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are you guys ready with two a lucky block vending machine guys challenge all right so we're gonna each get five different vending machines meet up in the middle combine our loot and then you score cards to decide who gets what oh you guys ran out I just using score cars you know we gotta do any of us in this group get over a five on our score cards you guys gotta hit that like button so I'm gonna go jauntily pull up the map hold on pokeman pokeman oh I'm going loot Lake okay so we give five vending machines our first fight we're gonna be fighting in mega mall that one that one that one that one in that one all right I got my five going in but we don't a paradise I'm going to pull her Pleasant get out of here Koran alright first vending machine oh it's go okay so this is either good or bad like I said we're doing three separate rounds Mario Kart score you guys know how it is so I could either get really good loot or troll loot and hope that I don't get it you guys will understand this is a pretty fun idea okay quad launcher yep doink rob watcher get trolled by alright let's do this okay here we go I mean II don't care we're doing it says it's faulted we're out here boys we're out here we're doing through ROM burst okay I know there's three but I think it's the mid gets the middle when I think I think it's blue yeah they're gold one and the blue one on the end those are always there we can't get those but okay we have a Collider campfire and an SMG fire boys we're chollas of people I'm like I said I may not have to oh wait that's another blue one yeah I think it's the blue one cuz that gold one is just like that went over there it's guaranteed okay dual pistols far grenades and pork you know what I'm doing dual pistols we need to get some more guns in the mix okay so I have four vending machines right now remember I may not have to use any of this loot because we're gonna throw it all in a giant pile this could be good all right now where is this next vending machine oh here it was what is it I think that's a yeah that's a guarantee so it's purple shock wave shock wave or go with the shock wave boys let's do this okay so that's my loot I definitely want to get these shock waves maybe there's only two I don't know all right so we got to see what other loot they've got and then we'll fight over that all right so let's head to mega mall round one let's do this all right boy so how lucky did you get you first traps what you're going extremely slow drop your gun boy my crap I I got extremely unlucky here yeah yep okay well you know what I'll just go ahead and throw a mine now okay well oh and some of those oh no I can come up on the Chakri's hmm all right boy so what we're gonna do is we're gonna scorecard whoever gets the highest gets the choose out of all this loot first and then we're gonna go in order of highest to lowest in three two one go piffle sigils then Coran ahead and grab this purple combat shot go ahead go ahead go ahead and grab the blue combat shotgun grab the purple heavy boy all right go ahead Craig did you come I swam shotgun that's pretty good okay so my turn my turn my turn my turn I'm gonna take it I'm gonna take a scarf I'm gonna take a scarf you know how that's such a good idea I'm taking the drum gun okay okay okay so I am gonna take a vaulted p90 actually nope yep yep okay chord launcher one taken the suppressed paper rifle okay now it's my turn now it's my turn shockwaves boys we out here let's see we got traps those are fun little love traps I would take the other sniper oh alright Koran you got very limited options here what's your taking boys okay okay okay my last item right here we're farting on people fr now people you know what campfire for heals boys well I'm taking the green at first I guess throws do okay throw those Dooley's down real quick feathers doing that lets you know let's give them some respect well baby you know what you are very nice to people okay Dhulia yeah yeah all the people they miss all right boys Rob why us through this first two five kills in three two what hi old I already won look at me with one who is building - I remember if you die you have to go back to your town who shot me yeah oh yeah don't you slipstream oh yeah oh boy down or you guys fighting on a fight oh my gosh u-turn stop it Wow yep yeah here oh yeah that's fine that's fine that's fine I got a kill boy I got a killer sale in here yeah I see how much Oh peek it again boy pick it again you won't want on me oh yeah it worked nope no it did not and you know what I want I want avenge what the heck were you doing Oh cranking you great when two grandkids don't get me that's a shotgun by the way right here let's kill on quran quran don't you die don't you do it last kill on quran smell my fart boy smell my fart boy get farted on if I get this kill right here it's over he's dying to my fort oh we got out don't you you know where is he you guys can't fight did you see who's second at third were doing mariokart scoring don't forget I came out what time are we all right so the score on its score is I have nine Biffle six Quran three sigils one sorry residuals oh it's cool dude I see how it is I have taken the ball alright let's go to the next ground alright boys ready so we're gonna go to different vending machines this time don't you take the same one again Biffle people okay fine I'm taking paradise I'm going to paradise no mine get out okay fine alright first vending machine what do we got please give me gold look at the new shotgun Oh should I get the new shotgun and just hope that I get it got it good yep we're getting it getting the shotgun got it alright second venom she has purple shotgun gives me a double chance to get it if there's at least four shotguns in there it's a guaranteed chance to get a shotgun or should I get boom boxes boxes and gold vending machine dudes this is going so well oh we're getting far too for just two boys at leat as long as I get a shotgun we're good what is the fourth one right here give me another gold really green hey why I gotta give me that is my second favorite gun in the game my [ __ ] my first favorite is this shotgun this is my second favorite and then my third favorite is chiller traps what these better exceeds our guarantee so though those don't count my next vending machine is over there at that bridge let's do it we got a gold one alright boy what is it we got a grenade launcher do do we got a sniper I do do heavy a vaulted god that will be unbolted this season mark my words I am telepathetic High boys next round here in neo tilted the winner of this gets the entire statues but yeah alright okay I'm gonna try my loo first it's not that bad you know I got I got that which is really good you know I got that that's been vaulted and I will say this I took this next thing over a purple combat shotgun why would you do that for my price position I took this over a gold AR here you go you gotta drive it Howie how did you take that over a gold AR it's chlorines cuz it's handsome I don't know cuz it's cuz because it's gold I am confused Quran go L replied hey that's only for you need one more boy are you deaf alright traps alright go ahead well I don't wanna I don't want to brag or nothin but I think I win traps alright okay winning uh one of these alright okay do it at one of those okay okay that's pretty good that's pretty good quantity okay we got those got two of those - boom bows are you kidding me right now all right boys you guys ready yeah scorecard in three two one go one so it goes Koran sigils now me and Biffle have to fight ready and go I grant its on you the other one you know what fine I'm gonna go ahead and take combat shotgun okay okay I guess I'll take I'm taking the tactical assault rifle please okay I don't want that anymore I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and take the skull day are we out yeah what do you mean that's the best gun in the flame yeah I get it you're a flame blame you for us all right crystal all right the depressants all rifle for you no problem [Applause] what are you taking boys Oh combat shotgun oh why does nobody want dad combat shotguns we've been arranged all right taking the sniper all right Koran go ahead said you busy I'm taking the port of portraying Oh give me those traps boy have fun with the bouncers wall all right boys next round whoever wins this owns neo Tilted for the rest of their life oh that's a long time I don't know what Galan means all right boys everybody got the grunts whatever I got the spots in 17 16 15 14 13 12 I'll live hi remember we're doing five kills again we were gonna do lives what kills or fun us wait they are more than more the funnest grin to get that should have been a hit Koran how was that fear no it hurt me in my hurt hole you better not stand still hey how about you go find the nearest Lego and stand on it who through a border fortress and me but just build wall I'll be good law what are you doing Oh style it on your hundred kids alright wait so we gonna stop the show oh you shadow buff shotgun is broken whoa okay where's the shadow boy hello the worst of all the biffle's shuttle [ __ ] our ow stop it I can't find you no scope I just no scope Kim from six Russell put him on an SP in highlight reel where the heck is everybody oh my gosh dude did you just smack them in the foot night yeah that's probably as good where are you Street sniping sergel's what I'm Street sniping we'll go over there right now go oh hello I've gotta go for an issue you're coming to me wait oh my god yes I handled the issue has been here oh my gosh that gun is blah boy bling get down here you're not out for me who's gonna grab all gone he'd be dead if I thought he'd be dead oh no I jump I jump 34th wait before water I wasn't even looking okay so the score is I have 15 sigils has 11 Biffle has on quickmask nine Quran has four yeah that's so sad hit that like button alright boys last round I'm gonna take home eat alone me look Mac I'm gonna go to happy hamblett but you know is that where the hamburger lives two three four fights where your face let's get a damn I think yeah first fighting machine is right here I think yeah right purple here we go new gun or grappler no not crap we're gonna take me there go where you take the new gun there we go boys all right so we have one I'm keeping this riff to go just you know for memes but you know wait dad all right next item machine I think is back here freakin green Oh foot knock I proved about the foot knock and clingers best elite damn alright so I know there's another one in here somewhere whoa let's go - boom bows and a chug we're taking the yup taking food most taking the boom bow that's way too good I really want to get the new shotgun though next vending machine is it gold okay give me a gold combat shotgun I gotta win this okay what do we got rocket launcher sniper get rid of it good we're not taking the rocket launcher sniper oh I don't know many guns kind of do do we're gonna take the minigun I'm not you know somebody's gonna take that and they're gonna get pooped on all right last vending machine slurp don't care we got more boom boxes let's do this let me go grab some ammo let's go - yeah lutely last round boys winner takes glutes lake is my loop here's my low you boys ready started off strong oh gosh start off a little bit stronger oh yeah look what's in my hand no oh oh my gosh this is toxic ground very good ice is it on you it's on me oh gosh that's terrible why would you even get that because it was three green med kits was the thing okay well okay my snipers all right we don't have any shotguns yet okay I'll take it okay it's pretty good I think I would you like to see my glutes yep I want to see your glutes okay here look right there are you far okay well let's start well how many shopkins I think we have 200 guns oh okay okay yeah more impulses Oh No why what's your last one a disco grenade all right boys you ready yeah oh yeah scorecard in 1716 go straight out of the gate let's go ahead and grab this most opie gun in the game that's go ahead go ahead Koran all right huh wait you didn't learn your lesson get the pump no other pumps are way worse Hey okay my turn yup taking that taking that taking that all right go ahead go ahead carburetor oh dang it dude what a Koran take I didn't see an AR oh it's pretty all right don't you got I'll go with the pump do you cuz what are you going schedules I'm gonna take her oh I'm gonna take the suppress nipple later rifle you're okay what do you take a grand bold I'm Koran I take things wait you took the bow and a bolt what the heck is wrong with your brain oh gosh no hey okay so for my last two or I get one um so I could get impulses but I only get six but if I get the splint knock I get a infinite I broke the man you ran it's on you right yeah yours oh no I get it I want a party again boom box is your psycho all right go ahead all right you know what the shadow bums they called me yep yep yeah I know you're trying to use yeah you're trying to do here in fine no one fine you can have it if you want it you can have it then I want it okay all right go ahead me um you should've picked those first I know but I wanted the flint block you know what I'm taking these I'm taking I'm taking these we a bouncy boy out here boys all right final round right here you guys got your stuff well you're not done yet you what is what it sizzles tell you what's his thing all right boys you guys ready to fight remember whoever wins this is neat Oh finally all right boys everybody got their guns I got my glutes so remember the scores are 15 me 11 sizzles Biffle 9 quran 4 & 3 2 1 go 16 damage I'm a bot yep yep that's a shotgun what's he thinking about uninstalling for tonight you guys remember when schedules was like hey I like this update what are you doing that's a shotgun shotgun well here's a minigun no ok good combat shotgun versus minigun who wins I'm in shock and apparently crane the type of person to be billed suddenly realize you just have a shotgun how mad are you how mad are you I said that before I shot the bullet I actually said that before I killed you I am a mean person yeah I was confused Oh going off dude all right we get it we got a dude right nope nope that's not gonna buy the way this is a sniper he missed nice try Koran but you're no I hope you step on a foot oh you smell bad come on dude you won't that's nice nice a shotgun that's a shock they're the same thing in this game look at my shotgun dude it's healthy last topic last kill right now boys there are no adults here boy I used an impulse made into a flint knock into a shotgun to the fence I'm not I haven't landed yet you monster I am out boys gosh guys I'm gonna head my video here they're gonna keep recording to see who comes in second if you guys have enjoyed hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button due to any of our channels hit that little bell that was fun you guys enjoyed the playground stuff let us know we'll do more thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button for daily videos
Channel: SSundee
Views: 8,024,009
Rating: 4.9013667 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite kids, kids, lucky blocks, fortnite lucky blocks, fortnite creative, fortnite game mode, fortnite Battle Royale
Id: FiW9qbU8NK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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