When that glitch FINALLY comes in handy

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I'm empty. Yeah, same here. You got any more ammo left? Yep. Got all I need. ... What?! Ah!... Got any plans!? Yep. Make it count. Woah. Dude, that was awesome! ...Why did you only bring one bullet? Huh? Welp, any ideas? What, me?! I-I don't have any amm- We could j-...we could just uh...we could just- There's...th-there's always the um... Oh... Yeeaah... Make it... Count? ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA Ugh! Huh?! Oh boy. ...Wwwwhat, was that? Oh, this? Ah it's just a little glitch by cancelling a reload by meleeing over and over really fast. But I didn't think it would actually do anything though. ...What? Yeah, it's kinda funny. Me and my friends used to call it "making candy" and uh...oh! Wait a minute. Anyway, these are what you gotta look out for. It's weird, but, sometimes  when you're ejecting, they hit you right in the fa- *Sigh*
Channel: hyper
Views: 10,451,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo 3, Making Candy, Fan Animation, Halo
Id: OzEE0l6ae_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 54sec (174 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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