Hairdressers Guide To Cutting Your Own Hair And Not Ruining It

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hello beautiful how are we feeling today we're good we're hanging in there stay positive we're gonna live our best lives during this time and we're gonna learn some stuff about hair yes today you're gonna learn how to cut your own hair at home properly let me just tell you this video has been requested for such a long time from all of you my channel is about going to a professional whenever you can however based on the current circumstances of the world that we live in you probably cannot leave your house or go to a hairdresser because no salons are open right now i have created a very simple guide to follow when doing your at home haircuts and i'm going to show you guys how to do it i know half of you are going to do it anyways and i'd rather you do it well then botch your hair and have to live with it for many months until it grows out i also want to make it clear that this cannot replace a hair stylist doing your own haircut is just never going to be that that great now what a hairstylist is going to do is really mold that haircut to your face shape and to your lifestyle and to just who you are so this is the absolute absolute basics of hair cutting and this is not how a hairdresser cuts hair this is sort of a one-size-fits-all haircut it's slightly customizable but it's a very general way of cutting hair this is not the techniques we use they're a lot different and a lot more perfect this is the basics and with all those warnings out of the way let's get it started [Music] first of all you're gonna need some tools in order to cut your hair at home what you're to need is maybe a couple of clips that would be nice they can be any kind of clips they don't need to be like this but just clips in general will be good some shears some scissors i would recommend buying some hair dresser scissors they're not expensive you can get cheap ones but at least they have the ability to cut hair using office scissors or kitchen scissors it's not gonna do it as good of a job as this is gonna do and it's going to kind of up your ends if you try and do that luckily you can go on amazon and order something it might take a couple weeks to get to you at this point but you'll get it you also need a comb and some hair ties these are just like the tiny little ones you're gonna need four of them you can do big ones you can do small ones whatever you want to do just a hair tie in general will work just fine and a brush would be great in general you definitely should have one of these here is everything you need and let's bring in my client for today can you guess who it is she's extra really special miss manny quinn come on in girl come on in oh hi beautiful how are you today boop um you miss thing have been in more videos than any miss manny quinn ever usually your time is done by now sweetie i don't know how she's doing it but maybe today is her last and final day did i just say that in front of her oops as you can see miss minnie quinn is beautifully prepped um so satisfying when hairs are straight her hair has been washed and you need to do this also wash your damn hair apply product to protect your hair today on miss manny quinn i use a brand new ex mondo product that i am so excited about because i'm excited about every single product oh is that not the sexiest thing ever this is called forcefield heat shield and this is our heat protector so this is going to protect your hair up to 500 degrees fahrenheit it's going to make sure your hair stays healthy you get absolutely no heat damage it's also going to add a nice amount of hold to your style and we included pro vitamin b5 in here to thicken your hair fibers and make your hair more luxurious there's also ammo dimethicone in here which is one of the heat protection agents in this formula it also provides very long lasting conditioning benefits this baby is if you've damaged compromised hair please protect it it is so important also if your hair is healthy protect it that way your hair is always healthy and beautiful and vibrant and shiny and that's what we love to see now i also took some viper smoothing oil through her ends just to give her a really sleek shiny glossy look before we get started with the haircut you can find out more about forcefield on our website at it'll be linked below for you it is not released yet it'll be released soon and you can keep up to date with new product launches on our instagram page x mondo hair follow us there to find out when this product is launching so after you've applied the proper products please blow dry then fully straighten your hair bone straight today we're going to be cutting on dry hair as a hairdresser we usually cut on wet hair right usually you get your hair washed and then cut but today we're going to work on dry hair because what dry hair is useful for is seeing the actual outcome of what you're doing sooner than later once you cut a piece you know exactly what it's going to look like when it's dry because it is dry now we cut hair when it's wet as a hairdresser so that we don't have to put all that work in beforehand to straighten it and make it really perfectly straight before we cut the water acts as kind of a weight to the hair so that we can get all those little kinks and curls out while we're cutting so having perfectly straight hair is gonna be very important for today's job okay so make sure everything in the back is all straight all those little pieces underneath all the front pieces are completely straight and one other thing before we really start if you have curly hair this isn't for you if you wear it curly and natural all the time you're not going to want to straighten it and then cut it because you wear your hair in that natural state all the time you should really be cutting it to the shape as how you wear it so a curly haircut is going to be a lot different than what i'm doing today and maybe this isn't exactly for you but if you wear a blow-dried and straight all the time then this is for you you can also use this now that we have that all done we have our hair blow dried straightened bone straight take your time with that ladies or jets or anything in between let's get into the technical stuff we're gonna start off by doing our four sections we're using four sections not two that's right i see a lot of people doing two sections and pulling it to the front now why that's bad is because when it's pulled to the front and you cut it there when you pull it to the back you're gonna get a lot of overhanging length um and it's gonna look kind of like a v but like not a very cute v that's kind of dated that whole v look um it's not my cup of tea it's not my style so we're not doing that today so we're gonna part our hair just like how we would part it normally so if you part the side part to the side if you part it to the middle part it's the middle now that we have our part in the middle all set you want to bring it all the way down to the back okay so we have it parted like this all the way down the back now that we have that we're gonna then section out each of those slices into two more sections so we're gonna go to the top of the head and you're gonna lay your comb on there and you're gonna find where the apex is that's the high point of your head the tallest part and i'm gonna take the comb from that apex and go right behind her ear all the way down right there right behind her ear and those are our two sections on this side and then you're gonna repeat the same thing on the other side so for now i'm just gonna throw a couple clips in the back to keep them separated [Music] okay done with step one please make sure your hair is all brushed out or combed out and let's start off with this front left section you're gonna kind of want to see how your hair falls and be like look in the mirror and figure out where you want your hair to land if it's like right here just mark it with your fingers and remember that spot we're going to take one of our elastics we're going to comb it together in our hands and we're gonna make a little ponytail right where we want our hair cut make sure you're not directing the hair forward like this okay you want it to be right on the shoulder so if your shoulders were there it'd be like this she don't have no shoulders she's like i don't need shoulders and i'm like okay and right about here i'm going to put my elastic in all right you can put it up high and then you can kind of drag it down but make sure when you're putting it in you're not lifting this section up or down all right you're not going like this you're going like this exactly how it should lay make sure to keep tension on that hair at all times so now that we have that in there to the best of our abilities we're gonna take this and just bring it down if you need to you can just rag this down a little bit to exactly where you want to cut it so let's do like that much hair and it should lay nice and flat now that we have our front section done like that let's move on to the back it would be nice if you had a friend there to help or a mother or a father or anything just anybody a dog i don't know so you're gonna be sitting like this you need to comb out your hair down the back put the tie in back here you're not bringing it forward you're not bringing to the side you're just gonna lay it down your back alright you see how i'm not directing it forward or back it's just straight down if you have a lot of hair you can do more than four sections that's totally fine i'm gonna do just four sections to keep it simple today and we're just gonna bring that down slide it down to meet the other one if you don't have anybody to help you and you can't see the back of your head you can comb it flat take your hand keep that tension on it just the way it's laying right now and then follow it forward and put the tie on and don't lose that tension because we want it to always lay flat in the back so if it's going like this when you put it back that's not right it needs to lay perfectly flat so we're going to repeat those two steps on the other side and i'll see you in a second [Music] [Music] so what you can also do now is just put the comb across and just check if everything is straight and in the front don't worry if you have pieces coming off that's totally fine those are just your layers that's just face framing you have going on there it's okay if some strands are coming out we just want your length okay we're just dealing with the length right now and we can put this comb in between and just make sure it is all straight now onto the fun part we're going to start cutting our hair are you scared yet well you shouldn't be because you're in good hands with me okay i'm going to be doing this a lot where i have my scissors and my comb in the same hand you can do it if you'd like this is how it should look totally understand if you don't want to do it it's kind of hard you can always just leave the comb down pick it up when you need it and comb you may have more sections than this you may have like six that's totally fine too we can actually just lift it up now at this point doesn't really matter where we lift it to because our section is still pulled really tight into where it's supposed to go we are gonna point cut now point cutting is when you go up instead of across or down but instead of a cross we're not going across none of this what horizontal cutting is gonna do is give you a very sharp line we're looking for a nice blended effect if you're trying to do a very blunt haircut yourself at home girl just stop trying it's not gonna happen it's not you need somebody to do your hair in order to get a very perfect blunt haircut we're gonna give you a little bit more of a feathered look but it's still gonna be very straight across we're gonna take that section and we're gonna start point cutting you can also point cut downward upwards like this or downwards like this okay it doesn't matter it's the same either way i'm gonna go like this because it's more natural for me but i'm just gonna start cutting that hair just taking a little off at a time [Music] there's our first cut congratulations all right and we can point cut down on this and take some of the bulk out [Music] first cut down first cut down all right let's do the back section now the same exact way so we're gonna lift it up you can pull it to the front you can cut it just like this just don't pull the elastic we're gonna just start cutting this be careful with your hands [Music] beautiful that looks really good let's do the other side the same exact way as we just did on this side [Music] all right and our last and final section look at these ends the reason why it's good to have real hair cutting scissors is because it's gonna be really hard to cut through this thick hair with anything but hair cutting scissors see i'm really going into that bulk and just getting rid of it that'll make a nice effect when we let down the hair after we did our first cut that was so fun now that we have all that done we're gonna let these sections out and hopefully everything is perfectly even hold on look at that first section ah let's let the next section out and we're going to comb that out [Music] this is actually like coming out better than i expected the last piece and that is the first step i literally guys have not done anything off camera to perfect this at all all i've done is exactly what you've seen and that's the result there is no v in the back there's nothing weird happening it's perfectly rounded now we're gonna make it even better our next step this does tend to get a bit long because of the over direction we had over here so we're gonna correct that now we're gonna section off just a bit we're gonna comb the hair in front of our face hopefully you can kind of see through your hair or else this might be a little difficult for you we're going to take our scissors and you see that slight bend happening in the front it kind of goes down a little bit because of the over direction we had on the shoulders we're going to correct that we're just going to point cut across and we're just gonna get rid of that little tiny ledge [Music] all right and now it's gone so now we're pretty much straight across up here looks amazing now this might be a good place for some of you to stop if you have fine hair or you like your ends just feeling really thick with no layering you can totally stop here all right this looks great i'm happy with this if you want to get a little more style if you want to do a little more we can keep going all right so we're going to bring the hair back into those four sections once again we're gonna use those four hair ties once more we're gonna take our brush this time or a comb you can still use a comb if you'd like but i prefer a brush for this all right so now we're gonna take the hair and bring it all to the top of our head like this make sure it's all nicely brushed out super important that there's no tangles everything is very smooth and we're gonna take our finger and go through about an inch and a half up or an inch up just like halfway through that ponytail and let that down and the rest of it we're going to bring up to the top put the elastic in while holding that tension just like this i just put the elastic right there i'm not gonna cut it right there once it's tied tight let it down very lightly leave it like that so what we're doing here is we're gonna add layering now we're gonna do the same thing on the back we're gonna lift it up to the apex we're gonna let down half of that hair keep it up high while you're putting the elastic in and let it down it's gonna look very weird but it's all good that's exactly what we want and i'm gonna do the same thing on the other side okay now do not move the elastics at this point that's very important let's turn her back around get her back up here all right girl you're back you're back we're gonna do the same thing point cutting all right bring your fingers to the bottom hold it like this and you're just gonna take off that high point so it's a little bit like just get rid of that we don't need that and don't make this perfect don't cut it straight across please don't do that make it very very feathered and don't take off too too much like an inch is probably good if you want a lot of layering you can go for it i wouldn't exactly recommend it not at home at least so that's where i'm going to leave it so it's a little more straight across but still kind of frayed and keep doing that on every single section and make sure you do the same amount on each side so if you took an inch off that side take another inch off this side and don't make it perfect working my way around town and our last section you can bring these to the front of your head by the way don't pull on them you can also kind of spread it out with your fingers and go in between and point cut probably don't do it as fast as i'm doing it since you're probably gonna cut yourself be careful of that don't cut yourself okay we've done that beautiful my favorite part we're gonna let all these sections down and see what we got oh yes what we just did is gonna be very evident when you blow dry it not so much when it's straight but as you can see we have all those little pieces now a little bit of layering at the bottom it's not totally blunt you have a little bit of body a little bit of movement in there you see that so pretty okay let's bring it all down so what we've done there is kind of bevel the edges and make it not so blunt you can see when i mess it up with all those little pieces coming through down here it looks so much more natural and a lot more movement and it's so much prettier that way this looks awesome look at that movement we have now now that's pretty much the extent of layering i would do at home don't do too much of this because you're just gonna get like weird stacking you can definitely take more off than i did and bring your layers up a little higher because we let half of the hair down on each section you're never gonna like cut into your length so no matter how much length you take off when you're doing the layering portion you're never gonna lose how long your hair is because we let down that bit of insurance so that we don't cut into the length but i'm satisfied with this i really like the way that came out now lastly you guys you can always have a little bit of fun and we can add some layering in the front if you so desire to you can take about an inch and a half out of the front and while your hair is just laying flat look in the mirror and point cut very so slightly and work your way down the hair making little stairs beautiful and kind of round out the bottom that looks great and now do the exact same thing on the other side part out about an inch and a half put it behind your shoulders just do little steps you can always do more after just take it easy and now we have some face framing going on that will be more evident when you have a nice blowout but you can see cute little face framing um and now if your ends are still feeling a bit thick you can point cut straight up so you take the hair lay it in place and point cut directly up to just get rid of a little bit of that weight be very careful with this or else you'll have little holes everywhere i like the way her hair is i think it looks amazing she looks so beautiful all right now that i've finished my very simple haircut i'm going to curl her hair a bit make it a little wavy and fun and i'll show you guys what the finished result is i'll be right back and here is the final result oh my god i mean hello did you order one at home haircut oh yes it'll be right there yep it's here okay she looks incredible i just quickly did a five second curling iron moment and she is done that is her haircut she looks fabulous she's living her extra life beautiful she's so happy oh my god she needed that so bad her hair was way too long and now her ends feel so much better thicker amazing oh this color is so freaking cute on her i don't know it's kind of like weird but cute at the same time thank you miss manny quinn you're done for today you've made it through one more video of mine we'll see how many more you ask through all right you guys so those are my steps to doing a perfect at-home haircut i hope it comes out good for you i really really do please be patient with it take your time and do exactly how i say to do it okay and let me know how it goes i would love to see pictures or just write to me whatever you want to do you can find me on tick tock facebook twitter instagram at bradmondonnyc you can also find my haircare brand at xmondohair on instagram and you can check out our new amazing fabulous forcefield heat shield to keep your hair healthy for as long as possible and that is all for today guys i hope you're all doing well and staying inside and being safe love all of you so much thank you for watching today don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys this is bdsm our slick and defined bomb this is gonna be a perfect product to finish any style you just put a little on your hands distribute it to the bottoms of your hair and you'll get that lived in sort of cool texture we're seeing a lot of nowadays also best thing to use is for flyaways edges tame them down girl get them glued to that forehead you know that look
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 9,828,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hairdressers Guide To Cutting Your Own Hair And Not Ruining It, brad mondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, at home haircut woman, DIY womans haircut, cut your own layers, layer your hair, how to, haircut, hair color, hair cut, how to cut your own hair, diy haircut, hairdresser reacts, hair cutting, i cut my own hair, cut your own hair, haircut tutorial, hair tutorial, hair fail, box dye, diy hair, healthy hair, hair stylist, long hair, at home, curly hair
Id: FAmE16ej9IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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