true life: my e-reader is all i use these days [cc]

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel thanks so much for being here today it is great to see you all and it is time i looked around like i was actually seeing anyone i'm not it is great to be here today that's a better way to say that hi yes today's video is an unhaul i went through my bookshelves and i am purging if the purge the horror movie was set in this house the victims would be the books on my shelves okay so i went through my shelves and i was trying to be as ruthless as possible so you're gonna see a lot of favorite books on this in this unhaul and i mean true favorites like five out of fives favorite romances if you catch my drift lots of mysteries lots of general fiction some short story collections memoirs i am trying to just just do a bit of spring cleaning in the winter you know what i mean so i practice all that by saying that if you see a book on this list where you're like wait a second didn't you love that one i probably did there are so many books on this list that i never ever thought i would unhaul but i've realized something over the last few months and that is i love ebooks i love them i love getting them for free through my library and getting them delivered to my e-reader and just consuming a romance or a mystery or whatever it is and then saying there you go i've read it and you can take it back now someone else can read it i have just fallen in love with my e-reader so a lot of these books you're going to see are books that if i ever plan on rereading them they're either going to be e-books or i've already listened to the audiobooks and they were amazing and so if i'm ever going to reread some of these it's just going to be from the beautiful audiobook that i've already experienced that i thought was wonderful an example of this just so you know where we're standing in this unhaul hold on an example of this is malibu rising this is a book that i've read twice in 2021 and i loved both times the sibling dynamics the family drama the timeline the writing i loved it i think it's so good but this book is narrated by julia whalen who's my favorite audiobook narrator hence the next time i read this book it's going to be with the audiobook i don't need to physically own it anymore in order to get something out of the book you know and so i thought you know what it was a great book i read in 2021 i already know the audiobook is excellent and so it's time to gift wrap this put it in a little library and let someone else enjoy so that is another part of this video is that once i'm done telling you about some of the books i'm unhauling i'm then going to time lapse me gift wrapping them not all of them but i'm going to gift wrap a handful of them maybe like 10 20 maybe 30. i guess we'll see how many paper cuts i can sustain until i give up but i'm gonna try to wrap a bunch of these and then drop them off at little libraries in my neighborhood so whoever is walking up to these little libraries has a little bit of a gift but also a little bit of a mystery you know what i'm saying and i hope a lot of people in my neighborhood get some literature joy over this month so let's just jump in let's let's take a look where are we going to start um i mean i already showed you this one malibu rising really great family dynamics really great sibling relationships and strife and tension but i i already love the audiobook so don't need it here's another one that i actually haven't read yet but i already own a copy so instead of just hoarding both copies i'm gonna gonna donate one to the neighborhood and that is sarah mclean's bombshell i really want to read this i really want to read it in december specifically because it's just giving me like victorian but like that pinkish red silk is giving me winter um and the back i mean let's just take a moment to talk about it jesus um anyway i'm really excited to read this it's just that i already own a copy so there we go the next unhaul is float plan this is a romance that i read in august or september i didn't end up loving this one i thought that the concept was cool right like this girl is going on this boat ride across the pacific ocean and she needs someone's help and so she hires this irish guy to help her set sail the problem i had with it is the depiction of mental health in this book it just didn't feel like it was something i could empathize with and it made me feel a little alienated so even though i didn't enjoy it i've seen many people love this one and so i'm hoping by unhauling it someone else can find it they can see this like ocean boat romance and just love it that's the hope at least that's why that's why i'm unhauling it all right another taylor jenkins read that i'm donating that's also narrated by julia whalen is one true loves i read this a couple months ago it was fine for what it was i kind of wish that it was longer because i think there could have been more to unpack but ultimately it was fun to read i got what i needed out of it i don't need to read it again the basic story is that there's this woman who's married and she's like fully in love and uh her husband goes on this helicopter to go on this work thing and um the helicopter crashes and so everyone assumes that he died because they can't find him um and then a couple years later she ends up moving on she gets engaged and then her husband comes home and now she's pulled in two different directions of like her long lost love but also her new love which is also a valid love anyway that's the story i thought it was fun for what it was i just wish it was longer but hopefully someone else picks it up and loves it okay next one is another book that's narrated by julia whalen but is not written by taylor jenkins reed and that is kristin hannah's the four winds i read this i don't know when i think june and i really was it june i think it was june maybe it was earlier than that um but i really enjoyed it it's a long okay it's a lengthy one um but there's so much to unpacked i didn't think i was going to cry i ended up doing just that and i mean it's great it's all about the dust bowl and um uh what the great depression i believe right great depression right 1921 so not that all right 1934. so yes great depression great planes the dust bowl all happens in this um big mother-daughter energy happening in this and so i mean it's pretty excellent i have only seen good things about this book and i read it and i really enjoyed it and again didn't think i was gonna cry but did just that so hopefully someone in my neighborhood cries as well in a good way in a way that says i love reading you know great okay the next three books are books that i tried to sell back to my used bookstore hi why won't you there we go i tried selling them back to my used bookstore my used bookstore said thanks were good without them and i said excellent but these are three pretty popular thrillers that i i've read them i know how they end i don't need to reread them and that is the girl on the train by paula hawkins into the water by paula hawkins and then right behind you which actually can i be honest can i give you a truth i don't think i've read this one but i've owned it for maybe five years and every time i look at it i go i'm not gonna read this um but i was just keeping it to be like well one day i will i don't think that day is ever gonna come so best i let someone else enjoy it um and then these are just two really popular thrillers so hopefully whoever picks these up doesn't already know the twist in this one because it is a movie um and so when they pick it up oh my god i just realized that i can put these in little libraries and maybe for anyone who's doing christmas shopping they can find like some of these popular books and gift them that's fun all right this next book is headline news so call the media and tell them that the times has their headline for tomorrow morning okay okay um basically i'm unhauling the hating game it's just time my friends this is a book that okay i've read this book three times now it is my comfort read i understand some people don't love it i am one of those people who's just like yes please i need romance i need tension and i need comfort and that's what this book what that's what this book does for me not this bug this book this book is so comforting to me uh but here's the deal the first time i read it was with the audiobook which is excellent by the way really loved the audiobook for this one the second time i read it was with the ebook through libby the third time i read it was through the ebook through libby so i have never physically read this book i you can tell because the spine is not cracked and i crack all of my spines um but i bought this book as a symbol of i love this book so i have to own it and here we are like a year and a half after reading it for the first time and i'm realizing i don't have to own it who says i do right the audio or the ebook and audiobook combo is just as good as the physical can i also be honest with you can i just for a trifle be honest um the new edition of this book maybe now i'm being truthful um the new edition of this book which i don't know if i'm gonna buy it just because you know i'm unhauling it so why buy the new one but the new edition has the epilogue written into it and this one does not have the epilogue so i'm saying that if you're interested in buying the hating game at any point get the new version of it it does not look like this it's slightly different it's still blue but it looks a little different uh and it basically just has this really cool epilogue at the end with a strawberry field and it's really cute so anyway i hope someone else picks it up and they're like what is this or the movie's coming out in like however many days we're so close to it and they'll go wait a minute isn't this gonna be a movie maybe i should read the book first which i think you should because i'm not sure how the movie's gonna go but anyway um yes it's time to part ways so there you go hello everyone is this just a julia whalen sponsored video cause we've got another one that's narrated by julia whalen that i'm unhauling because the audiobook is just too good and that is people who meet on vacation this was a romance that i read over the summer super sweet friends to lovers well actually more like friends to enemies to lovers um and it was really sweet and it's basically these two the two main characters just go on a bunch of vacations together over the course of however many years as friends and then they have a huge falling out on one of their vacations and they don't speak for years um and then they're kind of forced or not really forced but it just happens where they're on a vacation together um and so i really enjoyed this one again it's narrated by julia whalen so i'm good you catch my drift i'm good all right next up we've got two books that are pandemic virus based that i read during this god forsaken pandemic and really enjoyed both of them they're very different from one another but it is cool that they both fall within the pandemic virus fear kind of story lines so anyway both of these were great but either i'll just pick up the audiobooks or i'll just pick up the e-books the next time i want to read them and that is station 11 and severance station 11 is getting turned into a tv show didn't know that until literally today when my friend jess told me that the trailer was out and i went what actually maybe i had heard something about it but i did not know that there was a trailer out and i completely forgot because wow that trailer was phenomenal the song that they chose was great anyway both of these have to do with pandemics this one really focuses on um our main character continues to go to work through a pandemic where everyone has stopped going so she's basically in this publishing house by herself continuing to work despite the fact that she's the only one there and then it's paired with moments of going back in time to before the virus after when the virus um has taken over when she's left her office eventually so this one's really great because it kind of talks about you know kind of survival and the industry of publishing like it's just it's really interesting uh this one has to do a lot with the same concept of before and after and during and um the moments leading up to it the moments during the outbreak and then what happens like 20 years down the road or 10 years down the road this one travels a lot more so you're in the in the throes of more characters whereas with this one you're really just with your one main character who's meeting other people but this one has quite the cast of characters it's all over the place it's really wonderfully done i need to take the stickies out of this but they're both really great and if you're interested in reading a pandemic book which might not sound like the time to do it but is oddly comforting it's oddly comforting and terrifying at the same time so i love both of these but someone else will find them and i hope they love them i just realized i talked about like three books and then i checked the mirror and my lipstick had smeared so we're gonna jump back into these two books i just talked about and see if i'm able to salvage some uh film okay basically the next three books that i'm unhauling are three horror thriller novels that i i've read and at least for me once i've read a thriller or a mystery i know how it ends i i don't need to re-experience it i just don't feel the drive to reread it unless i'm reading it for school or for like a buddy read or for the book club or something but for the most part once i figure out the twist of a book i am kind of good right i don't need to reread it but the three horrors but i'm actually thinking i probably won't drop off at a little library i'll probably end up just selling it to my local used bookstore because the local used bookstore will put these in the genre the genre bookshelves right like they'll they'll put them in their respective genre whereas if you just pick these book books up in a little library you won't be expecting the true horror that will meet you at heaven's gates so the first one is the troop if you've read it you understand why i wouldn't want to put this in a little library for just any old person to like pick up right i mistakenly was eating spaghetti when i first read this do not recommend it don't eat anything worm shaped when you when you read this for the first time because it's grotesque but it's basically about some boy scouts that go to this island with their like eagle scout guy and so they go to this island to just do like boy scout things for a weekend like make some fires and just survive on this island um and then this horrible parasite uh gets on the island somehow and it's disgusting and brutal um it was an excellent horror truly horrifying and graphic in my opinion um but you know i know how it ends i don't need to own it the next one which again probably will end up selling back to my used bookstore because i don't need uh like a child to pick this up and see what's inside but that is karen slaughter's pretty girls i already talked about this one it's super brutal it's grotesque it's really sexually violent so definitely not for the faint of heart i do not recommend this for everyone i really don't recommend it for anyone unless you know what you're getting into but it's gross and i don't want to drop this off and then have someone see the cover and be like wow what a pretty locket i'll rate it no no no so uh probably won't go in a little library but i know what happens i don't need to reread it and then this one isn't that horrifying it gets a little creepy at the end but it is a thriller um i actually feel okay about putting this in a little library because it's thrilling but it's not grotesque in my opinion i don't think it's grotesque and i think once you read the back you know what it's about but um anyway it's the whole i read this in like april or may i don't know but i really enjoyed it it's really short and sweet it's all about this guy who gets into a car accident and um is completely paralyzed in that car accident and his mother-in-law has to take care of him from then on out because his wife died in the car crash um and the mother-in-law let's just say is not helping him get better in fact she is sabotaging his healing process so yes there we go all right next we have a classic which i have shown this book cover many times on my channel um and i always talk about how beautiful it is and how i love it and it still is beautiful and it was an excellent book but i already read and annotated a different version of this book for school and so i don't want to keep this version of it just to have it i'd rather give this back to the neighborhood and have someone else experience it anyway it's dracula it's dracula i read this for class thought it was excellent really fun uh really gothic it was mainly fun to talk about in class um but i had a great time reading it and again i already annotated a different version so i don't need this version and i think it'll make someone's day hopefully this could be a christmas present for someone right like there's like a parent walking around and they're like oh my god my kid just got into reading maybe they'll like dracula i don't know one can wish on these things all right the next two books are kind of a duo written by two different people but written by father and son about a similar life experience and that is beautiful boy and tweek tweek is about the son's perspective on his addiction and beautiful boy is about the father's experience with his son's addiction i read both of these in like 2019 i thought they were great uh this one is particularly heavy on the descriptions of what addiction feels like this one feels more like science and fact based about trying to understand addiction when you're watching it in someone else the movie beautiful boy was based off of this book called beautiful boy but tweek is such a good perspective on the sun's point of view so i'd say read both of them since this was a movie i think it'll catch a lot of people's eyes in the little library so yeah speaking of excellent audiobooks the book itself is excellent but the audiobook was so spectacular that i don't need to own the physical book anymore because i know the next time i read this book it'll be with the exceptional audiobook and that is sharks in the time of saviors i read this over the summer i think july or august and um i picked it up and i was like the cover keeps calling to me let's just see what this is all about and then i devoured it i could not put it down i was so invested i was so intrigued it's very family based it's very sibling heavy and i love a book about siblings so anyway the book is fantastic the audiobook is great because each chapter is told from a different sibling and each sibling gets their own narrator so you get a different voice for every character and it's really great and i just thought it was a stunning performance and so much emotion and vulnerability were in the performances of the audiobook narrators so someone else will pick this up in those little libraries and they'll find a new favorite book hopefully because it's so good um but i'm gonna listen to it as an audiobook the next time i re-experience it so there we go all right four memoirs that i'm unhauling because i believe every single one of these is narrated by the author um so if i'm gonna reread them i'd rather just have the famous person read their own memoir to me instead of physically owning them anyway i've got four of them here we've got tina fey's bossy pants i listened to this as an audiobook first and really liked it and then bought the book and didn't physically read it so i like have it just to have it but i originally had listened to it i believe um and so again it's narrated by tina fey and her humor comes out a lot in the audiobook version so someone else can find it and love it and laugh at it the next one is aziz anzari's modern romance this was a really incredible book um i picked it up because i thought it was a memoir for zizanzari and instead it's like a complete study of online dating and like tinder and websites and finding love in the digital age and it was so random and so incredible that that's what he did with his first book so um i think it's his first book anyway it was really really funny because he's hilarious but i believe this is narrated by him i'm actually not sure if it is in any case i read it and i thought it was great but i don't think i'm ever going to physically read it again so there it goes then we have brian cranston a life and parts i think these are short stories from his life not just an overall memoir i think i read like three or four of them and was like i'm not as interested in this as i thought i would be and then i've held on to this for like four years so i'm unhauling it because i i don't need it anymore and i think brian cranston is the one that narrates it so if i ever want to i can just listen to him tell his own stories so there you go and then the last memoir is amy poehler's yes please uh i really really loved this book i thought it was really cool learning about her career in comedy and her time on snl and her time before and after snl and her marriages and everything so or her marriage i think just her marriage at this point i think it was just one marriage i think anyway um i really liked it and inside there's like pictures from her life but again i'm not gonna physically read it again so no need to hold on to it all right two more kind of horror thriller type books that it's just time to part with the devil all the time this one actually is interesting because it's not just that okay i read it and i know it happens it's that this book is so close to the movie it's like almost the same obviously you lose some detail but like the story is basically the same and so when i want to re-experience the story i probably won't even reread it i'll just re-watch it because i think the movie was really good so great book great movie and that's that the next one which is funny because i actually haven't read that or i haven't watched this movie yet but i hear the movie sucks compared to the book and yet i'm unhauling it is uh i'm thinking of ending things this one made quite a splash last summer i think and then the movie came out last fall or winter if i'm getting that correct um but it was super creepy and i loved the audiobook the audiobook is what made it so much creepier to me so i don't need to own the physical book and hopefully scares the out of someone else what can i say right what can i say all right next up uh this is one of the more surprising ones to me right i know that the hating game's on here i know malibu rising's on here i know my really pretty copy of dracula's on here i know these things but these books are very sentimental to me and so i'm surprised that they've made this list but it's also time and that is the girl with the dragon tattoo series hi those are upside down girl with dragon tattoo series um it's also funny because in a hall book haul earlier this year i went and specifically sold my old copy of the first book so i could get this copy so that it would match this copy of the second book and i was like i just loved these books so much i'd rather have them match and here we are like six months later and i'm getting rid of them all okay i had to restart the fire and reapply my lipstick so if i'm looking like a hot mess it's because i am anyway what i was saying is that these books are really sentimental to me because they're like the first thrillers that i read and they were like the first my first introduction into the thriller genre and kind of reignited my love of reading and so i read the original trilogy super fast and then i'm also unhauling the next one like the fourth one in the series but it's by a different author so um it's just one of those things from like i'm holding on to them just for the sentimental feeling when really i'll just rewatch the movie if i really or the movies if i really want to experience the story because those exist and i'd rather just watch rooney mara and daniel craig again and again and again rather than read the entire series over again alright my friends we're almost at the end i haven't even talked about all the books in front of me and then i have like three more stacks in my office but i've been sitting here for an hour filming at this point so i think it's time to wrap this up i'm just gonna talk about like two more and then we'll call it quits next book i'm unhauling which i don't think a lot of people i get a lot of questions on if i've ever read this one and i have read it and that is the night circus by aaron morgenstern this is this like super fantastical magic romance circus christmasy wintry book and it was beautiful when i read it i think i read it like five years ago at this point um and i was also going through like a year or two year reading slump and this is like one of the first book i picked up when i was getting out of that reading slump and it was a beautiful way to come back into reading uh so i know a lot of people really love this book i really loved this book but i read it like five years ago i've never reread it i've never even like started to reread it i think i talked about wanting to reread it but i'll just again get an audio book or an e-book someone else can enjoy this and i hope it brings some magic to someone else's life so yeah all right and the last book i'm unhauling in this video again it's not even all of them that's how much of a purge i was trying to go through is will derbyshire's this modern love will derbyshire is a pretty popular youtuber who's engaged to arden rose another very popular youtuber and for his first book he kind of just collected a lot of love letters love confessions love advice and put it into one book and i thought it was such a clever idea i thought it was so cool that he did this for like his first book because i feel like when youtubers get a book deal sometimes they just do a memoir and instead he was like i'm gonna collect love stories and i thought it was such a sweet idea but i just think that this is a book that's going to bring someone else a lot of love right now especially during the holiday season um or maybe it'll stay until valentine's day and then it'll be a beautiful find but i just think that it's a simple book it's a short book and it just talks about love heartache and loss and what else could you want in in a book so yeah anyway my friends that is the unhaul i hope this was fun i hope it was encouraging for you to organize or purge the shelves and if you don't want to then don't do it this is just something i was inspired to do in the sense of like hello neighbors i hope you enjoy a book but also jesus you have a lot of books right now well let's let's get them out of here all right anyway i'm now going to hand you off to a time lapse of me wrapping some of these with some like nice cheery holiday music but i hope you enjoyed this video i hope you had fun and i hope to see in the next one bye [Music] report [Music] you
Channel: Noelle Gallagher
Views: 79,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unhaul, books
Id: Gqbzqjf8Iuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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