Cursed Halo Again Except It's Multiplayer

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hey there guys I'm back from the store with the gallon of milk that I left to get uh uh forget about that actually uh here have a glass I'll pour you up a nice big that is not milk that is Halo 1 pistols damn it so uh yeah what is this video about uh how wide I can make the Halo ring before it's no longer a ring yeah let's do that uh all right that that's still a ring I that one's all right I like that that's that's okay all right yeah that that's still a ring that's a ring okay now that's that's a tube that I maybe though okay no no that's a square you can't just what are you doing come on I hope you're enjoying this video so far please send me an instant message on AOL Instant Messenger if you have been enjoying this video so far did you know that only 107% of my viewers are actually subscribed if you're enjoying this video so far please consider unsubscribing because that makes no sense okay that's enough unfunny juice for one video today I am going to be showcasing the cursed Halo again multiplayer update a dozen or so new maps for you guys to pull each other on so hard that it rips the skin and I guess a little bit of technical talk is warranted here because the reason this was separated into its own update is because the networking for Halo 1's multiplayer is completely different than the Cooperative mode so a huge amount of the mods content had to be tweaked and adjusted for this to work a good example of this kind of change is the assult rifle it used to have a random critical hit but there was no way to synchronize that properly in multiplayer so I instead decided to make it an actual salt farming weapon and it now forces players to look down when you shoot them with it it is incredibly annoying and can now make even the most friendly gamer cross a bridge in pubg okay and for you suck enthusiasts out there don't worry I moved the super suck into a tool gun so you can now suck the enemy team on command in fact there are actually many new tool guns that are exclusive to the multiplayer like um this one oh my God are you kidding me dude but that's enough about guns let's instead talk about CS with guns one little change I decided to make in this update was to give the big hog a more appropriate gun so here is the double siiz chain gun and the quadruple size chain gun I promise this is 100% fair and balanc simply by the fact that getting into this turret requires both 99 agility and the completion of the karamja elite diary so I think that's enough talking about the mod instead let me just show you what it's like to play but before we do that add time remember in the last video how I said this wasn't about the money well um big thanks to today's sponsor War Thunder for for paying my rent now when they offered me the sponsorship they did not know that I was hiding my power level so while this game has tanks and ships and all sorts of other cool things in it the only thing that I care about is flying around in a blue f4e with the call sign Mobius one and this game does deliver on that it even picked up my specific model of flight stick and configured it automatically and the Damage modeling in this game is also pretty neat I actually had to go back in a replay to check this out I cut off this dude with my propeller I don't actually know what you would call this but I'm just going to go with the Fox 5 also if you're new to flight games and are kind of interested in checking this out but you're worried cuz it might be too hard don't fret War Thunder can be played on both mouse and keyboard or regular old gam pad and it has different modes for both arcade flight and simulation flight as well so if you're a plane nerd like me or you just want to scoot around in some tanks and ships then check out War Thunder today and if you use the link in the description new players and returning players will also get a huge bonus pack of content when they sign sign up but only for a limited time classified military documents not included add over all right so now it is time for some zany hij Jinks from the beta live stream and a big thanks to all the streamers who showed up to play this giant mess oh and also be sure to stay tuned to the end of this video because there is some secret bonus content in this update that you don't want to miss cool video transition the first map we played is B luch which was in the original release of the mod and some of you may think this is a lazy copypaste job but I did actually rework the model and improve it or okay well improve is a strong word what is this is this what the hell is that long war is Great War it's amazing what's our objective right oh Capture the Flag cap the flag yeah oh wait this Capture the Flag I can't drive this thing what the fu what you mean it's totally fine oh my God any want the long hog with me don't say long hog that's literally the name of it I know but just twitch doesn't like when you say Magic School Bus dude nice I'm not going to wait who's magic who's magic school what oh you me over I just ran I'm sorry it's it's slippery who's POG oh my Nam POG or 117 yeah POG on dangerous we're just a bunch of pogs on a hog right now wait wait who who I just I just want to show you what this tool gun does are you ready okay oh they got me [ __ ] oh my eyes uh the tank doesn't aim straight uh it has it has a bifurcated um turrets when you're try the thing a real where it's split down the middle yeah it's like SP oh God terrible man you're so smart I didn't know you I studied the dictionary yeah I was an English major I'm just tinkling go I've got to end the stream yeah get shot yes the second map we played is Canyon danger and I'll just let the footage speak for itself here team again yeah don't jump down down down is down but up is also down oh this is man oh wait how does driving Work Care get out get flag all right this is fine wait you driving all the way to wait this is insane I can't get in back my brain my brain my brain you if we get out we fall into the sky oh perfect unless there's a the void below me wants to consume what the [ __ ] yes bra wait wait wait you you the map's upside down my gun's backwards what the [ __ ] all right let's go I hate this what the [ __ ] my brain oh what's this gy all right let's go for a drive God it's like a leap of fa oh God being in the passenger is [ __ ] what is going on oh my God you can you can drive on the ceiling in a warthog oh my [ __ ] what whoa passenger side fly up or down I tell yes look he's flying down into the sky wait I've got the super so this freezes them I tried to save you chard and I realized the pistol I spawn with is facing me and I killed myself I took their War Hogs and I throw yeah throw grenades yeah throw no damn it what so many times all right they have to flag again wait what I keep for about oh God what I keep shooting myself with the he's running he's running keep throwing pistol get him get him get him yes wait it's still flying it's still flying man someone kicking F traitor where did you go what there you are enjoy this just be very careful where you shooted it's uh we got a bans on I'm like genuinely nervous holding this thing this feels like a oh God it's shoot it at their base and drive away and enjoy okay Joel we got this going to deliver the payload once we see it trust in my I see it inadequacies three two is it this way what is happening oh God it's fine we're fine we're no long we're not good wait wait oh oh my God I am not fine we were a little a little too danger close appar there is so I just killed like five people it just keeps saying more death dud you're the best Halo player that ever lived I got him got him with my Minecraft you see the thanoses they're right here they look like like ancient like statues um oh what oh now I see them what the [ __ ] is this I kind of want go on red team and be like what have you done why finding the Thanos is amazing oh hang on I'm joining the other team what is this Thanos [ __ ] what is this oh that's not a turut army is it it it's Tastefully censored Thanos [ __ ] all right I'll see you later they just said it was Tastefully censored Thanos [ __ ] and that's the only information I [Laughter] got yep hypothetically speaking what what would I need to look up on Google to find thanos's Cox as a chat member okay not looking at chat anymore tonight our third map was Creek obers this is a highquality low effort [ __ ] post map that takes one of the original small maps and makes it really really big this is actually the only map in the pack that is large enough for a quadruple sized warthog uhoh yo I didn't I didn't realize you got like inspiration from SpongeBob from this Inferno you know Plankton's perspective CH true H I'm going to throw a warthog at him oh my God I got him I got him I don't know whose laugh that was but that was amazing in what's happening I am I am I am just running people over in a giant War we got to go steal the crab don't run me over I'm going to steal their flag and run into your War hog all of these Hogs are not they're not going so great next to there's a big hog in our base I'm getting shot tank stop shooting me oh God how do I get in I need to get passeng I'm trying go yeah oh my God the bigger warhog just jump up on the wheel and then jump up on the on top of it you can do it oh no if I can it's tough but you can do it I promise I'm in oh no oh no you have to jump jump from there to where I'm at oh no you got it got let's go that thing that thing is a cannon oh God oh my God help Jesus oh my God they'll be afraid to come out of their hole if I can see them I can't even see over the gun I'm I'm too short I'm not tall enough to this ride true I it is designed for someone who's at least 6 feet tall I'm like 5' n get up there's one right there I can't turn the [Laughter] gun oh my god oh dude I got a head shot what currently on the ground trying to get air there we go we got air don't worry I've got my a the door is almost there if you hold space you'll just go up what in the world are we coming out that was not of fun was he uh he is rail is camped in front of our base with a big gun hey guys you want to get in the giant hog with us yeah good use this as a step ladder I will how about I drive closer to this rock jump the I can do it okay got this I'm an I'm an AA gun oh my my God they get a warthog that big I we we got it in America he ate his vegetables what do I do with this is this uh I have a power washer yeah I don't know jump from The Rock top of this rock right here Rock okay yeah yeah like all right I'm taking this thing and I'm getting out of here oh my God come on literally one Health left upper body strength to stay on top of this turet I can't shoot I'm blocking him with the I'm making a wall broken through all defenses let's do this get him baby your long hog touch the tip of my long hog knock him out shoot him make him dead whatever I've got their flag oh it's just like God I can't it's oh no he's tipping wait what why are we still in it because it's let me I'm in I'm in okay now it's straighten out hold on hold on I'll try to hold on I got I got this i got this i got this ready ready oh no oh Bo are you going to come on holy [ __ ] we can't do anything it's just oh okay there you go there we go oh my God want's in the Hot Wheels I want Hot Wheels who now settle down Ken woohoo I love Hot Wheels let go wait I need this I need this I need this how does he have out of kill go go go go got to go fast [ __ ] oh they got our flag there's the flag it's on you work in the river I got him nice oh they're running from me hold on they won't they won't see us going this way no it's F this is why we've got helmets it's fine I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying oh my god oh I almost got him they count you cry we Jesus chist them physics just just age so well oh Gody no the fourth map is tundra biome this is actually a one toone remake of the original map Sidewinder in Minecraft that I then ported back into Halo it's the world's only double Port it's also ironically the highest Poly map in the entire mod oh yeah flaming let's go we got the Hot Wheels monster hog man let's freaking go God what' you do hold hold let me get this gun oh God oh God I'm sliding here I'll slide back to you oh my God oh my goduck oh God what did I do am I invisible holy [ __ ] yeah you're invisible trying I'm trying I'm trying to I'm trying to get him oh out oh my God oh my God oh my God that was [Laughter] awesome oh my God this big pistol is carrying our whole team right now let's go this poor guy in the [ __ ] ghost oh it's Vinnie [ __ ] spe nobody can stop him sorry that man I've never feared anything before Oh God a weapon to surpass Metal [Laughter] Gear get in look at my tiny hog look at my tiny hog it's so T tou my tiny hog do you think I can do you think oh Jesus hey don't you touch this tiny hog that's a grenade it's fine it's fine the tiny hog is fine The Fifth map we played is the dam rooms and I really feel like I should apologize for this one I took one of the best original maps from Halo and turned it into the back rooms trying to navigate this map is just horrendous who are we missing uh I no like who you miss in life do you miss anyone H I miss my I miss my brother a that got sad real quick what was that what was that what's the deal with over there what jbo no way he just did that dude oh I just got [ __ ] played by him so bad I let you chase me for so long I was just pissing on your [ __ ] ass and you just jump behind me in no one take that clip out of context no one that's a direct order so after you pissed on his ass what came next you know what came next I haven't seen anyone I painted somebody against that oh hey kill to same ice I'm just going to stand near a cliff with the pull gun and pull people happening it's good you yeah I'm just pulling into the cliff it's all good God damn it Inferno I hope you don't mind me saying this but this is one of my least favorite multiplayer maps I've ever played on in a video game I appreciate it you don't understand that's a comp for him you're going to have that that opinion change on the next map I promise oh boy okay SI sick sick the sixth map we played is longer and once again I'm just going to let the video play for this one and you know coincidentally this is the longest segment so it's perfect so how much suffering do you want to endure everything yeah I want to hate myself just give it all give it all after that yeah I think we could probably go a little bit more suffer all right so um I want you guys to notice a nav marker that it has a distance oh my God I hate this 1.5 km what the [ __ ] this oh I see I see [ __ ] Bas is there so in the base game of Halo there's a map called longest that's a hallway uh with bases at each end uh I made a version that's longer God this is so stupid [ __ ] so what you're saying is we'll be able to like attack each other one time in the middle and then we're just have to stop playing the map right I'm assuming you find a gun that isn't the pistol what it is you keep playing until you get good enough to beat the enemy Team all the way back to their base without dying we've made it we've made it 0.2 km I hate this this is so I'm going to get salty when I die I'm gen cars why can't we use cars I'm lazy I I can't believe I called that other map wretched like I really just dropped that too soon do not enable Inferno do not say it needs to be longer I don't think you can p can be longer I think I'm at the triangle limit I think it could be a little longer no I mean like the game engine just can't it just won't go any further than this this might be the limit what if you put a staircase oh no you found the limit that's true you could build it so you have to go forward and then come back on a hallway approximately 10 hours later Corner hide in the corner hide in the corner hide in the corner no no please don't kill me please don't kill me [ __ ] I got to walk again a genuine fear please don't kill me I just got here oh God on this map that was short [ __ ] lived oh oh go I can heal you I can heal you it didn't work I was healing you anyway all right back to the start all right they're trying to collect Intel yo we need to stay as a team though yeah wait if we die though I'm running I'm running Stay Together stay stay together this is the craziest tug of war yeah what's what's crazy is that whoever is left over at the end gets all the weapons that everyone else dropped yeah oh that's true mhm this is cool I like this one wait are we actually like still playing this map for some reason yesing to be honest somehow pal has returned whoa [ __ ] I'd rather watch that movie right now it's kind of cool though because you have to hide when they're like walking by you it's kind of intense yeah every 25 minutes in yeah it's yeah exactly it's like a match of Counter Strike except instead of waiting you have to like actually walk it's kind of like playing daisy again you know yeah this is literally what you do in pubg like all the time just lots of walking this just distills walking for kilom lots of walking for like a minute of actual shooting yeah that groundbreaking gameplay this just distills it down into a hallway it's truly the Final Fantasy it's TR a work version of Halo yeah it it's truly a work of art when you think of it it's able to condense the feelings of pubg into one map really says a lot about society says a lot about Inferno this feels like a project Inferno I can see the no I'm I'm here I'm just I'm just enjoying this okay Inferno is the hideo kajima of the Halo franchise this is basically death stranding honestly yeah honestly yeah the only thing that's missing is like package delivery got boxes you can put those somewhere what you're delivering is the flag you know what you're right got a point show yourself I got cross this hallway wait I want to feel it nice got you [Music] get out of here hell yeah we're making progress we're pushing forward let's go moving the trench line up boys okay you know I kind like this now that's kind of cool kind of only there's only mid dude and I just realized the health the only Health packs on this map are like at the beginning of the end yeah so if you get low on he it's like it's critical oh no what is wrong with you dude I got something special for them when we uh when we reach them oh yeah hacker God powers to like I picked up I picked up a potion of blindness no I'm just going to and just walk so Fu played stealthy there or find you just blind him and run off yep anyway what I was hinting at Inferno is that if you would like to show me some different Maps while I'm still here that would be fantastic I'm Sor I'm sorry play Donkey Kong please let's do you know what I I'll just be careful of that waa no no no no no was that like ABA bomb or something oh my God hey I'm okay with that wasn't passive aggressive chat member that was just aggressive I'm sorry I blinded them and I ran past and they don't seem to know where I am anymore I think we're good yeah [ __ ] is rough for that one I've heard we're coming I'd say just keep running that would be so beautiful if you could crawl around on the floor like a baby I'm sorry I'm losing my mind guys I'm sorry I'm doing all my bits please go on continue continue you want Master Chief to crawl around like a baby I can do that I had I had the giant pistol I'm blind they throw a [ __ ] blindness potion at me what is this game I got you I'm not okay I guys I'm I'm 100 me from their base right now they're chasing me all of them are chasing me oh my controller disconnected no this is the Run no all right so I I know the winning move for this game and I'm going to make it game do it over oh oh the only winning move is not to play came over immediately you know I explicitly designed this map to torture everyone and yet for some reason there were multiple people in that game who said they thought it was cool and that it was nice and fun I'm not quite sure if that's a failure of game design on my part or maybe maybe they're just into that the seventh map we played is Chiron and uh this is one of those deep cut halo references so I'm going to go ahead and explain the joke Chiron was an original Halo map that is a bunch of small rooms connected together with teleporters it's one of those maps that most people didn't like because of all the teleporting so I decided to make my own version with 10 times as many teleporters oh and I'd like to add some context for these next few Clips this was a tiny free-for-all map and we had like 12 people on it so the conversation just kind of went out the window I'm not just going to do all of my bits for these people they have their own lives they do your bit no I want actually have them remember me fondly do the diaper Chief bit or we're going back to longest do it do it say things I'm not doing it stop chat be funny entertaining man Vinnie say something funny do the thing with the diaper I'm going to leave this chat I'm going to remember you was the diaper guy I hope you know please don't yeah that's SP the diaper guy hey hey remember you that is one of the tags on your stream right now I don't know if you saw itap do the diaper bit again do the diaper bit this is this is just holy [ __ ] good this is chaos but it's like a fun kind of chaos yeah it's kind of fun chaos I actually like this map yeah this is this is good this is like a compl long opposite of what we just played too so that's kind of neat I like it cuz you can actually [ __ ] play it I would have I would have enjoyed anything oh God hey I like the jugging simulator right the eighth map we played is ring them round the Elden ring of Halo Maps I'm coming back I got to pick up the boys got to pick up my boys we got to go to school my boys got to go to school I got to pick them up oh I'm over here Mom I mean butcher I'm over here H it's okay you can call me Mom it's fine my chat calls me Dad you can call me Mom though it's cool Hey where's it going it's over here I'm going to tryle really still uh uh I I like Master Chief I like I like oh that's a black ho a black hole it's moving back in their Direction sick oh incoming did you just get in the ghost y oh there's hole what's going on we all got swallowed by a big black hole did you just join the singularity I just heard incoming and everything just fell apart that was [ __ ] ridiculous I I need you to take this and use it I need you to use it on yourself I need you to self suck that good timing thanks for that well you know that joke too huh okie dokie I am bored of this segment let's move on cool video transition so this should be the end of the video now cuz I told myself I would be done with curs halor 1 once the multplayer was finished but of course you all know what happens every time I say something like that so here is the cursed Halo Hunter survival challenge one of the things that I found to be really fun in this mod was fighting groups of hunters as I mentioned in my previous video my goal was to make them into a bullet hell and this new mode takes that concept to the absolute maximum you and one friend can now face off against 22 waves of hunters each wave you defeat rewards you with random weapons equipment and ammunition and to make things interesting you can only save a checkpoint three times for the entire challenge so you got to be tactical to be completely honest here this challenge is way too hard it's effectively kaiso cursed Halo and I would very much recommend playing this in co-op on easy mode because it's just too brutal solo but we both know some of you absolute gaming units out there are just going to beat it solo on legendary anyways and I'm looking forward to seeing a video of that soon Min Blitz oh yeah and also also I updated the Dark Souls remasters mod and added some stuff this update contains a whole bunch of new community made content as well and it's pretty neat so go check that out it's somewhere probably on the second Channel So yeah thank you all for watching and sorry this took so long to release I have a video on my second Channel talking in more detail about the mod if you're interested in hearing me rant about stuff for an hour I also want to thank Green Knight for helping me put together one of the maps because I am very lazy and I didn't want to model it and of course I want to thank everyone who showed up for the beta test live stream who would have thought so many live streamers would willingly show up to get tor Ted by a deranged modder for like 4 hours straight blessed and of course thanks to all my patrons because as always I would not be able to do these long-term projects without your support there's a link to the mod in the description and feel free to join our Discord if you're looking for a group to play with have a wonderful day everybody and don't forget to dodge the warthog wait oh yes and once again thank you to War Thunder for sponsoring this video
Channel: InfernoPlus
Views: 1,039,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infernoplus, inferno, plus, cursed, halo, cursed halo, cursed halo again, halo except it's incredibly cursed
Id: oOdGIzKRyys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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