RETURNAL PS5 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 5 - IXION BOSS (PlayStation 5)

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so guys welcome back man uh returnal has been a fun yet brutal experience i think i died twice in the last video so uh the one thing i will say having fun with this game but it is definitely challenging some kind of some videos might be me at the start of the game over and over this is kind of the way it goes but uh at least there's objective checkpoints in this game which is like if i beat a boss i don't have to beat that boss again you know uh but it does kind of remind me of like maximum carnage and a bunch of other games when i was growing up like i think i had that on sega genesis and it's like i'd get all the way near the end where you fight carnage and it's like i die and you're right back at the beginning of the game you know uh but anyways you guys are amazing thanks for likes i think that uh so we kind of keep it going i've been kind of not i've been hesitant on starting up other games because if you close the game out like for instance if i want to go to the dashboard right quick or whatever it's called startup like odd world i lose everything so i'm kind of nervous about turning this off but i also know that like once resimo village comes out i'm gonna be back and forth a lot so i would like to try to beat this before that happens uh one thing i've kind of gotten since the last part which this is a random drop by the way uh where's i think it's under status here we go no these are different permanent equipment those are things that you can where is the thing at here it is the parasite okay auto repairs while low integrity so if i take some damage and it drops below the green on the bottom left it brings you back up to green i like this more than anything else uh it would be nice to have something that auto hills you all the way um i kind of made a path really quick that's why there's no enemies for a little bit i can actually get all the way up here without any problems uh this chest i don't want to open because but okay valuable items but i know i'm gonna fight something if i open this i would like to not start the video off of me getting killed so uh i'm pretty sure that's going to happen i just want to try to get back to where i was and if i wipe i don't that's one thing i'm like still unsure about how i'm going to edit everything um oh we got a scout log here we go deciphering the blood red xenoglyphs has failed to reveal any symbolism behind statue wrapping suffocation imprisonment metamorphosis i enshroud myself and hide my shadows look everywhere and deeper perhaps they were simply trying to bandage themselves and heal then transform into something greater and ascend all right i made it all the way to this door and then i kind of was back traveling a little bit see if i find any help obviously i didn't um from this point forward if i here's the thing if i get maxed out i'm just gonna start from the beginning obviously keep going and just try you know and if i feel like it's too much of the same i'll edit some stuff out but for the most part i plan on just showing everything i find um i should probably go ahead and use this right i mean there we go i have to say i'm like already weak i'm gonna have some enemies up here we have a turret which i don't know what ability i have oh my god so the proficiency oh my god oh it's this thing i forgot all about this enemy foreign all right nice yeah when your proficiency on the bottom gets to five which i think is like f 5.0 is like the max um that's let me get these turrets down all right nice another one up here see how this is the same room in the last video right but it's a little different because you don't quite know what you're really getting into often contains valuable items my only worry is if i open it like nine times out of ten i'm fighting something sometimes i'll have different abilities it will okay i actually have to actually have to run up and smack this hold on i'm gonna have to play kind of one place safe place scared but more so like be extremely cautious like picking this stuff up is such a double-edged sword it's like you could pick it up but i feel like most the time i do it does damage to me you don't have much time to pick these up either now if i can maintain there's certain items that give you 5.0 you get max integrity on certain things you also get max uh i forgot the actual term for it i just had it in the last video there was like this thing that pulsed out and did like the waves or whatever large resin those two of those up nice all right we're almost back to where we were i just want to get to the like the objective done that's my goal for the video i i don't know how far i can get but i just know that hey if i can at least get the objective done which is ascend the mountain i'll be happy uh let me go back out here and see there's more i think this health icon is actually the resin thing on the ground the spoiled one unless it's one i can yeah yeah it is okay there's one over here too let me check it out if it's oh i almost missed this there we go nice i'm still kind of learning the game the game is still very very new uh obviously there's gonna be one thing i'm actually looking forward to doing like i don't people ask me if i watch other people play play games you know i will say this i like to watch speedrunners sometimes and i feel like this is one of those games that will definitely be fun to watch people see how fast they can beat it since it's all gameplay it's pure platforming there's not really any cut scenes other than like the one in the beginning uh yeah we're not going in there no thank you not even the right way to go either as i'm out okay let's keep it moving so what is this thing i have it gives me all fire cooled out okay this this isn't where i got elastim this is close to it though because you have to fight another one of those things first enhanced vision level three yeah proficiency is the word i was looking for proficiency that's it i was thinking like familiarity that's like a neo turn you know neo had a lot of rpg elements to it yeah like the more i build it up it's a three-pointer right now the more damage i'm gonna be doing which is really really awesome so i don't mind camping doorways i have a thing that will auto heal me back up to a small portion i'm completely fine with playing like this if i need to the only thing is the next boss i'm pretty sure everybody is going to have its own boss proficiency rate plus 50 oh we got more oh it's ether let's go and grab it i don't mind playing like this at all i am 100 okay with it hey [ __ ] coming here nice let's go second one's down let's get it y'all feeling good feeling good which could all be taken away from it any minute now kind of watch like taking damage imagine if you fell and had to restart the game i'm just glad to at least give you some kind of like leisure uh it's tough but we'll kind of give you like like a checkpoint every now and then you know and by checkpoint i mean the objective checkpoints okay we're still headed the right way keep it moving keep it moving baby it's too quiet and also it's going to be different too uh oh it's a spot where i can buy stuff i'm relatively confident the severed would have been incapable of sending out the white shadow broadcast the fractured nature does not display any proof of higher cerebral functions the other sentience must still be alive at its source beyond the wall but without a proper means of communication will they view me as hostile as well i haven't come here to destroy now this wasn't here last time this is a whole different area we got a little fast travel thing uh which i don't even know where you would select to go i guess it like the only thing i'm not sure about this is kind of weird to me okay so for instance i can go back to the very very beginning of the entire area right but the way the game is structured like why would i do that you know it doesn't make any sense to me it's like the way the game kind of punishes you i think what i'm gonna buy here is the uh the spaceman thing because you can buy this and it's something you can hold but it costs 200 and i'm at 496. yo if i could buy both of these that will be amazing this is actually a free life what does this one do emergency repairs it's a suit artifact now is this permanent or at low integrity suit auto repairs itself slowly hold on i to see it now suit artifact i wonder if that's not if that's something i can have forever let me see oh no i see artifacts on the right i'm guessing that's it's not permanent equipment yeah i was hoping it might be some kind of permanent thing that would be really really awesome to have that forever you know yeah i think maybe the astronaut thing is probably gonna be the best way to go this is just extra health this is like hey if i make a mistake i can come back to life you know i think i clicked my fingers together i don't know uh god i just i feel like i already have the other thing um i'm gonna just get this i almost could buy the other two or like the two on the left together but i'm just a little short all right let's get it uh so we'll kind of maintain our composure see it's like this one i don't really understand it's like okay hey you can fast travel but you can only go backwards when you get to a certain point but to go backwards i'm guessing these are only there if you finish the area maybe when i go back the teleporter opens back up i don't quite know um that's just my assumption uh what is this reconstruction not enough ether okay we got something over here too let me just inspect each thing insufficient okay sometimes you can shoot stuff and it'll open up things oh well let's get let's get moving i like how it didn't waste any time it's like hey you want to fight all right here you go i think this might have been where i died last time adrenal level 5.0 is the max i'm for right for right now it's the max oh yeah this is those enemies that damage you do at 5.0 is insane the proficiency is so strong i think we're okay yo you got me this game got me paranoid yo um i could break this but malfunction probability is extremely high and i'm not sure if i want to do that this is also the same thing i don't want to take the risk of having something where oh all sudden you can't use artifacts when you die you know that would just like make that artifact thing i bought useless this is the furthest i've gotten i'm actually sweating right now which is not a healthy not healthy thing hey i'll keep the proficiency up man this thing is nasty [Applause] nice jump i didn't even see that enemy more than the other one oh okay hold on i would rather fight everything like imagine having a shotgun right now that would just be a nightmare almost that was two extremely tough enemies right there uh carbine bonus damage i i have to get it the bonus damage is four i've continued self-experimentation with more discovered technology irreversibly contaminated if i define my current status by scout regulations have i lost a part of myself the device merged disturbingly well with my suit like it recognized me and that it was waiting for me all right only the reason i'm going to go with this i really like the tracker swarm but the only reason i go this is because it has out of the eight uh five of its in damage which is insane so i don't like what's the i i guess maybe we're going to the mountainside or whatever but still it seems like weird that you could select that it's too quiet ricochet rounds i'm not going to go through there i i'm like maybe on my second playthrough if i ever even finish this game we'll find out and that's not my lack of trying if i can just there we go nice uh we have a door right here which looks different than and we're going to we're going to get a different ability soon okay let me go ahead and get this you take these ciphers and you put them in those statues or whatever and they give you like different texts and everything i think each biome has different ones hope i don't get destroyed right here okay uh fabricate one item at no cost what is this okay converts carrot keys into max integrity hostiles have a chance to drop resin on death that's a consumable though both of these are consumables um i'm gonna use this one look at the wall it's so strange uh we got some hostiles up here which i will get to in a second hold on another cipher oh here we go oh i gotta be cautious if they surround you it can get ugly quick oh my god oh my god dude oh thank god i okay see how my health right now it's in like the it's back to green that auto fill that's what i'm hoping for um that resin thing i picked up was complete waste because it didn't really do anything uh let me go back over here and see if there's anything else now that i think about the fast traveling aspects for instance uh i kind of want to go back a little bit and i've already kind of been this way i want to go back one more time and then because i know i have enough of that stuff now to probably buy that large uh whatever it was let's see i think it's back this way wait is that it got so far away the map design they say is a lot like metroid prime but i god it's been so long since i played that game let me go backwards a little bit i'm up to 248 i think it costs 200 to buy one of the large healing things which i'm trying to take notice of stuff i see now more uh just in case yeah here we go there's a little shop area right here i think it's this one yep i just want to get it and use it i mean worst case i use it i that little section of enemies that kind of jumped me right there definitely caught me by surprise there we go look at that we're good as new oh i could just use this to go back i think going all the way that's back in the beginning i don't think it really matters too much um we'll just cut through here i think it's the right way i think it is yeah yeah here it is you know what kind of game this reminds me of so obviously godfall's not a good example but i guess like the way it looks sometimes it kind of reminds me of that game although that game had a pretty rough launch to say the least um this game is i think way way better than obviously and it's not really a loot based game it's more it's a roguelike experience with different objectives and it's definitely not an easy experience and there was some help up here but i just did not want to risk it we just fought the things that teleport are extremely scary see what we got here uh create shield against next hit consumable often contains valuable items i don't want to pick that up because every time i do an enemy pops up and i'm taken by surprise next thing you know restart the game don't want to do that yet um what is this i have no idea what this is uh safe to approach potentially beneficial i hope so uh lie down interaction can damage integrity what is reclaimer for recycling materials output on on yo am i about to risk it let's go i i die hey the the only downside of me doing this potentially is completely wiping out the entire video [Music] so what was that look at my health right now look at my health that's insane artifacts i'll take it is that that doesn't drop the other one though does it now was that really worth all the health i just gave up i mean i literally gave up almost 60 percent it feels like i don't know if that was worth it i mean it was like a mini cutscene type of thing but i don't 20 chance hostiles explode upon death i like that i like the artifacts the problem is they're not permanent which i would really like if they were okay i think the thing appears going to help me a little bit get us kind of back where we were there we go nice i guess it all worked out in the end i like to kind of save certain health items now because i know if an area is tough i can run back and you know potentially get back to safety hit hill up or whatever and you don't even need like the large ones either you can just use like the small health bombs because the the health i'm getting back from like the auto recovery gets me back to green you know still like enemies upon us shield against next pit i just popped up well i'm glad i did that these enemies are definitely stressful nice okay you can be as good as you want in this game but man the minute you make a mistake okay we're good minute you make a mistake gg baby you might as well not even played at all good thing is i have i have a good setup right now i have the artifact the astronaut one kind of reviving me worst case of a disaster which i don't know if it's worst case or not it's usually the case uh not the worst case all right here we go is there anything up here there's something purple back here but the only thing is it's probably one of those spoiled resins which i okay open up the gate i would rather wait to cleanse it if i can i mean the key i really want that but at the same time i don't want to [Music] you know i don't want to ruin it because i'll get something that's going to be crazy probably here we go we're still ascending the mountain goals to get that objective completed in this video oh wow hey we did it let's go baby well we did part of it i've reached my goal i finally summited the energy signature is right here um a little bit nervous we finished the objective but if we're still ascending the mountain i just don't want to fight anything like on these weird slopes because i feel like imma get maxed out if i do i don't know what that is over there i don't know how to get there either objective updated find a way to reach the gateway that's what that is okay gateway uh this is destination selectable why does it feel hold on look where that's look where the icon is oh doesn't that look like a boss type area oh my god oh man okay nice i have a feeling the i can't get over this oh you know what i bet it is here's my guess what's gonna happen now i might not be able to do it we're gonna try though i have a feeling we're gonna go up here where that orange icon is or whatever it is it's gonna be a boss fight right after the boss we're gonna get some new ability that's gonna make a pat make these things turn into pathways which from the beginning of the game we have pathways we can unlock that's my assumption whether or not that's true or not we'll find out these things as well okay hands are a little sweaty right i'm kind of nervous one mistake that i've reset i haven't made it this far before oh my god i gotta i gotta clutch up though okay there's a oh yeah this is definitely a boss fight all right it's oh okay tracker swarm modified sidearm eight this is a boss fight guys can i do it can i do it let's go [Music] encountered airborne fauna what is growing out of it yo i'm so focused right now took a little shot there i'm alright oh my god i don't know if my gun selection right now is really that good it doesn't feel like i'm doing a lot i think that pistol in the ground might have been like the way to go oh no phase two okay it's kind of a cheap shot yo what in the world how am i supposed to dodge that that's kind of freaking me out [Music] what's up oh my god love it the fact that i only get one try at this before having to wipe is stressing me out this is just it's tough guys not gonna lie i'm like missing a lot of shots too [Music] i don't know what that is oh god this is a lot okay suit integrity please go back up there we go back at green even if not for long i have to do this first try please yeah this weapon i have is not it where'd he go oh my god don't know where the boss is all right final phase [Applause] don't know what's happening here oh it's one of these things again it's like you gotta do enough damage before oh that and reloading proc is it's like definitely challenging i'm just keeping my hands steady right now [Music] it's like a thing that comes wow i think i'm missing my off shot a lot the second one do like a little spin thing third one kind of the same thing all right let's go baby dispatched something exalted oh my god all right guys that was uh that was definitely the most stressful moment and it's only going to get worse i know how this game is going to be let's go ahead and scan found more xenotype technology on another corpse scan is again indicating for suit augmentation safe to repurpose system integration complete we'll perform a function test i'm actually going to restart my footage because i don't want to lose what just happened because that was actually highly intense all right press it to grapple so this is the new ability we get uh i mean oh right there oh okay i thought i was going to create a pathway yeah let me restart my footage give me one sec guys oh my goodness
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 202,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Returnal, Returnal Gameplay, Returnal PS5 Gameplay, Returnal Part 1, Returnal PS5 Part 1, Returnal Review, Returnal PS5 Walkthrough, Returnal Walkthrough, Returnal Gameplay Part 1, Returnal PS5 Gameplay Part 1, Returnal PlayStation 5, Returnal Ending, Returnal PS5 Walkthrough Part 1, Returnal PlayStation 5 Walkthrough, Returnal Game Part 1, Returnal Video Game, Returnal Gameplay PS5, Returnal Walkthrough PS5, Returnal PS5 Full Game, Returnal PS5 Review
Id: DnBcxhH6g8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 17sec (2177 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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