CYBERPUNK 2077 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - INTRO (FULL GAME)

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I watched up until he pressed continue and the screen went black.

Waiting to get a CPU and GPU in hand, sucks.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ExtraLucky13 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

1080p upload? Assume YT still processing UHD...?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TGhost21 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

These big youtubers are the reason why small ones cannot exist or remain an the same level! Look there. Almoast 15hrs before the release he has already uploaded on youtube the game just to milk more views, going viral. By the time till you barely download or start the game it is to late as it has gone from viral to past. So my question to these developers and others that sponsor people that already are rich and well-known youtubers, What about us, the small ones? These are the things why more than 99% of the new youtube channels don't get to reach subs and views even after 6 or 7 years!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MachiPlays 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right here we go man biggest game of the year i think a lot of people are saying it might be i i honestly i've been trying to avoid as many spoilers as i can about this uh so here's the thing sending off 2020 i would like to see this video do well if possible uh it's ultimately up to you guys and i i'll say right now spider-man got like 200 000 likes and it got over 100 000 likes in the first 24 hours now i'm not expecting that for this but if we do i'm just saying i will i will give this game daily uploads as fast as i can every single day till we finish it uh you guys are amazing and i have two copies of the game to give away one for ps5 which is technically ps4 right now and the xbox uh so if you had a chance to want to like the video leave a comment of when you found my channel and uh so here's the thing both nvidia and zotac are sponsoring this first video so thank you to them uh they are helping me play this game and not only a better way but they them sponsored the video they're sending me a computer and they gave me a zotac gaming geforce rtx 3090 trinity and i what that basically helps me do is turn on ray tracing dlss which is the deep learning super sampling uh they helped me do everything so thank you to them they're amazing the graphics card looks phenomenal i'm about to show you guys right now how to turn on ray tracing inside of cyberpunk so you go to graphics down here i've already enabled it what this okay what ray tracing does is it brings new heights to the immersion this game has a lot of lighting a lot of night lights everything like that it's going to make the object depth better it's going to make the overall reflections and shadows off of buildings off of cars the street lights everything's just gonna help with the immersion all right the next thing we also have is dlss which is deep learning super sampling but what this basically helps with is the computer performance with frame rate uh at higher resolutions so normally if you go to like 4k or whatever you're going to the frame rate might get kind of choppy this is going to keep it it's going to be like a 60 bump with that so uh anyways if you guys learned more about the 30 90 and the capabilities of ray tracing everything like that uh there should be a link at the very very top of the description click that helps me out a lot i love you all about to jump into the game thank you guys again for joining me on the very first part of this series i just i literally can't wait to see what this game has in store all right guys i love you let's get this all right about to jump into this guys here we go new game slight difficulty let's see what we got the right choice for players who just want to sit back and enjoy the story combat will not pose a challenge enemies will have all the tools at their disposal to take v on but primarily only enemies at a higher level will prove a challenge hard okay combat will be a substantial challenge effective use of perks cyberware combat gadgets and consumables will be essential to survival buckle up for serious challenge character oh wait careful character development and clever use of items game mechanics and environment will be necessary to help v make it on the streets of knights uh night city yup which is like the name of the city all right this is what i've had a lot of people ask me what i'm gonna go with uh i think i'll probably go with nomad but let me just read each one roaming the badlands looting scrapyards raiding fuel depots are deep not d-pods depots uh life on the road wasn't easy so i like this one because you start outside the city and the path getting to the city and everything i've heard is going to be like it's got a bit make for like more of an immersion type feel uh this one right here i don't know if you're like already there or what they say if you want to understand the streets you got to live them uh gangs fixers dolls small time pushers you were raised by them all and then this one corpo corporate if you leave the corporate world with their lives i've heard a lot of people are gonna select this one or nomad i don't know a lot of people are selecting this for some reason i'm gonna go with nomad just because i want to experience it this way all right here we go body type oh i forgot this game has a really in-depth like character creation yo check it out hold on muscle tone mask mv oh you can just select it i guess see hmm i don't i guess that's that's close hold on what are these oh we got presets hold on this character art it looks cool like i like the whatever that is going around the eyes and the ears and everything i don't know if it's like a microchip being put in them or what uh skin type oh it's like freckles stuff like that um i know i don't know what i'm going to go with as far as like the full i think i'll just go with that hairstyle let's see what we got wait can we rotate our character run i don't see an option too look at the hairstyle we get the mohawk the bun uh i don't know what you could consider that one i've heard the in-depth options is i don't want to spend too much time on this part but a lot of people have been talking a lot about the the creativity they have in this game oh the rotate yeah okay i feel like some of these look the exact same uh you know i was all for this until i saw the partial mullet in the back part it's business in the front and party in the back i think it's what the like the meme says this guy looks like somebody i know actually it's kind of kind of freaking me out yo what in the world that looks kind of cool i don't know what hairstyle to go i don't want to spend too much time on here i almost just might go with like the defaults how many are there hold on how many are there i'm gonna go back to one let's do that really quick i just want to go to the start because i think the first few were like okay it goes to 39. um there was one that just looked like was it just the first one maybe no it wasn't that one i kind of want to go like with something that's not gonna almost take away from every moment you know like you show up and it's like your hair is the center point type thing um i don't know man this is this is a tough choice i i like this one a lot i just don't like the the other side of it's like if i could just chop that part off we'd be good to go man i don't even know anymore guys now that i'm looking at all of them um hold on hey this one's not bad it might be 32 32 or this one well i don't know hmm like that one looked too plain almost this has hold on i feel like this has to be the one this has to be it all right we're good hair color moving on uh let's see it's not a whole lot of option oh wait we got blue i don't know if i want to go with let me just see there's not many oh wait there is a lot of colors never mind let's try white is that white it's kind of tough to tell i might go with this i don't know i don't know why this is speaking to me i don't know all right go back all right eyes yo look at the graphics what in the world it looks oh wait these are like changing the actual eyes themselves yo look how they change all right i'm gonna keep i'm gonna keep one rest of my kind of freaking me out a little bit let's go the eye color i'm gonna go with probably this one right here yo what do these do hold on what in the world check it out yo what the cat eyes [Music] let's go with this one actually all right eyebrows honestly i feel like five is a good one i'm not even going to change the color either i think i think it looks good uh nose let's see um might change that one a little bit yo i i like how most games that have this they have like actually i think that trying to make it like close to mine [Music] man you have this nose right here oh my goodness you would never have anybody sneak up on you would smell them before they got there i'm pretty sure um still a little much that one's too small i i don't know uh it's a little too small i think [Music] but you know most games they just it like the game like will just like change completely yeah let me i think the one i did like was like um it's one of the teen ones i think might have been no wasn't that one it's not the one it's too far down yo what why is this so tough i might go with this one to be honest all right mouth not gonna change too much but i like how it's just a smooth transition i'm gonna keep that and the jaw the same not gonna worry about it too much oh wait i almost almost messed up right there let's go to one all right we're good there uh ears that's honestly perfect there we go beard might keep it the way it is yeah i think i'll go with this all right beard style hold on oh you can add layers to it like scruff types or whatever hmm i didn't think i'd spend so much time on the uh i think this is a good one we'll go with that all right beard color i'm gonna keep it as is cyberware what is this i'll wix this okay that's what that is to be perfectly honest i really like the one i have on initially that one also looks kind of cool it's not too evasive you know [Music] so there's not many oh you can just turn it off i think i'll probably go with that one it's just the eyes hold on i guess this one yeah let's go with that facial scars here we go oh wow can i just get like some i have like a small scar like on my forehead is there something kind of like that um that might be what i go with that's kind of close when i was little i was renting like i ran towards the phone ringing and i fell and i banged my head on a uh i guess was like a side desk or something i had to have a bunch of stitches so all right that's that's close facial tattoos not gonna worry about this too much piercings i think i'm good teeth hold on get our grill right hold on well you can't really do too much here i guess just the the main one actually could i go with this that looks pretty cool all right we're good on that lip makeup eye makeup no i'm good i'm good cheek makeup blemishes no nails oh you can actually oh yeah okay hold on you can change everything long nails let's keep them short nail color not gonna change that nipples hold on oh you oh it's off and on what body tattoos let's see what we got there's not a lot of selections on that one i kind of like this hold on now let's just go with no maybe body scars let's try that anything small that that might be it all right we're good uh next yo okay points and avail okay points available okay body let's see what this says uh each attribute contains a set of skills all right body adds five health points three stamina points increases damage with fists and gorilla arms by three increases damage of melee weapons okay i don't know how prominent that's gonna be in the game itself i'm gonna assume it's gonna be a big deal but i could be wrong i don't know um all right what about this one quick hack damage by five percent uh increases your passive evasion from enemy attacks by one percent i might go yo this one right here resiliences okay let's do this let's do i think body is gonna be like the main one everybody go maybe cool enemies detect you we'll bring how about we do this i'll bring them all up we'll do this one to six all these to four i think that's a good balance all right summary bio modern panel here we go nomad six okay i think that's a good distribution roman okay i think we're good roaming the badlands yep that's exactly the same backstory we're good to go press to continue let's get it remove patch here we go you said it was nothing serious when i came in you said you were sure all right welcome to cyberpunk 2077 the first time in night city i paid close attention to tutorials already experienced edgerunner feel free to disable hence go to the database anytime you're in the game access tutorials gotcha guess i was wrong can i always look for another shop where they won't ask a lone nomad why he's hugging the border all right check engine that's fine step aside what got any idea what to do hot wire let's try it i'm gonna bypass the coupling and rig a hot wire compressor run on and on it could seize up did anyone ask your opinion let me look around really quick we got a lot of stuff in this game dude i want to explain not playing on mouse and keyboard it might change but for right now i just wanted to destroy it i've been playing trying to get better mk so here we go okay let's see what happens it's like i was telling you come on work not shabby at all questions how long it'll last yet that'll get me to night city i figure something else out there right connect the radio station uh i'm looking for someone jackie wells have you maybe so doable it sure was satisfying that not a solid fix might as well have used spit and duct tape it worked that's what matters all right connect the radio station i guess we're gonna have to let's go now i do have copyrighted music off don't seem like it packs a punch not liable to hear much you don't say [Music] hey mike didn't know you had a customer uh rolled in a few hours passed i i thought he'd at least called in don't you swear to mine we're gonna hash it out don't you know you owe the sheriff a word when you pay his town a visit to tell him what's brought you here maybe even over a cup of coffee just passing through no need to worry i won't be staying long didn't answer my question now did you name's andrew jones probably heard of me i'mma say nope i can't say that i have served in spec ops during the last war silver shoguns bring any bells i'm gonna say afraid not i can't say that it does don't like to get along do ya that a nomad vehicle might have expected that uh i'll just fix it and be on my way do you have a problem i'm gonna just say this i'll just fix it and go i have no reason to linger no you sure [ __ ] don't nothing boils my blood like a [ __ ] string where'd your clan pitch camp i'm gonna say i'm here alone there is no clan there is no camp i'm here alone ain't buying it nomads always stick to their packs my family's in pieces that's why i'm headed for night city makes you an outcast among outcasts sure as hell hope you'll be on your way before long i sold broadcasting comms tower my way in my antenna is down and i need to radio someone what you need is to hightail it out of here without another word ain't got no mind to see you drifting around these parts got it uh you sound like [Music] i think yeah obviously i don't want any trouble i made it clear i don't want any trouble then stop looking for it and hit the road quick oh let's get it yo all right first time out oh we gotta steer a d accelerate bro okay yo i'm going the wrong way hold on yo this game looks incredible [Music] uh let's go over here all right police introduction any of that okay so don't do anything stupid basically [Music] [Applause] i don't know if i'll use mk the whole time but i want to just oh is it because i bumped into that sign back there hold on maybe we gotta evade him a little bit let's go over here [Applause] this is i'm gonna be honest i haven't seen any gameplay for this game this is the first time i've actually seen it so i didn't know what kind of game it was gonna be i expected the entire game to be at night time this is actually really nice all right exit the vehicle here we go [Music] what kick it open there we go nice you know what i'm getting getting some like dying light vibes a little bit it just it feels really smooth hold on what's back over here is there anything guessing crouch is also control yeah yeah okay every game is kind of the same i think on most games i've actually changed crouch to c not sure if that makes me a psychopath or not but that's the way i do it you know yeah i'm so glad this game's finally here there we go man connect to radio station hello come in come in ah raised you finally willie mccoy it's good to hear your voice fee wish i could say the same i need your help there we go i need your help one last time one last time again i had to find the client with my payload but i don't know where he is right place right time you were there i'm gonna say my car broke down my car gave out the electric coupling it's a miracle i made it here maybe the client left a message could you check for me hmm sure last time though i mean client's name jackie wells huh actually left a message he's waiting on a farm flicking you the globe data thanks willie i owe you one you do just don't get yourself killed and don't call again stop leaning here we go all right job updated the nomad so i guess if you pick the other two characters they have a different intro basically i've heard that after you get past the tutorial you actually you all wind up in the same spot anyways can i go up any higher i wonder oh it's broken what if i can climb these later on so far so good right i'm trying to get better at mouse and keyboard i've i've heard the best way to do is just to force yourself to do it am i supposed to i'm not just going down that way that looks really dangerous hold on what we got here what it looked like a doorknob or something oh something else i read that wrong yo this game okay is where like the ray tracing kicks in so like you see like my shadow you actually see like my hands and everything i think that's it makes it look so much better okay i think we're good we are good man head to the meeting place not too far away yo look how nice this game looks so glad i chose to play it on pc because i was like we're i i don't know about like that other like the console versions they don't have the next update yet so i don't want to fight anybody right there hold on no i'm gone dude i'm out of here switch camera oh you can change it you know i kind of like this a little bit entering a new area dry creek okay this game is really nice i didn't know anything about it so you guys are experiencing all this stuff for the first time with me so apologies if i'm not too good at it think we're good all right meet jackie wells i was worried i'd have to turn to farming yeah sure hope you're here for me i don't know is this technically stealing i don't want to just run in and take everything i believe i am are you name's jackie wells v it seems you have cargo that needs to be moved oh where i'm from you share a bit about your soul before you talk biz huh it's kind of like a custom or just good manners you know i'll start with you then why don't we start with you then nc native right here got haywood in my blood i've never been to nc that doesn't mean much to me so imagine a place where everyone's like your bro or sis or a distant cousin at least i think i understand you don't have to like each other but it's family that's haywood that and everyone's packing iron and you i guess one could say i'm from my own haywood you and me we're gonna get along fine the cargo let's load it in the car oh it will you got it all right supposed to pick this up i guess he has it all right should i grab these anything in here might not come i got held up and you weren't exactly easy to find i decided to lay low you know the sheriff like one grouchy [ __ ] yep all right here we go so we headed out yo driving this game now granted i'm on a keyboard doing this it's so easy because it's like ready it's almost too simple i'm not gonna mess it up all right the nomad i'm guessing everyone has their own intro of course i do but the fixer didn't give you the job he he did i was just making sure listen friend we're both professionals ain't we hey you uh sure you've moved contraband before why are you nervous maybe a little this game is some is serious business man i love it border crossing up ahead what now nothing they'll scan us and check our papers okay i'll do the talking i'm gonna go slow i don't know if it's like a speed limit let's get inside the car shop i can't go any further so please direct your vehicle to the inspection area remain in your vehicle the security check will begin shortly i got a real bad feeling about this hand me the manifest don't need to see it grab these let me see it's marked l-a perfect what's that mean lost an arrival it means the cargo's flagged us to be lost as soon as across the border so they know we're smuggling they're about to find out the owner of the vehicle in the inspection area will report for further questioning what now uh i'm gonna go with the bottom one relax it's all in line with procedures it's all part of the plan i guess you know what you're doing huh we want the customs officer to turn a blind eye to our dubious docus we'll need a sweetener do you have the credit chip with the bribe oh yeah forgot about that right you forgot i'll keep the engine running in case of a cock-up do that so all this stuff we're doing right now if i was to have chosen the other two pathways i'm guessing the intro this game would be completely different so it's gonna have three different intros might want to see the other two eventually if you're armed place your weapon here now please report to room number two can't get over the graphics in this game please sit papers uh is this routine i'm gonna say i know the drill it's like confidence everything's there it might be it might not be we'll see hmm what are you transporting it's all in there everything is there anything wrong let's go with that if i go with the bribe he might be like oh you think i'm bible and then he'd call me out you know if anything's wrong just say so i'm sure we can figure it out i haven't said anything yet the question is should i expect to find anything out of order i have no choice it looks like okay there's one additional enclosure to the manifest ah yes remind me you drive for which nomad clan uh i don't drive for any clan let's say that none no clan i drive for myself bold and none too wise you know whenever i see someone like you i'm oh so grateful not to be on that side of the table i'll say i feel the same way the feeling's mutual go on now your associate's waiting for you in the car like how smoothly he like covered it up you know don't forget to take your personal items hey friend you good huh what about my gun be careful with that toy and welcome to night city those little shits imagine night city is some kind of paradise what can you do young naive which is just a euphemism you just talked to anybody i'm curious no not really into conversation it sounds like happening i'll tell you soon we need to get out of here yeah okay it's already getting nighttime let's get to that night city let's go baby i can't wait to see what it looks like [Music] i think overall the uh you're gonna tell me what happened back there it was all over the customs [ __ ] got nitpicky and that ain't normal not to that extent smelling trouble around the bend drive jackie just drive well if he wanted to go slow i could have drove night city up ahead coming our way this does not look good [Music] immediately let's get out of here on it oh man yo all right vehicles combat draw your weapon alt really okay uh holster return shoot double tap on as the passenger weapon allows you to lean out the window oh that's sick this hand cannon is nice i'm gonna like go back in oh dear oh i could have shot the barrels too i just saw that good thing smoke it out we're good maybe it's not so much about the accuracy but this is getting hitting the car itself versus trying to go for the first one let's go baby really i don't think you could have destroyed that one anyways i'm gonna be chasing it from the side yeah there we go yeah it was a timed explosion type thing gotta keep moving nice let's go health regenerates i like that [Music] keep driving we can't stop here the place looks deserted gonna stop here we need to sort out a few things before we go on yeah that was sick i almost tagged our asses not what you call smuggling chicado was supposed to go smooth no problems calm down sometimes these things happen this what kind of [ __ ] happens border security tipped off the corporation that we have their cargo what's the deal with these borderlines flipping us the fingers they [ __ ] please with no consequences he took a risk he assumed we didn't have a clan back in us and he was right so what now uh you pay my uh transport fee hold on i could ask the same question will you keep whining or will we put a bow on this thing uh i ain't gonna lie i'm a bit light i can't pay you now i have something for you once i collect my scrap for this corporal crap we're carrying it huh and you just figured i would sit by patiently actually i wasn't gonna pay you at all it's just gonna bust ass and disappear as soon as we crossed over but you're all right all right i appreciate the honesty yeah thanks so what's next now we take a peek inside let's see what's in this thing now open it oh [ __ ] it says arasaka on the crate we are robbing some heavy hitters and maybe we'll make some heavy money miss a real iguana a uh lesser angelian i think uh lesser and what yeah watch the thing on tv about them went extinct like 30 years ago they're from the lesser antilles you come a long way my scaly friend you think you can make some money on it sure i think it'll make us happy us yeah partner we'll go half season any decent fixer will find a loaded gog interested in a rare gem like this it's kind of a shame though i always wanted a pen got the name manny all thought out hey by the way you uh got any plans for what you'll be doing in night city why do you ask cause i got this feeling you got a lot of time and nothing to spend it on and then see in a city that lets you get by with our buddies but don't you worry let me help you find dicks you got to live somewhere it's important to have people you can turn to you know like uh family maybe you'll find your own down in night city thanks much appreciate it hey come on it's nothing they got chemistry you and me be a crying shame to waste it partner hey oh cuddly little [ __ ] shake jackie's hand let's move partner okay partner time to grab the lizard and scurry out of here i thought it was gonna bite us from midnight what's going on here with you and we got another day ahead of us in this city of dreams oh i love this town love it like you might love a mother who popped you out on the steps of an orphanage once and now stops you to ask if you got a smoke fur every new day here means a hundred new arrivals but only half these guns will survive a year and that's if it's a good one and why do these peeps come to nc well to be street samurai like morgan blackhand and waylon boa boa the greater the risk the bigger the voltaire kids or so they say but you can only be a major league player for so long the faster you live the faster you burn out if you don't get a bullet to the brain first lost some teeth right there a cool thing is these legends [Music] the graveyard matters not where you're from is that where you start what matters here is the walk you walk in night city the city of dreams [Music] chick we're looking for somewhere in this building probably crawling with the penijos the kidnapped here eyes and ears open all right speaking of which got you a little something militech training shard in case you need to uh brush up on your dance moves down for some target practice in vr let's do it man sure why the hell not need to practice [Music] let's begin with basic combat training this session will be recorded for subsequent evaluation all right stamina is all with top this cars is designed to reinforce your fundamental combat abilities and hone your reflexes the skills you gain here will help you survive even excel on the battlefield i will train you to be effective with firearms to use stealth tactics to advantage and to hack into enemy networks because man militech can't encrypt for [ __ ] but they clearly got drilling jar heads in their blood now station one you maggot move move combat basically target practice program you know a little warm up all right pick up a weapon yo this is sick yeah i didn't think you'd find that too tough what do you say we crank it up a notch might have to change my dpi a little bit not bad but it's more realistic if the put standing around and take cover all right crouch behind cover cover protect you from fire sure it's weird it's like use a re-animator to patch yourself up it's like you can crouch hold on crouch and control the same oh okay so crouch okay this is a non-toggle c is the other one got you i'm not even gonna use it that much probably i can't imagine i will all right use x to regain health head to the training area when you're good to go switch weapons nice little crit headshot there nice nice oh he almost do something at me framework v stand on the platform and hacking's the next item on the menu might notice i tweaked the course material a all bit learning everything let's get it all right so tab scanner okay hazardous or red hackable okay exit the scanner oh wait this training module will teach you how to work a little hack magic on the screen to distract the guard uh see your scanner provides an additional inter okay interface for selecting okay so you get the pick distract enemies are just paying it uses too random okay crack the guard trash style over substance good now take him out quietly all right all yours take them out uh non-lethal no reason to hurt anybody just yet never smart to leave behind any trace of your handiwork especially the dead kind now pick up the body and hide it somewhere that was non-lethal uh uh unconscious enemies okay hold up how quickly you do that nice okay now try to take him down in one slick move pick him up put him in there think you're ready to try hacking some gonks in real time have fun uh execute control camera all right more advanced quick hacks allow you to use the environment or enemies to your advantage you know uh what i did see they were inspired by a lot was deus ex i remember that a lot uh bridge protocol anything else oh what is this upload okay characters from the code mentions the characters you select will be visible to the buffer okay bd now detonate the grenade it costs eight oh man here it goes they should be both taken out right oh wow that well that effect looked really nice see just needed to shut your brain down and follow orders in true militech fashion not too shabby militech's algorithms put you on a decent run got additional modules if you want to hone any other skills before you finish up don't doubt now but remember the street's not gonna give you any hints or second chances you pleaded a mandatory portion of the tutorial stealth do i really need to do this probably optional ah should i do these let's just do them we gotta learn right because if i don't do them i'll regret it so first let's shape up those stealth skills all right tab see the scanner aiming to target all right supposed to tag all the guards okay i got you there we go enemies that are unaware of your presence containing the routines pay attention to their behaviors sketchy let me go crouch mode here enter the training area oh i was actually just supposed to get there first uh all right when you fill an entire enemy out their alert indicator will begin to fill find cover to avoid detection find cover quick but i supposed to go to the middle now move slowly towards the exit stay out of sight can i just i gotta distract this guy though right i'm gonna get spotted right here though stealthy now v you ever relive a ninja bd just like that well they see me if i take this guy out i feel like they might actually oh god not lethal let him stay there we don't have to move him yet because it doesn't really matter nova well done on to the next area oh that was kind of tough all right security cameras keep an eye out for security systems such as turrets and surveillance cameras which can also trigger alarms to alert enemies to your position now the same thing only with the camera all right we got that so we can kind of see where they're supposed to go does it matter if i like run like a camera's not gonna like notice it i would imagine we gotta go right across back to your training recruit come on go that way go that way nice work today just all right some advanced combat techniques for dessert then we wrap this party up nice all right last but not least probably the best one down and dirty in close quarter combat take him down but careful looks tough no no it's a boss fight i'm gonna break out of it yeah i'd imagine all right grappling strong enemies enemies at a high uh much higher level than you marked with a skull icon defeating them is it difficult to proceed with caution okay that'll do now maybe we find someone closer to your weight class [Music] all right perform a fast attack nice i lost them i just got my ankles broken i'll give you a combo yo the enemies duck and dodge a lot in this hold on let's see charge attack okay continuous attacking will drain your stamina fast attack trying to have different stamina costs i figured that uh your current statement is displayed yellow bar gotcha enemies blocking okay okay yeah the enemies in a blocking stance strike him to see how your effects are your attacks up from easy to normal this next fool can block fast tax not damage only okay my stamina is almost gone the whole bit coming up now block and blow when you're while you're hitting the attack will consume part of your stamina for your stamina drop so your blocking stance will break [Music] we're gonna block two of these oh no come on look at my stamina come on buddy let's go [Music] counter hold on for enemy foreign every time he swings use that get in there and land a counter punch really that little charge up got me [Music] i gotta do it like it's like a delayed it's like they rare back a lot got him easy double tap to dodge the direction oh my goodness i like that v want to see this fool punching air next don't let him land anything nice defeat the enemy all right use all the techniques you've done well in mastering the way of the fool younger princess that was it let's move on to melee weapons gravity let's go baby melee come back to i don't know you could get like a katana in this game it's like kill bill same as last time got him good now show me what you've learned we're going to fight that big guy oh no uh range range represent okay oh my god i gotta get like away from them nice why use his sword looks like you're cruising already hop on the platform [Music] all right we're out of here man nice tutorial didn't have to do that but figured why not so not bad huh now we can get down to biz all right time to work uh let's see will kako give you any tips and tricks for the job i'm not your mother just do what i pay you for it's easy work sure let's do this elevator this way kind of wonder like so now that we've got all the different tutorials done how the combat is going to go we're out in the streets you know uh let's go partner apartments i'd imagine oh it's been hacked we got a phone call targets sandra dorsett targets biomon with mute a couple hours back suspected abduction target could have possibly flatlined already not sure you're in time we're in time bug we sure you're on phones but that'll make you any less part of this squad squad charming bug could at least try to be nice you want nice supportive call a damn helpline [Music] talk to t-bug follow jackie all right i love that they included like uh for 12 30 hold on target should be inside but i got zero eyes on her bioma fingers crossed it's not too late oh i hate this life or death [ __ ] hurry try hacking the door think you can trip it on your own v the rescue here we go uh see we got hacking wise i mean i guess we're good no profile hostile area here we go oh look at the detail on the pizza oh no hold on sandra dorset's protected under echelon 2 corporal immunity our girl's top shelf this one's packing black markets a detector and that was my head [Music] all right just so we learned in training here we go grab do a non-lethal takedown oh you automatically hide them if you're next to the thing nice [Music] anything else back here [Music] [Music] i go guns blazing or what i don't know here [Music] these aren't the guys though right [Music] you're in deep [ __ ] i'm so [Music] clean it up [Music] oh the gun play is so nice in this game [Music] oh my gosh hold on uh let me drop this [Music] we guy options here [ __ ] you got eyes on this [ __ ] anything brookie's in look out on the balcony got a window on the left give me two cents decrease the lock oh [Music] let's go let's go let's go oh he actually speared him [Music] now let me grab everything first uh we got a couple computers let me loot the area i'm sure there's a yo hold on i will take this thank you very much it's gonna weigh me down though i'd imagine there's no one fresh meat hold on what is this we won't forget uh won't frickin i can't be you're a dead man walking okay um all right nothing really here what about this one i think it'd be probably the exact same computer type thing right so many different toys okay same thing not really anything of use would i get a jacket here hold on did i just see a jacket i swear i just saw a jacket yo i'm telling you man like that signs like busted that's kind of cool it's like a not every signs like perfect you know all right here we go jesus oh no christ think i got her got our target we make it she alive about to find out v jack into our biomod need to know what we're dealing with jacking in this does not look good it's like the matrix almost sandra dorset nc five seven zero four four two trauma teen platinum platinum [ __ ] drama should have swooped in if she sneezed guess when they jammed the transmitter sig looking at a hacked biomon from where we could fig or a neurovirus you ain't seen this place this is tom's ice hooks and cleavers hmm scott muncher's hack huh got an idea check her neural cord find a shard yeah pull it that'll be what's muting the bioma all right pull sharp first off hold on is it safe is that even safe can we just get her out of here we found her still breathing can't lose her we need that biomon working checking for hemorrhages whatever find that shard and yank it found the shard removing now anything reading sandra if you are conscious assume recovery position now an emergency evacuation unit has been dispatched and is due to arrive at your location in 186 your premium plan will cover 90 of the projected costs of your rescue and treatment let's get her off that ice [Music] oh [ __ ] he's flatlining need to know what's going on jackie air hypo [ __ ] this is bad hey pulp fiction though i think holy [ __ ] it worked get her outside all right here we go save sandra carry sandra to the terrace okay buena get around terrace hold on what is it below instructions stop in the doorway all right let me go over here and wait please don't hurt me place the patient on the ground five steps back now tt133 to control patient nc570442 secure stimulus being administered 70 milligrams dopamine 110 norepinephrine 800 for energy that's pretty cool what was that movie blade runner got her good work [ __ ] show's over cutting my wires now see in the near future listen mano i got this thing mind if i borrow your wheels hmm i got a date with misty but i can't take the metro how's it gonna look for me only be hanging jack but don't get used to it saving my ass b thank you how about i drive you home man she's all yours i'm beat as it is oh almost forgot she'll get wakako in the hollow tell her the job's done all right access phone here we go [Music] v how did it go our client is alive and well uh i'm gonna say relatively speaking relatively well trauma team took her off our hands she'll recover splendid your payment awaits you ready to come and grab whenever you like even right away but i guess home is the only place you wish to be now the ncpd has surrounded watson the district is closed if you are to make it past the corridor you must move fast thanks for the heads up swing by to see you later words out the ncpd is going to put watson on lockdown i'm gonna sleep in my own bed tonight we better put it in fifth leave it at me man i'm driving all right nice looks like we got everything uh that was like the first main mission i suppose after the tutorial area you know all right we're good new job the gig i really like the way this game is played out so far not knowing much about it you know adam smasher they're locking down watts [Music] steady that was clean hold on [Music] all right scratched your baby up pretty bad sorry it's okay we can wait let's just focus on getting home something that they do have in this game i'm going to show you guys really quick uh right here disable copyrighted music i have that on i think that's like a blessing i hope that that actually is true though because i'm worried about there's a lot of songs that play so far and i worry like years down the road what if they decide to sign to a label with this song [Music] this game has been awesome thank you guys so much for joining me again necessary security measures officer ma'am damn are we ever lucky we ran into you really what is it that makes him so special can i hack this thing imagine insufficient ram a heart of gold because only somebody with a heart of gold can understand just how much i need to get back to my girl you're a girl uh-huh i'm gonna be worried sick if i don't show i mean i'm trying to be a stand-up guy she's giving me a chance waiting that's a shame look at him no model citizen maybe but he's a good kid let them through but they're the last okay on your way you have a good evening now officer ma'am who's gonna hack that mech behind him or whatever that is all my health goes back up i guess i have to actually inject the uh health she took a liking to you devotion i demonstrated grabbed her by the god right i'm loyal stable in my affections and unassuming you get it i love the city at night man oh your average badges that's max tack ncpd's apex predators impact rolls in when things fly out of hand dunk's up there though just a midday snack world well she was over poor bastards they had it coming all right skipping rides if you're riding as a passenger you can press up to skip the ride and arrive at the destination i mean i don't mind doing this i kind of want to see what happens so let's see that's kind of cool a little transition just kind of puts us where we need to be i guess [Music] i wonder how this works i guess you meet this guy on all three characters or maybe there's a different character replaces i can't imagine there's three sets of dialogue and a whole adventure for each character it's gotta be the same at some point tell misty i said hi i will hey luego all right i'm gonna go home that might wrap up the first video i thought somebody's behind me i was about to panic i leveled up too nice i can use my perk points does it like know where i need to go or is i need to actually press something there we go i've got a phone call oh it gives you a health over time that's guest is nice lee host of the chip and program which promotes the use of cybernetic airlines beautiful because it's behind me thanks for having me there we go yeah this is really awesome i mean how does this work gonna buy a burrito nice [Music] yo the fact that you can get a burrito out of a machine i wouldn't trust it just saying i would be a little more cautious about that oh stupid gates busted again third time paid to get it fixed the last two got to be some kind of scam this is a nice uh nice little apartment we have here go to bed look in the mirror i guess it's a digital type thing my dude looks pissed off uh hold on what stare nothing i love it what kind of shirt am i wearing hmm i could have smiled and stuff too but i didn't really want to spend too much time on that what i'll probably do we'll see how this first video goes and uh if you guys want this game fast which i definitely want to play it a lot just throw that like button that's the best way to let me know you want more and i'm guessing hold on stash so you have this whole area you can just use nice oh i guess you can oh okay nice yo check all this storage stuff out okay i mean some of the stuff i guess maybe like these random things i pick up like a burrito and stuff they don't have a lot of weight this has zero weight uh i did pick up somebody's shirt earlier which i don't think i need it so i guess i just move it over so here's like the store oh look at the outfit we have in here hold on wolf jacket can i get this out i don't want to weigh myself down pistol demo rifle shotgun we kind of need those maybe i could sell some of this stuff later on uh let's do all actually let's just drag it uh yep put all this junk in here i i do like how they've got this set up quick hacks okay i'll keep that for now junk junk i don't weigh myself down i guess we should be fine i got a nice jacket here too so all right we're good go to sleep or go to bed here we go so all right act one starts so um i guess i'm gonna stop here guys thank you guys so much oh we gotta call hold you on any sleep ah no matter time you got up i think i might have caught something when i jagged into that corpus bile mine you know neurovirus sir need to see vic let him tell me what's got my head reeling my stomach churning okay let me take you i brought you a ride throw on some threads make me downstairs all right nice all right guys i love you i'll catch in the next video if you want it fast you know what to do kind of see how this first part goes thank you guys so much this is going to be an awesome series i i can't wait to get back into this game already alright guys i love you take it easy
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 7,998,317
Rating: 4.9375081 out of 5
Keywords: Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay, Cyberpunk 2077 Part 1, Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough, Cyberpunk 2077 Review, Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Part 1, Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 Gameplay, Cyberpunk 2077 Game Part 1, Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough Part 1, Cyberpunk 2077 Character Creation, Cyberpunk 2077 PlayStation 5, Cyberpunk 2077 PS5, Cyberpunk 2077 Ending, Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox Series X, Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox Series X Gameplay, Cyberpunk 2077 Full Game, Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Walkthrough
Id: G51GkSmQAmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 55sec (4675 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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