I sold the Greatest Farm Truck ever

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good morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is a week after wheat harvest is over actually it's july 11th so it's up 11 days after we harvest over when a nice little vacation but hey we're back we are going to work on a gearbox yep that gearbox didn't fix itself as bj said the gearbox fairies never came so if you're new or don't know what we're talking about or missed an episode we have a gearbox over here that helps us unlock that's how we unload this side of the drive through and that gearbox is out so that means we got to fix it about three weeks ago doing this well wheat hearts kind of happened oh yeah yeah so we've got every bolt out of this gearbox and we need the gearbox out of that hole the gearbox shaft is still stuck on that auger and we're not getting anywhere every bolt's out of the auger uh we've got the big persuader now still don't have any luck so checking back in here this is about three hours later there's the carnage two elephants trying to get into a small space a few working words said a few maybe one of you maybe might even invented a couple nothing right now yeah dax backer chopped weeds good job attaboy son hey what's up front rat okay ground the boat off now he's got sacks so far and everything so see how far he burns update number 46 we have the gearbox a lot more working words more time than expected bj sacrificed a big toe but we got it morning starting the day off taking this truck to go get detailed so if you've been watching us you know that uh recently bought a new truck got someone coming to buy this one tomorrow actually i was told either tomorrow or a couple days just depending on the weather but i figured i would detail the truck i mean we got stuff stuck to the seat there uh it's not super dirty other than that but i've just always tried to detail a vehicle before you sell it seems to help sell them dropping her off at one of the local auto detailers and we'll pick this thing up this evening y'all gonna drive me getting your jesus music going like if i get out to run in the house i leave my truck around so this morning we've got some guys painting the roofs of these buildings should help prolong just the life of the building so we're going to move some equipment out of here that's where it don't get any pain or over spread i don't i like two-tone but you know not like a metallic two-tone i definitely left this uh this door open no coons in here that's good bj's backing that combine now he didn't take the building out that's good there's the painters they use kind of a power washer looking things paint goes everywhere we are stashing some stuff over here in the hoop barn while this painting is going on so the gleaner is still the other farm and the other hoop bar so i think we've got everything moved that needs moved for now now dad's new truck's supposed to be delivered so also if you missed the video dad bought a new pickup had to put running boards on it so he did not get it and then the weekend happened so it's getting delivered today so i get asked a lot about my truck bed well the truck that i'm selling is with the truck bed so i'm ordering a bed dad's potentially ordering a bed yep same one come your steps didn't come out i don't know i don't know i got cheated in this let's go ahead and look at our stickers here so this is our gbw or 12 five or 12 250 combined 29 700. so my truck's a one ton single wheel now if this would have been a dual it would have been over 30 but i wanted to single wheel dad's is a three-quarter let's see what his is should be a little lower and we're at 27 500. so what's yours uh almost 30 like 29 750. so i need to get one but that actually spring put it it'll be same as yours i would do the airbags probably so we have a micro usb cable just hanging down there not really sure why apparently it's going into hibernation already [Applause] definitely a different style front end on the chevrolet than the gmc [Applause] we came back a different way tornado went through here a few weeks ago this was all big timber looks like a war happened and here's bj's now i'm joking luke fox from sea consultants is down him and i are going to check out some crops yeah it doesn't look too bad yet as far as disease on the bottom oh is there something that's literally on your bottom leaf though yeah could that be 28 burn nah it doesn't look like it does but this right here yeah definitely getting some disease [Applause] so look compared to other areas how much disease pressure does this area usually have uh chillicothe is usually one of our worst locations for disease and that's why we like having a research plot down here because it's a good test to see which varieties can uh so usually we're dealing with northern and um gray leaf spots yeah usually gray leafs are probably the worst that around here it seems like yeah yeah northern can be it seems like it's most devastating for like 1087 or 1071. yeah and that's northern corn blight right northern corn leaf flight yeah so you heard him one of the worst spots for diseases probably in the state and then dad always has the question of what do you think we ought to do fungicide this year every we had that conversation before you got here we'll maybe do some in the bottoms i mean we're going to put some on this field so pretty uneven up there so what are you looking at here there's probably a lot of overlap right here coming into the headlamp you're potting up yet see how this one had a little more space yeah so it's really bushing out oh yeah so even in these low spots do you think they still could fill in i mean that seems pretty thin right but usually beans are pretty forgiving so yeah so this is what kind of words about the horse i don't know if this is seating or if this is from slugs i think this was slug damage because i actually replanted a little bit along the road there where they were thinning out i also planted these probably in not the greatest conditions but would have done the same thing in the other ears so people ask a lot what i think of the horse and i keep coming to the conclusion that we're going to withhold judgment until we get some yield data so these beans here on the end are a 3.4 maturity there's ones out there in the middle are 3.7 you can actually see the pods on these couldn't see that yet on the 3 7 it's kind of interesting to see the same plant date just a different maturity of bean so these ones should be hypothetically ready sooner truth be told they'll both be ready when we get to them most likely these ones might be a little easier to cut stems might not be as green though not really seeing any disease pressure just a little bit of beetle pressure you got a purple bloom here what's that mean must be a different seed because these are white so 41's are white bloom okay so it might just been a leftover yeah the other side from a different variety or something so here we're in a different variety it's a little bit less disease tolerant and kind of seeing the seeing some of the side effects of that but fungicide application and we can keep her healthy enough to make grain so after walking through some fields we're definitely going to be putting on a little bit more fungicide than we were anticipating we did walk some of the fields that we knew were problems a bad stands fertilizer related crop condition relate or planting condition related all sorts of related problems but we also seen some that were okay now luke's going had some really important stuff not really i actually forgot a tablet in the tractor that we were side dressing with so i gotta go get that mail it back to unperformed that's about it not a whole lot of important stuff going on right now airplane spraying corn he's way right down there he is here he comes boy he puts her right down there if you can see that and he off the ground for tops to the corner very far [Music] are you upset squashy huh you're hungry is that what it is where's dog at i thought i heard him boy he looks like him wheels right on the tops of the corn he puts her down there [Music] not much more he must have another pass or two absolutely here he comes again [Music] what's wrong squishy you hungry haven't fed him today let me pet your tommy huh what do you think buddy see it's probably just about the last pass baby i don't know yep doing in rows on this end of the field i'll be watching some mores right over top of them right in between them woods there holy cow that woods is about uh about 120 foot right there right where he went through right there because i could just i had to fold my spare back a little bit so he must be uh let's be not over 100 foot wide he kind of turned it sideways a little bit looks like or leaned it a little whatever pretty good pretty good that has a pretty good goat adds to get that thing fly as low as they do some of the things they do there he goes in between her again holy cow [Music] now they can print us a map off and boy it's just i mean it's just uh all the you know corners and everything's covered wind was blowing pretty good yesterday they couldn't spray i don't think till yesterday evening pretty quiet day at least a little bit of wind now he's clear down there too far in the field by them houses doing the ends there that little corner down there well how this will show up i hope it shows up good see it i'd say he's done one thing about these little fields you ain't gonna go to sleep they're in the bottoms you get long long runs but he earns his money here on these patches a few point rows right there are you getting them oh they're coming around that field oh man i think they said that plane carries 400 gallon i think there's one plane they got to carry 600 gallons so i think that was maybe 400 gallons and i don't know what he's putting on three gallon or five gallon or what yep there you go head back to the airport probably this video skips around a lot but this is a few days later got a guy coming to buy my truck so uh he should be here any time get all the tools cleaned out except for this air compressor i love my little air compressor can't let that go gotta get it out hey everybody thanks for watching did want to clear up a few things in this video so the gearbox we're still waiting on the parts for that that was almost a month ago now i've been saving that clip thinking that we would just make a whole video about fixing that gearbox well it's kind of taken longer than i thought also my truck did sell that last clip was the new owner driving out the driveway dad still has his truck we're willing to deal on that thing so if you're interested in it please email me it is a 2015 three-quarter ton duramax deleted has 99 000 miles on it we're asking 47.5 that comes with the flatbed with all the toolboxes on it and the stock general motors bed that it came with so we'll even swap them out if you want we can put the old one back on for you email me we're wheeling the deal so thanks for watching don't forget to thumbs up the video and we'll see the next
Channel: Brian's Farming Videos
Views: 68,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best truck ever, Brians farming videos, Crop duster, Duramax, Fungicide, Seed consultants, agriculture, airplanes, best trucks, brown farms, cole the cornstar, corn, diesel, john deere, larson farms, mahindra, millennial farmer, pilot, planes, roxor, truck, truck review, trucks
Id: zCTkosnMZ_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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