Cubase 11- What's NEW, Let's Talk 🤯🤯🤯

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hello everyone and welcome back [Music] so today we're going to talk about what is in my opinion the best cubase version ever cubase 11. boom [Music] so today 11 was just released and there are so many things in this new release and i have to be honest with you guys this is a really hard video for me to make because there are so many things in this release that if i wanted to cover each and every one of them this video would be like one or two hours at least so i promise you i'm going to make future videos covering all these things that we're going to talk about today in more detail so in the comments down below let me know what you would like me to do because i'm going to take your feedback and i'm going to create those videos and while you're at it don't forget to subscribe to the channel and hit that bell notification icon so when i release them you will know okay so let's get started because there are so many things to talk about i'm gonna wear my headphones here because the first thing i want to show you is the new sample track now this was a revelation for me if you've watched the videos that i've done in the past about the sampler track i'm gonna link it right here you know that i'm a big fan okay this is one of my favorite tools in cubase and i love it it's so creative you can do so many things with it but now it's even better while i'm at it i might as well show you the brand new libraries that we have in cubase now we have the bloom really really nice cool vocals there day after day after really really cool i mean these are going to be also incredible for vocal chops and this is the first thing that the sampler track can do really really easily now so maybe i want to check out this hard knocks library [Music] so let's create a sample track okay right click create a sampler track one thing that i can do straight away is change the quality of the playback so we can go up to extreme that's really really good for high frequencies and we also have the vintage mode which i love it check it out [Music] so so cool it sounds so gritty it gives you a completely different character to whatever you throw in there now the next thing that we can do is we can slice that loop straight inside the sample track okay let's do this slice and i can immediately play this on my keyboard [Music] and you know they even did this cool thing where you know sometimes when you slice something you get this little click do you hear that okay so if you go like this and you create a fade out it's gone so thoughtful thank you this would be something that i would have to do manually it's all done there so we have transients we have different modes we have transient modes we have grid that takes into account the grid we have transient grid it's a combination manual mode where you can start adding hit points yourself and you can create the slices yourself again like i said i'm going to do an in-depth video i want to show you as much as possible today so let's go and bring in a vocal are we here alone again that's cool so i've done a video in the past i'm going to link it right here and on this video i was talking about how to create vocal chops really cool vocal effects using the sample track and if you remember that i was automating the sample beginning point that was very cool but now check what you can do let's grab my endpoint here and i'm going to trim the sample we can also trim now now i can go ahead and slice and instead of transient maybe i want to do grid and maybe i want to have like 16th notes and now i can play these chops on my keyboard all these things super super cool i can even have a panning maybe let's try some lfo for the pan oh and speaking of lfos we have lfos in the sample track now let me show you if you go here to mod then you will be able to see you know the envelopes and all the things that we had before but we also have lfos now which means that i can say okay i want to add a pitch lfo i have two separate lfos and i can assign them to whatever i want in this case as you saw i assigned this lfo lfo2 actually to my panning okay and if i go here you will see that i can even change the type of the lfo maybe i want to have a pulse and there are so many cool things that you can do with it i mean this you know deserves a video on its own but before i finish with a sample track because there are so many cool things that you can do with it is i want to show you how you can create amazing 808 bass lines you guys have been asking for this for a long time and i promise i'm going to do a video now i have a better excuse to do this video because the sampler truck now can really create amazing 808 bass lines you know with legato with everything so very quickly i'm going to do this let's go to hard knocks uh there are quite a few nice bases here let's go for 808 and yeah this sounds nice okay so let's create sampler track and there we go now i have of course all the notes but check what i can do i can go here and just trim that portion okay maybe i want to have the beginning trimmed as well let's go like this easy easy that's so cool you know that that makes me super happy guys but now i can make it mono and now check this out i can activate legato mode let's create a loop and there we go and now i can even have glide check that out [Music] yeah you can do that using any sample thank you very much i mean this would be useful for you know 808 bass lines for scenes for vocals you can take any vocal and do the same thing let me know if you want me to do a video about this right subscribe subscribe moving on let's go i mean there are so many things in the sampler track but let's move on to something else now and this is a brand new plugin that we have or maybe i should say a collection of plugins which is called supervision and guys if you've been following my channel for a while you know that when it comes to metering i'm really picky i love good quality meters that's why i use the control room and i also have invested on hardware meters you know the clarity m metering is really important and i can tell you with confidence now that with cubase 11 i don't need to worry about metering anymore it's the most comprehensive metering plug-in suite that i've ever seen in my life so let me show you and i'm not exaggerating let me know what you think let's play something through the supervision and as you can see i have a level meter here completely resizable by the way okay then we have loudness metering with l ufs integrated loudness meters okay spectrum curve you know you hover your mouse you can see the frequency i'm in love [Music] spectrum bars spectrum intensity check how cool that is spectrogram you know if you wanted to get something like this you'd have to go to wavelab and now it's here we have this kind of metering check it out and i can change the color as well amazing okay so what else we have i mean i won't go through all of them maybe i will do like a dedicated video but chromogram you can even see the notes see see you can see the notes what else face scopes beautiful panorama multi-panorama correlation multi-correlation so we know that we're in phase in the low end again like i said if you have any questions let me know i'm going to make a video oscilloscope yeah this deserves a video thing again this is a real-time waveform display so this allows you to see what happens your waveform after you've added your processing fantastic my favorite thing about supervision is that you can resize it however you want and you can start adding modules and you can customize it completely the way you want to so maybe i want to have this as my chromogram or maybe i want to have this as my oscilloscope and all these things and maybe i want to add something underneath that you can do all these things and you can look at that this is so cool you know it already knows what i wanted to do so really really powerful and you can save different settings and different layouts and you can record them anytime you want now i'm going to show you something else i'm going to still use this loop actually and i'm going to use the next plugin that i'm really excited about and that's squasher now this plugin again it's so deep that i'm not gonna be able to show you everything today but it's really really powerful it's an instant classic in my opinion okay so let me show you it's basically a downward compressor and an upward compressor as well so the really loud parts of your mix or whatever you run through it are going to be compressed and the quiet ones are going to be brought up so this gives you a very specific sound that's really popular especially with electronic music so let's play this track through the squasher okay [Music] and it's so easy to use you can use it like this the way it comes up but you can also reveal some more in-depth parameters that make it actually really really powerful for mastering because you have attack release you have drive you have gates check it out see how much i'm shaping this fairly simple straightforward sound see how much it's kind of unreal okay check it out beautiful attitude yes in your face [Music] and if that wasn't enough side chain we have internal side chain external side chain three side chains hold that thought because there's more coming up about this later on let's move on to the next plugin which is the imager it's very straightforward so there's not like too many complicated things to talk about but basically what it allows you to do is it allows you to make your tracks wider it allows you to take full control of your stereo width so maybe you might want to make your mono a little bit narrower so that you have like a nice compact low end and maybe you want to widen the high frequencies imager allows you to do that so i don't know which magic fairy went to hamburg and you know they use their magic wand but we have another really powerful plugin in this release and that's frequency 2 and this is something i was waiting for for a while you know i use dynamic eqs all the time and if you've been watching my videos you know that i rely on them for quite a few tasks let me show you this is exactly the same like frequency 2 so you won't be completely oh what do i do there the big difference though is that now you have a dynamic mode that you can activate so let's say i have this band here okay and i turn into dynamic so let's try and enhance this attack for this sound i'm gonna go the other way and i'm going to go very fast attack and maybe uh like a medium release something like this and a high ratio let's try it hear the difference so let me show you what else you can do with the frequency 2. i talked a little bit before about the side chain inputs okay with squasher now frequency 2 is a really good example to show you that we have multiple side chain inputs now as you can see we can have multiple ones okay all these things there are so many different use cases for all these things that it's unreal you know if you have let's say a base you can side training to two kick drums now or three kick drums you know or you can side chain um some synths to a vocal and a guitar you know with one plugin with no complex routing that's pretty pretty good and to be honest with you i have no idea of any other daw that can do this the next thing that i want to show you is the new way that you can export and do audio mix downs in cubase 11 and for me that was like like literally this is one of the things that i hate doing you know when you have to do like stamps you have to create like multi-tracks and all these things and you're just scared that something will go wrong and you're like is the naming right are the is the format okay did i forget to bounce something you know sometimes you might want to export multiple formats you might want to export dry versions you might want to export versions with effects you might want to export versions with sends and the group effects and maybe the master effects well now you can do all of these things with one click like seriously guys this this brings me so much joy because you know these are things that i do pretty much every day and if i had all this time in my life free time is something that you can never get back everything else you can get back but free time not really okay time is very precious okay so let me show you how this thing works now what you can do is you can say okay i want to export multiple tracks which ones maybe i just want to export my guitars here and look at this magical button here sync selection to track selection boom now whatever i have selected in my project window see this gets selected for export how cool is that you know sometimes i have to do exports with orchestral mockups and i want to export just the brass if i could do this in the past so easily that i could go like done export so many years wasted anyway but it's here and you know this is incredible for me i hope you appreciate it guys it's not a fancy thing but if you do this all the time i'm pretty sure that you will appreciate it the next thing that you can do is of course you can say okay i want to export just my group tracks i want to explore my channels my instrument tracks and all these things so let's say you want to do this okay and you want them wav file 44.1 now you can add this to the queue as a job boom okay now we have a job there but let's say i also want to export everything dry you know let's say i recorded a very important singer and i've added compression and effects to his or her vocals and you know what i want to keep the dry versions just in case you know the multi-tracks now i can say dry so then cubase will export everything dry without the effects without the plugins without the eq's without anything it's going to be completely dry the way you recorded it let's add that to the queue there we go boom okay then let's say that okay somebody asked me for some vocal stamps okay cool i'm going to just select my vocals for example my vocals might be going to a bus okay and i have some compression there and maybe they're also going to ascend effect before if you bounce these the sound effect wouldn't be bounced unless you bounced you solo the track and then you bounced the master out and then you would also you know bounce the master effects as well not anymore now you can say you know what i want to bounce the groups and send effects as well so that means that if i have a vocal it goes to a bus and it has some nice sweet delays and reverbs i only need to do this and now i can add this to a queue for example so as you can see we also have a new project mix down folder i think this is a very good touch it's a really small detail but i really appreciate it because i was always exporting things to my audio folder and then it was a little bit hard to find the exported files i really like that this is there now and you can also save format presets which is really cool you can say okay i want to have an mp3 preview preset maybe a 48 kilohertz preset for film maybe i want to have a 96 kilohertz preset all these things you can do and save them like this save preset you know you name it like you want to good to go so once you do this all you need to do is click start to export and cubase does everything for you cool right now the next thing i want to talk about is improvements when it comes to midi i mean cubase is the best daw when it comes to midi you know you might disagree but it's true uh but there are some really really cool improvements when it comes to midi and let me show you what these are now we have something called the scale assistant okay recently i released a video about the chord tracks and how to create chord progressions if you don't know any music theory or music harmony i'm gonna link it right here but this is making things even better because now you can play you can solo you can do whatever you want you can play chords and they will always sound great the way you do this is you go into your key editor you go to scale assistant and here you can say okay i want to have a song on d minor okay let's try something harder let's try f minor okay more flats and as you can see we have quite a few options here we can say i want to show just the scale notes okay as you can see the light gray ones are the ones that are permitted for this scale and the black ones are the ones that are not permitted but then if i also activate snap pitch editing i can double click and you will see that it won't let me place this note anywhere but only on the correct pitches check it out okay f minor what do you know now the other thing that you can do is you can activate snap live input and this way whatever you play on your midi keyboard i'm going to play something completely random [Music] i'm playing completely random notes here right so completely i'm gonna play an a minor and then an f major see it it corrects everything to the closest note let's deactivate this and play some really really random notes okay [Music] or it could be contemporary music just kidding i love contemporary music but let's listen to this [Music] okay and now what i can do is i can select all these notes and now i can say quantize pitches and let's see what we've played there [Music] how cool is that i know for a fact that i have many friends out there that are guitarists that are violin players they don't know how to play the piano some people are super talented they want to create music but they don't know music theory they don't know music harmony they don't know how to play the keyboard this is a lifesaver and you know it's not a shortcut i would always suggest that you learn how to play learn a little bit about theory but it will help you get there it will help you create songs it will help you create music it will help you have fun at the end of the day that's what music is all about right so there you go now you can be guaranteed that you're not going to play any wrong notes anymore this is really really powerful there are quite a few things with the chord assistant i will do an in-depth video but the last thing that i want to show you today is that you can actually say show me just the pitches from scale assistant see here on the agents like we have in groov agent you know exactly that so i can go here and say just show me only the pictures that i care about only the relevant pitches so you don't get distracted now another thing when it comes to midi is the new ramps and curves for your cc controllers that was a big request of mine and i was so happy that it was included in this update let's say i want to create a ramp here instead okay let me show you how you do this you can go like this and now see that little point there boom yes it's there you know it's ramps we have curves so you can just go as you want and do whatever you want like you would edit automation you know so i can go like this i can click on this and then change this to a curve and it's super simple super easy super fluid i don't need to say anything else it's self-explanatory i love it and i know that this is going to change the way i program my synths now and also my orchestral libraries you know because with orchestra libraries you need these curves you know i mean it was great before i didn't mind this so much but now much much cleaner much better now another thing that you can do now which is really cool when it comes to media editing is the pitch bend okay and this is something that i also wanted badly for years now and i'm so happy that it's there pitch band events are the hardest to edit and you can never know where you're going to land how much you have to use your pitch up and down to get to the right pitch let's say i want to have a like an octave down here or maybe like a two semitone you know uh pitch bend i can go here and activate snap pitch bet events and when you do this see now i know exactly where i have to bend down to get minus two semitones okay let's do just that now okay like this and let's go like this and now and then of course because i have the ramps as well i can do all these things video coming up but you can do so many cool things especially for things like future base and stuff like that you know maybe i can go up here [Music] the next thing that i want to show you is something that's so useful for pretty much everyone but more specifically composers and people that work a lot with video different time signatures arrangers all these things and that's when you want to be in the key editor and being able to see everything else that you care about like your video like your markers like your core track your signature track all these things now it's all possible before we get into this let me show you how the new markers look like see i have a marker here and as you can see now the line extends all the way down so even if i have a marker up here and i'm working down here i can see where the marker is little things but they make so much difference let me show you let's say i want to go to let's say my timpani's here okay and i'm working on this track and that's really good but now i've lost completely oh hold on a second check what we have here we have the global tracks okay i can turn them off global tracks okay i have my timpani's here and maybe i want to accentuate some parts of my arrangement let's activate this that makes me happy okay so as you can see we are inside the key editor but i can see my chord track i can see my cues i can see my markers here i can see my video see everything my time signatures i can change the time signatures let's say eight all these things they're all here i can see my tempo changes look at that look at that and of course if i want to focus only let's say on the tempo and my signature changes and not on the chord track i can still select which ones i want to keep brilliant now speaking of composers the score editor also has some really really cool things you know you can actually go here now and say i want to open my properties tab right here so it's the right zone and i can select anything that i want you know and i can change the stamps for specific notes i can change the ties i can change my clefs i can go like this and say okay now instead i want to have like a octave up clef treble clef key there no problem you can do all this and even better you can also activate the editing overlay this is really cool because you know what you can do i can change the midi duration or i can change the display duration okay so that's only how it looks in the score or i can change the velocity straight from here you know for any single note and that's really powerful i use a score editor a lot when i want to do like real scoring i go to dorico you know if i want to do like really proper scoring there with notation but sometimes the score editor inside cubase is really convenient because it's right there and don't have to open something else now i kept the best for last i know this is going to be a massive thing for quite a few people how many times have you wanted to extract a vocal from a song or create an instrumental yet let me know in the comments down below i have met no person in my life that has never wanted to do that and some of them are not even musicians so what if i told you that now with cubase 11 you can do all of this inside cubase without even lifting a finger like literally you just do it with one click almost without opening any other application it's true let me show you i have this this is an old single of mine and let's say i want to create a remix right let me show you how you do this you select your audio you go to audio you go extensions and then you select spectral layers spectral layers one is part of cubase now the way you do this is you go layer unmixed vocals click ok and now spectral layers one is analyzing the audio and it will give me the separate vocals and the separate instrumental so let's listen to it in summer dreams [Music] with the reverbs with everything and just instrumental [Music] the delays as well [Music] how cool is that you know this is incredible if you want to do remixes or if you want to create instrumentals and when you're done and you're happy with it you just go here drag and drop and there we go vocals and if i go back i can also drop my instrumental there done so what can i say i don't know how many more features do you want i didn't go through all of the new features i have to tell you like i said the video would be so long but one thing that i want to say for mac users out there is that i've tried cubase 11 on the mac and the performance is just unreal because now cubase talks directly to your gpu with the metal engine and all these things if you know about max it's really really good so i'm telling you you will be really pleased so there you go guys this is the brand new cubase 11 i didn't go through everything but i hope you enjoyed this video i hope you enjoyed the new features for me it's a boom stamp of approval for sure more videos about cubase 11 coming up so make sure you subscribe and hit that bell notification icon i'll see you the next one guys and i hope you have loads of fun with cubase 11. take care
Channel: Dom Sigalas
Views: 58,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cubase 11, cubase 11 pro, cubase 11 what's new, cubase 11 update, cubase 11 review, cubase 11 sampler track, cubase 11 supervision, cubase 11 squasher, cubase 11 imager, cubase 11 scale assistant, dom sigalas cubase 11, cubase 11 spectralayers, spectralayersone, cubase 11 features, cubase 11 new features, cubase 11 release, cubase 11 news, best daw software, cubase 10.5, steinberg cubase, cubase 11 dom sigalas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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