How To Cut Your Hair Short At Home! (Brad Mondo Guide)

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it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine [Music] hello you guys welcome back to my channel and welcome to my bathroom today i'm gonna be chopping off my hair again yes and i have just been on a roll lately with my hair i have been bored today i want a change and i think it's time to make that big change i haven't cut my hair like short short in a very long time so i am very excited now i was on pinterest you know doing my thing and i came across this photo of karuchi in her short or long bob and this is how it looks like and when i saw that photo i thought i am sold okay i want that haircut asap so with the help of a little bit of brand mondo and a little bit of research i kind of found a way ish ish to do this and yeah if it turns out great then this is a tutorial and if it doesn't turn out great then don't do this at home you guys disclaimer i'm not a hairdresser okay so what brad did in that video was to section it off in four sections but i do have a little bit of thicker hair so i'm gonna section it off into six sections so and then i'm gonna comb through everything thoroughly um for every section and just tie it with an elastic band to where i want to cut it [Music] damn this part in the back is so thick okay you guys i know that i said i was gonna do six sections but i think i'm gonna have to do eight okay i think i am ish satisfied with that um i feel like it is like okay even so these are the four [Music] [Music] okay so now that i've done all the sections i think i'm just going to go through it and adjust it a little bit i would rather cut it a little bit too long than go too short and you know regret this whole thing pull everything down a little bit [Music] okay so i think that i am pretty satisfied with the whole thing now is the part where i get nervous don't get nervous don't get nervous so starting with the front so oh i'm nervous that was not a lot of hair but i do kind of get nervous so first i'm just going to cut it like this just straight across and then i'm going to point cut it upwards just so that it doesn't get that blunt i do love a blunt cut but brad said that if you're going to do it yourself at home a blunt cut is never possible so i trust him okay let's go on to this one now let's see am i having a mental breakdown right [Music] now oh my god i'm sweating i am sweating okay okay damn that was kind of hard to see okay it didn't do much okay next okay this part i am nervous because you see all that oh all that's coming off okay there is no going back now there is holy holy holy it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine geez i am a nervous wreck right now uh now i haven't oh it's short oh yeah i can't donate this hair that i'm cutting off right now because i've already colored it and you know compromised it uh quite a bit so i can't donate it but you know once my hair grows out again and if i like the short short haircut then i will definitely donate oh my god okay now this part this is crazy but so satisfying why is this so satisfying hey there's no going back there is no going back it's oh okay we got this new like air freshener thing in our bathroom and it goes off like every half an hour and it scares the out of me every single time so you next side i'm not gonna panic i'm not gonna panic yet i'm gonna cry if this doesn't turn out the way i thought it would out with the old and in with the new this hair right here holds a lot of emotions um and i'm ready to let that go all right i do not know what to think yet now i think i'm gonna take each section and just tie it up here so that it goes up a bit i'm gonna do that to every single one of them this was not in the brad mondo video you guys so if things go wrong from here i'm the one to blame [Music] i look crazy but i think i was gonna say trust me but i don't know how it's gonna it's gonna turn out [Music] i look like a toddler now because the elastics are up now now i can just point cut it just to make it less blunt now i do still want a really blunt like cut kind of look but just to you know even it out just a little bit [Music] i'm just going to do a little not a lot i don't want it to be completely like i want it to be chic i want it to be blunt oh i can't see [Music] so [Music] okay ready to let everything down that looks good oh that looks good oh my god it looks good i mean it looks even okay that's pretty okay okay that little part right there needs a little bit love oh oh my god that's not bad that's not bad at all my hair feels so fresh fresh fresher than a mud i wonder how it looks like a side part oh yes this is it girl boom oh my god my hair feels so fresh oh my god it feels so fresh i am living for this right now with short hair i feel like the side part just just does something you know now if i'm gonna do like a middle part i think i'm gonna have to like curl it or do something i don't know i feel kind of like still kind of feeling like a toddler what about the other side i'm trying to grow out my bangs now because i'm bored with that too oh what side do you like i went from a toddler to groan real quick oh i would love to like style it so that bends in a little bit okay enough of my shenanigans i think i choked on my own spit okay so i'm just gonna um adjust it a little bit is it perfect no but it is okay okay so this is how the hair turned out and i am pretty darn excited about it so i think i'm just gonna style it and just see like what i can do with it because i haven't had this short hair in forever as you guys know i had pretty long hair and i dyed it and just totally kapoot my hair it hasn't been the same since i feel like it's a lot frizzier after i take a shower and i just feel like i don't want to do anything with it because then i'll be adding more damage to my hair so i've just had it up like in a bun that's not good either it's not good either because i've been losing hair here and here because i've been having like my updos all the time so now with this i still can do an updo but now with this short hair i can just have it in like a little chic bun like this and be on my way i do not need to put everything up and it feels so damn good okay so this is just like the straight regular regular hair now i think i'm gonna try and curl it it's so short okay you got me you got me again there [Music] hmm okay so this is how it looks like a little bit curled but i think that the the curling iron i have is a little bit too big for it to you know do anything so i think i'm gonna you know level up and i think i'm gonna take my straightener and do some curls with them instead [Music] [Music] i'm just going to take small random strands and curl them should have done this from the get-go you know what you let me learn okay so but yeah this is the end result i love it do you love it what do you guys think one of the reasons why i wanted to really cut my hair was i was losing so much hair um i've i've been losing hair for a while now like a couple of months like extremely much and i just feel like oh let's just chop it off you know what you only live once cut it off it's gonna grow back it's not a big deal and if your boyfriend tells you you should not cut your hair because that is not feminine cut him okay cut him and then cut your hair yeah that was it for me today guys i'm gonna go on a rant if i keep continuing down that path yes so that was it for today's video you guys i hope you guys enjoyed it and yeah just keep on having a fantastical day and i will see you in my next video bye guys
Channel: Tina Engeo
Views: 568,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8pZGiUQq8aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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