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and once again dudes welcome back to some more minigames for our loot we play a bunch of minigames get our guns fight at the end at this time I'm trying to do fighting combo it's pretty sick and here's until last time I did something like this was four months ago and in four months that video has 138,000 like boys if we can get half of that 70,000 likes you today I'll love ya also turn your phone like this hit the subscribe button to join the team hope you enjoy the video alright boys this is called boys we're doing different minigames right so guys remember we're doing eight different minigames after that we'll figure out who scores what know what get our loot and we'll fight to the foot so what happens when you die do you spectate yeah okay okay new game boy so I won that first one we got seven more boy I got also I guys I may have a new combo for this game what is it no we just fell up boy where's the oh my gosh that that increased quickly do it tickled my undies hug each other why don't trust my onion Kurt double job boys we think I'd be before this hit that like button I will take you down I will tie your shoe don't you tie my shoes I can even tie my own shoes do not new it I'm not even looking at do you looking at you what's up buddy we gonna have to share this big it's gonna get insane dude that is intense holy my Sunday Andes I next one boys we got Shakespeare borrow pair why do you not poop in Sundanese I sold us on D I see over there Bert escape the yellow room if you get picked oh no oh okay enjoy your oh oh wait oh it's like hot potato it's hot potato no why why why no you don't you do it that's dirty I did one yeah boys top center team jolt that's the code there are like 27 different mini-games we're only gonna play eight so I stay in the middle hey what is this alright now we gotta get mellows king of the hill oh we get a harpin get over here in your carpet in a second I have a spat I am thank you over here has so many points on it oh we get a grappler okay so is the first 30 day that's intake that was how many four boys we got four yeah four more what is a shadow bomb it survived the storm oh you got a bunch off the thingies and papers it's edgy busy make city bands you better give before summer where you can stay in Sydney so I got three oh my gosh Henry and Biffle what are you guys doing it yeah standing the rarity vote out of color oh great great great great great great gray oh crap I should've said anything credit hey where'd you go what your guns you bought Oh you push got blocked by can you get out it should what the rocket we shoot them else color mine if you guys didn't know oh it's going Baker boys oh no this is a fun man good job team jolt I like to vote Matt what is this I get it you lose points if you take out the pink glowy ones okay I won't worry just kill them all like lose a point no no these are mine no these are mine dad Biffle is owning dude I like oh oh we have victory Biffle one remember first place of the entirety of the eight games gets gold second place and probably get third green fourth grey I boys so I got three gold right right and we got great okay what is this is great yeah throw each other off the edge no no and we I will end you I will end on verse suffering nothing nothing not a cup of right for you I'm using it to get to you come here don't you do that to top row I was like an itch away from dying to death okay okay so Biffle last round you got green sizzles got purple these are for three more gun what is this no I'm dead I'm dead I'm gonna use my new combo wait what is this don't want him to fly oh we can fly [Music] good job good job team jolt I think I thought war Andrews part of this team climb out wait this is with the four is lava yeah big you bots I'm sorry I got Big Bertha hips Oh it's rice and it's Roizen Oh Oh No oh it is rising no shoving shovers get out of here here we go wait what's that - what is your body black suit you're bad people I know I'm bad people but I hit that like button how many what is this bouncing bite points on a trampoline dude oh I was molded by the llamas you merely adopted them you look like an adoption plan trampoline dude I used to be able to do backflips on trampolines yeah then you're old me no one told me a hand over here a trampoline so I got an old man you tell me let me look at your points I got you know don't you don't you take my llamas not my llama I hardly knew her it's all the bakflip from you that's so many backflips on terrible you guys if you've done backflips on Tremblay isn't that why but top left instructions throw a hole in the center Greek oh oh oh I'm confused why is it not working no it's working wait what I don't understand what just happened trash bag race hi this this is this is great why are we why are we trash bag racing I don't understand what's going on here where's the trash bag you're the trash bag idiot got oh you know me it's my head I got the trash bag I don't know what that means I got three points my god I got the other one so I wait did I just win all of them grace say grey footing check what yeah great foot amputated yeah you guys let's go fine all right boys since we have six goals this combo I read in the comments on one of my other videos one of you guys gave me a combo idea I've never done this before at least that I remember we're gonna use shock waves and dance grenades as they're dancing I'll try to box them in a box right and then we're gonna hit him with the junk rift which does 200 damage in one shot everything as they're dancing and they can't protect themselves this should be good I don't know if this is gonna work and then of course let's go ahead and grab ourselves a shotgun and then the deagle combo and then we get one more gold now let's go ahead and use some cannons that should be fun cannon you believe that alright boys first six kills in three boys a finger when hit that like button it hurts when I talk one go I'm already with nineties dude I'm with boys with behind ease oh yeah boys like I said I got a new combo so can you not great Acme money ah crap in my foot hole tell me you want me why did you leave me oh my gosh can we check out this massive like huh you turn your best friend okay oh I see where this is going no no I don't want to talk about it is how it makes me feel Thanks next question he's half piping guys looking up [Music] I did I hit those oh I'm coming for you boy I mean hit these peoples like food and well that's one with noisy's I'd run with nineties stop it I'll take you why en i you should you should you should oh well then that would be oh no I made a mistake don't you no no no no no no listen I have an idea what if we talk about this period hey tell me you know what I'm fill this entire area with uppercuts fill this entire map I'm sick of this I'm sick of this fill this entire Marvel uppercuts [Applause] no [ __ ] nuts no no you got yourself a t-rex that all dude wow what is happening oh you lucky little fart no great sack great sack great tech protector no that's by Crytek no um guys let me out please clean up Oh I don't wanna play this game anymore I'm out I'll play two more I don't wanna play the board Oh guys hit that like button if I'm nice to my friends all the boys hit the subscribe button right here and click this next video to watch the next one now it's toxic
Channel: SSundee
Views: 8,172,019
Rating: 4.9532013 out of 5
Id: hijvT8a4bvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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