TWO hail storms in ONE week?! 🤦‍♂️

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it's vacation time let's go so oh boy look at that where's lucky at oh there he is what is it rosie a mom a mod yeah after we watch a movie with him and take  him to the park there we go there's the turtle what do you think he eats do  you guys think he eats pizza   do you does he pepperoni does he do pineapple   he's american that's right we  don't do pineapple silly turtle here comes the hail again i just got back from   vacation and it's coming down  so we're parking our vehicles out of the hail there we go oh boy i don't know there's enough room  let's try it oh that is some big hail   oh i'm not getting hit by that come on turn around turn around there we go here we go again oh my word oh yeah that's wonderful look at those things oh my word scott was right he's like oh i just got his head guys this is what it's about this  is the life of farming for you   oh my phone just got hit with a hailstone i'm  on the court of the shop cover on the top here   but yeah that would hurt help leave some  wealth some of those are pushing two inches   oh this storm came from nowhere oh that is actually pretty cool looking look  at that the extra layer that was added to it   the initial stone and then it built that extra  layer on it you should save a couple of these and   put them in the refrigerator go careful who you  are you're gonna get hit you brave girl you we   didn't say this earlier but we got while we were  on vacation a small thunderstorm came across went   right through our farm just like the one last year  knocked out 1300 acres we didn't have insurance   we decided against us here because the crops  are droughting so bad obviously that was a big   mistake so then we went and put insurance on and  now this is round two so now we're getting hail but it's not coming down  really intense but there's   some big stones that's barley right over there and uh there's the there's the cummins the beater  peter no beater feeder chevy chevy sorry beat or   down the road just storms just passed us we're  just gonna go take a look and see what happened   oh there's a big stone that  one was like a small baseball there was one stone back  there that was a big one wow oh boy yeah that's nasty another torp's coming over some  pea-sized hail nothing too serious we're just going to the other side of the farm  now we went north and the founder where the hail   stopped basically at the north side of our farm  now we're heading east kind of checking the south   southeast side because we're curious this is  the side of dink it hails in the first storm   as much and we'll know now if it did it looks  like a lot of stinking hill there's the peas   any blossoms on those things there's a couple pods   they never got too bad yeah there's  pods not all the farm left the hail look at the hail oh there we go yeah there's a  little white hail all over there's some big ones man i just i don't know man there's  some big stones in that ground all those peas hard to tell so we're only about a half  mile south of where we were   and there is no hail stones on the ground at  all here no so it didn't get down here that's   that's good there's a lot of peas down this way  that we do not want to have hail on including that   stuff right there there's that storm that  went over us looks smaller from over here yeah it did not get hailed here just just  some rain all right there's some more peas this is that winter weed isn't it yeah there's i mean it's amazing  how much heads are out there for how   bad it looked when we were  contemplating spraying it out just judging from where we went looks like it  pretty much followed the same track as the storm   a week ago well not a week ago like  five days ago so uh and that stuff   we didn't have insurance on so we weren't able  to put shirts on that again but the stuff we did   ensure if it did get any hail on it at least  we'll have some coverage on that so we'll see   but uh yeah it's gonna be uh it'd be interesting  we'll drive around some more and keep looking but   um yeah those are some big stones that's it that  is the one that just formed above us and did that   ah it's amazing absolutely amazing i keep saying  that but that's all i can say at the moment after   it process a little bit more but got our moisture  though everyone's been praying for moisture for   us we appreciate that we got it it's uh let me  introduce you we'll see what happens there's   young crop out there even though it got hailed if  we get some help in july it still has a chance to   produce and the stuff that got hailed didn't get  just destroyed i mean it damaged them heads some   are hanging some are shattered i'm sure there's  some pea pods on the ground you know every little   bit leaves a little little yield little here a  little there maybe 10 here 20 percent there but   you know we'll still take the columbine  through and see what happens let's go over   to the chicken coop how you doing ladies  you got some puddles to play and i see   we are just under half inch 4500s right there  4500 so that's good it's good you know a little   bit of hail with a lot of rain is a good thing  because if you take the rain the benefit of   the rain outweighs the damages of the hail  a lot of hail a little rain is a bad thing   and then a lot of hail a lot of rain  well i guess you want the rain regardless you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 175,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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