catching up on 2021 reads // december vlog 01

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hi friends happy december for the month of december i will be doing three week long vlogs leading up to christmas where i catch up on mostly 2021 releases that i meant to read but haven't yet unlike last year these vlogs aren't going to be specifically themed there might be some fun ways that i pick the books but in general it's just the season it's the month it's the vlog series of no regrets i don't want to end the year with a whole bunch of books that i've meant to read this year i want to get to as many as i can my goal is to read three to four books in each of these vlogs from my already existing tbr shelf or new releases that are still on their way to me but our 2021 releases i have no idea what i'm going to read for this series nothing i've got nothing i'm probably going to pick things that have been on tbrs that i didn't get to or books that i've dnf'd um i really want to make an effort to read some series i don't know i'm just going to grab all of the things that i see here that in a perfect world i would get to and i'm going to put them i'm going to clean off my dresser i'll be right back all right let's begin series i need to start series i need to finish i think that's the finale right books i meant to read in the spooky season but didn't that's not a 2021 release but don't yell at me two books i started but didn't finish tiffany d jackson i apologize fantasy sci-fi something else oh why a contemporary another anthology i need to finish a non-fiction i need to finish that's not a 2021 release either leave me alone they've been on my tbr and actually i'm gonna leave it at that because this is already too big and then i also have a snake falls to earth and something by today thompson that my mom has so that's like 16 books and then there's a couple other new releases that like i have on audio we're not gonna talk about that right now right now it's december 1st and everybody's posting like vlogmas bookmas content and i want to watch it but i have to focus on my reading i actually have to go out and uh get my what's it called sway bar in my jeep replaced why are you so crooked so that will obviously make for some riveting content while i'm out i'm going to get some christmas decor shopping done because i have spent three christmases like three christmas seasons in an office and i didn't decorate my house to its fullest potential i'm probably still not gonna decorate to its fullest potential but i just want to feel the holiday joy all around me since i'm in this house all day every day that sounds blank yeah we gotta go but first what i'm actually gonna do is i'm gonna see if any of these are available at my library as an audiobook and that's what's gonna decide our first pick because i don't have time to do this but i have time i don't know what i'm doing shoes jacket i swear if i go out there and my vehicle's a mess i'm going to flip out because i did not leave myself enough time to clean it um they gave me an hour quote this time so hopefully that's accurate and i don't have to find too much to do while i wait though it's 10 a.m i haven't had coffee or food yet so maybe it'll be worth walking somewhere i don't know let's see you can get my reaction to my own vehicle can you tell i only remember this appointment was today today oh me i'm just gonna throw everything in the trunk and use a blanket apparently i reserved this twice i just picked it up for my mom in my last video and then didn't drop it off yet but apparently i have two that's weird they're not going to care about wow tell me why i've never gotten a bill from a mechanic and been like oh that's great that's less than i expected i got a quote for a sway bar like a month ago last time i was at the mechanic and it was like 100 but then i went today and apparently i needed two sway bars and then they had to like do it long story short four hundred dollars go just gone you know what'll fix it though retail therapy we're at michael's well michael's was a flop well michael's was a flop somebody coming hold one but i ran across the parking lot for starbucks and look i found these well this one's jack this one's giant too um but this one's just like a really pretty cup and this one's a giant this is my new giant water cup you'll see in the background of all of my videos on my nightstand how fun and i got a coffee anyway unexpectedly the library had more selections than i can eat like it's not like there was just one or two and that decided it for me check out everything that they had and now everything that i have to choose between i just read a lot of horror in a really short time period so i don't want to read anything too intense so i think like hawaii is probably my vibe i don't plan on picking too much up in 2022 or just like moving forward in general so there's a couple that i really just want to finish out the year with and decide my feelings on the genre contemporary romance specifically sorry so i think i'm going to listen to the beginning of a taste for love and sun kissed but i also like halfway through blackout so i feel like i should do that now i want to check if my spotify raft is up it is oh my gosh i wasn't here this morning and i saw everyone else posting it and i was like and i was very jealous i know nobody cares about spotify wrapped for anybody else oh all of my top songs for 2021 were dermot kennedy oh these are just the playlists where's the stats though isn't there normally like a whole slideshow thing okay well i don't know never mind hi can i get a pack of tim biebs thank you so much normally i would try some like holiday beverages in this vlog series but we've got justin bieber's timbits so it got me to go to tim hortons for the first time in like a year so it worked have you had one yet no really feeling they shout last time but they were out so what is different about them they're just chunky kinds it's not sour cream but i'm just wondering what the chunkies are it tastes like a timber i don't know you like it yeah okay i went to urban fair which is like the best grocery store and i bought all of the baby's breath or gypsophilia anyway i'm gonna put these in my christmas tree uh and all the other home decor i got is barely anything because everything was sold out so that's on me but that's okay i got flowers and then they have this section where you can like build your own like bouquet of flowers so i picked all of these ones that i think are really cute and i'm gonna put them in my balls this weekend is pretty busy for liam he has hockey tournament like friday saturday sunday so i don't know if we'll be doing much in this vlog but i for sure want to get a christmas tree even though i have no idea where we're gonna put it oh and i got 30 into my audiobook which is pretty sweet i'm liking it so far sometimes you just need like a silly contemporary and that's exactly what i need right now it's about this girl her parents well especially her mom is trying to get her to date like a boy that she approves of and they own a bakery slash restaurant and every year they do like this baking competition we haven't gotten to that part yet we're just doing a lot of setup learning about her and her family and her sister who's a model and like the parents favorite and gets away with doing whatever she wants so she feels very controlled and wants to make her own decisions she dates a couple boys without her parents knowing and now she's kind of getting involved i think with this one boy who she's not currently interested in they don't really like each other but i think her mom is going to try to set her up with someone in the baking competition and it's going to be like probably not a love triangle but it's going to be like finally standing up to her parents and choosing the boy that she wants okay i'm going to switch over to the physical book now that i'm home should i take a bath and read i'll make dinner at some point and that's what i'm up to i like how in my vlogs i just look less and less presentable throughout the day um reading update i'm halfway through i think it's nice i love that our main character is a reader so she's referencing like popular ya books and series she's a big like historical romance reader even though her mom doesn't want her to be thinking about boys and relationships and stuff so that's my reading update my black friday update is i got my first black friday order in i didn't buy that many things but i bought some things it's raining rainbows i really just got sucked into the ad and then i got a tote as well you can see my reflection and the other package i got it occurred to me once i opened this one that hey maybe i should do this in a vlog it's been a while since i've done a vlog that really included everything that i'm up to and not specific books and activities i don't remember what i ordered from torrid except i definitely got boots because i'm pretty sure their entire website was like 50 off it looks like i got a lot of black things whatever this is whatever this is whatever this is am i okay oh come on kayla i thought i was putting away my halloween wardrobe and pulling out like the christmas whatever my boots are black too let's look at them together [Music] oh we got a pair of pants this i think is a rain jacket moving on oh it's a turtleneck oh what oh that's underwear i'll try this one on for you it's going from black to black it's not gonna look like anything's different good lord swish swish bish i'm gonna get back to reading now i got my spotify to work people were telling me i had to update the app i feel like that's something that i knew but it was a long day and i forgot so my top artist and my top songs my top everything is no surprise it's derma kennedy derma kennedy is my everything the only really interesting thing that i wanted from the rapt is i saw everyone sharing their audio aura which i think is so cool and it gives you like a couple identifiers so i've seen some people's music taste be like melancholy or spooky or upbeat or whatever i got mine and it is wistful and expressive and i think it's beautiful it's blue and pink and this is blue and pink but not the same blue so i was thinking my next book i'm gonna find something that are these colors wouldn't that be fun oh also i just found june masaya which also should have been the stack of things i want to read this month okay let's look sun kissed not quite honey and issue oh my god honey shoe yeah i was gonna say the background isn't quite it but her sweater cape i'm sure there's a proper name for that i just don't know it i think that's it let's see if there's anything else though purple oh no i don't know this is not even just trying to convince myself that that's it i think we found it i wasn't planning on reading two y contemporaries back to back but maybe that's the right choice yeah i think that's the only one so that's what we're doing you can't stop me i completely forgot to update you today but it's the next day i finished this i'm giving it four stars all i did today is edit my goodreads horror video and clean there's something about christmas first of all leading up to christmas i always feel like my house just gets messier and messier and then i also have this need to completely clean and declutter my house before putting up any decorations because i can't handle the chaos and i feel like the clean takes forever because my house has just somehow gotten so cluttered i guess it's going to pull out all of our winter stuff haven't put away our summer stuff but the house is clean so i can officially decorate come tomorrow and in between doing those things i read the last like 50 pages i think i had of this it was good it's like exactly what you'd expect from away a romance it's not too grumpy sunshine but it's a little bit grumpy sunshine and i just found out that it's a pride and prejudice retelling which i don't know if i knew maybe i might have mentioned that in like my when i spoke about this being one of my anticipated reads of the year but definitely when reading it i didn't remember that um we have our main character ow liza and like yeah i could make the connections but obviously it wasn't in a distracting way because i didn't even notice i think like when you pitched this as a baking competition i would expect the baking competition to be more of it like that doesn't even happen until more than halfway into the book and it's weird because her mom is the one maybe i misunderstood but like her mom is the one putting on the competition and whoever wins the competition gets like a scholarship of like five thousand dollars or gets a grant or like whatever you call it and eliza is a really good baker she loves baking her parents want more from her they don't want her to just work in their bakery like their whole thing was we came to united states and we work at this job that we don't love like we grind every day so you can have better and they have certain aspirations for her but she just like actually really loves baking and kind of wants to pursue that so then she decides that she's going to enter the baking competition which i just found very confusing like how can you enter a she doesn't enter the competition her mom's like no like why would you think you can enter your mom's competition for money that your mom is providing that was weird anyway she ends up being a judge for the competition which is also weird there's a lot of like encounters that are way too convenient i'm not going to harp on the unrealistic nature of the teen rom-com so it's good i recommend it is it a favorite of all time no but is it exactly what i need to read right now yes i also started a little bit of blackout which for some reason i thought took place in winter so i was like oh this is a great pick no i was skimming to remind myself and it's like the heat the heat of summer they're like talking about how much sweating they're doing i'll start actually reading it technically the part i haven't read tomorrow and then also pick up hani and issue i think i'm just going to make this whole vlog y a i'm thinking i'm going to try to pick up the nature of witches blackout taste of love i just remembered that today is when the bones of ruin is the free read on basically they're doing this thing all month long well up until christmas where every single day you can read a book like it's available but only for those 24 hours so it's like a challenge like to finish the book within the 24 hours maybe i'll start that tonight i mean there's no harm in reading the first couple chapters and just seeing if i like it because i was planning on buying it good morning it is bright and early i got four hours of sleep you never will to tell because i'm hiding my bags with my glasses it's very snowy and that seems appropriate because today we're going to get our christmas tree i forgot to put anything on my lips so i look a little weird i'm bringing black out with me but i probably won't be able to read it until i get home i honestly just threw it in my bag so i could show you this is what i'm reading today i read the first like i want to say two stories months ago that i think i might actually have to restart the whole thing but that'll be nice to read throughout the entire day this isn't a book that should take all day but i'm gonna stretch it to take all day and i'll read like a story every couple hours a lot of the trees in the okanagan um either burnt down this summer or it was too hot and they like aren't cut down-able to use as a christmas tree so you have to like compete for a christmas tree so you have to go take out some cash i'm gonna put this in the back and then i can finally do like the decorating montage that i've been planning and we also are picking up liam snowboard today what a man which means we can finally start snowboarding next week hey cutie we're wearing our matching hats again it's too early for lambie liam i feel like you're gonna be the one to find the right tree oh very intense oh i didn't ask for that um [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so we got this guy and then we got penguin this is me and rob that's my favorite one that you've ever made i think that was like kindergarten this one and just stick it inside the tree like this [Music] i think he picked a good size though yeah it fits really well [Music] good morning my friends i feel as though this vlog has been a little bit chaotic so far but today i'm just hanging out at home it snowed like crazy it's very beautiful but i'm not going anywhere i will be doing lots of reading because i'm reading all the things so let me update you i read this we know that i'm going to take a picture of it today i'm also filming a clip for simon teen today for my instagram stories speaking of them so when i went to the bookstore i grabbed two things i grabbed this a snake falls to earth one of my most anticipated breeds of the year it's the same like really heavy hard cover that alas away is which was one of my favorite books of last year um i haven't looked underneath yet i have no idea what's under here but i wonder if it's going to be as pretty as lots of ways oh i was not expecting that it's orange and there's all these people ask me if i know the plot of this go ahead and ask me i'm so excited okay so i'm not gonna start this today i actually don't know if i'm gonna read it for this vlog but i will be reading it in one of these three vlogs i'm gonna post to my channel members and ask what they want the theme of the next vlog to be and they can pick that it's either gonna be a horror mystery mostly horror you saw my stack or it's gonna be like sequels or reading from an author for a second time those are the themes that i've decided since i've discovered that i'm reading a lot of why a especially contemporary this week back on track though the reason i don't think i'll be able to get to a snake falls to earth in this vlog is because this is big um i read i want to say up to a hundred pages on riveted lit and like this is the whole thing like this is how they get you it's a great thing because realistically you are getting access to 25 books um this month and i was thinking of this whole thing as like a challenge that was like can you read this book in 24 hours like that's such an interesting concept but really what it is is it's offering you 25 books like to get introduced to all of them read the first chapter read the first five chapters and then decide if you like the book and you want to actually buy it and i'm guessing that's like a lot of their intent with the whole 25 reads thing i don't think they expect anybody to actually read all 25 if you're a fast reader you can get through one but otherwise you're just getting introduced to so many books just for free so i started the bones in bruin this is this was one of my most anticipated reads of the year i had it in that video at the beginning of the year i thought it sounded interesting it's about like a tightrope walker i know that it's historical fiction but i thought that the combination of other things especially the introduction of there being like a competition with something that would work for me so i read like 100 pages and i was intrigued enough not intrigued enough to be able to finish a 500 page book in one day because i didn't realize how long this was and then i went to the bookstore and i was like oh you're big so i just bought it um it's about a girl who like can't die basically it gives me vibes of like shadow and bones six of crows blood red road like that kind of vibe i feel like this could be a book series that a lot of people get into the synopsis mentions a tournament of freaks a macabre competition made up of vicious fighters with fantastical abilities there's a guy named adam and he wants iris our main character to be his champion there's been a lot of setup i have continued this since putting down um the e-book the e-coffee and i actually ended up getting to almost 300 pages so i'm hoping to finish this today if i didn't tell you i took a day off from vlogging i didn't get to this that that day i think this vlog's still gonna be seven days though because i am stopping the vlog on like the 9th it doesn't matter i actually don't know what i'm doing with these vlogs at all never mind i'm just reading and i'm talking and that's it i read the first couple of chapters of this because i felt like i had to because i told you this is what i was going to be reading next because of my spotify thing this is a classic setup of a girl who pretends she has a girlfriend because her friends don't believe she's bi if she hasn't dated a girl like how do you really know your sexuality if you haven't experienced it and she's like off i actually am dating someone but she's not um so she makes up this fake girlfriend and they i guess also just fall in love adiva jaguar's covers always look middle grade to me but they are why a and then i read the entirety of blackout which i left in the vehicle because i read it while i was out and about yesterday that i didn't take you because i was just running some errands that i don't know you weren't invited to okay but now i want to hold it up while i talk about it um it was okay i don't know for it being like a short story collection of romance stories it didn't feel romantic um there was one can you remember who was it tiffany d jackson um that her story was inserted throughout the whole thing so it wasn't like individual story story stories story it was like story a story b story a again story c story a again story d and i liked that and it helped like tie all of these different like characters together but besides her story i didn't really like i didn't feel anything towards anyone else's anyway today my plan is to read this or maybe i want to finish this and then hopefully somewhere along the way we still find room for this i also haven't decided where to put my christmas tree but the good thing about having such a small christmas tree i had to get a small christmas tree because i bought this giant couch that takes up my entire living room but i get to just drag it around the house everywhere that i go so i can always have it in the background of my videos no matter where i'm sitting so it looks like i have 10 christmas trees that's all i have to say i'll check in with you and i've read something today well those pigtails didn't last very long um i'm making dinner i haven't done much today i feel like mondays i'm usually pretty productive but i don't think i've really done anything on my to-do list i don't actually know where my to-do list is i didn't even pick up my to-do list today that's how much i didn't accomplish my to-do list i didn't even look at it but i did read some more of this probably like 50 more pages i actually don't really know where my day has gone oh that's okay i don't need to be in focus this is getting interesting because the main character has like three love interests i feel like and i don't really know who i'm supposed to or if i'm supposed to like root for someone or what's really going on there i feel like a lot of the ya fantasy that i pick up or like gets really popular has a couple that you're like oh my god like this is why i'm reading it like love the fantasy love the competition sure but like who's who's my ftp so i'm very much looking for that and trying to figure that out i don't know why because i'm enjoying it like just fine this tournament freaks is really interesting um there's a lot of like racial commentary um colonial like violence iris doesn't really know anything about her past she has like no memories so that's something that's interesting is her discovering where she came from why she is like who she is and how she even exists and that's being used as like an incentive for her to participate in the competition at this point i really just i don't even have a feel for how the series is going to continue or how this is going to end but i'm still having a good time right now i would probably rate this like a 3.75 good morning why am i showing you my socks this is a chaotic vlog i feel it um i found this sock in my drawer today it has a banana on it and i do not remember i don't remember these i don't know where they came from i have never seen them in my life but i could only find one avocado sock so i'm sticking it on my foot i'm headed over to my parents to drop off the books that i was supposed to give my mom a long time ago and this bin of things that you all have bought for my dad also this stocking that i stole from my parents last year this is so kind and so thoughtful and it's just gonna be such a big help there's things like this is a big one it's a jar opener that you attach to the underside of your cabinets this is like a one-handed knife this is a one-handed rolling pin there are bowls that suction cup to the counter if you didn't see my last childhood video um i don't need to get into it but um my dad only has use of one side of his body now and there's an amazon wishlist that you guys have been so kindly contributing to there's also this table that i decided to put together here and now i figure out how to get it into my jeep but it's like a medical table that swivels and rolls and lifts up and down and you just have no idea how helpful this is going to be i just added a bunch of other things to the list i know that people um things on the list sold out really quickly because i didn't have it very full because i honestly didn't expect that many people to pick things up and i was trying to figure out which ones that i should prioritize to pick up and then the list sold out and then people were commenting like the list is gone like add more to the list so i have done that now please don't feel obligated i know it's the holiday season and you're obviously prioritizing your own families and stuff but and he's finding out new things like every single day that he can't do the same as he used to and now he's texting me things like every day like oh this would be so handy i think this could really help so i'll link it down below again for those of you who've been asking um what else i'm doing a drop at the food bank today and there's something else i'm supposed to do oh wash my hair the unemployment era was cute for a minute um it's officially been three months now and three months have flown by and i haven't accomplished anything that i thought i would and i feel like i'm starting to uh lose sight of how to take care of myself so if my hair is not clean in the next clip that you see of me unsubscribe that'll hold me accountable and if my hair is clean in the next clip all of you who aren't subscribed you better subscribe that's the deal i don't make the rules jesus this doesn't count as my next clip because you can't see me [Music] tool sorry i need dexter content for my vlog literally only filming this clip so you can see that my hair is damp and you know that i washed it it's been six hours since i talked to you last and i've gotten basically no reading done so i don't have any reason to update you i've been unproductive today 50 pages into hani and issue i think it's nice actually while i'm here i should give a review of the bones of ruin shouldn't i as far as what worked for me and what didn't give it four stars i don't really think i'm gonna pick up the sequel because it did leave many things open to continue the story but i really liked the overall reveal near the end enough that like i'm cool with everything that has been revealed and i i don't care about the characters enough to continue in the story but if you're new here that's pretty typical with me and fantasy so this actually ended a way i really wasn't expecting it got a little bit weird finding out the truth about iris's past is pretty much the big mystery of the story and it was interesting interesting it's a type of reveal that could have been dragged out for like an entire trilogy so i appreciated that a lot iris as a character fantastic i really don't think she needed like three love interests i've just read enough books where there's like a main character who's so like interesting and captivating that like every single male cast member is like obsessed with her but like white fantasy authors have been doing this for decades so i was gonna say i'm gonna shut up and let her do it but i'm i'm not one to let anyone do anything everyone's gonna shut up and let her do that and it really wasn't like too much pining i think as far as plot i would like a little bit more of like the actual circus stuff the performance stuff the pining for her partner then as opposed to like so much of the story happening after that and i feel like this synopsis gives away way too much as far as like this group of people and the committee and the things that they think are happening if you haven't fully read the synopsis i would go into it not knowing much more than what has been discussed between you and i it's very atmospheric it feels very true to its setting its time period i think this was really skillfully done that's from somebody who doesn't read a ton of ye series but i think this could be one that people are really into that's three books down i think i have two more days of this vlog so i'm going to try to read honey and issue to completion and the nature of which is to completion i'll see you tomorrow hopefully i have read this hold me accountable i'm holding you accountable for subscribing let me check my stats so we can have an accurate conversation so last year my first catch-up reading blog in december 86 of the viewers were subscribers and 13 were not subscribed since we agreed that you would subscribe that number better be lower this year and i will update you in the following vlog you know how you'll make sure you see that vlog and see that update is if you're subscribed that video gained 62 subscribers i'm talking about the stats for the first week too let me do some quick maths 13.6 of 24 100 people is 3 200. so 3 200 people who weren't subscribed watched that video 62 that means only 2 of people who weren't already subscribed click subscribe upon that video 2 we better get five i'm getting aggressive i'm gonna go it's midnight instead of going to bed like a good little girl i am currently obsessed with the nature of witches so much so that i haven't updated you at all and i'm only 50 pages from the end i love it i love it a lot and i'm really worried to look at the goodreads to see if it's a series because i i'm worried about how it's going to end we haven't had as much conflict as i was expecting especially between like the main character and the love interest and i feel like if it was a series there would be a lot of that and it sounds stressful but they're very cute and it's just making me very happy it's about a girl um getting control over her magic she like lost control at one point now she didn't trust herself and but she's like the most powerful witch and everybody's relying on her and oh i love it a lot i know i'm supposed to be reading hani and issue and this is perhaps the third book the nature of which is being the third book that i've been reading instead of reading the book that i said i was going to read which is this one i wanted to have a physical book and an audiobook going at the same time and i did for a minute because i started the audiobook of the nature which is and i had this going physically but i feel like i haven't said this in a while but the audiobook is not good i feel like i haven't encountered a poor audiobook in a while for a new release but it's it's not good so now that i've picked it up physically i can't imagine putting it down until i'm done listen i'm so happy because it's the worst feeling in the world when a gorgeous book is a bad book so now i can look at it and be like it's beautiful on the inside and the outside i hope it ends well i'm going to check the goodreads though are you a series i don't think it's a series oh my god please end good please end good hello it's a new day i just made a lovely little breakfast bowl so i'm gonna eat this and give you some [Music] updates about my life first of all i'm so stupid and i could just cut out the clip where i hold up those two books in the back of my vehicle and i go why do i have this book twice but i've already edited the first couple clips of this video so whatever it was two different books one i had just gotten back from my mom and i was supposed to return it to the library and the other one i had just gotten from the library and i was supposed to give to my mom so both of those things have been accomplished now that was a while ago now in the video so i'm sure people have already been in here with your their comments about what's wrong with me second update today tonight we should find out the goodreads choice award winners so that'll be fun to talk through later what was my next update oh i'm planning a movie night i do uh oh my god okay the holiday has won i didn't look at the results until just now i put up a poll with some christmas movies that i was down to watch holiday movies are not my forte but i always watch the holiday every year for it's like just ridiculous factor and then i really like the night before and then what was the third one i put on there oh office christmas party which i have vague memories of and i was down to re-watch but so if you want to join me on sunday december 19th there's a link to join my channel membership down below and we will do that i've learned that there's like it's confusing to join the channel membership and you might have to do it on my desktop thank you if you have done that i appreciate you next update the one that you all care about this was five stars hell yeah they needed this they needed a good five star and everyone's been telling me i'm gonna love this i was hoping i would love it and i just feel so good about this book it's not like an all-time favorite it's probably not gonna be a favorite of the year but once again i feel like it's the exact book that i was expecting it to be that gave me all of the feelings and the commentary that i was expecting it to and it was a really solid book love clara love the idea of there being an ever witch who can embody like every season and most of the witches or all of the witches have their powers for the most part in a specific season so they're autumn witches and they're winter witches but she can like have power all year round and so that means the things that basically humans are doing to ruin the planet the witches are there to stop those things from happening like natural disasters caused by climate change but because the world is getting so devastated the witches all need to like come together and work together to stop natural disasters but they only have their power in their season so they need the ever witch to like trust in herself and trust her power to actually help and then she discovers certain things about like her powers it's not like a joyful silly light witch book but it's not a really intense dark witch book so i'm happy and i still haven't made any more progress into hani and issue and i feel like i've said hani and ishu a hundred times in this video so i'm gonna go read honey and issue i am almost out loud i'm almost done honey and ish's guide to fake dating i just love adipa jagger's writing i'm just gonna pop myself over here so i can show you the good reads too far awards we're gonna look at the horror winner i think it should be up quick predictions i'm only gonna predict the horror category because that's all i read that's all i really care about i feel pretty confident that the winner is gonna be stephen king if it is the final girls support group i don't know how to feel about that not that i think stephen king should win but i would just be shocked if based on like ratings and stuff he didn't get the votes that would be that would be confusing to me i think all's well will be pretty high and i think my heart is a chainsaw will be at the bottom what else do i think i can't really remember anything i read i think the book of accidents will be very high horror oh it's final girl support group well me right okay so leading with 5 000 votes we have the final ghost support group and then later and then needless street oh a diary of blood i knew that would be pretty high my heart is a chainsaw is higher than i thought the book of accidents is lower than i thought oh we get to see all of them i thought we would only get to see the top 10. come for me with apples was that close to making the top ten that's cool what's all the way at the bottom oh the ones that nobody read because they just recently came out and the ones that i didn't read either you know what those bottom three the drowning kind somersaults and cackle of the top ten like that's i agree well that's all i wanted to talk to you about today i'm here today with another early morning breakfast clip if you have never had avocado and eggs on a rice cake as opposed to like toast or a bagel you're missing out that was incredible everything flavored rice cake avocado everything bagel seasoning egg and sriracha sriracha mayo preferably just two more agents [Applause] so i watched the challenge and now i'm running out for a few errands as usual really happy about my swishy rain jacket because i get to wear it today it's technically snowy but it's not snowing so i think i'll be fine um also i left blackout in here and i thought i would tell you about it now reading anthologies is hard i just realized i forgot to wipe my oh usually i get a lot of mascara on my eyelids and sometimes i forget to wipe it off but i'm fine today am i fine tiffany d jackson story is the best one in here it goes throughout the entire book and it's a strong story it helps introduce like other ideas and characters that are going to come from other stories i wouldn't have wanted to read an entire book that was just this but it was good then we had nick stone's story not for me um and the next one i didn't like either [Music] ashley woodfolk i've read from both authors before i just don't think their writing really lends itself well to a short story then we had danielle clayton which was quite good i've always liked danielle clayton's work um but i've also always liked angie thomas's work and angie thomas's story i think is next that was a that was a no that was not no not the one not the one for me i'm i don't know i'm not gonna waste time talking about what each of the stories are about it's just like did the relationships work for me did the characters work for me did i feel anything oftentimes no nicola yoon story i did enjoy so overall fifty percent of the book i liked enough to give it four stars the stories i didn't like i really like didn't i can't i don't know i would probably give them like two stars then there was a couple that were three or four stars [Music] overall it sounds like this is a three star which is a bummer but as i always say i'm not the target demographic not every books can work with every person there's important things about that anthology i'm glad it exists and i hope other people enjoy it more than me and when i come back to you i will tell you about honey and ishu take a shot every time i say honey an issue okay well if you were disappointed in me for not getting my own gas last time i did it this time but also while i was standing out there and trying to put my wallet in my pocket i realized my coats on inside out that's great why didn't you tell me oh and there's still a keg in it why am i like this all right we did it we made it to the end if you stuck around the whole time thank you so much for being here uh shout out to everyone doing actual vlogmas like vlogging and posting every day i'm doing a faux version of vlogmas and it's still a lot to film every single day so i have some videos to catch up on and basically taking a day off in between the vlogs from reading we'll see how well i stick to that uh this week oh god i read five books would you believe it that i left blackout in the jeep which is not outside my house right now so i can't go grab it i have another book though that i'll hold up that i'm excited about i found the okanagan table at the thrift store for three dollars and i finished this which title i'm not gonna say again and i'm giving it five stars i loved everything about this i love their relationship i love these characters they decide to fake date and then they fall for each other it's pretty predictable and sweet and maybe that's also what you like to read in the holiday season we had a good mix of like culture there's always this thing that i really respect that authors handle this great balance between challenging the expectations especially when there's so much cultural significance and importance in a story respecting your family and your culture but also this like important conversation about like being your own person making your own choices and that like your family will love and support you and they just want the best for you i think it's so great so that was a five star this was a four star a taste for love this was also a four star the bones of ruin this was a five star the nature of witches and blackout was a three star my goals for these vlogs were to read three or four books in each one did that surpassed it check it off the list another goal was to have no regrets by the end of it check it off these are books that at the end of the year if i had not completed i would have felt a sense of like fomo do i think any of these are going to be in my favorites of the year no but that's okay i had a good time i hope you had a good time if you did stick around the whole time i'm gonna pull an errand leave me a little uh christmas tree emoji for the festive vibes thank you so much for tuning in and watching the first of three vlogs this month if you want to know the next theme which has been decided if you want to know it early you can join my membership bye
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 34,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: 7eorSR47d8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 10sec (2950 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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