Gamers Vs. Mario Maker Levels Designed By Kids

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- No, no! The fishes want me! All the fishes wanna eat me! - Oh god, here he comes! OHHHH GOD, HERE HE COMES! - You got this! Yes! Yes! You were so close! - AHHHH! - How did he beat this?! (chuckles) What am I supposed to do? ♪ (8-bit intro) ♪ - (FBE) So today, you're going to be playing five levels in Super Mario Maker 2. - Oh my gosh. (giggles) I haven't played this yet. - People are demonic in this game. They are just-- they just wanna make you have pain. - I currently hold eight world records in different 2D Mario games and have held many, many, many more that I have lost. - (FBE) These levels might be tricky, because we have a twist for you. - (Damien) Mm. - (FBE) All of these levels were designed by children. - OH! - Oh my gosh. - Kids are insane. - Give me their names now. - What? - So I know where to find them later. - What? - To let them know how good their levels are. - Okay. - (FBE) So, we gave members of our Kids React cast an hour to make the toughest level that they could. We're gonna have you play through five levels total. So, for each of these levels, you'll only get 10 deaths to pass, and we'll see if you'll be able to beat 'em. - Oh, jeez. Okay. This is my first time playing. (laughs) - I have not played Mario Maker, so I don't know all the mechanics of how you make the levels and stuff. I'm expecting a lot of shells being thrown at me. - (FBE) So, since there are two of you, you can actually play each of these levels in one of two ways. You can actually both play at the same time, and if one of you dies, the other can keep going. And whoever dies will eventually respawn. So, that makes it a little bit easier. Or if you want a challenge, you can trade off, in which case, you'll each only get five deaths. - I'm bad. - Yeah, I think co-op, probably the way to go there. - Okay, yeah. - I'm down to do one at a time. - Mistakes will be many, so there's a lot of learning. - Mm-hmm. - Uh, get ready. - (mumbles heavily) "Get ready." - (both speaking gibberish) - (FBE) So, the first level we're gonna have you play is The Sydney, and that was designed by Sydney. - Hi! I'm Sydney. My course is called The Sydney. I named it that, because it's annoying like me. I feel bad if I made it too hard. If I made it too hard, you know what? They're just not good at the game. I probably shouldn't say that. I know you got this. - All right. Let's do it. This is my first time playing Mario Marker, everybody. Please go easy on me. - Oh, they're coming. They're coming. Oh! - Oh! All right. - I'm gonna die. - Oh, Jesus. - Yup. Err! - What is wrong with these kids?! - She also enjoys, it looks like, spamming enemies. - Uh, ahhh, AHHH, AHHH! OHHH, WHOA, WHOA! I should've jumped on the qu-- I should've hit the question mark right after. (chuckles) - Courtney, you're dealing with The Sydney here. Are you ready for this? - Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, this is not good. (laughs) I'm gonna die. This is hard! This is ridiculous! - Oh my gosh. I can't even get up there. Yeah, I'm already dead. Mm-hmm, this is gonna go well. - (grunts) Ah! This is actually very well-designed to be extremely difficult. - Okay, just-- oh, I didn't-- didn't realize those were there. - You're an Italian plumber, and you love royalty. - Give me the flower! The flower, it's not letting me. (grunts) ♪ (game over music) ♪ - Okay, let's just chill. (sighs) ♪ (game over music) ♪ (laughs) - Freaking jump! - It's fine. Keep going. ♪ (game over music) ♪ - Ahhh! Okay. We're learning. - And then there's a frickin' Bowser boss just hanging from a thing! Are you kidding right-- there's-- I don't even see the end in sight. - Children are making me look bad. (chuckles) - Okay, no. I can't do anything about-- - Did they change the controls, perhaps? - We're just gonna hold-- Oh! (snorts) ♪ (game over music) ♪ - Oh, the best wind mechanic in any game ever. - Hul! I got so far! - (FBE) Well, that's five. - What?! No! That was like three. - Courtney, do you believe in me? - Oh, wow. You got the flower so easy. That's crazy, bro. - Clap your hands if you believe. I mean, I've just been streaming this, so it's a little unfair. - (laughs) - Die, Bowser! Die, Bowser! Die! Oh, lord have mercy. (groans) Yes! That's-- hahaha! - Wow! First try?! Are you serious, dude?! - I'm kind of a pro 'jamer.' - (laughs) I'm just gonna run! Ohhh, I did it! (gasps) ♪ (victory music) ♪ I did it! I wasn't expecting to do that. (giggles) - No! I hit Bowser's nose! Well, that's it. - Just hold right and go. GG, Sydney. You got me once. You got me once. - ♪ Do, do, do, do, do ♪ That's gonna be me soon. Yup. Hit one of those ice things. - (FBE) And that's 10. - Yup. Good. - Avoid bubble. - Sorry. - Come on! - There! Jeez. - Counts! It counts! It counts. - (sighs) - Ohh. Ohhh, Sydney. - So, there's four more of those? - You have a sick mind, Sydney. How could you? - Yeah, she just spams enemies at you. - It was literally a very embarrassing moment of my life. Maybe with a little bit of practice I could someday conquer The Sydney, but that day is not today. - (FBE) So, next up, we've got MeowLand. This is designed by Jenna. - Hi, I'm Jenna. My level's MeowLand. It's interesting. There's a lot of things going on. - (FBE) Do you wanna wish 'em good luck, or do you wanna challenge... - (Jenna) No. - (FBE) ...them to-- No? - (Jenna) No. You're gonna go down when you play MeowLand. - There's never been a good water level in the history of video games ever. - Oh, boy. This is... (sucks in breath) Nope. Yeah. Okay. - Oh, jeez. - (groans) AHHHH! Noo, bro! YEET! ♪ (game over music) ♪ - Yeet, indeed. - I thought I could try-- - Fish going right towards our face. - A lot of enemies, which seems to be the common theme. - Oh, no! Oh, I'm trapped! - No, no! The fishes want me! All the fishes wanna eat me! - Oh, I get-- okay. Then these guys are gonna chase you the whole time. - Yoi, yoi, yoi! - Oh, yoi, yoi, yoh! - I suck! - It's okay. - (FBE) And that's five. - (gags) - (laughs) Okay, well I'm just gonna go around your level then. - Yeah, go! Yup. - (groans) - Ohhh. - Oh, they were prepared for this possibility! - Let me lead 'em down here. Oh, no. Oh, oh. Don't get up. Okay, okay, okay. I got further. - That was teamwork. - All right! Oh my god! There are so many of them! - I want the flower, but it is surrounded by many, many fish right now. Oh, god! I'm going for it. I'm going for it. We're going back for it. No, no, go away. Oh, they're converging! - The number one rule I always have is just hold right if you-- (controller clatters) ♪ (game over music) ♪ - Okay, well, you know what? That's fine, because-- you wanna know why? Because I can-- I beg your unbelievable pardon? - Did you just get eaten? - Yeah, I got devoured. - Ooh, ooh, and I oop. - And I oop. - And I oop. - And I oop, and I oop. - (both) And I oop, and I oop. - Up! Nuh! Up! Nuh! Woo! Ahh! (laughs) Yeah! Freedom! - Cats hate water! Why are they here?! It's not even okay! It's against the rules. Yes! Yes! ♪ (victory music) ♪ I did it! - I'm so close. I'm so close! (groans loudly) Yes! - What the heck?! I'm never gonna get there! - I'm on your team. - I'm just gonna-- OH, WHOA! What is that?! Oh my god! Okay! All right. Oh, oh! (laughs) I'm almost there! Am I there? Get out of the way, fish! Git! I did it! I feel so good about myself. - Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god! Okay, okay, okay. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm panickin', I'm panickin', I'm panickin'. It's fine. Everything's fine. Everything's fine. ♪ Everything's fine ♪ ♪ Everything's good ♪ Holy nuggets! NO, NO, NO! YEAH! (laughs) - The fish following you makes it very intense, you know? And it's something you have to take care of, (chuckles) obviously, or you're gonna get eaten by them. - There's gotta be a-- - (groans loudly) (sighs) - Nice. Yeah! That was tricky! - You were just being bombarded. That actually took a lot of thought. - Gotta be patient. - MeowLand was well-designed, 'cause it was more or less a puzzle with frantic movement involved. - (FBE) So, next up, we've got the level Miraculous Wonderland. - Ooh! - (FBE) And that was designed by our twins, actually, Payton and Reagan. - I'm Payton. - And I'm Reagan. And this is our level, and it's called Miraculous... - (both) Wonderland. - (Reagan) There are these big, big giants who swim under the lava and come up and try to eat you! But you need to go quickly up those steps. If you don't, that'll be your head. And there's this fall. You need to land the fall, and then you need to get to the end. It's really hard. I hope you beat this level, guys. Good luck! - Good luck! - Hi, Payton and Reagan! I like the name Miraculous Wonderland. It sounds-- - (groans loudly) - "Reach the goal without taking damage." Haha! - Hup! - Uhh... ohhh! Oh, I didn't expect that. - Yeah, lava dinosaur. Oh! - Goomba, you idiot! - Wow, you're doing great. Heckin' yes. - Oh! Ooh. - Listen, buddy-- oh, no. They were all cheering for me. - This one just seems like a fun, well-rounded don't die map. - Yeah, absolutely. - Ohhhh! What the trick shot, dude?! I just got 360 YY no-scoped by Meowser. ♪ (Dr. Dre, "The Next Episode") ♪ - I'm just gonna chill here for a little bit. - I got a bit nervous. - Oh, he's so sad! Look at him! - Oh, god! Here he comes! OHHHH GOD, HERE HE COMES! - You got this! Yes! Yes! You were so close! - AHHHH! - Do I need to collect the coins? Because I want to. Where do I go from here? I'm gonna follow the coins and pra-- AHHH! - Oh, oh. Those-- Okay! So, here's the thing, normally, coins... people use coins to guide you places. - Oh, you bonked me. Ah, so close. Okay, okay. - Great! Great! - (groans) That's the ending right there, though. - Loving that! Now, long jump if you can. - Wait, I want you to go first. - Okay. (groans) - You came out of NOWHERE, Mister! Listen! Listen! NOOO! OHH, MAN! That was so mean! (chuckles) - (blows raspberry) This is trash. - Little speedrunner. - Ah! - Oh! We should've popped me. Is that it? - (FBE) All right, guys, that's 10. - Ah, we were so close. - Yo, you're gonna beat this so frickin' quick. An then you're gotta go DOWN! - WHOA! This gets-- - Go down! - OHHH! Left, to the left. Everything. - Are you gonna fail this? - Yes! - (clapping) - Go team. - Oh! I'm running. I'm jumping. Okay, okay. I just went for it. Boom. - Those were just coins that were haphazardly thrown around. I wouldn't suggest that in level design 101. (giggles) - (both sigh) - I'm not proud. - Don't accept it. Refuse to acknowledge it. - If we have a blind jump, is what we call it, where you can't see your landing, usually, we'll try and put coins, you know, to lead your way. The really funny creators, they'll put coins to lead your first three jumps, and then the fourth jump, they'll drop you into a pit. - (FBE) Next up, we've got Max's Mayhem that was designed by... - Max. - Hello. My name is Max, and I built Max's Mayhem. Wooooo~. It's kind of wacky. It has a lot of boss-- like mobs and such. You'll probably get really annoyed. It was very irritating to try to play. Good luck! (claps) - I like this screenshot right here. He gives away nothing on the screenshot, which is good aesthetics, but it kind of worries me. - Come here, little mushroom! - (chuckles) - Ahh! - But that one doesn't count. - Oh, that's a lot of squids. - Oh, these guys again. Oh! O-kay. Um... Maybe I should... (groans) - Oh, yeah! Give me that star, baby! Wooo! Suck it! Yeah, buddy! Oh, no. (laughs) - All right. YOLO. - Oh, we're going up? - Yeah, we are. - Okay. - Ah! - Hey! - Ah! (chuckles) - This is always the only moment that matters. That one doesn't count, so the next one is all that matters. Fate is on your side. That's okay. Believe in your dreams. - Come on! ♪ (game over music) ♪ - I'm sorry. - Oh, it's bad. Oh, it's bad. Oh, no. (sucks in breath) Pfft! I'm so upset. This is... ♪ (game over music) ♪ This is trash. - Okay. Oh! Ah. This one's hard. Why are all of the kids obsessed with the Magikoopas? Each one-- ohhh! Each one of those levels has one. - I just killed all the things that I was trying to hop on. Ah, just did it again. Okay, did it again. - I'm enjoying it. - Yeah, I like this one. - I like longer, lower intensity courses. Okay, go up here. Don't go into it! - AHHHHHHHHHHHH! ♪ (game over music) ♪ How did I not land on that? - Max, dude, can I be honest with you? This is some mayhem right here. ♪ (scatting) ♪ Can I go over? Yes, I can! Ooh! Gamed the system, Max! - We're gonna drag these ghosts as far over as we can. Safety. - Wait. No, we can't-- Wait, how do I get across that? Max! - Maybe I should-- let's see. Let's see if I could-- give me-- give-- no! Okay. No, totally. Just... ♪ (game over music) ♪ - Ah! Okay, come on, come on. Oh, mother-- (controller clatters) - I thought that was gonna hit the ground. - Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. AHHHH! Damn it! - Come down to me. Come to me. Come to me. T-- god! - Man, this is gonna be the one that beats me. If not, take my star. Okay. I just gave up. - No! ♪ (game over music) ♪ All right. Yeah. - Oh, so many ghosts, Lawrence! There's so many ghosts! Okay. - Don't fall. Should we just tail-- (gasps) (groans) - You're doing it. You're doing it, Peter. (gasps) Wow! That was frickin' easy for you. - Thank you very much, Max. Well done. - Max seems to have discovered the ice blocks. And we're done. - Gonna go for it. Just go, yeah. - Yeah! - Ohh, boy! It's fine. Who cares? It's fine. Damn! - A victory for one is a victory for all. - Max's Mayhem, you had to know he was gonna do it to us. - Max could have a future in it, you know? He could definitely be a Kaizo creator one day. - Is this available online? 'Cause I wanna play it. I need to beat it at home. - (FBE) Yeah. All these levels will be available online, so link in the description below! - Oh, really? - (FBE) So finally, we've got the level Get Out. This was designed by Jake. - My name is Jake. I made an impossible course for you named Get Out. And I don't even know how I made it. It's just, I did. I don't even know how I finished it and stuff. Just, I did. And it's impossible. So, try your best. 20% out of 100% people are gonna beat this, because it's... insanely difficult, okay? It's just insanely di-- let's just leave it at that. - I'm prepared to get in this level. - Well, I'm nervous. - Angry moon! Oh! I'm already dead. - Well, see, this is tough, 'cause we can't see. - I know! Okay, why don't you get out? - Okay, well, first off... What the-- what the-- (chuckles) What is that?! - I'm gonna channel my inner Jake. Oh, no. Oh, yes! Okay. Ohhh, no! I'm running! I'm dead! ♪ (game over music) ♪ (laughs) - Oh. Ah! ♪ (game over music) ♪ All right. - This is gonna be really, just... can I just tap in now or do you really need to watch me make a fool of myself 10 times? - Focus your chi into your thumbs. - And I oop, and I oop! - And you ooped. - Okay, so what-- um... - Okay, so what we need to do is we need to sit right-- ♪ (game over music) ♪ How did he-- how does he get out of here?! This moon will get rid of all the enemies. Okay, well now this is good. So, we're gonna try and... get that moon. There we go. That changes things. - What the heck, dude?! What the heck?! ♪ (game over music) ♪ - (FBE) You figured out the key. - ...I did?! - No! Whoa! Oh. That's interesting. - Ohhh! - I should've waited for you! - Yeah, I was real close. - Ahhhh! What's that?! Oh, whoa! This back here? There! (laughs) - Here we go. Oh, yeah. That's the spice. - Oh, hey. But that was cool. - Mm, tasty power move. - (chuckles) - Thank you for that one, Get Out. - We're lucky. Oh, now we're dead. (chuckles) How did he beat this?! What am I supposed to do?! - Nooo! No! (laughs) I paused before I died, so technically I didn't die 10 times. - (chuckles) - (FBE) This is the final try. - Okay, good. Ahhh! - Come on, mushroom. Come here, buddy. Where did it go? (controller clatters) ♪ (game over music) ♪ - You tell me to get out, but you don't tell me how. Son of a goose! Sun of three geese! Well, gotta tell you, that was tricky and difficult. You did it, kid. - Okay, let's-- oh, this-- yeah, right. - Oh. Nope. - Oh, that doesn't-- I don't think this kills-- no, okay. - Oh my god, Lawrence! - I flew past! Ah! - Come on, come on, come on! - There we go. - Yes! - (both groan loudly) - We both made it. - Not a winner. Jake beat me. I'll admit defeat on that one. He kind of forced patience onto a player, which is not something I'm particularly good at. Jake's the greatest creator of all time. - Do you guys plan on uploading this after the video and seeing how many people in the audience actually do it? - (FBE) Exactly! - That's a great idea. - Oh, that's cool! - Hey, be sure to check the video description when this video's done, so you could play this level yourself. - Yeah. - (FBE) So, in the end, you were able to pass all of the levels... - Every last one. - (FBE) ...except one. - Ah, I don't know about that. I don't know about that. - (FBE) I would be inclined to agree with you, but we did film that. - Ah, right. There was evidence. - Dammit! - Ah! - Ohhh! We should've popped me. - Yeah, genuinely impressed, 'cause with an hour, I would not make anything nearly-- remotely close to any of those levels. - Yeah. I'd play more levels from Max. - I did fine for someone that never plays a platformer. - I think I did okay. But then I think they're kids who made it, and then it makes me feel a little bad. - I don't know if I can go play Mario Maker anymore, because I'm too embarrassed. Or maybe I should so that I can come back here on a future episode and destroy all of you. - I think we did great. - I feel pretty good even though you're the one who carried this team. But I appreciate it. - I couldn't have done that without you here, without the morale boost, without the support and the friendship. - Keep designing, keep going. Remember, if it's fun for you, it's probably gonna be fun for other people. Don't spam Magikoopas. Just one Magikoopa per level. That's all you need. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - Thank you guys for watching gamers play Mario Maker 2. - Where the kids design the level. - Subscribe to all of the gamers in this episode. - The links will be in the description below. - Hey, guys. Ethan here from the React Channel. A big thank you to all the YouTubers who came in and played these episodes with us. be sure to check 'em out using the links in the description below. And while you're there, why not check out these levels and play them yourselves and tweet us how you did @fbe? Bye, guys!
Channel: REACT
Views: 885,326
Rating: 4.9010816 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker 2, Nintendo Switch Games, YouTubers Vs. Mario Maker Levels Designed By Kids, Super Mario Maker 2 Unlockables, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, react gaming, kids versus food, staff reacts, the 10s, guess that, captainsparklez, funhaus, grand poobear, ihascupquake, kelsey dangerous, smosh, damien haas, courtney miller, rcyt1905
Id: hRHGwElNfws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
Reddit Comments

The Quintessential Gamers passed the one level no one else beat

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/Dragon_KSM3 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

As expected of our Quintessential Duo

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Nightmare_Pasta 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

1) Cupquake and Sparkles both look amazing 2) The chick from the Buzzfeed GTA is there too! 3) Courtney and Damian from Smosh and Larr and Alanah were genuinely the highlights to watch.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/StockingsBooby 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wow, can't believe Lawrence and Alanah beat a level that Poo didn't!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/phylogenous 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

I liked this, all the people in it were great!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Punisher_135 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

most of these people don't even know how to mario smh

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/wellimatwork 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

I havnt watched a "REACT" video since those absolute cunts tried to claim ownership over all reaction videos.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/jsktrogdor 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
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