Cute Character Sculpting Timelapse (With Narration) || Blender 2.90

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[Applause] all right so here we are with another sculpting video you can see this time i'm using a reference that i drew probably like a few years ago so here i just have a sphere for the head using the skin modifier again to set up the body pretty basic way you can see it's pretty blocky right now but then i subdivide it get it nice and smooth you can see i'm doing a lot of poly modeling just to get it started get a good base mesh going i actually go pretty far with the poly modeling in this one and it ends up helping me a lot as you'll see you know the more time goes on becomes more apparent sometimes i think it's easier to block out big shapes than it is to just you know start with something very simple and just start sculpting on it [Music] especially for something cartoony like this where there's a lot of big shapes that are pretty simple pretty smooth [Music] so yeah a few years ago i drew this character and then i was thinking of turning it into like a character for a short story i planned i planned the short story out a little bit but i didn't really uh end up writing it it was back when i was drawing more comics so i was planning on it being a comic i never got around to it but i think it's still a pretty neat idea was this little guy right here um lives up in the mountains and it starts out with uh with them going to bake bread preparing to bake bread and they realize they have no flour and the way they have to get flower is by going into town to the windmill that grinds all the grain you can see they're up on the mountain and when it shows the windmill it's like way way in the distance it's like a pretty far trek so most of the um most of the story would be basically the journey from their house to the windmill and back and just kind of little uh vignettes going through town seeing what you know different people are experiencing along the way stuff like that pretty simple story but i thought it could be fun and cute so you can see i've already hopped into sculpting the face at this point i basically uh just started laying out where i wanted the eyes to be um you know i like to use the clay strips tool a lot but for the eyes i think i used the inflate brush to make it pretty spherical it would have been pretty easy to just make those spheres and then remesh it also [Music] i recommend when you're sculpting it probably makes sense to not do it in orthographic mode or for the graphic view so you can see when i go to the very front it switches into orthograph orthographic view i think it's good to see what it looks like with perspective also because it definitely looks a lot more flat when it's an orthographic and if you're trying to get like certain characteristics it might look more accurate for you to do it with perspective turned on you can see right there i'm just creasing for the eyes and then trying to build up around it so that it looks uh tight enough i like these eyes they're very like bulby [Music] [Music] when it comes to character design i definitely lack a little when it comes to clothing just because i i haven't really spent a lot of time looking into different clothing styles and things like that but i know when i was drawing this i was kind of going for like a hood making them look like a little farmer or something like that or i don't know i guess something that would be seen as like more rural i guess so here i'm basically just uh i hid everything except for that that hood i'm just kind of carving it out so that it looks like it's poking out around it think another decent way to do that would have been to just solidify it um before starting to sculpt but i think this works also it might make more sense make more sense to solidify it if i was actually planning on rigging and animating this it would just be maybe more accurate instead of the head sticking out of a solid mass like that occasionally uh in these sculpting videos i mess around with the cloth tool and even right now i'm still not entirely sure how to use the cloth tool so it's always an experiment whenever i use it [Music] i think it is an easy way to add a lot of detail so yeah you can see i started the straps a little for the backpack i think probably an easier way than sculpting it on would have been to maybe use a skin modifier again for this and just snap vertices to the surface of this this little person's torso because the way i'm doing it right here i'm trying to like hide the arms and stuff like that with masking it ends up getting pretty complicated a little messier and then it would also help separating the textures later like when you're applying materials to everything i could just select the straps which would be separate objects and apply it to that because right here i'm going to have to mask out you know where i want the straps to be when it comes to materials so that's one thing i would do [Music] [Music] differently [Music] and here instead of using the cloth tool i actually just did the ruffles at the bottom of their shirt manually sculpting it i think it worked out pretty well then here i'm sculpting the boots to try to make them look kind of like they're um like thin leather or something so they have little uh little straps around the ankles and i wanted to make it look like it was rippling above and below it slightly so now i'm working on the backpack and um this is another area where i feel like knowing more about different types of clothes and stuff like that would probably have helped me add detail at this part because i spend a lot of time trying to make it not look so plain so you can see right here i'm just going through and trying to make it more organic and kind of like more bulky towards the bottom as if it has a lot of stuff and it's like holding weight and kind of stretching and bulging at the bottom and then um you know adding some detail where i think there would be seams or something kind of making it look patchy i guess at points i think an easy way to add detail to things like this is just adding a lot of pockets and seams and you know buttons zippers things like that but again i don't really know a whole lot about fashion design and stuff like that and in the drawing that i did which was like i said a few years ago at this point i didn't really plan it was just this one photo so i wasn't planning on sculpting it sculpting it later and i didn't draw the back of the backpack right here so this is supposed to be like a bed roll or something like a like a sleeping bag type deal i think the way i'm sculpting it right here it just looks like a little debbie swiss roll or something like that i think it's funny and here i'm using the layer tool to make it make the straps that are holding it onto the backpack and then i spend some time uh trying to build up the edges to make it look like it's uh it's it's kind of um pulling down on the bed roll in a way that makes it look soft so i try a few ways right here i'm using the snake hook to um you know to pull up the edges around it instead of building it up with like a draw brush or something like that i think it helps make things look not as hard or rigid making them interact with other things that you're sculpting like that you can see it looks like it's really cutting in like the straps are really tight yeah and i think at this part i was thinking it looked too plain so i think here um i start trying to add more detail yeah so that's where i was thinking it would look better with more seams and things like that sculpting with uh the x-axis mirroring definitely saved me a lot of time right here [Music] because it is very organic but i don't think it's super easy to notice the parts that are mirrored [Music] so then here i'm just adding the hands and i decided to not sculpt the hands and just make them little little buds like that and i don't add the bowl like it shows in my drawing right there [Music] so here i'm setting up some basic lighting just a warm light a cool light and then um one bigger white light at the top and usually when i render things out or light things rather i use an hdri also [Music] and just turn that up and down for ambient light so for the skin i went for something a little more um unrealistic or stylized and gave it a slight green tint and i'm using the ambient occlusion to get some of those crevices right there a different color so right here for the hood you can see i'm using the uv texture coordinate and it worked out pretty well because this was originally a round cube that was like subdivided a bunch and so it still has the like cube projection on it so you can see the seam is um like at the top like the top would be a separate piece and i felt like that actually kind of makes sense uh that actually made sense the way it like it could have been sewn like that so i left it that way i think it looks alright and then here i'm basically doing the same thing where i'm just drawing out where i think the seams would be just in the edges and then marking seams so that when i unwrap it i was trying to make it look like it was actually fabric basically the way it was unwrapped and then here you can see i'm going through and making a different vertex groups for these straps so i can set a different material for those that's something i wouldn't have had to worry about if i just made them separate objects [Music] and then here just because it's so high poly you can see it took some time to unwrap it would have been better to remesh everything here i'm working on the leather i'm just using a distance to edge voronoi to get that kind of crackled look and i'm using that for bump and then i think for the roughness i think i use some noise so that some parts look shinier than others i wanted it to look kind of worn i guess i think overall everything in this scene looks kind of plasticky like a toy and i think that's okay i kind of like the way it looks like i think the texture for the clothes um instead of looking like cloth i think it looks a little more like a rubber kickball or something like that i kind of like it though you can see again i'm using ambient occlusion for the crevices right there i think actually for that i'm using pointiness instead which i haven't really used before until now so for the bed roll i wanted it to look pretty soft i tried to make it look a little fluffier with a voronoi texture uh plugged into the bump and i also gave it some subsurface scattering i thought that made it look a little softer and also part of the softness i think you have to have the roughness pretty high because when was the last time you saw a blanket that was reflective so here i'm just finishing up the final lighting and all that and setting up the camera what not it's pretty much done at this point i think i do go back a little and mess with some of the textures but not too much yeah right there i was just uh changing the size of the the uv for the hood so that the texture was close to the same size as the jacket [Music] so yeah that's pretty much it this is the final render and here's it with color and texture so yeah let me know what you think of this video if you like the sculpt if you want to support me you can check out the stuff that i have on gumroad i always have a link in the description and yeah i guess that's it hope you liked it have a good one
Channel: Joey Carlino
Views: 3,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, cg, cgi, blender 2.9
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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