cute or cringe, shortcakes? only time will tell πŸ˜ŒπŸ“πŸ° [cc]

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okay dude what i will write to the director myself and ask for a reshoot wait a second did i just see the hating game in the window of that book she's reading a book called how to win all right how do you stop reading to get to winning miss hutton editing noelle here to tell you that at the beginning of this video i had put on some lip stain and the stain got all over my teeth so it either looked like i dracula'd someone's ass or i took a full bottle of red wine straight to the teeth so ignore that i can't fix it now and i hope you enjoy this video hello everyone welcome back to my channel thanks so much for being here today today's video is a special one because it's going to be my first ever movie reaction video and of course we had to start with the hating game i don't know if i'm going to be a movie reactor from this point on i just know that this is a movie i've been waiting for for a long time and it's finally out as many of you know the hating game is one of my favorite romances it's definitely a comfort read for me when life feels tough i go to the hating game to calm me back down again so i've talked a lot about how excited i am for this movie and it's finally here and so i'm going to try to record this movie reaction i think i have it figured out but i you know what we're all just hoping at this point so i'm now going to press play and hope to god this works and let's get into this the only thing i've seen is the trailer so i have not read a single review i haven't seen anything about it online i purposefully am not checking because i don't want any impressions going into this so let's begin by recording the screen [Music] how many studios do we have to thank before getting into this movie my god [Music] the title it's elevator nars it's elevator doors i got it don't worry i got it oh cupcakes that was pathetic er who is joshua templeman you know lucinda you could just tell her to do her job but no you have to be the good guy it's a lot better than being the [ __ ] can we please get started or do you need another minute to chit chat no we're good to go oh your tie's crooked okay thank you all for being here today but okay all right we have a moment where josh is a little sassy i'm not mad at it to be honest i'm not mad at it i buy it i buy it all right and then she said his ties crooked it's quick it's witty it's fun that's excellent the job is mine shortcake oh your confidence is compelling but you forget one thing everyone hates you oh they don't hate me they fear me which makes me effective you know when i'm your balls i will require you to do i noticed this in the trailer at this moment lucy's drinking some tea and she keeps dunking it in her cup it is a dry tea bag nothing in the mug nothing no water nothing nothing's in it and she keeps doing it she keeps flicking the tea bag in and out of the water it's a dry tea bag continuity error that's all i'll say i don't quit then i'll fire you ah but i'm incapable of giving you that pleasure well it's not the first time you said that to a woman is it grow tea bag then we agree if one of us gets a job the other has to quit fine agreed right now i'm not really getting chemistry but i'm also not really getting hate either they just it sounded like they were kind of talking over each other so i guess we'll see what happens so she's got the whole collection how adorable will you shut up thank you for the delivery danny yes danny thank you so much got it jt well catch you dreamboats on the flip hit it no okay hi dude i like danny obviously in the book he's you're not supposed to really root for him but he's quirky and he's fun what's wrong with that he looks like i don't know the way he was just talking he sounds like he should be with lucy oh my god this is weird i'm not supposed to like him okay all right let's continue [Music] what not exactly consistent with the tone of the novel since when do you read the books we publish i was just trying to fill my goodreads quota oh you're one book of the year you do know comic books don't count right i fell asleep three times reading the first page well it is exhausting good reads quota it's a good reads joke there's a good reads joke right us as readers we're here at the table we're here at the table taking it in it's a goodreads quote okay okay just so we're clear it's a good reads quote this is a comma and this is a period when you take a period and put that donut hole away or i'm going to shove it up your semicolon you'd like that wouldn't your shrimp lucy hale has an amazing jawline what do you want to say oh my god what i'm gonna work you so [ __ ] hard okay dude okay our first steamy moment has happened the visual was fine i think it worked it was the voice not even that it was his voice it was more just like it was too soft we needed you know a little bit of testiness if you catch my drift anyway let's continue come on hottie let's see it okay that's what we get i mean i know like in the in the book she kind of what does she do she walks in and she's trying to act all cute in her black dress and then she can't get the coat off or something happens where it is awkward but that was a lot she was like face flat on the ground i mean if we're going for quirky we're doing it just right okay hi i had some weird dreams last night i had some weird dreams last night i was right you had a second trailer no was i in it only in your dreams would you ever be in my dreams okay pressing up against me oh i could feel him you know i think i'm gonna have to spell it out for me well i guess i just eyes up drop i feel weird because it is a guy from work hot date guy as a matter of fact am i gonna have to people want a book on donkey farts i'll ride the donkey all the way to the bank this is what i get for selling my solder mephistopheles who read a book bexley just quirky banter you know how it is i am meeting him for drinks at the ac at seven and you will never be my boss what a coincidence i'm going to the ac tonight at seven fan tastic i will see you there oh he thinks he just secured a date he did not he did not oh damn he's back my favorite sorry you should wear a bell like a cow you're not like a cow i'm gonna stop talking hi what you're doing tonight oh she looks so pretty uh well uh great awesome you are the best oh the ac seven o'clock i'll see you there see you there oh man i mean i like danny a lot i like him a lot i think he's quirky and fun and she said you need to rearrange your plans so that i can make josh feel bad in the book it just works out i'm disappointed that was selfish okay he thinks it's a date which means the kiss is coming now oh did she take that lipstick off that's an interesting conundrum why is the lipstick off lucy you guys gonna lock lips in the elevator soon perhaps [Laughter] the kiss is coming at my desk the kiss is coming you need a ride it's coming it's gonna happen right now god calm down i'm not actually gonna strangle what are we doing oh my god oh my god oh my god maybe the game where we hate each other do it do you really hate me [Music] [Music] oh sorry just bump the button they didn't bump the button they were about to bump uglies that's what they were gonna do did you have to wear one of those b suits totally green to be honest i'm like he wants [Music] wait a second did i just see the hating game in the window of that book precautions no see that's just come on show it to me show it to me is that the it is the hating game was in the window of that bookstore i saw it i saw it let's go back one more time folks come on now i'm gonna pause it and embrace it there it is do you see it left side left side i spotted that from a mile away [Music] beautiful red oh are you right you're not gonna put those in water you're not gonna put those in water i'm sorry but put the roses in water take out the fake weapons do it please take out the weapons okay cease fire okay packing some heat yeah tinkerbell on the rack ugh tinkerbell on the rag what the [ __ ] i am going to annihilate you we're on the same team that was funny she doesn't have a fever because you shot her you dick are you okay she's fine no i'm fine big dick oh oh my god she threw up on her come on time to go home oh yeah the ball's over she what you're gonna be sick okay bathroom go go go go go there you go yikes i didn't need asmr in the toilet bowl oh he's rubbing her bag [Music] [Applause] okay nice i guess i am that predictable yeah you only surprised me once when was that the elevator oh what did you think about that [Music] what'd you think yeah i thought it was really hot what you're not supposed to tell him are we playing the steering game it's my favorite oh my face i like the way you look at me what [Music] get some rest you like the win [Music] oh my god that was romantic that was romantic was it that wow that was quite something oh my goodness i feel giddy yes i'll be right there thank you oh my god attention glad you're feeling better oh my god yes we were high and dry yes come on okay that's a fake rose no worries no worries fake rose talked it right thank you admitted are you mad at me i'm not mad at you i'm just busy come on storage closet can i please get someone alone no not until you say we're even what do you mean even [Music] we have entered the storage closet yes we have okay let's see how this goes fantastic new job to keep me occupied you're not getting the job no put your hands on me whoa you put them on yourself [Music] oh [Music] not enough not enough storage closet scene one of the better parts of the hayden game steamy and delectable that was about 10 seconds long and about 10 seconds too short wait yes and about five minutes too short right what i'm saying is that that scene should have been longer and i'm pissed that it wasn't all right okay all right also we get it you can grab her ass at this point we've seen you grab your ass twice at least and then her thigh once in the dream grab something else give a give a waist to squeeze or a little higher catch my drift excellent let's keep going are you home oh my goodness send it send the oh my god he's here he's here think he's home what are you stalking me shortcake yeah what about this whoa oh my god what could it be she took she took charge someone's still in that white hot shame right now ouch a [ __ ] r e j e c t e d rejected all right that's how she's feeling captain of the cheer company what i don't know i mean don't take this the wrong way i just figured y'all be like knocking boots at this point nope pistols and swords at dawn given the choice i go pistol 100 of the time significantly more effective danny is cute he's cute and he's quirky and i like him okay i like him it's gonna snow how do you know that because it's a thing i can smell weather well that would make you the lamest x-man ever hi that would that would make you the lamest x-men ever okay let's watch it again let us know how do you know that because it's a thing i can smell weather that would make you the lamest vex man ever hi okay they're at the hotel [ __ ] okay something steamy is supposed to happen right when they get to the hotel let's see if it actually pays off here we go sponsored by almei right lucy hale don't worry i know it took you long enough what i was shaving my legs oh he's just in a towel what what what what i like red what the [ __ ] is happening okay he's gonna tell [Music] is this really it is this what happened oh best game be kidding ever there is no way there is no way that was it oh my god that was the steam i read it for i will write to the director myself and ask for a reshoot she just tears the towel off and just stares at it weird and then their first time she's wearing a turtleneck are you kidding me [Music] go ahead let's get some non-steam again huh oh nope i'll just get more snow sounds good no i was hoping for snow actually no steam just snow thanks oh my god she looks amazing her green dress holy [ __ ] i'm calling for that again yeah well i need you alive for all the things i'm going to do to you later you look gorgeous in this dress sex i wonder what it's like to be a dude who uses his raw animal magnetism as a weapon yeah but it's one thing to flirt it's a whole other thing to pretend like you have actual feelings i just i feel like such an idiot why is she venting to danny we're talking about all this yeah no it's not i'm basically the mayor of the friend zone so i'm hip safe space carry on mayor of the friend zone what the hell is happening she's not supposed to talk to danny about this no no no no no no i will not stand for this but i'm gonna keep watching i don't like you enough to get a coffee with you oh oh ouch my mistake whoa she's reading a book called how to win all right how do you stop reading and get to winning miss hutton all right she looks amazing on a white turtleneck we get it and the writer is part of that community they publish a chapter at a time like the old 19th century serials and then join the conversation with the readers before they write the next chapter 19th century cereals you mean what i've been studying for the last three years of my graduate degree i'm not kidding 19th century serialized novels is what i've been studying for the last three years what is that i feel tears in my eyes what is that oh my god that is amazing wow okay back to it i know firsthand that no one is more savvy or tenacious than its new managing director lucy hutton congrats why would he announce it why i'm sorry why would he why would he announce her promotion that doesn't make any [ __ ] sense why would you know what i just realized don't kiss in front of everyone please don't you are the nice guy please don't you take that back come on keep it private come all right right the elevator doors again all right friends i have finished the hating game movie and now it's time to discuss full thoughts full opinions just where we where we sit with it let's start with lucy hale i think she did a great job as lucy hutton i think that just the way that she was written made her a little more feisty than she is in the book in the book i think she's a little softer a little sweeter but i think overall she the smurf thing was still great i mean that was still part of the book and part of the movie uh the way that she dresses is the same the red lipstick obviously her hair just the quirkiness of her character is still there her whole office situation with all the books and everything i think that they really nailed lucy whereas with josh i was expecting really not to like him i was like he's gonna not nail this character i'm not gonna buy into this romance so whatever and actually by the end of it although i still don't think he nailed the josh in my head that's in the book i think that the actor was a good romantic comedy guy does it make sense so like yes he's not the like broody kind of intimidating josh in the book i still at the end of the movie was like oh that's cute i'm glad they ended up together obviously you saw my reaction to like when he admits that he loves her i was really into it i was rooting for them to get together so i think that yes he's not the josh in my head but he still was a good romantic comedy guy you know what i mean now for the things that i didn't like unfortunately since i know the book so well of course i'm going to catch the things that don't line up perfectly and those things are just gonna make it something where i'm like oh yeah that's not what the book did or that's not how the book wrote that or that's not how that went um so obviously there are a few moments of that but the main problem i have is the lack of steam i know that the hating game's not the steamiest book in the world trust me i've read quite some red hot chili peppers of books before but the steam is really heavily implied it's mentioned a lot between like the chemistry and the friction between the characters and that the steam just they didn't nail it if you catch my drift they didn't nail it it's supposed to be like a steamy innuendo but i don't know if i'm nailing it anyway uh yeah the steam just wasn't what i think any of us envisioned um it's okay obviously it's a movie and obviously they're not gonna like full-on do everything that's described in the book absolutely not i know that you know that we know that together we know that it was just so rushed it lasted like 30 seconds we're in the book like this is something josh has wanted for the better part of like two years and although lucy is slower to catch up she's still really stoked and it's supposed to be something that's kind of drawn out it's supposed to be romantic i'm supposed to be passionate i wasn't looking for nudity i was just looking for a little more passion a little more delay a little more working up to something right and it was just so rushed i mean he's literally naked and she's in a full skirt and turtleneck and all we see is her pulling up her shirt that's it like that's that's that's it that's it okay noted you know um anyway though i uh you know i actually really liked danny's character which was really surprising because in the book he's so secondary that you don't even really think about it and in this i really thought he was quirky and funny and cute i don't like that she goes to danny to vent about josh i think it's inappropriate and a little lame so overall do i think it was fun yes overall do i think it's worth watching if you like a good romantic comedy and it's also the holiday season yes give it a watch if you love the book i still say watch it absolutely watch it right we've been waiting long enough and honestly moving forward i will be able to read the hating game again and know that it's just a totally separate thing from the movie you know i don't think that this movie tainted the way i'll read the hating game so overall it was a fun holiday romance i knew it was never going to live up to the book there was just like no way that was going to happen but i'm glad i watched it and i hope you all enjoyed this video the sun is officially setting now so i'm gonna call it here but thanks so much for watching this video my friends i hope you had fun and i hope to see in the next one bye
Channel: Noelle Gallagher
Views: 37,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xeKI3MObgeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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