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[Music] okay look guys it's your girl sherry here with another video so today I am going to be chopping these locks of mine off I feel that it is time for a new look ring in the new year so I'm going to be cutting my hair today now if you've been following me for a while you guys know that I always cut my own hair I only trust myself to cut my own hair so in this video I'm gonna share with you guys how I'm going to cut on my own hair so this could be an educational video for those of you guys who want to experiment and cutting your own hair but again if you guys do this you know do it under your own risk because you know things can go good and things can go bad so I'm strictly just making this video so you know you guys can see how I do my own hair and again if you guys wanted to take initiative and do it for yourself you know we're right ahead before I get started and move on to this video I just want to produce clamor as I always do that everything that I'm doing here is basically just my own techniques and how I do things I am NOT a professional yet I currently am in hair school trying to work to get my certification or hair styling so I'm going to be incorporating some of the techniques that I learned in school on to my own hair but just giving it my own twist because I'm gonna do it on myself I'm not gonna doing on the client and no one's enthrone me so I'm gonna do it myself so it's wanted to put that out there that you guys know where I'm coming from right with that being said I'm gonna go ahead and get myself all packed up and get ready to cut off my hair so this is all gonna go so basically I'm going to start off by doing the technique that I did in this video where I did the pigtails so I can just kind of save my ends and then the rest I'm going to do differently and it all work out because I haven't tried it before I have a vision in my mind and how I'm going to do this so I hope that all turns out right because the kind of style that I want is a bob cut like an a-line bob cut I want it to be a little bit longer at the front here when I cut my hair I am going to be bringing all my length to the back because if you over direct your hair and bring it all back and just cut it in one stationary position here once you release that hair and bring it forward you're going to have longer pieces at the front so with my other video when I did my tutorial when I cut it like this a lot of people have been saying that they have a longer pieces at the back and that's because you over direct the hair to the front so when you over direct the hair to the front and cut it this way and then you bring your hair back you're gonna have like a v-shape look this time around I'm going to be cutting everything Zach's alright you guys hear my dog barking in this video I'm going to be cutting most of my links in the back I'm going to be doing a lot of flexibility with my arms to see backwards here so I'm crossing my fingers that it's all we could turn out as planned I'm nervous and I'm excited all at the same time but it's just here here goes back and alright so first things first as always I'm going to be brushing out any knots and tangles I have on my hair just ensure an easy process and this over here is just a bottle of water I'm just going to damp in my hair so they can help out with the sectioning and with the tail comb I'm just going to be splitting up my hair down the middle I'm just combing everything down and I'm also just going to split my hair down the middle - as well down the back of my name and I'm just going to be smoothing everything down here because I'm going to be tying this in a rubber band and I want to make sure that when I tie it my hair is nice and smooth and we're trying it I want to tie it as close to my neck as possible what you see here is one of the big mistakes that I see other people doing they projected away from their neck which causes the hair to be a little uneven when you cut it so make sure when you are doing it keep your hair as close to your neck as possible so that when you cut it it's gonna be nice and straight [Music] so as you guys can see here I have it as close to my neck as possible and I'm going to do the same thing with the other side now with the second rubber band I'm going to be using that as a guide where I'm going to cut my hair so the first rubber band just holds everything in place the second rubber band is just going to be a guideline so I'm just bringing it down to where you want to cut it and once I found that length I'm gonna go ahead with a good pair of scissors and cut those ends off these are professional scissors that I'm using they are from my school that I got from my kit when I do find out what the brand is I'll post it in my description box for you guys and there you go my ends are gone so now I'm just gonna take a look at what my hair looks like so so far no good because I want it definitely shorter as you guys can see it's a little bit straighter than my first initial video but anyways so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna be using these hair clips to keep the hair stationary in one position so it doesn't move around so once I found that the clips are nice and even I'm gonna go in with my scissors and just cut a straight line right underneath those clips so this is going to be kind of a flexibility movement are really flexibility but your hands are gonna be bent this isn't a move for everyone but if you can definitely the end your arm is the way that I can do it or that I'm doing it then go ahead and try this cut but it turned out pretty straight so as you guys can see that clip really did help with the straight guideline and there's one little struggling piece there that I'm going to be cutting off pretty soon [Music] when I do this cut I want to keep my hair as close to my neck as possible as well and by keeping it close to the neck I'm also projecting most of the hair to the back so that most of the pieces of the front will be a little bit longer I hope that makes sense you guys will see it throughout the rest of this video pretty soon but I brought down another section of hair I just sprayed it down with water because you could do a dry cutting but since I'm doing myself having your hair damp you will be able to kind of see through the hair and see the initial guide line underneath it as you guys can see there so now I'm taking the clip I'm holding everything down and I'm just going to be sliding it down to where the ends are not completely to the ends but just making sure everything is nice and tight in those clips and then I'm just gonna go find that guide line that I created and just cut the link to that guide and I'm basically what I'm doing there is I was just lifting up the hair so I can see where their guide is this definitely is a challenge to cut it this way because one hand is cutting while the other one has a mirror so if you are multitasking like I am go for this so I'm gonna be bringing down more sections to cut as you can see when the hair is dry you can't really see the guideline so that's why I go in with some water and now you can kind of see through it now so I'm brushing the hair towards the middle like I said when I bring all the hair back to that section once the hair is released it will it will create that diagonal forward look that's not going to save so here I'm just lifting up the hair so I can see the guideline and basically I am just cutting it straight to that guide take your time with this guy's if you are doing this for yourself don't rush into it it looks like I'm rushing into it but this video is sped up a little bit it did take me about an hour to cut it myself but you know what it still worked out so now as you guys can see the hair that is on the side of my face I'm not talking behind my ears because tucking it behind your ears will create shorter links at the front so I'm just leaving it right by the side of my face and then I just projected it backwards and then again with the clip I held everything together and I'm just gonna be doing the same thing over and over here just like by taking all the lengths bringing it to the back and then just cutting it to that stationary guideline [Music] that corner piece that you saw there I kind of cut it in a downward angle so that it is a little bit longer at the front I didn't cut it completely straight as you guys can see here you can see the angle kind of projecting forward so you know that's the kind of look that I was trying to achieve by over directing it to the back so the next layer I miss repeating the same exact thing I don't know I feel like I cut my hair pretty damn straight for doing it myself this way so again if you want to create that diagonal forward look project all the front layers of your hair back to that one stationary position and when you cut it and release it the front will definitely be longer than the back section all right so we now are at the last layers of the hair about everything down so this part right here I'm going to do it differently I'm going to clip the front sections of my hair away and work on it Flass so again I'm just taking all that hair that I have on that section bringing it all back towards the middle and just clipping it so that it is nice and secure lifting it up is a technique that we do just to show that we have the guideline there that we are going to be cutting to and also that's why it's important to have your hair wet this way so you can see the guideline especially if you're just starting out with cutting and you don't know where your guide is it's a good it's a good reason to have your hair down alright so I want the front pieces just to be a little little bit longer that's why I left it for the ends I didn't to connect it with the back so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to spray with water so I can see the guideline and I'm just going to bring parts of that front section clip that up so it's a little bit too thick and I'm just going to cut it more into a diagonal forward line cuz I do want a little bit longer than it initially was then I brought down the next section and I'm just gonna cut that to that guide line that I created and you guys can see already it has a nice slant so I'm doing this same exact thing here on the other side you guys are doing this be careful not to cut your fingers professional haircutting scissors are super super sharp if you do one little mistake oh my goodness you're gonna have some painful cuts on your fingers so please be careful so that is well it's not it but you know that's the first initial cut there got rid of most of the length and I'm loving it so now I'm moving on to adding a little bit of layers to my hair so I don't want it just to be just one straight solid cut so I'm just gonna add some layers so by taking that piece of hair I'm gonna use that as a guide to cut my increase layers so by taking that one session of hair and cutting it to the link that you want your long layers by bringing it all the way up it's going to create some increase layers please don't mind my patchiness on my hair there I know it's pretty bad I didn't notice it until I saw this video but yeah I did a really bad job before because I used henna on my hair before I even went to school and before I even learned about henna so that's why it was a little bit patchy anyways so by bringing the hair all the way up and cutting it to that one guideline that we created for the layer you are going to create some nice layers throughout the hair so all you have to do is find the guy that you want bring all the sections of your hair all in one stationary position above your head cut it straight and then if you want to go back like I am doing I'm just going in with some point cutting I'm notching the end so that it's not completely blue one you know I don't like the blunt look I like the soft edges on my hair so I always start off with cutting it to that guide and then I will go in and notch it just to soften up those layers so this is an easy way of doing your own layers at home is just by bringing it up I hope that this makes sense I know it's all it's kind of confusing but you know once you see me doing it you'll kind of understand here is my hair you can see I have a little bit of long layer isn't it as a little bit of movement in touch to my hair which is what I want and now what I'm doing is I'm just taking my thinning shears my texturizing shears and I'm going back in on the ends of my hair and I am just notching those ends out because the ends are still a little bit too thick so I just take them section by section like this and I just do a point cutting technique with these texturizing shears they're not gonna cut your length off they are just going to thin pieces of your hair oh so don't have to worry about cutting anything off because it won't it just ends it out so I'm basically just going ham on the ends of my hair just to kind of get rid of that excess bulk you can see it is kind of changing a little bit my hair is looking pre dry but that's because it is not styled at all [Music] so now that is all the hair that I took off of my head all right so the cut is now complete and I'm just going in with a straightener and I'm just going to straighten everything out so we can see how it looks when it is nice and straight of course I blow dried my hair before doing this I just didn't show it in the video but make sure your hair is dry before you straighten it because please don't call me out on my hair I know the color of my roots is pretty bad I'm going to be doing something to it pretty soon so here is my hair guys it looks so damn good for somebody who did it themselves I am pretty impressed with the work that I did I know some of you might think like it's it looks pretty bad because it's not professionally done and that's because it's not professionally done it's done by me they're not professional yet but I am working on becoming a professional but you guys you know why it works pretty good look at that you can see a little bit of the soft layers and the diagonal forward look of the aline bob cut and loose waves and curls on my hair just see what it looks like you guys are ready salt my hair double click straight right after I finish cutting it I straightened it and I just wanted to see what it would look like with the curls in there you guys I'm not mad I am not mad at all you I actually really really love my hair I was kind of worried to just touch my hair you know what I don't miss it I feel like it was just a right time for me to do this cut because my answer is just so dry so damaged and so porous that you know there was just nothing going on with my ends anymore and now my hair it just feels so much better so I am loving my new hair I'm not gonna lie though this technique that I did was a very very tedious honestly because at the end my shoulders were so sore but I know most of you guys are gonna be thinking you know I probably would have been so much more easier if I went to someone and got my hair cut but that just defeats the whole purpose I'm Charlie I'm kicking myself to cut my own hair and that's not how I do things here I always do my own hair I've always been doing my own hair and I'm not gonna change it so I always want to try to come up with different ways to cut my hair to see which one would be best you know like it's all on you guys if you want to go ahead and try these methods out I just basically wanted to just cut my hair and share with you guys how I did it at home personally for myself and it turned out so good so this is what my hair looks like up close and so that is my hair yes I know it doesn't look professional at all and that isn't the whole approach that I'm trying to achieve here because I know that it's not professional but you know just the fact that I can see I cut my own hair is enough for me so I mean I'm not mad I don't this is just a perfect way to ring in the new year with a new haircut so new year new me new hair and yeah cheers to all of you guys so that is about it for this video if you guys do try this out please let me know leave me a comment follow me on my Instagram account tag me I want to see some of your work whether it's this tutorial that you followed or my previous haircutting tutorials that you follow and I know some of you guys have been sending me pictures and messaging me and telling me you know thank you for making this video I love my hair you know this is kind of like why I do this just to inspire some of you guys to just kind of step out of the box I made me try it somebody I white guy so me I'm not going to say that's the way to go because like I said I am a hair selling student and I'm working on becoming a professional and I want clients to come to me but if there are those days where you feel like you want to spend and you just want to get a haircut just then and there and not wait for your next available appointment try it out and then beam us up if you live in your knee let me help you let me help you fix hey hopefully it won't come to that though but yeah that is it I think your guys did like this video please give me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel also follow me on my Instagram account remember I have to them I have Sheri on my bow and then I have my artistry account which is a glam starter artistry it would mean a lot if you follow other than that happy new year to all of you guys happy 2020 and I hope this new year will bring in lots of fun and joy and happiness to all of you I will see you [Music]
Channel: Sharee Anonuevo
Views: 730,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cut your own hair, diy haircut, cutting my hair short, how to cut your own hair short, cutting my own hair
Id: wa3xdNSmgM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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