VAULTED Weapons BOARD GAME *NEW* Game Mode in Fortnite Battle Royale

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so real quick before this video starts there's I've opened up a new discord server so link in the description come join it up and hold on we can talk about foot lit pen and papers come join hi welcome back to the live board game this time we'll do it like it like always three separate rounds Mario Cart stirring but this time there are mini-games this is gonna be single you'll see sitting up and there's also poison trip it's a lot of dead everybody gets your wheels out before we do the colors guys you know every time we use a wheel yeah if it lands on like you gotta hit that like button what if it hands-on trike okay they got a tray strike that like what oh you guys ready you guys ready for the color that many came up there I got ready everybody ready to roll ready and go I got shockwave grenades I got a 7-6 okay so if I roll a 1 2 3 4 5 I get that minigame right there and if you win a mini game you get a legendary or below you get any item of your choice of this set of loot go yeah I go 6 so I'm not 6 I'm not here to alarm anybody but I got a 1 and this is what I got so I don't want to alarm anybody but I got a zero and this is what I got cleaners oh I got a 6 put on his head 1 2 3 4 minigame wait oh you have a minigame down there too yeah that one you have to get two of the coins and then you get the gun so wait aah sizzles you made this one right the six-shooter you get six shots to take out the very fast three robot guys oh so if I could hit all three of them with these six shots I win yeah that one I hit two and three boys we out here wait so I get I get a gun of my choice out of all of this loot in that chest and I can't lose it when I die if I die to a trap you know what the Infinity Blade oh and roll I'm looking what's wrong oh hey are you got a roll again bill since you died just do where you go oh come on dude come get this minigame okay and go oh all right before if you win this mini game dude you wait are you ending go ahead okay he's good yeah six shot hit miss one there's two shots left and hit the front one in the back right one he hit it one more shot out here ah we out here you're on your mifflin are you guys ready to roll go okay seven okay I gotta somehow crap I ain't okay I'm stuck here hey guys I'm calling you live from the end of the map how's it going where did you win I win okay okay so sent you one with the Soros said you one we get one more turn my last role in three two one go three no did you get that gold pump in alright so sigils ended that he has the sword what is wrong with you oh my art let's go fight the first round oh yeah I also get to spawn another weapon so does Biffle Wow more me than you wait what Wow more foot so for my extra item I can spawn in any item from that set of loop and I'm pretty sure dance grenades were in there we got my combo I first round this ones to eight kills eyes everybody got their loot yeah yeah in three two one hybl alright oh my gosh you cannot defeat him he's the man oh my god help does he have oh you got him very manly gotta like this is hurt [Music] Oh No I can't dance I make me go crazy I got to kill kill hey don't rush it you don't I'm gonna mace right here he's gonna sword hey Henry how about you stop with the rocket huh how about you do something with your life huh gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go there's not no there's not okay well well now I'm a dancing queen and you're dead boy yes I did I hear everything oh really do you hear why kids looking faces cinnamon toast crunch uh okay I need two more two more we got this boy so stressful I don't like that sword at all Oh God all right let's go let's go to round two new loot new board oh gosh let's do it aye sir after round one I have nine Henry six biffle and sizzles boats have three all right you guys ready yeah so this round is all this is all volted items this next round you guys ready hold on hold on everybody we got a spin we got our spin and I'm going red and go one going five one eight six seven oh yeah I got a Volta SMG and go for 103 oh you cut the LMG what am I gonna get what am I gonna get what am I gonna get give me a shot good daddy Oh - I'll take it in okay I rolling now okay so this minigame we get six shots and we have to make all three goals comply easy affordable yes yes okay okay I shot number three shot over three no shut number two right here shot number two shut every - okay a little bit higher a little higher a little higher shot number three you got this no oh shot number four number five shot number six I am a trash can I get two more shots oh can he make it though can he make it that is tough dude Hey okay we got to stop on the white spots remember that I was gonna stop here anyway so and go okay I got another famos I got it for my super sofa monster thereĆ­re FAMAS dude all right you guys ready and the parkour satchel you think I could do it if I could don't believe if I make this you guys got it hit yeah like three times gonna hit your face of this FAMAS I know I'm in Boise I'm in Wow going going going oh yes don't you shoot him don't day that was mine gay or you to challenge ID good luck boy let me show you how it's done all right I just did it easy a beautiful cover [Applause] dude what happens is I do that how I work out all right guys ready and go going - okay - so if I land here again do I get to try it again yes you do yes you do you got a jump on their jump on there there you go left right so if I get a 1 2 3 4 5 6 game is over and go going 5 1 2 3 4 crap I didn't end the game I didn't end the game boys so if I get a 0 you guys get to roll two more times if I get a 1 you guys are done after your next turning all right so this is your last roll braid cool I'm done you guys ready and go going for it oh my god Sarah [Music] so how'd you guys do you guys you know you real quick yeah what did you get what did you get what did you get take a look at these toys so there's all my guns and I could spawn in another vaulted gun and this round we're doing the juggernaut with like a crap ton of health so we can't use heals but I'm pretty sure the grappler has been vaulted I might grab that in place of this assault rifle yeah that's gonna be our loadout all right juggernaut mode let's do this all right we all have 1500 health everybody ready in 3 2 1 go we have no feels no heals at all oh just head thank you no I oh let me out of here tell me how you're confusing you with me you hit me one yeah but I I'm prettier how many times if I hear you whites more okay I don't have shield how much health you got how much she owed you got it 233 shield how much you got 299 oh he's on he's on shield isn't you I don't have any shields out of health you know what I mean oh god you guys are insane look over here you don't want to lose your help are you pleasing c4 you bet wait what are you doing in there dude why are you tunneling nobody wants this fight dude I won't get five hundred bullets ready to rock oh yeah the grappler me apparently it's been faulted I'm allowed oh no think it was thinking good damage always cheer alright coming in hey Biffle what are you doing it did you see me oh I don't think I see everything you go no I don't want to do that no where you at boy I'm tunneling dirt say you're sorry to me let's say you're sorry say you love my foot I don't have some morals man I have none this is honest who's gonna quad you know we of house check him out with you take him out with you and we how do we do it oh no oh no oh no I know dude sizzles no wait what is sizzles oh I did you 415 from here with an smt how does that make sense [Laughter] we started let's go to the final third round right here do new set of loop all right everybody frog dude look if you do look at you hacking dude blew with you okay okay everybody ready everybody ready and I'm ready all right everything hi out to Daniel 7 Nuria runs 600 did hey I want to do the kissing bandit one is so difficult on this where we said you'll sit you smell like a foot licker okay ready hey schedules yeah I got four you got a four I got a blue I'm coming back to you dude oh yeah blue yeah I did I'll see in a second how are you doing it game oh nice to die good luck this is okay me respect and make you desert ready yep I got poisoned again because you're toxic if you ever considered that all right guys ready no don't shoot it I'm gonna die and go 300 I got a semi-auto sniper we out here will let me out here boys go go this way Oh double snipers I'll take it double snipers all day long now do I go that way or that way oh all right everybody ready roll and give me 0 I literally have so many snipers okay here we go one two rub my hands oh my got the mini game now here we go is he gonna do it okay here we go boys here we go time to shoot come shoot get one Oh missed I'm trash I'm trash hit it okay I get two shots for this last one here we go banana and go six five six or seven I don't remember I remember what I had oh gosh do I take it guys if I cheated for this slurp oh I'm sorry hit the like button if I cheated all right one oh good god I roll the one anyway good yeah I just got dual pistols I'll take shut okay okay I want to go back down here and look at the loot to see what I can dig yeah I think I'm gonna swap that out yeah yeah yeah that's that that's my that's my thing that's my setup that's it so my setup so that's so sad boys hit that like button alright last round laid right here let's do it alright last run reach have three lives in three extra hold on real quick okay so we just had to do one quick thing okay and go - I'm nervous what'd you do what'd you do nothing is that really what you want someone and just jack my kill alright wait who's Jack uh why is everyone always shooting them oh oh you're a parcel you look like a are you drawing up on me I am doing pistol toes what do you have good well you have a shotgun wait here's a shock it's like a shotgun well you have a shotgun what was your fault I don't know why you rushed me when I have dual pistols oh no Luke we out here oh crap my trip we miss those okay you want to do this again not really but you keep following me home we out here whoa was that a head dink I don't know that was a noscope crossbow my friend you are crazy what did you learn that you're about to be dead I was very busy healing and I was yeah yeah you know I was in there I just killed you I'm telepathetic yeah I'm offensive yeah we know what do you why does the fact you were offensive but it was anyway get out of here hand we do double these dual pistols are so good I'm glad I what yeah why why why do you have the only close-range gun in this entire freaking this was your fault it wasn't how many people are here oh my gosh you're all here yeah it was people out oh no oh oh did you just head dinkum oh oh that's where's your health go wait is Henry dead wait Henry's out I'm gone I just ruined his life just now oh poor Henry where is he yeah where is this guy he's like tunneling dude you guys got you busy [Laughter] I only have two God's man this is stressful me too did you try to nose go me of course those are so broken dude oh you're dead oh there's five guns you guys enjoyed this video hit the like button down below show us some love hit the subscribe button hit that little badge on your foot foot what I second that thanks for hanging out thanks for watching be sure to drop this video a like before you head out [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,653,555
Rating: 4.91085 out of 5
Keywords: ssundee, ssunde, ssundee and crainer, ssundee challenge, sundee, ss, ssudee, fortnite, fortnite battle royale, battle royale, gamemode, game mode, fortnite funny moments, fortnite update, Fortnite board game, Fortnite Game, fortnite emote challenge, fortnite emote game mode, fortnite emote games, fortnite emote challenge game
Id: _8BgCQO9ad4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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