Testing The Gun That Killed Abraham Lincoln

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I'm glad that someone thought of the same pun I did.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HystericalWatches 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2023 🗫︎ replies

Sometimes I think to myself and wonder wtf happened to my sense of humor

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MIKE-JET-EATER 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2023 🗫︎ replies
on April 14th of 1865 a man named John Wilkes Booth walked into Ford's Theater with the intent of killing Abraham Lincoln the 16th president of the United States the gun that he chose to do it with none other than this little piece right here so what we're going to be doing today is going over this very unique piece in American history as well as attempting to show and recreate the assassination of Abraham Lincoln I'm also going to be making a lot of [ __ ] up jokes along the way so of course the the gun that we're using today is not the literal gun that was used to kill Abe Lincoln that one of course is actually still on display in the basement of Ford's Theater in Washington D.C what we have today is a firing replica of that pistol which is known as the baby Philadelphia Derringer this one is manufactured by Peter soli in Italy and is chambered in 45 but not the 45 that you're probably thinking of like 45 ACP that's for more modern handguns like the 1911 amazing I just called the 1911 modern you know what I mean this uses a much older type of ammunition it's still cap and ball meaning you manually have to pour in the powder in the muzzle of the gun and then Ram down your projectile then you put your percussion cap right here on the nipple yes that is what it is called and then fires smacking that igniting the powder I'll show you how all of that works later but I know what you're thinking Brandon you're doing a lot of talking in the beginning of this video so don't worry let's fix that load this baby up and show you how she does in the white claw penetration test so I've just loaded up our pistol and well here's contestant number one let's see how it does against our Derringer Mr Lincoln you're uh I'm not gonna see this you know spoilers excuse me sir it appears you have cheated me in a game of poker I think we got him so when we're talking about 45 caliber a lot of people think of like the modern 45 caliber I'm a 45 ACP two world wars stopping power brother it's not really what we're talking about when we're talking about 45 caliber black powder so caliber is just referring to the uh the diameter of the bore it's just like the 50 BMG of the you know Barrett is different than the 50 AE of the Desert Eagle so we are working with a 45 caliber a 40.45 inch bore diameter now the energy however is much lower than modern calibers it's because we're working with black powder not smokeless powder but even out of something as small as that little Derringer we still get plenty of energy output onto the target so you can see here uh our Target is quite leaky even though it seems like most of the energy was taken up by the claw itself we still did get an exit out the rear giggity but now that we've seen what the pistol is capable of let's go ahead and show you how to load it back up and then we're going to put Andrew Johnson in office speaking of which isn't it weird that there have been two high-profile assassinations of U.S presidents and they've both been replaced by a guy named Johnson I don't know if that means anything but if I had a nickel for every time that happened I only have two nickels but it's weird that it happened twice speaking of which you guys really seem to like these kind of videos these uh I guess assassination videos for lack of a better word the JFK Joe Rogan bullet theory is still the most watched video on this channel by a good margin I think a timer recording where like seven and a half million views so I don't know we're experimenting with this uh doing more I guess historical assassinations or you know just kind of recreating events of history that involve Firearms we're thinking about doing videos recreating like the Kurt Cobain incident and even the John Lennon killing so if that's the kind of content you'd like to see let us know down in the comments or if you have a suggestion for another video that you'd like to see kind of along that vein let us know but either way be sure to subscribe so you don't miss that kind of Epic content that you can only see here or at least the only kind you'd want to watch is here so like we mentioned before this is a black powder cap and ball pistol so I'm going to show you how to load that real quick what what cap and ball means is that it's you know black powder you've got to manually load the powder down the barrel and then shove the ball down the whole giggity compressing that down and then add a cap like you would see right here so what this does is you put this right here on the nipple put that on like so and what happens is when you pull this Hammer all the way back and you fire it off that ignites the cap which ignites the powder which shoots the ball forward it's a little archaic but hey back in the day this is uh this is what you had to work with by the way if all of this Gunsmithing and gun history stuff is interesting to you you might want to check out the new channel sponsor SDI SDI of course being the Sonoran Desert Institute great place to get your start in Gunsmithing I'll leave the links down in the description and in the pin comment so what I'm using to load this pistol is actually kind of a little old black powder trick I'm using fired shell casings that we found on the ranch this one here is pretty fresh it's a nine millimeter and I'm using this to measure the amount of powder that is going to be going down the barrel obviously you don't want too little else you're not going to pack that much of a punch or maybe have a misfire or whatever you don't want to have too much because well these replicas aren't built the way the originals were so that's just a bad day for everybody I'm going to take this I'm going to scoop up my black powder and I have a rough idea of the measurement of what each of these is going to be so I can pretty much get my load reasonably close there's a lot of innuendo in this video huh all right so that should do it we're going to take our black powder balls love fishing around for for balls so what we're using right here is uh actually Hornady uh black powder 44 caliber uh balls they're just 44 caliber but like their actual diameter is four five four so uh you know 0.454 inches so just barely barely oversized by four thousandths of an inch to a 45 caliber bore that's going to give us a nice tight seal you definitely want things nice and tight I'm done I'm just giving up this is just a [ __ ] that's what she said Montage at this point so we already have our powder poured down in the bore so what I'm going to do is go ahead and press this and on the top I don't have a ram rod with me the gun did not include one but I do have this nice handy tool set that I keep in my truck I'm going to do is use this as a ramrod and shove that down and we got to be careful now because now the powder is tightly packed and we have a bullet seated in the barrel so what we're going to do now whenever we're ready to make it live is we are going to pull this back place the cap right there on the nipple and then this weapon will be live and ready to fire and rule in a play you know if this is feeling [ __ ] up to any of you at home uh well one it kind of is but two if it makes you feel any better Lincoln's technically the only President that's suspended part of the Constitution and also he didn't actually free anybody if you actually read the Emancipation Proclamation only free slaves and states that are in Rebellion that he doesn't control slaves up north didn't actually get freed until the 13th Amendment which passed like seven eight months after he got clapped so now all of the depictions of the actual event itself had Mr Lincoln without his hat on after all he was a gentleman indoors so we're going to remove that which is going to do two things one it's going to make it easier to kind of replicate exactly where he was shot which is in the back of the head but by the left ear I believe on top of that it's just technically more accurate plus we'll be able to see a much better angle on the cameras of what that actually does to the human skull so now I'm going to be playing the part of John wilk's Booth in my attempt to get the same kill death ratio as Alec Baldwin so now that we're ready to fire we're going to pull our Hammer back I'm going to go ahead and cap the pistol and there we are we are live all right six semper tyrannus in three two one well then other than that Mrs Lincoln how was the play all right so let's check out the damage uh I think we hit roughly exactly roughly exactly whatever words we hit exactly where we wanted to which is the back of the head right behind the left ear in fact the way it's a little weird actually the way that this skull is fragmenting here you see we penetrated the skull here the way it fragments looks exactly like some of the photos of the actual skull fragments from from Lincoln they actually preserve those but I think what we're gonna do here now that we've kind of seen you know the amount of skull cracking and whatnot going on here I'm gonna peel back the skin a bit I'd like to peel this open and see exactly how deep that bullet penetrated this is feeling oddly serial killer-esque I'm just not gonna read too far into that sorry Mr President actually before I do any more damage I want to make sure that he's dead I need to call in an expert uh what's your opinion doctor oh he's [ __ ] dead I concur all right we can proceed so I'm gonna go ahead and crack this bad boy open that in here this just feels so [ __ ] wrong it's like I'm opening the most violent Kinder Egg of all time let me go ahead and peel out these skull fragments real quick don't worry Mr Lincoln we're coming for that bullet [ __ ] lobotomizing the 16th president of the United States you know lobotomies where they just drill a hole in your skull and wiggle a screwdriver in there around until you're no longer an [ __ ] the [ __ ] did this bully go also doctors in 1865. oh yep I can see a little Channel yeah I can feel it right there with my finger so uh I moved the skull fragments out of the way and there's a little hole right there where it penetrated all the way through the skull all the skull fragments and right into just the juicy bits right there in the brain I do something really unscientific this just feels [ __ ] wrong oh laughs oh dear what a what a [ __ ] job all right let's kill the skull cap forward here this is so [ __ ] gross Jesus Christ I've [ __ ] around with these uh ballistic dummy labs heads before I've never done anything this feels this is the worst this is the worst so far oh he's just dripping that he's a bleeder see where how deep this bullet was so the Bullet didn't penetrate through the bottom side here oh now we start cutting all right so now I have honest Abe's brain in my hands that's cool just let it out big guy this is [ __ ] bullet oh that is so [ __ ] gross look at that I twist this open it's like the most [ __ ] violent like kids squeezy toy it's like a brain hernia oh there it is oh [ __ ] oh there's more bits of skull in here and condoms I don't think that's necessarily 100 anatomically correct you ever wanted to know what a big juicy condom full of blood looked like I hope you do I hope you don't know what that actually looks like in your real personal life there you go that's what it looks like you know when I came out here I honestly didn't think this is the direction my my day was going to be going but here we are peel this back oh God I just felt like Predator right there it's [ __ ] oh God this is just gross my hands are gonna be so stained I'm gonna look like a [ __ ] serial killer at dinner look at that [ __ ] relax I just want to take some pictures oh this is gross the way that they cast this Jesus they have a [ __ ] tongue there's a tongue inside the mouth that's I mean yeah correct but [ __ ] that's gross well now he's looking more like an actual president because the [ __ ] head is empty oh [ __ ] wait what the [ __ ] I'm the dude I didn't stage This I Promise like they will all testify to this I didn't stage this at all the bullet is literally sitting here on the table I don't know [ __ ] I don't know when that popped out uh maybe yeah when I flip the head over what I I have no idea but check it out that's our uh that is our deformed ball here you can see where it smacked the skull and kind of deformed flat into kind of like a pancake looks like a you know the Forbidden m m so to speak don't worry Mr President I got it out well ladies and gentlemen I think we've all learned something today whether that was about antique cap and ball pistols and historic events or just about what a blood-filled condom looks like either way if you have more suggestions for videos like this or things you'd like to see us test go ahead and let me know down in the comments and again be sure to subscribe because you wouldn't want to miss AAA content like this anyhow guys I appreciate you watching to the end and as always I will see you sex YouTube mother lovers in the next video thanks I need to go watch my [ __ ] hands [Music] [Music] I do declare sir it appears you have cheated me in a game of poker didn't even go off I hate this [ __ ] gun so [ __ ] much if you actually read the emancipation if you actually read the Emancipation [ __ ] it was [ __ ] up a hundred percent this was uh we were still in the bloodletting part of uh medicine we were trusting the science so to speak okay about it God damn it the last
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 5,767,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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