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okay so first of all i'm doing this right before i jump in the shower so i'm just taking and running my heat brush from lunch through my hair just to have my hair sort of straight and then i'm taking and sectioning out two of the front pieces and i'm putting just a tiny elastic around them where i don't want to cut above just so that i don't get these front pieces too short um so i'm going to put the ponytails on these sections okay so now i am taking and putting all of my hair in a low tight ponytail keeping it really close to my neck and pulling down until i can feel that those two little elastics are above the ponytail so that i don't cut past them and then i'm going to take my hair shears it's really important to have nice sharp shears for this it makes it so much easier and i'm cutting below the ponytail okay and then i wanted to show you guys here so that you can see but this made it very difficult so the closer or the straighter you can get this part the easier it's going to be to make it straight when you pull the ponytail out so i'm just working on this little corner here to kind of make it straight okay and the big reveal so happy okay so now you can see where these two little ponytails are we didn't cut above them that's awesome so now you can pull them out and now okay so here now we are just taking and blending those front pieces that i sectioned off into the back i am point cutting i like to always point cut my hair it just gives it that much more texture even with a blunt cut i like to point cut just to soften the line a bit it's also so much more forgiving um when you're cutting your own hair so then i'm just going to take and do the exact same thing on the other side okay so i'm just checking it doesn't really matter too much here if it's straight or not because this is just sort of like a rough draft i am going to jump in the shower wash my hair and then we are going to check it wet okay so at this point if you look at the back it's going to look like a gong show don't freak out because i'm going to show you how to blend all this in and make it look super soft and just like very blended and not choppy so far loving the length super happy with it okay so once you're out of the shower i'm just gonna take and part my hair down the center all the way down the back as well and then just kind of divide it in half and this is how we're going to be able to check her cut make sure everything's even and you can kind of see through the hair a little bit better when it's wet so this lets us get a little bit more of a precise cut but i still really do like doing most of my stuff on dry hair this is just to check it and see what we got going on so i did this to the one side and then do the exact same thing to the other side if you see any corners that don't fit with the straight line of your finger then that needs to go so here i just found a little chunk so i'm just going to take and point cut that out because it all should follow the diagonal forward line of your fingers and if there are any little pieces just point cut them out like i'm doing here until you get all the way to the front okay and then if you see any other corners just go back and check with your um with your comb and there is a big one there so just take and point cut that out and then another way to check and make sure that both sides are even you can pull your hair straight up and there you guys can see so that little kind of point there you can just take and make that even across and then you'll know that both sides are completely even so now i'm just going to take and pull down these front pieces this is how you can double check i get really crazy about making sure that both sides are even okay so now for styling products i'm going to toss in this laundry boost it gives you so much volume so what you want to do is take it in sections and just spray it in the root area and then i kind of massage it in and i just apply it kind of in the crown area where you want the most height then i'm taking this satin nectar a couple pumps and i focus this mainly on the ends so this is just going to give you like that shine and smoothness on your ends and the root boost is going to give you that lift so then i take and just like smush it all through blow dry your hair upside down that's how you're going to get the lift with that um grand debut root boost product and then i'm just taking and smoothing everything over with my flat iron brush if you guys want to check out any of these products i will try and link them in the description below so you guys can check them out but i love love this straightening brush it is so quick and easy for flat ironing my hair okay so i'm just going and kind of making it go under just so that it doesn't flip out i basically just want it hanging straight down and you can see the back now how different it looks just from washing it and flattering ironing it compared to before i jumped in the shower when you guys saw that and you were like oh gosh epic fail okay so now we're gonna take and section the front from the back just go down from the crown to the top of your ear section that out with some clips and then what we're going to do is a little bit of a sort of a layering technique this is just going to take a little bit of the bulk out of the ends in the backs especially i sectioned out the front because the front of our hair is usually a little bit thinner and the back is usually a little bit thicker so i'm just taking little tiny like one inch sections and sliding ever so lightly um my razor down my hair and so this is just without giving us layers it's just taking that bulk out so we still have that very like blunt looking haircut without the triangle shape um i'll show you guys it's not very much hair that i'm taking out it looks like a lot but i'll show you guys the floor when i'm all done it's not very much just enough to to make it hang really nice and soft okay so then i'm just taking a look at the back to see where i might need to remove a little bit more of that bulk and this just makes it like nice and wispy when you do it with the razor okay and then take the clips out and then the one side of my hair this side here is just naturally a bit thicker so i'm just taking and kind of like razoring some out of the front pieces as well so that it matches the other side and kind of like wispiness at the bottom okay and then you guys can see i didn't take out very much at all but just enough to get rid of some of that triangular bulk that you get with like a blunt bobcat and i think that it looks really awesome okay then makeup and the whole kind of finished look well not quite because we're gonna just go in and i don't know what we're at like triple check quadruple check here and make sure that everything's straight so again i'm going to take and put it down the center and it doesn't matter if you part your hair down the center the side whatever when you're cutting your hair you should always part it down the center because then it's going to make it symmetrical for no matter where your hair falls if you part it on the side you're going to if that side like blows over to the other side in the wind or something like that you're going to have a really long piece so make sure that you're always parting it down the center when you're cutting it and then right here i noticed that there was a little chunk that was a little bit too long like a little corner so i'm grabbing it here and you guys can see where it's like you can see it so that needs to go so i'm just taking and i'm going to point cut that out get rid of that and then if you just take and do this this is how i like to like make sure that everything's kind of nice and straight and sitting nice and just getting rid of some more of that corner that was a stubborn corner okay and then i just wanted to show you guys some troubleshooting techniques so i get asked all the time how i get the front of my hair so wispy and to be honest it's just because i'm blonde like it just breaks off i know it's sad but anyways to get both sides to match um i'm gonna show you or if your guy's hair doesn't naturally just break off in the front this is what you can do to short or to soften that little point so just deeply deeply point cut out a few hairs or you can take a razor and just very gently so gently slide it down and that will make really nice wispy front pieces and just kind of soften that pointed front edge and then if you guys have a problem with the back still looking a bit um i don't know triangular like it's still the lines a bit too harsh here's a technique you can do with thinning shears to kind of soften that a little bit more so thinning shears are just one blades an actual blade and the other one has like just missing pieces it basically just takes and thins out your hair so i just took and point cut i didn't actually do this to the rest of my hair because i thought it was laying pretty good how i wanted it to but i just wanted to show you guys that technique in case you guys are struggling with having like a heavy back part of your hair in case your hair is like thicker okay so no style is complete without a savage amount of back combing and so you can see how the back is hanging like it's not triangular or anything like that especially when you get the back coming in i am so happy with how this haircut turned out if you guys would like to see a messy curls tutorial on this haircut let me know in the comments below and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Jami Swan
Views: 9,155,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy haircut, diy bob, how to cut your own hair
Id: pkGCgg_kzcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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