disaster colleague it's time to get a hold of yourself if we have to we'll duel we have a good chance here come on just open your eyes look at this team we're a class we're a team we're a but there are only six of us and Erica was saying that the number of help helpers should be eight so what we'll invite some friends well I've got just the right friend for this jeel mega mega and I haven't met yet but we chat all the time isn't he dreamy you're not the only one here who's got an internet friend he's got a cool name alt what a cutie his dreads aren't bad the rest looks like whatever to me what you heard what I said my ALT is tons cooler than your Mega Stop invite them both so colleague the time to work on that old box has come believe me we're going to turn that ancient junk into the world's greatest 3D [Music] printer if you need to need to fix a thing that's broken this will fix it guaranteed all you need is all you need a pack a mat a pack a mat is all you need pack M just like you need [Music] a pack of mat will a pack ofat will always help you it's the key to your success if you had to if you had to work without it fixing things would be a [Music] mess just you [Music] need just P try again did it Erica was talking about her little helpers do you have any idea who they are maybe spiders or insects sure they're enough butterflies and what if Erica's helpers or other fixies hey fixies aren't traitors but what if Erica has captured them she's probably torturing them every day poor fixies Professor eugenius what have you been working on back here this whole week Lisa please leave I don't need your help Elisa didn't see you did she nah we're really quick Professor eugenius is it true you've known Erica for like forever and what's this story she was talking about with 3D printers it's true I've known Erica forever we met back in University we studied together worked on projects did experiments we were inseparable yeah until that ill- fated young scientist competition where we each presented our own 3D printers the task was quite simple to make a bottle the bottle that Erica's printer created was really superb but my printer not only created a mod of the same quality but it added something in addition obviously I won the grand prize and Erica was offended for some reason Professor eugenius can I ask you a question uh what a question why sure did you um get help from fixies or not you know introducing the most important part of the pringer it's brain Splendid what's it do exactly it's a conductor's Podium and it will be my workstation for the duel once we get it installed our magic freaker will be ready for action huh something here doesn't seem right if you join the duel as part of our team then all of us plus alt and mega adds up to a total of nine but the rules say each of our teams only gets eight I see you're right one of us kids is extra it looks like we might have to uninvite one of the boys you mean uninvite all don't you he meant we should uninvite mega mega no way we would be better off without your brother noik there noik is the smallest and weakest of us all Who you calling weak I'm not and I'll prove it you call this weak [Music] it looks like Vera might be right noik you're still a bit young Lisa good morning can I help you I don't get it what what's going on it's my place it's my laboratory Elisa what's all the noise nothing to worry about it's just a visitor unauthorized huh unauthorized visitor [Music] me Eureka what are you doing in my laboratory as of now it is my laboratory you lost it in the duel my colleague you're here too but why are you in [Music] Chains No no no the whole world knows our secret now because of you humans have captured all of the on the planet and people are forcing us to make them weapons now they're even selling Us in stores because of you you a bad man Professor you genius trainer trainer trer Professor you genius no I'm not a traitor Professor you genius come on why don't you eat a little food no got no time I've got a lot of work you have Haven had anything to eat or drink at all for a week because of you know what because of what it's all because of that work of [Music] yours you have no right to kick me off the team that's what I should have told him back there but I didn't say it you know what I did I just started crying I really wanted to be in that duel uh what duel between Erica and Professor eug genius Tom Thomas I'm not supposed to tell anyone about it not even me and Kata not no one come on we're friends aren't we it doesn't matter it's a secret is eug genius really going to be shooting it out in a duel H how do you use 3D printers to shoot it out what are you talking about you don't know what 3D printers are you draw something on the computer and then 3D printer will just make it oops I spilled the beans again they were right to kick me off the team what team are you talking about now totally confusing myself come on Nock tell us what's going on and then we can figure out the best way to help you [Music] hey watch your hands woohoo Vera is that your mega no way that's my ALT woohoo oh yeah hi everybody and hello Sima for me alt it's beautiful thanks I engineered this flower myself I took this online genetics course just for the fun of it like who cares about some flower that boy is so interesting right Vera just wait till you see Mega he's going to be here real soon the wait is over I'm right here hey who are you little girl I'm Mega what do you mean Mega this is Mega that's my brother just my profile picture it gives me street cred I'm in there too right there are you messing with me or something you're the one that wrote in the chat that your looks aren't what matter and what truly matters is your heart and soul right well I just wrote that for my street cred funny huh like some circus well you can go and perform in your circus without me I'm out of [Music] here over here our friends made it please me alt and mega hey what's with you uhuh so we got a couple of new screws on our team huh and adorable at that H I thought you told me both of them were boys what's the difference us girls are better good day what's going on do you really interact with people the truth is Professor eugenius is the only person on the whole planet who knows that fixies exist he's our friend too so he'll never let our secret out but that ER she's no friend she wants to go and tell our secret to the entire world this Erica is she a human oh yeah she's human of course and she's the only person on the planet who knows that fixies exist Gro Professor eug genius look Tom Thomas and Ki are calling they want to talk to you hello Professor eugenius another two only people on the planet what kind of crazy place is this maybe we should get out of here no is the best fixie the whole team and you kicked him out don't you understand it's completely unfair okay he's smaller but a he's accurate B brainy C considerate d daring e energetic F funny G uh uh just the best that's all in other words he's Irreplaceable I just can't wait to see him already look ATA a new fix see oh my she's a cutie so where is [Music] he here I am hey look no like blushed he's back on um the adults make the decisions here but they're to quit our team just now and so we need a replacement yeah yeah huh well um [Music] mhm all right noik come on back [Music] here I say we stay here you too all right let the final dress rehearsal be [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] look at that our box can make food even yes we've got a well synchronized Ensemble with a great Maestro yeah we're going to win Elisa would you like to try some of this dessert I just made it myself in the laboratory for me you made it I'm ined by your [Music] offer I have to say it's quite tasty very good indeed thanks Elisa it was important for me to get a woman's opinion why a woman's exactly well uh I have a meeting coming up later hello uh yes eure ready to go yeah uh-huh on the ship Archimedes next to the bridge got it I'll leave right away she hung up the phone uh so you were saying did I find your dessert simply inedible I don't think it's bad at all women are impossible to understand excellent work everybody I've got a very peculiar feeling those are just pregame Jitters believe me I know it's not about that haven't you got the feeling that someone is spying on us everyone's here all right then it's time finally places team everybody buckle up a a eugenius I'm going with you I am your assistant and therefore yes and therefore I need you to do some assistant come I'll show you how droll the jealousy of one woman has made him late for a duel with [Music] another Elisa I need you in the lab to conduct an important experiment is this water don't shake it that Beaker contains a Vulcanizing liquid and this here is a top secret ingredient please I'm counting on you here you must add three tablets every 7 Minutes every 7 minutes otherwise it's a catastrophe this is just what I needed right now hello Professor eugenius we're going with you with me where to the duel what are you talking about uh there is no no way in the world Professor eug genius I need more of these tablets children what brings you here today uh I'm the one that invited them here to help you out well uh all right you students of science follow me and you Elisa follow us no why did you have to go and tell them that the duel was today you can't keep a secret to save your life hey why are you ganging up on him Tom Thomas and katti are no's friends huh [Music] just like I thought they're spying ons everyone stay in your place just wait till I get [Music] you hey you stop stop I told you I said get [Music] [Applause] [Music] St up there inside a yellow box are the tablets a lot of them I'll get them the box is behind a big green green one which is behind a small blue one behind a small red one huh I think the professor just drove off in his car he drove away he couldn't have gone oh my goodness gracious I murdered the child are you feeling woozy at all are you nauseous bruise my knee it hurts a little bit stay right where you are leave me alone nothing hurts at all anymore just sit still I'm going to launch the program for emergency medical assistance it's Professor eug genius's latest [Music] project [Music] ouch all right the injured boy needs to gather his strength oh we've got dessert it's so delicious [Music] what why are you wrapping my arm it was just my knee that I [Music] hurt you feed the injured boy I've got to go and add another tablet right away injured boy hey open your mouth close your mouth Gro [Music] oh uh what what do you mean he's not here huh tell me you're joking we thought he was with you professor and I was positive he wasn't there this is just horrible without grpo we are done for and I mean literally done for maybe we should go back and try to find them too late they're here to meet us right now [Music] when you Downes and that is why I have the blues when you Downes and that is why I have the blues because without my glasses on me I can't see where I lift my shoes I can't sing No I can't har see har I I can't see my hands in front of me of of I got to find my shoes to get out that door so I'll just have to craw around on the floor and when I find my socks and shoes I'm going to walk right out the door oh when I find my socks and shoes I'm going to walk right out the I'm going to find some new glasses and I won't have these Blues no [Music] more what is your name you genius what is your name genius genius thank you I'm really honored your name genius I told you already I'm your Genius Professor access to the restricted area granted I went and bought some brand new glasses but I still haven't lost these bles I went and bought some brand new glasses but after lost these Bo cuz when I got home my discovered that you ate all my chocolate shoes now why you go through [Music] that Eureka a fool even in glasses won't get any smarter an aphorism do you recognize the book yeah that book was our psychic consultant what do you think of my underwater Laboratory impressive yes totally I designed it as a smart ship the whole system operates under the control of a Central Computer welcome to the smartship Archimedes by the way does the ship look familiar to you yes no why should it all right how about this is this familiar [Music] what oh so that's where the professor is oh it appears your team has suffered a little loss haven't they for this whole time you've never stopped spying on us not I my little helper was doing it ah so where are these little helpers already who are they let me see you'll have your chance a bit later let's go [Music] I have to find a way to get on board of that ship I have to find a way to get on board of that ship do you know Felisa has a car she doesn't have a car she's got how about this idea Erica and Professor eugenius are making Alisa jealous all right and so don't you get it that could really help let me try talking to her I don't know what else we can do Elisa I need to tell you the truth the reason I came here was to protect Professor eugenius from my cruel Aunt Erica really Erica is your Aunt yeah but very distant anyhow it's obvious she has a lot of feelings for the professor a lot of feelings you say oh yeah like she had for her first seven husbands and all of them were professors and number eight might become Professor eug genius not if I can help it he [Music] won't so what do we do now wait for long I don't know how long we'll be back soon but I want to go there with you guys you can't you're injured come on I'm a strong man Tom Thomas of course you are but we can handle this ourselves besides besides I need a strong man right here I need you to put three tablets into this beer here they are every 7 minutes just don't touch anything [Music] [Music] else there you go left here all alone wait a second I'm in an actual laboratory and I am here [Music] alone so should we use our our old consultant uh sure for what to pick our topic for the duel number of the page one3 all right3 and the line will be number 10 most people are like dolls they're only interesting when they're new it's pretty funny so that means uh that our first task is a doll I don't see why not you can have your printer create create a doll that has a resemblance to me and mine will resemble you a doll yeah I accept [Music] fire you're mix everything up [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] all done let's see it how about uh you go first huh hm all [Music] right well that was fantastic Maestro your [Music] entrance hello my friends the name's eugiius I am a man of esteem CL but it's a greous to call me genius the only genius that I have is in my name I have the hball a crew of tiny creatures they are the master of every tool without my friend timeand aore without the fix SE I am just a fool [Music] any woman would P her head over a man like that that is what you call a decisive Victory what kind of helpers do you have working inside of that printer look what's the most important element of a fixie a clever mind how about good hands I would say a kind heart the correct answer is the pamat everything else is unneeded and everything that is unneeded I eliminated presenting my amazing microworkers the [Music] crabots they really do look like packam mats crabots are highly advant pack with electronic brains go on guys give us a little taste of what you got [Music] [Music] [Music] that's awesome [Music] spending a well done excellent work only completely pointless and they all seem exactly the same that's right they're all completely standardized and therefore interchangeable down to each little part crabots now do as I command you brain switch step one and two and three I can't believe it do you recognize this one no he was living right by your side for a whole week hey 08 go take their picture as a souvenir so you spied on us didn't you if I had caught you you little spy but they're not like us fixies they're not even alive yes and that is their strength any of my crabots can easily outperform any fixie at any given task well you've never proven if that's true or not easy enough have a little competition with the crabots one against another easy peasy right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] KY [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if Sima doesn't win this one it'll be a complete shutout no I can't watch any more of [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this Sim Sim Sim Sim s [Music] hey won't you give him some help h no need this crab OD is useless hey take this loser apart for scrap stop this crabby can be cured come on is he your friend or isn't [Music] he no need to feel sorry for him but he's one of your helpers it's nothing more than some soulless construction of tin don't be scared just hide in there we'll get you fixed later Professor eugenius is already in there yes right in the grip of my [Music] aunt hold on tight back there that was just awesome hello who's calling it's Tom Thomas nothing's happening in the beaker for some reason am I doing this right is it three tablets every 7 minutes or Seven Tablets every 3 minutes yeah yeah it's 7 every three all right let's go my what Elisa [Music] ACC is this some joke well open up it's not funny open up I tell you kampoo we're on the ship's deck I said open you did a great job I really appreciate once you're in open up the ship I want to see the duel absolutely not you have to keep Alisa out all right I'll try to come on stop it quit torturing her can't you admit it already just face it you have lost and so would you prefer to tell the world about fixies yourself or maybe you'd rather that I send out this dossier if you'd like I can press this button right now no don't do it I beg you you'll destroy the entire fixie race it's you who will have destroyed them you're the one that pulled fixies into your dishonest little Bru didn't you yes it's all my fault and all my fault alone the only reason I won is just because I I cheated my fixie friend groose was hiding in the printer and he built a ship inside the bot and without him inside it is obvious that you never would have done it and we both know why uh because 3D printers can only print the parts not assemble them now there is finally an honor confession and I regret what I've done to you I beg your forgiveness a holy cow is this for real I thought Erica was lying to us professor professor let's get out of here and I thought we were on the side of Truth too and that Professor eugenius is honest I can't believe he would do that but why didn't grandpoo tell us anything about it there never seemed to be the right time to tell you Grand now I really regret that I couldn't I wish i' told you everything right away who was playing around with my console and changed all of the settings Professor how did you manage to get here Kya brought me and who was it that brought her Elisa stop details some other time right now we've got a duel professor but your colleague he lied enough digit it's got nothing to do with him we have to protect our secret or did you forget all right apology accepted but since you've lost the Dual fair and square the fixie secret shall be uncovered as we agreed I beg of you don't do it please Professor eugiius grandus came grandus is here yeah [Laughter] a he according to the rules of a duel after your shot I have the right to return [Music] fire all right I'll give you your chance to get even even though your chance of success doesn't stand the slightest chance my dear this time page 45 which line from the Top Line 22 so let's see the true helper is not the one who is helping but the one who doesn't get in the way H so it appears the new task is making a helper don't we have helpers already all right we can make it the helper of a helper then uh then it's agreed will you help sure will'll help we help h I think you might like this [Music] idea the tablets are used up Tom Thomas will these work for you hooray now I'm a real actual Professor I've got my own laboratory and a great assistant here catch are you sure they're the same tablets of course I am they're white aren't they that makes [Music] sense do you see that strange reaction in there try adding these tablets it's getting even worse now yeah then let's cool it down with ice this is not going to end well don't worry you've got a really great assistance [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] Vera I won the battle only I got stuck [Music] oh I hope this screw you printed won't suddenly turn into a giant fixie that's just silly it turns into any tool you want for instance this one H or this [Music] one and this one and what do you call this Wonder of Technology a twister trod what a twister Tron a helper for fixies and it could also be a helper for you I'm fine thanks I'll make do here take a look at this introducing the crabot a helper for crabots no [Music] joke what are they doing can't you see they're helping the old crabots make new crab ons they're collecting raw materials they look a little bit scary Don't Be Afraid they've been programmed not to harm humans there's so many of them the more the better time for a little break guys we'd like to take a look at you it looks like I don't understand your human language well of course not their job is to serve as the helper of a helper 01 translate this to them stop collecting materials and get into line look how large these new specimens are now that I have these new crabots I don't need the old model they're outdated [Music] you sure about that what are you doing you're the one who said you don't need them because they're outdated that's not what I meant 01 stop them stop 01 [Music] Eureka don't you think that you might have just let the genie out of the bottle my name is Erica and stopping this Genie couldn't be easier all of the crabots are controlled by the Central Computer ah follow me see for yourself [Music] Erica huh it's not going to work look down there what why are you breaking the computer you brainless claws perhaps they need new material to make their brains out of for your new crabots all right then I'm going to have to break the printer what in the world is going on [Music] something seems to be stuck nothing is stuck it's the crab off what a [Music] nightmare what is that disgusting thing it's just a cute little crab access is granted what took so [Music] long access Bei what that quickly access is [Music] granted access denied open up oh wow there's a whole herd of you here there is something very wrong about these [Music] crabs what is your name Elisa I already introduced myself your this is a joke isn't it your the professor would call me his dear Alisa W lost this anchor we're going to crash into the bridge look oh no are we going to have to jump overboard what we have to do is warn the [Music] captain there isn't anybody here no one in the closet either [Music] [Music] don't let the crab box take apart our printer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why didn't Erica and eug genius turn off these crabots yeah fire fly over to them help somebody who's that screaming up there I'll go and find out somebody help us save us somebody help the wheel won't turn it won't until you start the engine oh Sima can you help me I don't have any idea at all how this works I'll tell you this black lever push it save us now press this button down help us oh help is on the way we're going to be saved hello this is to Thomas I need help right now and as for us the time for help is over [Music] oh my goodness what's going on we're passing under the bridge [Music] somehow titties but who's steering the ship now could it be Vixie no way it's those morons welcome to the smart ship it's all my fault I'm such a fool don't say that you're not a fool at all you're nothing but smart even your ship is my ship has lost its mind grandus wants to know why haven't you turned off the crabots already because they've broken the central computer and the elevator we're the ship's prisoners fixies are the only hope we have you've got to demolish my printer if it stops working then these morons will stop dragging raw materials to it you want more here you go and some more and some more what a great idea Mega feeding the crab B their own catch let me help sure let's get this party started [Music] great job just please be careful the crabots have locked up Erica and the professor Erica says that we need to break her printer that way the crabots will stop taking apart her ship for their raw materials that makes sense we'll use the twistet Tron to smash it up help help go [Music] Mega I'll help you have you lost your mind let's go me in the Twister Tron will get here any second and break that PR what's going on in there [Music] [Music] hang on noic hold on tight we're almost out of here a hammer I told you I said a drill and I say no well I say yes you two stop arguing right now Meg is in the printer [Music] [Music] thanks we're all right you saved us I need you to show me you're still in one piece h TI I hope your fixies were able to stop my printer and I hope your crabot stop disassembling the ship curse the day I made them what we need right now is to find a way out of here if only I could open this hatch we could get to the deck you taped our photograph back [Music] together actually I recognized it right away this Dear Old Ship our first expedition together it was Unforgettable yes Unforgettable and that was the reason why I bought this ship why did you change its name not just its name I changed everything about this ship yes but why did you name your ship Archimedes because I called you Eureka my name is era I'll cut it out just admit you like the name [Music] Eureka the Twisted Tron shut down your printer hooray our helper was the winner the score of the duel is 1 to one but your crabots they just keep on destroying the ship we're going to think if you don't stop come on stop it do you have any brains at all in there CRA box why are you doing this your printer is broken hey you dummies stop bringing the raw material crao the crab Bo will stop what you're doing where are you going with that stop stop put that back where belongs that is not yours you Blockheads we've got to explain to these craps somehow that this work of theirs is pointless or just tell them to stop what they're doing but they don't understand our language hey I know who can help us out 08 don't hide in there we really need you to help us [Applause] he won't come out cuz he's scared of these new crab ODS of course he is he saw these guys destroy all of his crab on friends don't you see what they're doing to your home if we don't stop them right away then we're all going to drown don't be afraid I think they might be scared of us here watch [Music] all right now go over room 08 and tell him to stop could you ask him to try and stop making such scary [Music] eyes now ask you to turn that frown upside down [Music] Hey look it's working close now you have to ask him to take that screw and put it back hooray and now we have to go and change the rest of the crow B that'll take a lot of flying around let's go [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] PE what's up what's going on Kata that and that's not all look got it we'll get it fixed now we got the crabots on our side crabots what are crab [Music] [Music] Bots strange that ship's drifting sideways and it's headed right towards us get out of the way get out of the way get way away turn your sh turn we've got to get Erica and Eugene is out of there where are you going huh go and fix the engine no this way you got to go patch up the leaks over here or we're going to sink stop go fix the steering wheel first Sima there's a line here if you didn't know are you kidding Tula there's a ship about to crash right into us I'll handle this all right you want to dance well we're going to dance circles around you come on come on come on come on push it hard guys come on come on come on yes well ladies that just took the cake ladies I need help right now it's Tom Thomas he um he says he needs some help the manipulator will help you out what was that it looks like the ship is hit bob it's quite an unusual sensation oh no what do we do now get that hatch open it's the only way out [Music] my fish are in there they'll die what are you doing these fish won't drown they can breathe underwater we're the ones the [Music] camp Hey where's all this water from from the aquarium we're going to drown in here fire hello hello hello what's that bubbling noise in there what did Lisa say to use the manipulator only got it hello oh hello I'm stuck in here and you all vanish oh no no I don't need bandages I'm perfectly fine nothing hurts there's a hole down there this big it's flooding come on help us please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we need your help here we've got to open this [Music] [Music] hatch it's impossible to get it open [Music] at least the fish don't have a problem they can breathe underwater we've got to figure out a way to survive we have to we're scientist are we Eureka [Music] [Music] these crab boxs are only getting in our way why can't they all stick to one job 08 tell all of the crabots to work together with their [Music] torches hey you can burn us with those things [Music] what have you done guys why did you weld the Hat shut now we'll never open it Groo the water's already here you better think quick we're running out of time how can we get this hatch open it's the twiston come on everyone over there and fold it back towards the Twister Tron we opened it too late they've drowned they're alive [Music] [Music] well you're the winner what did she say to him she said we want to [Music] Jew I will never ever forgive you Professor you're genius who are you talking to I'm not professor eugenius and that is fantastic did you carry out mouth to- mouth resuscitation I'm sorry to tell you it was not required but I could try it now if you'd like [Music] and where is everyone else at they're repairing the ship and pumping the water out and are the crabots doing it we're working together we're friends now right zero zero wait forgive me [Music] please colleagues so what do we do about this dossier H now what shall we do with this [Music] hi there ktia uh how did you get here who is she the girl that you should be thanking she's the one who saved the ship me and Alisa came together oh no she's going to learn the fixie secret she will not she went and fell overboard she doesn't know how to swim we've got to go save her it's too [Music] late someone saved her [Music] already hey wait a second then who is watching the laboratory uh hello it's professor eugenius and this is the assistant of Professor Tom Thomas speaking where's he at the professor wait I'll show you oh dear Tom Thomas exploded no he got crushed by the bookcase my prizes he fell off the balcony w don't you worry he's just fine how come he's got all those bandages on these aren't bandages we're all out of them this is nothing but toilet paper I'm glad you find it funny but for us back here it was no laughing matter I've had enough of being a professor in this lab I I want to go home [Music] [Music] as you can see Madame people love all this silliness it seems that they can't finish these stories without a [Music] wedding out aphorisms that's an original present can you show us how you use it sure it's quite fun first I'll pick a number for the page for instance it could be 97 that's how old my grandma's going to be this year and then you pick the number of the line three that's how old my canary will be this year here you go a family begins with children is that supposed to be your fortune 4 [Music] hours Kata oh Kata I want to turn you're not allowed you're still [Laughter] injured I got invited to go and visit alt I did too he L the whole class this is for you Vera a present wow I'll bet s will be so [Music] jealous oh digit when are you ever going to give me something for a present would you like this file I just love these weddings terribly shame noet that you're still too young for that but on the plus side I'm a accurate B brainy C I forgot I need to ask tell Thomas about that [Music] you're taking the wrong picture my little spy why don't you go ahead and take a photo of your old friends [Music] well how about it crabot to crabot crabot what you doing what you smash what' you ruin you never help not even once crab out you're a dunce what you go and do this time what you break what you cry what you putting on the FRS grab out your aits [Music] every time you goer I say we're true and start a new you are just a piece of work crabot I love you I do crabot I love you it's true crabot I love you yes you crabot I love you [Music] allthough science says the ODS are less than nil I am sure I see them around me all the time oh these fixies will oh these fixies will oh these fixies will just make me lose my mind oh the fixies are simply the best anywhere they can help they will come from the North and South the East and the West ship sail on the sea planes fly in the air clocks keep ticking on and on without a fuss all our things work well and do not need rep all because those little fixies live with us the fixies are simply the best anywhere they can help they will come from the North and South the east in the [Music] west they keep telling me that it's the fairy tale they keep saying that the fixies are alive but I will never stop no I will never fail to keep believeing there as real as you and I oh the fixies are simply the best anywhere they can help they will come from the North and South the East and the West take a look inside of any old device are you telling me you cannot hear that sound there are fixies there and they are very nice they are inside and all around they are inside inside and all around they are inside ins and all around all around they are inside they are inside and all around and all around they are inside they are inside and all around all they are inside they are inside and all around
Channel: Janson TV - Free Movies & Shows
Views: 457,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fixies vs Crabots, Animated movie, Professor Eugenius, Secret friendship, Inventor rivalry, Miniature robotic crabs, Secret helpers, Teamwork challenge, Friendship tested, Animated adventure, Secret existence, Family-friendly animation, Children's movie, Inventor showdown, Fixie friends, Creative rivalry, Animated film trailer, animated feature film, animated cartoon, cartoon movie for kids, full free movie for kids, animated film, cartoons for kids, 3d animation
Id: A4ymaM-yTZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 1sec (5101 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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