Curious George 🚜 George's new toy is broken! 🚜 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies 🐵 Videos for Kids

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and he was even more excited when that friend was one of his favorite people in the whole world whoa uh let me guess great Aunt Sylvia's here [Music] favorite nephews so uh how have you been Aunt Sylvia oh fine I just got back from the Galapagos Islands now you know how those Dolphins love to race was it fun yeah you bet I won oh and I have presents for both of you now I know how you love your mystery novels oh thanks and for George [Music] well now go ahead and open it it's a front loader I drove the real thing when I worked in construction and this one's the perfect size for a monkey what do you say George could just imagine all the things he could do with his new front loader it would be great for making mud pies [Music] he could use it in winter and summer [Music] this was one of the best toys George had ever seen [Music] now he just needed something to pick up [Music] George's new front loader wasn't doing a very good job of front loading [Music] what's wrong with it oh it was just one problem that's easy to solve we'll just trade it in for another one [Music] excuse me there seems to be a problem with this toy and we'd like to exchange it for a new one hahaha oh I am so sorry folks but everybody's bringing this one back it looks like this toy is just defective [Music] looks like we'll just have to go to the source of the problem hmm let's see here made by din Woody Delights oh that's just across the city well then let's just pay them a visit maybe they can fix the problem I have some fossils to sort think you two can handle it of course you run along George and I will take care of this right George [Music] Douglas dinwoody welcome to my factory we've never had a monkey visit us before now what can I do for you well you see we have a problem with one of your toys problem what do you mean it's it's not the bubble blower that blows backward bubbles is it [Music] oh the remote control car that only goes in a circle hahaha oh dizzy because those were supposed to be taken off the shelves months ago [Music] no actually it's for George but it won't pick anything up I see well if it's a defective toy we'll have to issue a recall come with me it was time for the town of Lake wanasink to have its 100 year anniversary party George knew 100 was a lot because he once ordered 100 boxes of donuts accidentally The Man with the Yellow Hat asked George to give invitations to all their friends gotta get things moving cause the day is almost here this kind of thing just doesn't happen every year time to get the word out and you know that you can count on me I'm gonna travel through the town from end to end telling all the strangers and I'm telling all my friends I'll make sure everyone in your shot will attend yes indeed [Music] so won't you celebrate it's time to celebrate so won't you celebrate with me for every plan to attend except those who already had plans to be on an iceberg George couldn't wait for the party George we have to stop at Mr Quince and get the anniversary jubilaria says it's as old as the town 100 years we bring it out once a year at the town's anniversary party one star has been added to it every year since the town was founded that's one we just added number 100. were there really a hundred Stars George decided to count them one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten Stars [Music] but he had one problem remember how to count to 100 . well you just counted to ten so if you count to ten ten times that's 100. oh [Music] so how many stripes are there one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten rows each row has 10 Stars that's 100. [Music] stars were in nice rows [Music] all except one George could fix that that's when George learned how windy it is in a moving car can you imagine it took the town a hundred years to complete that [Music] [Music] oh folks will go absolutely wild when they see all 100 stars on the anniversary Jubal area how Wild would they go when they saw no stars George had to tell the man about what happened just the guy we need can you come help with the costumes sure George do you mind staying here and helping with the anniversary Jubal area ah thanks wow George would need to fix the anniversary jubilaria himself before anyone was disappointed a good place to start was where the stripes flew out of the car and it was [Music] and there was a fourth [Music] good old jumpy it was a special day in the country because tonight everyone was coming to the rankins barn for a Hoedown [Music] George wasn't sure what a hoedown was but getting ready for one sure was fun foreign square dancing oh and best of all there'll be real live bluegrass music what's bluegrass oh Lightning Fast foot stopping music that'll make you wanna jig oh it's a hoot huh George do you hear that [Music] say hello to the Uptown bluegrass band everyone this is George and Ally hi kids howdy look at all those fun bluegrass instruments George like the banjo the fiddle [Music] the stand-up Bass and the mandolin [Music] and don't forget old Bowl best guitar in the world of all the instruments the guitar was George's favorite it looked like the most fun to play [Music] right now there we go I can't thank you enough for coming to play at our hoedown well couldn't let my old friend down thanks [Music] you like old bow well thanks I made it myself that's a talent it was easy anyone can make a guitar all you need are the right parts speaking of guitars are you gonna play with us tonight sure I I'd love to what didn't you know your friend plays a meme bluegrass guitar oh yep here take a straw man old bull oh old ball I I can't and besides there's still so much to be done and you know my guitar is back home and yeah we'll get your guitar great hold Down's at five o'clock sharp oh two hours from now say maybe you can help me think Up lyrics for that song we were just playing oh okay [Music] oh Mr yellow pants's guitar isn't all shiny like the pretty blue grass one Ally was right the guitar didn't glimmer or shine in fact it was Dusty [Music] oh I know let's give it a bath grandma says there's nothing like a bath to make you bright and shiny [Music] George couldn't wait to see the man's guitar All Bright and shiny oh but instead the bath made it lumpy and peely George needed another guitar for the man to play at the hoedown and fast and then he remembered anyone can make a guitar you just need the right parts George would make a new one great idea George we'll make a new and improved guitar first they needed some kind of box with a hole in it [Music] they found lots of boxes [Music] but some of them were flimsy and none of them had holes when you live in a city there's always excitement in the air monkeys love flying things so when George heard Professor Wiseman had a plane that looked like a bird to follow other birds he wanted to be sure to have a front row seat for the big launch [Music] after all some of George's best friends were Birds you guys realize the launch isn't until later right yes well what are you gonna do for the next hour oh I can keep them busy how'd you like to help me with birds final trial flight [Music] okay have fun see you in an hour okay why is your plane called bird it's an acronym it stands for bird investigation and Recovery device why see up there birds migrate North to nest and suffer but along the way many birds get lost and we don't know why [Music] bird will track the migration and help us locate lost Birds that is so cool we'll reunite them with their flock and try to fix whatever made them get lost in the first place Bird's first mission follow a flock of Rusty blackbirds passing over this afternoon oh but first you're going to help me with the last test flight now here's how the remote control works to launch bird first push the green button to start the engine push the joystick up to make bird go up move the joystick left to make bird go left then push the yellow switch up to activate the automatic pilot so that our computer can talk to bird and bird can talk back to our computer then our computer can fly the plane [Music] gentlemen prepare for takeoff [Music] I'm going to push the green button to turn bird on [Music] wow [Music] oh dear I must be doing something wrong hello Einstein this is Wiseman Bert isn't initiating properly did you hit the on button well of course I'm a scientist I do what the directions say maybe some of the wires came loose during the transport Roger standby for inspection how odd hold this for me William Marco and George can you take the remote yeah [Music] oh sounds like all systems are gold [Music] it shouldn't be able to do that scrub Mission scrub Mission how'd you start the engine ah George didn't know normally if you hit off things didn't turn on George push the joystick up and fly bird over the banner coming up bird went down that's an even better idea push the joystick down and bring bird in for a landing [Music] going down bird went up not up George down down down [Music] down down it's going to crash into the tree that was a close one to a curious monkey like George each morning meant a new surprise the moment he stepped outside [Music] some mornings he didn't even get that far [Music] oh hey guys meet Goliath he just moved into the building his owner has a guest who's allergic to dogs so Goliath is helping Hundley and me in the lobby today if you called blocking the elevator helping [Music] [Music] oh a delivery wow look at all the packages it's new lights for the hallways let's store them in the basement until the electrician comes [Music] come on [Music] oh Hundley could you get that [Music] that was not a chew toy thanks Goliath hello oh Goliath could reach really tall places hungler wondered if the doorman's job would be easier with someone like Goliath [Music] he could put mail in the high mailboxes and take it back out again he could call elevators he could probably even put the star on top of the Christmas tree problem bye thanks Goliath [Music] [Music] that Goliath sure is a big help isn't he he sure is [Music] taller door dog George wondered what would cheer up Hundley maybe he'd be happier if he were tall like Goliath oh hey I know how we can make honey taller stilts I had a pair when I was little they're fun [Music] boom [Music] [Applause] [Music] here hungry you try [Music] and George realized dachshunds couldn't use stilts they didn't have hands to hold on to them ah if only they made stilts you didn't have to hang on to [Music] hmm what do you know they did all George needed were dog shoes with platform Souls [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] making Hundley taller is harder than I thought oh Marco was right maybe they could find another way to make him taller to cheer him up [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 422,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: ZbniziUZtbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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