trying to paint every day for 30 days to feel alive again

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hi friends it's kayla welcome to a new series on my channel where i listen to an audiobook and trying to find a hobby i love listening to audiobooks and prior to now the time that i allotted to do that was either while i was at my office job occasionally or on the commute to my office job as we are in the unemployment era i find myself with some more free time on my hands and i want to start doing something creative or interesting or inspiring while i listen to audiobooks well i was either commuting or was lying in my bed mindlessly playing farm heroes and like am i proud to be on level 119 sure but do i also think there's opportunity to find a hobby and something that i enjoy also yes when it comes to artistic pursuits i as an aries and a type 8 very much do not want to try anything new unless i know i'm going to be good at it and as a graphic designer i love art but i have never felt worthy of creating things with my hands because it never turns out the way that i hope it will but i have to stop thinking about the end product and just enjoy myself in the moment i don't have to be good at something to enjoy that thing and i can share my journey with everyone even if it's not perfect i can do it i can do it i'm stepping outside my comfort zone here and just trying some new fun things starting with painting i love painting and i'm not good at it did i need to buy 150 paint set no did i need to buy the fancy brush kit that i saw on tick tock oh no did i need to buy multiple different sketchbooks a resounding no it's not about the materials an artist can create art with whatever means necessary but am i going to pass up an opportunity to romanticize my own life another no so this month we are painting and we're listening to the audiobook of white magic if you have any other especially non-fiction recommendations and other artistic hobbies you would like me to cultivate please leave them down below this i just know is gonna bring me so much joy already look at them all liam's been eyeing these paints all week so he's here to help me take all the lids off and then you paint [Music] this one [Music] which i see that one this one those two guess who got his own brushes just for liami yay i'll show you the big sketchbooks oh you got me the big one yeah [Music] you [Music] so i've decided to check in with you every five days and every five pages into this this is like my favorite thing it's such a good size i've been questioning like okay because first of all i don't know what i'm doing besides a couple classes in like 11th and 12th grade art class which mostly dealt with watercolor like i've barely touched paints in my life except for like buying cheap paint kits for liam and us like painting together for an afternoon so i feel like at this point i need to like look up um i feel stupid but like look up tutorials or like how to paint because at first i thought that this was too small because like my brush strokes are very large and i was like do i need a smaller brush do i need a bigger page like what isn't working here because you can see all of like my paint strokes and like globs of paint but i just want to say like the quality of this is amazing the pages are they just this makes me so happy to pick up every day it feels like such a manageable size i will link this down below as well as like everything that i talked about here i have an amazon um storefront which i do earn a commission from if you purchase anything and that helps support my channel and able to pick up things like this for this video series so i really appreciate if you check it out but if you don't want to go that direction you can just go there to find out what the name of the product is easily and then you can like search it where else on the internet you can pick it up i really just been putting off opening this up because i i'm not happy about it but what i've realized is okay i'll just here's one it's it's very basic and this is this is the thing is i've realized that i'm just trying to create like graphics which is why i'm not completely happy with how it's showing up i know you can't see like great detail um after this one i started putting uh the paint strips down which you might have seen i feel so stupid showing this to you because it's like so basic but this is my style like this if i were to put a painting on the wall this is what it would be like not this but something very minimal and something that could be created in illustrator in like 10 seconds i love sunsets and i love mountains so um they're all pretty similar i looked out my window and i was like oh wait mountains get lighter the further away they are so it really should have been dark like dark lighter mixed it up no big deal this one the edges are just like killing me inside but i also need to use water because i was basically just like taking a brush and like a big glob of paint and like trying to make a big thick line i'm thinking about going to the art store and like buying some other interesting things because i love this i just have to say like this is my favorite part of my day is sitting down and just making something in half an hour and listening to half hour of my audiobook i'm 23 of the way in um this is a book by alissa wassuto it's not narrated by her i do prefer nonfiction when it's narrated by the author but i am still really enjoying the audiobook experience oh also libro fm just started an affiliate program as well so if you haven't signed up for librofm and you feel like supporting the indie bookstore with your audiobooks it's really similar to audible where it's like a monthly fee and a monthly book but then you can pay for more and i think anybody can sign up for the referral program where like if you have somebody sign up with your link you can get a free book so you can use that for your family members if you want and then also if you are like a bookstagrammer or booktuber booktucker anything like that um there's also an alc program which is like arcs where you get books early but you get audio books early they give you a selection like every month and they're actually really good options anyway again if you want to support my channel the link is down below okay here's my third one this one i did different colors my favorite part is definitely peeling the painters tape off after but also um the mixing of colors like i love making my own colors i think for this one i used a little bit more water so i didn't hate it as much and i actually really like these colors this is my favorite color combo is like greens and corals or blues and corals here's my next one this one's probably my favorite but i also like got inspired by this design elsewhere i've never really fully come up with my own concepts and enjoyed the final product i did do this one um which was my concept and then i hated it so much that i just covered it all up in white after because i was really disappointed with myself i know it's very basic but what i want to try next is like my skies always have a white background because i wasn't sure if this could handle like multiple layers of color like what i saw with the cactus is i could see the hills behind it but my next goal is like painting the entire page one color and then painting something over it also my next goal is like adding other things besides just big blocks of color like shading highlighting using more than just one brush per page when i look at other people's artwork i'm realizing that like part of the joy of it is seeing breast strokes like seeing the and what i'm realizing is like i have to decide what i want it to look like like i have to choose do i want this style or this style do i want to show small strokes or do i want it to blend like a gradient like i never it never occurred to me that you have to actually decide what you want your style to look like like it's not just your you have an ingrained style i just thought everybody picked up a paintbrush and like whatever style came naturally to them like that's how they would paint so i'm probably still gonna do a couple more mountain sunset landscape situations and try to just do a little bit more with it as far as the book goes it's a collection of essays which i think is awesome because then i can like wrap up at the end of an essay rather than just like at the end of a chapter or whatever it's helping me organize when i listen and when i paint in my day and the stories are starting out really heavy right from the jump um she is an indigenous woman who is telling her like life story and also just sharing lots of perspective on like land ownership and colonization and navigating so many different um conversations regarding um bias and assumptions and like prejudice that her entire community faces i've read a few memoirs this year i don't know where this one sits as of yet um i've never read anything from her before so i always love just hearing a perspective and about somebody's experiences so going well and i'll check in with you in another five days with five paintings okay i'm gonna talk through this next group of five so first i started out with my typical mountain situation but i saw this picture and i wanted to create the same shape because i thought it was really cool so it's pretty much the same mountain picture i've been doing but it does get lighter uh the further away the mountains are and then i added a little bit of like shading and highlights to the mountains into the sky so this is the final version of that one i'm continually feeling silly for like showing these off next up liam and i have been painting a lot together and we've been doing this like random generator online and it gave us a cuttlefish so we've been doing this outside of the painting book that i have but this one i decided to do in here i'm still not technically done with it um i want to create like you know the sun rays coming through the water and like doing some more to it but this is what it looks like now i think the reason i feel silly is because it feels like i'm trying to be like look how cool these are but actually it's just like here's my hobby i don't think it's uh just wait just hold on it gets better and then it gets worse okay but then i got really excited about doing one full color as the background so i started out with this pink one this pink shade is so pretty and then i put um i actually don't even know what this plant is called but it's like every in 2020 bought one of these like monstera or mont monterra something like that plants and i like this one i'm still definitely not comfortable like creating backgrounds or like a full like scene i'm not completely happy with it because like the way that they were layered in the photo i was looking at i just couldn't translate onto here but anyway this is my leaf leaves and then the next color i mixed was this really pretty blue and i decided to do a peach these two i was trying to do like a showing my brush strokes creating something that looks like art like looks like a painting i don't know how to explain what i'm trying to say but i was really happy with the final result of this one but i did just get to gung-ho with the shading and there were good like brush strokes that made it look like i was i was coming up with some type of style and then i just got too obsessive with it and it ended up just being like a kind of more gradient vibe where all the colors blend into each other a lot more than just i intended so after this one this is where i feel okay about the video because at this point i haven't hated anything that i've done and i'm starting to like feel weird about this video but then like i said my favorite part is blending colors like coming up with colors and i just wanted to match one of my favorite bullet journals uh i didn't do a great job but i made this green and then i also wanted to match like my favorite cushion and do a kind of like terra cotta copper one so i also did that and then for the green one i um grabbed my cactuses my original plan i brought out those cactuses cacti in one of the first clips you saw because i was originally gonna do a cactus picture and then i got too scared um and this is why because i was like i'm really gonna do it i'm just gonna like i can't i don't know how to explain it but like when you're holding a paintbrush like you can you blend it or you can just bop bop anybody who's ever held a paintbrush before is like yeah are you okay i need to take some kind of course on painting if i was smart i would have integrated like a sponsorship with skillshare or something you know an idea for the future 99 of me doesn't even want to show you this but um you know flowers just never come out the way i want them to um and i know this isn't flowers it was supposed to be cacti but it does look like flowers and i thought like this was going to be my transition to being able to create flowers like i was planning having this conversation with you about how i can't draw flowers but yeah um i definitely am realizing i don't have like i don't have any skills with with whatever you would call what i'm struggling with so i guess that's five but with this like bronzy copper page i want to do my goal was to do something white but i ran out of white paint so i need to go pick some up but now i'm worried about like what type of paint to buy because i can't just go buy a white acrylic because there's so many different like versions of white acrylic and like what's gonna match the type of paint that i'm using i figure that out but i do have some white paint pens that i've never used my goal was to make flowers because i thought i would move from the cactuses to the confidence to do flowers i'm not there yet we'll just do this together and then i'm gonna transition into um a fruit series i'm gonna listen to more of the audiobook and then i'm actually going to play for you a section of the audiobook to see if you like it in case you're considering picking it up and then we'll see how my fruit goes [Music] okay here's the final flower situation not technically painted because i used paint pens but i really just need to get rid of this page maybe i'll try a couple different styles with the fruit series let's see listen to my audiobook for a second while i show you what i'm up to the internet says nobody will love me until i learn to love myself but the internet never gives instructions i told myself i love you but i was thinking you're the worst nothing would change my mind what a terrible impasse the bookstore self-help section though said something different nobody will love me until i engage in sequential self-exploration exercises harville hendricks's self-help book for wounded singles says there is a riddle wrapped around my heart i have a highlighter a composition book and a pen i have time i do not have any better ideas the self-help book says the brain turns all that has happened to us into points from the points it makes patterns the book says the collected memories are like pixels in a digital image we store of the only person we believe can close the womb the last few years have been like this a cord of twined images of white boys with plastic glasses and plaid shirts and bad posture and two-thirds full pints on outdoor bar tables my update this time is that i've gotten paint on multiple parts of my brand new couch so that's great and really just not surprising if you know me so where we're at with the book is i have the library book now i grabbed the physical book because um i'm not actually loving the audiobook compared to the physical reading experience i had had this reserved longer than the audiobook and so i just like already came in and i picked it up and i read a couple portions and it's much more like organized than it feels like listening to it a lot of things just kind of bleed together when you're listening but reading it physically there's like specific sections and it's not just a big block of text like it's very enjoyable to read physically so i've actually been listening to a couple different audio books i'm reading everything for the horror goodreads awards right now so i've been listening to a couple other audiobooks i'm not going to review those i'll continue to review this and i might listen to a little bit more but my favorite sections i went back through and marked my favorites so the best part of this so far has been the spirit corridor where she's going through different like it starts out with the riddle that's like there are two guardians and one can only tell the truth and one can only lie and you have one question to ask them and then it goes through this just idea of different um mystical doorways and all the conversations being had in here i just really appreciate i love media that references other media it's one of my favorite things so she's really diving into a lot of different things a lot of this is talking about really tough things she's gone through in her life including a bunch of different like relationships that she's had and there was this one portion i felt was really strong she was talking about like the impact that abuse has and i feel like a lot of people will resonate with the idea of after moving on from an abusive relationship you kind of take on the qualities of that person because you're so used to being hated and manipulated that you almost start doing it to yourself and there's a lot of self love you have to find your way back to after leaving that type of experience the other really strong this whole section like you can see how there's darker pages that break up the book into different concepts um where did it go the most impactful one for me has been rocks caves likes fens bogs dens and shades of death which is intense and i marked a part that talked about like friday the 13th the realism of horror movies and like the land getting revenge for my paintings i did my fruit thing i wanted to do a couple different styles so i guess i already showed clips of doing this but this one i wanted to do grapefruit but my grapefruit wasn't really colorful so i just made up the colors and it looks kind of more like a blood orange but we have that one and then i also wanted to do apples in just i always love art that is colorful and almost abstract and then with like pens with whites and blacks people like define it with those i think that looks really cool um this is not you know my favorite thing i've ever painted but it's there and it's part of my journey uh and then i did a banana with a reflection that was the goal of that the one that i actually like is my avocados i'm happy with my avocados and i figured out how to like make a textured background without hating it but my problem has been um i also have a blackberry cheesecake with the same like textured background i don't think i'm ready to paint like full out backgrounds or how to even figure out how to do that but my problem has been like references because i have the thing in real life like i had my avocados but i wanted like a little cleaner of a looking avocado and then i look up like one photo one image it happened with my cheesecake thing too and then without even realizing it i start just emulating that image which is like fine because i'm not like i'm not selling these i'm not trying to make a career out of these paintings they're just for me and so it's fine to have reference material even if i was copying like every single little detail like maybe that's how people learn and whatever but with this one i was looking at different reference photos because like the shadow on my table wasn't creating the type of shadow that i wanted so i looked up like a shadow avocado picture and without like realizing it i ended up picking like the exact same background color and making the shadow like almost identical when that wasn't my goal it was just like got stuck in my head because i was sitting here for a while thinking like what color do i want to make the background and i was thinking considering all the different colors and how the contrast would be and i kept getting stuck with like the only thing that would look good with this is this type of blue and then after i looked back on the picture and it's like the same anyway i'm currently working on a series i wanted to do do my next five as just something that was cohesive because i was talking to rob about like what makes you decide to put up a piece of art in your house and nothing that i've created feels like something i would want to put on a wall so like what makes something wallable and what i was thinking was i always see these little like collections that you can buy of like five pieces that all go together kind of go together they have a similar like color scheme so i came up with a color scheme i mixed the colors and then i keep having to come back and like add water to them i ran out of saran wrap or i would have wrapped it up oh by the way rob got me a couple new palettes because my other one broke you might have noticed i mixed all of these and then i was gonna paint them all in one day but then they needed time to dry so i've just been rehydrating my paints and it's been working okay and i've just been creating five different things that are like the mountains i've already made and the things i've already made but i want to see if i can make them go together and feel cohesive but then i hated one of the ones i did so um i didn't film any of these because i did them while i was doing live shows but as soon as i wrap them up i will show you and then the next five i'm thinking i just want to challenge myself to do some things so i want to do a grayscale that's like i'm going to give myself five different challenges i want to do a grayscale painting because i think it would be really fun to have to do different shades and only be able to show it in shades i want to do um like a person i want to do flowers i want to like a flower thing that i do because there's nothing more that i want than to paint flowers and actually enjoy them so that's my challenge i guess it's flowers i don't hate and then i wanna do something with a lot of detail like fine line work because i find that the most fun when i have to like go in and do something tiny so i think i'm gonna paint like some books and then i'm gonna challenge myself to do a scene so it can still be like an item i'm imagining something like fruit on a table but then like just some like at the table or something on the wall or like a sink in the background like i just want some type of scene but i don't want to look up reference things i need to start painting from my own mind but i really struggle with that because there's nothing like in my house that i would want to paint so i need to look up a photo but i don't want to copy a photo but that's what i'm probably gonna end up doing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's funny because if you had asked me a week ago i would have told you that this video series was like already a flop because i feel like i've discovered something that i love doing while i listen to audiobooks and like the whole point of the series was to try out a different artistic thing do each one for like a month but a week ago i was like oh no like i love painting like this is just what i'm gonna do now and i'll have to cancel the whole series because like this is this is it but now a week later i'm like i'm good like i don't want to paint anymore and it's probably like a burnout thing i have not picked up the paintbrush once without actually wanting to like i have wanted to paint every single day for the last technically it's been like a month and a half but i always picked it up when i actually wanted to which i think is important not like forcing myself to do something but yeah i feel like i'm kind of over it right now i'm not gonna say permanently or anything i still like i just i keep buying all of this stuff that's why i was like this is my new hobby like i found this brush holder i've been buying new brush sets i've been buying dotting tools i've been buying different palettes i'm really excited about the idea of doing different painty things like this isn't going to be the only paint based one that i do because i'm also realizing that some of the things that i want to create would actually best be done with like a different medium anyway this is what i did for my like themed this one i actually quite like the one where i wanted to make a theme of images i have a rainbow this one that i think is cute and this one that i don't love and it's kind of unfinished but like the idea was if i were to do a room let me just find like a stock photo of our room and i'll put all my pictures together and you can see what the gallery wall would look like and that was my goal was to make like cohesive images but not too similar anyway i think that looks fine and then after that i told you i wanted to do the challenges so i don't like any of these but that's okay so the first one is of liam uh it's the black and white it's a person i ran out of black paint i had to go buy more you know what i actually really need to challenge myself to do is not use too much paint because that's something that i that's just what i do i'm a too mucher i'm a do too much or am i used too much or i'm always going to do the most so uh ran out of black paint i i don't know and then my vase of flowers i think it's it's fine do i love any of the flowers no so did i accomplish my goal no but it's a jar and it happened uh next is my stack of books i wanted to do a stack of books i was originally gonna do like my favorite books but then the colors didn't go together and then i was like i should do a stack of all my favorites from last year but then some of the spines were too detailed so what i ended up doing is finding ones that were like the colors went together and there wasn't too much detail like a face or something crazy on the spine that i couldn't recreate i've drawn lots of stacks of books in my bullet journal so this was just a painted version that like i'm not going to do anything with this so that's why it feels kind of pointless then for the one where i created a scene i decided to do my childhood home why i don't know because i just needed a reference point and i looked it up on google images and i made it like different because the angle isn't great in the photo and like the trees aren't exactly perfect and there's like no bushes and grass in the front but i made it like how maybe i could romanticize my childhood home to look like yeah i don't like it um but i see people doing these they're called like house portraits and people give them as gifts i would never gift someone a painting from me but um i think it went okay uh and then lastly i really i love water this one really flapped for me because i just don't think you even look at it and can tell what it is it's supposed to be the ocean and it's the beach and like it gets darker the tide has come in the waves come in and left so it's a little bit darker and it fades and then i added footprints through the sand i just don't think i really grasped how to make the water look like water again i should have looked up tutorials i think i created too many different layers and waves i looked at a couple different like reference photos but this is what happens when it comes to making my own and not like copying someone else's and figuring out where the shadow is supposed to be and then the white part is supposed to be if i don't copy it exactly and i come up with my own it just doesn't look like the thing at all anyway the last five i'm just gonna do some like holiday winter christmas type stuff i don't know what that's gonna be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for my last wintry painting i thought i would do it at least part of it on camera i don't know how to get everything in shot yeah i guess you don't need to see my coffee but normally when i'm painting it's at like midnight and i definitely don't want to be on camera the lighting isn't great and i feel like what i'm creating is more interesting but as i'm editing this i'm like you're just watching me move my hand for 10 minutes and i don't know if that's is that what this video series should be i don't know should it be me should it be what i'm making anyway today we're going with a classic bob ross i'm just going to follow along with the tutorial there's a couple that i'm trying to choose between he has so many like winter portrait of winter splendor of snowy winter winter's grace through the winter this might be a bad idea because i don't have the tools that he has i'm using different paint and different like everything so this is going to be a disaster but that's okay just gonna use a very limited powder today about that clearly it's just very few colors to do this mostly just blue black and white and then let's just take a little bit of this thing of blue and we'll just start in like this and we'll just start just making little little excess little crisscross but i'm going to start in working outwards so it gets larger now i can there but basically that's all we're looking for but the paint goes on very easily because we have a red white on here here on the very end we'll just go into black oh we're all ready at the end there there is a little blue on the brush so it'll mix with black if we put on there for sure painting is so therapeutic oh you know maybe it's good that you're this far away from me because you can't really see what's going on and like maybe it looks okay round it around there you go there we are let's see so there's to it and just begin working it outward it's almost the color of the sky so you really have to you have to sort of study find it [Music] this is going to end up being just the indication of little hills that far away way back in the distance now we can take a two inch brush and grab that sorry about the lighting i can't sit on the floor anymore um i just my battery died and my memory card was full at the same time so i had to go charge them take everything off the memory card and while i was doing that i thought i would listen to the last 10 of this i still have the audiobook so while i was doing that and making the thumbnail for this video i was listening to a bit more and then i had to flip through the book to find the place that i was at um and she's talking about bob ross like is that not so weird i was just doing my thumbnail and suddenly she was like something about bob ross and i was like what'd you just say so i found the page and she's talking about this relationship with carl who she hates but can't stay away from and she says on the couch i've been asking him to tell me what he's thinking but he'll just say things or nothing or i don't remember while he drinks hard cider and we watch bob ross showing up stroke by stroke how to make a bunch of dots and lines into the illusion of a world i don't think any other like artist or anything has been mentioned in here so it's just it's weird if you're really into um twin peaks or the prestige prestige you should pick this up because it also talks a lot about that and i love when books reference media but i haven't consumed that media so i feel like you get more from it if you had more points of reference anyway i'm getting back into my painting here's where we're at i don't want to talk about it the thing about this content is it encourages critique and tips and tricks but is there paint on my chin by the time you share that with me i'm gonna be on to the next like thing anyway and i knew this wasn't gonna go well it was just a fun silly way to end it but it's going worse than i thought it would anyway let's wrap it up and then i'll go over all of my winter art i'll finish the audiobook and we'll wrap it all mountain up a little stand of trees or a little grouping of trees then we can take our no i hate it okay i did it i completed my goal of listening to one audiobook and one month more than a month worth of a new hobby it feels right that my last day of painting is the one where i end up with paint in my hair for how clumsy of a person i am it's pretty surprising that i didn't have more disasters take place um i got a lot of paint on my legs but that was more because sometimes i didn't have anything to wipe my brush on and i just wipe it on my leg i had one time where i spilled not even my entire water cup but like half of the water cup all across the floor and then there was one time that i splattered white paint all over the floor and then there's the couple splotches on my couch but like that's it overall i just have to say this is like the best thing i've ever done for myself not to over exaggerate but this is exactly what i needed i got exactly everything out of it that i i wanted let me show you my winter paintings here's a snow globe of the local ski hill here are wreaths that i'm actually like really weirdly happy with and i kind of want to paint more of these and turn them into holiday cards for like next year i also did a charcuterie board because i was making a charcuterie board and it just seemed like a good choice and i was like this is holiday-ish if i put some rosemary on it then i did a hot chocolate mug with a gingerbread man just because i wanted something simple and cute and then we don't really need to talk about this one i really could have put more effort into it but i just wanted to do it in the 15 minutes that i was watching bob ross and that's just what we ended up with and not everything well nothing in here is perfect nothing needs to be perfect this just makes me so happy how stuffed full this is and how messy it is i have felt challenged i have felt creative i have felt proud of some of the things that i made disappointed in some of the things that i made and i just feel like this is a cool thing for me to have and to look back on and know that sometimes i can do that's just for fun and doesn't need to be great and doesn't need to have some big goal by the end of it it's always weird i'll say it time and time again just doing one video where there's one book mentioned and not liking that book is the worst case scenario because there's not like a positive and negative there's not like some good note to end on there's no this was not for me i'm not going to say it's not a good book it's just not what i'm looking for when picking up a book like this i still think a lot of people will like this and the goodreads reviews like there are glowing reviews of this book i prefer my memoirs to be like half and half personal anecdotes and stories and experiences and then 50 like top like on a topic information knowledge like sharing something about a topic and that's what i thought i was getting going into this you know it talks about magic and it touches on so many topics but far too briefly like i wanted more about astrology more about traditions more about what did it phrase it as cultural inheritance more about magic and the idea of whitewashed traditions and objects but overall it became really one note and all about the same relationship the entire time i think there's nothing wrong with writing about like what you're currently going through and what you want with your life but there was no way for me to know that that was the perspective and it wasn't like after the fact and after a lot of learnings and like reflecting on what she learned and what she wants to teach people that's not what it is i feel like this is a much more cathartic journal-like experience where she just works through a lot of her struggles and her struggles are real and many and she's very honest and i think it's brave to put something like this out there that is essentially your your personal diary but in the end for me it was too messy too much without direction um and different topics and a lack of reflection that is what i look for in a memoir and that's it for this episode let me know what you want me to do next time i'm not abandoning painting i didn't buy all of these things to never touch them again i actually am ordering a second one of these because i ended up really liking this size and there's so much more that i could do with painting and i think this is also this was a good place to start because it's the most mindless i didn't really have to learn anything going in every other kind of craft that i have in mind requires an introduction so i think the actual reading itself and audiobook listening will be later in the process let me know what you want me to try let me know you want me to listen to if there's been an audiobook that you've been curious about if there's any nonfiction now that i've kind of explored more of what i'm looking for in a memoir maybe you can give me some recommendations and advice and i will see you next time thank you so much for watching bye you
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 28,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala, painting, artist tube, studio vlog, art vlog, bob ross, trying to find a hobby, artist series
Id: gSaDj4a2tos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 20sec (2780 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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