Guess That Song In Reverse Challenge: Video Game Themes

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- Oh, don't even. Don't even! (slow-mo) Don't even. - You know, I'm doing it. ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) We are doing a guess that song challenge. - (gasping) - Oh, gosh. I haven't done one of these in a while. - (FBE) You're gonna be hearing the songs in reverse. - (gasping) No way! - Oh, that's horrible. - (FBE) And not just any song. It's video game theme songs. - Ooh! - That's a lot of curveballs. - YES! Oh! Oh! I got you, dawg. - I was gonna say-- - I've got you, dawg! Okay, okay. I think I might be able to do this. - I think this might be a fair fight. - (FBE) And we're talking retro-style games. - Oh, okay, then I've got a little bit more confidence. - Yeah, me too. - I think you're gonna do good. - Really? - Yeah. - No. - Let's do it. - (FBE) Here is your first three seconds of your first song. Here you go. ♪ (chip-tune) ♪ - God, all games sound like that. (hitting buzzer) - I'm just gonna say Pac-Man, but for no reason. - (FBE) That was such a good guess. You're in the right wheelhouse. That is not it. - I don't have a single guess. I would like more time. - Okay, yeah, more time. ♪ (chip-tune) ♪ (hitting bell) - Dang it! - Is it Super Mario? - (FBE) Yes. - 1-2? - Oh, damn, girl! - 1-2 or 2-2, those are the two-- - Damn, girl! - Oh! (hitting bell) - (snickering) - Sorry. - No, no. You got it. - Is this from Super Mario? It's like Mario, the very first one, which is level two, when they go underground. - So good, yes. ♪ (chip-tune) ♪ (hitting buzzer) - It sounds like Jaws. - I know it. I know how it goes, too. Mario? (ding) (hitting buzzer) - Easy. Yes, that is the underground theme from Super Mario Brothers. - Yeah. What's Mario's favorite type of pants? - ♪ Denim, denim, denim ♪ - (FBE) Here's 10 seconds. ♪ (chip-tune) ♪ - A Mario related game? - It sounds like that, but-- - (FBE) It is. - Okay, it is. I'm a little nervous. - I'm more nervous about it being in reverse than being an iconic retro game. I think that I might have a small percentage [inaudible]. - (FBE) Second song, three seconds. ♪ (deep warbling) ♪ - Oh, nnnnnn-- (hitting buzzer) Is it Mega Man? (buzzer) I didn't think so. ♪ (deep warbling) ♪ (hitting buzzer) - Is that Metroid? - (FBE) No, but you're not the first to guess that. (hitting buzzer) - Metroid Prime? (buzzer) - In Overwatch, there's this ultimate where it sounds like this weapon being charged, but then that also sounds cute, so I want to say it's not Overwatch. Okay, you know what? I'm just gonna guess Overwatch. (buzzer) Wait, that's right. Overwatch isn't even a retro game. ♪ (deep warbling) ♪ - Whaaaat?! - Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Wait... was that Crash Bandicoot? (ding) - No way! - LET'S GO! LET'S GO! - That's ridiculous! I had no idea what that was. - (FBE) This is 10 seconds. ♪ (music continuing) ♪ - Oh, uh... (hitting buzzer) Plants Versus Zombies? (buzzer) - Is it Sonic? (buzzer) - Oh. - I'm just gonna keep guessing. Sonic! (buzzer) I didn't think so. - Nah. ♪ Sonic... ♪ - (both ♪ ...heroes ♪ (hitting buzzer) - Is it Sonic the Hedgehog? - (FBE) No, but you're also not the first to guess that either. (hitting buzzer) - Is it Zelda? - (FBE) No. - (FBE) You guys want 15? This is your last chance. - Sure, why not? ♪ (music continuing) ♪ - It sounds like a Skrillex song. - Almost! - I'm just gonna take a random guess. It's probably not Sonic at all, but I'm just gonna-- (buzzer) - It's hard. - Is that Kirby? - (FBE) No. - No, no. I am not placing it. - Mega Man? (buzzer) [Bleep]! - (FBE) This was Crash Bandicoot. - No, it was not! I've been playing this. - Oh, I played that once here. - OH! - I played the [bleep] out of those games. How'd I forget that? - I played those games. I never would have thought of that. ♪ (chip-tune) ♪ (hitting buzzer) - I know that one, too. Uh, it's... (muttering tune)... - Can I just guess, just randomly? - (FBE) Yes, you can steal it. - Might as well just guess, yeah. Is it Banjo-Kazooie? (buzzer) No? - Oh, my gosh! ♪ (chip-tune) ♪ (hitting buzzer) - That's Sonic. That's Sonic. - (laughing) (hitting buzzer) - Sonic? (ding) - Damn it! - LET'S GO! ♪ (chip-tune) ♪ (hitting buzzer) - Sonic. (ding) Ha-ha! I played the [bleep] outta that little hedgehog. - Beating me to it. - (laughing) - He likes to go fast. - (Sonic) You're too slow! - Can I just say Sonic again? (ding) WHAT?! - Oh, my god. It's okay. I might surprise myself later on. - Exactly. - (FBE) Here's 10 seconds. ♪ (music continues) ♪ - Oh, you already know? (hitting buzzer) - I got it. Sonic the Hedgehog. (ding) Yes! (laughing) - I'm so bad! - I was honestly not expecting to do this well. - (laughing) I know there's no possibility where I could win, but I just want a point. - I'm rooting for you. - (laughing) Thank you! I appreciate it. - (FBE) Okay, here's the next. ♪ (eerie chip-tune) ♪ - Oh, this sounds ominous backwards, but I don't know if it's supposed to. - I'm gonna take a random guess. This is really hard. Kirby? (buzzer) (hitting buzzer) - I want to keep saying Mega Man. (buzzer) - MEGA MAN! ♪ (eerie chip-tune) ♪ - Damn. It's like I don't know it, though. - I think I'm gonna be wrong. Is it Metroid? (buzzer) ♪ (eerie chip-tune) ♪ - (laughing) I don't know! - I'm going out a limb here. Street Fighter? (buzzer) - Oh, don't even. Don't even. (slow-mo) Don't even. - You know what? I'm doing it. Now is THAT Zelda? (buzzer) Awww. I was just shooting my shot there. (hitting buzzer) - Oh, my god! - Wait... that's Pokemon. (ding) - (FBE) Yes! - Holy cow! - That's Lavender Town. I won the Pokemon challenge. Don't try me with Pokemon. - Whoa! That's so loud! - I know this. ♪ (music continuing) ♪ - I've never played Mortal Kombat but I'm just gonna say it. Mortal Kombat? (buzzer) - I'd know the Mortal Kombat theme. I do know that one and that wasn't it. (hitting buzzer) - Is that Zelda? - (FBE) No, you just guessed that. - Oh, my god. Did you--? - Yeah! - Nah, I have no guesses for this. (hitting buzzer) - Is it one of the random Pokemon soundtracks when they go into a haunted area or something? - (FBE) It's Pokemon. - But I can tell you which one. It's Lavender Town. (ding) - OH! That's why it was terrifying. - (FBE) Let's give it the final 15. Here you go. ♪ (music continuing) ♪ - Wait, that's-- no way it could-- (groaning) ♪ (music continuing) ♪ - I'm gonna say Resident Evil. (buzzer) Even though I have no idea what their music is like. (hitting buzzer) - (sighing) - Okay, here we go. Stephen Curry this. Castlevania. (buzzer) - Last one. I don't think it's right, but is it Ghouls and Ghosts? (buzzer) GOW. What is it? - (FBE) That was Pokemon. - NO! - Was it really? - Never played it. - Really? - (FBE) Mm-hmm. - Like the original? - (FBE) Uh-huh. - (gasping) It's Lavender Town! - If I don't get a point, at least you didn't get a point either for that one. - Touche! ♪ (chip-tune) ♪ - Now, see, that sounded like Pokemon. All right, Pac-Man? (buzzer) ♪ (chip-tune) ♪ (hitting buzzer) - Is that Zelda? - (FBE) No! - (groaning) - I'm gonna make my first initial guess and say Tetris. (buzzer) Dang! ♪ (chip-tune) ♪ (hitting buzzer) - You were too confident. - Kirby? - (laughing) (buzzer) One of these days! - I feel like I know that one. - (FBE) More time? - Yeah, I feel like I know that. I have an idea. ♪ (music continuing) ♪ - It's kinda soothing. - Oh! I wonder if it's Final Fantasy VII. (buzzer) - Okay, wait. (hitting buzzer) This is wrong. This is wrong. Donkey Kong? (ding) - No, it is?! - Shut up! - (FBE) Yeah! - Shut up! - What?! - YO! ♪ (music continuing) ♪ - I feel like it's something that's so big. I feel dumb not knowing it. (hitting buzzer) - Kingdom Hearts? (buzzer) (hitting buzzer) - Is this Final Fantasy VII? (buzzer) No? (groaning) Is this Final Fantasy I? (buzzer) - I think I'm still wrong, but I'm gonna say it's the water level from Donkey Kong Country. - (FBE) It was just Donkey Kong Country theme song. - WOW! - (cheering and laughing) - Oh, my gosh! - (FBE) This is the correct answer: Donkey Kong Country. - (both) Oh! - Oh, I didn't play that game. That makes sense. - I did. I jumped those damn karts on the railroad track and all that. - I was thinking Donkey Kong 2, but Donkey Kong-- I was thinking that, but that sounded way too deep. That was fun, actually. We should do more of those. - Yeah, that was a blast. - [Inaudible]. Yeah! - If you do video games again, I'm in. - Let's do modern video games and then we might have a challenge. - Hey-o, I'm in. I'm down. - Song that guess us watching for thanks... - React the on. - If you liked this episode... - (both) ...hit that Like button. - How did you do? - Let us know in the comments. - (both) Bye guys! - Hey, guys, Sabrina here, a React channel producer. Have you gone to yet because you should. We got new gear on and popping every single month. See you there! Bye, guys.
Channel: REACT
Views: 5,540,041
Rating: 4.8794465 out of 5
Keywords: Guess That, Song in Reverse, Video Games, Super Mario Bros, Sonic, Crash Bandicoot, Pokemon, Donkey Kong Country, guess that, staff react, fbe staff, react, reaction, fbe, employees, coworkers, co-workers, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, People Vs food, do they know it, staff reacts, lyric breakdown, poker face, the 10s, guess that song in reverse
Id: qDE0QQ-D0W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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