HOW TO CUT YOUR OWN HAIR AT HOME | DIY Layered Bob Haircut + Curtain Bangs!

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hey everyone it's ariel welcome back to another video today i'm super excited because i am doing another diy haircut tutorial i do already have a video like this on my channel but i did that video like seven months ago or something so since then my hair has changed a little bit it's a little bit shorter and just a little bit of a different style so i wanted to just do another video with a slightly different style in mine so i'm very excited to do this video i've been waiting patiently to film this so yeah let's just get right into the video first things first i have my cape here i'm just gonna toss this on there we go i will go ahead and show you what you are going to need first thing is a comb i have this one which is it kind of has like two two sides double-sided but i always like to use teeth kind of like this width apart so that's what i'm going to use some clips i have two of them here these are the best hair clips that i've used so yeah a couple of these but you can also just use elastics this is gross you can use elastics if you don't have clips like this just something to clip your hair away and so that you can section properly and then you're going to need a pair of scissors these are professional shears and like i said in my first hair cutting video make sure you have a good pair of scissors because you do not want to be using kitchen scissors on your hair i repeat you do not want to use kitchen scissors on your hair don't do it so get a good pair of scissors before you attempt this probably the most important thing out of this whole tutorial having a good pair of scissors i think that's it that should be all that you need um i do recommend having your hair nice and straight like mine is right now that will just make sure that you get a nice clean line you're not gonna have anything wonky because obviously your hair was curly or wavy or anything besides straight um you could end up with like just some lopsided pieces which we don't want of course so yeah i recommend having straight hair or you could also do this on wet hair let's get to cutting the first thing we want to do is section our hair so i'm just going to take one of my clips here and if you have watched any of my videos before you already know that i don't make perfect sections i just use my fingers to section so do not worry if your sections are not perfectly aligned as long as it's like somewhat of a straight line you will be just fine so i took a section right at kind of the bottom of my ear i'll try and show you guys the back so that's what i'm working with so i'm gonna wow my hair is a lot darker than it was when i did my last video it might be kind of hard to see what i'm cutting but if your hair is dark like mine and you are wearing a cape or something dark like i am it would make it a lot easier if you wore a light colored shirt or a tank top or something that will just help you see your hair a little bit better because yeah this might might make it a bit more difficult so now that i have my section here i'm going to actually split this in the back right in the middle just using my fingers again just kind of making a line down the middle like that and then we're going to work in sections i'm just going to start on one side and i'm going to make sure i'm sitting straight so what you want to do is i'm not looking straight am i okay so comb all the hairs straight down don't angle yourself at all like i am i am not being a good example right now so comb straight down sort of like that and then i'm going to i'm going to take about half an inch maybe a bit less so just going under my finger i'm holding nice and tight not really moving my hand at all and then just going under my fingers and trimming that hair off just gonna go over that last piece again there now we have a nice clean line all right now we're just going to do that same exact thing on the other side combing this straight down looking straight ahead and just cutting about that same amount off careful not to cut yourself like that and then we're just going to make sure it's even by pulling each strand down kind of eyeballing and i think this side needs just a little bit more off and that looks good now to make sure it's even at the back i'm actually going to take my comb facing up and take this all pull it straight out until you get close to that end and without changing the position of your fingers at all i should probably turn so i can show you guys what i'm doing i'm going to keep my fingers where they are and just twist so that i can see if that lines up at the back i can see that there's just a little bit of a curve here so it's not perfectly even so i'm going to point into that actually my goal is to meet this side up with this side so you can see that little bit of a curve i want to even that out there much better so now that's one section done and now we can move to the next section and if you're nervous at all take smaller sections because that will help you just get a good feel of what you're doing without taking like a huge chunk of hair off at first so do small sections as small as you need to especially if your hair is thicker than mine do smaller sections because the smaller the sections the easier it will be for you so for my next section i'm going to go to the top of my ear i'm just taking both fingers top of the ear and just meeting them up at the back like that and then clipping this away and there we go so we have our second section second section second section say that three times fast anyway um so now we're gonna do that exact same thing so splitting it in the middle at the back so we can have two separate sections to work on and then we got some loose guys here then we are doing the same thing so i'm combing straight down and now this is where it gets a little bit more complicated hopefully you guys can see that but that first section that we cut is going to be used as our guideline now so i can see right here that's the piece i just cut and this is the piece i haven't cut yet so i just want to connect to those two pieces so i'm just going right there using that bottom section as a guide now to trim the section above it so now we have the section underneath and the section right above it all even i'll cut at the same length that is looking good and it's feeling a lot better all right now same thing on this side making sure you're keeping your head straight i'm definitely guilty of that so i'm going to try to take my own advice here this right here at the front is my guideline right there i'm just going to cut across there be very careful not to cut yourself please here we go it's all lined up now i'm going to do that same thing i did on the last section where i comb it backwards see if you guys can see it from this angle so i'm combing it up basically straight away from my head until you're almost at the end just turning it a little bit just enough so that you can see and now again kind of in that same spot we have the same same just a few hairs sticking out and i'm just pointing into those very gently i don't want to take too much off i just want to subtly blend those together so that we have the same length all over a little bit more and that looks good and now we have our second section done so there we go now i'm just gonna keep moving up probably have two more sections before we're done i'm also going to trim my layers by the way if you haven't seen my first video my first haircut video i will leave a link to it somewhere here so that you can go and watch it i did also do layers in that video so just in case there's anything different between this video and that one even though my technique is probably gonna be the same um i'll leave it here so that you guys can watch that one as well or if your hair is longer it might be more helpful for you since my hair was longer in that video anyway moving on just doing this exact same thing so just pulling down making sure my head is straight and there you can see my guide right there cutting straight across and there we go perfectly straight other side okay so now i'm just going to do the last section but there probably won't be a whole lot coming off of that one because i know i have some shorter layers in here we do have that little bit there that we need to obviously trim off i'm just gonna freehand this just be very careful if you are doing this at home and then we're gonna do that on this side as well okay so now as you can see my ends are nice and blunt they look clean we have got all those ends trimmed now we want to trim the layers so when you're doing layers you want to always make sure that you are parting your hair i should have mentioned this at the beginning but you want to make sure you're always parting your hair where you normally part it so i kind of switch my part but it's usually it usually hovers kind of in this area i'm also gonna do some curtain bangs so my part is probably gonna be changing a little bit more but this is where i'm gonna keep the part for now and what i'm going to do is part it a little bit farther until i get to the top of my head and then what i'm going to do is section that down so the top of my head to the top of my ear this is going to get clipped away and then the same thing on the other side okay so now we have both of those front sections clipped away because we're gonna start in the back and i just realized i didn't do this for the last couple sections i'm just gonna do that first you have a little bit extra here okay so now we're gonna do the layers so what we're gonna do is take a little section from the top just a thin little section like that and i'm going to calm that up i just realized you guys can't see okay so now you should be able to see so pulling this straight up and i basically just want to get rid of all of this dead stuff like i don't necessarily want to shorten my layers i just want to get rid of the dead stuff so i'm just pulling this straight up hopefully you can see and i'm just going to point this off so be very very careful when you're doing this if you feel more comfortable you can cut it across you're just going to get a little bit more of a blunt effect that way but do whatever you are comfortable with so now i just cut those off and i'm going to just brush it down or comb it down i guess and now we have a base layer to base the rest of the pieces off of so now i'm just going to take a vertical section and by the way i i did all of this in my last haircut video so you may have already seen this but again it does change a little bit with a shorter haircut so now i'm just pulling it at a 45 degree angle i guess and now i just want to connect these bottom pieces to that top layer that we just cut so again i'm just pointing those off i'm just going to do that again that should give me a nice blend all the way down and now what i'm going to do from here is just go all the way taking vertical sections all the way from that middle back section i just did to this side section i'm going to do the same thing to this side section so i'm probably going to fast forward this because i don't want to make this video too long so i'm just going to do that really quick and then i'll move on to the sides okay so i just did all of the back section i just trimmed all those layers back there so now i'm taking down these front sections for the front i'm basically doing the same thing i'm going to take a section of that back section that i just did to use as a guide for the front section the only thing is because my hair is a little bit shorter and i kind of have like a bob hairstyle now it always looks best for the hair to be if anything slightly longer at the front and so to keep that effect what i'm going to do is just angle everything a little bit back so you can actually see my guide right under there and this is good that these hairs are falling because we don't want to cut those at all so just trimming those those little fuzzy hairs that are sticking out and begging to be trimmed off and then i'm going to do the same thing again with another section pulling it back this is the very last section pulling that up and there we go oh it feels so much better like it's crazy what just that little little trim can do really is now i'm going to do the same thing on this side so there we go trimming those baby fine hairs okay so now i'm actually gonna do one more thing i'm gonna pull the section from the back first just make sure that my side layers match up with my back layers and then i'm gonna take these sections here and make sure these line up as well okay so now last time i did kind of a face framing type situation but just a little bit kind of towards the end um nothing crazy but what i want to do this time is do curtain bangs so i'm really excited for this and i'm excited to show you guys too so i'm gonna start by figuring out where i'm gonna part these bangs and i think basically i want the part to stay somewhat over here because it looks better that way when my hair is curly um so i'm gonna make that kind of my guideline so i'm gonna take about this amount so this is probably an inch and a half or so pull this forward and i'm gonna take a couple pieces around that guide and i'm going to trim these to where i want them now i have to keep in mind that my hair is going to shrink up quite a bit when it's curly compared to when it's straight so i think what i want is for them to be about there maybe just a touch more i'm getting nervous now so about there hopefully you guys can see that that's a good couple inches two inches maybe at the longest point i'm going to do this all point cutting because i want it to be very natural looking very subtle i don't want any harsh lines because this is right at the front of my face i'm going to point that off all the way across okay so now as you can see we have our guide i'm going to start on this side because it'll be easier to show you guys i'm taking a good amount i'm actually going to slide cut get your comb in there and then get your fingers clamped down slide your fingers down keeping them tight until that first piece pops out and that's your guide so that's where you want to start or continue cutting and so basically i'm going to move closer i'm going to be opening and closing my scissors ever so slightly i can see what i'm doing as i'm moving down and there all that came off just gonna do that again and so it's easier if you keep them in a downward motion and just opening and closing the tiniest little bit as you're moving down and then i'm going to take a little bit more and i'm going to just keep that going all the way down into this corner but i don't want to cut too much up here i'm going to probably use use that as my stopping point it's going all the way down to there so now it's not done it's not perfect yet but you can see we've got our kind of like c shape happening here and that is what we want that's good i'm just going to leave this for now and i'm going to do that same thing on the other side there it is now that it's popped out i'm actually going to switch my angle here so now i'm going this way going down there we go keeping it going and i'm going to use somewhere in here as my guide on this side there you can see our little angled cut on this side as well now what we want to do is blend everything in so even though i point cut it it's still a little bit harsh so now we have to blend first i'm going to go back to that initial inch and a half or so of parts i'm going to take a section from each side and pull them together and point straight into these so be very careful with this because you can quickly end up taking off way too much so just going straight in making little cuts and that's just gonna blend them together so we want that kind of like jaggedy look because that means we have a nice blend happening looking good and now i'm gonna do that same thing just going down the sides now so now i'm taking a little chunk on this side pulling it up then again i'm pointing into those hairs straight down into them really carefully you can even fan your fingers out a little bit like that to see where you need to do a little bit more there we go and i'm just going to keep doing that keep taking sections going down that out and pointing in okay so as you can see it is really coming together so that side is done and now i'm just going to do that same point cutting technique on this side probably fast forward this okay so now i have both sides done they're all blended all the way down i just want to make sure that if i pull some of this hair down it still blends the way to do that is to pull this again taking a section from each side of your part pointing in there to blend any pieces that might be sticking up a little bit too much and just kind of working your way down okay you guys i think we are pretty much done i'm pretty happy with how this is looking i just want to go around the perimeter and just make sure nothing is sticking out funny at all everything's even so i'm just going to comb down just trim into anything that looks like it's not sitting quite right and now i'm gonna just quickly like restyle my bangs to just get the full the full idea of how it looks so just one second okay you guys so this is pretty much the finished look i'm definitely gonna have to play around with styling these and figure out what what looks best what works best but this at least gives you some idea of how the whole thing looks so basically this haircut is like a bob with medium length layers and then um curtain face framing bangs um yeah i'm i'm definitely excited to play around with these bangs and really get them to sit how i want but so far i think they look really good what do you guys think and i'm going to show you guys the back because a lot of people were upset with me that i didn't show the back in my last haircut video so here we go okay guys so this is the finished look i really hope you guys like this haircut tutorial and i hope it can help you cut your own hair at home um i know a lot of salons are still closed or they opened up and now they're closing again so i'm hoping these little videos can help you feel confident to cut your own hair at home if you don't know i am a hair stylist so i do have experience in cutting hair and this is exactly how i would do it in the salon on somebody else just kind of the version of doing it on your own head so yeah hopefully it's helpful for you hopefully you like the video if you did like this video please make sure to give it a thumbs up and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any future videos thank you so much for watching and i will see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: ARIEL
Views: 186,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cut your own hair, how to cut hair, how to cut your hair, how to cut your own hair short, how to cut bangs, how to cut your own hair in layers, layered bob haircut, home haircut women, home haircut tips, hairdresser's guide, home haircut tutorial, haircut tutorial, haircut at home women, haircut for medium hair, self haircut tutorial, how to cut layers, layered haircut tutorial, step by step haircut tutorial, hair, cut hair straight, ariel, curtain bangs, how to cut
Id: LvO_Py8sdo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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