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all right guys this is gonna be a it's gonna be a bad idea i already know it uh little hope this is kind of the i don't know if it's a sequel to man of madan i played that last year all this is the dark pictures anthology and let me tell you i i thought when i had my daughter i brought her home uh i didn't have her you know i just i was there supporting but i when we finally brought my daughter home my schedule for gaming recording like changed i record late at night now and it's just ironic that a lot of horror games seem to have come out this year suspiciously and uh here we are at midnight and we're about to play this game and i hope i don't have a heart attack so uh anyways you guys are amazing if you want this game quickly i know this game is coming out close to halloween uh it's gonna give away two copies of the game as well one for ps4 one for xbox if you had a chance to win it's either like the video or leave a comment of when you found my youtube channel uh bandai namco actually gave me this game early so thank you to them i'm not sure if i've already said that and uh if we can hit like 20 i would say like 25 000 likes in the first 24 hours i will spam the series until we finish it probably only going to be a couple long parts but kind of mixing this in with other stuff and i feel like this is the perfect halloween game so all right guys i love you let's get this all right we get scene selection new story load story check this out roadside diner hold on let's check out this scene selection no scenes available ah trying to get a sneak peek i got kind of baited into that one all right new slot here we go brand new game uh tomorrow controller press that to play with point and click press none uh um is thanks for pulling over sure something wrong we got a problem up ahead a big accident we've had to close the road you're right we're diverting all traffic through little hope you okay buddy you seem a little confused yeah i'm fine i just want to get these folks to where they need to be i doubt a short delay will trouble him too much head up the east road takes you straight through a little hope adds almost no time to your journey you rub that chip any harder it'll wear away to nothing right how long have you been sober a few days shy of three months impressive i heard the first 90 days are the toughest and roughest i know it doesn't add up but i get something from holding on to this we're going the wrong way it's fine just a quick detour it's not fine calm down it's all okay oh please john could you not patronize me can you keep it down please stop it james you know i hate it when you don't take the things i say seriously come on sweetheart i do i just had a rough day today can you believe they are at each other again i can you're drunk what a surprise i just caught the game with the guys honey that's it that's not it never is there's talk some of us may be losing our jobs the factory's saying that for years i'm more worried about megan what's wrong with megan she looks okay to me everything looks okay after ten beers reverend carson held her back after prayers today that's four weeks running she's not right it's serious james you worry too much about that kid i can't deal with this right now another surprise you can't deal with anything when would be the right time you're making a mountain out of a molehill getting yourself worked up for nothing for nothing single-handedly keeping our family together and far from nothing in my book i could use a little help maybe if we'd had kids of our own none of this would be happening that's a real low blow don't you get how tough you're not the only one feels pressure the factory situation is serious anne real serious not right now [Music] not tonight no way [Music] tanya's late she always is these days uh let's see tense oh no terse when i say tense there we go at least one of us is out having a good time give her a break it's him i'm worried about that guy's no good for her all that new age [ __ ] reminds me some creepy cult he came in last week we shot the breeze a little bit i like him that one's a classic legendary vinyl quit pawing at it will you hey bigfoot mind the goddamn vinyl will ya man he's so like i guess i'm gonna say this one come on man take some time off from being a dick and give her a break okay mother superior why are you always sticking up for her anyway damn ice i'm going to start climbing through the window unless that door gets fixed how's things let me guess he's been pumping iron again they've been at each of his throats since dad got home what's it about this time uh dad's been drinking father of the year over here dad's been drinking who could have guessed it they're always fighting these days getting predictable like a record that keeps playing over and over dennis for the 10 millionth time will you shift that [ __ ] of yours up into the attic some respect this is a valuable rare and sought after collection [Music] i think she was a marine sergeant of past life i'm just gonna say annoyed he's kind of being a jerk he's being even more annoying than usual tonight a real jerk so what else is new hey dennis hey not now sis i'm busy i don't i don't like the way it's panning in on that ladder right there okay quit acting crazy oh jesus you scared me sweetheart i heard you talking about me not now megan i'd like to have a bath in peace take a break from this mad house for a while maybe you should talk to mom and dad it's not a great idea for me to get involved you know what i'm like i just upset someone they sounded more serious than the usual [ __ ] they were talking about megan she's done something bad i can't say i'm surprised there's definitely something off with megan i don't get why everyone keeps picking on her okay mr shining knight in armor where's the little princess anyway uh i'm gonna say concerned here we go probably better to leave megan alone as her big sister it is my sworn legal duty to check in on her right sure like you're the law around here she went upstairs i'll go find her you know i just watched a movie the other day i've been watching like a lot of scary movies and uh and we can flip it around let's see this this actor was uh and some movie called mid-summer i would not recommend watching it i wouldn't say it was bad it was a very just frightening movie i don't know very disturbing but he was actually one of the characters in it all right pressing time with the heartbeat all right button may change to key okay left left clicks from here on out here that went right between chambers legs it was about six inches off the ice she started to go down i got kind of nervous you need to keep an eye on your little sister mom is real worried about her i can't imagine why i'm gonna say this i'm not a want to be too mean even though he's drunk or whatever it's okay dad tanya's checking on her right now you wanna try raising a family like this the devil himself would struggle with you guys i love you too dad you know jesus all right check on tanya let's get out of here all the movements kind of weird i don't know i may for this the first video i might use mouse and keyboard but i think i will probably let's check this door i'll probably switch to controller if it's too difficult i'm still getting used to mouse and keyboard so forgive me it seems like you just point and click i'm guessing if i was on controller i used like an analog son of a [ __ ] scared me so bad i'm playing this a headphone zone by the way because i want maximum heart attack when it happens all right i shouldn't say that i gotta be careful no all right uh again i'm just wandering around examining this the new england witch trials okay yeah i remember when i when i played the uh demo it had like a flashback where there's like a little girl which kind of looked oh where's the back of his a little hope museum 7.99 i wonder what year this is this feels like it's like in the 60s or 70s or something where the way they're dressed and the shoes right there that feels like 60s and 70s granted people do wear those now but there's a shroud of innocence okay it must be for anyone in this mad house i was gonna check the back but it didn't really go that far all right well let's uh keep on searching i guess we gotta go upstairs or something i've heard this game's gonna be like probably terrifying uh i don't know if it's gonna be as scary as madame medan can we go upstairs no all right then i guess i'm supposed to just chill hold on let's go back this way uh maybe we'll go over here keep on walking hey the way you control your characters really the hell are you anthony where are you goddammit anthony i'm getting really pissed off anthony i swear if you don't answer me why is that little girl so creepy looking family what's she about to do i think so too oh look at them claws oh my what's going on that little brat locked me out it's [ __ ] freezing oh no man how does fire spread so fast [ __ ] tile four megan you in there unless the dab's spilling beer everywhere i don't know the kitchen's on fire are you [ __ ] serious megan where the hell is everybody anthony help man open the window get out of there anthony there you go hey up here what the [ __ ] are you doing out there i got trapped in the attic get to the balcony anthony help man take something to break the hey window i can't breathe man this has just got dangerous all over it here's a girl oh wow oh he's dead so she just possessed i don't think she's gonna make it i think the big sister and the brother the only two that might get out of this alive help megan help tanya uh i mean she's right there and she's over there killing everybody so let's go here wait she was just possessed i don't know man could i have saved company help probably not what should i do uh climb down the drain pipe here we go here we go get to the drain pipe and climb down man i got a bad feeling about this what's that is she wearing a scarf oh my well that was not uh the way it was supposed to happen it feels like jesus so she's dead who else is left the brother he can still get out right i don't have hope though i have little hope about that oh my god well maybe that's why it's called little hope because that's how much hope you have about anybody surviving jesus what have you done mom stop hello and welcome i don't believe that we've met before have we no matter welcome to my repository i am the curator the guardian of all these wonderful stories and i have a very special tale for you to tell disconcerting no i'm sure there's nothing to worry about this particular story isn't fully fleshed out it's only part written and the choices you make will complete it the fire no there was nothing you could have done about that what's happened has happened or has it anyway look to the future i say life's but a walking shadow eh you are about to enter a confusing perhaps disturbing world how disturbing might depend on what you choose to believe and how confusing on the path you choose to take there are an infinite number of directions in which one could travel we seldom have all the information that we'd like but we have to choose our path nonetheless and hope that we get the clarity and the outcomes that we want as in life your decisions will matter the choices you make will affect others you've seen how the story starts so much death how many more deaths is entirely up to you it depends on the decisions that you make what are you rational emotional do you trust your head or your heart there is no right answer sometimes one is best and sometimes the other my advice for what it's worth is to thine own self be true but i'm here simply to record what you do not to help you i'm not supposed to interfere you see not my place apparently but i am apparently allowed to share wise words from great storytellers that have gone before where i feel that that would be appropriate oh one final thing before i let you go there are pictures in little hope that will if found show you a vision of a possible future something that may or may not happen use them they might help you you have a funeral to attend off you go have fun hmm i do enjoy a good funeral man a curator is such a good like voice actor i don't know i don't know who's actually him but all right here we go [Music] none of us here today can understand why this tragic accident happened but we can take comfort from the knowledge that the family are together for eternity in god's loving embrace [Music] uh andrew 18 college students anxious and detached taylor 22 college student headstrong sensitive john the college professor rational over bearing hmm where the hell is daniel i can't find him i don't know instead of goofing around you want to lend a hand here how's he doing uh what do you want me to do how is he doing anyway it doesn't look that serious could be concussed okay professor or should i call you doctor now why don't you try calling for help maybe the cops someone like that compliance i'll do that i already tried once but i'm on it so i'm confused hey andrew buddy how you doing where are we what happened yeah the bus crashed we're okay though just shaken up if you say so i don't remember being in any crash you're probably in shock maybe a mild concussion in there too give yourself some time stay here don't move i don't think the bus driver made it [ __ ] thing useless piece of crap may as well be dead okay take it easy we'll figure out what to do ah all right daniel 20 everybody's a college and it's a college town basically [ __ ] definitely angela 48 mature student abrasive and understanding hey anyone up there hey daniel that you john good to hear you daniel taylor you okay i'm good we're fine too thanks for asking you okay down there i'm all right nothing i can't deal with hey john any idea what caused the crash not sure looked like the driver swerved to avoid something in the road he down there by the way nope no sign of him weird he isn't up here either can you get back up to us looks pretty steep i see a trail down here i could try great take the trail should take you to the road we can regroup there that's a plan see you soon oh hey taylor help me get andrew up on his feet will ya wait i don't remember anything who are you it's okay you're concussed i'm john you're a college professor we were taking a bus on a field trip but that didn't work out so well crash wasn't on the curriculum uh we'll find the others get some help think of it as a character building exercise [Music] all right a little bit of practice there teamwork at its finest i had this dream it was so real flames all around us it was grim that bang on the head must have been a beauty that trail the others are on will come out down the road we'll meet them there i was wondering if that was a dream or not uh why leave the bus we should talk this through why leave the bus not like we have somewhere better to wait no we could be here all night our best move is to get to the others then head towards town see if we can find some help i'm gonna say where's the bus driver where's the driver shouldn't he be back by now the driver's done what we should be doing gone into town for help he could just as easily have banged his head and walked off the other way fine you can stay right here i'll go myself hey professor he is a professor right i'm still fuzzy can we stick together i don't want to wait on my own i guess he's right we should all stick together i got no signal either must be some kind of black spot or you didn't pay your last bill you get that during the crash guess so all right move to location uh i'm actually gonna pause really quick give me one second all right guys i'm good here we go so that whole thing was a dream i think you've shown a little more respect he thinks he's smarter than us but book smart is no good out here he's all up himself acting like the big man on campus i'm just wondering was that all actually a dream because even the curator was like has it happened or not you know all right welcome to unreadable abandon hope okay you know this place little hope no i mean i don't think so you should both know little hope uh curious why should i why should i have heard of this place seriously this place is steeped in history fascinating stuff i mean he is a professor so but i will ask curious how do you know all this stuff anyway i'm a professional academic i read books unlike some easy einstein i can match everything you got with just a smartphone well your phone isn't so smart without a signal so the professor's kind of mean i don't know let's go over here a little bit we got a fence right here we got a bunch of other stuff too it looks like some barrels good to see you too finally everything okay sure we took the scenic route you sure as hell took your own sweet time he's getting worried i bet you were this gate is chained we can't get through look around see if there's anything we can use to break it think this will do it ready i'll push hard from my side ready three two one push yeah that's what i'm talking about great job you two what's the plan now i already said i want to wait at the bus for help not head into town like john wants and we've already concluded this conversation not with everyone here we didn't we should vote on it no need for a vote decisions made uh annoyed you don't call the shots obviously scared you'll lose confident here we go you scared you're loose there's not gonna be a vote i'm sorry but we really don't have time to be arguing you'll stay here with me won't you uh looks like he ain't so keen after all if you got something to say to me spit it out john's right heading into town is our quickest way to find help satisfied sure whatever you say try to be civil costs nothing that's rich given how you bad mouth taylor on the way over what did you say about me you always get your boyfriend to stick up for you try doing it yourself sometime dear he's not my boyfriend okay hold on i remember the demo it seemed like something was going on with the professor and her the old lady is like jealous of her or mad at her i don't know here we go you're kidding he is not my boyfriend what have you been telling her i didn't say a thing keep out of our business okay we are wasting valuable time here can we please just keep moving i'm still not sure heading into town is such a great idea i'm going to hang out by the bus while you all do whatever you have to you want to come along and wait with me i'm with the professor on this one our best play is heading into town and getting some help i'll go wait on my own uh casual andrew how about you you want to head back to the bus with me definitely not i think going into town is probably our best shot at finding help fine come on taylor don't check out on us it's a bad idea to be out here walking around alone come with us don't worry about me i'll flag down the first car i see and come get you all real soon come with us are you kidding me i'm not going anywhere with you yeah there's something going on between the professor and her maybe he was creepy towards her what what i walked away from you aha so you thought better of going it alone then why'd you come back i don't get it it doesn't make any sense lost in a world of her own what the hell are you playing at you going or not taylor look out what the what's going on with you why do you keep coming back i'm not coming back i walked straight out every time it's like i don't know i can't [ __ ] leave or something okay let's try something we'll all go together we came from that direction we must be able to go back that way i want everyone to stay real close no stragglers you want to put us on a kid's line okay okay i'm coming probably gonna pass by the same stuff if i had to guess yeah there's the barrels again i admit that is a little odd more than a little it's not possible it's just like i've been saying we are trapped we can't leave here no okay calm down breathe there's a rational explanation for what's happening maybe we all died in the crash yeah nice theory but i'm pretty sure we're all still alive and kicking last i checked you were schooling us on creative writing not metaphysics i know who i'd like to be kicking this is all down to you this pissy little field trip now we're stuck here in little no hope that is way out of line i had no way of knowing that damn bus would crash you can't put that on me are you for [ __ ] real watch your tone will you i am doing my best to understand this just like you and the rest of us it's like her voice is like echo a little bit uh just say i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't get what's happening to us i don't understand it's like you said we're trapped in a nightmare it's okay we're gonna be just fine we'll figure a way out of this together someone else thinks they can do a better job step right up maybe it isn't real we have to get out of here right i need to think straight we're taking football coaching can everyone just shut up this isn't helping us find help or getting us out of here he's right bitching at each other isn't getting us anywhere we have to work together as a team thank you now let's be logical the fog is between us and the bus there is no fog between us and town so let's head that way i don't get how heading further away from the bus helps there is nothing on the bus we can use to get help in town there will be people a working phone something it pains me to admit but he's right there's nowhere else we can go except into that damn town sounds like a plan to me you leaving me where are you going come on let's go with them until we know what's up we should stick together how'd you get that bruise no biggie must have got it when the bus crashed all right so my theory right now obviously i don't know much oh we gotta stick close to daniel so the bruise around her neck she hung herself in that intro this all they all suffered something from that prologue you really think that's possible i saw some cable show about how your brain keeps going for a while after you you know you die forget about it what they said didn't really stack up hmm so the bruises around her neck because when she hung herself in that intro there's a black cat that's not good i don't like the look of that place at all let's go check out this place because why not we're in a horror movie you know i'm not sure this is such a great idea we should check it out there could be a phone inside i'll go in and take a look around go ahead we'll be right behind you why aren't we going with those guys i know something is up with you you said i wasn't your boyfriend like what a joke idea that is are you for real our bus gets totaled we get lost in fog and your headline is some dumb ass label your admitting boyfriend is not a label that you use for me so what the [ __ ] am i then uh i'm gonna say reassuring lighten up you know i was only messing with you you didn't sound like you were messing just now um i'm just gonna say miss mischievous come on will you that long long face doesn't suit you your attitude towards us sucks i don't know what to say to that maybe she is right about you let's just forget it or maybe you like older women more you seem to fawn over everything she says i'm really trying hard to like you but you're not making it easy if you want me to take you seriously then your [ __ ] needs to hold together a lot more than it has up till now you okay i'm absolutely fine oh yeah we're all gonna die ah hi there how you doing excuse me but we're uh looking for our bus driver what have you seen him yeah that's funny what is what's up with the fog outside it's pretty weird yeah sure is a thick one tonight so thick it's stopping us from leaving yeah yeah i know that feeling you mean you're sorry for busting in like this um bus we were on crashed a little way back up the road there we're still a little shaken up we're still a lot shaken up you certainly look shook up i'm vince i need a mirror maybe there's one here not covered in 20 years sounds like you could use a drink better not thanks i need to keep a clear head it's right there if you change your mind uh don't drink like the daddy why are you even here little hope sure isn't the town it used to be hmm suspicious what are you doing in here uh what happened here curious what happened here the place seems completely deserted little hope feels a little like a ghost town and that fog life moves on you know but we don't all go with it questioning why are you still here they're a phone in there their phone in here we can use a way of contacting the outside world there's a phone but it's been dead for years you know maybe there's still one working in town what is this guy's problem there's definitely something off about him he's harmless just had one too many let's look around there must be something here that can help us see what you can dig up am i intruding here not at all i was about to take a look around anyway don't ask you need an umbilical cord something funny at least i'm looking for a way out what are you just a quick throw then we'll figure out how we're getting out of here try for a big double not my first time daniel shooting for double 20. all right uh use this to aim and then just okay okay so you can play a little still got it now for triple 20. what if i should do my mouse sensitivity a little bit better because right now i'm having to move my wrist a lot or actually my whole arm more so like the dpi or whatever well almost an olympic shot after the night we've had they don't play darts in the olympics all right here we go that is one hell of a shot you did better than taylor let's get back to why we came in here all right so you're kind of if we had to let me see everything really quick so this guy is essentially he's like the dad from the prologue right we'll kind of go to the prologue with everybody with everybody really quick so this is like the drunk dad that's like the whole thing about uh hey do you want to drink you kind of get to choose your own faith then we got andrew the main character he watched his whole family died in russian after his mom and then he watched his sister i mean i i don't know the sister i think it was a sister the one that fell and like hung herself by accident on her like scarf or whatever that was and then i think the other guy is like the brother but obviously that they're not related to anybody because this is like that was something that maybe was just a dream we don't know anyways search the bar walk over here maybe point-and-click i'ma tell you games like this or a lot of fun to play just because you can i don't know it's not stressful at all like there's different types of scary games this one while scary [ __ ] okay there's nothing there so we can't examine that anymore so how do we what's like the best way to get back over here oh wait let's go this way like these types of games aren't that hard to play i mean it's supposed to be kind of a movie night type experience we got stuff here we can examine so far i'm not really feeling like i remember in the left oh we got something here uh okay i vaguely remember what happened here all the factories closed down disincorporate it's so sad interesting let's go over here and check this out piece of paper with some numbers on it all right ls rt astrology spirits great history um let's go back over there well we got the door hold on let's go there first and we got thing on the ground there too hey this way let's get out of here and you all hear that i definitely heard something did you hear that as well come on whatever it was came from outside i really think it's smart to go back out there's nothing for us here we need to move on best of luck hope you found what you're looking for there were other things i could investigate it but i guess i left too soon i'm not sure if it changes anything hopefully not this place reminds me of silent hill a lot the fog it's kind of a weird dreamish memory type place did the old [ __ ] just lock us out he was weird that old guy sure was something off about him why come to creepy central just to get a top up what does that mean hmm continue towards town keep up with john and the others the dynamic between these characters is kind of strange this unit like we don't know who the bus driver like what happened to that guy i just wonder like it's like forcing you to go to the town as well we'll figure it out the way this fog just appears it's not natural i already liked this better than the man of medan we were aboard the ship you two make an effort to keep up it just feels more oh my god it feels more of a polished story yeah i'm kind of nervous now what's gonna happen next all these jumps oh what did they not see her hey can you come over here what's wrong i just saw someone in the woods i can't see anyone defensive don't believe me insistent i definitely saw someone it was a little girl it was a little sister she is not part of the group it makes sense i definitely saw someone 100 sorry i don't buy it nobody would be out here at this ungodly hour okay we really should catch up with the others you two we need to stick close oh my what the hell did you hear that what on earth is that okay very good we're freaked who's there whoever you are this isn't funny at all john where are you daniel taylor come on john where are you this isn't funny that's creepy you see the body hanging up why do we get split apart on an open road like this you know hey wait for us [Music] this mist looks weird or the fog hey come and check this out what on earth is that not a clue it's definitely the like a voodoo doll type thing secret found all right uh a small handmade doll it has been damaged you think oh look at all the stuff we got old flyer from 1970 advertises a talk on the okay here we go uh it's all the stuff we found so far i remember in the other game i didn't find all the stuff obviously they say in order i think we're good here in order to well there's a girl again yo i got chills what is your name sir i'm just gonna say i'm andrew what's good um andrew and drew and your name lady who the hell are you why are you dressed like that i am called mary i fashioned her with my own hand she looks just like the one beside you would you kindly come play with me come play completely i have done nothing hold your tongue i see what you truly are mary reverend carver's affection for you will be shaken loose when he learns of your infidelity with the devil there you are there's someone else out here by the fire what i i don't see any fire i saw them too are you okay this place is all wrong yeah it definitely is this place is all wrong whatever happened here it's over now you have no clue you didn't see what we saw i don't get it what exactly happened here this young girl came out of the fog spoke to us maybe the fog has got you confused we're all stressed out stressed my ass i saw a girl dancing right here clear as day said her name was mary looked exactly like the girl in my dream but she talked in this really weird accent was that even american i'm not sure i couldn't place her accent either what have we gotten ourselves into this kid mary did she want to hurt you uh i don't know man no i don't think she meant to hurt me now what seems our only option is the road into town you're kidding me got a better idea thought not so they both saw the same thing at least at least the main character andrew i'm guessing he's the main character you know what he also reminds me of cal from jedi fallen order i know it's not the same actor but he looks like the character in that game a lot here goes the curator well that escalated rather quickly everything that one does or doesn't do in one's life will catch up with one eventually don't you think don't look at me i can't help you remember we sometimes congratulate ourselves on waking from a troubled dream it may be so the moment after death on my travels over many years i've witnessed many things seen and heard many beliefs and there's usually some element of truth in each of them these unfortunate folks seem to be dealing with forces as yet unexplained i mean sinister movements in the forest spirits from the past a little girl who may be in trouble or maybe she simply is trouble anyway where are we angela isn't getting much title tattle out of taylor no kiss and tell what about john the figure of authority perhaps or perhaps he represents something else and then there's andrew somewhat confused i think a bump to the head can do that let me reassure you you helped make some decisions that will be valued later on and some that may turn out to be regrettable that fellow in the bar he was less than helpful more than a little rude if you ask me clearly something disturbing on his mind enough there's something not quite right in little hope and souls may be in peril off you go again see if you can lift the fog find the bus driver all right find the bus driver this is gonna be easy right [Music] that little girl she sounded so strange i could barely understand her she sure sounded like she wasn't from anywhere around here i'm tempted to say she sounded more like she was from another time than another place you're right so we got taylor and andrew they kind of have a they both kind of been through everything together so far in this game is at least from what we've seen and i'm guessing she's supposed to represent the mom that was weird like went out of focus for a minute she's supposed to represent the mom which is maybe why he's paired with her early on i don't know because he did go back for his mom and that in that dream and she looked just like her oh no a gun pictures yet can be viewed in the collection hold on let me look at this view permission one more time so either somebody's holding a gun to his head that's the bus driver i'm pretty sure oh man i don't know what does that even mean what does it even mean oh my goodness i don't even know what it means i mean it's like it's cool we found that but at the same time how is that gonna help us and why are we leading you know just like the guys be in front at least in case somebody attacks just you know save everybody else can i get over there i guess you can't um i'm gonna keep going straight because it seems like you can't really do too much else i didn't see anything in that house still so we found the premonition uh definitely got silent hill silent hill vibes might get a better view from up there where did you just go how did he walk away so fast has to be this right here right it's so quiet i'm nervous uh is this the right way to go doesn't feel like it i feel like i'm just wandering aimlessly right now if we still like the left or right but let me keep going straight [Music] there's another house or just going back to everyone else it might actually be yo that scared me a little bit kind of weird the way they kind of did the point-and-click in this game it's a little different from last time it's really quiet as well i don't somebody's looking at us it's that little girl again i got headphones on and it's like midnight so i'm well it's actually almost there getting late getting close to the ams curious what you guys think about this as far as a horror game like it's like the until dawn it's like uh the game last year you know the anthology for this man of medan we got different types of horror there's something up ahead which way can we move it amen to that look at that hey wait stop i'm just gonna say it this is exactly what goes down in horror movies oh no what the hell do we do now i'll deal with this stay right here um god i'ma just say be careful careful please hey professor damn it it's just like what happened to us you think the professor will be okay uh approving it's high time he stepped up he's the one in charge finally he's doing the right thing i'm sure he'll be grateful for your concern what is this uh i'm gonna say i should have gone this was a mistake i should have gone with john he shouldn't have gone in alone don't give yourself a hard time you think he's okay in there i don't know i can't tell if whatever it was in there meant us harm i just hope he's okay i have a bad feeling about this [Music] are you okay i lost my bearings i couldn't see you through the thick fog did you see the little girl i could see you back there that's really odd because i sure couldn't see you your clothes looked different and your accent was off you sounded like an actor in some historical play it must have been someone else you saw i teach you i know you i recognized your face whatever you saw it wasn't me now please stop you're scaring me i am all done here seems the fog won't let us go anywhere except into the center of town fog decides where we can and can't go [ __ ] that i'm trying another way don't you kids watch horror movies you never ever split up those movies are dumb and i'm going this way without you maybe splitting up isn't such a good idea taylor no way am i going down there i'm with john um reluctant i'm gonna tailor i'm with andrew i'm gonna go with andrew again we've been together so far why not i'm with andrew the town isn't so far we all go in together not out granny no one asked you okay time out can we all just take a breath think about what our next move is i guess someone should go with her really i'd be okay on my own but sure it's not safe for you to be hanging around here on your own two teams are more likely to find a way out which is what we all want right i guess you're right if the fog lets you through and you find help send them into town to find us got a feeling we'll find help faster than the others as long as somebody does that's all that matters stay close together help uh find help in town or in the town i feel like so far the game's just been building up either this is a very long like introduction to us getting a little hope or maybe we're already there and that's what all the fog is that's why we can't leave because we're in that town hold either way it's scary you hear that [Applause] [ __ ] oh no [Applause] get out of there are we okay here we're good uh somewhere around here there must be an easier way back up to the road let's move out anybody find it odd that the professor just said the hell with us he ran like and hopped over i wasn't even ready for the quick time event i think i matched it way too soon we saw nothing that makes sense i do know there were witch trials and little hope around the same time as salem what happened you can figure that out for yourself what the hell was that now what oh no are you okay feels like angela is constantly weighing me up and finding me lacking i feel responsible for everyone here you are all in my care how would you handle all this in my position just be respectful a little bit uh stay positive here we go i guess i'd try to stay positive do my best that's all anyone could do not sure my best is up to dealing with whatever is going on around us tonight what we saw back there you think that was really supernatural i'm gonna say we can't be sure just in case we really can't be sure what it is we've seen makes sense to me just because i can't explain what we saw doesn't mean we have to reach the most extreme conclusion that's kind of what happened in little hope during the witch trials they made bad decisions based on very little hard evidence i'm gonna say defiance what's happening now is nothing like what happened back then don't be so fast to dismiss what i'm telling you okay uh let's check out our traits really quick insecure uncertain all right let's get out of this little screen we're good i don't like the sound of that it's nothing to worry about you think [ __ ] wait he's always running bro oh no not the heartbeat not the heartbeat [Music] at some point we're gonna get to where we were in the demo i remember that oh my god it scared me a little bit what is it what's wrong we saw something moving in there what exactly are you up to i'm just taking a look here isn't this breaking and entering i won't tell if you don't anyhow there's no one here examine okay modern what does that say magic and ritual pose the magic for these stage magicians okay interesting but i won't be i'm gonna go back here just in case there's like a premonition on the wall or whatever what is this what is this please don't jump scare me oh wow uh yo i would have missed this that's the gun from the premonition for the bus driver while there's four bullets okay you all done with poking around let's catch up with john i don't know what to say here i found a gun i mean we should catch up with the professor he didn't stop to give any lectures here did he i'm worried if i told her that i had a gun she'd be like you don't need that thing even though we're out here in intimate danger you know or probable danger whatever that's on the cover of the game little stick figure thing what kind of place is this it's the witch trials man we're uh we're like reliving this stuff some somehow way shape or form i don't even know what's going on anymore all those i got a six shooter with four shots that's gonna come in the hand later on i guarantee you like it's probably gonna be one of those things where you have a choice professor if you didn't get that then i can imagine the professor dude he always runs away when anything happens he's so scared there you are you flipped out again i'm gonna just say annoyed you flipped out again just like you did on the road you can't blame me for that what the hell was that in there uh reassuring it was nothing don't worry about it don't worry about it what am i in second grade he's right get over yourself and move on this place is our best shot there must be a radio or a working phone inside maybe even our driver too look around for something we can break the glass with all right so my guess is when we're we're about to be back where the demo was so the thing is you can have her go with the other girl and she would be like in their group and then that would leave just me and the professor but i'm guessing because of that we're getting back to where we were in the demo give me that i'll smash the window no problem i can do this okay if you're sure anyone can do this not anyone putting a rock through a window at 10 paces anyone can make the shot if you're feeling under pressure let someone else do it i'm not feeling pressure just saying can you stop talking will you just get on with it the frame will have rotted away and the glass will fall out on its own before you two have finished [Music] on strike we'll make a ballplayer out of you yet do you think a rookie could make a shot like that looks safe enough oh piece of cake you're up next yes so in the demo you just kind of thrown into the game all the stuff you didn't see beforehand i'm guessing now we're gonna oh we're switching back okay i thought they're gonna run into more scary stuff here daniel littles oh my the middle school no so she would have been with us they have an awkward dynamic i feel like i don't know what john saw and i don't intend on sticking around to find out hmm this is like the perfect game for this kind of like time period like the how what was on the left side i i'll host them like right there you got halloween this week good good times are we about to go into this house please no i'm sure it's nothing i'm sure it's nothing's going to get us killed all right that's what happens next the school down forget about that even if you make it over there's no way i'm following yo those are the same things he landed on let's get out of here oh looks like there's no way through i might have made a bad call here uh reassuring look over insurance hey it was a collective decision we'll find another way is there somebody on the bridge i just saw somebody over there so he fell off the roof of the house and landed yeah there's somebody right there i'm pretty sure this is a branch hold on no it's the person follow the little girl we're following the girl okay well now she's gone how convenient i was worried he was gonna try to climb over and then it was like up to me to survive you know and he was totally gonna die i feel like i had the best choices in the last game i feel like there's no way i go two for two somebody's gonna die just a matter of who that must be what we heard just now this place gives me the creeps big time hold on we got let's check over here because you just never know yeah there's gonna be like a premonition or something to help me out this is not that though [Music] let's check the trash can just in case nothing there all right yo i like how they got it set up though it is the controls are a little weird but like i'm having to like be able to like turn around you have to care for summer camp no way there we go you have to just keep keep clicking in a circle over there man don't follow her please hey are you okay who are you what are you doing here something is real off about this whole thing this the same little kid angela and andrew saw before i have no clue whoa you can't be doing that oh my god now we're gonna get teleported tell me that didn't just happen quiet now i will not be gone what are you talking about get away or you will find me come on out mary i know very well you're in there please no let me go i will release you once i am sure you will not speak of our secret your childish games tire me you will respect me and you will say nothing no baffled uh what is this we need to get out of here right now we gotta help her man i feel like do not funded me here please who you played him with evil clings to you that is plain to say you are mistaken i am a child the devil has no time for me amy is the one he craves i have seen it with my own eyes i will have the truth one way or another you come with me girl what the [ __ ] [Music] can someone tell me what just happened those two kids have to be linked somehow no way that's a coincidence i i don't get it let's not hang around here it's time to go right with you so i think we need to save her or do something to intervene to stop anything bad from happening to her to save our own selves coming up when we have the police station thing with andrew i wonder i don't remember what choices i made in the demo i might try to see if i can choose the best possible things hold on i'm glad you're here you're glad i'm here there's a table right here a premonition possibly oh my god hold on what in the world that's a premonition the thing is i don't know it's like she just got pulled or whatever i wonder how how many of these games are actually going to actually make you know that because the anthologies are like four right i would imagine fun fact i put this game they actually gave me this game on ps4 i put it in my ps5 and uh it did not work because i got the thing too early i guess hold on we got here so i'm playing on pc could mean someone's around maybe they can help let's head over let me help you what's i matched it right sorry i mashed the button right it was weird i clicked on everything
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 1,636,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Little Hope, The Dark Pictures, The Dark Pictures Little Hope, Little Hope Game, Little Hope 2020 Game, Little Hope Dark Pictures, Little Hope Gameplay, Dark Pictures Gameplay, Little Hope Part 1, Little Hope All Endings, Little Hope Walkthrough, Little Hope Full Gameplay, Dark Pictures Part 1, Little Hope Gameplay Part 1, Little Hope Full Game, Little Hope All Choices, The Dark Pictures Little Hope Gameplay, Little Hope Review, Dark Pictures Review
Id: 7HuUNfJMVr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 22sec (5182 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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