A Very Brave Little Monkey 🐵 Curious George 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies

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[Music] Little Monkeys love riding buses but a ride on the z bus was the best trip of all because it ended at welcome to zany Island say hello to our new friends py hello how would you like your own py H wow nice George there be Adventure ahead and here's a map to keep you on [Music] course I have fun George planned on having a great time and thanks to his map he wouldn't miss a [Music] thing on a George and his friend rode fast rides slow rides scary rides wet rides and Scenic rides he until one by one George pety and the Man with the Yellow Hat had ridden them [Music] all too bad they don't come in yellow lucky you you got the last one in your size we're usually out of stock by this time of [Music] day [Applause] [Music] a m that be your warning shot zi Island be closing in 30 minutes I see one more [Music] ride so did you have a good time today George what was your favorite [Music] part yeah you sure had fun with [Music] pety huh hey um where is pety did we leave him behind [Music] huh who George hang on I look I know you're worried about py but it's really late I I promise we'll look for him first thing in the morning okay [Music] but George didn't want to wait until morning luckily he didn't have to the z bus ran all [Music] night he could rescue py [Music] now [Music] zy Island was a big place good thing George had kept his map it showed everywhere he and py had been that [Music] day let the hunt for parro py begin but George wondered where to look first maybe right here it was the last day of the year which meant George was busy putting up [Music] decorations uhoh streamers get away from you again George mm after decorating there was baking and preparing for guests looks like we're all set for New [Music] Year's you're right George tomorrow starts the brand new year which means we'll need a new calendar oo we'll tear off the last number at midnight and you know what happens then [Music] yeah happy New [Music] Year hey you think you can really stay until midnight this year George Well if you want to be awake at midnight it might help to take a [Music] nap okay your choice but you might fall asleep and miss the party like last [Music] year [Music] oh George didn't want to miss the [Music] party so he decided to give the nap a try but it was too bright to [Music] sleep [Music] finally George was ready to fall [Music] asleep George what are you trouble sleeping huh uhhuh you know what my grandmother used to tell me if you can't sleep count sheep oh uh give it a try you'll be asleep in no time uh [Music] one George needed to count more than one sheep to get sleep luckily he knew just where to find [Music] [Applause] [Music] some one 2 3 four five [Music] six seven the Sheep kept moving George couldn't tell which ones he'd [Music] counted if George wanted to know how many sheep there were he could only count each sheep [Music] once so he asked the Sheep to line [Music] up getting sheep to follow directions was harder than George expected if only sheep came with [Music] [Applause] numbers George I thought you were taking a [Music] nap okay have fun with our calendar now George could number the Sheep as he counted [Music] them sheep number one was very friendly it was a perfect day in the country for a hike [Music] uhoh some places in the country were hard to [Music] [Music] reach but they were worth [Music] it pretty good hiking for City kid [Music] George we're almost there the super secret hidden nobody but us knows about it VI hey I'm getting hungry sandwich [Music] break [Music] [Music] uhoh a I'm all right I'm all right I'm ow I guess I'm not all right I don't think I can walk on my leg George maybe if I go slow ouch that's not going to work George knew he needed to go for [Music] help [Music] hey thanks for the lift guys you did a great job getting help for your friend George I called your mom Bill she's going to meet you at the hospital you know I'm actually looking forward to going there you are yeah they have the best fruit cup I've ever tasted it almost makes all this worth [Music] it hey George would you like to ride in the ambulance with us sure why [Music] not it's the paramedics job to give people first aid and bring them to the hospital George right and the ambulance has all the equipment we need it's almost like a rolling [Music] Hospital hey Danny hey nurse Paula how's it going Barry hi Trish wow you seem to know a lot of people here yeah I've been in the hospital before oh yeah broke me Arm playing chess met everybody well hello Bill what happened hurt my leg what was it this time Checkers turkey sandwich it's a wristband for the doctors and nurses to keep track of all of us patients a well Bill it looks like your leg is broken in three places [Music] really Bill's leg looked like it was all in one piece H you can't see the break on the outside that's why we Radiologists use an x-ray machine it takes pictures of how you look on the inside a George had seen an x-ray [Music] before that's right there are fractures here here here and here what happened slipped on a turkey sandwich of course I should have guessed George thought he'd like to have an x-ray machine of his own looks like Bill's going to need a cast so his leg can heal summer days seem to last forever you need a lot of ideas to fill them up oo like playing Jingle Bells on a squeaky [Music] hinge face it George we'll never get to Jingle All The [Music] Way [Music] wow [Music] [Laughter] [Music] huh [Music] huh [Music] that's me all right at the bucket toss at the old country fair when I was a kid if you tossed a bean bag in a bucket you got points and the bucket I remember oh that's a dunk Booth doesn't get better than a dunk Booth you mean hitting the Bull's Eye and dunking some poor guy into the water no being that [Music] guy what's more fun than getting dunked in a tank of cool water on a hot summer [Music] day H never thought of it that way but not that I know I never did get dunked but I always wanted to be ah and there it was one Bonafide funfill terrific idea for a Summer [Music] Afternoon you want to make our own Fair George that's a great [Music] idea okay let us know if there's anything we can do yeah we can use this we just need more [Music] [Music] buckets hi George are those for your [Music] fair okay great wonder where he got all that [Music] stuff oh 5 10 15 20 25 here see how many points you can get George [Music] oh hi guys what you doing we're building our own country fair no kidding hey what about a boat race I saw one at Sprouts Camp Oho all hands on deck aay [Music] C sure of course I was just you know cleaning them wouldn't want dirty bath toys W looks like your fair has turned into a big [Music] project water check boats for the boat race check making them go no [Music] idea maybe we should forget the hose idea when the firehouse bell rang across the countryside the volunteer firefighters responded [Music] even if there wasn't a fire okay George I think everyone has heard it you want to get the siren [Music] [Applause] George [Music] [Music] hi what a doozy of a turnout for this year's fireman's must games I hope everyone has been practicing holes and ladder work I must have climbed up and down to my Treehouse a hundred times excellent as you know each year Our Town volunteer fireman face a different Squad in games that test individual skills and teamwork and each year something goes wrong and we lose George remembered that at last year's muster things did go [Music] wrong and got very [Music] wet but if we stay focused maybe this year we'll win that trophy hooray kid looks like this year's opponents are here hi everyone well look at that George couldn't believeing it was his friends from the city rescue squad 86 even [Music] Blaze all right there are three games Ali here will keep score the team with the most points at the end wins the trophy our first game is a test of teamwork and strength the fruit and veggie wash wow each team must build up enough pressure in these antique water Pumpers to hit their red or yellow targets that looks kind of challenging very challenging is this Fair our team has more people and on out the number of people on your team isn't as important as how you work together the key is teamwork captains are your teams ready ready ready go [Applause] [Music] other side oh my gosh we need people on the other side no no no not everybody not everybody you for on that side everyone else over here that's it now pull for your lives faster ah steady R team [Music] steady yeah the red team wins a fiddle [Music] sticks a Bucket Brigade takes teamwork and coordination fill your buckets pass them down the line and empty them down there into your trough the first team with a full trough wins want to try it George full fire buckets are really [Music] heavy
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 689,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: pKlLfdxV3ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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